Cassiopea sweet anticipation by Tiziana Terenzi

Waiting and anticipation - what's the difference?


Waiting and anticipation - what's the difference?

Many people often confuse these two conditions. We propose to figure out together what the difference is between them.

Tatyana Samarina answers:

Today I want to talk to you about the difference between anticipation and expectation.

Expectations block the energy of realizing your intention and prevent you from getting what you want.

As a rule, they lead to the fact that in reality you get a completely opposite result than the one you hoped for.
Anticipation, on the contrary, contributes to the realization of your goals and intentions.
In order to better understand this process, imagine that you are going on an exciting hike, at the end of which you will come to a beautiful place. The tour organizers promise you a grandiose program with a bright ending, or perhaps you have convinced yourself of this and thus plunged into a state of anticipation.

You are on your way and all your thoughts are focused only on the desire to quickly come to this amazing, beautiful place that everyone has been talking about. On the way, you don’t notice the beauty around you, don’t see the sky, don’t feel the fresh, clean air. All your energy, all your attention, even your whole body seems to be in a hurry, rushing you towards some imaginary goal.

As a result, even on the way to the final point of the journey, you begin to feel that instead of lightness and joy, you are constrained by tension, your energy seems to be squeezed into a tight ball. The closer you are to the goal, the greater the tension.

Step by step it gives rise to negative emotions, feelings of dissatisfaction, anger, irritation. As a result, even the goal itself becomes uninteresting to you, since your condition does not allow you to enjoy its implementation.

When you are in a state of anticipation, you are like a child open to the whole World, ready to accept its benefits and gifts, completely trusting it.

The path itself, everything that happens around you and with you, gives you true pleasure. At the same time, there is a calm, firm confidence within you that this path will lead you to your goal. One turn, behind this tree a beautiful view is about to open up to your eyes. You know it, you're anticipating it.

Your body is relaxed, the energy flows freely and easily. You immediately feel these states of flight, joy and pleasure and begin to broadcast them into your World, which in turn increases your light and seems to help in the realization of your plans. Thus, you seem to compress the time from the moment you set a goal to its implementation.

Intention is one of the most powerful tools of Transurfing. Learn how to harness the energy of Outer Intention to achieve your goals! Read the article: “Intention in Transurfing is a powerful tool for realizing goals!”

Don't view "expectation" and "anticipation" as just words. Feel them, enter these states, stay in them and realize this difference. Listen to your body, it will definitely tell you.

“Open dialogue”, online meeting

Master the principles of frailing in practice - and get the key to building harmonious and effective relationships in any area: personal life, family, work!

At the Open Dialogue webinar, you will learn how to improve your relationships with your spouse, with children and parents, with friends and relatives, with business partners and colleagues!

  • You will begin to build relationships from a new state: lightness, joy, respect, interest, trust - and you will soon notice for yourself how their quality is changing.
  • The number of quarrels in your family will decrease significantly; you will understand how to “smooth out rough edges” without harming yourself and without putting pressure on your loved one.
  • You will understand how to improve relationships with loved ones, how to restore warmth and trust in communication with them, how to be heard.
  • You will learn how to interest other people and gain their respect, and they themselves will offer you what you want from them.

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“Conscious Femininity”, updated online intensive (July 30 - August 13)

Discover the source of magical feminine power within you that will transform you and your life!

Online intensive “Conscious Femininity” is a 2-week course of total immersion in the practice of Transurfing, which includes more than 20 techniques, meditations and visualizations designed specifically for women. The course has been updated, 14 video lessons have been added!

14 days of intensive regular practice await you, during which you will form a new way of life according to Transurfing - a successful, happy, loved and in love with the world of a woman!

  • You will bring the light of awareness into your daily life.
  • Learn to enjoy simple things that will become a discovery for you and your family.
  • Reveal your femininity and beauty.
  • Bring love into your life with a new or existing partner.
  • You will feel your own uniqueness and inner personal strength, peace of mind, harmony and balance of Mind, Soul and Body.

A deep study of personal issues, getting to know yourself and accepting yourself awaits you!

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Cassiopea sweet anticipation by Tiziana Terenzi

Dear readers, today I would like to talk about such a wonderful perfume as

Cassiopea by Tiziana Terenzi.

I didn't choose it by chance.

Looking at my shelf with a fairly large collection of fragrances, my eyes immediately fell on this particular scent. And apparently it’s far from accidental.

Knowing the scent by heart, knowing what this bottle hides, what secret it keeps, I combined it with what I wanted today.

And that’s why today I’m ready to reveal to you the secret of this perfume.


Cassiopea by Tiziana Terenzi

Cassiopeia (lat. Cassiopea) is a constellation of the Northern Hemisphere of the sky. The brightest stars of Cassiopeia form a shape similar to the letters "M" or "W". The constellation covers an area of ​​598.4 square degrees in the sky and contains about 150 stars. Most of the constellation lies in the Milky Way band and contains many open star clusters. The constellation Cassiopeia can be seen with the naked eye in Russia.

Now we know why this fragrance belongs to the “Lunar” collection.

But there is also a mystical explanation for this scent.

Cassiopeia (ancient Greek Κασσιόπεια), Cassiope (Κασσιόπη), Cassiopeia (Κασσιέπεια, more ancient form) - in Greek mythology the wife of Kepheus, the mother of Andromeda.

She entered into an argument with the Nereids, boasting that she was more beautiful than anyone in the world (either that her daughter was more beautiful than the Nereids, or more beautiful than Amphitride). Poseidon sent a flood and a monster to Ethiopia.

It seems everyone has watched the movie “Clash of the Titans”?

If you haven't watched it, be sure to check it out!

Consultants of this brand, when introducing these fragrances, very often tell the ancient Greek story about Casseopeia and Andromeda. Emphasizing that Casseopeia is the mother, and her daughter is Andromeda. And indeed, if we compare these two scents, Cassiopea sounds softer and more graceful than Andromeda.

When you apply the fragrance to yourself, the top notes seem to tell you: “Take another splash!” Notes of black currant and delicious passion fruit begin to flirt with you, enveloping you in sweet temptation. The aroma instantly envelops you, transporting you to a world of beauty and joy. It feels like you are walking along the beach, your feet are touched by a light sea breeze, the wind blows your hair and through the salty, damp gusts of wind you can hear a sweet, alluring aroma of flowers and sweetness. Introduced? Now imagine that with this particular scent, this feeling will be repeated constantly. And these are just the top notes!

A very unusual combination that emphasizes the sophistication of this fragrance is tea rose, carnation and lily of the valley. They are the ones who bring a floral nuance to this aroma, but very delicately so that both the sweetness and the flowers complement each other. But at the same time, Cloves add a little sourness to the aroma, which makes it even tastier.

Musk is another mystery of this perfume!

It completely envelops the entire aroma, like a lullaby. Rocking every note, lulling the bright shade, so that the aroma is constantly present, but at the same time you do not get bored.

If you want something unusual, then Cassiopea is your solution! You can surprise your man if you wear a light, spacious sundress and even an evening dress that fully emphasizes your curves. Your man will want to touch your skin and he will fall in love with you again, just like you with this scent!

PS Always yours Anastasia!

Rethinking the manifestations of stereotypes associated with the habit of a person’s personality expecting miraculous changes and circumstances that will realize the desired, it is advisable to begin with an understanding of the mechanisms for implementing IRB programs to ensure the conduct of life depending on the circumstances.

Without thinking about the patterns of processes in the surrounding world and perceiving life through the prism of current difficulties, a person builds his thoughts and actions based on an assessment of the current circumstance or the presence of an urgent problem


A person simply does not realize much in his life and the principles of building relationships with others, and IRB programs of striving for the final result and completeness allow him not to focus the attention of consciousness on the most general processes in the external world

. Meanwhile, these processes ultimately set the conditions for future activity, and indeed life itself.

The rigor of animal-based programs is due to the fact that in conditions of confrontation with a dangerous and unpredictable outside world, the animal must provide, first of all, the task of survival. This means that the here and now is of paramount importance. If you lose sight of what is currently changing (for example, the trajectory of another animal, an object of unknown nature, etc.), this can bring mortal danger. Everything is determined by the specifics of the current moment. In the texts on leading life based on a systematic approach from consciousness, and not from IRB, various features of the perception of the animal basis and the semantic perception of the life process were repeatedly considered. In the tasks of organizing thinking to carry out systemic transformations, we determined that a holistic systemic picture of life in its main areas is necessary for a person to understand the principles of leading life based on a vision of the main trends and formative processes


They also consider their current activities; the “view from the hill” allows you to regularly renew this holistic picture in your mind and timely correct it in accordance with changes in the outside world, which are significant for the conditions of life and long-term planning of your activity process. This is the basis for understanding the idea of ​​the unity of change processes, which are adequately perceived only when a person has a systematic view of the process as a whole and understands its patterns. Understanding the patterns of external processes makes it easier to perceive ignorance of some particular facts and not provoke the IRB into the formation of states of anxious readiness in anticipation of the worst


This state is formed bypassing human consciousness and is based on a more general and universal state of the human body and psyche - readiness for anything. This state forms IRB when a person, without prior preparation and selection of the necessary information, enters society and, without studying the circumstances and conditions for performing actions, begins to implement them based on his ideas. (see “Mind as a control system”, “The importance of formative factors..”, “Systematic view of life and its extension”).

But there is a constantly recurring subconscious attitude to expect some unexpected and unpredictable favorable event that will improve the situation and give the person what he wants. This comes from prehistoric times, when man fought by force against the surrounding forces of nature, unknown to him and wild animals, some of which acquired mythological traits and properties, acquired the status of a totemic animal, patron, etc. Ignorance of the surrounding world, lack of knowledge about the processes and patterns in it, lack of understanding of one’s own life from the point of view of reason did not allow a person to perceive the world and himself holistically, and the life process predictable on the basis of knowable interdependencies and systemic patterns.

Unconsciously extending such an approach and such perception to the specifics of a private life problem, a person expected help and a favorable combination of circumstances, not knowing that all these possibilities were provided to his mind and were awaiting implementation in a more organized process of life. This is one of the features of the work of self-preservation programs in the IRB, when instead of a comprehensively weighed and studied problem, instead of analyzing the possibilities and organizing the necessary interaction, a person waits for a miraculous coincidence of circumstances


Thus, animal self-preservation programs, reaching the stage of reflexive thinking, replaced their inability to work at a high level of consciousness with ideas about miracles and luck

, bringing this to a reflexive program on all issues in the three main areas of life. Therefore, in the modern world, a person, relying on the achievements of civilization and using advanced technologies, remains “tied” to the installations of IRB, requiring study and attention from the consciousness. Expectations of what is strongly desired, belief in the possibility of obtaining this desired and the idea of ​​a favorable result that one “really wants”, without a reasonable organization of activities and balanced work coordinated with people, give rise to anticipation. And here it is important, in our opinion, to understand the physical, physiological basis of the processes of expectation of what is strongly desired and anticipation.

Anticipation (not only of food, but also of information, events) is perceived by the IRB as anticipation of food only. Because of this, the digestive tract of the human body (an animal does not have this) begins biochemical preparation for the digestion of “food” that has not yet entered and will never physically enter the stomach.

For an animal it’s simpler: it sees food, smells it, the digestive system gets ready for work, and then it actually works.

The human digestive tract, in response to anticipation (not food), stupidly begins to produce gastric juice, pancreatic juice, the liver begins to produce bile, and since there is no food in the tract, all these substances begin to irritate the walls of the digestive tract

. The composition of the juices will depend on what the person is anticipating. If he dreams of grabbing the enemy’s throat, then it is obvious that the composition of digestive juices will not correspond to the presence of plant food in the stomach. That is, if a person is always dissatisfied with the behavior of others, then in order for the stomach not to digest itself, he needs to eat almost raw meat. And since this is impossible in everyday life, he is guaranteed to have gastritis with high acidity, and then a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

An increase in the acidity of gastric juice leads to a reflex compression of the transition of the stomach into the duodenum, and with prolonged irritation of this zone with acid, the intensity of the compression weakens and the transition opens. This will lead to acid entering the duodenum, the mucous membrane of which is not designed for contact with acidic environments. As a result, a person gets inflammation of the duodenum or an ulcer.

Anticipation of pleasant events that may not always happen in reality, immersion in dreams, will lead to the preparation of the digestive tract to digest food containing large amounts of carbohydrates (starch or sugar).

If a person performs actions, assessing them as not being performed for himself, then the IRB perceives this as an inability to eat the fruits of his labor. At the level of reflexes, this will be perceived as the need to inhibit the activity of the digestive tract and constant readiness for hunger


At the level of everyday thinking, a person does not evaluate his internal states from the point of view of the presence of expectation and anticipation. He believes that in the course of things, distractions and conversations, his body works “as it should”, he is left to his own devices. When pain suddenly begins, the search for causes often comes down to mild poisoning, long breaks in eating, etc. Why should a person embarking on systemic transformations of life systematically pay attention to the train of thought in connection with expectations and anticipation?

In addition to the general task of organizing thinking, forming a systematic, creative way of thinking, in the current activity of a person’s consciousness there is always some specific event reflected in the psycho-emotional response of the individual, which reduces the process of activity or relationships with people to specific results


Either expected, better, or negative or actions to compensate for the results of erroneous decisions. Motivation at this level of the train of thought is not realized by a person, unless he specifically does this and does not understand it.

Meanwhile, even mental regret or hope for a favorable outcome without semantic preparation and organization of this result leads to the activation of the IRB program associated with the preparation of overcoming the unpleasant, negative, and undesirable. This is the case when, bypassing a person’s consciousness, the IRB begins to prepare to obtain some result

If this is an extended work, then when a state of fatigue forms, a “random” thought is brought to the level of thinking that “it would all be over soon.” Then another thought, how nice it would be if... This means that the IRB prepared the body for a reflexive perception of actions based on already expended energy resources, when fatigue formed, and there was no information from consciousness about the planned and obligatory resumption of energy losses.
That is why dialogues between consciousness and IRB are so important, when a person each time records the attempt of the animal system to switch the attention of consciousness through distractions to daydreaming.

The natural course of activity with its key and significant tasks and their organization can be realized by a person, but interruptions and distractions in the work of consciousness in the course of current activity will be more frequent, the less organized the work of consciousness to control the direction of the train of thoughts


The formation of fragments from the most desirable picture of results or expectations has a decisive influence on the state of the physiological balance of the body. In the examples considered, the gastrointestinal tract simulated the processes necessary for receiving and digesting real food


And so, the general conclusion

. By food, IRB understands any information about an upcoming event, information from a mental image, when distractions and fantasies in the mental picture are “accepted at face value” by the body. Anticipation of something, when repeated many times, forms a stable reflex program of involving the entire biochemical balance to ensure the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

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