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To live badly, unreasonably, intemperately does not mean to live badly, but to die slowly
To live badly, unreasonably, intemperately does not mean to live badly, but to die slowly. The ultimate goal
Sniper quotes, aphorisms, statuses, phrases from around the world
Sniper quotes, aphorisms, statuses, phrases from around the world Extensive collection of quotes, aphorisms, sayings from
“Smile, gentlemen... Smile.” 20 brilliant quotes from Grigory Gorin
His works are divided into quotes. Today, on the writer’s birthday, we remember the 20 most
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest novel quotes. Chief Bromden quotes from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962)
Quotes from Chief Bromden from the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962) Interesting Thoughts from Chief Bromden
Cool statuses about medicine. I love statuses.
Laughing statuses about medicine Doctor's urine-bread... The operation was successful. It's a pity that the patient is talking about this
superman quotes, aphorisms, statuses, phrases from around the world
Superman JUNE 1938 COMICS »In the 1930s, the devastating world depression... ...did not spare even the great
Quotes about harmfulness: Harmfulness will not allow me to refuse Edik led me by the elbow. He was also upset, but remained calm. Old man Edel hovered around us, carried away by the inertia of his unit.
Quotes on the topic “Harmfulness” A SCREATER screams for hours in a bad voice, driving everyone crazy. If
The dark side quotes, aphorisms, statuses, phrases from around the world
Although Yoda is a fictional character in the Star Wars film franchise, the Jedi Grand Master's words
patience is
Class hour “Patience is the key that opens doors”
Trying to gain everything at once has never benefited anyone. Most people lose control
Quotes about the garage You will regret me bitterly. I will ensure that the highway is moved and it will pass through your area. And we will demolish private garages, as they disfigure the face of the city. And in this place there will be martyrs
Phrases from the film "Garage" The collection includes quotes and phrases from the film "Garage": I
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