What is resentment and how to deal with it?

When the closest one betrayed

Quotes about resentment and pain in the soul will come in handy when you have been betrayed by a loved one whom you trusted completely.

  1. Physical pain can be relieved with pills. But anesthesia has not yet been invented for mental pain.
  2. When a loved one betrays you, there is only pain and resentment in your soul. Pain due to the inability to change anything. And resentment towards yourself, because it was you who made the decision to trust someone so completely and blindly.
  3. I only want one thing. Go back in time and give yourself a list of people you should never trust.
  4. There is a night in my soul that, it seems to me, will never end.
  5. My tears could fill another world ocean.
  6. The emptiness in the heart cannot be filled with new impressions, acquaintances, meetings. She will stay with me forever. As a reminder that I once knew how to trust people.
  7. Now I know what the worst thing in life is. This is when someone betrayed your trust, leaving you alone with painful thoughts, heavy thoughts, sadness and endless melancholy.
  8. I’m not sure that I will ever learn to smile as sincerely and openly as before.
  9. Do you regret doing this to me? I'm sorry. Just not about your actions, but about the fact that I once let you into my heart.
  10. Every person we meet in life is there to teach us a lesson. For some reason, all my lessons are too cruel and merciless.
  11. I ask one thing: may I never cause anyone the kind of pain that was caused to me. Because then I simply won’t be able to forgive myself!
  12. Sooner or later, life-giving rain will fall over the desert of my soul. For life always wins. Even if it seems that it is absolutely impossible.

What is resentment and how to deal with it?

We all tend to be offended - at our boss, at our loved ones, at those who accidentally pushed us and did not apologize. But this is what happens in our lives and, it seems, this cannot be avoided. Something needs to be done about this, but what? After all, a person who offended us, say, on public transport, will get off at the next stop and disappear, unlike our loved ones, friends, and loved ones. With them, of course, things are not so simple. What is resentment? First of all, this is a discrepancy between a person’s actions and our expectations. You were waiting for attention and flowers, but your chosen one was talking today only about his car, or about work, not paying attention to your new stunning hairstyle. Each person has their own point of view on the same situation. Many are often mistaken in believing that if they understand the actions of another person, then they, in turn, also understand us. However, this is not always the case, because all people are different and react to what is happening based on their personal characteristics. As a result, we do not understand each other and are offended, but each of us simply has our own idea of ​​the situation. So always analyze the situation from the other person's point of view.

Remember, resentment is very harmful. This unexpressed anger, directed inward, does not pass without a trace. Suppressed negative emotions lead to metabolic disorders, ulcers, asthma, hypertension and many other diseases. So how do you deal with resentment?

There are people who are impenetrable: no matter what they are told, they do not bother much about it. And there are those who are so psychologically fragile that they are able to see an offensive hint in any remark. Most people are between these poles and their main grievances are grievances against their neighbors. Sometimes, without knowing it, we create an ideal image: a friend should prefer our company to any other, our boyfriend should be loving, attentive, guessing all our desires, a child should be talented, well-mannered and a good student. But life knows nothing about our ideas. And moreover, as soon as we begin to dictate to her: this is how it should be, she does the opposite. A friend gossips about you, a guy forgets about the anniversary of your acquaintance, a child gives bad marks and is rude.

What to do? Review your expectations. See if they are too tough, too unrealistic? If a guy never gave you flowers and didn’t remember what date you got married, should you be offended by him for this? After all, he probably has other qualities for which you love him. If your friend is gossiping, maybe you should just not trust her with your secrets and build relationships on a more superficial level? Notice whether one expectation contradicts the other? For example, your child draws beautifully - is it worth it in this case to force him to pass physics with an “excellent”, because then he will not have time for painting?

Don’t be offended over trifles, know how to forgive. May there be peace and joy in everyone's heart! We wish you a wonderful mood!!!

Antonina Lebedeva, psychologist, psychotherapist.

Psychology of men How to choose a guy? SMS about grievances All articles


Do you feel like there is no way to alleviate your suffering? Sad quotes about pain in the soul will help you receive sympathy and express your feelings!

  1. My pain is retribution for my former blind trust in people.
  2. If only I could forget for a moment... Stop feeling what I feel. Stop existing.
  3. When there is such pain in the soul, it seems that there is nothing left in the world. No sunny days. No sincere smiles. Not real friends who will never betray you or leave you in trouble.
  4. They say that suffering strengthens our soul. I can only hope that after this test my soul will become as hard as flint.
  5. Time is the best doctor. It can heal any wound. The only pity is that the patient dies at the end of this treatment anyway.
  6. You became my teacher. You taught me to smile through my tears. He taught me not to show what was in my soul. He taught me not to trust people anymore and to keep my feelings under control. Thank you and goodbye forever.
  7. Someday I will forget about my current suffering. Someday I will even remember them with a smile. In the meantime, in my world there is only impenetrable darkness. The same as in my soul.
  8. The heart is not a stone. It's a pity.
  9. I just want everything to be like it was before. Scientists are required to invent a special time machine so that they can go back in time and protect themselves, stupid and naive, from future mistakes.
  10. I was not warned that it could hurt this much.
  11. Life is like a cruel game in which you forgot your safe word.

Quotes about being offended by friends

On this page you can read Quotes about being offended by friends with thematic pictures.

He who always loves to incite human enmity will eventually be destroyed by fire. Saadi

We are not suitable for each other, I am smart, and you are an idiot...

Traitors are sold for dollars, patriots for rubles. Arkady Davidovich

There is no enmity more vicious than that which love generates. Propertius

A man is judged by his friends. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Betrayal, although very cautious at first, eventually reveals itself. Titus Livy

Friendship between a man and a woman is the ability to wait for the moment when your friend gets drunk.

You can't have too many friends. Alexandre Dumas (father)

Everyone in the world has enemies, But save us from friends, God! Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

The best thing about friendship is knowing that someone needs you. And you need this someone

Friend is known in trouble.

Anyone who has never experienced the ecstasy caused by betrayal does not know what ecstasy is. Jean Genet

Year after year, I am convinced that even friends have an expiration date.

There is no more depressing desert than life without friends; friendship multiplies blessings and alleviates troubles; the joy of the soul, it is the only cure for hostile fate. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

You need to think with your head. And not girlfriends

A friend is not the one who will jump out of the window after you, but the one who will catch you from below

Cunning and betrayal only indicate a lack of dexterity. Francois La Rochefoucauld

He who is a good friend himself has good friends. Niccolo Machiavelli

Your true friend is the one who is honest and straightforward. M. Saadi

Unfaithful friends are like swallows that you only meet in the summer. This is a sundial that is only useful as long as the sun is shining.

The inferiority of our friends gives us considerable pleasure. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

My friendship is too cautious unless the danger of my friend makes me forget my own danger. Denis Diderot

Money can't buy a true friend.

How to determine if your life is a success? If you are dying and five true, faithful friends have gathered around you, it means that your life was not lived in vain. Lee Iacocca

Make friends with a smart person, because a fool friend is sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy. Rumi.

What could be more humiliating for a betrayer than the knowledge that they failed to take advantage of his betrayal. Fazil Iskander

A good friend should come to joy when called, but to a friend’s misfortune he should come without being called. Democritus

A friendship that ended never really began. Sire.

A true friend will bring you to the hospital not a kilogram of oranges, like everyone else, but a remedy for allergies

The only sincere and lasting friendship is that between a man and a woman, because it is the only affection free from all rivalry. Kant

Friendship between a man and a woman is the ability to wait for the moment when your friend gets drunk.

A friend took her husband and seamstress away from her. She couldn't forgive the last one.

Thank you for having me, even if you don’t really want it yourself! You are an amazing friend.

Friendship is based on the similarity of characters and interests in a common joint endeavor, and not on the pleasure that you receive from the personality of the other. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Friendship... is when you are completely different and complement each other perfectly

A brave soul will not become treacherous. Pierre Corneille

Share your thoughts with a friend. Unknown author

Choose your friend slowly, and be even less in a hurry to change him. Franklin.

Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Treat your friends as if they were your enemies. Publius Sirus

Sadness over lost love

When do people most often feel sad? When they lose their love. If something similar has happened to you, quotes about sadness and pain will help express your feelings.

  1. Love leaves. And the empty space cannot be filled with anything. A new rough scar appears on the heart. It will never be as tender as it was before.
  2. Memories are my hell and my heaven.
  3. Now it seems to me that even if the sun is shining, the weather is still bad. Because our world is always refracted through the prism of mood.
  4. When you break up with someone you once loved with all your heart, it feels like you'll never be able to smile again. But this moment will definitely come. May you never be the same. But you will again feel the fresh wind on your cheeks and see that the sun is shining just as before.
  5. All my hopes were dashed when we broke up. How to live further? I have not decided yet. For now I have chosen a quiet existence and waiting. Waiting for healing from the wound you caused.
  6. It's a pity that you can't apply a magic plantain leaf to a broken heart. It would be great if it were possible to get rid of this darkness, which seems to be following me on my heels after our parting.
  7. I didn’t think that when a person leaves, he can take all your happiness with him, steal the joy of life, steal the ability to smile sincerely.
  8. We broke up. And I have to learn to live again, just like children learn to walk. Falling, but rising again. With tears because of failures, but with great faith that everything will work out.
  9. I won't be happy anymore. Maybe I'm wrong. But how can you feel happiness when you know that there is such pain in the world? Pain that doesn't fit in your heart. Which tears the soul into pieces and sheds hot tears.
  10. I don't understand why I'm in such pain. I probably made a big mistake in my past life. Or is this just a price to pay for happiness, which harsh life invariably demands from every person?
  11. If I could throw this pain out of my soul, uproot it, forget forever about what happened... But this is impossible. All you have to do is grit your teeth and endure. And believe that your tears shed now water the tree of happiness that will grow in the future.

Life throws difficult challenges at every person. The main thing is to remember that pain is just a temporary phenomenon. And resentment is an emotion that indicates what behavior on the part of other people is absolutely unacceptable to you. Trust your emotions and remember: without grief there can be no happiness, and the darkest hour is before the dawn!

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