6 Reasons Why Friends and Colleagues Think You're a Fool


I almost became a fool - I started arguing with one... I realized in time.

Sometimes, in order not to become a fool, you just need to stop in time...)))

If you weren't a fool, we wouldn't have lived together for so long.

No, dear, we live together because I am so wise that sometimes I can pretend to be a fool...))

The best half of humanity consists of fools like me...

So, the stupid ones are the better half, and then the smart ones are the worst?!)

There are so many fools around now that I simply can’t stand the competition...

Well, you are a fool beyond competition, so don’t worry...))

Mom said, don't mess with fools. And I got involved with a fool.

But now you look smart yourself...)

Once upon a time there was a country of fools. Descendants of these peoples are still found today.

I actually have the feeling that half of society is from the land of fools...))

You are my friend. We're friends. You are such a fool, just like me!

Before my friendship with you, everything seemed to be fine, I didn’t notice any stupidity in myself...)

My job is strange: they give me assignments like I’m smart, but I get paid like I’m stupid.

But it’s weird for everyone...)

Girls’ statuses, like “I breathe while we are together,” are infuriating. Fool, you breathe because there is air on Earth.

Fools are always looking for a soul mate, they are afraid of suffocating without oxygen...)))

You are annoyed by the minds of others

A good phrase: a fool is the first to notice how many smart people there are around. If you are surrounded by exclusively annoying people who are “acting like crazy,” this is a bad sign.

Smart people, as a rule, rejoice at other people's achievements and are quite tolerant of shortcomings. And fools notice them and emphasize them, love comparisons and very often condemn them.

If vanity made someone happy, then that someone was probably a fool.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Secret Society of Cretins

Every status about fools and idiots is filled with good-natured humor and irony. Who can tell where stupidity ends and cunning begins? Therefore, we invite you to laugh at a selection of funny sayings.

  1. Shut up, you'll pass for smart.
  2. There is a feeling that fools are afraid of what someone will think about them, that they are wise men. Therefore, they try to urgently eliminate all doubts about them.
  3. And stupid people are good for anything. Otherwise, how would others know about their intelligence?
  4. Even a monkey can be taught to ride a bicycle. But you can’t teach something serious to a fool.
  5. The head of an educated person is filled with a small amount of important information. But the ignorant’s head is filled to capacity with all sorts of rubbish.
  6. Where everything is clear to a fool, a smart person will think about it more than once.
  7. It is strange that at autopsy the brain of a fool and the brain of a sage look the same.
  8. It is believed that idiots are always lucky.
  9. Nowadays they often say something about a boomerang and all sorts of other nonsense. Some idiot probably made this up. To protect themselves from the smart guys who complain about their dominance.
  10. It happens that a wise man behaves like a fool. And a fool shows simply amazing wisdom.
  11. Why did nature create stupid people to harm everyone else?
  12. Don’t feed the idiot bread, let him overcome some obstacle. It was 1 of them who came up with the idea that you should leave your comfort zone. Now all the hospitals, morgues and prisons are filled with those who followed their advice.
  13. A stupid person makes a smart person blush for him. And then he walks around and tells everyone what kind of idiot he just talked to.
  14. The main difference between a wise man and a fool is that an intellectual will shut up and do the right thing. A fool won't even be able to close his mouth.
  15. Fools show the whole world what not to do.
  16. Even a wise person who finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time looks like a fool.
  17. A smart person does the right thing only occasionally. An idiot simply doesn’t know how to get tired.
  18. The old sage and the old cretin are 2 different people. But a young wise man and a young fool are often one and the same person.
  19. It is the fools who, with their mouths open, watch a show about how a beggar became a millionaire overnight.
  20. It's strange that idiots don't get into trouble every time. Smart people do it every day.
  21. For some reason, fools are very fond of foreign words. It is possible that they simply do not understand their meaning.
  22. An intelligent person with high self-esteem is rare. For fools, it simply goes off scale.
  23. While an educated employee gains experience, a fool becomes a team leader.
  24. Psychology books are written by smart people for stupid people. They know that idiocy is a big source of income. Field of Dreams.
  25. A reasonable person thinks about his words for a long time, but a fool already manages to call him a cretin 100 times.
  26. A university graduate works until his seventh day. And an ignoramus without education dreams of waking up great and rich one fine day.
  27. It’s good that now you don’t need to have a heart-to-heart talk with everyone to understand the degree of his intelligence. I went to Facebook and everything became clear. And you don’t even need to read anything on Instagram. I looked at the photos of food and walks with friends, and I immediately understood everything.
  28. Advertising is not created for wise men. They can cope with any problem even without expensive means. And the idiot will also stock up on the promoted goods.

Do you like to teach?

People who consider themselves super experts and give out “valuable” advice left and right, even if they are not asked for it, are usually lacking in intelligence.
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He stops noticing his own mistakes, but actively criticizes others. As a result, he stops developing, because he is sure that he has achieved everything. And those who disagree with him are simply “close-minded and ignorant people.” And someday they will definitely regret it.

A fool never reaches a dead end, because there are plenty of smart people out there. More precisely, “too smart.”

A smart person loves to learn, and a fool loves to teach.

Anton Chekhov

About stupid girls

Quotes about stupid women occupy a special place in the heritage of wisdom.

  1. What could be worse than a woman's blindness to her admirer? Some idiot appears next to her. He reads her praises - she takes him for a poet. He gives her flowers from the flowerbed - she sees him as a gentleman. She gives him her pure heart, full of treasures - and he loves dirty taverns. And so the queen is taken into slavery...
  2. Of all the stupid things you've ever said to me, this is the funniest...
  3. The only thing that unites all women is stupidity. In it they are very similar.
  4. It is easier for a smart girl to survive with a fool than for a smart man to survive with a stupid woman.
  5. When a woman has tried all possible options for her stupidity, she will not get bored for long and come up with a new one.
  6. A woman has two ages: when she cannot hide her own stupidity; and when hiding it becomes... simply stupid.
  7. Stupidity will not spoil only very beautiful girls.
  8. A man is radically different from a woman: he knows when he can do something stupid and when he can’t.
  9. It's okay if a girl is stupid. So, its purpose is a little different...

You don't know how to see the future

If they say about you “Can’t see beyond your nose,” perhaps those around you doubt your mental abilities. Limited people do not know how to think big, they do not undertake to analyze what is happening and make predictions, including those concerning their lives.

This limitation often manifests itself in a lack of interest in trends and a reluctance and even fear to look beyond the horizon. You live in a cozy hole that you don’t want to get out of. But this, alas, limits your development and opportunities.

An intelligent person sees before him an immeasurable realm of the possible, but a fool considers only what is possible to be possible.

Denis Diderot

You speak first and think later

This bad habit usually leads to big problems. Fools love to lash out and do not think about the consequences that carelessly expressed thoughts can lead to. But a thoughtlessly thrown phrase can hurt no worse than a knife.

As a rule, this is characteristic of people who do not know how to think, compare facts and draw conclusions. And those around you suffer from this. It's no wonder they have an unflattering opinion of you.

Rudeness is the wit of fools.

Andre Maurois

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