Beautiful quotes from great people about life (205 quotes)

Best Quotes

One should look at the day as a small life.

Loneliness is a damn thing! This is what can destroy a person.

Happiness alone is not complete happiness.

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident.

Never make friends with a person you cannot respect.

A person who dares to waste an hour of time has not yet realized the value of life.

The bravest man becomes a coward if he does not have established views.

There is no better teacher than misfortune.

A soul that has never suffered cannot comprehend happiness!

There is nothing better in life than your own experience.

A person's character is never revealed more clearly than when he tries to describe the character of another person.

As a rule, you can judge a person by what he laughs at.

The one who can not lie is free.

The surest way to a person’s heart is to talk with him about what he values ​​above all else.

Life always gives a person less than he demands from it.

He who does not respect himself is unhappy, and he who is too pleased with himself is stupid.

Waiting for happy days is sometimes much better than the days themselves.

Happiness is in the anticipation of happiness.

There is no person who has only won in life's lottery.

Conscience usually does not torment those who are guilty.

We cannot tear out a single page from our lives, but we can throw the entire book into the fire.

Only those who are afraid lie.

To understand means to feel.

The world is boring for boring people.

It is bad if a person does not have something for which he is ready to die.

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, you need to learn to tell it to yourself.

If you regret not speaking once, you will regret not speaking a hundred times.

Being selfish does not mean living the way you want. This means asking others to live the way you would like.

Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends.

Quotes about love of life

Our life is made up of little things. We constantly find ourselves in different situations: pleasant and not so pleasant. We have to overcome difficulties. Sometimes, confused in our problems, we forget how beautiful our life is. Not everyone can love her. But our quotes will remind you of those happy moments that you have already experienced.

This page presents a selection of beautiful and short phrases that carry deep meaning.

I'm not saying that everything is perfect now. I just stopped chasing ideals and started living. Elchin Safarli.

I love life as a bird loves the air cut by its light wings. I love life as a flower loves a ray of sunshine, a drop of dew, splashes of rain and its own fragrant flower cup. I love life like someone who is loved, tortured, but loved, loved. And during a life that has known the greatest difficulties, I have more than once experienced extreme pain, physical and mental, but I have never been able to stop loving life, and I feel it as something deep, beautiful and destined. And death was close to me several times in my life, but it passed, only touching me and not hurting me. The story “The White Bride”, Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont.

Love of life is love for people, above all respect for their values ​​and traditions and for everything that can give it human meaning. Frodo Maynard.

Life is too short to allow yourself to live it insignificantly. Benjamin Disraeli.

Love life, and life will love you too. A. Rubinstein.

There is no other meaning in life than what a person himself gives to it, revealing his strength, living fruitfully. Erich Fromm.

Life should and can be unceasing joy. L. N. Tolstoy.

Wise Quotes

A friend is that person who knows everything about you and never stops loving you.

No truly great man has ever considered himself great.

The ability to endure solitude and enjoy it is a great gift.

Don't trust a person who has a good opinion of everyone.

No one can change a person.

If you think that a person has no shortcomings, then you don’t know that person well.

If you think that you cannot do without any person, then you are mistaken.. And if you think that someone cannot do without you, then you are even more mistaken!

By understanding others, we first of all understand ourselves.

Everything that doesn't kill me makes me stronger!

It is your mistakes, not your successes, that lift you to each new level!

Solitude is a place where it is pleasant to be, but unpleasant to remain.

Whatever is done is for the better.

Every person in our life is not in vain.

No person can abandon us, because initially we do not belong to anyone but ourselves.

All troubles are sent to us so that, looking for a way out of them, we begin our spiritual development and change something in ourselves for the better.

All joys are sent to us in order to show how wonderful life is when we are on the right path.

You should never worry about another person's choice, because... It's his choice, so why should we worry about someone else's actions?

Each person is sent into our lives for a specific lesson, so that through him we understand something in our lives.

If our paths in life diverge from someone, it means that this person has fulfilled his task in our life, and we have fulfilled his task in his. New people come in their place to teach us something else.

We ourselves choose our thoughts, which build our future lives.

Phrases about life

We ourselves choose our thoughts, which build our future lives. 9

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, you need to learn to tell it to yourself. 29

The surest way to a person’s heart is to talk with him about what he values ​​above all else. 40

When trouble happens in life, you just need to explain to yourself the reason for it - and your soul will feel better. 39

The world is boring for boring people. 36

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. 31

If our paths in life diverge from someone, it means that this person has fulfilled his task in our life, and we have fulfilled his task in his. New people come in their place to teach us something else. 57

What is most difficult for a person is what is not given to him. 22 - phrases and quotes about life

You only live once, and even that cannot be certain. Marcel Achard 9

If you regret not speaking once, you will regret not speaking a hundred times. 15

I want to live better, but I have to live more fun... Mikhail Mamchich 17

Difficulties begin where they try to simplify. 25

No person can abandon us, because initially we do not belong to anyone but ourselves. 12

The only way to change your life is to go where you are not expected 26

I may not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives meaning to life. 18

Life only has value because it ends, baby. Rick Riordan (American writer) 10

Life is more often like a novel than our novels are like life. J. Sand 12

If you don’t have time to do something, then you shouldn’t have time, which means you need to spend time on something else. 6

You can’t stop living a fun life, but you can make it so that you don’t want to laugh. 15

Life without illusions is fruitless. Albert Camus, philosopher, writer 11

Life is hard, but fortunately it is short (ps very famous phrase) 22

Nowadays people are not tortured with hot irons. There are noble metals. 18

It is very easy to check whether your mission on Earth is over: if you are alive, it continues. 6

Wise quotes about life fill it with a certain meaning. When you read them, you feel your brain begin to move. 18

To understand means to feel. 34

It's so simple: you have to live until you die 11

Philosophy does not answer the question of the meaning of life, but only complicates it. 10

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident. 17

Death is not scary, but sad and tragic. To be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, morgues is the height of idiocy. We should not be afraid of the dead, but feel sorry for them and their loved ones. Those whose lives were interrupted without allowing them to accomplish something important, and those who remained forever to mourn the departed. Oleg Roy. Web of Lies 13

We don't know what to do with our short life, but we still want to live forever. (ps oh, how true!) A. France 14

The only happiness in life is constant striving forward. 22

In the tears that each of the women shed by the grace of men, any of them could be drowned. Oleg Roy, novel: The Man in the Opposite Window 16 (1)

A person always strives to be an owner. People need to have houses in their name, cars in their name, their own companies, and spouses stamped in their passports. Oleg Roy. Web of Lies 5

Now everyone has the Internet, but there is still no happiness... 18

Interesting quotes

If you don’t have time to do something, then you shouldn’t have time, which means you need to spend time on something else.

Give people more than they expect, and do it with joy.

I may not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives meaning to life.

Give a person a purpose to live for, and he can survive in any situation.

To live badly, unreasonably, intemperately does not mean to live badly, but to die slowly.

Just as there is a disease of the body, there is also a disease of the lifestyle.

The only happiness in life is constant striving forward.

Life is beautiful, despite the shortcomings.

When trouble happens in life, you just need to explain to yourself the reason for it - and your soul will feel better.

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life.

Every life well lived is a long life.

Truly, those who do not value life do not deserve it.

The best thing in a person's life is friendship with other people.

The true purpose of man is to live, not to exist.

Life is a series of choices.

Woe to people who do not know the meaning of their lives.

All life depends on whether the soul is mortal or immortal.

The moral qualities of a person should be judged not by his individual efforts, but by his daily life.

It doesn't matter where you live. The only thing that matters is what we spend our lives on.

It’s stupid to make plans for your whole life without even being a master of tomorrow.

What matters is not how long, but whether you lived right.

Let's say what we think; to think what we say; let the words be in accordance with life.

Live means fight.

Both fable and life are valued not for their length, but for their content.

Only those who do good live.

Philosophy does not answer the question of the meaning of life, but only complicates it.

We only live once, but to the end!

Life is too complex a thing to talk about it in all seriousness.

Laughter and sigh, kiss and goodbye - that’s our whole life

Remember that every day is the first day of the rest of your life.

Doubts and uncertainty are bad companions in life. They make you hustle in one place and then regret missed opportunities.

To live means to make a work of art out of oneself.

We are all born for love - this is the only meaning of life.

It’s a pity that with age, people lose the ability to enjoy life the way children do...

And I believe in miracles... It’s much more pleasant for me to live this way.

There will be a new dawn - there will be a sea of ​​victories! And never believe that there is no way out!

Life is not about the days that have passed, but about the days that are remembered.

Life only makes sense when you live for someone other than yourself...

And even if fate is not fair, but life is a game, play beautifully

It happens differently for everyone... Life is like this, someone is happy, and someone disappears...

I’ll take multi-colored paints and paint a new picture, like a new life...

Sayings about life in prose

Life is a bit like a buffet. Some take from her as much as they want, others take as much as they can. some - as much as their conscience allows, others - as much as their arrogance allows. But there is one rule for all of us - you cannot take anything with you!


Our life is what we think about it.


Life will not teach you if you don’t want to grow wiser.


The best way to live your life in vain is to listen to other people's advice on how to live.


At first you are surprised how quickly the day passes, and then you realize that it was not a day, but life.


Time is the most precious thing in the world. Because time is life. The only thing that will never come back to you.


People live the longest when they care least about prolonging their lives.


The meaning of life is not to wait for the storm to end, but to learn to dance in the rain.


The worst thing that can happen is to die alive.


Every evening, review your thoughts. Throw the bad ones in the trash, put the good ones in your heart. It prolongs life.


From the point of view of youth, life is an endless future; from the point of view of old age, it is a very short past.


Over the years, you begin to realize that excessive frankness does not lead to anything good.


Modesty and conscientiousness are rewarded only in novels. In life they are used and then thrown aside.


There is always a place for heroism in life... The main thing is to stay away from this place.


The ladder of life is full of splinters, and most of all they dig in when you slide down it.


We must only move forward, even if we can only crawl.


Don't interfere with your life - others will take care of that.


Don't ruin your life with people who don't value you.


There are no mistakes. Events that invade our lives, no matter how unpleasant they may be for us, are necessary for us to learn what we need to learn.


For a long life you have to pay with old age.


Studying at the school of life is compulsory; not a single person can escape it.


If you are calm, the whole world becomes calm for you. It's like a reflection. Everything that you are is reflected completely. Everyone becomes a mirror.


Fate gives us what we have long dreamed of... but only when we have already learned to live without it.


Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.


Life is easier than it seems: you just need to accept the impossible, do without the necessary, and endure the unbearable.

Did something end too sadly? This means that something joyful will begin!

What can statuses about beauty mean? The beginning of a new life, a completely different view of things, radically unusual events...

  1. I am so surprised by the beauty of life that I have decided to accept: “She is beautiful.”
  2. And red caviar can become boring. But even squash can taste divine with the right approach. And I’m not just talking about caviar...
  3. You see trouble, but I see fog. And that’s all because they will definitely dissipate. In terms of exposure to the sun, yes.
  4. You can envy youth, you can envy old age. You can envy anything and never know any joy...
  5. Even in the fact that someone offends you, you can find advantages. Agree, sometimes it’s very nice to listen to these pathetic apologies.
  6. Don't know how to start living positively? It's simple: change small habits.
  7. Kindness is not done so that someone will ever repay it. Kindness is done for yourself. First of all, for your own heart...
  8. A positive attitude towards life is not necessarily a big phrase. This is the opportunity you give yourself to respond optimally to what is happening.

Don't know how to decorate your life? Be in a good mood!

  1. Believing in your own strength is real work that will definitely bear fruit!
  2. Life can't be beautiful, it's true. But it can always be a little better than yesterday!
  3. I’m taking all those who helped me stay afloat on an amazing flight of good mood!!!
  4. Let money come instead of rain tomorrow, success blow instead of wind, and let the sun remain in its place.
  5. Staying in a bad mood in such beautiful weather is a real crime.
  6. Don't ignore grievances. It is worth drawing conclusions and moving on.
  7. Hey, smile! This is necessary in order to awaken, to reach happiness.
  8. Let them explain to me a thousand times why I can’t. And I will prove a thousand times that I can do it.

Be sure to follow the impulses of your heart!

Statuses and quotes “life is beautiful” will make you smile if you suddenly feel sad. This is a completely different, lighter, but not at all stupid way of looking at things.

  1. You don't have to always win. It's important to put a little more effort where it's really needed!
  2. I always feel sorry for envious people, because compared to me they look pathetic. But how nice it is sometimes to feel that you have envious people...
  3. I love life because it doesn’t stop for a minute.
  4. Life is like a zebra. One stripe is white, the other is black. What are we doing? Of course, we go along the white one!
  5. It is possible to live positively. To do this, don’t look back and don’t look forward. The present moment is in most cases devoid of suffering...
  6. Here everything has long been decided for you: it is not clear when you will be born, it is not clear when you will die. All that remains is to vividly live the gap between.
  7. I love taking risks! Then you value everything you have in life a little more...
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