Statuses and statements about drugs and addiction.

I wrote your name on a cigarette, lit it to smoke it and forget you, but... I realized that I was breathing you.

You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to quit smoking to prove that you are a man.


I owe my health and longevity to the fact that I never touched a cigarette, a glass, or a woman until I was ten.


I didn't choose life..I chose something else..Why. Yes, no why..What could be the WHY when there is..HEROIN.

Only through drugs does a person understand the true meaning of his life. People don't do drugs. we will use them for you.

Stimulants, hallucinogens and euphoretics prove that heaven fits in a bag.


Drugs are like gambling: a person hopes for a big win, but loses a fortune.

Beautiful quotes about flowers (50 quotes)

Flowers are a symbol of life itself. They, like people, are born, live and die. But during their short life they manage to bring us so much joy simply from contemplating their beauty, fragility and perfection. How beautifully this is said in quotes about flowers! Beautiful quotes about flowers are presented in this collection.

The earth laughs with flowers.

There is more life in the quickly withering petals of a flower than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite. Ludwig Andreas von Firebach

Love is like a flower - it takes time to bloom.

Flowers are the remains of heaven on Earth.

Flowers, like people, are generous with goodness and, giving tenderness to people, they bloom, warming hearts, like small, warm fires. Jane Kirimize

Flowers are nature's poems.

Sometimes flowers are just flowers.

Flowers are the best of all that God created, but forgot to give them a soul. Henry Ward Beecher

Flowers are free beauty in nature.

Flowers bloom everywhere for everyone who wants to see them.

Only flowers truly live. They live the days counted by him so desperately blooming, as if they understand better than people the transience of life.

There are flowers that bloom early and there are flowers that bloom late. People flourish the same way.

The flowers are singing. They are always singing. Even if people don't hear...

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Flowers do not solve all problems. But they are a good start.

Smell is the soul of a flower. Jules Verne

Flowers have no everyday life; they are always dressed festively. Malcolm de Chazal

Is it possible to tell a flower that it is ugly? Vladimir Burich

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live.

Georg Hegel

The flower blooms in warmth and in winter.

Silovan Ramishvili

No matter how much we talk about the emptiness of life, sometimes just one flower is enough to dissuade us.

Anatole France

They say that short-lived flowers dance when they are carried away by the wind.

Code Geass

Flowers cut for a bouquet are barbarism in the name of beauty...

Igor Krasnovsky

The inhabitants of a planet where there are no flowers would think that on Earth, where there are flowers at every turn, we are probably going crazy with joy.

Iris Murdoch

Where there is a lot of love, there are always few flowers. Leonid Sukhorukov

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect. Anton Ligov

A favorite flower is, first of all, a rejection of all other flowers. Otherwise, it will not seem the most beautiful.

There is more life in the quickly withering petals of a flower than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite. Ludwig Feuerbach

In life it’s like in the theater: you get flowers only after leaving the stage. Yana Dzhangirova

Flowers are some kind of material fluids that people can exchange among themselves. Olga Shelest

Flowers have their own language. They are silent, but they say a lot!

A flower is useless if it doesn't bloom.

To live you need sun, freedom and a small flower.

Hans Christian Andersen

Only flowers truly live. They live the days counted by him so desperately blooming, as if they understand better than people the transience of life.

No matter how much we talk about the emptiness of life, sometimes just one flower is enough to dissuade us.

Art is a constant attempt to compete with the beauty of flowers - and always unsuccessfully.

Marc Chagall

Stretching out their hands to the stars, people often forget about the flowers under their feet.

The triumph of a flower comes when it is already cut; its real life is inseparable from death.

Fragrances are the feelings of flowers.

Heinrich Heine

A flower can be compared to a pleasure that will soon wither, and the smell of this flower is like a memory that is remembered forever!

If it rains in your life, focus on the flowers that will bloom thanks to this rain.

Stretching out their hands to the stars, people often forget about the flowers under their feet.

Jeremy Bentham

Without love, people wither like cut flowers, no matter what crystal vase they are in.

Even in times of war, flowers bloom.

Hearts are like flowers - they cannot be opened by force, they must open on their own. Louisa May Alcott

There are no women who don't like flowers, there are men who think so.

So that the flowers in your eyes always remain alive.

Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me maintain self-respect, because they prove that I am not shackled hand and foot by everyday worries. They are evidence of my freedom. Rabindranath Tagore

By tearing off the petals of a flower, you do not gain its beauty.

The ideal woman resembles a mysterious flower.

Jokes about drug addicts and drugs

HOW I PLANTED HEMP IN THE CITY CENTER Hello friends, I want to tell you an interesting true story that happened to me in the early 90s. I then lived in Tashkent near the Kooperator restaurant, not far from the presidential apparatus, where my friend Vasya (name changed) and I often walked in the evenings, contemplating the people spilling out of the restaurant or black cars driving away from the apparatus. And then one day Vasya came to my house and said that there was a conversation. I went out into the yard. - Vasya, what happened? - In short, here’s the thing, I took out hemp seeds - in his hands he was holding quite a small bag, obviously these seeds - and I have an idea to plant several bushes of this marijuana. Our yard is large, no one will notice anything anyway. The topic was really interesting. And we decided to start agricultural work the next day, after which we went to our homes to make plans. An hour later Vasya comes again. He was saddened by something and in the darkness of the entrance the red typo on his face glowed. - Vasya, what happened again? - In short, here’s the thing, my godfather found this bag of seeds and said that if he saw at least one bush in the yard, then he told me to throw it into the water. Well, since this is the case, you don’t have to choose, I knew Vasya longer than this bag of anasha, so we decided to get rid of weed once and for all. We went outside and first decided to walk a little along the usual route, and then walk to the river. Walking past the previously mentioned restaurant, we noticed that opposite the “Cooperator”, across the road, there is a huge wasteland of completely ownerless land, almost half a hectare (now there is a new conservatory and Uzbektelefil). The thought “...why not?” slipped into my head. And immediately entering the vacant lot, we unfolded the bag, divided the seeds and, like real farmers, began to sow, scattering the seeds in different directions. Of course, we knew that in order to grow a high-quality drug product, it is not enough just to scatter the seeds, but we also need to take care of it, maintain certain climatic conditions, etc. But this option, of course, was more acceptable than throwing the bag into the water. Of course, we didn’t expect anything to grow. But as always happens, somewhere deep down they thought... “What if...”. Well, after sowing, we went home, and soon forgot about our drug joke. Two or three years passed. And then one day, while walking with Vasya in the evening along our usual route, we heard a painfully familiar sweetish smell. Naturally, they immediately remembered that we had once held an interesting drug event here. When we passed near this wasteland before, we didn’t really pay attention to what was growing there, since out of the corner of our eyes we could see that everything was overgrown with all sorts of things, small trees towered here and there, etc., in short, the whole territory turned into a small tugai forest . Vasya suggested we go and see if some bush had appeared. Well, it was in the evening, there was nothing to do. And we climbed into this thicket, purely out of curiosity. Maybe at least a couple of bushes really appeared from such a huge amount of seeds. In the darkness, of course, it was impossible to see. Vasya turned on the flashlight that was in the lighter and screamed in surprise, accompanying the shock he received from what he saw with certain obscene words of delight and complete astonishment. THAT WAS SOMETHING. The entire area was strewn with hemp; cannabis even took over a small area of ​​the old brewery. And the small trees turned out to be 3-4 meter bushes that grew not only upward, but also in breadth. It was a pretty big marijuana plantation. Which was formed over several years, almost in the city center near the presidential office. Thousands of people passed nearby every day, but no one noticed that THIS was growing literally nearby, at arm's length. No one paid attention, since no one could even think that in the center of the city it was possible to set up a plantation of the most popular drug. I expressed the opinion that hemp grew in the wild and is unlikely to have good narcotic properties. It turned into the so-called “chuyka” (wild marijuana). Vasya said: “We have to try.” We collected several leaves and heads, dried them thoroughly, rolled them into a joint, and passed them around. The test result was surprisingly pleasant. The weed turned out to be not even of poor quality. Vasya, as a true connoisseur, gave 8 points out of 10. And his eyes sparkled with anticipation of the future business. It was concluded that in recent years favorable climatic conditions have established for the plant. The next day he was already going to the store to invest the initial capital in matchboxes. After which he began to often visit the plantation to harvest crops, along the way telling me the interesting events that were happening there. For example: how other characters from nearby mahallas (neighborhoods) began to visit there in search of interesting stories, who I don’t know how (I think it couldn’t have happened without Vasya) learned about the dream factory right in the center of the city. This drug idyll lasted for almost six months. And every time, walking with Vasya along our route, we loved to make fun of the “fireflies”. This is what we called those who collected the harvest at night with flashlights. We shouted at them, asked what they were doing there in the evening, to which we received an answer in a trembling voice. Some said that they had lost their keys or anything else that their imagination could do, while others said that they simply decided to take a shortcut halfway, there was even one who said that he was lost, but for some reason there were happy notes in his voice. Then we began to notice that Popular Front workers began to appear on our plantation during the day too. Naturally, working openly and with pleasure, which any owner of a sugar cane plantation in Africa would envy. I think that this blatant demonstration of complete indifference to law enforcement agencies led to the collapse of the growing hemp empire, which never reached its apogee. One fine day Vasya came running to me and said: “Let’s go see what’s going on there!!!” Without thinking twice, we ran to look at this very thing. When we arrived at the plantation, we saw about a dozen bulldozers. On one of them stood a police colonel who wanted to lose a lot of weight and gazed intently at the horizon of the plantation, I think, to assess the scale of our impudence. After turning to all the employees present, he began his speech. Yes, he moved so much that we also became interested in what he would say, and we decided to come closer. Well, due to the powerful selection of obscenities mixed with the Uzbek and Russian languages, we only assumed what he wanted to say. After which, having calmed down a little, he switched to purely Uzbek swearing. From which we understood only one question, “HOW SO?”, as well as a few words: “NEAR THE PRESIDENTIAL EQUIPMENT” and “NOT A SINGLE FUCKER...” and again a continuous swear word with foam at the mouth. After which bulldozers raked the entire plantation into one place, loaded it onto trucks and took it away in an unknown direction. A lot of people came to say goodbye to the Field of Miracles. Everyone stood, silent and smiling. No one even suspected that among them were those TWO who gave some joy, and some profit from joy. PS A few years later, when I graduated from the university, I served in the army and went to work for the authorities, or rather to serve my country in the ranks of the national security service. After serving for some time and receiving my first officer rank, at an event to celebrate this event, I told this story to my colleagues. After finishing the story, I thought there would be endless laughter, but contrary to my expectations there was deathly silence. I was silent too, not knowing what to say. But it was clear from their faces that they were surprised and even a little dumbfounded. A colleague from my department broke the silence. He said: “Do you know how long we were looking for you?” For 2 years we were beaten, scolded, deprived of titles and bonuses. All structures from A to Z were involved in the investigation. The command was given to find the culprits who so brazenly challenged our law enforcement agencies, especially when our republic recently gained Independence. We thought that this action was aimed at undermining the state system and its foundations. - Well, how did they find someone or maybe make someone a scapegoat? “Of course, we thought about pinning this case on someone, but the resonance and excitement was so strong that all the drug lords and other evil spirits hid far outside the country in anticipation of a happy calm. And it was clear that you simply couldn’t hang a case of such magnitude on some small fry. Even thieves in law left the country just in case. So the case remained unsolved, and after a few years they pretended to have forgotten about it and closed it casually, without advertising it to anyone. After which my colleagues thanked me for telling this story and removing this mystery from their souls, which had remained unsolved for a long time.

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