Quotes about the power of thought, the law of attraction and the fulfillment of desires

Incomprehensibly wise quotes about thoughts express the entire depth of the flight of fantasy and existence. It is human nature to think a lot about a variety of things. It is from thoughts that actions and the greatest discoveries are born. They become the starting point for absolutely everything a person does in his life.

Thoughts have the ability to become reality. The main thing is to manage your thoughts correctly. Without thought, nothing can acquire materiality. The ability to think is given to people from birth and truly strengthens with age. It can work real miracles in our lives. Statements about thoughts encourage people not to listen to the opinions of the crowd, to learn to think for themselves and give meaningful thoughts materiality.

Quotes about the power of thought, the law of attraction and the fulfillment of desires

I present to your attention my favorite quotes about the power of thought, the law of attraction and the fulfillment of desires of great and successful people.

But first, let me share a secret with you >>>

To get what you want from life, you must first determine what you want. Keanu Reeves.

On topic: Make a wish to have your dream job.

For more on this topic, watch the video

Everything that happens in life is the materialization of someone’s thoughts, I’m sure. They don't necessarily materialize literally, but they do happen one way or another. Many people object to this: “Well, I thought I would win the lottery, but I didn’t win. Why?". But because you really didn’t expect to win. A lot of events have happened in my life only because I convinced myself as a child that they would happen. I brainwashed myself. I have brainwashed the world's mind. I just told him that such and such was going to happen. Like Muhammad Ali, who at twenty years old said he would become the greatest boxer. He could not have known this then, he was not a prophet, but he determined the future with his will. Jim carrey.

Whatever a man's mind can comprehend and believe, he can achieve. Napoleon Hill.

Fate is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. This is not something to look forward to. This is what needs to be achieved. William Jennings Bryan.

In the world of thought, you get back everything you give at a good rate. If you send good thoughts, then good thoughts will return to you with a significant increase, and you will feel good in the company of well-disposed people who treat you kindly, thanks to this you will only benefit. Even from a personal point of view, it is better to have good thoughts. If you try to think in this way in practice, at least for one month, then you will soon notice a huge change in various kinds of phenomena, a huge change in yourself; you will have disgust and disgust for your previous, low, unworthy, bad mental activity and you will not agree to return to it under any conditions and at any price. Before a month has passed, you will already notice the beneficial power of the returning thought waves, and your whole life will change completely. Give it a try. Try it now. You will never regret it. William Atkinson.

The greatest achievement in life is to be able to create the world around you the way you see it in your dreams. Mike Dillard.

Logic can take you from point A to point B, but imagination can take you anywhere. Albert Einstein.

On the topic: How to visualize a desire correctly?

We always attract into our lives what we think about most often, what we believe in most, what we most expect and what we imagine most clearly. Shakti Gawain.

Just as one step will not pave a path on earth, so one thought will not change reality. To truly have an impact on physical reality, we must "step" again and again. To change our lives, we must think the right thoughts over and over again. Henry David Thoreau.

All kinds of thoughts are sent by the mind, and their vibrations, starting from one individual, affect others to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the strength of the motivating effort. Passive thoughts are less powerful than active ones, but they, repeated constantly, have sufficient power. William Atkinson.

There is no word “impossible” in my dictionary. Napoleon Bonaparte.

As soon as we accept an idea as a given, it begins to come true, and nothing can stop it. For example, if the thought of our own inferiority, of the limitations of our capabilities and abilities, has become entrenched in our consciousness, then it is this idea that will begin to control our lives. Only a change in mindset can solve this problem. What goes around comes around. If you plant a tomato, a tomato will grow. He will not change his mind and become a cucumber just because he decides that you need a cucumber more. As long as you plant tomatoes, only they will sprout from the ground, even if you are allergic to them. Robert Anthony.

If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection. Paolo Coelho.

Setting goals is the first step in turning your dreams into reality. Tony Robbins.

You are always right, whether you think you are right or not. If you are confident in something, you will support your beliefs. Remember this - everything is your fault. Tony Robbins.

You will only get from life what you ask from it. Don't be afraid, set the highest goals. Oprah Winfrey.

My life is essentially a fairy tale. Once upon a time there lived a poor guy from the village, he slept on the floor - there was no bed, he did not know what a TV and refrigerator were. Well, who could I become at home? Just to herd cows. However, I had a dream - and I did not give up until it came true. The main thing is to believe and not give up, and everything else will work out. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Champions are not made in gyms. A champion is born from what is inside a person - desires, dreams, goals. Muhammad Ali.

If you dream of becoming someone, you become one. Muhammad Ali.

Positive emotions cause a response from the world. When you focus on something kind, warm, good, then life takes on the same colors. Oprah Winfrey.

If thoughts had color (some say that they do), then we would see that our fearful and bad thoughts hung over the earth itself in the form of dark, heavy clouds; We would notice our clear, cheerful, happy and confident: “I can and I want” thoughts in the form of light cirrus, gaseous clouds, quickly rushing and mixing with others similar to them, forming cirrus cloud chains, high above the heaps of dense, suffocating, disgusting fumes formed from fearful and envious thoughts, expressed in the words: “I can’t.” William Atkinson.

Whatever you can do or dream of, go for it. There is genius and strength and magic in audacity. Goethe.

Only a strong person can think about health while surrounded by illness, think about prosperity while surrounded by poverty. People who have this power become giants, able to overcome fate and get what they strive for. Wallace Wattles.

Dreams don't come true, dreams come true. Vadim Zeland.

On the subject: 22 lessons from Eckhart Tolle that will change your life.

When you pay attention to something you don't want, you vibrate it, which means you are resisting what you want. Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks.

When we think, we send out from ourselves a very subtle current, moving progressively like a ray of light and influencing the minds of other persons, often at a great distance from us; a powerful thought, equipped with a powerful force, will rush to fulfill its mandate and will often overcome the instinctive resistance of other minds from external influence, while a weak thought will not be able to gain access to the spiritual fortress of another, unless the latter is completely guarded. Repeated thoughts, sent one after another in the same direction, are often able to gain access where a single wave of thought, even a stronger one, would have met with resistance. William Atkinson.

When I let go of who I am, I become who I can be. Lao Tzu.

Everything you want is trying to get to you, but you have to find a way to let it in. And you can’t let in what you want if you don’t feel good. Only when you feel good can you let in what you want. Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks.

Always rely on the idea that your own decision to succeed is much more important than anything else. Abraham Lincoln.

Every thought is a cause, and every state is a consequence. Therefore, it is necessary to control your thoughts in order to create only the necessary states. Charles Haenel.

Determination of purpose is the starting point of all achievements. William Clement Stone.

Conscious thinking is the hardest job in the world. This is especially obvious when what is desired contradicts environmental conditions. Wallace Wattles.

Our consciousness is everything. You become what you think about. Buddha.

When I feel abundance, abundance finds me. Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks.

I want you to learn to think about what you want and think about why you want it until you can truly feel it. This is the most important thing you learned from me, Sarah.

We should turn to silence more often. Strength comes in peace; It is in silence that we can be still, that we can think, and thought is the secret of any achievement. Charles Haenel.

On the subject: How will relaxation help you make your wishes come true?

Those who look for millions rarely find them, but those who do not look for them never find them! Henry Ford.

You just have to believe that you can - and you are already halfway to your goal. Theodore Roosevelt.

Think of your attitude towards the world as a remote control. If you don't like the program you're watching, you simply grab the remote control and switch the TV to another program. It's the same with your attitude to life: when you're unhappy with the result, change your approach, no matter what problem you're facing. Nick Vujicic.

Walk confidently towards your dreams. Live the life you created for yourself. Henry David Thoreau.

It's all in the thoughts. Thought is the beginning of everything. And thoughts can be controlled. And therefore, the main thing to improve is to work on thoughts. Lev Tolstoy.

Great are those who see that the world is ruled by thoughts. Ralph Emerson.

Do you know any other inspirational quotes? Write in the comments and I will add them to the article!

PS By the way, I periodically conduct a master class on the topic “How to learn how to quickly materialize desires?”

You can find out the nearest date here>>>

About people

Wise quotes with meaning about people are words that can explain a lot.

  1. It’s unlikely that anything can compare with the realization of the fact that you feel good without people who seemed irreplaceable.
  2. If people didn't open their mouths without a good reason, the world could be a wonderful place!
  3. Nowadays it is so unfashionable to be human...
  4. Sooner or later, the paths of all people diverge. You can only come to terms with this...
  5. If a person couldn't share your dreams, then why should you try to share them?
  6. The most worthy of people remain lonely until the very end...
  7. If you want to be heard, then start listening yourself. It's not as easy as it seems, is it?
  8. If a beautiful wrapper costs more than the inner filling, then can anyone consider it a gift?
  9. Old age is simply an expiration date. It happens to everyone…
  10. Smart people look for solutions, and stupid people look for problems.
  11. I honestly don't give a damn about those who don't like me. It's their problem, not mine.
  12. Cats purr much more pleasantly than people...
  13. A person is capable of giving up many things, but not people.
  14. Opposites attract, and plus and minus make a plus. So it goes…

About difficulties

Quotes from wise people about life and the difficulties you have to face.

  1. The peculiarity of most people is that they are most interested in things that do not concern them at all.
  2. Age does not automatically make a person wise. Yes, most old people are idiots just like you.
  3. A person who doesn't care about his face will never wear a mask.
  4. To understand a person, you need to get close to him. And who wants to get close to someone they don’t understand?
  5. For some reason, most people want to believe that most people care about them.
  6. I have lost too much and forgiven too often to remain a good person...
  7. Boredom is when you don’t even have anyone to go crazy with...
  8. Parents are trying to protect their children from bad companies for a reason. No matter how unique a person you are with a rich inner world, you will still be like your friends.
  9. It’s unlikely that anyone can truly change themselves, but it won’t hurt you to try.
  10. The smaller a person is, the greater his conceit.
  11. First impressions about people often turn out to be the most truthful. Because they haven’t had time to adapt to you yet.
  12. If someone says that they don’t like sweets, then they are lying. Just remember this.
  13. Real people are never normal. They're all a little weird.
  14. People never learn from their own mistakes. They just get used to getting burned...

About characters

Wise quotes about people and their relationships.

  1. Everyone has skeletons in their closet. But not everyone has these skeletons locked in their gun safe...
  2. If a person condemns your dreams, then he is simply jealous that you can still dream.
  3. Education should begin with morality, and not with spelling knowledge...
  4. We most easily judge those who are not dressed to our taste...
  5. Eternity takes the best of us, because even eternity does not need the scum.
  6. Maybe I'm just too warm a person... because I only meet cold people.
  7. The most difficult thing for a person to understand is the fact that other people have as much right to their opinions as he does.
  8. Silence allows you to pass as one of your own in any company.
  9. The best of us act according to our conscience silently.
  10. Any of us can be broken, but not all of us can be repaired...
  11. Loving a person because he is good is as stupid as loving cabbage because it is healthy.
  12. Every person is convinced that he sees through those around him. Wherever you spit, you end up in a walking X-ray.
  13. Everything you need to know about people: in the entire history of mankind, most people were killed by man himself. We are the worst natural disaster.
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