2 2919 July 18, 2021 at 10:09 pm Author of the publication: Marina Golomolzina, journalist
“Live in the current moment and you will be happy!” - is now a very popular motto. In order to be in the moment, to stop the racing of thoughts, we sit down to meditate, forget about everything, or leave for permanent residence in Goa, joining the ranks of downshifters. It’s tiring when thoughts, like fleas, jump from regrets about the past to an alarming future. Fatigue accumulates from the heap of planned tasks. There is no time to smile at a child, be in silence, feel the breath of the spring breeze, in a word, truly live the moment here and now.
Is there any reason to be upset about such a life? Yes, but not everyone has it. For whom it is important to live in the moment and why you can’t find yourself in it, let’s try to figure it out with the help of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.
Say yes and say no
Both are equally important.
First, saying “yes” more often exposes you to incredible new experiences. You can think big, like finally going on that trip, or more local, like going to an impromptu show. Both are equally effective in moving oneself towards new states and sensations.
The other side of the always saying yes coin tells a different story. You know what we're talking about. This is when “no” comes into play.
A very good example: this is the story that Jim Carrey got himself into in the movie Always Say Yes. Although he initially said yes and changed his life in this wonderful adventure, by the end of the film he couldn't take it anymore. It was too much to say yes.
To be able to say yes to the things you want, you must also be comfortable saying no to everything and everyone.
This means: that informal meeting, that wedding, that deadline that no one asked if you could do it, that shopping list, and so on. You know better what is being said, and you can already remember a few of your own examples. Therefore, you need to be able to say no gently.
Tip #10: Set realistic goals and achieve them
Start setting realistic goals for yourself and achieving them. After all, it is the implementation of your goals in life that will give you joy and bring a lot of pleasure. Also, by achieving your goals, you will significantly raise your own self-esteem and become much more confident in yourself, which will help in the future not only improve your life, but also enjoy it. In other words, by bringing your plans to life, you will begin to receive only pleasure from it, and also learn to enjoy absolutely every day.
In conclusion of the article, it is worth adding that do not forget to develop and improve, and also constantly work on yourself in order to change your life for the better and get only pleasure from it.
Take care
When you take care of yourself, you feel good. You feel that you can take on any challenge that may come your way.
Try to look like you're taking care of yourself.
Clean yourself up, put on fresh clothes, comb your hair and that’s it. You are ready to face the world.
Do this every day and you will be ready for anything at any time.
Try to remember a day when you didn't shower, didn't change clothes, and your big plan was to stay home, watch TV, and indulge in junk food. The only problem was that you needed something from the store, so you left the house like that, secretly hoping that you wouldn't run into anyone you knew. But everything turned out exactly the opposite.
What happened next? You tried to step aside and avoid the meeting. When this failed, you were uncomfortable even making eye contact, and you tried to shorten the conversation as much as possible so that you could get home as quickly as possible.
Now imagine the same thing, only you look beautiful and smell like someone who takes care of themselves. Much better, right?
Quotes about moments
Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin
I present to you a selection of quotes about moments .
Our whole life is a series of moments, but among them there are special ones .
Quotes are grouped by topic: people and the moment, life and the moment, happiness and the moment, the path and the moment, time and the moment, woman and the moment, man and the moment, mind and the moment, travel and the moment, death and the moment, love and the moment, the present and the moment, health and the moment, success and the moment, relationships and the moment, marriage and the moment, the world and the moment, business and the moment, fear and the moment, art and the moment, pleasure and the moment, honesty and the moment, etc.
People and moment
You need to be able to seize good moments and take advantage of them. (M. Bulgakov)
The greatness of man lies in the fact that he is the only one of all creations who can turn a moment into eternity. (I. Goethe)
Now I know for sure: in a person’s life more than once there are such turning points that give rise to something new. Everything depends on luck, on your will and on fate. (G.D. Roberts)
People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. Instantly. (K. Castaneda)
To try is to lose your balance for a moment. Not trying means losing yourself. (S. Kierkegaard)
At some point you have to finally make up your mind. You can't live your whole life in the middle. (H. Bardem)
There are times when ignorance is a blessing. (C. Dickens)
The character of a person, my dear, does not harden. He can gain strength. Or it may degenerate. What a person really is becomes visible only when the test comes, that is, the moment when you either stand on your own two feet or fall. (A. Christie)
The moment we begin to put ourselves above other people, at that moment we lose ourselves. So be vigilant, be strong and be kind. (B. Guterson)
Beauty leads us to despair, it is an eternity that lasts a moment, and we would like to extend it forever. (A. Camus)
Hope is paradoxical. This is not passive waiting or forcing events that cannot happen in reality. She is like a hidden tiger who leaps only when the moment is right. (E. Fromm)
Every person has his own history, and history has its own critical moments: and a person can be unmistakably judged only by how he acted and what he is like at these moments, when his life and honor would lie on the scales of fate, and happiness. And the higher a person is, the more grandiose his story is, the more terrible the critical moments, and the more solemn and astounding the way out of them. (V. Belinsky)
By the way, quotes about people
Life and moment
Life is a duty, even if it were a moment. (I. Goethe)
If you had more faith in life, you would give yourself less to the moment. (F. Nietzsche)
Life is a sailboat with too many sails, so it can capsize at any moment. (E.M. Remarque)
Life is always waiting for the right moment to act. (P. Coelho)
Don't waste the best moments of your life just because you are not confident. (N. Cage)
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away. (M. Angelou)
The moment you lose the illusion of your immortality, life loses all meaning. (J.-P. Sartre)
Life tries not to show its bestial grin in order to grab a person at the right moment. (S. King)
The entire life of an individual is nothing more than the process of giving birth to oneself; We are probably born completely at the moment of death, although the tragic fate of most people is to die before they are born. (E. Fromm)
Life is Beautiful! Even if the train crushes me and drags my torn out and bloody insides along the rails, even at that moment, dying from pain, I will exclaim: how wonderful life is! (A. Kuprin)
I believe there are times in our lives when we make vital decisions without knowing it. (S. Fitzgerald)
I was wise, if you like, because at any moment I was ready to die, but not because I fulfilled everything assigned to me, but because I did nothing of all this and could not even hope to ever do even a part. (F. Kafka)
By the way, quotes about life
Happiness and moment
Happiness is when you don’t need anything at the moment other than what you already have. (E. Safarli)
Lasting happiness comes to those who hold tightly to its moments. (E. Safarli)
And the sadness in other words, the sadness of individual moments... they only set off the hand-crafted happiness. (Al Quotion)
I found happiness the moment I decided to stop searching. (F. Begbeder)
It’s a shame to count the intervals between happy moments not in hours, but in years. (O.Henry)
Humans are social beings. We are born thanks to other people. We survive with the help of those around us. Whether we like it or not, we can hardly find moments in our lives when we are not dependent on others. Therefore, it should not be surprising that human happiness is the result of our relationships with others. (Dalai Lama XIV)
For us Japanese, being happy means, first of all, that at any age and at any time we have something to do and what we enjoy doing. (T. Kitano)
By the way, quotes about happiness
Path and moment
The two most difficult tests on the spiritual path: patience while waiting for the moment of truth and the courage to accept what happens without judgment or evaluation. (P. Coelho)
Have you ever had moments when your whole life stops at a crossroads and you are faced with a choice, but even when choosing one road, you keep your eyes on the other, sure that you were mistaken? (D. Picoult)
Everyone goes their own way. But all roads still go nowhere. This means that the whole point is in the road itself, how you walk along it... If you walk with pleasure, then this is your road. If you feel bad, you can leave it at any time, no matter how far you go. And it will be right. (K. Castaneda)
The only moment of awareness and understanding that you are alone: you walk the path alone, you create the path alone, you live your life alone. No leader, no leadership. You are alone, you are loneliness. No one can interfere or spoil it. It is so pure, innocent and beautiful. This solitude is the path, this solitude is meditation, this solitude is yoga. (Osho)
By the way, quotes about the path
Time and moment
Time is endless movement, without a single moment of rest - and it cannot be conceived otherwise. (L. Tolstoy)
There is no time, there is only a moment. And therefore, in this one moment you must put all your strength. (L. Tolstoy)
There is no time - life is so short - for squabbles, apologies, bile and calls to account. There is only time to love, and even for this, so to speak, there is only a moment. (M. Twain)
Time does not wait and does not forgive a single lost moment. (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky)
With the help of a camera, I saved moments of life because I learned to seize the moment and stop time. (S. Salmon)
Since time is infinite, infinity has already passed up to the present moment, that is, every possible development should have already taken place. Therefore, the observed development must be a repetition. (F. Nietzsche)
By the way, quotes about time
Woman and moment
There comes a time in every woman's life when the only thing that helps is a glass of champagne. (B. Davis)
You can do whatever you want with a woman, but you need to constantly explain to her what we are doing at the moment. (M. Zhvanetsky)
There is one painful moment in a conversation with a woman. You present facts, reasons, arguments. You appeal to logic and common sense. And suddenly you discover that she is disgusted by the very sound of your voice. (S. Dovlatov)
I can call the most wonderful moment in my life the one when I realized that I had a friend, a like-minded person. (V. Rotsler)
A turning point had come in her life. She stopped believing that she could improve the situation by writing a poem about it. (D. Nichols)
By the way, quotes about women
The man and the moment
The ideal man does not exist. The ideal man is the one you love at the moment. (F. Sagan)
If he has joyful thoughts or pleasant moments, he prefers to hide them. (T. Dreiser)
He is not a man in life, he is a man of the moment. A beautiful, wonderful, even bewitching moment, but only a moment. He is like a night butterfly, like a one-day moth. Only pastime can be shared, but not life. (A. Coutier)
A man calms down not because he finds the right woman. But because it is ripe for this. Whatever woman meets him at the moment when he is ready, she will settle down with her. And it won’t necessarily be the best or the most beautiful - just the one that was at hand at the right time. Unromantic? But it's true. (L. Hamilton)
By the way, quotes about men
Mind and moment
If at first the idea does not seem absurd, it is hopeless. (A. Einstein)
We are all philosophers for others, but not for ourselves; the moment we begin to feel, we stop indulging in wise thoughts. (E. Bulwer-Lytton)
There is something in us that is wiser than the head. It is precisely at important moments, in the main steps of our lives, that we are guided not so much by a clear understanding of what needs to be done, but by an internal impulse that comes from the very depths of our being. (A. Schopenhauer)
If you just sit and watch, you will see how limitless your thinking is. If you try to calm him down, it will only get worse. But over time, thinking calms down on its own and you learn to control it. At this moment, intuition awakens and you see everything around you much more clearly than you saw before. (S. Jobs)
Travel and moment
Only at the moment when you start traveling around the world do you fully understand what exactly is wrong with the place where you were born and raised. (I. Welsh)
Don't think about what you'll say when you get back. Time is here and now. Seize the moment. (P. Coelho)
I used to travel a lot and at some point I suddenly realized that no matter where I was going, in fact I was only moving through one space and that space was me. (V. Pelevin)
For him, there were only two favorite moments left in life: when he approached the big city and when he left it. (P. Hoeg)
By the way, quotes about travel
Death and the moment
To die means to leave against your will at the most interesting moment. (M. Fry)
I must admit, Dad, at that moment I realized that I really liked killing. (E. Che Guevara)
Fear of death stems from fear of life. A person who lives life to the fullest is ready to die at any moment. (M. Twain)
Every organism begins to die from the moment of birth and carries within itself the reasons for its impending destruction. (J.-J. Rousseau)
It is better to die as a human at any moment than to live forever as a beast. Ecclesiastes was wrong. A dead lion is better than a living dog. (D. London)
Love and moment
The moment you are filled with bliss, a great desire arises to share it. When you share it, that is love. (Osho)
People who are distrustful of themselves want to be loved more than to love, so that one day, at least for a moment, they will be able to believe in themselves. (F. Nietzsche)
Don't miss the moment. Don't let the people you love leave without telling them how you feel about them, because life passes and then it ends. (L. Litt)
At the very beginning of any relationship, there is always a moment when a person decides whether to fall in love or not. (M. Fry)
By the way, quotes about love
Present and moment
Do not linger in the past, do not dream about the future, focus your mind completely on the present moment. (Buddha)
Take advantage of the current day. Seize the moment. (Horace)
Everything present is a moment of eternity. (Marcus Aurelius)
The best time to do something is now.. (A. Franklin)
I live in the moment. And he's wonderful. (J.P. Belmondo)
We can only act here and now. Stop wasting such an important and present moment on worries and regrets and do not put things off until tomorrow. (D. Carnegie)
Health and moment
It is better to use medications at the beginning of the disease rather than at the last moment. (Publius Syrus)
The moment a person begins to think about the meaning and value of life, one can begin to consider him sick. (S. Freud)
Playing sports is never superfluous. But it’s better to understand this now, and not at the moment when half a dozen zombies are chasing your fat, heavily breathing body. (V. Harrelson)
By the way, quotes about health
Success and moment
Anyone who has achieved tremendous success will tell you that his life changed at the very moment when he first believed in himself. (R. Shuler)
The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for a goal, and it is necessary that every moment of existence has its own high goal. (M. Gorky)
We rejoice at success, but it doesn’t teach us anything. Defeats are very painful - and we remember such lessons for a long time. Looking back, it is misfortune that we usually consider the turning point in our lives. (E. Matthews)
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Relationships and moment
How people love to disappear. Especially at the moment when you are already attached to them. (A. Chekhov)
The wonderful moments of return make you love the desperate moments of farewells. (A. de Musset)
The moments of meeting and parting are for many the greatest moments in life. (K. Prutkov)
And when we put off recognition for too long, it becomes increasingly difficult to do, and finally a moment comes when it simply becomes impossible. (M. Mitchell)
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Marriage and moment
Have you ever seen a marriage that did not entail disappointment, especially when beauty was included in the dowry? This is happiness that ends exactly at the moment when it begins: the day before - bliss, the next day - disappointment. (L. Archensola)
Divorces... If at some point people stop getting along with each other, divorce is the right way out. But first you need to try to do everything possible to save love. (A. Celentano)
Peace and moment
The world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the blink of an eye, but the dance lives on. (M. Jackson)
There is nothing else except the spiritual world; what we call the sensory world is evil in the spiritual world, and what we call evil is only the necessity of some moment of our eternal development. (F. Kafka)
By the way, quotes about peace
Business and moment
Business teaches us patience. The main thing here is to be able to wait for the right moment. (B. Arno)
The feeling of cheerfulness with which I left the bank is difficult to express in words. Imagine - they trusted me with two thousand dollars on my word. That meant something. From that moment I felt that I was a Businessman. (D. Rockefeller)
Unfortunately, at the moment Russia is not compatible with Internet business. (P. Durov)
By the way, quotes about business
Fear and moment
At the moment of greatest danger, fear knows no compassion. (Yu. Caesar)
Fear ends where the inevitable begins. From this moment on, fear becomes meaningless, and all we have left is hope that we will make the right decision. (P. Coelho)
There are moments when everything becomes monstrous, bottomlessly deep, when it seems so terrible to live and even more terrible to die. (V. Nabokov)
Art and the moment
There are moments when everything works out, don’t be horrified - it will pass. (J. Renard)
Every suffering, excitement, passion has a time when they belong to the person himself with his unique individuality, and another time when they begin to belong to art. But in the first moments, art is powerless to do anything with them. Art is the distance by which time removes suffering from us. (A. Camus)
By the way, quotes about art
Pleasure and moment
Enjoy the moment, the next one is already close. (T.R. Dewar)
The real moments of pleasure in my life are when I eat with my friends. (M. Bellucci)
Every pleasure reaches its highest power at the last moment. Therefore, of the ages, the most pleasant should be considered senile, and not mature. (L.A. Seneca)
Honesty and moment
One moment will reveal the villain to you, but the honest one is known only over the years. (Sophocles)
Every lie and absurdity is usually exposed because at the moment of its apogee an internal contradiction is revealed in them. (A. Schopenhauer)
There are, of course, times when decency doesn't matter. But these are moments. (V. Tokareva)
Money and moment
The only time a business person can borrow money with any confidence is when he doesn't need it. (G. Ford)
A banker is a person who lends you an umbrella when the sun is shining brightly and takes it away at the very moment when it starts to rain. (M. Twain)
By the way, quotes about money
Family and moment
The happiest moments of my life were the few moments I spent at home, among my family. (T. Jefferson)
You cannot judge a family man for every moment in his life, you never know what happens in a family. (F. Dostoevsky)
By the way, quotes about family
Sunset and moment
Dawn and sunset are two most important moments, and a person usually yawns at this time... (S. Jerzy Lec)
After the sun sets, there comes a moment when the color and lighting become amazingly beautiful. This effect lasts only a few seconds when the sun has just gone below the horizon, but its rays, as if ricocheting, continue to illuminate the earth. (R. Waller)
By the way, quotes about sunset
Parents and the moment
Children and grandchildren multiply the number of problematic issues, giving their parents youth and a delay in death in return. (F. Bacon)
Perhaps the most terrible moment of learning is the one when you realize that your father is an ordinary person of flesh and blood. (F. Herbert)
By the way, quotes about parents
Past and moment
Don’t clog your memory with grievances, otherwise there may simply be no room left for beautiful moments. (F. Dostoevsky)
But if we remembered, if we could remember everything, what kind of mind would withstand an entire life in a single moment, especially the memories of feelings, with impunity? (A. Green)
By the way, quotes about the past
Society and moment
The oppressed can never dominate, because the moment they dominate they become oppressors. (N. Berdyaev)
If you support totalitarian methods, then the moment will come when they will be used not for you, but against you. (D. Orwell)
Words and moment
Speaking eloquently is a very great art, but you need to know the moment when to stop. (W.A. Mozart)
Usually at the moment when everyone around says: you're crazy, the most interesting thing begins. (K. Dunst)
By the way, quotes about words
Passion and moment
You know, there are times in life when it is simply sinful to resist temptation. (G. Harrison)
Passions are hiding nearby, in the next house, which he does not even imagine. And the flames could spread at any moment and burn down the house that he considers his own. (K. Jung)
Reading and moment
If I hadn’t found this book at the right time, I might have gone crazy! (G. Miller)
This is the curse of reading people. We can be seduced by a good story at the most inopportune moment. (S. King)
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Coffee and moment
Coffee is a fleeting moment and a fragrant aroma. (C. Rodin)
When the fragrant cup was placed in front of her, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This was her moment of happiness. (T. Kawaguchi)
By the way, quotes about coffee
As you can see, quotes about moments are dedicated primarily to people, life, happiness, path, time.
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- quotes about breakup
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Make a wish list
Tell me: why is it only when we are faced with something terrible that we realize how limited our life is?
Why do we always think “someday” when we make plans?
Why is the future always better for our desires, but the present is only good for our daily tasks and responsibilities? You know: cleaning the house, grocery shopping, laundry.
If you've never written a Bucket List, don't worry. It doesn't have to be filled with only life-changing extreme events or expensive things. Instead, start small.
Make a Summer Wish List: drinks in the park, free outdoor concert. Write a Winter Wish List: sledding, building a snowman.
The idea behind this tip is to create a Wish List. Read it every day and take the opportunity, when any desire comes true, to mark it as fulfilled on the list. In the future, you will smile every time you do it. And this is how you turn your everyday life into something exciting and interesting.
Tip #2: Start thinking positively
You need to completely get rid of negative thoughts and start thinking positively in order to reconsider your life and get only pleasure from it. After all, if you constantly think positively, you can begin to make further plans for life, which, over time, you can gradually implement. Thus, you can learn to enjoy absolutely every day of your life and live for your pleasure.
Find your sports activities that you enjoy
One of the best ways to seize the moment and enjoy life? Playing sports!
You've probably heard and read this advice a million times before. But you should know that this is simply the truth. Many people have changed their lives by playing a sport they enjoy.
I love strength training (weight training), it helps me deal with stress, anxiety and boredom, it's both an outlet and a source of satisfaction for me and I can't imagine my life without it.
Strength sports allow me to do one of the following:
- I feel good
- I challenge my body
- I'm thinking
- Letting off steam when stressed
- Burning calories
So when I have a tough day, I work out and feel great. Moreover, I don’t need to go or go to the gym on purpose, I equipped it at home. If you are interested in how I came to this, what equipment I purchased and how much it cost me, you can read my story here.
Simply put, working out always has a positive impact on my happiness. This is why exercise is ALWAYS featured in guides on how to be happy!
Choose the activities that you like: running, swimming, fitness, cycling, long walks... and be HAPPY! Or maybe you are interested in strength training that is suitable not only for men, but also for women. You can read here Strength training for women. The benefits of strength training.
Tip #7: Use difficult times as an opportunity for change.
Of course, in life things don’t always work out easy and simple. Sometimes it happens that you have to find strength in yourself to survive in difficult times. Of course, you have to make a lot of effort to overcome the difficulties that arise in life. But at the same time, such circumstances must be treated as a definite opportunity for change, no matter how difficult and complex they may seem to you. Therefore, by coping and overcoming difficulties, you can gradually change your life for the better, which will allow you to enjoy every day and begin to enjoy life.
Get out of your normal path
It doesn't get any easier than this.
Consider changing your route to work and back home. Consider trying that food on the menu that you don't even know what it is. Consider trying a new drink or cocktail. Consider listening to people you usually avoid.
Everyone has a story, and most have a killer one to share. You can learn something new from every person you meet and gain new experiences that you can benefit from.
Using Yoga to Connect with the Present Moment
Yoga is a great way to connect with the present . There are many reasons why yoga is beneficial for mindfulness, but one of the main ones is, of course, paying attention to your breathing.
When we focus our attention on our breath, we have no choice but to be in the present.
To bring yourself back to the present in a moment of stress or when you feel overwhelmed by the past or future, you can try this breathing exercise from Yokeley:
Inhale and say to yourself, “I am inhaling,” exhale, saying, “I am exhaling.” On the next round of breathing, try to tell yourself: “I am here and now.”
The flow of yoga from one position to another is a great opportunity to develop the ability to stay in the present moment. Transitions mimic the changes we experience as we move from work to rest, cooking, cleaning, sleeping, and everything else in between.
Spend time outside
You've heard it before.
All of us living in the city miss sunlight, fresh air and the peace that comes with it.
If you say it can't be done because of your busy schedule, try walking more from one building to another. Or just go outside during short breaks at work.
Little moments like these count and they add up in the end. Don't lose sight of them and don't underestimate their power.
Tip #8: Stop Wasting All Your Time
Start valuing all your time and stop wasting it completely. After all, if you waste your time, you will completely stop noticing any changes in your life. Of course, over time, you begin to realize that life is not getting better and that is why you cannot please and enjoy it. If, on the contrary, you begin to properly distribute all your time, you will gradually begin to notice that your life is only changing for the better. Thus, you begin to not only value your time, but also enjoy your life, which is only changing for the better.
7. Whatever you do, don't plan every minute.
We all have so much to do. We always feel like we are running somewhere.
Let life go spontaneously.
If you're reading this, chances are you have at least some control over your schedule. Don't plan every minute with activities. Leave time for relaxation, for spontaneity. Your brain will thank you for this. Your energy levels too. And even your mood.
This way you also make room for the unexpected. For the opportunity to say “yes” to an impromptu invitation to see a street performance, have a picnic, or just take a walk in the park or have a coffee date.
Keep control of your presence on the Internet
It's not about going off the grid completely. We truly benefit from the benefits that the internet has to offer us. But keep it under control.
The research is clear on this issue. The World Happiness Report, which comes out every year, confirms this. People spend more time online than interacting with each other in person, which has unprecedented negative side effects on our happiness levels.
The logic is simple. If you want to increase your level of happiness, all you have to do is go somewhere, visit someone, read a magazine or a book. Instead of watching a movie at home, visit an art exhibition. The possibilities are endless when you focus on the little things.
How to live at the moment?
To achieve a healthy balance, try to remember the following:
- Think about the past in small doses and make sure that you are focusing on the past for some reason (for example, to relive a pleasant experience, identify where you went wrong, or figure out the key to past success).
- Think about the future in small doses and make sure you are focusing on the future in a healthy way without worrying about yourself (e.g. don't waste time worrying about the future, think about the future long enough to prepare for it and then move on).
- Stay in the present moment most of your time.
Map, Clock and Reviews
Just go. Lately, we all feel obligated to make the best decisions possible every time. Even if it's all about buying a toothbrush.
When going on vacation, we plan in advance the route for each day of our stay.
Remove the city map. Don't read restaurant reviews, just sit down and order. Don't look at the clock, do what you feel, whether it's 2 am or day.
Tip #1: Become a positive and optimistic person
To start enjoying every day of your life, you need to become an optimist and completely reconsider your life. Start to notice, first of all, the positive moments in your life, without focusing only on one continuous negative. Remember, if you become a positive person, you will be able to generate only positive energy around you, which, in turn, will be reflected in your perception of the entire world around you. Also, by becoming an optimist, you will be able to attract only positive energy, which will help you improve your life.
Constantly learn something new
If you've always wanted to cook better, but don't have the time, energy or skills to organize it, look for cooking classes. You don't know where a chance will come from, and perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life.
Don't wait for others to do things. We all want to do things with our friends, but sometimes they don't share the same interests. Don't let this stop you. And remember, there is no better time than the present, no perfect time in the future.
You'll thank yourself and have some good stories to tell the next time you interact with someone new on one of your vacation trips.
Sufferers unwillingly
According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, each vector has its own desires and its own values. During the skin phase of development, whose values are determined by the skin vector, representatives of other vectors may experience the feeling that it is difficult for them to be in the moment, it is impossible to feel the taste of life. Everyone is involved in a constant race for novelty and consumption - the attributes of the era. Healthy representatives of the skin vector like it, they “get a buzz” from the realization of their innate desires.
But, for example, a person with an anal vector wants to live in his own leisurely rhythm of life, but he is constantly being pushed on. The representative of the visual vector wants to have a heart-to-heart talk, but he does not have time for this. The owner of the sound vector has difficulty finding opportunities to concentrate thoughts in this noisy and always rushing world. That is, their deepest desires do not find fulfillment, so it seems to them that they are not living their own life, that life is passing them by.
And in one person deficiencies and a feeling of dissatisfaction with life can accumulate if he is a polymorph and all these vectors, together with the flickering skin, are in him. What to do? Is it even possible to be happy in this case?
Reward yourself
This is for you and only you.
Reward yourself for every little thing you do the way you want. Did you have a good day at work when everything you planned was done? Buy yourself some ice cream.
The rewards have dual meanings. First, the more obvious one is you give yourself a moment, whether it's in the form of ice cream, a new pair of shoes you've been eyeing, or movie tickets.
The second power of rewards is that they act as motivation.
Everything on this list is connected. You try something new, you meet someone new. You don't wait, you do it. You challenge yourself, you reward yourself.
Using the present moment to stop worrying
Speaking of anxiety, being aware of the present moment is a great way to reduce your anxiety levels.
Follow these six steps to become more present and free from anxiety:
- Develop mindfulness: Stop thinking about your work.
- Practice Enjoyment: Avoid worrying about the future by fully experiencing the present.
- Focus on your breathing: Allow mindfulness to make you more peaceful and smooth your interactions with others.
- Find your flow: Make the most of your time.
- Improve your ability to accept: move towards what's bothering you instead of denying or running away from it.
- Increase your engagement: Notice new things to improve your awareness.
Help others
The relationship between helping and happiness is undeniable. Even just giving time to others increases overall well-being.
Firstly, it makes you feel better and you will act in the same positive manner in the future; and secondly, it spreads happiness to someone else.
There are thousands of activities you can volunteer for, but remember, we're talking about the smallest possible actions you can take to increase your joy.
Think about holding the door, giving flowers, giving compliments, smiling, returning a lost item. These little things work wonders when trying to spread other people's happiness, and paradoxically, it also increases our own happiness.
Why can it be difficult to live now?
Living in the present is so difficult because we are always encouraged to think about the future or dwell on our past. Advertisements, reminders, notifications, messages and warnings are all oriented towards the past or the future.
Our phones are incredible technologies that allow us to do so much more and do it much more efficiently than ever before, but we really need a break from our phones at least every now and then.
Other factors that contribute to our inability to live in the present include:
- We often correct the bad parts of our experiences by making our past more pleasant than it actually was.
- When we live in the present, we face a lot of uncertainty, which can cause anxiety.
Dealing with these factors can be difficult, but fortunately we are not slaves to our brain's tendencies. It is possible to overcome our destructive urges and make better choices.
Now this sounds a little counterintuitive, doesn't it? Yes and no.
There are countless studies that say the same thing. Without enough sleep, we are more prone to making mistakes, and we fail to recall memories or complete basic tasks, even our thoughts. But every person is different from another.
I need on average 6+ hours at night and 2+ hours during the day. I stopped trying to change and feeling guilty about it, I just focused my life on the fact that I sleep like this. Otherwise, I won't be working at full capacity and it will prevent me from enjoying the hours I'm awake.
After us - even a flood!
System-vector psychology distinguishes eight vectors in the psyche of humanity - eight groups of desires and properties for their implementation, inherent in nature. Each vector gives a person its own system of values, creates a type of thinking, and determines a life scenario. A modern person has on average 3-5 vectors, and such a person is called a polymorph.
Two vectors - anal and urethral - make up the quartile of time, its internal and external parts. Accordingly, the owner of the anal vector is a person whose thoughts are turned to the past, and the representative of the urethral vector in the present lives in the future. And this is normal, because their preferences are given to them in order to fulfill their purpose: the anal person - to collect past experience and pass it on to descendants, and the urethral person - to lead society into the future.
But the owner of the skin vector just strives to live in the present, without remembering the past, because his memory is “short”, and without thinking about the future, because by nature this is not his concern. “After us there might be a flood!” - this is the motto of a person with a skin vector. But it is precisely for him in a state of stress that it is typical to overload himself with many unnecessary things, to fuss and flicker, without having time to enjoy the present moment. And super control in the skin vector sometimes prevents its owner from getting true pleasure from life.