Anton Chekhov: You cannot demand from dirt that it not be dirt

Anton Chekhov: You cannot demand from dirt that it not be dirt

Novelist, playwright, doctor, traveler and man with no name - all this is him, Anton Chekhov.

Nobody wants to love the ordinary person in us

“Do you love Chekhov as much as I love him?” – I would like to ask, paraphrasing a well-known saying. I met him at school. Spontaneous, dizzying and exciting. I read one story after another. I “swallowed” one book and immediately reached for another. I laughed, cried, didn’t sleep at night... Few things gave me the same emotions. He inspired, took me away from this world and immediately brought me back, allowing me to feel the entire earthly surface with my feet. Novelist, playwright, doctor, traveler and man with no name - all this is him, Anton Chekhov.

On January 17, 1860, in Taganrog, a third child, Anton, was born into the family of a grocer. Singing in the church choir, working in my father's shop, school, and then gymnasium. It was in the gymnasium that interest in creativity and art, books and theater began to appear. Later, this love flowed into his works, the heroes of which were actors and actresses (“No wonder the chicken sang,” “Comedian,” “Tragedian” and others).

After graduating from high school, Antosha, who was then already actively writing humorous stories and skits, left Taganrog and entered Moscow University, the Faculty of Medicine. In the same year he made his debut in print; his “Letter to a Learned Neighbor” was published in the magazine “Dragonfly”. This moment can be called the moment of the birth of Antoshi Chekhonte. Humoresques, stories, feuilletons are increasingly appearing in various publications under this pseudonym. In general, Chekhov is perhaps the only writer who had so many pseudonyms. It seems to me that his “name” was born along with the work, that is, the author creates the story, and the story creates the author.

“A real man consists of a husband and a rank,” - a fairly well-known phrase belongs to the witty Chekhov. In September 1898, the playwright met a group of actors from a small capital theater, including 30-year-old actress Olga Knipper. Despite the long separation, endless correspondence, illness, jealousy, they got married in the spring of 1901. Their life was filled with love and tenderness, correspondence that deserves a separate story, a reverent attitude towards each other, but not with children... Perhaps this is the greatest punishment in life - when fate does not give it to two people who so dream of offspring.

Even before his death (on the night of July 1-2, 1904), Anton Pavlovich could not help but show the sharpness of his words and thoughts. Together with the doctor, he asked for a glass of champagne. “I haven’t drunk champagne for a long time” - this phrase was the last in his life.

Brilliant and laconic quotes from the Russian classic:

  • If a person doesn’t smoke or drink, you can’t help but wonder if he’s a bastard?
  • Going to Paris with your wife is the same as going to Tula with your samovar.
  • If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland.
  • In order to feel happiness in yourself without interruption, even in moments of grief and sadness, you need to: a) be able to be content with the present and b) rejoice in the knowledge that it could be worse.
  • Wonderful day today. Either go drink tea, or hang yourself.
  • Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand everything.
  • Nobody wants to love the ordinary person in us.
  • Don't let people go crazy.
  • If all people came to an agreement and suddenly became sincere, then everything would go to hell for them.
  • A talented person in Russia cannot be clean.
  • If your action upsets someone, this does not mean that it is bad.
  • Becoming a writer is very easy. There is no freak who has not found a mate, and no nonsense that has not found a suitable reader.
  • You cannot demand from dirt that it not be dirt.
  • There is nothing good on earth that does not have something nasty in its original source.
  • I respond to pain with screams and tears, to meanness with indignation, to abomination with disgust. In my opinion, this, in fact, is called life. published

Author: Ekaterina Ivanenko

PS And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

July 15 is the day of memory of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860–1904). We have selected 33 quotes from the writer’s works, letters and notebooks, which are fully suitable for modern life.

July 15 is the day of memory of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860–1904).
We have selected 33 quotes from the writer’s works, letters and notebooks, which are fully suitable for modern life. Chekhov is one of the most famous playwrights in the world, his works have been translated into 100 languages. Over 26 years of his creative life, the writer created about 900 short humorous stories, novellas and plays. Many of them, including “Ward No. 6”, “The Man in a Case”, the plays “Ivanov”, “The Seagull”, “The Cherry Orchard”, “Uncle Vanya”, “Three Sisters” have become classics of world literature. Anton Pavlovich had 42 pseudonyms, including Gadget No. 6, Gadget No. 9, Prose Poet, My Brother's Brother, Ulysses and Champagne. Chekhov was awarded the title of honorary academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, but he refused it together with his colleague and friend V. G. Korolenko after the order of Nicholas II to annul the election of Maxim Gorky to honorary academician. Anton Pavlovich died of tuberculosis, which he suffered from his high school years. The writer’s last words were: “I haven’t drunk champagne for a long time”... 35 best aphorisms by A. P. Chekhov

1 Brevity is the sister of talent (from a letter to his brother Alexander Pavlovich Chekhov on April 11, 1889) 2 Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts. (From the play "Uncle Vanya")

3 Let everything on stage be as complicated and at the same time as simple as in life. People have lunch, just have lunch, and at this time their happiness is formed and their lives are broken. (Memoirs of Ars. G. (I.Ya. Gurlyand), “Theater and Art”, 1904.)

4 There are too many screws, wheels and valves in each of us for us to judge each other by a first impression or by two or three external signs. (Play “Ivanov”)

5 Well-mannered people respect the human personality, and therefore are always condescending, gentle, polite, and compliant. (From a letter to his brother Nikolai Antonovich Chekhov, 1886)

6 Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand everything. (Story "Lights")

7 They say that philosophers and true sages are indifferent. It’s not true, indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. (short story “A Boring Story”)

8 A dirty fly can stain an entire wall, and a little dirty deed can ruin the whole thing. (From notebooks)

9 Affairs are governed by their goals: that work is called great, which has a great goal. (From notebooks)

10 A kind person is ashamed even in front of a dog. (From notebooks))

11 If you are afraid of loneliness, then don't get married. (From notebooks)

12 If you work for the present, your work will come out insignificant; one must work with only the future in mind. (From notebooks)

13 It is interesting to marry only for love; marrying a girl just because she’s pretty is the same as buying an unnecessary thing at the market just because she’s pretty. (from a letter to his brother Alexander Pavlovich Chekhov, 1898)

14 Someone with a hammer should stand behind the door of a happy person, constantly knock and remind him that there are unhappy people and that after a short period of happiness, misfortune comes. (Story "Gooseberry")

15 The art of writing is the art of abbreviation. (From notebooks)

16 Critics are usually those people who would be poets, historians, biographers if they could, but, having tried their talents in these or other fields and having failed, decided to take up criticism. (From notebooks)

17 You can lie in love, in politics, in medicine, you can deceive people... but in art you cannot deceive. (From notebooks)

18 There is no national science, just as there is no national multiplication table. (From notebooks)

19 Love, friendship, and respect are not connected as much as by a common hatred of something. (From notebooks)

20 There is no freak who has not found a mate, and no nonsense that has not found a suitable reader. (From notebooks)

21 Don't calm down, don't let yourself be lulled to sleep! While you are young, strong, vigorous, do not get tired of doing good. (Story "Gooseberry")

22 No other specialty sometimes brings as much moral distress as medicine. (From notebooks)

23 It’s even nice to be sick when you know that there are people who are waiting for your recovery as a holiday. (From notebooks)

24 Wonderful day today. Either go and drink tea, or hang yourself. (Chekhov’s unpublished story “The Gift”).

25 A smart person loves to learn, and a fool loves to teach. (From notebooks)

26 You need to squeeze the slave out of yourself drop by drop. (From a letter to the publisher and journalist A.F. Suvorin, 1889)

27 Falling in love shows a person what he should be. (From notebooks)

28 When you get up from the table hungry, you are full; if you get up after having eaten, you have overeaten; if you get up after overeating, you are poisoned. (From notebooks)

29 And there are minutes for which you can give months and years. (From notebooks)

30 Good parenting is not about not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, but about not noticing someone else doing it. (Story “House with a Mezzanine”)

31 There is no Quasimodo who would not be deeply convinced that only a beautiful woman can be his mate. (Story “About Women”)

32 Nothing costs so little or is valued so much as politeness. (From notebooks)

33 Russian people love to remember, but do not like to live (The Tale “Steppe”)

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