Joy: quotes, aphorisms, wise thoughts

Joy is a bright, exclusively positive feeling. And the ability to enjoy life, to live every day with a feeling of gratitude, with thirst, with love - this is what everyone should strive for. Even friends, who, according to the proverb, are known in difficult times, are easily tested by joy. Anyone who truly cares about you will be able to sincerely rejoice for you, your successes, and joyful events. Not everyone can be there for “your joy”; dark people are annoyed by other people’s happiness, they suffer from envy, and rejoice at the failures of others.

Quotes and aphorisms from great people and sages will help you understand the essence of what joy is. Literature and art are the most expensive treasure and the best adviser in a difficult situation.

Fate is fickle

Sometimes even the most insignificant event that happens in the morning dramatically changes people's mood for the better. Therefore, you just have to say: “Rejoice every day,” quotes on such a topic cause a genuine surge of optimism. And, indeed, fate prepares for any person an innumerable supply of pleasant surprises.

  1. There is no true happiness without terrible black stripes separating it from grief.
  2. While a person is alive, he is not able to correctly assess his fate.
  3. Even in the most desperate situation, a person is always given the chance to be pleasantly surprised by something.
  4. If you enjoy every new day, then every new day will bring you a little real happiness.
  5. There is no need to constantly think about the bad. This is how you create problems that were not there in your life in the first place.
  6. Never blame yourself for all the troubles that befall you. They are not your fault. That's how the stars aligned.
  7. Anyone who knows how to rejoice for other people is able to love his entire existence as a whole.
  8. A child is surprised every day of his life, regardless of the circumstances.
  9. Rise and shine!
  10. Loneliness and freedom should not be confused.
  11. Don't give up on life if it fails your expectations. She will give you 1,000 more reasons to be happy.
  12. To become happy, you need to be able to love everyday little things.
  13. Be grateful every day! No one knows when your happiness will suddenly end.
  14. Help provided to another person brings relief not only to the unfortunate person, but also pleasure to the one who supported him.

You shouldn't lose heart

When people get up in the morning, they most often strive to find a good mood for the whole day. And, indeed, you need to enjoy life; quotes on such a topic help you quickly and reliably straighten your back. Therefore, social media users share beautiful and optimistic statuses with their best friends to encourage them.

  1. If you start paying attention to the world outside your window, it will give you many other reasons for joy.
  2. You cannot stop being grateful to life either after 1 or after 100 defeats.
  3. If you feel bad right now, then go and give your mom a big hug. All your sorrows will be taken away immediately.
  4. Sometimes happiness is somewhere very close to the darkest despair.
  5. If you feel good now, then, unfortunately, happiness does not last forever. But if you feel bad, don't be upset. Bad things don't last forever either.
  6. It is worth learning from animals to accept their fate.
  7. Many people do not know that life truly makes them happy only when their parents are still alive.
  8. When you return home from work, the world seems especially beautiful.
  9. No matter how fate beats a person, he must be able to bless every day.
  10. If you have children, then you have no right to be discouraged.
  11. Life is wonderful if there is at least someone in the world to whom you are important.
  12. Pets don't care how good we look. They love us simply because we are in their destiny.
  13. You must be able to enjoy everyday things.
  14. Every day a person falls further and further behind the flow of life. Therefore, the only way out for him is the ability to enjoy every moment.
  15. Some people love their job. Some people prefer to take care of their family. Others enjoy different types of hobbies. And everyone is right in their own way. The main thing in life is joy.

Alone is no good!

No matter what life circumstances a person experiences, he always needs another person, and especially in joy.

One can bear grief alone, but it takes two to joy.

The conclusion is obvious: friendship is necessary for a person, happiness in solitude is not an entirely attractive thing.

Friendship doubles joys and cuts sorrows in half.

Bernard Shaw has a wonderful quote about joy:

Always be happy and laugh. You will extend your life, please your friends, and annoy your enemies.

Every person has times, periods, stages in life when it is especially difficult, it is then that simple words can help - quotes about the joy of life. A word heard in time can save a person and heal his soul.

Maxim Gorky called the best pleasure and the greatest joy for a person to understand that people need you, that you are close to them. Perhaps this will be a revelation for someone in difficult times.

Save up the joys of the moment,

Putting my hearts in a piggy bank.

While you are enjoying life -

You are alive…

A wonderful quatrain that can become the motto of every person.

Small is part of the big

Happiness lies not only in the implementation of grandiose plans. “Learn to enjoy the little things,” quotes with similar advice can be useful to many people. Anyone who has the gift of not missing out on the little gifts of fate will make those who live next to him happier.

  1. The poor man is also satisfied with his existence in his own way. But his pleasures are different from those of a rich man.
  2. After the worst blow, you need to get up and just take just 1 step. You yourself won’t notice how you go. Then you will begin to move confidently. And soon you will be surprised to notice that you are running.
  3. Only by looking back does a person realize that he was happy precisely in those moments that were marked by tiny joys.
  4. Truly wise people do not miss pleasant little things, but are calm about great reasons for rejoicing.
  5. Small pleasures add up to great happiness.
  6. When life deceives people, they can only be able to show attention and love to the everyday. It sometimes turns out to be the last thing that does not leave them.
  7. When making money, a person often loses sight of the little things. And then he thinks about them with pain, realizing that happiness has passed by.
  8. Only animals and children truly know how to enjoy the small pleasures of life.
  9. You should learn to enjoy tiny events. Fate does not always fail to give people reasons for true happiness.
  10. If you think you have friends, then at least tell them about your little troubles. You will immediately understand that you have no friends and never have had them. And thank fate that I found out about them in time, before their help was needed.
  11. A blossoming flower sometimes brings more pleasure than a promotion.
  12. If a person wakes up in the morning, then the first thing he needs to do is thank his fate. Many people were not given this pleasure today.
  13. When people enjoy little things, they open the door for great happiness to enter their lives.
  14. And how happy is an unhappy person even with his small luck! The lucky one does not even suspect such reasons for gratitude to the Almighty.
  15. Love. Then your whole life will be filled with joy.
  16. Fate will strike you many more stabs in the back. And only the ability to enjoy the little things will help you endure them.
  17. If everyone in your family is alive and well, be grateful to fate! Little things like that are far from small.
  18. One should not think that there are great and insignificant pleasures. There is only the happiness of existence.
  19. Old people sit on a bench and smile. They remember not the great achievements of their lives, but the mere little things. The smile of their child, the purring of a cat at the stove, or a beautiful sunset by the sea floats before their eyes.
  20. If a person does not rejoice at minor successes, he will not be happy from major success.
  21. Good mood is hidden in small joys.
  22. It's the little things that add up to great happiness. And major events turn into smoke of memories.

Appreciate life!

You need to live and enjoy life; quotes on this topic always adorn the pages of those who post them. Therefore, a number of sayings are offered that can lift your spirits even on the cloudiest day. They list events that you should definitely notice if you want to feel happy.

  1. If a person prepares for joy, then he usually meets it.
  2. You shouldn’t wait for gifts from life, you need to feel the fullness of existence right now.
  3. If you drank delicious coffee in the morning and ate a piece of wonderful pie, then you simply do not have the right to feel bad.
  4. Thank fate for what it gives and it will give you even more.
  5. If a person is not happy today, then tomorrow will not help him become happier.
  6. There are few things that can bring as much joy as rewatching the comedies of our childhood.
  7. Love your spouses. They not only tolerate you, but also appreciate you. They are not parents. They won't stay if they don't want to live with you. But they remain.
  8. If you feel that you have stopped thanking your fate, then just help the old lady carry her heavy bag home. Her gratitude will infect you with real happiness.
  9. The worst thing is not even what our lives are passing. The worst thing is that our loved ones are leaving. Therefore, it is necessary to appreciate every moment spent next to them.
  10. Give the world your good mood and in exchange it will give you a reason for real happiness.
  11. You shouldn’t think about the bad, you shouldn’t deprive yourself of the joy of life.
  12. There should be at least someone in every person's life who needs him for something other than something specific.
  13. If the question is whether to have children or not, then decide in favor of having them. Lonely old age is the worst thing that can await people.
  14. Enjoy life and it will make friends with you.
  15. Don’t be afraid to tell your girlfriend about your love for her once again. You should be afraid of what you will have time to say.
  16. How easy it is to amuse a child and how difficult it is to please an adult.
  17. Don't waste time complaining about the fact that you don't have a loved one at the moment. Turn to your parents. You always have your favorite people.
  18. If you are in a bad mood, it is advisable to either go to bed immediately or treat yourself to something tasty.
  19. If you have someone to share your joy with, then you are not alone.
  20. Don't wait for reasons to be happy. Create them yourself.

The above quotes can put everyone in a positive mood. Therefore, you not only need to post them on your pages on social networks, but also share them with friends. And then everyone will be a little happier.

Quotes about joy

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes about joy .

Fortunately, joy visits us with or without reason , if only we had the desire to meet it.

Quotes are summarized by topic: life and joy, grief and joy, people and joy, pain and joy, love and joy, creativity and joy, happiness and joy, small joys, work and joy, nature and joy, family and joy, friendship and joy, travel and joy, children and joy, teacher and joy, food and joy, health and joy, morning and joy, daughter and joy, beauty and joy, marriage and joy, women and joy, bring joy, dreams and joy, and etc.

Life and joy

And life is good with a change of joys. (I. Goethe)

While you have the opportunity, live joyfully! (L.A. Seneca)

To make life enjoyable, you must put aside all worries about it. (L.A. Seneca)

Life is not only preparation for tomorrow, but also immediate living joy. (A. Pushkin)

If you stop doing some things just for fun, consider that you are no longer living. (E. Hemingway)

Joy comes into our lives when we have something to do; have someone to love; and there is something to hope for. (V. Frankl)

Life is joyful, but alas, only for those who do not know it. (A. Musset)

You need to look at things simply. Any other view is just a rejection of the joys of life under different beautiful names. (E.M. Remarque)

The true motivation of human life is tomorrow's joy. (A. Makarenko)

Only those who find joy in fulfilling their duty live freely. (M. Cicero)

We have done too much to frighten away the joy of life. (G. Ford)

Life is not a burden, but wings of creativity and joy; and if anyone turns it into a burden, then he himself is to blame. (V. Veresaev)

Life is Beautiful and amazing. (V. Mayakovsky)

Our planet is poorly equipped for fun. (V. Mayakovsky)

Life is given for joy, but one must be able to defend it, therefore the true purpose of a person is the fight for truth and justice, the fight against everything that deprives people of joy. (V. Dahl)

Life sparkles everywhere, life roars everywhere! I rush into the depths of centuries - it burns at the bottom I run to the heights of time - it shouts to me: I will! She is above everything that is; she is in everything, in me! (V. Bryusov)

What a joy it is to exist! Just to see, at least to see only this smoke and this light. If I had no arms and legs and I could only sit on a bench and look at the setting sun, then I would be happy with it. All you need is to see and breathe. Nothing gives such pleasure as paints.. (I. Bunin)

Eh, Kisa, we are strangers at this celebration of life. (I. Ilf, E. Petrov)

By the way, quotes about life

Sorrow and joy

Let's drink from grief: where is the mug? The heart will be more cheerful. (A. Pushkin)

Joy brings you closer, and grief unites. (A. Bujar)

Grief must be experienced alone, but joy - to be fully experienced - must be shared with another person. (M. Twain)

One can bear grief alone, but it takes two to joy. (E.G. Hubbard)

Not all smiles express joy, just as not all tears express grief. (A. France)

God sends us all to each other. For sorrow or for joy - it is unknown. (B. Pasternak)

It is not difficult to taste joy, it is better to be strong in grief! (Sh. Rustaveli)

The depth of joy we experience directly depends on the amount of suffering we experience. (R. McKee)

Just as a bright day is sometimes darkened by a cloud, And after summer, a barren winter with severe frost always comes to us; So joys and sorrows follow each other like months in a year. (W. Shakespeare)

The more joyful the joy, the purer the sorrow dormant in it. The deeper the sorrow, the more inviting the joy that rests in it. Sorrow and joy flow into each other. (M. Heidegger)

Joy crawls like a snail. Grief has a mad run. (V. Mayakovsky)

Youth is not free to make mistakes: Without tears, grief is not clear to her, Without laughter, joy is not visible... (N. Nekrasov)

By the way, quotes about grief

People and joy

Just as the sun warms the body, so does the soul with joy. (L. Tolstoy)

You should always be joyful. If joy ends, look for where you went wrong. (L. Tolstoy)

Everyone's joy is precisely tailored to their measurements. It cannot be stolen or appropriated: it simply does not suit anyone else. (Yu. Dombrovsky)

The purpose of every virtue is to make our lives more joyful. (Dante Alighieri)

Your joy does not mean that the day is wonderful - you just temporarily forgot about its shortcomings. (B. Marley)

We know a person not by what he knows, but by what he rejoices in. (R. Tagore)

The richest man is the one whose joys require the least amount of money. (G.D. Thoreau)

Finding freedom is the greatest joy available to man. (H. Miyazaki)

To tune the thinnest string in the human soul - humanity - means, first of all, to teach a little person to create joy for another person and experience the highest human joy in this regard. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

The purest joy is the joy that other people's troubles bring us. (D. Carnegie)

By the way, quotes about people

Pain and joy

Find the joy within yourself and that joy will heal the pain. (D. Campbell)

Pure joy, like pure pain, doesn't care what it looks or sounds like. (F. Harding)

If behind the manifestation of joy there is no visible pain breaking through, then there is a lot of vulgarity in it and little that is truly attractive. (R. Walser)

It's hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember joy. Happiness leaves no memorable scars. Peacetime teaches nothing. (C. Palahniuk)

And when you laugh, sometimes your heart hurts, and the end of joy is sadness. (Solomon)

How good it is in the world! But why does it always hurt so much? (B. Pasternak)

The pain of separation is nothing compared to the joy of dating. (C. Dickens)

O Rus' - the raspberry field And the blue that fell into the river - I love Your lake melancholy to the point of joy and pain. (S. Yesenin)

It is useless to turn to God because you are disappointed in earthly life, and pain has separated you from the world. God pleases souls attached to the world. He loves your joy. (A. Camus)

By the way, quotes about pain

Love and joy

Love is valuable in itself: it has no goals, it has no meaning. She is of great significance, she is great joy, she is joy... (Osho)

Joy is a net of love for catching souls. (Mother Teresa)

Love is the only joy in life, but we ourselves often spoil it by making too many demands. (G. Maupassant)

Love is when there is joy and pleasure, addiction is when there are fears, nerves and pain. When you understand this, he will let you go. I was released. (M. Labkovsky)

Love finds joy in any trifle if it is shared with you by a loved one. (A. Maurois)

No matter how pleasant love is, its external manifestations still give us more joy than love itself. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

What gives us joy is not what surrounds us, but our attitude towards the environment, and we are happy when we have what we love, and not what others consider worthy of love. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

By the way, quotes about love

Creativity and joy

There is hardly the highest of pleasures than the pleasure of creating. (N. Gogol)

Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for that all other pleasures no longer exist. (A. Chekhov)

Only in creativity there is joy - everything else is dust and vanity. (A. Koni)

There is only one happiness: to create. Only the one who creates is alive. The rest are shadows wandering the earth, alien to life. All the joys of life are creative joys... (R. Rolland)

One can love poetry without caring about any fame, or even about the participation of those whose approval is dear. The sweetness of a poetic creation is its own reward. (V. Zhukovsky)

Art is born only from grief. And never from joy. (C. Palahniuk)

In fact, the creator usually experiences only grief. (L. Shestov)

An extraordinary person wants to leave behind a world different from the one into which he appeared - better, enriched by his own creativity. To do this, he is ready to sacrifice most of the joys or even all the joys that an ordinary person enjoys. (A. and B. Strugatsky)

By the way, quotes about creativity

Happiness and joy

Learning to find joy in life is the best way to attract happiness. (Hong Zichen)

A person who rejoices in the happiness of other people will always be happy himself. (D. Tinley)

Happiness is in the joy of achievement, in the nervous trembling of creative effort. (V. Van Gogh)

Happiness lies in the joy of achieving a goal and the thrill of creative effort. (F. Roosevelt)

If we give up trying to be happy, we can still enjoy life. (E. Wharton)

Happiness comes from little things, from small insignificant joys; great happiness, like a brick, does not fall from the sky, but is painstakingly created. (M. Norbekov)

If you want to find happiness, stop thinking about gratitude and ingratitude and indulge in the inner joy that self-giving brings. (D. Carnegie)

Only an unhappy person knows what happiness is. A happy person feels the joy of life no more than a mannequin: he only demonstrates this joy, but it is not given to him. The light doesn't shine when it's light. He shines in the darkness. (E.M. Remarque)

By the way, quotes about happiness

Small pleasures

Enjoy small joys. Someday you will look back and realize that these were real joys. (R. Brault)

Suddenly Jack realized that it was these domestic joys, seemingly so inconspicuous, that became the most important when a person was deprived of them. (F. Mackintosh)

As we age, we lose many important qualities. And one of them is the gift of being happy just like that. Catch small joys on a hook and look at them with delight for a long time. (N. Yasminska)

Small joys are much more important than big ones. An early morning walk in the spring is much better than driving eighty miles in the most luxurious car; do you know why? Because everything around is fragrant, everything grows and blooms. When you walk, you have time to look around and notice the smallest beauty. (R. Bradbury)

Work and joy

Work is only joyful when it is undoubtedly needed. (L. Tolstoy)

Work is my first pleasure. (W. Mozart)

Our favorite work wakes us up early, and we happily take on it. (W. Shakespeare)

Work is the best way to enjoy life. (I. Kant)

One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work. (I. Kant)

Joy is not that your work is successful, joy is when you work. (D. London)

Great joy is work. All the happiness of the earth comes from work! (V. Bryusov)

Happiness is not about having money; it lies in the joy of work and accomplishment. (F. Roosevelt)

There is no holiday in life for those who do not work on weekdays. (N. Nekrasov)

By the way, quotes about work

Nature and joy

The purest joy, the joy of nature. (L. Tolstoy)

However, even in the midst of misfortunes, our soul sometimes surrenders to momentary joys. Nature does not allow grief to continue uninterruptedly, and sometimes a person must shake off his worries. (M. Reid)

The joy of seeing and understanding is the most beautiful gift of nature. (A. Einstein)

For a whole week we made snowmen, fell on the snow and drew figures in the snow that looked like angels, and caught snowflakes with our tongues. What a joy it was! (S. Gio)

I feel cheerful and good because the day, blue with a cloudless sky, is also cheerful and good; because there is the same blue peace and purity in my soul. I'm happy and I don't want anything more. (M. Sholokhov)

By the way, quotes about nature

Family and joy

What is more joyful than faith in the God of the hearth! (F. Kafka)

Becoming a father means moving to a new level of love and patience. My son is my greatest joy out of everything in my life. (K. McLachlan)

Sister does not always bring joy to sister, sometimes sorrow. (A. Deville)

People ask me why a woman who is self-sufficient, successful, copes with all problems on her own, financially independent and fulfilled, needs a man. I answer: for joy. In a family, both people give each other joy. If a person sees in another not happiness, but a unit for performing certain functions, then this is the end. (M. Labkovsky)

By the way, quotes about family

Friendship and joy

Friendship doubles joys and cuts sorrows in half. (F. Bacon)

Without a comrade, no happiness brings joy. (L. Seneca)

Friendship is one of life's greatest joys; One of the greatest joys of friendship is having someone you can trust with a secret. (A. Manzoni)

Friendship is the haven to which a person strives; it brings joy and peace of mind, it is relaxation in this life and the beginning of heavenly life. (T. Tasso)

Everyone sympathizes with the misfortunes of their friends, and only a few rejoice at their successes. (O. Wilde)

By the way, quotes about friendship

Travel and joy

Apart from love, travel brings us the most joy and consolation. (T. Dreiser)

Adventures give us joy. But joy, after all, is the purpose of life. We do not live to eat or make money. We eat and earn money so that we can be happy. This is the meaning of life, and this is what it is given for. (D. Mallory)

Modest and quiet joys sometimes tone us up much better than any overseas beaches. (D. Lopez)

By the way, quotes about travel

Children and joy

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they are joy and happiness. (V. Hugo)

I love my children for no reason. They are my joy, even when they are crazy with their childish energy. (K. Meloni)

In joy we are trusting, like children. The myrtle comforts us, the victorious laurel intoxicates us. (I. Bunin)

By the way, quotes about children

Teacher and joy

The greatest joy for a teacher is when his student is praised. (C. Bronte)

Teaching is the noblest of endeavors, and I understand that, despite all its difficulties, it can bring great joy to those who know how to awaken young minds. (R. Rolland)

A teacher who can endow his students with the ability to find joy in work should be crowned with laurels. (E. Hubbard)

By the way, quotes about teachers

Food and joy

There is only one pleasure that surpasses the joy of delicious food - the pleasure of cooking itself. (G. Grass)

In the end, we will all reach an age when every passion seems vain, and every desire is not worth the effort - and then a person with a good appetite will have three joys left: breakfast, lunch and dinner. (S. Maugham)

By the way, quotes about food

Health and joy

Cheerfulness is not only a sign of health, but also the most effective remedy for getting rid of diseases. (S. Smiles)

Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring. (G.D. Thoreau)

Long hopes weaken joy just as long illness weakens pain. (Madame de Sevigne)

By the way, quotes about health

Morning and joy

The best way to start the day well is to wake up and think if you can bring joy to at least one person today. (F. Nietzsche)

A sunny morning is a time of quiet joy. This watch is not for haste, not for fuss. Morning is a time of leisurely, deep, golden thoughts. (D. Steinbeck)

By the way, quotes about morning

Daughter and joy

For old people there is no greater joy than a daughter. At least until my granddaughter appears. (Euripides)

The only marriage that gives a man unfeigned joy is the marriage of his daughter. (M. Ashar)

By the way, quotes about daughter

Beauty and joy

The purpose of beauty is to give joy to humanity. (D. London)

However, how joy and happiness make a person beautiful! (F. Dostoevsky)

Not every type of beauty inspires love; sometimes it pleases the eye, but does not conquer the heart. (M. Cervantes Saavedra)

By the way, quotes about beauty

Marriage and joy

Joy lies in the color white. Women at the wedding wear white dresses, men wear black suits. (J. Auler)

Marriage brings many sorrows, but celibacy does not bring any joy. (S. Johnson)

If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland. (A. Chekhov)

Women and joy

I am most definitely a woman, and that makes me happy. (M. Monroe)

I want such a modest, deadly simple thing: so that when I enter, a person is happy. (M. Tsvetaeva)

There are few joys in life, but it still happens that a friend is unlucky. (Ya. Ipokhorskaya)

By the way, quotes about women

Bring joy

Bring joy to others! And you will see that joy makes you happy. (R.D. Fisher)

A person can only claim as much joy and happiness as he gives to others. (E. Feichtersleben)

Gifts, like good advice, bring joy to the giver. (E. Herriot)

Dreams and joy

Joy is the force that makes us fight for our dreams! (J. Rodriguez)

When we follow our dreams, we can give the impression to others that we are unhappy and unsuccessful. But it doesn't matter what others think. Joy in our heart is important. (P. Coelho)

By the way, quotes about dreams

Holiday and joy

But on New Year’s Eve, it seems that a miracle will happen, and where they previously did not rejoice at simple things, they will suddenly rejoice at a snowflake. (L. Sullivan)

How strange they are, these days on which you are supposed to rejoice according to the calendar. (M. Levy)

Thoughts and joy

All the joys and misfortunes of people are created by their own thoughts. (Hong Zichen)

Thought is the key to all treasures; it gives us all the joys of a miser, but without his worries. (O. Balzac)

By the way, quotes about thoughts

Sadness and joy

The flame has burned away, ashes remain, the joy has passed, sadness remains. (J. Saramago)

There will always be a reason to be sad. You need to be able to rejoice. (E. Safarli)

It's sad to rejoice alone. (G.E. Lessing)

By the way, quotes about sadness

Kindness and joy

Without kindness, true joy is impossible. (T. Carlyle)

If you spend the day doing good deeds, you will always feel joy in the evening. (Thomas à Kempis)

Waiting and joy

The expectation of joy is also joy. (G.E. Lessing)

A fulfilled desire most often brings disappointment, for only expected joy is true joy. (A. Schweitzer)

Sadness and joy

Joy is a tree, and it is a pity that the root of all joy is sadness. (Yu. Balasaguni)

Joys are forgotten, but sorrows are never forgotten. (M. Lermontov)

It is much easier to talk about sadness than to talk about joy. (G. Green)

Pleasure and joy

Man was born not for pleasure, but for joy. (P. Claudel)

Bringing joy to someone is one of the greatest pleasures on earth. (M. Ketro)

Wisdom and Joy

Joy is a special wisdom. (N. Roerich)

He who knows what to rejoice at has reached the top. (L.A. Seneca)

By the way, quotes about wisdom

About miscellaneous

Music is the joy of the soul, which calculates without realizing it. (G. Leibniz)

We must rejoice carefully. (F. Sagan)

The bindweed outside my window makes me happier than the metaphysics of books. (W. Whitman)

Dancing is a part of my soul. I like to dance, it makes people happy and it makes me happy. (D. Travolta)

A dog wags its tail with joy, all it takes is joy and a tail. (S. Jerzy Lec)

As you can see, quotes about joy are associated primarily with the themes of life, grief, people, pain, love, and creativity.

Then you can move on to other collections:

  • quotes about the soul
  • quotes about heart
  • quotes about mood
  • motivational quotes
  • quotes about tenderness
  • quotes by Leo Tolstoy

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