12 quotes about what true sacrifice is

Folk wisdom about courage, bravery and courage

Since most of the world's population lives under a patriarchal system, the desire for expansion and the militaristic spirit awakened by state leaders continues to receive the support of citizens. Traditionally, masculine qualities have acquired the highest value not only on Russian soil. Folklore about courage and bravery is still widely heard; it is passed on from generation to generation, even in those countries where they have not heard about war for many decades.

The folk epic firmly records examples of such behavior, which is exceptional and delights people. There are well-known Kalmyk, German, Tatar, Arabic, Mongolian, Spanish, and African sayings dedicated to perseverance, endurance and readiness to fight.

And although times have changed significantly, for most people the oral folk art accumulated by previous generations still remains relevant. They listen to him and try to find in him grains of valuable knowledge that can be useful in modern life.


They don’t take a leopard by the tail, and once they do, they don’t let it go. (Kalmyk proverb)

Strong is the one who falls, stronger is the one who rises. (Russian proverb)

Intelligence is much more than strength. Where strength is useless, mind will help. (Egyptian proverb)

In a willing herd, the wolf is not scary. (Russian proverb)

Power knows the truth, but does not like to tell it. (German proverb)

The brave will find where the timid will lose. (Russian proverb)

Not swords of such arrows that you cannot deflect. (Arabic proverb)

Bypassing the difficult, you won’t see anything good. (Russian proverb)

Strength grows in the garden of patience. (German proverb)

Don't draw your saber to kill a mosquito. (from African proverbs)

Where you can't jump, you can climb over. (Russian proverb)

There is no point in swinging a knife at a flea. (Mongolian proverb)

Even if your enemy seems like a mouse, you have the strength of a tiger. (Uyghur proverb)

Don’t be brave on the stove, and don’t be cowardly in the field. (Russian proverb)

Anyone who can eat a whole cake is not weak. (Arabic proverb)

A bold word lifts the heart. (Spanish proverb)

Don't compare yourself to a rock, don't compare others to a straw. (Tuvan proverb)

The dog barks at the brave, but bites the cowardly. (Russian proverb)

The crown of courage is modesty. (Arabic proverb)


Victim. Difficult statements about the victim

Much must be sacrificed to save everything.

They give the worst, they sacrifice the best.

To deceive for sure, you have to sacrifice something!

Those who are ready to make a sacrifice will always find a suitable altar.

Many victims are regretted later - does this reduce their value?

Beauty requires sacrifice.

Every good deed is a sacrifice.

It is only when you are determined to stop playing the role of the victim that the path to becoming a winner opens up for you.

Violence only occurs when you feel like a victim.

Slander makes two criminals and a third a victim.

Difficult statements about the victim

There is a royal soul inside each of us; everyone wants everything to be allowed to him, but does not want to be a victim of someone else’s tyranny.

Life-loving, difficult sayings about the victim

Nobody in this world is an angel. But each mortal has his own guardian angel. One who is willing to sacrifice himself for others is more than an angel...

There are many more victims from an evil mind than from madness.

Sometimes love is expressed through sacrifice.

Talents melt in the sacrificial fire of the family hearth.

True beauty does not require sacrifice!

Capital is the portion of wealth that we sacrifice to increase our wealth.

Everything must be sacrificed to man. Just not other people.

Love wants to be a free victim.

When you sacrifice something important, you don't lose it. You just pass it on to another person.

A woman will not hesitate to sacrifice her honor to save her reputation.

Good manners consist of small sacrifices.

No other person's sacrifice in the name of peace can be considered too great.

Self-sacrifice gives us the ability to sacrifice others without remorse.

Let nature take over. Predator and prey - that's how we are created.

Victims interest me more than criminals.

Heartfelt, difficult statements about the victim

If I have knowledge, then I am not a victim. Victims do not understand the meaning of their suffering.

No one sacrifices his greatest treasure, whose name is love.

Tomorrow's improvement depends on today's sacrifices.

They don’t want children not because it’s expensive, but because they will have to sacrifice themselves.

If a woman is forced to admit her guilt, she always feels like a victim.

In the face of a great goal, no sacrifice will seem too great.

We victims are expected to apologize for the inconvenience we cause to our torturers.

People tend to make sacrifices only when they can really expect success, and not when the futility of these sacrifices is obvious.

Every time there is peace in the family, ask yourself: “What else have I sacrificed?”

Share the “Victim” page with your friends. Difficult statements about the victim” and read Funny phrases about women: A woman is in a hurry with her first marriage, afraid of being late with her second.

We are all victims of victims.

Love?.. This is a sacrifice first of all. Sacrifice for the sake of the person you have feelings for. This is what is important, not lofty words and sighs. Only sacrifice can be proof of your attitude.

Desired difficult statements about the victim

A woman will always sacrifice herself if given the right opportunity. This is her favorite way to please herself.

There are no goals for which one could break another person's heart.

Creativity is a high feat, and feat requires sacrifice.

The best alibi is to be a victim.

People of honor do things for the sake of their children that it would never even occur to them to do for themselves.

Lover is victim number two.

If our suffering made someone feel better, then we would at least be consoled by the thought that we are sacrificing ourselves for the sake of others.

Man is always the prey of the truths he professes.

Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require many sacrifices.

A vocation can be recognized and proven only by the sacrifice that a scientist or artist makes for his peace and well-being.

We are victims of cramped life circumstances...

It happens that in the heat of the moment a person is ready to make the most unimaginable sacrifices, but then, after thinking a little, he begins to understand how disproportionate they are to the value of the object of his desires.

If abstinence from wine is a small sacrifice, make it gladly for others; if it is a big sacrifice, make it for your own sake.

Anyone who, sacrificing himself, would first decide to calculate and weigh all the consequences, all the likelihood of the benefits of his action, is hardly capable of self-sacrifice.

Great arduous sayings about sacrifice

The same thing happens to a person as to a tree. The more he strives upward, towards the light, the deeper his roots go into the ground, downwards, into darkness and depth - towards evil.

The victims must be edible.

Art is a religion that has its priests and must have its martyrs.

Some people confuse self-neglect with self-sacrifice.

Life usually doesn't require big sacrifices, it requires small sacrifices.

Over time, you begin to understand that integrity is good primarily because it can always be sacrificed to expediency.

A woman's happiness is to sacrifice oneself.

If you start by sacrificing yourself for those you love, you will end up hating those you sacrificed to.

Sacrifice: you donate, and I will carry it.

If the goal were clear, then the sacrifices would not be in vain...

As long as humanity has existed, so many people have been ready to make sacrifices - if the lives of others are sacrificed.

The victim often returns to the scene of the crime to reminisce about the good old days.

Sports and beauty require more and more sacrifices.

Great deeds are impossible without great sacrifices.

I thought how stupid people can be who give their lives for the sake of love, for the sake of passion, but today I realized that they are doing the right thing. Rather than dying slowly, it is better to be freed in an instant.

Only those who have no choice can sacrifice their lives. For others it's just a game.

Bypassing a difficulty with the help of a victim, instead of overcoming and defeating it, is unethical. Such a sacrifice is compensation, and nothing more.

He made sacrifices, but the victims ran away screaming.

It is not those who make the sacrifice who deserve pity, but those who are sacrificed.

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Quotes about self-sacrifice

Ernesto Che Guevara

We cannot be sure that we have something to live for until we are ready to give our lives for it.

Latin proverbs and sayings

Consumor aliis inserviendo.

While shining on others, I burn myself.

John Irving. Cider House Rules

If you really love her, give her what she needs most without putting any conditions. And don't expect a reward for it.

Love Formula

You helped me understand a very important thing. It turns out that the main thing in love is the ability to give your life for another without hesitation.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Where people always voluntarily take on suffering, they are also free to give themselves pleasure through it.

Robin Hobb. Saga of the Living Ships

Love is not just confidence in another person. It’s not enough to know what he’s willing to sacrifice for you. We still need to figure out what you are willing to sacrifice. And you can’t do without it: everyone gives in at least in something. People each give up their personal dreams in order to find one common one. Yes, there are weddings where a woman has to give up almost everything she once aspired to. By the way, not always specifically for a woman. And such a sacrifice is by no means shameful. It's just love. If you think that your partner is worthy of it, everything happens naturally.

Olga Arefieva

Don't sacrifice yourself when you don't ask!

George Bernard Shaw

Self-sacrifice gives us the ability to sacrifice others without remorse.

Quotes about self-sacrifice

If anyone doubts the inseparability of wisdom and self-denial, let him see how stupidity and selfishness always meet at the other end.

Human self-sacrifice is the instinct of self-preservation of humanity.

A truly honest person must prefer his family to himself, his fatherland to his family, and humanity to his fatherland.

True self-sacrifice, when a person pays with his life for the affirmation of his personality, must be distinguished from masochistic self-sacrifice, the destruction of the individual personality, its complete subordination to a higher power.

Take care of the cleanliness of the altars. It is unknown which of them you will be assigned to.

If you should lend yourself to strangers, then you need to give yourself only to yourself.

How much easier is self-sacrifice than self-realization!

It is easier to die for others than to live for them.

The willingness to sacrifice oneself to fulfill one's duty is the basis for maintaining life.

A person is honest when his actions tend towards the public good.

A seeking man will not sacrifice himself for his fatherland, for he will not give up understanding for the benefit of the unreasonable, but his fatherland is his whole world.

To survive, people, businesses and corporations must serve humanity.

Sacrifice is the ability to solve problems at the expense of one’s own interests, to give more than justice requires.

A person should not sacrifice himself, this is a sad and exceptional necessity, but be fair.

The fundamental lie of the philosophy and religion of mankind lies in the proposition that my neighbor has greater value than I myself, that many increase the quality of value compared to one, that future generations are more valuable than the present and past, that there is something more in humanity and higher than in man.

Not being useful to anyone means not being worth anything.

By serving humanity, they approach the Divine.

Sacrifices are always in vain. The consciousness of the sacrifice of actions is painful, false and fruitless. Actions should be experienced and evaluated solely by purpose and results.


Quotes about sacrifice

They drove over me with an asphalt roller and didn’t say “thank you” for anything.
I put my life on the line, But I was stupid and I was wrong. I realized that you need to sacrifice yourself in childhood, But having matured not in age - in your soul - And having buried yourself in a thousand projects,

I realized that sacrifice is not always good and that kindness to oneself has its place. And she sold the asphalt skating rink - He and I are not destined to be together.

Human sentimentality turns death into the greatest act of love. And this is the biggest nonsense in the world. It's easy to die for someone. The one who died leaves. Simple and clear. Game over. End of pain. And you try to live for someone. Go through everything - good, bad, difficult, easy, joy, suffering. That's what's hard.

Tell me, what are you ready for? Cry? Fight? Post? Torment yourself? Drink spicy poison? I'll do the same. Have you come to howl? Did you jump into her grave to spite me? Do you want to be buried with her? Me too. Are you talking about the heights of the mountains? So let a million hills pile on us. So that the head of the country of fire would touch them and Ossa would be a grain of sand in front of him!

If you pray for others, you will have neither the time nor the desire to pray for yourself, your loved one.

Before you want love, learn to give it first.

- Hey, do you see these people? - Yes. - These jerks are now your best friends in the world, without them you are nothing. Remember. — We’re filming the scene with the words “sweetie”! “Your family will never understand you.” Lovers will cheat on you or try to cheat on you, but fans - be kind to them and they will be kind to you. — We’re filming, the camera is ready. “The most important thing is to give people what they want.” Even if it kills you, even if it devastates you so much that there is nothing left to devastate. No matter what happens, no matter how painful it is, don’t stop dancing, don’t stop smiling. And give these people what they want.

In my opinion, anyone who is able to evoke such sacrificial love deserves to be called a human being.

Love is always sacrifice, Sacrifice is always Divine!

You become a police officer so that no one suffers. But in the end, you suffer the most. You become a police officer so that no one dies. But in the end, your closest person dies. You become a police officer so that everyone can be happy and love each other. But in the end, no one loves you. The guilty one will run away from you. The innocent will cling to you. You will be left alone. Loneliness is our destiny.

. The human in man is not killed and will never be killed.

Has it ever occurred to you that we've all made sacrifices to get where we are today?

The ideas of an energy superpower and a liberal empire are unlikely to justify the sacrifices required for consolidation. A resource, even an energy one, cannot be an end in itself; it must serve another, truly great purpose. The aspiration to become like the USA or China is trivial. It is unlikely that it will be possible to mobilize for the fight against fascism or terrorism, and the fight itself - without a positive component - does not attract citizens.

- Dobrynya! Dobrynya! Listen to me, Dobrynya! I know you can hear me. Can you feel my hand? Do you remember my strength? Drink it, drink it all - and rise! Get up, brother! - And take my strength.

But its impact on those who were next to it is enormous, for the well-being of our world depends not only on historical, but also on everyday deeds; and if your affairs and mine are not as bad as they could be, we owe much to these people who lived next to us quietly and honestly and rest in unknown graves.

We remember, no surrender Heroes of our century Three men stood strong and they held out for long Going into the fight to their death that awaits Crazy or brave, will it end in the grave? As they're giving their lives As their honor dictates Far, far from home to a war Fought on foreign soil and far Far from known tell their tale Their forgotten story Cobras Fumantes, eterna é sua vitória.

We remember - you did not give up, Heroes of our century! Three people fought to the death, they held out against the enemy for a long time. They went into battle, to certain death. Madness or bravery, will their story end in the grave? They parted with their lives, as honor told them. Far, far from home, in a war that was fought on foreign soil. Far, far from glory, tell their story, Their forgotten story. “Smoking Snakes”, their memory lives on.

April 14, 1944 - a Brazilian reconnaissance group consisting of Geraldo Baeta da Cruz, Arlindo Lucio da Silva and Geraldo Rodriguez de Souza fell into a trap. Machine gun fire drove the three soldiers into cover. The enemy outnumbered them; there was nowhere to wait for reinforcements. But the Brazilians did not give up - they fired back until they ran out of ammunition, despite the mortar shells exploding around them. According to legend, even after this they refused the offer of surrender, fixed bayonets and rushed to the attack. All three died, but the Germans were so impressed by their heroism that they buried them and erected a cross on their grave. The Battle of Montese began, and the three heroes were not the only Brazilians to die that day. The city was liberated after several days of street fighting - this became the last battle of World War II for the FEB and at the same time the heaviest. Minor skirmishes continued later, but after Mussolini was killed by Italian partisans on April 28, the Axis forces in Italy signed an unconditional surrender.


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