The boomerang law in life, which has not yet been canceled

What is the boomerang law

This law states that any action you perform will definitely be returned threefold. Just as a boomerang always returns to its owner, so our actions will return to us after some time.

This law is very ancient, and our ancestors successfully applied it, only it received its name “boomerang law” later. A similar idea has been mentioned in the Bible and other scriptures. It says to treat others the same way you want to be treated. That is why we need to stop doing some things that we may regret in old age. Or much earlier - it all depends on how soon the next boomerang launched towards the Universe will return.

How does the boomerang law work?

The thought is material. However, some stubbornly continue to deny this and refuse to see the connection between their thoughts and what is happening around them. The boomerang law works in a similar way - it materializes expectations. The way you treat other people will certainly come back to you multiplied. Therefore, if you wish harm on someone, then expect a retaliatory strike from Fate. Moreover, the return reaction can come from a completely different person. If you do good, then it comes back to you tripled. And again, not necessarily from the same person.

But why then are not all people happy when they do good?

The whole point is that you need to do good deeds selflessly, without expecting anything in return. Only then does the boomerang law work. Again, a lot depends on our thoughts. In psychology, this is called positive or negative thinking, which leads to poverty or abundance. Therefore, if you do a good deed, but in your thoughts it is unpleasant for you to help this person, then not the good that you did will return to you, but all the negativity that you were thinking about at that moment.

Surely each of you has at least once had a case in your life when you did something bad, and “life punished” you for it with some kind of trouble. Or, on the contrary, you did a good deed, and a “reward” followed. Remember, something like this probably happened! Or they told you, don’t do bad things, otherwise God will punish you!

So, friends, there really is no “punishment” or “reward.” No one “up there in heaven” judges us or “punishes” us with all sorts of troubles. In reality, everything is much simpler and more functional. This is one of the laws of the Universe - the Boomerang Law.

Its essence can be explained this way: everything that you put into the world will definitely come back to you.

The Boomerang Law is not a human earthly law that can be circumvented or deceived. He doesn't evaluate you or your actions. It just works in such a way that you receive from the Universe exactly what you put into the world. And here we are talking not so much about material objects (although, of course, they are also present in this “exchange”), but about positive or negative energy.

If you give positive energy, that is, you do a good deed for someone, sincerely help, wish someone happiness, good luck, goodness, then the same positive energy returns to you. But it can come to you in the form of money or a lucky coincidence of circumstances, help, or a gift. Any successful person knows that before you try to get something, you must give something! It may not be money, but, for example, knowledge or some kind of help.

The Boomerang Law also applies to negative energy in the same way. You showed aggression, anger, wished something bad for someone. And all this comes back to you in the form of illnesses, problems, retaliatory aggression, etc. Therefore, if some kind of trouble suddenly happens to you, analyze what you could do to cause such a response. Exactly the answer! Because nothing JUST happens in this world! Remember this well!

Briefly to the point

The status about a boomerang in life is short when it has already arrived. Then there is no time to philosophize and run wild with thoughts, you need to talk about your boomerang and put short statuses:

  1. If you don't want to be broken, don't break others.
  2. Don’t expect gifts from nature if you haven’t given her anything yourself.
  3. Trying to be good ended in strong friendship and sincere love.
  4. Whatever you are waiting for, do it.
  5. Life’s boomerang will definitely return – both to the forehead and across the forehead.
  6. If you get angry, get it.
  7. He who betrays once will be betrayed three times.
  8. If you insulted me, you were answered by barking from a pack.
  9. Boomerang is the law of life, violators are given a double boomerang.
  10. He was angry and drowned in it himself.
  11. It's not scary to miss a shot, it's scary to launch it.
  12. By hating others, the cup will spill out on you too.
  13. How will our word respond? Yes, by what they put into them.
  14. Anyone who does not know how to love will not be loved by others.
  15. If you don’t want negativity, don’t give it to others.
  16. Don't be angry, and you will be happy.
  17. No one has ever escaped their boomerang.
  18. While you are angry, there is light in the darkness.
  19. If you betrayed yourself, expect betrayal.
  20. Deceived - the lie will not keep you waiting.
  21. Indifference to people now means loneliness in old age.
  22. Giving away your last shirt means wealth.
  23. If you offend people, then don’t be offended yourself.
  24. I didn’t notice anyone - I myself became invisible.
  25. Forgot your parents? The children will forget you.
  26. Boomerangs don't take bribes.
  27. If you steal a ruble, you will lose everything.
  28. If you rejoiced at someone else’s misfortune, don’t expect sympathy.
  29. Give without regret, then life will reward you.
  30. If you hit someone in the face undeservedly, you will receive a blow ten times stronger.
  31. One who knows the law of boomerang cannot be offended.
  32. If you want to live in peace, love this world.

Captured by thoughts

Retribution comes not only for actions, but also for thoughts. Thought is material, and that is a fact. There is even a good proverb: “Think before you think.” A very apt statement, especially considering that many people have never encountered the concept of “thought hygiene.” Constant despondency and a negative attitude towards the world poison the life of every person; these emotions also fall under the boomerang rule. “Don’t make others angry, and don’t make yourself angry” - this is precisely the principle one should act by in society, so as not to get a good “slap on the head” from the Universe.

If a person is constantly worried about something, is dissatisfied with something, or is afraid of something, then sooner or later all his fears will come true. Yes, in life there is always a place for experiences, but you should not elevate them to the status of obsessions.


This is what it means: What you give will come back. What you sow is what you reap, Your own lies will come through with lies.

Every action matters; Only by forgiving will you receive forgiveness. You give - they give to you, you betray - you are betrayed, you offend - you are offended, you respect - you are respected... LIFE - BOOMERANG:

Everyone deserves everything; Black thoughts will return as an illness, Bright thoughts will return as Divine light... If you haven’t thought about it, think about it!

Let go. Farewell

He who does not return anger with anger saves both - himself and the other. Ancient India By being offended by a person or a situation, each time you send a powerful negative destructive impulse, which will result in destructive negative events in your life.

It is simply unprofitable to be offended! You yourself once launched this boomerang to yourself. Accept what happened as a fact. If you can fix something, do it. If not, just let it go. And focus on something positive.

He who has abandoned once will be abandoned, Even if not immediately, even much later, But the deed will be returned. He who has not forgiven will not be forgiven,

He who deceives himself will be deceived, his deeds will not go anywhere. He who has made a low agreement will himself receive the same sentence.

He who harbors evil will be rewarded with it. From goodness only goodness will be born. The future boomerangs, It gives everything that’s yours to you.

Sweet revenge

If someone has offended a person, there is no need to harbor a grudge or try to take revenge. It's better to just wish everyone well and move on. Of course, sometimes it is difficult to erase from life what caused pain, but if you focus on this moment, you can miss your happiness. And revenge is also not the best solution. Even if we assume that the “retaliatory strike” strategy was successfully implemented, a person cannot say for sure that in the future he will not make a similar mistake, and he will definitely not be revenged in the same way.

Let's say there is a situation: a girl got a job as a secretary. She had to become her boss's mistress because she didn't want to lose her job. Her boss is a family man, and he has a very strict wife, but this does not stop the man from going “to the left.” After some time, the girl comes to her boss so that he signs documents about her going on maternity leave.

The man could not come to terms with the fact that his subordinate had an affair and decided to fire her without severance pay. The girl threatened to tell everything to his wife. The boss began to beg not to destroy the family. Although the expectant mother was offended by such an attitude, she did not resort to extreme measures and was still fired. A few years later, this girl became not only a happy wife and mother, but also a successful entrepreneur.

One day she met her former boss. He was not going through the best period in his life, and he threatened her that he would tell the press that the now respected businesswoman had a relationship with her own boss in the past. The woman began to beg him not to ruin her life, and he disappeared. Like her in her time, the man remained silent. This is an excellent example of how the boomerang law can operate in relationships between people. In addition, everything might not have turned out so well if the girl had taken revenge on her boss at one time. Yes, he would have found himself in an unpleasant situation, but how would her life have turned out then?!

Examples from life

Is there a boomerang law in life? Yes. Surely you can remember more than one such case. Imagine two people, each of whom wants to take a higher position in their company. There is a struggle between them. One of them, considering himself smarter and more cunning, begins to tell management unpleasant information about his opponent. This leads to the latter being fired in disgrace. Or maybe he leaves on his own, unable to bear the gossip behind his back.

So, the competitor has been eliminated. You can feel safe. But is this really so? Soon management begins to make the same demands on the “winner”. And he himself is to blame for this. It was his idea to build relationships at work this way. She played a cruel joke on him. The result was dismissal.

The man thought that his behavior would go unpunished. But, as you can see, no one has yet canceled the boomerang law.

There are other examples. The woman decided to arrange personal happiness. But the object of her adoration is married and raising children. But this doesn't bother her. She makes every effort to take her loved one away from the family. And he, unable to withstand the pressure due to his weak nature, gets divorced.

At first, lovers feel happy. But suddenly it turns out that the newly made wife cannot have children. Her husband has no choice but to improve relations with his ex-wife. This is the only opportunity to communicate with my son and daughter.

The one who has become a homewrecker realizes the absurdity of her situation. Yes, she achieved what she wanted, she became the wife of her beloved man. But this did not bring her happiness. She has everything: money, career, home, position in society. There is only one thing missing - a feeling of significance for your man, his love.

Destroying her family, this woman did not think about the consequences. But, in accordance with the boomerang law, her negative energy returned to her. The rival found happiness in children. Later, she most likely arranged her personal life. But the homewrecker remained unsatisfied. The boomerang law in life during betrayal returned to all participants in this story.


Life itself knows who and how to punish. And a person should not think that if he stole something, then his valuable thing will be lost. Consequences for actions never equal the amount of harm caused. The payoff is always much greater than the damage caused. For example, if a person insults someone, he may get into an accident. If you hit someone, something could be stolen from him, or a fire could happen in the house. What a person values ​​most always becomes the object that will be affected first by the boomerang rule.

Now, knowing about the Law of Boomerang, you can take a more clear approach to creating your life, your own reality. It happens that sometimes you really want to take out your irritation on someone, blame, scold. Please can you do this. BUT! But now you know that you will DEFINITELY receive an equivalent answer! Is it worth it to indulge your irritation if you can get, for example, illness in response?!

By following this law, you can attract all kinds of benefits to yourself by giving something good into the world. By the way, it doesn’t necessarily have to be something material (this is me answering the frequently asked question: “What if I don’t have anything at all right now, what can I give away, what should I do?”)! You can use one very interesting (and most importantly, useful and really working) technique - give people gifts MENTALLY!

How? And it's very simple! You should imagine yourself approaching a person and giving them something! You just have to do this completely sincerely and with the kindest and purest thoughts! Only in this case will there be any benefit from this action (that is, the return will return to you). What to give? Anything!!! This is your imaginary gift. This means you can imagine absolutely everything! Feel like a genie or a goldfish!

Give wads of money, bouquets of flowers, luxury cars, houses, yachts, tropical islands! You can, for example, give a person health. Imagine it yourself somehow, for example, in the form of a golden glow, enveloping a person and pouring strength and energy into him! The main thing is that you yourself imagine how people feel joy from your gifts, how good they feel! Who can you do all this with? With whomever you want - friends, relatives, complete strangers on the street, etc.

I like to do this exercise when I'm walking down the street. I give gifts to people I meet in this way, trying to determine in a few seconds what would bring this person the greatest joy. Here comes a girl - I mentally “give” her a gorgeous fur coat. For a second, an image appears of her happy and joyful, looking in the mirror in this fur coat! Positive!

Here is a terribly busy man with a cell phone, clearly solving some problems. I gift him with a vacation on a tropical island. The image is of him in a hammock with a cocktail in his hand, admiring the sea and enjoying the peace. Positive again! I'm moving on. An old lady with a bag, a mother with a child, a couple in love. Everyone gets their gifts! And by the end of the street I am so saturated with positivity that my mood soars somewhere in the sky!

I really love this technique. Firstly, it requires practically nothing from you except imagination. Secondly, you lift your spirits because the act of giving is extremely enjoyable in itself! Well, thirdly, in this way you give out your positive energy into the world, which means you attract all sorts of benefits (and material ones too!!!) to yourself!

By the way, don’t be afraid that you will give away too much of your energy. There is one very interesting feature here - when you radiate positivity, you yourself become more and more energetic. But when there is negativity, your energy decreases! Don't ask me why this happens. Honestly I do not know. But the fact remains a fact, regardless of whether we know “why it works like that?” It works and that's it! :))


What is this? By definition, fate is the course of events in his life that does not depend on a person’s will. life path, all events, circumstances in life. If you ask people on the street what fate means, then, in general, the answers will be divided into 2 groups:

First: fate is predetermined, and a person cannot do anything, and the only right decision is not to resist fate and go with the flow, accepting it. Second: everything is in our hands, our life depends solely on how we can build it. And the building blocks in it are our daily decisions.

It’s similar to the road, and in the first case, when you drive along it and everything is predetermined: where is the overnight stop, where is the cafe, where you need to refuel the car, where and what kind of travel companions you pick up.

And in the second case, you also eat at an expensive price, but you can already choose which cafe to stop at, which gas station to refuel at, and which fellow travelers you don’t pick up, but just drive by.

In any case, fate is the road.

But you should take the time to observe life and you will understand: everything in it is interconnected. Sometimes this connection is very transparent and not so easy to notice. But if, knowing the laws of life, you take a closer look - everything is clear. It is important to understand and learn: You create your own destiny.

This is especially clearly seen in the so-called “boomerang effect”.

Let's figure out what and how here. And exactly how to take control of your destiny.

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