35 life lessons from famous psychologist Carl Jung to understand yourself

It is impossible to imagine gaining knowledge about an outstanding person and his activities without brief excerpts from his works or statements. Carl Gustav Jung left behind numerous and varied quotes: up to a thousand of them can be found in the World Information Space, but this is far from a complete list. These are original and non-trivial thoughts expressed by the author for his readers. His quotes are from the field of analytical psychology and attempts to interpret the ways of formation of the human personality, practical psychiatry and scientific knowledge, religious studies and cultural studies.

Activities of Carl Jung

Quotes from Carl Gustav Jung are clear evidence of his fruitful work, which left an indelible mark on many areas of human knowledge. Aphorisms and excerpts are relevant for a wide range of users only if they reflect aspects and thoughts that meet the aspirations or issues that concern them. Analytical psychology, the founder of which is considered to be a Swiss psychiatrist and philosopher, is one of the most interesting branches of science popular in modern society. In it, Jung is considered the founder and apologist of many theoretical postulates. The work of this scientist, who devoted his life to treating human souls and writing numerous scientific studies, can hardly be overestimated.

Even though some of his conclusions are controversial, what he did to form the idea of ​​individualization of the individual from collective unconscious ideas is of great value. Psychotherapy, which occupies a leading place in depth psychology, appeared thanks to Freud, Jung and Adler, and today is the leading direction in preventing the development of mental illness. However, psychiatry, to which Carl Gustav Jung devoted his life, is also impossible to imagine without his scientific achievements.

It is no coincidence that his works in the field of philosophy are studied in higher educational institutions. The scientist’s ideas about archetypes, symbols and symbolism, universal human values, and the collective unconscious made a revolutionary revolution in the then ideas about society and the place of the individual in this system. They contributed a lot of valuable things to both cultural studies and religious studies. It can be said without exaggeration that Carl Jung is one of the scientists without whom it is impossible to imagine modern psychology in its current form.

Jung Quotes

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes from the Swiss psychologist, creator of analytical psychology, Carl Jung (1875 - 1961).

He viewed mental and human existence in a broad cultural context .

Quotes are summarized by topic: I, man, relationships, mental disorder, children, life, the meaning of life, psyche, addiction, self-knowledge, love, human manifestations, life ethics, about myself, self-development, religion, marriage, death, individual, archetypes, society, collective unconscious, norm, dreams, soul, cognition, intelligence, talent, adults, passions.

Oh I

I am not what happened to me, I am what I decided to become.

We meet ourselves on the roads of life again and again in a thousand guises.

Meeting yourself is one of the most unpleasant.

People will do anything they can, no matter how absurd, to avoid coming face to face with their soul.

If we are not aware of what is happening inside us, then from the outside it seems to us that this is fate.

A person must hone the art of self-talk.

Woe to those who live by example! There is no life in them. If you live according to examples, you live the life of that example, but who will live your life if not yourself? So live for yourself.

A persona is that adaptive system or the manner of behavior with which we communicate with the world. For example, almost any profession represents a person’s characteristic Persona. A persona is something that a person actually is not, but which he and other people say that he is.

We may think that we are in complete control of ourselves. However, a friend can easily tell us things about us that we have no idea about.

About a human

Man is an animal that has gone mad. There are two ways out of this madness: he must become an animal again; or become more than human.

Unfortunately, too many people always talk only about what kind of person it is desirable to be, but never about what he really is.

Modern man is, in fact, a curious mixture of characteristics acquired at different stages of the centuries-old process of mental development.

You cannot explain a person one-sidedly—exclusively by his shadow sides. In the end, it is not the shadow that is important, but the body that casts this shadow.

We reach into the past, to our parents, and forward, to our children, into a future that we will never see, but which we want to take care of.

Inside the adult there is a child stuck, an eternal child, something still becoming, never completed, in need of constant care, attention and education. This is a part of the human personality that would like to develop into wholeness. However, the man of our time is as far from this integrity as heaven from earth.

Our personalities are part of the world around us, and their mystery is also limitless.

People grow like plants, some in the light, others in the shade. There are many who need shade, not light.

By the way, quotes about a person

About relationships

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is even the slightest reaction, both elements change.

Everyone is separated from each other by secrets, and deceptive bridges of opinions and illusions lead across the gaps between people instead of a strong bridge of recognition.

Don't hold back someone who leaves you. Otherwise, the one who comes to you will not come.

The attitude towards oneself is at the same time the attitude towards one’s neighbor, and no one can maintain relations with others until he builds them with himself.

Knowing your own dark side is the best method for dealing with the dark side of others.

It is a fact that cannot be denied: the evil act of others becomes our own evil act because it ignites the evil in our hearts.

Problems are resolved when a person begins to understand that interpersonal conflicts often arise due to different ways of perceiving the world, and not as a result of egocentrism or malicious intent.

About mental disorder

At the heart of all mental illnesses is an unwillingness to experience deserved suffering.

In every chaos there is a universe, in every disorder there is a secret order.

Being crazy is a social concept; We use social measures to recognize mental disorders.

Vulnerability is a symptom of existing inferiority.

Depression is like a lady in black. If she comes, do not drive her away, but invite her to the table as a guest and listen to what she intends to say.

Neurosis is always a replacement for natural suffering.

The patient will not learn anything if he gets rid of neurosis; on the contrary, he can learn something only by suffering from it. For illness is not an unnecessary, and therefore meaningless, burden; the illness is the patient himself.

About children

Children learn from an adult's example, not from his words.

Children, of course, are not as stupid as we think. They are too good at noticing what is real and what is fake.

The heaviest burden that falls on a child’s shoulders is the unlived life of his parents.

Children are raised by what an adult is, not by what he says. Everything that we want to change in children should first of all be carefully checked: is it not something that would be better to change in ourselves, such as our pedagogical enthusiasm. It's probably better to direct it at yourself.

Widespread belief in words is a real disease of the mind, since such superstition takes us further and further from the foundations of man and seduces people into a catastrophic personal identity with any fashionable slogan.

By the way, quotes about children

About life

Life itself means nothing until a person appears who tries to interpret its phenomena.

Consider life as a dream among a thousand dreams, and each dream as a certain approach to reality.

Life's biggest and most important problems are insoluble. You can only outgrow them.

The sad truth is that human life consists of a complex of inexorable opposites - day and night, birth and death, happiness and suffering, good and evil. We are not even sure that one will prevail over the other, that good will triumph over evil, or joy over pain. Life is a battlefield. It has always existed and will always exist; if it were not so, life would come to an end.

Even a happy life is impossible without a bit of darkness, and the word “happy” would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

They say that no tree can grow to heaven unless its roots reach hell. The ambiguity of movement is inherent in the nature of the pendulum.

By the way, quotes about life

About the meaning of life

Probably both are true, as is always the case when it comes to metaphysical problems: life is meaning and nonsense, that is, life has meaning and has no meaning.

The goal is important only as an idea; The essential thing here is doing.

As a person, betraying his own law, misses the opportunity to become an individual, he loses the meaning of his life. Fortunately, the forgiving and long-suffering nature has never put the fatal question about the meaning of life in the mouths of most people. And if no one asks, there is no need to answer.

Lack of meaning in life plays a critical role in the etiology of neurosis. Ultimately, neurosis should be understood as the suffering of a soul that does not find its meaning.

The fact is that a person necessarily needs ideas and beliefs that give meaning to his life and allow him to find his place in the universe. He will overcome the most incredible challenges, being convinced of why he is doing it. But when all the troubles are over, he can suffer a crushing defeat when he learns that he is participating in an idiotic and senseless undertaking.

By the way, quotes about the meaning of life

About the psyche

Our mental structure repeats the structure of the Universe and everything that happens in space, repeats itself in the infinitesimal and unique space of the human soul.

“Magical” is just another word for psychic.

If only people were more aware of the strict universal laws that even the wildest and most arbitrary fantasies are subject to.

Psychologically, demons are nothing more than interferences of the unconscious, that is, spontaneous bursts of unconscious complexes into the continuity of the conscious flow. Complexes can be compared to demons; they capriciously disturb our thinking and our actions; Therefore, in ancient times, severe neuropathological phenomena were mistaken for demonic possession.

Every process is an energy phenomenon, and energy can only be generated by the intense unity of opposites.

About addiction

He who is afraid needs dependence, just as a weak person needs support.

Any kind of addiction is bad, be it addiction to alcohol, drugs or idealism.

Emotional connections are our desires; they bring with them coercion and lack of freedom. By expecting something from others, we thereby make ourselves dependent on someone.

Human relationships are not built on differentiation and perfection, since they only emphasize differences or lead to the exact opposite result; no, they are based on imperfection, weakness, helplessness and the need for support, that is, those components that make up the basis of addiction. Perfection does not need anyone, unlike weakness, which seeks support and does not offer its partner anything that could disadvantage him or even humiliate him.

About self-knowledge

Everything that does not suit us in others allows us to understand ourselves.

Your vision will only become clear if you can look into your heart. He who looks outside sees only dreams, he who looks within awakens.

Living in eternal flight from oneself is a difficult matter, but living in communion with oneself is a matter that presupposes a certain number of Christian virtues, such as patience, love, faith, hope, humility, which have to be applied to oneself.

There is no coming to awareness without pain.

The psychological rule says that if the internal situation is not realized, it turns into external events.

About love

Love is not madness. Is the word “mind” even appropriate here? This is both light and darkness, the end of which will never be. And no one can escape this mysterious force.

Where love rules, there is no desire to rule, and where power reigns, there is no love. Love is the shadow of power.

The core of all jealousy is the absence of love.

I think you have repeatedly seen loving people who believe in their love only until they achieve their goal. And then they turn away as if they had never loved.

By the way, quotes about love

About human manifestations

Loneliness is not caused by the absence of people around, but by the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others.

Most people consider themselves very knowledgeable in psychology for one simple reason: psychology for them comes down to what they know about themselves.

If heroism becomes chronic, then it ends in a spasm, and the spasm leads to catastrophe or neurosis or both.

A healthy person does not mock others. The one who has suffered torment becomes the tormentor.

About life ethics

What you resist remains.

Only our deeds show who we are.

Shoes that suit one person are too tight for another; There is no single recipe for all cases.

On paper, the code of morality looks quite clear and harmonious. But the same document, written on the “tablets of the heart,” is a miserable fragment.

About Me

My life is a story of self-realization of the unconscious.

Sometimes I feel as if I am absorbing the space and objects around me. I live in every tree, in the splashing waves, in the clouds, in the animals that come and go, in every being. There is nothing about the Tower that hasn't changed over the decades that I don't feel connected to. Everything here has its own story - and this is my story. Here passes the line beyond which the boundless kingdom of the unconscious opens up. I gave up electricity, heat the oven and stove myself, and in the evenings I light old lamps. I don't have running water, I get water from a well. These simple things contain the simplicity that is so difficult for a person.

For me, first of all, there is a person and an individual approach. And for each patient I try to find a special language. That's why some say I follow Adler, others say Freud. But the only important thing is that I address the patient as a person to another person. Psychoanalysis is a dialogue and it requires partnership.

About self-development

Developed consciousness determines the worldview. Any awareness of causes and goals is a budding worldview. Any accumulation of experience and knowledge means another step in the development of a worldview. And by creating an image of the world, a thinking person simultaneously changes himself.

There is little value in knowing when someone else is making a mistake. It is much more interesting to know when you yourself commit it, because then there is an opportunity to somehow correct it. What we could improve in others is usually of dubious usefulness, if it achieves anything at all.

In my opinion, we will really learn something from the East only when we understand that the soul already contains enough riches that it still needs to be filled from the outside, and when we feel the ability to develop out of ourselves, with God's grace or without her.

About religion

It doesn't matter what the world thinks about religious experience. Whoever has it has a treasure that has become a source of life, meaning and beauty for him and has shown him the world and humanity in general.

Do you believe in God? - I don’t believe it, I know.

The inability to adapt to the inner world is an omission as serious in consequences as ignorance and awkwardness in the outer world. And only an insignificant part of humanity, living mainly on that densely populated peninsula of Asia that is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, and calling themselves “educated people”, due to insufficient contact with nature, has attacked the idea that religion is a kind of peculiar spiritual disorder, a destiny which is incomprehensible.

By the way, quotes about religion

About marriage

Marriage rarely, or rather, never develops smoothly and without crises in individual relationships. There is no formation of consciousness without pain.

How many marriages were ruined for many years, if not forever, because the husband saw his own mother in his wife, and the wife saw his own father in her husband, and neither recognized the reality of the other.

A very thorough study revealed that predominantly people of different types enter into marriage, and, as it turned out, completely unconsciously - for mutual complementation.

By the way, quotes about wedding

About death

Death, if you approach it psychologically correctly, is not the end, but the goal, and therefore a person, having passed the peak of life, begins to live for the sake of death.

Fleeing from death is something unhealthy and abnormal because it deprives the other half of life of its purpose.

The cult of death is rationally based on the belief in the timelessness of the soul, but its irrational basis is found in the psychological need of the living to do “something” for the departed.

About individual

The individual is the only reality.

All the highest achievements of virtue, like the greatest atrocities, are individual.

Follow that will and that path which experience confirms as your own, that is, as the true expression of your own individuality.

About archetypes

The concept of an archetype is derived from the repeated observations that, for example, world literature is defined by those myths and fairy tales that contain motifs that appear again and again everywhere. We find these same motives in fantasies, dreams, deliriums and crazy ideas of modern people.

Archetypes are not only spread by tradition, language and migration, but spontaneously arise at any time, in any place, without any external influence. This statement has far-reaching consequences, for it means that in every soul there are forms that, despite their unconsciousness, are actively operating attitudes, ideas in the Platonic sense, predetermining our thoughts, feelings and actions and constantly influencing them.

About the society

Every man becomes, without realizing it, in a certain sense worse when he is in society than when he acts alone; for he feels the support of society and, to a certain extent, is freed by it from individual responsibility.

A large society consisting exclusively of wonderful people is equal in morality and intelligence to a large, stupid and ferocious animal. After all, the larger the organizations, the more inevitable their immorality and hopeless stupidity are.

About the collective unconscious

The collective unconscious contains the entire spiritual heritage of human evolution, reborn in the structure of the brain of each individual.

Instincts and archetypes make up the collective unconscious. I call this unconscious collective because, unlike the personal unconscious defined above, it contains not individual, that is, more or less unique contents, but contents that are distributed everywhere and equally.

About the norm

Show me a mentally healthy person, and I will cure him.

The “normal person” is the ideal goal for the underdogs, for all those who are below the general level of fitness.

A healthy person may have deviations that to the average person may seem like mental illness or simply indicate a level of development beyond her own level.

About dreams

A dream is a small, well-hidden door that leads to that primordial cosmic night, which was the soul before the emergence of consciousness.

I noted the following feature for myself: dreams, in their complexity or simplicity, correspond to the dreamer himself, to the complexity of the structure of his consciousness. Only they are always a little ahead of the dreamer’s consciousness, preceding consciousness.

About the soul

The soul needs your recklessness, not your wisdom.

In the deepest amazement and with indescribable admiration, I freeze, contemplating the abyss and heights of the nature of the human soul, whose extra-spatial world conceals an immeasurable fullness of images that have been collected and organically united over millions of years of life’s development.

By the way, quotes about the soul

About knowledge

Facts are always discovered first, not theories. The theory emerges, among other things, during the discussion.

There are truths that are true only the day after tomorrow, and those that were true yesterday, and some that are not true at any time.

About intelligence

It happens that hands cope with a riddle against which the intellect is powerless.

A person only needs to clearly understand that he is firmly locked within the walls of his mind and cannot go beyond its limits, even in madness, and that the appearance of the world or its gods largely depends on his own mental state.

About giftedness

Just because you are a gifted person does not mean you have received anything. This means you have something to give.

What is the difference between a genius and a madman? The madman sees, but does not know how to convey it. And a genius can translate this into the language of consciousness.

About adults

What youth found and had to find outside, the man of the afternoon period must find within himself.

Every mother contains her daughter, and every daughter contains her mother. Every woman has a continuation behind her, in her mother, and in front of her, in her daughter.

About passions

He who has not gone through the purgatory of his own passions has not overcome them to the end.

Passions are hiding nearby, in the next house, which he does not even imagine. And the flames could spread at any moment and burn down the house that he considers his own.

About miscellaneous

A subject that gives rise to anxiety is the first step towards art.

A symbol always contains more than its obvious and immediate meaning.

I have a timid hope that meaning will prevail and win.

aspects of human existence are reflected in Carl Jung’s quotes

Quotes about Jung

  • F. Fitzgerald: The only one worth listening to would be the great Jung, self-possessed, tireless, easily moving from the wilds of anthropology to the neuroses of school-age children.
  • W. Pauli: I regard his idea of ​​the collective unconscious as generally correct, and his interpretation of mandalas as essentially correct. Of course, not because the great Jung said it (after all, I am not a woman, and faith in authorities was not my lullaby at all), but because the idea itself seems plausible to me. But it cannot be denied that there is unusually strong inbreeding in Jung's circle, the result of a complete lack of creativity and talent among his close friends.
  • V. Frankl: We must admit that religious “prototypes” exist, but they are not archetypes of our cultural space. This world of drawings and symbols was not given to us from the beginning; we were only born surrounded by it. From here it is clear that these prototypes are not archetypes, but the prayers of our fathers, the rituals of our churches, the revelations of our prophets, the images of our saints.

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Popular quotes by Carl Jung

Those excerpts from his works that are most often quoted by people familiar with the scientist’s work are the least reminiscent of boring scientific conclusions. It is no coincidence that Jung received a prize for literature in his hometown. His quotes are sometimes similar to pithy phrases from deep novels about human relationships, and can resemble poetic thoughts from works about love and passion.

Those who liked his scientific achievements resort to quotes that accurately characterize other philosophers or debunk common misconceptions.

Carl Gustav Jung

1. Every human life has potential, but if that potential is not realized, then that life is wasted.

2. The privilege of life is to become who you truly are.

3. The greatest and most important problems of life are, by and large, insoluble. They cannot be solved; they must be outgrown.

4. I am not what happened to me, I am who I decided to become.

5. Even a happy life cannot exist without dark moments, and the word “happiness” will lose its meaning if it is not shaded by sadness.

6. For the best to come, the good needs to step aside.

7. Faith, hope, love and discernment are the highest achievements of human endeavor.

8. There is no recipe for how to live that fits all situations.

9. The only purpose of human existence is to light a light in the darkness of everyday life.

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