Advice for children in poems about staying safe on the Internet material (senior group) on the topic

Aphorisms about safety

Safe ships are beached ships.
/Anacharsis of Scythia/ (Source) There are no guarantees in life, there are only probabilities. /Tom Clancy/ (Source)

If danger cannot be avoided, what is the use of cowardice that will not protect you anyway? The less fear you experience, the less danger there is. /Titus Livy/ (Source)

A fly that does not want to be swatted feels safer on the firecracker itself. /Georg Lichtenberg/ (Source)

Never make your safety dependent on the nobility of another person. /Willa Kader/ (Source)

Seeking power for peace and security means climbing a volcano to shelter from a storm. /F. Petrarch/ (Source)

Looking danger into the eyes with courage and composure is the best way to protect yourself from it. /D. Lubbock/ (Source)

A man who has never been in danger cannot be held accountable for his bravery. /F. La Rochefoucauld/ (Source)

The word "crisis" written in Chinese consists of two characters: one means "danger" and the other means "opportunity." /John Kennedy/ (Source)

The biggest danger in life is taking too many precautions. /Alfred Adler/ (Source)

Freedom is dangerous, but it is the only thing that keeps us safe /Harry Emerson Fosdick/ (Source)

Wherever there is life, there is danger / Emerson /

In all matters, it is very useful to periodically put a question mark on what you have long considered as not requiring proof / Russell

Danger is, in any case, not instantaneous, as many people think; it cannot be swallowed immediately, but will have to be taken little by little, diluted over time, like a spoiled medicinal potion. /K.von Clausewitz “ON WAR”/

In general, we live in an age when one cannot be surprised by anything and when one must be prepared for everything, excluding good. /Grand Duke CONSTANTINE. (From a letter to brother Nikolai dated May 7, 1826)/

“Security is a process, not a product.” /Bruce Schneier/

Those who do not think about distant difficulties will face near troubles /Confucius/

Observe a person, delve into the reasons for his actions, take a closer look at him during his leisure hours. Will he then remain a mystery to you / Confucius. /

In order to be absolutely sure of something, you need to know either everything about it or nothing / Miller /

The less we know, the more we suspect /Billings/

When leaving your home, act as if you see an enemy in front of you / Hagakure Bushido /

Constant vigilance is the price of freedom / T. Jefferson/

The feeling of complete security is the most dangerous. /AND. Shevelev/

The one who is safest is the one who is alert even when there is no danger. /Cyrus/

He who is not afraid for himself is afraid for him / Somali proverb /

Valor craves danger /Seneca/

Danger is intoxication, which sobers up /A. Daudet./

A timid person trembles in anticipation of danger, a cowardly person trembles when it is near, and a brave person trembles when it is behind. /J.Paul/

There is no more dangerous person than the one who acts well but thinks poorly. /P. Valeria/

Too much awareness is harmful. If a person knew about all the dangers that threaten him, he would go crazy. /AND. Shevelev/

Worldly wisdom is the understanding that most dangers, the anticipation of which is a source of anxiety, do not materialize. /AND. Shevelev /

Often, wanting to prevent an unlikely danger, we ourselves bring real danger upon ourselves. /AND. Shevelev/

The feeling of fear and the feeling of danger belong to different areas. The first is to the realm of instincts. The second is to the realm of reason. The first must be suppressed, the second must be developed. /And Shevelev/

Road safety will become voluntary

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed making technical inspection of private passenger cars not mandatory, but voluntary. It is proposed to make corresponding changes to the federal laws “On Technical Inspection” and “On Road Safety”.

The head of the State Traffic Inspectorate Mikhail Chernikov , said that responsible motorists are interested in the serviceability of their vehicle, and therefore must undergo inspection themselves. The ability to do this at a convenient time and in comfortable conditions will reduce the number of accidents due to malfunctions.

Chernikov admitted that today many drivers pay for a technical inspection service only in order to seamlessly issue a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, while the actual diagnosis of the car is not carried out. Therefore, there is not much point in this procedure. Previously, the Ministry of Internal Affairs had already taken the initiative to separate the MTPL policy and the diagnostic card. The bill is being considered by the State Duma, and if it is adopted, obtaining a compulsory insurance policy will not depend on a technical inspection at all.

How to tell children about safety without scaring them. The psychologist explains

The modern world lives in a more dynamic mode, especially the Internet speeds up this mode, so dangers arise faster than before. Of course, overly frightening stories about dire consequences can traumatize a child, because children are highly impressionable.

Recently, in a large shopping center, I saw a boy of about three years old who was crying heart-rendingly throughout the entire store - it turned out that he was lost. When I already took him by the hand and was about to lead him to security to announce the loss over the loudspeaker, it turned out that the boy’s parents simply hid behind a column. Thus, they wanted to teach him a lesson so that he would be “less capricious.” In fact, this situation was a serious psychological trauma for the baby, which could subsequently have a negative impact on the development and psyche of the child.

Parents, remember a few rules:

Do not leave your child alone in an unknown environment.

Don’t threaten with the phrases “Now that aunt will take you away if you don’t behave well.” Aunts in such phrases can change to the police, an evil monster, a bandit, but the meaning remains the same - the child is experiencing deep psychological trauma.

Don’t pretend that you are leaving, much less actually leaving your child. “I’ll go home now, and you stay here. That’s it, I’m leaving!” - This is an extremely undesirable behavior strategy.

In safety stories , avoid being overly gory. The child’s imagination will do its job and create its own horror film; there is no need to provoke it.

First of all, follow the safety rules that you tell your child about. Do not cross the road at a red light, do not jump into a departing subway car with your child, and do not climb into sockets with your bare hands.

Talking about safety should take place in the form of normal conversation, for example, while you are walking down the street. “See, little red man? So you need to stand. And now it’s green, the cars have stopped, we can cross the road.” The leading activity of preschool children is role-playing play. It is through play that children learn about the world, try on different roles and play out different life events. This game is a great way to tell your child about safety and to play out these situations with him.

It is always worth remembering that the beginning of safety is attentiveness. Teach your child to look around, to notice strange and alarming people, not to enter into dialogues with them, not to enter a building with unfamiliar adults, and not to ride in the elevator with them. Such rules will not cause a child to feel dangerous or afraid, because there is nothing frightening in simple attentiveness. Play mindfulness games with your child outside - it's both entertaining and useful.

There is a huge amount of children's literature devoted to safety issues. You can read these books with your children; many of them are made in an interactive format: in them you need to solve problems or draw something.

There are even audiobooks that contain children's stories that talk about safety . We all remember “Don’t drink the water, you’ll become a baby goat,” but this commandment also teaches the child the basics of safety.

The main thing is to always remember that the child reads the emotional state of the parent. If you calmly explain to your child how he can and cannot behave, he will not be afraid and will not be injured. If you yourself are in psycho-emotional tension, you are alarmed, scared, then the child, of course, considers these experiences and projects them onto himself. Such situations should be avoided.

The material was prepared for our publication by the portal I am a Parent as part of a joint monthly column. The site “I am a parent” has been helping moms, dads, grandparents and all those involved in raising children for more than 7 years to find a way to their child, teach him only good things and become better together with him! The portal gives recommendations on raising children, looking at the problem from different angles - both from the point of view of the parents and from the point of view of the child.

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Quotes about safety

Emergency exit at 30 thousand feet. Illusion of security..

I love it when someone touches my skin, strokes me, looks into my eyes, is interested in me, because then I feel a sense of security and feel cared for.

A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for.

- I can't sit still! “But that’s what you’ll do, because that way you’ll be safe.” “Which means nothing to me if you’re in danger!” -What are you talking about? I'm not in danger. On my side is Damon, that same selfish psychopath! - Very comforting.

Quotes about safety

Fight Club

Emergency exit at 30 thousand feet. Illusion of security..

Only girls in jazz (Some Like It Hot)

- Why would a man marry a man? - For security reasons.

The Vampire Diaries

- I can't sit still! “But that’s what you’ll do, because that way you’ll be safe.” “Which means nothing to me if you’re in danger!” -What are you talking about? I'm not in danger. On my side is Damon, that same selfish psychopath! - Very comforting.

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