What are vanilla statuses? Learning to recognize vanilla

What is status

When it comes to vanilla, then status is not about position in society and society. In this case, when we say “status,” we mean a short quote or a few sentences describing the person’s condition.

Such statuses appeared with the development of social networks. You can easily find them in Contact or Facebook: statuses are located under the first and last name on the person’s page.

So, we've sorted out the statuses. But how can they be vanilla? Status should describe a person’s condition, and not be related to some recipe!

What does vanilla mean?

Vanilla is a plant whose extract has a delicate but strong aroma. It is added to baked goods and all kinds of desserts, and sugar is made from it. So over time, “vanilla” and “sweetness” became synonymous.

In internet slang, “vanilla” refers to anything cloying and lacking in seriousness. Vanilla can also be used to describe something that is too sweet, too soft, or something like that.

Even great kindness and sensitivity can become “vanilla.” Everyone determines the boundaries of this term for themselves.

I am a scandal girl

Bright shine on the lips and a twinkle in the eyes? In order to feel happy, you don’t necessarily need stars from the sky and impossible promises. Sometimes it's enough to just want it. Express your mood.

1. Woke up, washed my face, dressed up and went to decorate the world!

2. I would tell you how I feel, but I don’t feel anything...

3. You need to smile more often for no reason.

4. Here you are! Yes, you, who is now reading this status. Be happy, do you hear? Just be happy!

5. God, everyone says that you send trials so that we become even stronger, braver and more resilient. Maybe that's enough already?! Maybe I'll just be an ordinary, weak woman?

6. Vanilla girls are the real princesses of our time, they cannot stand vulgarity and dream of meeting their prince.

7. Everything around is bitter - chocolate, coffee, really. And those around you claim that life tastes good.

8. The window sill is small, there is no coffee, I don’t smoke. Completely unsuitable conditions for the suffering of a modern girl.

9. A cup of tea, a bitter cigarette, sad music and childhood dreams. In general, nothing more is needed.

10. I am a proud, proud, cruel girl, incapable of vanilla feelings. I have never tried to love.

11. Put on a smile. Change your sad look to a happy one. Then everyone starts to believe that everything is fine with you.

12. The weak take revenge. The strong forgive. And I’m happy, I forget everything.

13. I have never been able to control myself. That's it in general. I can't get up early. I eat before bed. I cry when I want. I hope for something that is foolish to hope for. I’m just alive, I’m real - I don’t fall under your ideals.

14. Oh, that feeling when you take off your high-heeled shoes and walk barefoot on the grass.

15. Send me a rainbow bouquet tomorrow. Just be kind and give me some joy. Rainbow bouquet. Give me the mood.

16. In any sad situation, I finish myself off with sad music.

Why are statuses vanilla?

Reading the works of Internet users in the field of creating statuses, some wrinkle their noses in disgust and mutter: “Vanilla!”

So how can statuses be vanilla? How can you make something intangible sweet?

It's simple: add love, then gentleness and lots and lots more love. Season with suffering and torment. Put it all in the form of a status: “He loves her, and she loves another.”


By the way, almost all vanilla statuses have excessive pathos and exaggeration of the situation. Because of this, they can look funny, although the message of the status is quite understandable and pleasant to any person.

What do vanilla beans write about?

Vanillas are those who love the vanilla style. They are cozy, wear soft clothes several sizes too big, love cocoa, style and his/hers. So most vanilla statuses are about love.

Vanillas write about how wonderful it is to be next to a loved one, about how happy they are and how they are overwhelmed with the brightest feeling. And everything would be fine, because love is wonderful. But the “vanilla” ones present everything as if they live in a plush pink country, which causes many other people to have a persistent antipathy to this style of presentation.

Vanillas also love to suffer. They do this with great inner pleasure: loudly, hysterically, for a long time. A mandatory attribute is a gray sky or sad, persistent rain. Window sill, her and lost love - what could be more vanilla?

Some “vanillas” love to suffer so much that they start relationships purely in order to then break up. This is hinted at by various vanilla statuses. Eg:

Sometimes the hardest thing is to forget someone with whom, in fact, nothing happened.

It's hard to take something like this seriously.

Nevertheless, it is worth considering that teenagers often turn out to be vanilla during the period of their first love. Be more lenient with these children of yesterday, they are just beginning their sensory development. You should not show aggression, it can kill any attempts in a teenager to study relationships between people.

Vanilla love quotes for guys

You will see the necessary personal solutions to serious problems by reading Vanilla quotes about love for guys, only the best judgments of epoch-making figures of human society - Equal dishonor is dragged behind him by the one who betrays love and who left the battle. Pierre Corneille

When a woman stops loving a man, she forgets everything, even the favors she gave him. Jean de La Bruyère

Many people talk about love on VK, but only a few have seen it...

Anyone who is too wary about horns should not get married at all - there is no other way. Moliere

The all-consuming passion of any woman is to marry someone off. If she is not married - herself. If married, then the woman whom her husband would most likely marry if he were suddenly widowed tomorrow. Henry Mencken

A woman is hotter than a man, there is more madness in her. Ovid

A man who cannot make his way in life is no good, and a woman who cannot get herself the worst and most necessary of evils - a husband - is not smart. Oscar Wilde

At first we are able to resist passion, Until it shows its power. Pierre Corneille

All-powerful love commands us and kindles the flame in us and extinguishes passions. Whom we want to love, alas for us! - not nice; And the one we curse has filled our hearts. Jean Racine

The most amazing memory is that of a woman in love. Andre Maurois

A woman's brain apparently has one less compartment, and one more feeling in her heart, than a man's brain and heart. Without this special device, women would not be able to raise, care for and care for children. Nicola Chamfort

A woman is adorned by what makes her more beautiful, but what makes her so is not gold, emeralds and purple, but modesty, decency and bashfulness. PlutarchCelibacy is created by promiscuity. Both sexes avoid the union that should make them better, and remain in a union that makes them worse. Charles Montesquieu

It doesn't matter whether you have a husband or be tied up. Denis Fonvizin

Youth has its own wisdom - Love, which is always right. Ilya Selvinsky

Spring. Sun. Joy. Happiness. A smile on your face. Jeans. Sneakers. Positive. Love.

Passion is a mocking, crafty deity, closer to the elves than to the gods. She loves to make fun of us. When we are finally able to give in to her, she leaves both or one of us. Clive Staples Lewis

We love, sometimes without knowing it, And often we call delirium empty love. Moliere

Love is characteristic only of a sane person. Epictetus

The only truly happy people are married women and unmarried men. Henry Mencken

A wife should talk only with her husband, and with other people - through her husband, and should not be upset by this. Plutarch

Wives are people who feel that they dance too little. Groucho Marx

When you see how some women get married, you understand how they do not want to earn a living by their own work. Helen Rowland

To love means to wish for another what you consider to be good, and to wish, moreover, not for your own sake, but for the sake of the one you love, and try, if possible, to deliver this good to him. Aristotle

Where love or hate does not play along, the woman plays mediocrely. Friedrich Nietzsche

Love has never stopped anyone from realizing their dreams. Paulo Coelho, Maktoub

Who can hide love? Ovid

The confidence that they are loved is beneficial for timid souls: it gives them naturalness. Andre Maurois

Who is to blame - the candle or the moth, which was attracted by the candle's fire? Bedil

It happens that friendship or love hits too high a note from the very beginning. This is a bad sign. Happiness is only where there is naturalness. Andre Maurois

In order for love to be pure, it must first renounce self-love, free itself, and the spirit is freed only when it goes outside, beyond itself and contemplates the substantial as something else, higher in relation to itself. Georg Hegel

All passions generally make us make mistakes, but the funniest ones are made by love. F. La Rochefoucauld.

Whoever knows nature not through love will never know it. Friedrich Schlegel

Love is never harmful. Only selfishness multiplied by comfortable coexistence can be harmful. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

A person of a mystical nature falls passionately in love, often without knowing and not wanting to truly know the object of his love. Wilhelm Schwöbel

Nothing makes us as cowardly and unscrupulous as the desire to be loved by other people.

There are such women. She will sew a hanger for your coat, and then she will say that she gave you her life. Emil Krotky

Love is like luck, there is no need to chase after it.

First gain complete victory over yourself, and then you can easily lead your wife. Thomas Fuller

- Love is a luxury. - No. Love is a vital necessity. Laini Taylor "Daughter of Smoke and Bone"

When you love, you discover such wealth in yourself, so much tenderness, affection, you can’t even believe that you know how to love like that.

Can peace and love coexist in one heart? Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

A man grows cold towards a woman who loves him too much, and vice versa. Apparently, the situation with heartfelt feelings is like with blessings: whoever is not able to repay for them becomes ungrateful. Nicola Chamfort

Because of these blondes, so much evil is happening in the world! Agatha Christie

If we love some object similar to us, then we strive, as far as possible, to make it love us too. Benedict Spinoza

Love is so blind, love is so capable of blinding a person, that the narrowest and slippery path seems to a person in love to be the widest and most reliable road.

The joy of loving without daring to confess is associated with torment, but such love also has its own charm. With what enthusiasm we do everything that can please the person whom we infinitely honor! Blaise Pascal

We would not be jealous of those women who do not spare us and hourly give reasons for jealousy, if our feelings depended on their actions and attitude towards us, and not on our heart. Jean de La Bruyère

You can only love what you know.

If you want to exchange the adoration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead and get married. Katharine Hepburn

Ideal beauty, the most delightful appearance are worth nothing if no one admires them. Honore de Balzac

Passionate love is absurd. This is a ridiculous invention of writers. Paul Valéry

It is very unwise for lovers to marry. Bernard Show

Children today become enlightened sinners before they know what innocence is. Wilhelm Schwöbel

Love, which arises slowly and gradually, is so similar to friendship that it cannot become an ardent passion. Jean de La Bruyère

If he is the first thing you think about when you wake up; the only thing is when you are awake; and the last thing you think about before you fall asleep is that he is really special

A smart wife, while her angry husband screams and scolds, remains silent, and only when he falls silent does she start a conversation with him in order to soften him and calm him down. Plutarch

Love is fire, longing for happiness. Every creature is subordinate to its irresistible power. Lope de Vega

If a man wants to be considered smarter than he really is, and a woman wants to be considered more beautiful, this delusion is beneficial for both of them and harmless for others. Philip Chesterfield

Love is two solitudes that greet each other, touch and protect each other.

The severity of character among women is the whitewash and rouge with which they highlight their beauty. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Equality is the strongest foundation of love. Gotthold Lessing

Love is not fair, but justice alone is not enough. Albert Camus

Anger and hot temper have no place in married life. Severity suits a married woman, but let this harshness be healthy and sweet, like wine, and not bitter, like aloe, and unpleasant, like medicine. Plutarch

A man falls to his knees in front of a woman only to help her fall. Vasily Klyuchevsky

Forgiveness means it's already over. Francoise Sagan

Women were God's second mistake. Friedrich Nietzsche

Love is the most morning of our feelings. Bernard de Fontenelle

Love is the desire to live. Maksim Gorky

A woman is your shadow: when you follow her, she runs away from you; when you leave her, she runs after you. Alfred de Musset

There is nothing worse than old fools. They are even worse than the young ones. Agatha Christie

Wives are people who feel that they dance too little. Groucho Marx

All our nights are eves of oblivion.

Beauty is deceiving, but it is a valuable quality if you are poor or not very smart. Kin Hubbard

Love is a mystery, love is the unknown...

The powerful goddess of love has so much sweetness that on a hundred altars her sacrifice is poor. Vasily Trediakovsky

Only in mathematics do two halves make one whole. It's not like that in life; for example, a crazy husband and a crazy wife are undoubtedly two halves, but in complexity they make two crazy people and will never make up one completely smart person. Vasily Klyuchevsky

Women are less interested in results, in achievements, and more in the process itself - the ongoing process, and not its culminating point of triumph and success. Abraham Maslow

A man in love is a pitiful sight. Agatha Christie

It is easy to hide hatred, difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference.

Marriage is a union of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays, and the other of whom never forgets them. Ogden Nash

Expensive furs make those ladies who see them feel cold more than they warm those who wear them. Julien de Falkenare

No matter how badly a man thinks about women, every woman thinks even worse about them. Nicola Chamfort

There is no great passion at all. Nature made sure that if A had not met B, he would have been just as happy with C. This is a scientific fact. John Dixon Carr

A man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife; and they will be one flesh. Genesis (ch. 2, cm. 24)

There is no beginning stronger than love in nature. Lope de Vega

In love, melancholy and joy are always fighting. Publilius Syrus

A woman's heart is smarter than her mind: that's why she feels smartly and thinks stupidly. Vasily Klyuchevsky

And the final one from this topic Vanilla love quotes for guys - A woman who laughs at her husband cannot love him anymore. Support de Balzac

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