Statements about terrorism and extremism by famous people. Aphorisms about terrorism

Statements about terrorism and extremism by famous people. Aphorisms about terrorism

December 3rd, 2021 , 09:00 pm

Shahid charges slowly but flies quickly. A shahid doesn't fall far from a shahid. A lousy Islamist is ruining all of Islam. Terrorism is ineradicable, like envy and other evils. Terrorist attacks are a natural reaction of psychopaths sick with zeal and envying the healthy life of society. The fight against terrorism begins with killing the egoist within.

Mick Jagger: “On the one hand, the act of terrorists is inhumane. On the other hand, the hysteria of the press, which has taken on the role of “seller of fear,” is equally disgusting. Bret Easton Ellis: "Bunny, George Washington was a terrorist too." Evgeny Primakov: “Only those who are directly involved in terrorist actions are supposed to be killed in the toilet. And if you try to “soak” everyone there indiscriminately, the sewer system will fail.” Joseph Kobzon: “All terrorist acts stem from a lack of culture.” Vladimir Putin: “There is no need to play with words and divide terrorists into “moderate” and “immoderate”... according to some, moderate bandits behead people in moderate numbers and in a gentle way.” Vladimir Zhirinovsky: “Everything towards terrorists should inspire hatred... A normal person will not grow a black beard, a drooping one!”

is a bit of political sophistry
on the topic Yeltsin: “We need to be more careful, you know, in our world, which is saturated with different types of weapons. Otherwise, you won’t have time to notice how the terrorists will bombard you with planes and bombs. » George W. Bush: “We are prepared to work with both sides to reduce the level of terror to a level acceptable to both sides.” Also: "People ask, 'How can I help in the war on terrorism?' How can I fight evil? You can teach a child or go into a hermit’s house and tell him: “I love you!” Barack Obama: “The main concern is not a large-scale terrorist attack, although the risk of such remains, but the actions of a lone terrorist who could carry out a massacre like the one that happened in Norway”

French President Francois Hollande: “Are you asking what we intend to do with terrorists if we find them? We will destroy them."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel: “We decided to change laws and introduce restrictions... to preserve such generally accepted values ​​as ensuring freedom for the vast majority of people.”

Over the past year, the courts of Tajikistan have considered about a thousand criminal cases against citizens involved in Salafia, ISIS and other groups. Many of them were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment.

They are usually detained in whole groups. This was the case, for example, in Rogun, where over 30 local residents were arrested on charges of membership in the Salafi movement, or in Nurek, where 13 people involved in ISIS were detained. Most often, extremist prisoners are charged with Article 189 “Inciting national or religious hatred”, 307, which provides punishment for extremist activities, and 401 – “Mercenarism” of the country’s criminal code.

As for the followers of Salafia, this movement operated freely in the country until 2009. Then it was banned by the Supreme Court, and three years later it was completely recognized as extremist. This year, Salafis were detained in entire groups in different regions of Tajikistan. Muhammadi Rakhmatullo, a Tajik Salafist leader who published critical media materials against the now-banned IRPT in early 2015, was also detained and convicted.

Yusuf Rahmon, the Prosecutor General of Tajikistan, said at one of the press conferences that over 1 thousand young Tajiks who fell under the influence of Salafi ideology went to fight in the countries of the Middle East.

Faridun Khodizoda, an expert on religious issues, earlier this year, in an interview with Radio Ozodi, said that after major figures of the IRPT were detained, it would be the Salafis’ turn, since until the end of 2015 the authorities used Salafist adherents against the IRPT and others clergy. Now, the expert says, their mission has been accomplished.

According to official data, in 2021 there were much fewer cases of Tajik citizens being involved in extremist and terrorist groups compared to previous years, and all those cases that were considered in the courts during the year dated back to 2015.

Muhammadrizo Khalifazoda, head of the press center of the country's Prosecutor General's Office, told Radio Ozodi on December 5 that more press attention is usually paid to cases of extremism and terrorism.

“Although this year a tiny number of young people have been identified who went to Syria. But even one such person poses a great security threat. Extremism is a serious problem in society, so it receives a lot of attention from the state, law enforcement agencies and the media,” he said.

Faridun Khodizoda, an expert on religious issues, told Radio Ozodi on December 5 that the fight against extremists has not yielded such tangible results because only forceful methods have been used so far. “The Salafis simply went underground and are now campaigning on social networks. It is necessary to use ideological methods in the struggle,” the expert believes.

This year, Tajikistan adopted a state strategy to counter violent extremism and terrorism for the next five years. Based on this document, which was developed by the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (CSR), a Center for Combating Cybercrimes should be created in the country.

​Khudoyberdi Kholiknazarzoda, director of the Center for Strategic Studies, said that the strategy was developed on the basis of sociological research. According to him, the country’s legislation in the field of combating terrorism has been improved, and Tajik security forces are also prepared for force majeure. Therefore, Kholiknazarzoda continued, all that remains is to prevent the process of young people joining extremist groups.

“Agree, the rural population is most susceptible to radical ideas. Therefore, the strategy provides for the activation of youth organizations in rural areas, involvement in the educational process, the creation of sports grounds and cultural centers,” says Kholiknazarzoda.

However, some experts point out that the authorities are actively using “extremist” articles against dissidents. Khosiyat Yorova, the sister of convicted lawyer Buzurgmehr Yorov, said on December 5 in an interview with Radio Ozodi that a case was opened against her brother and another lawyer Nuriddin Makhkamov under Articles 307 and 189 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan - creating an extremist organization and inciting national and religious hatred. Abubakr Azizkhodjaev, a well-known businessman who criticized the current government, was also convicted under Article 189.

Russian President Vladimir Putin

“I want to draw attention to the fact that in recent years a lot has changed in terms of improving methods and ways of fighting organized crime and terrorism. Our services have begun to operate much more efficiently. At the same time, any miscalculation costs us a lot, so we need to work without pause, decisively, proactively, and where necessary, boldly. But this insolence should be directed primarily at bandits, terrorists, criminals, and we must treat law-abiding citizens, ordinary citizens, and in general any of our citizens during any operations to combat terrorism with great care.” “We must continue to act in a coordinated manner. It is necessary to suppress the terrorist infrastructure” /October 16, 2012 at a meeting on countering terrorism in Novo-Ogarevo/.

“Terrorism has become the main threat of the new century” /September 15, 2001 in a press statement following negotiations with Armenian President Robert Kocharyan/.

“The fight against terror is a national task, a task that requires the mobilization of all resources” /September 13, 2004 at a government meeting/.

“I am convinced that the series of terrorist attacks that hit Russia is a direct threat to all civilized states, and the response to it must be joint” /September 24, 2004 at the World Congress of News Agencies in Moscow/.

US President Barack Obama

“The main concern is not a large-scale terrorist attack, although the risk of its implementation remains, but the actions of a lone terrorist who could carry out a massacre like the one that happened in Norway” / in an interview with CNN on the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 /.

“We must recognize that the sources of the threat have changed, they have evolved since the first strike on our territory on September 11. America is at a crossroads. Neither I nor any other president can promise a complete victory over terrorism - we will never be able to overcome the evil that lurks in the souls of some people? or neutralize every threat to our society. But we can and must dismantle the terrorist networks that threaten us and prevent new terrorist groups from gaining strength” / May 24, 2013, in a keynote speech on counterterrorism at the National Defense University in Washington.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

“Terrorism attacks us all. He attacks metro stations in Moscow, attacks schools, airports... Terrorism cannot be divided into “us” and “them,” and the fight against it cannot be divided either. I think we should join our efforts in the fight against terrorism. If terror wins in one part of the world, it will win in another. You can't let him win in one place and then ask, "Why is this happening to us?" In fact, if he wins in Russia, he will win here, and if he wins here, he will win in Russia too” /June 25, 2012 in an interview with ITAR-TASS/.

French President Francois Hollande

“Are you asking what we intend to do with terrorists if we find them? We will destroy them. We will imprison them so that they cannot harm our future” /in January 2013 on Euronews/.

British Prime Minister David Cameron

“The UK will do everything to ensure that the issue of combating terrorism becomes a top priority on the agenda of the world community. This is a global threat that will require a global response. It will take years, even decades, rather than months to answer. The response must be patient and painstaking, tough and smart, but above all it must show our absolute determination, and this is what we will be doing in the coming years." /in January 2013 at a residence in Buckinghamshire in connection with a militant attack on a gas complex in Algeria /.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel

“Terrorism has become a new threat; the world community still has a lot of joint efforts to make in order to develop a strategy to counter extremism. We hoped that after the end of the Cold War, major conflicts would become a thing of the past. However, these hopes did not last long. We are faced with new, asymmetrical threats, and have not yet found effective ways to limit these threats.” “The tightening of laws after the terrorist attacks in the United States, which resulted in additional restrictions for citizens, was inevitable and necessary. Personally, I am ready to agree with increased control. We decided to change laws and introduce restrictions that we had never encountered before. However, this was necessary to preserve such generally accepted values ​​as ensuring freedom for the vast majority of people” /in an interview with RTL television and the DPA agency in September 2011/.

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Prime Minister of Spain from 2004 to 2011.

“In the war against terrorism and jihad, which have blighted many countries, including Spain, more vigorous, coordinated and effective police, justice and intelligence action is needed. At the same time, we insist that defeating terrorism requires developing a global and strategic vision of the problem. It is necessary to try to understand the essence of this threat; we need to understand what the conditions are that promote fanaticism and support the strategy of terror. Moreover, although there are views that seek to associate terrorism with one particular religion, history shows that terrorism is not characteristic of any religion or ideology. The ideology of jihad, which preaches a confrontation between Islam and the Judeo-Christian West, must be countered with rational, humanistic, democratic, positive, optimistic and forward-looking thinking” / in February 2006 in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper /.

Chairman of the People's Republic of China, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping

“In the security sphere, the SCO member states must continue to firmly support each other’s efforts aimed at ensuring national security and social stability, and strengthen the joint fight against the “three evils” [extremism, terrorism and separatism] and drug crime. Due attention should be paid to the increasingly close connection between terrorism and drug crime in the region. The fight against terrorism and the fight against drug crime is a systematic work that must be carried out in parallel” /in September 2013 in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Interfax/.

King Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia

“Saudi Arabia will fight international terrorism, we will fight terrorists and those who support or encourage them, for 10, 20 or 30 years, if necessary, until we defeat them” / August 1, 2005 upon joining throne/.

“Development can only be achieved in an environment of security. We therefore reaffirm our commitment to destroying terrorist-murderous criminal groups and combating criminal behavior. There is no place for extremism in the country of the Two Holy Temples” /April 1, 2008 in an address to the Advisory Council/.

“Terrorism and crime are hostile to any religion and any civilization. Both of these phenomena would not have arisen if humanity had not ignored the principle of tolerance” /in November 2008 at the Congress of Dialogue of Religions and Civilizations in New York/.

Counter-terrorism spending

According to the US Congressional Research Service, in 2001-2011. Washington has spent over $1.2 trillion on the fight against terrorism around the world. When estimating costs from September 11, 2001, when al-Qaeda carried out terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, to September 30, 2010, not only direct appropriations for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan were taken into account, but also long-term contracts with contractors for the supply of weapons, expenses for the construction of military facilities, treatment of the wounded, assistance to the families of the dead and veterans, activities to protect the continental United States, for the protection of embassies and research.

More than $30 million was spent searching for bin Laden.

Expenditures on combating and preventing terrorism in the United States are distributed among the budgets of several ministries—defense, the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security, as well as intelligence agencies. In 2013, the State Department alone spent about $532 million to support programs to combat terrorism and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. In August 2013, the Washington Post published the “Budget Request for the National Intelligence Program for Fiscal Year 2013” ​​among materials provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. According to this document, $17.2 billion was spent on the fight against terrorism through intelligence.

In total, US intelligence agencies spent a record $80 billion on their activities in fiscal year 2013. It is believed to be the largest U.S. expenditure to combat terrorism, international crime and foreign espionage since al-Qaeda attacked American cities on September 11, 2001.

Canadian authorities in 2001-2009 allocated a total of $12.9 billion from the budget for the fight against terrorism, which was distributed among 35 different departments.

In the UK, £3.5 billion was spent on counter-terrorism in the 2009-2010 financial year. This is three times more than in the period before the terrorist attack in the United States on September 11, 2001.

It is impossible to fight Islamists and their terror with kid gloves. — Abdul-Fattah Al-Sisi

The fight against terrorists must be comprehensive and uncompromising. Along with eliminating the social and economic causes that give rise to these phenomena, everything must be done to neutralize the ideology of terrorism. – Vladimir Putin

What is the main security problem today? Terrorism. There are explosions in Europe, there are explosions in Paris, there are explosions in Russia, there are explosions in Belgium, there is a war going on in the Middle East - that’s what we need to think about. – Vladimir Putin

It has long been proven that concessions to terrorists only give rise to new terror. But no one will ever know what it costs the Israeli government to say “no!” to their demands. – Golda Meir

It has long been proven that concessions to terrorists only give rise to new terror. – Golda Meir

Democratic nations must learn to cut off the oxygen they need from terrorists. - Margaret Thatcher

There is no justification for terrorism. And period! — Benjamin Netanyahu

As long as the Arabs have hope of dealing with us [the Jews], there will be Arab terror. When the Arabs lose this hope, then we will be able to make peace with them and then the terror will stop. – Vladimir Jabotinsky

Dear friends! On October 9, 2012, a Taliban shot me in the head. During the shooting, not only me, but also my friends were wounded. They thought that a bullet would make us all stop what we were doing, shut up, but they were wrong. From this silence thousands of voices were heard. The terrorists thought they could change my goals and curb my ambitions. But, despite their aspirations, everything in my life remained the same. Only one thing has changed: weakness, fear and hopelessness died in me. In their place came strength, power and courage. — Malala Yousafzai

If the spring of popular government during peace is virtue, then during revolution it is virtue and terror at the same time: virtue, without which terror is destructive; terror, without which virtue is powerless. Terror is nothing more than swift, harsh, unyielding justice. – Maximilian Robespierre

If I were the head of the Israeli government, I would order the internal security services and the police to fight Jewish terrorism as well as Islamic terrorism. — Isaac Herzog

Evil must be destroyed at the root, otherwise hordes of terrorists, like mudflows, will pour through all countries and cities of the earth. - Ramzan Kadyrov

Israel is a terrorist state. — Recep Erdogan

Iran is the number one terrorist state. — Donald Trump

Islam is not what terrorists talk about. Islam cannot be confused with the dirt in which they themselves find themselves. Islam is a pure religion for pure people. – Muslim Ottar

Revenge is one of the motives driving terrorists. — Stanley Milgram

We will fight terror as if the world does not exist, and fight for peace as if terror does not exist. – Yitzhak Rabin

We [Iran] do not respond to terror with terror. We will respond, but in the political and diplomatic arenas. — Mahmoud Sajjadi

We [the United States] are not at war with Islam. We are fighting terrorists who have perverted Islam. - George Bush

We will stop radical Islamic terrorism because we cannot allow it to terrorize our nation and the world. We must cut off terrorists' access to safe havens, transportation, funding, and any form of support for their vile and disastrous ideology. We must expel them from our countries. – Donald Trump

Our American partners talk in words about supporting Russia, about the need for cooperation in the fight against terrorism, but in reality they are using these terrorists to stir up the internal political situation in Russia. – Vladimir Putin

Let's not forget: Russia has its own interest in making the war on terrorism a major goal for the United States over the next few years. - Margaret Thatcher

You can never be sure that some fanatic will not come up with the idea of ​​detonating a small nuclear bomb in one of the Western capitals. – Margaret Thatcher
, Statecraft: Strategies for a Changing World
By prioritizing defeating terrorism (which must be done now), we inevitably pay less attention to other issues. We must come to a different balance between individual freedom and public safety in our country. – Margaret Thatcher,
“Statecraft: Strategies for a Changing World”
Arbitrariness is the same as terror. — Benjamin Alpers

Russia knows better than anyone what crazy terrorists are. – Shimon Peres

Terrorism cannot be fought effectively according to the rules. — Alexey Filatov

The United States condemns terrorist attacks and also condemns those who do not condemn terrorist attacks. – Joe Biden

Those who use terror to gain power rule with terror once in power. — Helen MacInnes

Those who apply double standards towards terrorists, use them to achieve their political goals, and conduct criminal business with them are playing with fire. History shows that such actions will sooner or later backfire on the accomplices themselves. — Vladimir Putin

Terror does not choose whom to strike, and any of us can become its victim. — Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Terror goes through the trajectory of a boomerang: neither the one who commits violence, nor the one in whose name it is done, nor the one who approves of cruelty will escape this bitter cup.

Terror built into a system is a sign of weakness and an expression of fear. — Giuseppe Mazzini

Terrorism is a local outburst of social energy that society cannot channel into a creative direction. – Evgeniy Smotritsky

Terrorism is a protest of the weak against the deaf strong. – Evgeniy Smotritsky

Terrorism is the frustration of the terrorist (sorry for the almost tautology). – Evgeniy Smotritsky

Terrorism is a demonstrative act. — Maajid Nawaz

Terrorism is not a trump card in your pocket that you can take out and use whenever you want, and then put it back. Terrorism, like a scorpion, stings at any moment. — Bashar al-Assad

Terrorism cannot be analyzed, and ultimately fought, based on its “motives”—religious or secular, political or economic, social or ethnic. There are many definitions of terrorism. But in any case, it is methods that involve violence, not reasons or justifications, that make terrorists feared and hated. The terrorist tries to achieve his goal not simply through violence, but through the fear of violence. He wants to intimidate as much as he wants to kill and maim. Its target is therefore indirectly, and often directly, the civilian population. In this case, violence is always used indiscriminately. Terrorism has no restrictions, since it does not recognize any national laws, international agreements, or moral standards. – Margaret Thatcher
“Statecraft: Strategies for a Changing World”

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