Little princess quotes, aphorisms, statuses, phrases from around the world

Age is not a barrier!

Anyone can remain that same princess, you just have to want it! And no age, and no life difficulties will interfere with this. Statuses about princesses who have not lost their cute infantility.

  1. I'm not the sea - I don't care. I'm a princess - I'm high.
  2. Princesses need to be carried in your arms! They will climb onto your neck...
  3. There is nothing more beautiful than the smile of my princess, who fought back tears...
  4. The golden rule for every self-respecting princess: when you don’t know what to say, just smile.
  5. I'm not a rude girl, I'm a sweet princess. Just don't push me!
  6. Maybe I'm an arrogant upstart. But I’d rather be like this than a stupid princess who allows herself to be offended and humiliated!
  7. I'm not who I used to be. I'm tired of being a cute princess. Now I'm a cynical bitch!
  8. They tell me that I have changed and become somehow rude. No, that's not true. I just stopped being the princess that all the princes wipe their feet on...
  9. Only a pathetic loser would give up the princess he loves into the wrong hands!
  10. Five stages of princess awakening: denial, anger, bargaining, humility, coffee...
  11. It’s not a royal thing to suffer from love snot...
  12. Who needs a decent princess when there are so many second-rate whores around...
  13. She asked for carriages to be given to her, when she herself could only move on a broom...
  14. By my age, I realized one thing: smart thoughts come into my head to die...
  15. The kettle whistles, the microwave beeps. The children are screaming, the husband is freaking out. The cat asks to eat, the dog barks. The phone rings off the hook... a typical morning for an adult princess who has been so battered by life.
  16. My motto: “Never give up! Disgrace yourself - so to the end!
  17. Who said that I have no conscience? Show me this insightful bastard who knows me so well...
  18. Mom wanted a girl. Such a gentle, vulnerable and romantic... little princess, in a word. And I was born!
  19. Do you know why people love to look at the sky when they are in pain? This is how they try to hide their tears...

Little princess quotes, aphorisms, statuses, phrases from around the world

An extensive collection of quotes, aphorisms, and sayings from many sources on the topic The Little Princess from a variety of authors. Are you looking for a beautiful aphorism for your text? Want to use a clever quote in an important conversation? Or do you just want to put a beautiful status on VKontakte or Instagram? Then use our list of quotes about The Little Princess generated on this page.

You can be anything you want as long as you believe in it. Tags: A Little Princess // faith //

I don't want you to see us as enemies. We just think differently. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // enemies, enmity // thoughts //

Lies help to exist, but they kill life. And this is the hardest thing - not to lie to yourself. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // lies, deception // self-deception //

The truth is scary, but it’s not scary. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // truth //

When a person is in despair, he only thinks about who will help him. And it is at this moment that it is very important to understand: you yourself are the person who can help you. The way out will only appear the moment you stop looking for help on the outside. Until then, you look around instead of looking closer. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // man, people // despair //

When someone likes you, you want to say “thank you.” Tags: Frances Burnett // Little Princess // sympathy // gratitude //

A child once lived inside everyone - he could, like an x-ray, enlighten through a boa constrictor who had dined. Or see a live lamb in a box drawn on a piece of paper. But the main thing is that he knew the truth, he knew everything as it was. It didn't have a double bottom. He himself was both a small planet and the space around it. He was everything, life itself. But where is he now? “Why did this boy commit suicide? » Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // children // adults //

I just need attention. I don't demand much. I just need attention. How to live if you don’t feel like they think about you or dream about you? It is unbearable. A flower cannot live without the sun, and I cannot live without attention. It’s so natural... Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // life quotes // attention // quotes about yourself //

Responsibility is not love. Love is responsibility. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // love // ​​responsibility //

There is nothing more pleasant than imagining something. It's almost the same as being a sorceress. Tags: Frances Burnett // The Little Princess // imagination //

She loved the big family because everyone in it was so happy, and the Indian gentleman because he was unhappy. Tags: Frances Burnett // The Little Princess // love //

These are good, correct words. But the trouble is that no one in this fairy tale says “I love you” to each other. Nobody. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // love // ​​confession //

All girls are princesses, even if they live in attics, even if they are dressed in rags, even if they are not beautiful, not pretty and not young, they are still princesses. All of us. Tags: A Little Princess // women //

To be and to love are the same thing. And therefore, those who don’t love simply don’t exist. There are only those who love. And they - those who love - have no gender, because love erases differences. Dissolve, trust, belong... Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // feelings // love //

If I loved, if this feeling lived in me, everything would be different. But I didn’t love, I tried to do everything right, but not in truth. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // life quotes // love // ​​dislike //

I cried... These tears burst me, bursting me from the inside. They strangled, crushed, burned. Tears of fear, tears of despair, tears of fatigue, emptiness, helplessness, and now tears of happiness. Tears... I suddenly felt happy. I cried and felt happy. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // Angel // beautiful quotes // happiness //

It always took her a lot of effort to restrain herself if she was suddenly torn from reading. Those who love to read know this feeling of irritation. At such moments it is difficult to restrain yourself and not say harsh things. Tags: Frances Burnett // The Little Princess // life quotes // reading //

When things are bad... really bad... I struggle to remember that I am a princess. I tell myself: “I am a princess, I am a fairy-tale princess, and therefore no one can offend me and nothing can upset me.” You don’t even know how much it helps to distract yourself... Tags: Frances Burnett // Little Princess //

Dolls can do a lot of things, but we don’t know about it. I know this for sure. Maybe Emily really can read, talk and walk, but she only does this when there is no one in the room. This is her secret. After all, if people knew that dolls could do a lot of things, they would make them work. Maybe that's why the dolls swore an oath to each other to secrecy. If you stay in the room, Emily will just sit there with her eyes wide open. However, if you leave, she will start reading or maybe looking out the window. But as soon as she hears that someone is returning, she will immediately come running, jump into her chair and pretend that she was sitting there the whole time. Tags: Frances Burnett // Little Princess // dolls //

If we practiced more, we would always succeed. Tags: Frances Burnett // Little Princess // practice //

I remind you of a person who thinks that he cannot walk and therefore does not get out of bed. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // sad quotes // fear // will //

A man who can understand a woman usually lives with another man. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // women // men // understanding //

The first person with whom we must find true reconciliation, the first person with whom we must be honest to the limit, to the absolute, is ourselves. If there is no peace around you, it means there is no peace within you. And only peace with yourself, peace and harmony within yourself will transform the reality around you. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // person, people // quotes about yourself //

If you don’t lose your composure, people understand that you are stronger than them: you have the strength to restrain your anger, but they cannot and say all sorts of stupid things, which they later regret. Nothing compares to anger in power - except self-control, because it can curb anger. Tags: Frances Burnett // Little Princess // self-control // strength // anger //

What difference does it make what's outside? It's what's inside that's valuable. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // person, people // values ​​//

Laughter “satisfies” no worse than meat pies. Tags: Frances Burnett // Little Princess // laughter //

There is magic if you believe in it. Tags: A Little Princess // faith // magic, wizards //

“We are responsible for those we have tamed”... This is wrong. If you try to be “responsible” for someone, but you don’t love them yourself, that’s not responsibility—it’s a lie. We are responsible not for those who love us, but for those whom we love. Love is power. He who loves is the one who answers. And then everything is correct, because it’s fair. But to be responsible without loving is not true. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // love // ​​responsibility //

When you reach the very edge, something always saves you at the last minute. Like some kind of magic. Tags: Frances Burnett // The Little Princess //

... it doesn’t matter whether you are beautiful or not, rich or poor. The main thing is what you think and how you act! Tags: Frances Burnett // Little Princess // looks // money // thoughts //

The truth is in us. The only question is, where are we? Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // Danila // meaningful quotes // truth //

When life is bad, you need to think about someone else. Tags: Frances Burnett // The Little Princess // thoughts //

It is very convenient to blame another person for something that, in fact, you yourself are to blame for. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // man, people // lies, deception //

Everything in the world is a fairy tale. Both you and me. Tags: Frances Burnett // The Little Princess // fairy tales //

Two things are absolutely inevitable in a woman’s life: dust on the furniture and disappointment in a man. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // life quotes // women // disappointment //

The man perks up only after his dick. The penis is his “on and off switch.” He's attached to his dick. Neither mind nor heart... Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little princess // sarcastic quotes // men //

If I am a princess, then it doesn’t matter what I’m wearing: rags or silk. It's easy to be a princess if your clothes are made of gold. Try to remain her in poverty and sorrow. Marie Antoinette retained her royal dignity even when the throne was taken away from her and she was imprisoned, insulted and called the widow Capet. She had a single black dress, and her hair turned grey, but she remained a queen to a greater extent than when she led a dissolute life, wore bright, shiny clothes and lived in luxury and splendor. The crowds of screaming mob did not frighten her. She was stronger than them, even when she climbed the scaffold. When Sarah was especially sad and lonely, she often turned to this thought. She helped her accept all the hardships of fate without falling into despair, with mental fortitude. Tags: Frances Burnett // Little Princess // dignity //

The first step is to believe in yourself. Don’t look for outside help, don’t expect others to approve and support you, but do it yourself. Step over your fear, through your embarrassment, doubt, and say: “Yes, I can! And I will definitely succeed, because I believe in myself!” Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // motivational quotes // man, people // confidence //

Every person deep down thinks: “I am actually better than I seem. I can achieve more than I achieved. I have talents that no one suspects. In me there is Light, Good, Love.” Everyone thinks so! And that’s right - Light, Goodness and Love are in everyone! But when a person is about to commit an act, something seems to break in him. And he says: “No, I won’t succeed. No, I'm not good enough for this. No, I don't have such abilities. No, I can't love like that. And what do I know about Meanings, Goals, Truths..." We betray ourselves, every second! Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // Danila // meaningful quotes // person, people //

... I answer your questions because I respect you. And I'm glad if I can be of any help to you. But I answer them based on my knowledge. You can question them. You may think that I am mistaken. You can treat my words however you like. It is your right . But if you ask me, I will answer you according to my knowledge. I answer what I think, what I know and what I believe. I'm being honest with you. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // Hapten // motivational quotes // honesty //

I always try to remain silent. When you are insulted, it is best not to answer a word, but just watch and think. Tags: Frances Burnett // The Little Princess // motivational quotes // insult // silence //

If you think about something with all your might, then it seems that it really is so. Tags: Frances Burnett // The Little Princess // life quotes // thoughts //

How hard it is to be a rat! - Sarah thought. - Nobody likes them. Everyone jumps up when they see a rat and shouts: “Oh, disgusting rat!” It would be very unpleasant for me if people jumped up when they saw me and shouted: “Oh, disgusting Sarah!” - and set traps for me, pretending as if they wanted to treat me to dinner. Being a sparrow is incomparably better. But no one asked the rat what it wanted to be - a rat or a sparrow. Tags: Frances Burnett // The Little Princess //

... Would it be necessary to teach boys strength and determination if they were naturally like that? No . Would girls be taught to be weak if this trait was with them from birth? No . The truth is that a woman is strength and power, and a man is weakness and pliability. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // women // strength //

It is not known how animals understand people, only they, without a doubt, understand them. Perhaps there is some kind of language that does not depend on words, and everyone in the world understands it. Perhaps there is a soul hidden in every being, and it can communicate without words with other souls. Tags: Frances Burnett // The Little Princess // animals // soul // man, people //

To be sensitive, you must trust your love. To be tender, you must lose yourself in your love. To be strong, you must belong to your love. This is the truth - to be, you need to love. Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // love //

Remember, you can be anything you want as long as you believe in it. Tags: Frances Burnett // Little Princess // faith //

Those who truly love cannot be depressed. Depression occurs only in those who are self-obsessed. And the lover thinks about another person, about the one he loves. And even if your loved one feels bad, he will not give up and will not be depressed. He has no time for tears... Tags: Angel de Coitiers // Little Princess // meaningful quotes // love // ​​depression //

If Nature has made you a giver, your hands and heart are always open. Of course, it may happen that your hands are sometimes empty, but your heart is always full; It is from the fullness of your heart that you give people warmth, affection, help, participation, and laughter. Kindness and a cheerful laugh sometimes help the best! Tags: Frances Burnett // Little Princess // laughter // kindness // heart //

This is true . I really sometimes imagine myself as a princess. That’s why I try to avoid pranks that are not suitable for a princess. Tags: Frances Burnett // Little Princess // actions // imagination //

My little princess

We were all daddy's princesses as children, but how many were able to maintain that cheerful and optimistic attitude? Statuses about little princesses who sometimes grow up...

  1. Who raised such a daring little princess who didn’t want to meet anyone?
  2. Childhood is when you don’t worry about someone’s opinion. I sprinkled sand on the freak... and that’s it, you stand there, rejoice, feeling like a little princess!
  3. And then the right person writes to you: “I love you, my princess...” - and you immediately smile from ear to ear, and you become the happiest!
  4. I probably haven't grown up yet. There is still that little princess in me who rejoices when cartoons start.
  5. I'm crazy? No, I'm a small and naive princess who can hit the scoreboard!
  6. My little princess came home sober from prom! The happiest day of my life!
  7. Dad taught his little princess not to care about other people's opinions... and in this matter I do not let him down.
  8. I'm so small, but I know how to irritate in a big way!
  9. When my little princess grows up and starts dating a guy, the first thing I will do is invite him over and show him my collection of hunting knives!
  10. I remember the time when I was a little princess for my dad...
  11. How is it that such a beautiful and wonderful little princess like me doesn't have a boyfriend? I fucking died of happiness...
  12. What does the princess do when you don't see her? Socially useful work, of course! I lie on the sofa and don’t bother anyone...
  13. It turns out that if you take a break sometimes, then everyone isn’t such an ass...
  14. If you have been called selfish, it means you are going the right way! If you're a bitch, it means you've already reached the top! And if you are a princess, it means that you have already outgrown all these slaves and they think you are very cute!
  15. Sure, I'm daddy's sweet and shy princess... but thank God no one can read minds!
  16. Thanks to those people who tolerate all my hysterics, my idiotic character and behavior. And they can look at the vulnerable princess that I hide from everyone...

Disney Princess Rules of Life in Quotes and Facts

There are films and cartoons that can be watched endlessly. Disney Princess animated films are definitely one of those. First of all, it's beautiful. Secondly, stories about Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel, Tiana and other heroines motivate and help to believe that even the wildest dreams can (and should!) come true. In the material you will find the rules of life for heroines, interesting facts about the creation of cartoons and information about the new competition. By the way, in March you can watch cartoons about Princesses in the “Big Animation at 19:30” section on the Disney Channel.

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“Even miracles take a little time”


Cinderella's hard work, perseverance and optimism are admirable. Despite the blows of fate and the bad character of her stepmother, Cinderella retained her faith in miracles, goodness and justice. And she was rewarded! Her story will tell modern children why they need to be kind, decent, consistent and patient, step by step following their dreams. And if something doesn’t work out today, everything will definitely come true tomorrow.

Interesting fact.

Before starting work on the animation, the authors of the cartoon “Cinderella” filmed it in order to subsequently make the movements of the drawn characters as realistic as possible. For the role of Cinderella, Walt Disney invited actress Helen Stanley, who had already taken part in creating the image of Anita in the film 101 Dalmatians and Aurora in the animated film Sleeping Beauty.

“When one dream comes true, you go for a new one”


Curiosity is the main quality of Princess Rapunzel. Sitting imprisoned in a high tower, she dreamed of how one day she would see the whole world, full of adventure, inspiration and beauty. But even in the tower she was never bored: she painted, cooked and, of course, sang! Rapunzel's example will inspire children to try themselves in new activities and hobbies, learn to appreciate beauty even in the most ordinary things, share their talents with their loved ones, and be kind and selfless.

Interesting fact.

While working on the animated film about Rapunzel, ten women from the crew began to grow their hair. They later cut their hair and donated the hair to a charity that made wigs for people who had gone bald as a result of disease.

“Remember, making a wish is only part of the story. We still need to work a lot. And then everything you wish will come true.”

"The Princess and the Frog"

Hard work is the key to success. This is the life credo of Princess Tiana. Before fate pitted her against Prince Naveen in the form of a frog, Tiana literally worked her butt off as a waitress to fulfill her childhood dream of opening her own restaurant. Her example will show children how long, difficult and thorny the path to success can be, and the long-awaited happy ending is the fruit of honest work, faith in yourself and your dreams.

Interesting fact.

Work on the animated film lasted three and a half years. And the result exceeded all expectations! By the way, not a single frog was kissed during this time! ;)

What is the name of the alligator from the cartoon "The Princess and the Frog"? What is Rapunzel's favorite dessert? What is the name of the raccoon Pocahontas? In what country does the cartoon "Brave" take place? Especially for those who know everything and even more about their favorite heroines, the Disney Channel has prepared a competition “Follow your dreams, Princess!”, which will run until March 31 on the Disney Channel website.

The rules are simple! Participants need to carefully watch cartoons about Disney Princesses in the “Big Animation at 19:30” section, visit the website daily and answer the quiz questions. Winners will be determined every week: they will be the participants who answer the most questions correctly the fastest. These lucky winners will receive wonderful prize packages from the Disney Channel!

“You don't have time to be timid. You must be brave and courageous!”

"The beauty and the Beast"

Belle is motivation itself. She is smart, beautiful, loves to read and is not afraid to express her own point of view. In the village where she was born and raised, everyone considered her a little strange, and all because of her passion for books, her desire to escape from the wilderness and see the world in all its diversity! Belle's story is a wonderful illustration of how important it is to be brave, true to your own ideals, and not be afraid of the condemnation of society.

Interesting fact.

In the French village where Belle lives, only she wears blue clothes. Thus, the animators wanted to emphasize her uniqueness and difference from other townspeople.

“How can a world in which such beautiful things are created be bad?”


Remember Princess Ariel's incredible collection of different things? There was everything there: paintings, jewelry, and even broken spoons and forks, which the Little Mermaid considered real treasures. A real flea market underwater! Curiosity and an open outlook on the world are Ariel's main keys to success. Her amazing story teaches us to be ready for anything, expand our horizons, develop our inner world, try new hobbies, not be afraid to look strange and be ourselves.

Interesting fact.

While working on the cartoon, the artists drew more than a million sketches and selected a thousand shades to reliably convey the color diversity of the underwater world. By the way, the green-blue color of the Little Mermaid's tail was specially developed in the Disney laboratory. The animators named it after the main character of the cartoon - “Ariel”.

“Some say that fate does not depend on us, that we have no power over it, but I know for sure: our fate lives inside us. And you only need courage to see it..."


Brave and determined Merida, who shoots a bow brilliantly and rides like a medieval knight, is a great example for girls. And the point here is not the bow itself and horse riding. This young Scottish girl never compromised herself. The plot of the cartoon “Brave” subtly hints to modern children: everything is in your hands - regardless of social status, appearance and the opinions of others. You can become whatever you want if you work hard and follow (or ride!) your dreams step by step.

Interesting fact.

Merida is the eleventh official Disney Princess. Her coronation took place in 2013 at Walt Disney World in Florida. At the celebration, an ensemble of Scottish artists and musicians performed with ancient bagpipes and drums for hundreds of guests!

“Sometimes the right path is not the easiest”


Princess Pocahontas went against her father's will and centuries-old traditions in order to save her love and reconcile the two peoples. The story of Pocahontas will teach your children how important it is to listen to your heart and not be afraid of difficulties. They build character, help you gain experience, and form your own principles and point of view. And the cartoon about Pocahontas teaches children to love nature, take care of animals and respect elders!

Interesting fact.

The cartoon about Princess Pocahontas is based on real events. The plot is based on an incredible love story between the daughter of an Indian tribe leader and an English sailor. In real life, the girl's name was Matoaka.

“One grain of rice tips the scales. One person can be the difference between victory and defeat."


The main idea of ​​the cartoon about Pocahontas is reminiscent of the moral of the story about Mulan. To recap the plot: Dressed in men's armor, Mulan went to war in her father's place to fight the Hun tribe, and ultimately helped save the Chinese people and the Empire. After watching the cartoon about Mulan, your children will probably think that they should not be afraid to act alone, be a leader and lead others.

Interesting fact.

The screenwriters were inspired by the medieval Chinese poem about Hua Mulan, but the cartoon does not completely copy the plot of the ballad, but only repeats it in general terms. And before starting work, the animators went to China for three weeks to become better acquainted with the customs and traditions of this country.

Always remain yourself

Is it so difficult to get along with the princess inside yourself in this cruel and world? Yes, perhaps it is difficult, but it is worth it. Statuses for real princesses who will not be stopped by any difficulty.

  1. She smiles! Look at this princess... Get married and suffer like all normal women!
  2. And I have no inflated self-esteem. We, empresses, are simple people.
  3. A real princess will sip port wine with her little finger sticking out!
  4. Hey princess, less stress!
  5. Go through the forest, I'm a princess!
  6. I have already found my princess!
  7. I erased the words “love” and “separation” from my memory... I became like Barbie - a beautiful princess and a bitch!
  8. Girls are not allowed to drink - then it’s difficult for them to pretend to be princesses!
  9. Every womanizer has his own princess!
  10. What do I want to be called? “Bunny”, “fish”, “kitten”... Fuck this zoo! Let's make it simpler, call it “Your Highness!”
  11. It infuriates me when I am judged by those who have no idea who I am.
  12. They told me that I look like you, it was the best compliment of my life, mom.
  13. Give me a faithful man and I will make him king.
  14. Do you think I should accept you for who you are? Okay, the reception is over!
  15. My grandmother said that when I was born... the devil said: “Holy shit, I have competition!”
  16. Tears won't help matters... here you need to change your status!
  17. And those who don’t get this bad say bad things about me...
  18. Something has become boring. The scandal will not create itself... honey, where is your phone?
  19. Over the years I make fewer and fewer mistakes. But their quality is undoubtedly growing...

Russian K-POP Fans

“If you can accept yourself as you are, will anyone be able to hurt you? And vice versa: if you cannot accept yourself, then how can others respect and love you?

“If true love is a fantasy, then I want to dream for at least 10 minutes. I understand that life is long and hard. But I would like that after overcoming all the difficulties, we still have the courage to love and dream.”

- Hey, where are you going?

- I'm going to open the door. You're a pervert, so the door will be open!

“It’s always like this in life, you lose one thing and find another, but if you made a choice, you have no right to regret.”

“I know that in life it is impossible to foresee everything, so you can make a lot of mistakes. But you cannot give up your true feelings out of fear of mistakes or regrets. I hope that those who love me and those whom I love will be happy."

- I'm a humanitarian! How do I know what an integral is?

“Each rose has its own scent. Every girl has her own whims. Girls, let a princess live in your hearts too. Even if you have a lot of worries and troubles every day, and you work tirelessly... Even if you are so exhausted by life that you stopped believing in fairy tales... Your inner princess will remind you that you need to love yourself: dress beautifully, go shopping , travel, enjoy your life, be a real princess. Because you deserve the best in this world."

“When you love someone, you can see it in their eyes.”

- I don’t want to learn mathematics! I want to read manga!

“You are my best brand.”

“If the bear knight is a dream, then let it continue. If true love is a fantasy, then I want to dream for at least 10 minutes. I understand that life is long and hard. But I would like that after overcoming all the difficulties, we still have the courage to love and dream.”

“I have the courage to face the whole world because you have my back.”

- So you’re also a yaoi girl?

- I'm not a fighter! There are just beautiful pictures there.

“What we cannot change ultimately changes us.”

“You rarely find love around the corner, you usually only meet... tramps.”

“In some cases, you don’t need to rush to find out the answer right away. Stay in this moment. Perhaps finding the answer is the most beautiful thing there can be.”

“Love is a very complicated thing. Sometimes it's that feeling when you desperately want to see someone. Sometimes it’s a feeling when seeing a person is unbearable, but not seeing it is painful and lonely. Sometimes it's that feeling when you lose someone and you feel a lot of regret. Sometimes this feeling just makes your soul warm. Sometimes, when you see someone, you rejoice, and sometimes you suffer.”

“You make the choice to be a princess or an errand girl.”

- He's a rich playboy. I will develop feelings for him only in one case!

- And which one?

- In case of his death!

“In life you need to face everything unknown with a smile.”

“Silence is another love language.”

“The happiness that handbags, jewelry, beautiful clothes and money bring is very illusory.”

“You decide how to present yourself. Nobody forces you to fawn in front of everyone."

— Your fiancee fell in love with someone else.

- Who said that she is my fiancée? And who did she fall in love with?

-Why were they hiding? This means your conscience is not clear. Do you know how narrow the bookcase is? How they snuggled there...

— I smell vibes of jealousy

- Are you jealous!

“The more you resist, the faster you will give up. This is destiny. Only I am destined for you."

“Money can’t solve all problems.”

“But without money, no problems can be solved at all.”

“Not every princess knows from birth that she is a princess. She may be Cinderella at first."

“Sometimes fakes are very similar to the originals. But what is their real price?

- Don't roll your lip. I would never have picked you up if my parents hadn't forced me to.

“Then why are you blushing?” Did your parents force you too?

“A good match is better than a good career. And a great game is better than a good one.”

Your destiny is in your hands

“There are those people who say that fate cannot be controlled, that a person’s fate does not belong to him. But I know this is not so. Our destinies live within us, you just need to be brave enough to see your destiny,” says Merida (“Brave”). Merida reminds people to take control of themselves and their future when they have the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to them.

The main principles of a knight

Fairy tales demonstrate not only the toughness and firmness of a knight in battle, but also his romanticism towards the lady of his heart.

The principles of the knights are quite clear and noble:

  • Fight the enemies of the kingdom.
  • Take the challenge bravely.
  • Be gallant and noble.
  • It is sacred to preserve honor and dignity.
  • Dedicate your life to your queen.
  • Rush to the aid of the defenseless and weak.

Every boy dreams of becoming a knight as a child, just as every little girl wants to be a princess. Knights and princesses are excellent role models, in whose image respect for adults, culture of behavior, beautiful manners, and brave deeds for the benefit of others are intertwined.

Statuses about princesses

I'll have a cup of espresso before lunch on an empty stomach. I will be slim like a princess. I'll be strong like a sailor.


Every woman should have a mystery. And also a hint and a solution! And also login, password, and admin.


You see, you don’t remember.. - What exactly? — In 6th grade I sat behind you. You played the Princess, and I played the soldier.. - Sorry, I don’t remember. - Well, of course, Princesses never remember ordinary people.


Dear Prince, you don't have to rush. I'm having a great time with the dragon, playing poker and drinking another bottle of champagne!Princess.


Fairy tale The Princess and the Pea - How did you sleep, dear girl? -I didn’t sleep a wink all night. First I ate a pea, and then something happened to me!


Every girl dreams of hearing the phrase: Darling, stop using cosmetics, you are my princess without it.



The princess has the right to a firm butt and an attractive front:) The princess also has the right to a third bottle of champagne! She has the right not to give, but she is obliged to give a shout!


It's impolite to argue with a girl, especially a princess. It’s easier not to leave her a choice.


Princesses only exist in fairy tales. In reality, we smoke, swear, drink vodka and reinstall Windows ourselves. We believe in love. Mostly on weekends.


Dear Prince, you don't have to rush. I'm having a great time with the dragon, playing poker and drinking another bottle of champagne! signature: Princess.


Handmaids don't know how to win. Princesses don't know how to lose. Queens don't compete...


You need to be bold so that the “princess” syndrome does not go off scale. Girls like me need to be held tightly in our arms and whispered to them: “Be smart with me.”


I won't embellish the reality, I'll tell it like it is. I'm not being rude to you - I'm just using long words. I'm not a princess - but for some it's simple. like that!

Do not stop

“I’ve come so far, I can’t now go back to where I came from,” decided Jasmine (“Aladdin”). Jasmine is one of the most powerful princesses, proving that she is not just a prize to be won. The lesson is that once you start something, follow through to the very end because you never know what you might achieve.

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Noble youths, beautiful ladies

Knights and princesses from fairy tales teach children nobility, honor and beautiful deeds. Young men in armor always fought for the happiness of a beautiful girl.

The most important rule of a knight is:

The princess is a helpless lady - and she needs protection!

If the princess is stolen by a dragon, she is in trouble. If she is in trouble, she must be saved!

Knights organized tournaments, went on military campaigns, fought with dragons and other monsters, not forgetting their noble manners, keeping a loving, brave heart under the armor of iron.

Under the protection of the knight, the princess is in absolute safety. Who else will protect her so carefully than a brave strongman in love?

Try something new

If there is little snow, there will be no harvest: December 16 is Ivan the Silent Day

Why French children behave well: eight ways to raise them

A student at the Vietnam Police Academy shared how she takes care of her facial skin.

“Get outside your comfort zone. The rewards are worth the try,” advises Rapunzel (“Tangled”). The advice to do things that scare you may seem like a cliché, but doing so will actually give you the opportunity to grow and learn.

Always be kind

“Be brave and be kind. Where there is kindness, there is goodness, and where there is goodness, there is magic,” concludes Cinderella (“Cinderella”). Despite how her stepmother and stepsisters treat her, Cinderella is always kind. And she is generously rewarded for her kindness. This is a lesson that absolutely everyone should learn.

Rare shot: Viktoria Isakova showed her grown-up daughter from Yuri Moroz (new photo)

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Prove them wrong

“Perhaps what I really wanted was to prove that I could do it right on my own,” Mulan suggests. While this Mulan quote isn't particularly famous (the star in this regard is her grandfather, who tells her, "The flower that blooms in times of trouble is the rarest and most beautiful"), it demonstrates that if people doubt your abilities , you need to show them what you can really do.

Statuses about princesses

If a guy treats a girl like a princess, then he was raised by a queen.


The princess must kiss a lot of frogs in order to proudly declare: “I have found my prince!”


Just look at some of the young ladies. They're all so Zvezdovna Zvezdetskaya! And if you take a closer look, instead of Zwe it’s all Pi


If a man treats you like a Princess, then you should bow to the Queen who raised him..)


Well, if you call first, the crown won’t fall, will it? Of course, it won’t fall, I won’t call.


Hey princess, less stress! a terribly nice guy told me today when I was walking home sad.


Your friend called me a princess, And you said, hiding your fear: Such princesses in ancient plays were burned at the stake in the end.


Restraining yourself when it hurts and not making a scene when it hurts is what an ideal woman is.


I love myself down to my very toes, and there is no reason to blame my age. If before it was the boys who turned around, now the men are looking after me.


I’m sitting at home at the table, smoking a cigar, drinking wine, and I understand that the Princess still hasn’t left me.


How I love driving people crazy simply with my presence, cultured speech and sincere smile.)

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