Aphorisms and quotes about desires

Nothing bad happened today. Everything is fine on Earth. Be happy! 10


Make your dream change your life. before life changes your dream. 8


We remember the past, dream about the future, but never notice the present. 10


Sometimes cherished desires are fulfilled immediately, and not after fifty years. And the stupidest of them. 12


When you want something, the whole Universe seems to help you achieve your dream. Only one thing makes the fulfillment of a dream impossible - the fear of failure. 9


Goldfish, I want to have everything. - Yes, no problem, guy, you had everything. 10

Statuses about desires and dreams

I want the sun - in glare, so that it runs through my body - in threads, I want to be great, but not famous... Our love is planted right behind the ringing thicket, Believe it, this is important... Believe it, it’s real...


Excessive desires are a disaster, And the same passion is a destructive force, They can destroy our lives to the ground, And this feeling has destroyed many.


You say: “Well, how can you not want to, not see the goal, not notice the obstacles. “After all, you have to dream about something, go forward, fight, don’t give up.


We must follow our dreams easily, Fate is destined for us from birth, Unraveling only what is given to us, Growing spiritually is the best aspiration.


And I surrender and obey fate, She not only gives the best, I don’t try to fight her at all, I’m in tandem with her, not the other way around.


  • I try to merge with God and the Universe, And feel the breath of the earth... Feel the world. and every blissful hour Inhale Love. do good, love.

You choose the stairway to heaven yourself

Not everyone has the ability to achieve their goals. Maybe that’s why there are so many who want in life, but not many who are happy? Let statuses about opportunities and desires make you think about it.

  1. You can't always get what you need. But you always get what you don’t need.
  2. – A person can become anyone! - Yes? So how can I become a healthy young billionaire?
  3. Whether you want it or not, you still have to work.
  4. It is enough to learn to control what you want... and there will be no more reasons for joy in life.
  5. There are different things in life. But I would like it to be only good.
  6. At one time, our parents fulfilled our most important wish - the desire to live.
  7. If everything that people want came true on earth, it would become hell.
  8. Over the years, our desires become more solid.
  9. Desires are what excite our monotonous lives.
  10. Those who want less need less.
  11. I know for sure that dreams come true. It's a pity that I don't have it.
  12. Desires come true when they turn into determination.
  13. Our dreams give us confidence and strength.
  14. The only desire that must be fulfilled is the desire to be healthy.
  15. Always catering to your whims is the secret of true pleasure.
  16. The thirst to live is the only desire for which I respect!
  17. Desire can transform into greed.
  18. It's normal to want. Those who have no desire are either fools or afraid of everything.
  19. People who follow their natural desires are never unhappy.
  20. Neglect your desires, and they will immediately come true.
  21. You can do whatever you want. The main thing is to remember to want.
  22. Submit to your aspirations - this means arranging life according to your own taste.
  23. A normal person wants to drink wine, sing songs and dance with beautiful women, and not work like a horse from morning to night!
  24. May all our wishes come true in the new year. Or at least someone will appear who will fulfill them.
  25. It’s easy to understand what a woman wants if you want her yourself.
  26. It is human nature to strive for joy. It is on this that all driving laws of life should be built.
  27. The worst fate is to have criminal desires.
  28. To desire something that is not yours is a punishment in life.
  29. Everyone likes a funny wish.
  30. Even if we really want to, this does not relieve us of responsibility.
  31. If a woman knows what she wants, then she wants too little.
  32. A person lives a poor life if he has no desires.
  33. Every time I want something, I get a sweet tickle in my stomach - I look forward to how I will achieve it.
  34. What a person has is enough for him. Only he often doesn’t know about it.
  35. Before you desire anything, you need to understand yourself.
  36. Poverty condemns a person to live without desires.
  37. An idea not supported by desire turns into chatter.

A person accepts everything that helps him achieve what he wants and rejects everything that contradicts them. May the balance in your life be correct.

Quotes about dreams, phrases and sayings about dreams

Mommy, did you have a dream? -Was! And now? -And now he sits next to me and asks questions!


- Look look. - What is this? - Your dream came true again for someone else.


May there always be a moment in life for happiness, a reason to smile and time to dream.


  • If you have a dream, hold it tightly in your hands. So strong that it would become your destiny.


Never brag about what you don't already have or what you plan to do - otherwise you may not get it.


Dreams will definitely come true, but to speed up this process, take steps towards them every day


If a person is 80% water, then without dreams and desires he is just a vertical puddle.


Have a dream? Run to her! Can't run? Go to her! It is impossible to go to her? Crawl to her! Can't crawl to her? Lie down and lie in the direction of your dreams.


To find out where your heart lives, pay attention to where your mind wanders in moments of daydreaming.


  • Don’t forget your dreams, they will become the engine of your existence, the taste and smell of your every morning will depend on them.


I try to live in such a way that I don’t regret anything, I always choose the path to which my desire pushes me. I am following my dream, and this is the only true path.


It's never too late to leave the crowd. Follow your dream, move towards your goal.


My dream is to warm my feet next to a real fireplace on cold autumn evenings, read an interesting novel and leisurely sip tea with you.


Build your own dreams, otherwise someone else will use you to build theirs.


  • Dreams Come True. Otherwise, nature would not have endowed us with the ability to dream.


Don't change your dreams just because you don't know how to make them come true. You will learn this!


He who believes in omens will have them come true. It's the same with dreams. Whoever believes in his dream will definitely have it come true.


Miracles happen when you risk everything for a dream that no one but you can see. You just have to believe. Clint Eastwood


If you dream alone, a dream remains a dream; if you dream with others, you create reality. Subcomandante Marcos


  • Don't change your dreams just because you don't know how to make them come true. You will learn this over time.


You don't even notice that your dreams are coming true. Everything is never enough for you. Like me. Cristiano Ronaldo


There are only two tragedies possible in life: the first is to get what you dream of, the second is not to get it. Oscar Wilde


Our dreams can come true. If we find the courage to pursue them!


In life, the main thing is to have a clear, correct position, to always know your goal. And never change your dreams.


  • To dream means to strive for happiness, believing that no matter how difficult it may be to achieve, everything will be exactly as you dream.


"That would be great!" I imagined and at the same time did not lift a finger to make my dreams come true” Haruki Murakami.


At first dreams seem impossible, then implausible, and then inevitable.


After all, there are so many fragile things in the world. People break so easily. Just as easily as dreams die and hearts break. Neil Gaiman


“You don’t need to talk about your dream, keep it to yourself, otherwise it will become like a dirty banknote.”


Even from a dream you can make jam if you add fruit and sugar. Stanislav Jerzy Lec


I always choose the path to which my desire pushes me. I am following my dream, and this is the only true path.


All our dreams can come true - only if we have the courage to follow them.


If a person has developed the habit of leaving home to dream, then the day will come when he will leave to throw himself into the water. Victor Hugo


No matter what situation you are in now, follow your dreams and don't listen to anyone!


“Someday later” is a most dangerous disease that sooner or later will bury your dreams along with you. Ferris


But you don't know me at all. It doesn't matter. Without knowing you, I have dreamed about you all my life.


Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to make it come true. Richard Bach


Don't make promises rashly. Don't get angry when you're drunk. Don't make plans in joyful excitement.


When a person doesn’t want anything, this is a sign that he wants something so much that he no longer has the strength to want it.


I often ask others: what would you like to do in life? Judging by the answers, the majority do not realize their dreams. It is very sad.


If you confidently move in the direction of your dreams and make an effort to live the life you dream of, you are sure to encounter luck that is unexpected in ordinary times.


You can't give up on a dream without trying to make it come true. Jacqueline Susan "Valley of the Dolls"


What worries me more is the fact that I have a terribly many plans and terribly little time. Janusz Leon Wisniewski


Not a single ship leaves the port without a clear route. Dream and goal is your route!


Never regret anything: sometimes troubles happen for good, and dreams don’t come true for the better. Oleg Roy

What do you want from life

It's good when we have aspirations. This is the driving force that makes you develop, rejoice, and fill your life with interesting moments. This is exactly what statuses about desires say.

  1. Yesterday I saw a shooting star and made a wish... Today I cracked my lip.
  2. If you can't get what you want, love what you already have.
  3. People become aware of their desires.
  4. For the New Year I will not ask Grandfather Frost for money or gifts. Let him leave everything that I have now.
  5. I want perfume that smells of happiness and lipstick that helps me smile!
  6. Last year I ordered for the New Year to have a big bank account and a minus on the scales. So, Santa Claus seems to have gotten it wrong...
  7. Finding out what you want from life is very simple. To do this, you need to answer the question of what happiness is.
  8. To get something you've never had before, you need to do something you've never done before.
  9. It happens that the body requires some product that it needs for normal functioning. What should I do if my body craves alcohol?
  10. Whoever wants it will have it.
  11. If only beautiful girls would look at me with the same delight with which I look at banknotes!
  12. On my birthday they always wish me fulfillment of my wishes... but if only they knew what I wish for!
  13. I really want lobster in white wine! I’ll go brew Doshirak with shrimp flavor...
  14. Hunting for world peace... and a couple of bottles of beer.
  15. When I was young I always wanted something, but now I mostly don’t want anything.
  16. How to find a balance between the desire to have a good job, a beautiful house and a cool car and the desire to sleep?
  17. Don't know what you want? You'll be left with what you don't want!
  18. – Mom, what did you ask Santa Claus for the New Year as a child? - Well, apparently, like all other children then - a bag of candy!
  19. If you want it, but not really, then you won’t have the resources to achieve it. If you want to grind your teeth, with a 99% chance you will achieve it!
  20. If a woman wants... quit work, take a bouquet and go to her immediately!
  21. It is enough for any person to get everything he wants for him to understand that this is not everything he wanted.
  22. When you don't want to, there is always an excuse.
  23. A person lives only when he has many desires.
  24. There are some dreams in life that will never come true... fortunately for us.
  25. Apparently, I also caught a goldfish in a past life. And I wished for her that I would have a lot of money. Now I work as a cash collector...
  26. Before marriage I had desires, after - requests.
  27. If we don’t get what we wanted, we’ll pretend that we didn’t want it at all...
  28. You must have many desires, because the more you have, the more will come true.
  29. Along with our desires, we are also given the strength to make them come true.

Motivating statuses about a dream

Most people think about life and ask: why? I dream and ask: why not? 10


Those who dream of different things will still part. Those who dream of the same thing will definitely meet. eleven


While you hold on to your “stability”, someone nearby makes your dreams come true. Robert Orben 11


Have a dream? Run to her! Can't run? Go to her! It is impossible to go to her? Crawl to her! You can’t crawl to her, lie down and lie in the direction of your dreams! 8


What can your finances allow you without restrictions? Without restrictions, my finances allow me to dream. 10


The moment you laughed at someone else's dream, your dream began to laugh at you and 10

Regardless of what you dream of, start working on it! And then real miracles will begin to happen in your life!


It's hard to give up on a dream. It is easier to complicate the path to it than to believe that your plans will not come true.

Quotes about dreams, aphorisms about dreams, statuses about dreams

- Do you know what is the most difficult thing about making wishes come true? - Execution? - No, faith that they can come true. Not a single desire can come to life until you give it the wings of faith!


If you want something, you must achieve it, and don’t care about all the principles, fears and opinions of other people.


Dreams are different and the ways to realize them too... it turns out that by choosing the wrong path, you can say goodbye to your dream without even getting closer to it.


Only when your dreams are stronger than your fears will they begin to come true.


- Why here? Why now? - Why not here and not now? Where can we give in to our dreams if not in Paris?


A person who is not inclined to fight for what he wants is not worthy of what he wants.


You will become the hundredth in this life as soon as you throw away everything that makes you want to be the first.


“All our dreams can come true - only if we have the courage to follow them”


Dreams are the heart's reminder of what is truly worth pursuing. Always follow your heart and know your dream is off to a good start.


Half of the people give up on the path to their goal because no one told them: I believe in you, you will succeed!


Aim upward, towards the stars hidden in the depths of your soul. Pay more attention to your dreams. Dreams give rise to goals. Pamela Wall Starr


There is no need to talk about your dream, keep it to yourself, otherwise it will become like a dirty banknote.


If they tell you that dreams don't come true, don't believe them. They come true if you fight for them.


Each of us needs turning points in life or depression. After all, only after this we will find new strength in ourselves and do what we have long dreamed of.


Wishing and waiting won't get you far. Get up and start following your dreams.


“At first dreams seem impossible. Then implausible. And then inevitable” Christopher Rief


Give a person everything he desires, and at that very moment he will feel that this is not everything. Kant


I need a table with a dream view. Espresso and sunset flambé. No, nothing more is needed. But by the way, put a star in the palm of your hand. And blues with a hint of chocolate


Dreams come true when a strong desire turns them into concrete actions.


A person has everything he wants in life, and if he doesn’t have it, it means he doesn’t want enough. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov


If your most secret dreams begin to come true, get ready that fate will soon present you with a bill.


Man is great in his plans, but weak in their implementation. "Triumphal Arch"


“Wishing and waiting won’t get you far. Get up and start following your dreams."


Not all dreams come true. For example, as a child I dreamed of becoming a chef, but it didn’t work out.


Fate gives us what we want when we have already learned to do without it. Karol Izhikowski


Dreams are reality. The main thing is to want it badly and take a step forward. Elchin Safarli. Love from the bottom of the Bosphorus


The moment you laughed at someone else's dream, your dream began to laugh at you. Serge Goodman


If you have a dream, take care of it. People who can’t do something will insist that you can’t do it either. Set a goal and achieve it! And period.


Between the imagination of a person and the acquisition of what he wants lies a space that a person can overcome only with his passionate desire!

Won't the mug crack?

If you really want it, it will surely come true. This simple wisdom is contained in statuses about the fulfillment of desires.

  1. It's stupid to be afraid of your desires. There will be no other life for them.
  2. Last year I asked Santa Claus for a boyfriend. This year I'll ask for champagne and sweets and pick up this goat.
  3. Desire creates many opportunities and just as many problems.
  4. If only there were 5 days off and two working days in a week!
  5. It is not we who have desires, but they who have us!
  6. There are women who don’t know what they want, and there are women who don’t know what they want!
  7. A house in the village, a well-fed cat and a person who knows how much sugar to put in your tea - this is what you begin to want when your crazy youth ends.
  8. Hottabych will shave his beard after hearing my wishes...
  9. To be needed by someone - that's what everyone wants.
  10. Have you ever had a day that you would like to live again?..
  11. People are divided into slaves of their desires and slaves of those on whom the fulfillment of their desires depends.
  12. When we receive one of the two, we understand that we wanted something else!
  13. A day has passed and you haven't gotten what you wanted? Try harder tomorrow.
  14. Sometimes the fulfillment of our desires is hindered by the attitudes in our heads.
  15. If a girl has everything, this does not mean that nothing else is needed!
  16. I didn’t even think that I wanted it until a friend said that she had it...
  17. How passionately I want a big salary! And sleep.
  18. To fulfill my desires, I immediately need a goldfish, a seven-flowered flower and old man Hottabych!
  19. I made my wishes to the goldfish, one said one word: “Fry!”
  20. In kindergarten we wanted to stay awake. At school we wanted to become big. At the institute we wanted a salary. At work we want to be small again and sleep!
  21. I really want to stand by the pool with a glass of champagne! Especially when you go to work in a cramped minibus.
  22. You have to make wishes, otherwise they will never understand that you want them.
  23. Only wishes come true, not wishes.
  24. – I want to, but I can’t... – So you don’t really want to!
  25. A happy person is not the one who can fulfill all his whims, but the one who knows how to be content with what he has.
  26. I so want strong male arms to hug my waist... And I want my waist too!
  27. The more you want, the more disappointed you become.
  28. I don't want anything in particular. In addition to chocolate, cake, sunshine, wide-brimmed hat, sea, sun lounger, cocktail, millionaire, limousine, Swiss bank account... then continue on your own!
  29. The law of the opposite comes into force every time I really want something...
  30. When we are driven by desires, we can move mountains, create masterpieces and earn millions.

If you want to deprive someone of a dream, make the dream come true

Over the years, children grow up, but there are no dreams. Their essence remains the same: to find happiness.


There is a Mastercard for every dream; human stupidity is priceless. (S. Minaev)


I spread my dreams before your feet. Walk softly! You are walking in my dreams. (Equilibrium)


You see things and say, “Why?” But I dream of things that never happened and I say, "Why not?" (George Bernard Shaw)

Having exchanged the next salary for beer, we dream of saving up and finally living beautifully

When you really want something, the entire Universe will help make your wish come true. (P. Coelho)


At first dreams seem impossible, then implausible, and then inevitable. (K. Reeve)


Where I come from, having a dream doesn't mean being smart. Being smart is knowing that it won't come true!


Having exchanged the next salary for beer, we dream of saving up and finally living beautifully (Pencil)

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