How to look into the future correctly in order to be happy - the results of a study by Daniel Gilbert from Harvard

Quotes about the future

The present predetermines the future with plans. Without planning, the world cannot function effectively. – G. Lichtenberg

The future will come when you take care of it. Otherwise you won't be able to find him. – A. Galsworthy

People of labor and thought create our future with their hard hands and bright ideas. We work in our thoughts. And labor desires a thinking head.

I have no time to think about the future. It does not ask permission - it appears on its own. – A. Einstein

Predicting the future from the perspective of science relies on wisdom, ignoring insight, signs and predictions.

The future is vague, although it is subject to forecasts - general ones, of course. It is unknown who is waiting for whom, when. The bourgeois, capitalist reality is depressing. Here everyone thinks only about himself, rejecting collectivism. The struggle for survival and competition knock out confidence in the future, make people slaves, dependent, aggressive and revolutionary, which can lead to widespread unrest. – A. Ilyin

Those who do not believe in the future do not live to see it, dying along the way. – I. Goethe

I can’t think of immediate desires – what I will need in a second. In general, predicting the future is difficult, impossible. – F. La Rochefoucauld

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Your future has not yet been written. And no one's. The future is what you make it yourself. So, try your best. – From the movie “Back to the Future 3? (Back to the Future 3)

The future is a mirror without glass.

The future has several names. For a weak person, the name of the future is impossibility. For the faint-hearted - the unknown. For the thoughtful and valiant - an ideal. - Victor Hugo

He who does not look forward ends up behind. – D. Herbert

The best prophet for the future is the past. – D. Byron

We prevent the future, finding it too slow, or remember the past in order to delay this future, finding it too fast. – B. Pascal

Don't beat yourself up over things you probably should have done but didn't. The past is left behind. We need to look to the future. Rachel Mead “Vampire Academy. Book 4. Bloody Promises”

What awaits us in the future will never be obvious to us, just as the past will never influence us as much as the present. N. Dobrolyubov

Your future depends on many things, but most of all, on yourself

The future is in the present, but the future is also in the past. We are the ones who create it. If it's bad, it's our fault.

I'm interested in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there.

The future is a huge continent to which we have not yet landed. – V. Shklovsky


“Man is the only animal that thinks about the future,” Gilbert reports in his book. The ability to imagine the future comes from imagination, which, according to the author, is the greatest achievement of the human brain.

“The greatest achievement of the human brain is its ability to imagine objects and events that do not exist in reality, and it is this ability that allows us to think about the future.” (D. Gilbert)

Our brain does not just imagine the future - in fact, it “predicts” it based on the experience and knowledge gained, and making assumptions about the near and distant future.

Visions of the future serve two purposes:

  1. Firstly, in this way we strive to predict all possible failures and avoid them or solve them in the most successful way for us. Planning for the future gives you a sense of satisfaction from being in control of the situation.
  2. Secondly, dreams about the future are most often pleasant, because we like to imagine ourselves as the master of our destiny. However, despite frequent and diligent thinking about the future, our assumptions are not always correct.

The past determines the future: forecasts, predictions and prophecies for Russia and humanity

The year 2020 began with the hashtag #prayforaustralia, when forest fires killed 1 billion unique animals and destroyed 6.5 hectares of forest. Predictions and prophecies about future cataclysms were heard from Vanga to Bill Gates.

Fires in Australia foreshadow a difficult 2020

After 2025, humans begin to explore space on a large scale. Good luck to you, man!

With the advent of the coronavirus on the planet, the era of herd immunity of humanity began, and the whirlwind of misfortunes 2021, like a funnel, swirled the planet:

  • locust invasion - prediction of the famous 10 plagues of Egypt, biblical prophecy for humanity
  • collapse of state economies under the tag #covid-2019 - prediction of Vanga, B. Gates, Indian boy, economists' forecasts
  • the disappearance of a star in the sky that burned 2.5 million times brighter than the Sun - forecasts of futurologists, but not NASA
  • the future of Russia is on the brink of war with Turkey due to clashes in Syria - the prophecy of St. Cosmas and Paisius the Holy Mountain
  • explosion in Beirut - prediction and prophecy of 2014 by sea freight expert Mikhail Voitenko

And the prophecies of the holy books are coming true: elephants are dying en masse in Botswana

And the locust invasion, by the way, has already been described once

According to economists’ forecast, stock markets are collapsing like a house of cards amid the collapse of oil and the coronavirus epidemic on the planet. Only the future of Russia, according to the prophecies of analysts, the predictions of experts and the forecasts of futurologists, is like a ray of sunshine in this darkness. The country is still breathing, working and finding a vaccine against coronavirus.

Great states are undergoing complete transformation

What is the future? Definition

The future is a time line, a chain of events that have not yet happened, but can happen. The future is something that never ceases to excite a person.

Is it possible to change your destiny? It’s worth starting with the fact that nothing is constant, including the future. Just imagine what the world would look like when absolutely everything in it was subject to certain dogmas and rules. There would simply be nothing for a person to do. Everything has been decided for him. Accordingly, there is no need to gain this or that experience, and this is precisely why people come to earth. Immutability is a kind of violation of the Higher Laws of the Universe.

There is never a specific, unchangeable future. Never!

The key rule, which is used by various spiritual masters, and most successful people, says: “As long as you are alive, everything can be changed!” This also applies to the time of human life.

You can't experience someone else's happiness

Sometimes we look at a person who claims to be happy and wonder: how can he be happy? He probably doesn’t know what happiness is at all! However, this "not knowing" actually allows people to be happy with what they have because they don't compare themselves to others.

“Our experiences become part of the lens through which we see all of our past, present and future, and like any lens, they shape and distort what we see.” D. Gilbert

It is impossible to compare your experience of happiness with that of another person because you both have different “lenses” through which you see the world.

Limits of Imagination

Even imagination has its limitations. Professor Gilbert describes 3 of them:

  • The imagination willfully adds and subtracts details, and the necessary touches of the overall picture are either absent or fictitious;
  • When we talk about past or future events, we unconsciously “bring them closer” to our current state;
  • Imagination does not take into account that in the future we may feel differently than we expected.

Our brain loves to fill in gaps in memories and knowledge so much that it sometimes gets it wrong. That is why, when we imagine ourselves happy tomorrow, in a week or several years, our imagination draws an ideal scenario. But it may not be an accurate description of what tomorrow, the next week and the years ahead will look like, or how we will feel when that moment arrives.

The imagined future is always too perfect

Have you ever happily agreed to go to a party on a Wednesday night if, say, you were told about it a month before the event? How did you feel the day before the party? Do you feel the difference?

When we remember or imagine a distant event, our brain creates a much smoother picture than reality can offer us. Interestingly, instead of simply forgetting that there are details associated with a future event, we sincerely believe that in the future everything will be as smooth as clockwork. And this despite the fact that we certainly don’t plan tomorrow’s events to be ideal: we know how many things can go wrong.

It’s like with a party: a month before the “X” day, we are sure that we won’t get tired after work, won’t catch a cold, won’t quarrel with our partner, and in general, we’ll happily jump around in heels all evening with a glass of warm prosecco.

17 facts about what awaits us in the future 62

Scientists assure that in some 15-20 years a person will literally live in a fantasy world.

1. In the near future, cars with automatic pilots and flying cars may be created. Presumably, by 2020 there will be about 10 million driverless cars in the world, which will significantly reduce the number of deaths in road accidents.

2. According to forecasts, in 2021 anyone will be able to go to space. It is expected that admiring the Earth from outer space will become public entertainment, and super-tall buildings will serve as spaceports.

3. By 2050, more than 80% of the world's population will live inside urban centers. Vertical (tower) farms, which are already being successfully implemented, will help solve the problem of providing them with food. With widespread population growth and rising land prices, the vertical cultivation of food crops is the only way out. In addition, gravity will allow you to cover the entire farm area in one watering, saving both water and energy.

4. By 2045, buildings made from super-strong materials made from carbon could appear. The height of the buildings will reach 30-40 kilometers.

5. Currently, architects from the Japanese construction concern Shimizu are working on the Ocean Spiral project. This small autonomous underwater city in the form of a sphere will be able to process sea water and provide itself with energy. The walls of the sphere will be transparent, which will make it possible to receive light from the sea and transmit it deep into the structure. Such a structure will be able to accommodate more than 5 thousand people who will live and work in it. The Japanese are going to build this city in five years and have already allocated 23 billion euros for construction.

6. Considering the difficulties of moving across the terrain, Norway decided to work on the creation of underwater bridges. At a depth of 30 m, it is planned to build the world's first underwater floating bridges - in the form of large pipes designed for two lanes of traffic. The project, which has already cost $25 billion, will be completed in 2035.

7. Research that will significantly extend human life is in full swing. Cambridge gerontologist Aubrey de Gray believes that if technology continues to develop at the same rate, it is quite possible that a person has already emerged who will live to be 1,000 years old. A researcher is working on a therapy that will kill cells that have lost their ability to divide, allowing healthy cells to multiply and repair themselves. With this therapy, 60-year-olds can stay that way for another 30 years until they reach 90. According to Gray, this method could be available in as little as 6 to 8 years.

8. Experts say that in 7 years, implantable mobile devices will be available to society, i.e. Most of the planet's population will become cyborgs. The devices will be placed on the palms or on the head. And the problem of lost mobile phones will simply cease to be relevant.

9. Currently, about 420 million people in the world have diabetes. And they all need (from once a month to 5 times a day - depending on the severity of the disease) to prick their fingers to check their blood sugar levels. Special lenses will read the information contained in the lacrimal fluid of the eye and transmit it to the computer. The procedure will take place without patient intervention and is absolutely bloodless. Google and Novartis are confident that such lenses will appear within a few years.

10. With digital contact lenses, a person will only need to open their eyes to watch a movie or read a book. These lenses, equipped with built-in lasers and micromirrors that project a 3D image directly onto the retina, look no different from ordinary ones. Sony and Samsung have already patented several smart technologies with which contact lenses can record video simply by blinking an eye. The Magic Leap company is also working on a similar idea, but it was based on a regular headset.

11. By 2033, people will be wearing exoskeletons to protect themselves - something like shells like beetles or crabs to protect their insides from physical damage. The artificial muscles of exoskeletons will be five times stronger than human muscles.

12. In 2012, the Nobel Prize in Medicine went to the Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka for his project on organ regeneration. In his opinion, the human body, like a car, can work as much as it wants. The main thing is to change “worn parts” in a timely manner. To do this, you just need to introduce its own cells into the organ, only new ones. Shinya Yamanaka learned to reprogram a certain type of cell at the genetic level. If necessary, these cells are capable of restoring even the heart or the iris of the eye. The main thing is to deposit the biomaterial in advance in a cell bank. There are already 2 banks operating in Singapore and Dubai - where for 47,000 euros you can preserve your cells until the moment when regenerative medicine finally learns to use them.

13. The bladder and female genital organs are already being grown in laboratory conditions. But even greater possibilities are opened by 3D printing, which is capable of creating any human organs. Martin Birchall, a professor and surgeon at a London university, claims that humanity will be able to test printed organs and tissues in surgery in less than 10 years. And a team of biotechnology experts believes that the first artificial liver for transplantation will be created using a 3D printer as early as 2024.

14. Robots will be your best friends in the future. They will write emails or make appointments for the person. The assistant robot will be so smart that it will be able to understand its owner and respond to him. The first voice assistant was Siri, released by Apple back in 2010. Late last year, existing artificial intelligence robots passed a test developed by Chinese scientists. It turned out that the smartest of them, Google AI, scored 47.28 points. This result is still at the level of a 6-year-old child. But everything is ahead...

15. According to artificial intelligence expert David Levy, by 2050 a person will be able to start a family with a robot. In Japan you can already buy a robot that has emotions and speaks.

16. By 2033, humanity will most likely acquire military robots. Of course, homing missiles and Korean security robots already exist, but in this case we are talking about autonomous robots that can operate outside of human control.

17. In 2030, people will be able to post videos of their interesting dreams on social networks - in 2008, a group of Japanese scientists already created a device that can transform dreams into simple images. This was made possible by recording the electrical signals sent by the human brain. Dreams will be recorded by a “smart pillow” stuffed with electronics.

...Unfortunately, a wonderful future will not be available to everyone. According to studies, due to the spread of robots and automation, at least 375 million people around the world will lose their jobs by 2030.

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Predictions, prophecies, forecasts are beginning to come true en masse, what else can we expect? Rasputin's prophecy: "When Sodom and Gomorrah return to earth, women will dress in men's costumes, and men in women's costumes, humanity will see Death, riding on the white plague." Prophecy and prediction of Nostradamus: “The great plague in the seaside city will not stop until revenge is taken for the death and blood of the righteous.” Vanga's prediction: “In the double year, a poisonous yellow fog will rise over the planet.” We decipher, wait, worry in the next part of the article, and also look forward to 2025, a period of abundance and celebration, the triumph of civilizations, the fulfillment of dreams.

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