You are my personal brand of heroin: the best quotes from Twilight books and films

This romantic saga about the love between the mysterious vampire Edward and the ordinary mortal girl Bella Swan has captivated audiences all over the world. The love of unusual teenagers, secrets from parents, adrenaline in the blood from the proximity of death - what could be more romantic? After the release of the first part of the saga in 2008, the dialogues of the characters and the novel itself were literally torn apart into quotes. Every girl dreamed that her lover would say that she was his “personal brand of heroin.” Quotes from this film are standard declarations of love! We have collected the brightest of them in this publication.

Unusual Love

The Twilight book about the feelings of two teenagers would be one of many if the young man were not a vampire who drinks blood, can catch up in the blink of an eye, and can read the minds of everyone except Bella.

The story begins with the main character Isabella Swan on the verge of death: at any moment she could be killed by the cruel vampire James. She admits that her behavior led to the deaths of many.

Quotes from "Twilight" show the girl's attitude to what is happening:

Previously, I had not thought seriously about death, although in recent months there have been plenty of reasons. It is, without a doubt, worth giving your life for another person, much less a loved one. It's even noble! When your most cherished dreams come true, you should expect that sooner or later fate will present you with a score.

Yes, she is afraid of death, but she is ready to exchange her life for her mother’s life, and for love you always have to pay with something: money, a broken heart, life...



Isabella was a stubborn, clumsy, courageous, unsociable, reserved girl. Her main feature was that she could hide her thoughts so that even vampires could not read them. Other vampire abilities also had no effect on Swan. The smell of it made the bloodsuckers go crazy.

Swan was fair-skinned, long-haired, brown-eyed, and brown-haired. Her cheekbones jutted out, her nose was thin, her chin sharp, her whole face resembled a heart. Bella's lips were full, her eyebrows dark and straight. With a height of 163 cm, the girl weighed 52 kg.

After James attacked her, she was left with a crescent-shaped scar on her arm.

A vampire:

After becoming a vampire, Swan changed dramatically. Her view of the world became clearer than ever. Her clumsiness was gone. Having become different, Bella gained the gift of control, thanks to which she did not attack people, even at the sight of blood. Another unique ability was the ability to create protection around others from influencing their minds.

Transformed into a bloodsucker, Bella's eyes turned red, her body became even lighter, and now shone in the sun. Having become a monster, the girl became even more beautiful than before.

Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan


The reason that brought Bella together with James was the decision of a 17-year-old girl to move to her father from Phoenix, sunny Arizona, to the rainy town of Forks, Washington State. She did this to allow her mother to travel with her new baseball player husband. In this uncomfortable town, Miss Swan will have to study for another year and a half before graduating from school.

Bella, the daughter of elementary school teacher Renee and police sheriff Charlie, is saving money for college herself, so she simply doesn’t have enough money for a new car. Her father gives her an old pickup truck as a gift to celebrate her arrival. Although the means of transport have long since become obsolete, it is better to ride a horse two miles to school than to walk. A quote in Twilight speaks to the attitude of many poor teenagers:

Don't look a donated pickup truck in the mouth.


Official complaint to the Office of the Underworld Complaint object: Stephenie Meyer: “Twilight” (and other times of day) Greetings, my Dark Lord! I want to share with you my latest impressions of the human world... In the first lines of my letter, I want to inform you that we have been set up again. Another, excuse the expression, the writer decided to throw out her pink girlish fantasies about a handsome prince, etc., into reality. and so on. At the same time, for some reason the vampire theme was taken as a basis - the sacred secret of the bloody brotherhood was once again subjected to speculation and slander. Maybe it’s better this way... for conspiracy reasons. Why do you girls love vampires? The main character Bella Swan (a beauty, an athlete and... fill in) moves to the provincial town of Forks (read: an urban-type settlement), famous for its permanent cyclone anomaly ( you might think that some of us care about weather forecasters). She is too serious and observant for her school years (the author’s years of painful education in various educational institutions of not the highest rank are etched on her forehead), especially the Internet and Wikipedia help her in life. This allows her to draw truly incredible conclusions: if Edward, the first guy in the village, does not appear at school in clear weather, then, excuse me, he is a vampire (what should he do at school at the age of 100? These people are strange, honestly ). And of course, he helps her out of various troubles with the help of his extraordinary abilities, where to go... And her heart is drawn to all this rubbish, and now she is ready for a blood transfusion for rebirth. We must give the young man his due - he resists this stupidity to the last. The plot is to stupefy, a stake in my chest... And then it turns out that my childhood best friend Jake is a male... that is, a werewolf, and their family is at war with vampires (nonsense - why fight with our beloved pets, is it in vain that we feed them?) . By the way, the idea was stolen from the “Another World” series - at least there is some kind of style, they invented lycans... And our “newlyweds” have to solve a bunch of problems with hostile vampire parties, with conspiracy... wow, how primitive it all is... Not a single one a normal sex scene (in an adult way). Not a single good joke. There are no jokes at all, by and large. But what love, what it is... cardboard. In fact, commercial success was ensured by Stephenie Meyer even before she conceived all this nonsense - generations of little naive girls succeed each other endlessly. The only good thing that can be said about this creation before pressing the “napalm” button is that the author does not pretend to be a genius, but captivates with his frank simplicity (if not primitiveness). The narration from the perspective of different characters – Bella, Edward, Jake, etc. – diversifies the “picture”. S. Mayer is a Mormon (!), a housewife, does not shine with her abilities, but at least she is aware of this, unlike the others. All this, of course, is nothing for our image (the thirst for money is everything) ... But only next to sophisticated, intellectually rich (I'm not kidding), romantic without provincialism, sublime novels by Anne Rice, these junk books with sparse font are not worth a penny. I squeeze your throat tightly, with respect from the Abyss Elena “Night Owl” Davydova P.S. They also make films...

An ordinary girl

Bella is a petite, short girl with a translucent, pale complexion. She has thick, long, wavy brown hair, a small, thin nose, prominent cheekbones, narrow eyebrows, but her lips are too full for her chiseled jaw. Her eyes are described as chocolate brown and wide apart. She wears simple shirts and jeans because she feels uncomfortable in impractical but elegant clothes. She is far from a materialist, she hates being singled out, and does not take her popularity among the boys at school seriously.

The Twilight quote reveals her own assessment of her appearance:

It's a shame I don't look like your typical Arizonan: tall, blond, tanned, avid beach volleyball fan. All this is not about me, although most of my friends fall under this definition. My skin is olive and there is no hint of blue eyes or blond or even reddish hair. The figure is slim, but not athletic.

Bella is described as not liking sports due to her clumsiness. Shy, quiet and very sensitive, she spends her free time reading school books. The main character is caring, responsible, she worries about her family: she reminds her mother about dry cleaning and her fear of heights, she cooks and cleans her father’s house, which speaks of the maturity of a person especially her age.

During a school break, a girl meets a mysterious family of stunningly beautiful students and falls in love with Edward Cullen.

He smiled and for a second my heart stopped beating. You probably won’t find a more beautiful angel even in heaven!

When he saves her life by displaying superhuman qualities, Bella learns from her friend Jacob Black that Quileute Indian legends call Edward's family bloodsuckers.

Despite the risk

Convinced of the unusualness of her beloved, Bella faces a choice: stop all communication with him or be together, putting her life in danger. After questioning Isabella, who is not indifferent to him, Edward eventually admits that he is a vampire, and his family are “vegetarians”, because they do not eat people, but drink the blood of animals.

The young man constantly warns Bella against close contact with himself, says that the girl is at “risk” because the smell of her blood is stronger for him than that of any other person he has ever met. Her love and confidence in her lover’s self-control are such that his warnings go unheeded:

If a creature automatically saves someone else's life, it cannot be evil.


Isabella initially hated life in Forks, but after meeting Edward she found the city more comfortable, even calling it home, and her father's hobby - fishing - allows her not to inform him of her secret meetings with her lover. A quote from Twilight shows that the girl has a sense of humor:

...Besides, we're running out of fish. There are no more than two years left!

Having sent Charlie away from home, Bella and Edward go to the mountains to be in the young man's favorite clearing, and the next day, while watching the Cullen family's baseball game, she becomes the target of the vampire hunter James. Fearing for her father's life, Isabella plays out the scene of farewell to her beloved and leaves the city, breaking her father's heart.

Sheep and lion

— The lion fell in love with the lamb.

- Stupid sheep.

- And the lion is just a masochist.

TV viewers witness this conversation when watching the first film of the vampire saga. This quote from the movie "Twilight" is a conversation between Edward and Bella at the moment when the young man reveals his secret, and the girl realizes who she has fallen in love with. The vampire calls himself a Leo because he has very powerful powers. There is no such person or animal on the entire planet that could cope with it.

Bella understands that her actions, from the point of view of reason, are not entirely correct, so she speaks of herself as a stupid sheep. She is associated with the supernatural side of life, hidden from the eyes of ordinary people and which is extremely dangerous. However, this does not frighten the young girl at all. Only one fear torments her. She is afraid of losing Edward.

The best quotes from the movie "Twilight"

When your most cherished dreams come true, you should expect that sooner or later fate will present you with a score. ***** I used to think little about death... But, in my opinion, giving your life for a loved one is not the worst death... ***** Death is peace, lightness... life is more difficult. ***** I was absolutely sure of three things: firstly, Edward was a vampire, secondly, some part of him, and I didn’t know how strong this part was, thirsted for my blood; and thirdly, I fell recklessly and forever in love with him. ***** And let him be adamant today - I will not give up. I know what I want. ***** I am allergic to changes in your mood. *****

If we could preserve your bad luck, we would have weapons of mass destruction. ***** The more you love, the more you lose your sense of reality! ***** Dusk again... No matter how good the day is, it always ends. ***** When your most cherished dreams come true, you should expect that sooner or later fate will present you with a bill. ***** It looks like I ended up on a green planet. ***** Even the ancient radios started working. It's a small thing, but nice. ***** An agreement is more valuable than money, even if the deal is concluded with one’s own conscience. ***** Imps danced in the golden honey eyes... ***** God, he’s jealous of me even of the telegraph pole! ***** There must be a rational explanation for the fact that I am still alive! ***** Well, finally here is Charlie’s yard, promising me warmth and dry socks. ***** Damn vampire, I'm crazy about him! ***** Twilight. The best time of day, and the calmest, although also the saddest, because it means the end of the day and the approach of night. ***** But don’t worry, I’m selfish to the core and I’ve been waiting for this day for too long. ***** You are drunk with my presence! *****

First love works wonders. It’s not at all like what they write in books or show in movies! ***** Well, since I don’t drink wine, I can at least enjoy the bouquet... ***** You were wrong, as always... Is it decent to look so seductive? ***** He smiled and for a second my heart stopped beating. You probably won’t find a more beautiful angel even in heaven! ***** Meanwhile, we found ourselves under the canopy of the dining room, and now I could look him straight in the eyes, which did not in any way contribute to the clear functioning of my thoughts. ***** What will my life be like without him? Empty and meaningless! ***** It seems to me that it is patrol cars that create traffic jams on the streets. ***** If I could sleep, all my dreams would be about you. ***** Don't look a gifted pickup truck in the mouth. ***** It must be hard to be a father and live in constant fear that one day your daughter will meet the guy of her dreams. Or, conversely, he will never love anyone. *****

Death is part of who we are, it guides us. It shapes us. It drives us to madness. You can't be human if you don't have any mortal end. *****

Many people have conflicting feelings. Despite the fact that they do not want to stand out from the crowd, they at the same time crave everyone's attention. ***** Crazy fear melted my brain into mozzarella. ***** As a child, when I came to visit, my father always took out the cartridges and hid the pistol. Apparently he now thinks I'm old enough to accidentally shoot myself in the head and smart enough not to do it on purpose. ***** Giving your life for another person, and especially a loved one, is without a doubt worth it. ***** Euphoria is the other side of hysteria. ***** I tried to be polite and lied outright. ***** - How old are you? - 17. - How long have you been 17? — Quite a long time ago... ***** Hope bloomed like a timid snowdrop in my heart. ***** If a creature automatically saves someone else's life, it cannot be evil. ***** I'm scared... because most likely we can't be together. And I’m also afraid that this is exactly what I want more than anything in the world.

The pain of parting

In the second part of the vampire saga, a sad event occurred. Edward Cullen told Bella that he wanted to break up with her. The conversation between them took place in the forest. The vampire spoke very convincingly about the fact that he did not need a girl. Bella believed him, but could not come to terms with such an end. Edward left, leaving the girl in the forest. The words of her beloved hurt her so much that she fainted.

Parting is always pain, tears, emotions. When a loved one leaves, your soul loses peace. You cannot erase from your memory those happy moments when you were together. Sometimes it begins to seem that you are slowly and painfully dying from loneliness and mental pain. Bella had similar feelings. The book describes her thoughts:

Time is running. Goes against all odds. Even when any movement of the second hand hurts, like blood pulsating in a bruise. It goes unevenly: sometimes it gallops, sometimes it drags like maple syrup. And yet it goes. Even for me.

However, it was not only Bella who faced the pain of parting. Edward felt the same way. He didn't break up with his girlfriend because he didn't love her. He decided to take such a step for the sake of her safety, but after some time the two halves were reunited again, having gone through dangerous trials. In the book, Edward admitted that life without Bella was some kind of ridiculous existence. Here's a quote from Twilight:

Bella, before you, my life seemed like a moonless night, dark, illuminated only by the radiance of the stars - the sources of common sense. And then... then you flashed across the sky like a bright meteor. It swept by and illuminated everything around me, I saw brilliance and beauty, and when you disappeared over the horizon, my world plunged into darkness again. Nothing seemed to have changed, but, blinded by you, I no longer saw the stars, and everything lost its usual meaning.

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