Sayings of thinkers about dignity. Aphorisms and quotes about the virtues of people

: A worthy person is not one who has no shortcomings, but one who has merits.

Luis de Camões:

If you are worthy of much, it is low to expect alms.

Madame de Pompadour:

You need to have virtues yourself in order to see them in others.


It is better to fall from a high mountain onto a hard bed of stones and be smashed to pieces, It is better to put your hand into the mouth of a snake, Full of poisonous teeth, It is better to throw yourself into the fire, Than to sacrifice your dignity!

Michel de Montaigne:

True dignity is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.


Dignity cannot be taught to us by those who behave unworthily.

William Hazlitt:

We have in our souls exactly as many virtues as we can see in other people.


Ambition in itself may be a vice, but it is often a source of dignity.

Abraham Lincoln :

People who have no flaws have very few virtues.

Pierre Buast:

You need to have high virtues or a lot of intelligence in order to be tolerant in society without having politeness.

Pierre Buast:

Simplicity is consciousness of one's human dignity.

Vissarion Belinsky:

Every dignity, every strength is calm - precisely because they are confident in themselves.

Jawaharlal Nehru:

The man who talks a lot about his own virtues is often the least virtuous.


If the main goal in life is not the number of years lived, but honor and dignity, then what difference does it make when to die?

Lao Tzu :

A worthy husband does a lot, but does not boast about what he has done; he makes merits, but does not recognize them, because he does not want to reveal his wisdom.

Lao Tzu :

A worthy husband puts on thin clothes, but has a precious stone in himself.

Lao Tzu :

The law of the worthy is to do good and not quarrel.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau:

To renounce one's freedom means to renounce one's human dignity, the rights of human nature, even its duties. No compensation is possible for someone who renounces everything. Such a refusal is incompatible with human nature; to deprive a person of free will means to deprive his actions of any morality.

Boris Andreev:

They do not demand a decent attitude towards themselves, but create and create it through energetic efforts of good will.

John Chrysostom:

A person's dignity does not lie in his origin.
God did not create slavery, but gave man freedom. Defender of the Fatherland Day is approaching, which has traditionally become a men's day, regardless of military service. All the time, girls and women wait for warm and affectionate words from their halves, and now it’s time to pay attention to men. To do this, we offer a selection of quotes, aphorisms and sayings. Add them to your statuses, let everyone know that your man is the best.

Of course, not all men deserve attention. There are also those personnel who can hardly be called men. A man who is capable of offending a woman, abandoning a child, cheating, or committing some other stupid act does not deserve the right to be called a Man.

To become a real man, it is not enough just to be born one. To do this you need to be purposeful and educated. A real man is one who can become a support and protection for his family.

For a man, words are not as important as actions. You can talk long and beautifully about something and promise something, but do nothing. But perfect actions reveal the male essence in the best possible way. A real man will never commit a heinous act.

Men are freedom-loving by nature, they know how to value friendship. A woman’s mission is precisely to give a man this freedom and be sure that he will return. A real man will never allow himself to do anything more than meet with friends; he will always return to his beautiful and loving woman.

The ideal man is the one who creates events, and is not their consumer.

Brave actions are events, and they lead to the right to be called an Ideal Man.

A man with self-esteem and intelligence is never ugly.

A man who does not know his worth has no right to be called real.

The mark of a real man is not the suffering he has endured, but the lessons he has learned from his suffering.

A man is, first of all, a person, he can also suffer, but his mission is not to wait until they regret it, but to draw the right conclusions and move on with their lives.

A real man is one who can handle everything and not give a damn.

The real ones will move mountains, the rest won’t even shake a hand...)

Real men have the right to cry, but not in front of a girl.

The difference between a man is not not to cry at all, but to do it when no one is looking.

A real man will always achieve what a woman wants.

If he doesn’t care what a woman wants, then be careful - it’s fake!

About strong and weak men

The Rule of a Real Man: My problems are my problems, your problems are our problems.

A real man will always think and decide for two.

Weak men have mistresses, and strong men have strong families.

Family is too tough for the weak.

A strong man will do everything to make his woman want to become weak.

Women are not weak, they only become weak when a strong man appears next to them...

A man must fight, because a woman chooses the strong, brave and persistent, and not those who give up and leave at the slightest quarrel.

The peculiarity of men is that when they hear “no”, they do everything possible to get a “yes” next time.

Weak men act to satisfy their needs, strong men act to satisfy a sense of duty.

Men live their whole lives satisfying their debt: first to their mother, then to the state, then to their wife...

They say: “Men love strong women.” It is weak men who love strong women. And strong men love weak women. And only a real man loves a woman for who she is!!!

Even the weakest woman can become the strongest if there is an idiot nearby.

Wise and meaningful

There are three things that need to be affirmed in boys and young men - the duty of a man, the responsibility of a man, the dignity of a man.

Whether a man becomes real largely depends on the woman - his mother.

A man looks for a reflection of himself in a woman.

The woman's task is to support him.

Men have the same exaggerated ideas about their strengths as women have about their shortcomings.

The main thing is not to have shortcomings, but to be sure that there are none...)))

A man who could lay his pride at the feet of his beloved woman deserves the most devoted love.

When a man constantly gives in and makes compromises, he is in love.

A man doesn't have to be handsome. A man must be a man.

A man should not watch his manicure, but his actions.

A man must be stubborn and firm in matters of life. But soft and sensitive with his woman.

The ability to combine hardness and softness is a feature of real men.

Funny and cool aphorisms

A man has no right to connect the words “I” and “tired.” He can say once in his life: “There is no more strength!” - and die.

To say that you are tired is the same as saying - look for someone else...)

A man is a creature that can wait three hours straight for a bite and is unable to wait 15 minutes while his wife gets dressed.

I need to buy an aquarium for home, while he catches fish, I’ll just get ready...)))

Only men can wear two socks at once, because one has a hole in the heel, and the other is torn on the toe.

They are not smart enough to take new ones from the closet, they probably wait out of habit, like in childhood, for their mother to bring...

A man needs a wife because not everything in life can be blamed on the government.

You still have to pay deductions from your salary here and there, but you can accuse your wife of something else...

Cats and men are alike. If they suddenly become affectionate, it means that they either need something from you, or have already done something wrong somewhere.

Soon everyone will start having cats instead of men, there is a better chance of accustoming them...

A man is like a ball: when a woman lets him go, he unravels, and when she picks him up, he unwinds...

When the threads completely unravel, they are thrown away...

Quotes Every Woman Should Read

August 26 is Women's Equality Day, first coined by feminist and political activist Bella Abzug in 1971. In honor of this holiday, Gazeta.Ru selected 25 main quotes about women, which, of course, show how much better women are than men.


“When they write that the name of a historical hero who accomplished a feat is unknown, as a rule, they mean a woman.” Virginia Woolf, writer


“Being a woman is very difficult, mainly because they have to deal with men all the time.” Joseph Conrad, writer

3. “Behind every idiot there is also always a great woman.” John Lennon, singer


“If you want something told to you, ask a man, but if you want something done, you need to ask a woman.” Margaret Thatcher, politician


“A woman must, in spite of everything, live her life as she wants, or she will have to admit that she has not lived at all.” David Lawrence, writer


“A woman who knows how to feel passion does not need makeup.” Yves Saint Laurent, fashion designer


“The problem with some women is that they first get very excited about nothing, and then they get married for that nothing.” Cher, singer


“A woman first tries to change a man for 10 years, and then complains that he is not the same as he was when she married him.” Barbara Streisand, actress


“There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help women.” Madeleine Albright, politician


“A woman becomes a complete person only when someone loves her.” Alexandre Dumas, writer


“A woman cannot be defeated. If you don’t like trouble, you won’t even try.” William Faulkner, writer


"You can't enjoy a woman if you try to understand her." Freddie Mercury, singer

13. “Women who only know how to love are boring. Much more interesting are those who also know how to hate.” Oscar Wilde, writer


“To succeed, a woman must think like a queen. The Queen is not afraid of failure and is not afraid to sacrifice the lives of others." Oprah Winfrey, TV presenter


“Due to emancipation, women have lost their main feature - mystery.” Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco


“If a man thinks that he has beaten a woman, then he is just a fool and did not notice how she beat him two moves ago.” Gary Oldman, actor


“If women knew how to read men’s characters, they would never get married.” George Bernard Shaw, writer

18. “Women who are just trying to be equal to men have little ambition.” Marilyn Monroe, actress


“Women threw all their energy into the fight for equality, but then they got distracted and began to fight to reduce the size of their own clothes.” Pink, singer


“Women's courage is expressed in curiosity. Men are often not curious because they don’t have the courage to do so.” Victor Hugo, writer


“No one should ever see you cry or fold your arms across your chest. These are signs of weakness that men love but do not forgive.” Helen Mirren, actress


“A woman can make a man softer, she can make him weaker, and she can decide for herself what to do with him. That’s what makes her scary.” Sigmund Freud, psychoanalyst


“You are not born a woman, you can only become one over time.” Simone de Beauvoir, writer


“A woman who believes that only a man can fill her life with meaning has not tried to work.” Princess Diana


“Women are often afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want." Madonna, singer

Sayings about beloved men

For men, driving is like having sex. Almost everyone thinks that they can do it better than others...

And so they think until they are fined...)

The guy is like parquet - if it doesn’t stick, just hammer it!

You need to follow technology in everything, even in relationships...)

Women invented real men to scare their husbands.

There are exactly as many real virtual men as there are married ones.

Text: Sayings, aphorisms and quotes from great and famous people"


Every dignity, every strength is calm, precisely because they are confident in themselves: they do not suggest themselves to anyone; but, walking at their even pace, they do not turn back to see if others are bowing to them. Vissarion G. Belinsky Dignity, Strength

A worthy person does not follow in the footsteps of other people. Confucius Virtue, Wise Quotes

It is unworthy to strive for anyone’s plate, Like a greedy fly, risking oneself. It’s better that Khayyam doesn’t have a crumb, Than the scoundrel feeds him for slaughter! Omar Khayyam Dignity, Wise Quotes, Principles

We have in our souls exactly as many virtues as we can see in other people. William Hazlitt Dignity

Dignity cannot be taught to us by those who behave unworthily. Jami A.N. and. Ahmad Dignity

He who speaks about his own merits is ridiculous, but he who is not aware of them is stupid. Philip D. S. Chesterfield Dignity, Wise Quotes

A person who behaves with dignity from the very beginning is freed from remorse. Abul-Faraj bin Harun Dignity

A worthy person cannot but possess a breadth of knowledge and fortitude. His burden is heavy and his path is long. Humanity is the burden he carries: is it heavy? Only death completes his journey: is it long? Confucius Virtue, Possession

If a worker, who earns bread by the sweat of his brow, has not acquired anything, why should he bow to a nonentity, or even to one who is no worse than him? Omar Khayyam Dignity, Labor

True dignity is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes. Michel de Montaigne Dignity

Titles and the glory of ancestors add shine to a name that is borne with dignity, but they make a dishonored name even more despicable. Addison Joseph Dignity, Shame, Glory

The dignity of every person depends only on how he shows himself in his actions. Adolf Knigge Dignity

Human virtues are precious stones that play more beautifully in the frame of modesty. Vauvenargues Luc de Clapier Dignity, Modesty

A worthy husband always tries to be impartial, not to attach value to hard-to-get things and not to listen to fruitless teaching. Lao Tzu Dignity, Husband, Values

Ambition in itself may be a vice, but it is often a source of dignity. Mark F. Quintilian Virtues, Disadvantages

A person's dignity does not lie in his origin. God did not create slavery, but gave man freedom. John Chrysostom God, Dignity, Slavery, Revolution, Freedom, Man

A worthy husband does a lot, but does not boast about what he has done; he makes merits, but does not recognize them, because he does not want to reveal his wisdom. Lao Tzu Virtue, Merit, Husband

There is nothing more useful than a good name and nothing creates it as firmly as dignity. Vauvenargues Luc de Clapier Dignity

Check out the Sayings of thinkers about dignity for self-development and self-knowledge with pictures and photographs.

Many are friends for food, not friendship. Menander

Friendship between women is just a non-aggression pact.

Where friendship weakens, ceremonial politeness increases. Shakespeare.

A real guy should smell like alcohol, sex and her perfume.

Young man, love work; deny yourself pleasures not in order to give them up forever, but in order to have them all the more in the future! Do not dull your sensitivity to them with premature pleasure! Immanuel Kant

Love is a joyful acceptance and blessing of all living and existing things, that openness of souls that opens its arms to every manifestation of being as such, feels its divine meaning. Semyon Frank

Then she won’t give you away, won’t blackmail you and deviate from the conversation

The first victory is not a victory.

Imagination is given to a person to console him with what he does not have, and a sense of humor to console him with what he does have.

The hardworking bee knows how to collect honey from bitter flowers. Maxim Adamovich Bogdanovich

Ability, valor - everything is nothing until we put in the work. Slept

Good luck for the student, joy for the teacher.

I live in a world full of things I don't have but would like to have. Correction... I exist, because this is not life.

Friendship is when you send your friend on a date, and then spend the entire evening being angry with her because you have nothing to do.

Only stupid people consider the path of love happy. Only the one who gives up everything in Her name will be able to take Her path. And having walked this path to the end, he will find not happiness, but pain. But only those who have walked this path can say that they have lived. Maria Nikolaeva, “Alien Way”

By the degree of greater or lesser respect for work and by the ability to evaluate work according to its true value, you can determine the degree of civilization of a people. Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov

Companionship and friendship are signs of real reconciliation with one's gender role and real balance between the sexes. Alfred Adler

The school is a place where cobblestones are polished and diamonds are destroyed. Robert Ingersoll

There is no law for fools. If it is written it is not read, if it is read it is not understood, if it is understood it is not understood!

To fall in love with someone who loves you back is a miracle in itself. PS I love you

Never give up - never, never give up. Winston Churchill

And no one ever found out what the Rabbit thought about this, because the Rabbit was very well-mannered. Alan Alexander Milne "Winnie the Pooh and Everything"

You need to look for happiness in yourself!

Happiness is not the reward for virtue, but virtue itself. Spinoza

A person is valuable when his words match his actions. Oscar Wilde

Thank you for having me, even if you don’t really want it yourself! You are an amazing friend.

What good is it to a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?

I dream about you every day, I think about you at night!

A person who travels a lot is like a stone carried by water for many hundreds of miles: its roughness is smoothed out, and everything in it takes on soft, rounded shapes. E. Reclus

Glory is in the hands of labor. Leonardo da Vinci

The chastity belt does not affect the possibility of betrayal, but only the method. J. Stebo.

The saying that there is a freak in every family was one hundred percent invented by a beautiful woman. Aurelius Markov.

Absurd love is better than no love at all. Stephen King "The Green Mile"

Love laughs at obstacles. Mine Reed "The Headless Horseman"

Women are created to be loved, not to be understood. Oscar Wilde

Hatred for the same object brings people together a hundred times stronger than love, friendship, and respect combined.

God is our true friend: He knows everything about us and yet does not stop loving us. Toyshibekov.

My life is wonderful, I'm always positive. Such happiness to be the only one so beautiful in the whole world.

Look, we're missing three things. The first is the quality of our knowledge. The second is leisure to think through and absorb this knowledge. And the third is simply to act on the basis of what we have learned from the interaction of the first two. Ray Bradbury

It is bad if the authorities test their strength through insults; it is bad if respect is acquired by horror; With love you will achieve what you want much sooner than with fear. Pliny the Younger

Do you know how great a woman's curiosity is? Almost the same as men's.

I enter into friendship with only very few, but I value it. Karl Marx

Great minds set goals for themselves; other people follow their desires. Washington Irving

Happiness is when on a cold evening with friends you remember past adventures

The virtue of style is clarity.

Vissarion Belinsky

The measure of a woman's worth can be the man she loves.

Sebastian Brant

The law of the worthy is to do good and not quarrel.


Human virtues are precious stones that play more beautifully in the frame of modesty.

There is nothing more useful than a good name and nothing creates it as firmly as dignity.

It is not a pity that a person was born or died, that he lost his money, house, estate - all this does not belong to a person. It’s a pity when a person loses his true property - his human dignity.

Abdurrahman Jami

Dignity cannot be taught to us by those who behave unworthily.

Samuel Johnson

The main dignity of a person is the ability to confront oneself.

Anna Louise

The dignity of the human race is more important than its happiness, and even more important than its growth: to increase the number of births, without improving the lot, is only to prepare a more magnificent feast for death.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

A worthy person is not one who has no shortcomings, but one who has dignity.

Adolf von Knigge

The dignity of every person depends only on how he shows himself in his actions.

Paulo Coelho

What is dignity? The desire for everyone around you to consider you kind, well-mannered, and full of love for your neighbor?

Lao Tzu

A worthy husband does a lot, but does not boast about what he has done; makes merit, but does not recognize it, because he does not want to reveal his wisdom.

A worthy husband puts on thin clothes, but has a precious stone in himself.

A worthy husband always tries to be impartial, not to attach value to hard-to-get things and not to listen to fruitless teaching.

Dignity. Best Quotes About Dignity

Every dignity, every strength is calm - precisely because they are confident in themselves.

People do not like to get rid of shortcomings, preferring to brighten them up with the help of advantages.

A sign of a person's true dignity is that even those who envy him are forced to praise him.

When our relatives are at home, we have to think about their positive qualities - otherwise they would be impossible to bear; when they are not, we console ourselves by reflecting on their shortcomings.

Of all the virtues and virtues of the soul, the greatest virtue is kindness.

The tragedy of man, no matter how comical it may seem, is not in his shortcomings, but rather in his virtues.

The man who talks a lot about his own virtues is often the least virtuous.

Best Quotes About Dignity

No one ever gossips about other people's secret virtues.

A child who suffers less insults grows up to be more self-aware of his dignity.

Even in the company of two people, I will certainly find something to learn from them. I will try to imitate their virtues, and I myself will learn from their shortcomings.

Typical Best Quotes About Dignity

Absurdity is a sign of dignity.

The dignity of a state depends ultimately on the dignity of the individuals who form it.

Immense pride and conceit is not a sign of self-esteem.

Happiness coefficient in inverse content to dignity.

If you are trusted, do not deceive even a villain. If you are endowed with power, do not boast of your superiority. If you have strengths, do not expose the weaknesses of others. If you don't have the ability, don't envy the skill of others.

Only through labor and struggle is identity and self-esteem achieved.

It is a mistake to think that a lot of knowledge is a virtue. It is not the quantity, but the quality of knowledge that is important.

It is just as reasonable to pay tribute to one's virtues in private as it is ridiculous to extol them in the presence of others.

A truly worthy person can be in love like a madman, but not like a fool.

Among the hated qualities of the enemy, his virtues occupy not the least place.

The less a person thinks or knows about his merits, the more we like him.

Sympathetic Best Quotes About Dignity

Consciousness of one's dignity makes an intelligent person more modest, but at the same time more persistent.

How difficult it is to recognize the virtues of those who do not recognize our virtues!

People who believe in their own merits consider it their duty to be unhappy in order to convince others and themselves that fate has not yet given them what they deserve.

We have in our souls exactly as many virtues as we can see in other people.

Dignity expresses the spirit's resistance to instinct.

Modesty is the most famous virtue if you are famous.

One of the great misfortunes of man is that sometimes even his virtues do not serve him well, and the art of managing and using them wisely is given only by experience, often belatedly.

Human virtues are precious stones that play more beautifully in the frame of modesty.

Share the page “Dignity. The best quotes about dignity” and read Cool thoughts about life: Life, always dissatisfied with itself, feeds us like cattle for slaughter.

Other shortcomings, if used skillfully, shine brighter than any advantages.

There are few vices in the world that prevent a person from making many friends more than too many virtues.

Some people repel, despite all their merits, while others attract, despite all their shortcomings.

True dignity is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.

Meaningful Best Quotes About Dignity

Other virtues are similar to sight or hearing: people deprived of these virtues are not able to see and appreciate them in others.

The dignity of every person depends only on how he shows himself in his actions.

Society recognizes and respects only those merits that have been proven in practice. Whoever wants to know exactly what he is worth can only find out from the people and, therefore, must submit himself to their judgment.

You can have virtues and not achieve a high position in society, but you cannot achieve it without having at least some merits.

Our entire dignity lies in our ability to think. Only thought elevates us, and not space and time, in which we are nothing. Let us try to think with dignity - this is the basis of morality.

Those who have consciousness and self-esteem are not afraid that others are smarter than them, more educated or more beautiful... Likewise, they do not consider themselves significantly superior to those whom they in turn are superior, because all this seems to them to have very little meaning in in comparison with the good will for which they only respect themselves and which they assume in every person.

We are loved more for our attractive flaws than for our significant virtues.

The more we talk about our virtues, the less they believe in them.

The main dignity of a person is the ability to confront oneself.

The measure of a woman's worth can be the man she loves.

People are so busy with themselves that they don’t have time to look at those around them and evaluate them fairly. That is why those who have many virtues, but even more modesty, often remain in the shadows.

Drawing best quotes about dignity

We quickly notice the slightest advantages in ourselves and slowly discover shortcomings.

Some people suit their shortcomings, while others don’t even like their virtues.

What is a weed? A plant whose benefits have not yet been discovered.

Nothing can be more commendable than the consciousness of our own worth in cases where we actually possess valuable qualities.

A person's merits should be judged not by his good qualities, but by how he uses them.

Dignity is precisely what elevates a person most, what gives his activities, all his aspirations the highest nobility...

A man of great merit and intelligence is never ugly.

People adorned with virtues immediately recognize, highlight, and guess each other; if you want to be respected, deal only with people who deserve respect.

Human virtues, like fruits, have their season.

Self-esteem is developed only by the position of an independent owner.

Truly extraordinary virtues are possessed by those who have managed to earn the praise of their envious people.

Too much merit sometimes makes a person unsuitable for society: people don’t go to the market with gold bars - they need small change, especially small change.

Nasty, arrogant self-praise; but no less disgusting is a person without any consciousness of any strength, any dignity.

There is no dignity in the absence of clear and precise concepts of the common good.

Be a man of learning, young man! It is your dignity to study to the fullest of your abilities. The dignity of a man is not to be a parasite, a parasite. Despise laziness of thought!

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