Final essay on the topic: Is it necessary to take into account the experience of older generations?

Quotes about wisdom and experience

“Wisdom comes with age,” someone will say. But it would be more accurate to say that wisdom comes with experience. Positive and negative, in any case it makes a person stronger, smarter, and allows him to better adapt to life. Many great minds have discussed the value of wisdom. You can find out their opinion on this matter on our portal.

Check out the most beautiful quotes on the topic of experience and wisdom. Get the opportunity to discover new important truths and simply get inspired.

Experience does not prevent us from repeating the same stupidity, but it does prevent us from getting the same pleasure from it. Tristan Bernard.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, all that matters is whether you are a happy person or not?

Experience is an expensive school, but what to do if there is no other school for fools. B. Franklin.

Experience is priceless, the only bad thing is that you have to pay for it with your own youth.

The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.

Stay in the middle of the circle and let all things follow their path. Lao Tzu.

Changes do not occur only with the highest wisdom and the lowest stupidity. Confucius.

It's so hard to forget the pain - but it's even harder to remember the good.

Happiness leaves no scars. Peaceful times teach us nothing.

The best way to know if you can trust someone is to trust them. Ernest Hemingway.

Only experience and unnoticed everyday work make an artist mature and provide the opportunity to create something more true and complete. Vincent Van Gogh.

Little red plumber

Screenshot of a very difficult Super Mario level with fire everywhere.
Why do people play Super Mario: to beat the game or to have fun in the process? Is it fun to play when it's easy to win or when it's hard to win? Where is the balance? Here's what Xbox's Director of User Research thinks about it:

“If a usability engineer were designing the game, he would make one button that said, ‘Click here to win.’”

Randy Pagulayan of Microsoft Games Studio

We know that games and other things that are fun work differently.

How does experience shape perceptions and worldviews?

Experience has a fairly large impact on the perception of the world, since impressions received during life can be imprinted in a certain way in the form of positive or negative experiences. There is a popular proverb:

“Blow on water after getting burned on milk”

This means that negative experiences from the past form a certain biased attitude not only towards the object with which the experience is associated, but also towards related things. A person saved from drowning will be afraid of water, from a fire - fire, someone who was seriously wounded by a knife will be afraid of sharp objects. And so on. Impressions form experience, which influences perception, which, in turn, shapes a person’s course of action and behavior, building a certain line of action in relation to certain areas. The totality of experience reflects the personality and its background, based on this, one can learn to understand the fears, desires and aspirations of others

Disappointment also greatly influences perception and disappointment is also a directly related experience in life. Imagine the embodiment of experience - a sage or an old man, is he capable of being disappointed? No, while a child or young man becomes disappointed in everything around him: in the world, people, authorities, activities, and so on. Disappointment is an event that is preceded by expectations, hopes and preconceptions. When getting involved in any subject or person, lack of experience threatens serious disappointment. Such events leave only two marks on fate: they make you stronger or they break you. They may not leave a trace at all, leaving them at the same level of development.

However, in order to form the right experience and combat negative experiences that prevent you from living more freely, it is necessary to acquire knowledge and process within yourself situations from the past that have affected the individual. This can be extremely difficult to implement, but getting rid of the burden with one heavy tension is easier than carrying it all your life.

Sometimes you can be patient

There is a product that is used by billions. He is almost as old as humanity itself. A lot of smart people worked to make it as perfect as possible: give it good grip and a form-fitting shape, make it lightweight and wear-resistant. The creators have achieved excellent usability.

But one type of this product has terrible usability and is still admired. Its use can cause leg and back pain, it does not solve any of the problems it was designed for, and it can only be used on a flat surface. Moreover, continuous use may cause health problems. And people still like him!

I'm talking about shoes, specifically high heels.

From a usability point of view, these shoes are no good, but in reality they provide a great user experience. High heels make a woman look taller, her legs appear longer, and her feet appear smaller. Heeled shoes make you feel attractive and desirable.

Good experience is more important than bad usability because people don't buy this product for comfort. To feel beautiful, a person is willing to endure discomfort. People are willing to put up with discomfort—pain, hangovers, poor usability—as long as the user experience is good enough to outweigh the disadvantages.

What is experience?

Experience is a set of impressions, conclusions and judgments obtained as a result of events that a person has encountered in life. Also, there is the concept of experience as an indicator of the degree of skill acquired in the course of direct activity.
These two definitions are similar in that experience is gained through direct activity or interaction with real life. It is impossible to gain experience from descriptions or sources of information only by going through and encountering a certain area yourself. Experience acts as a mediator between the world and a person, as it allows the latter to act in accordance with the world, achieving the greatest efficiency for a person and the ability to avoid difficult situations. Acting through the prism of experience, a person is able to understand exactly what is happening, since he has encountered certain situations many times already. Gaining experience allows a person not only to know or understand, but to be convinced that a certain action will lead to a certain result, as well as knowledge of what actions should be taken in certain situations. Despite the fact that knowledge also indicates the necessary course of action, without experience it allows a person to only guess, which entails doubt, indecision and inability to fully do the right thing.

So, experience is the totality of:

  • understanding
  • impressions
  • skills
  • knowledge
  • conclusions
  • judgments

Useful experience is that experience that helps us in our daily life and professional activities , without creating prejudices for us on the one hand, and on the other hand, accurately indicating the possibility of error and danger. Acquiring such experience is a very long process, but this type of experience is the most valuable. You can only acquire it by receiving and correctly interpreting it. In the professional sphere, this requires a lot of work. And in ordinary life - wisdom and understanding .

About life experience

No matter how smart a person is, he still has to make many serious mistakes before he learns all the intricacies of life.
All people initially learn from their own mistakes, because until the first major failures, our painful pride does not allow us to learn from others.

To live long, you must be wise. The main wisdom in the matter of life is to know that it is an extremely serious matter and not to consider yourself a happy exception to the universal rule.

Life's truths are experienced, not taught. Life is to be lived. Caution and wisdom are the fruits of repeated bitter experience. Anyone who has lived in the world long enough can judge various things sensibly and use their acquired experience in ordinary everyday affairs, because the ability to take the only right step directly depends on experience, common sense and the wisdom of the heart.

People usually act according to their worldly maturity, but it comes to a person gradually. Knowledge of life consists of many grains of accumulated experience; it is the result and synthesis of what has been lived and meaningful.

The arena of life cannot be crossed without wounds, for it is full of vicissitudes, and therefore the road to maturity usually runs through mistakes and the suffering that they entail.

Having lost the illusions of childhood and youth in the stormy waters of the worldly sea, a person decides to live, guided only by his mind, common sense and his own experience. Combined with a will that can force him to carry out such a decision every day, this is the art of living.

Life will forever remain an unsurpassed school for people. Look back at the path you have traveled, take a closer look at it and see that it has always contained enough events and things that you need to understand life’s problems. How important it is to use this in a timely manner! Therefore, study your life path, no matter how small it may be for now, and often turn to your own experience, especially sad ones.

How many rash actions must be committed in order to understand how much in our lives depends on prudence!

How many troubles a person’s life is filled with! That is why our fate is never easy. Life is beautiful, but still tragic. Even in the happiest life you will see many sad events.

Confucius is right that “the word by which you can live your whole life is forbearance.” However, the word, guided by which you can not allow a person to ruin his entire life, sounds different - exactingness.

It is easiest to judge those things that are familiar to us from our own experience. A person deeply understands only what he himself has experienced.

If everything in your life is good today, remember that, despite this, tomorrow everything can suddenly turn bad.

People who have gone through a great school of life will not claim that they have fully understood life.

Making his way through the thorns of life, a person accumulates not only experience, but also prejudices.

The more you know life, the more clearly you see how important it is to have the ability not to succumb to the first impulse of feelings, but to soberly weigh all the circumstances so as not to attach more importance to what happened than it deserves.

Yes, a person really knows how to adapt to different circumstances. And this is good, since many of them are not at all subject to our will. Life often limits a person’s choices, and circumstances influence his views, which is why, following changes that radically change our lives, we usually soon change too.

There are problems in human life that can only be solved without paying any attention to them.

Bad expectations come true much more often than good ones, so push away misfortune and troubles.

Don't feel bad about leaving a small fortune for posterity. The main thing is to teach them the art of living. This will help your children avoid mistakes that take years to correct and triumph over all other vicissitudes of life.

Whatever is desired will come to him who can wait patiently when waiting is necessary, and act quickly when the time for vigorous action comes.

The core of our experience is the suffering we have experienced.

You need to live in such a way that they don’t say about you: “He lived so long, but learned so little!”

Why do most people not have any reasonable results at the end of their lives? Because they mostly pursue stupid goals.

He who knows life does not hold grudges against people.

You need to stay in the middle in everything, not forgetting to look at the edges.

A person who has seen a lot in life is usually little inclined to surprise.

To judge the purpose of life on Earth, it is not enough to live an ordinary life.

From time to time, each of us may reap not at all what he sowed, or not as much as he expected to reap. This is because there are too many incidental circumstances in life, and this, coupled with a person’s personal mistakes and misconceptions, does not allow it to be contained within the boundaries of precise rules and definitions.

There are many things in life that are not at all dependent on the complexity of the structure of the universe. First of all, every person needs to deal with them.

Life tests our morals for viability.

Live in reality and distract yourself from it only by way of relaxation. Life experience is not given to anyone on credit.

You need to live simply, but not to say goodbye, without wasting your feelings and without emptying your heart.

Most of the wrong actions are committed by people out of simple ignorance.

The highest commandment of worldly wisdom lies in the ability to forgive, but only with a clear understanding of where the line of what is forgiven actually lies.

After you have dealt with the main thing, it is important to understand the little things, because the latter can also be different. In particular, there are those whose inattention can seriously harm you, and there are those that do not deserve your attention at all.

If you don’t know what to do tomorrow, then decide on your plans for life.

Oh, and it’s not easy for a person to navigate correctly in this life, because from infancy they persistently call him and pull him in all directions, fervently assuring him that this is the most correct path.

Through suffering, people learn what they did not want to learn through the instructions of the wise.

Do not scold yourself or others for such mistakes, the meaning of which could not be clear to you or them at the time of their commission. Instead, it is better to help both yourself and others understand their essence for the future.

In life there are always things that can still be changed, as well as things that, no matter how hard you try, you cannot change. The first should be persistently changed for the good, but the second should simply be taken for granted.

Those who have not yet seen real life and have not experienced its anxieties yearn to quickly escape from everyday life. Those who have had their fill of sorrows and seen the sights are eager to return to it as soon as possible.

To avoid wasting time and energy on something meaningless, do everything when it makes sense.

The degree of everyday maturity can also be assessed by how a person determines the difference between “I want” and “I need.”

Life presents each of us with special lessons, the meaning of which must be understood independently, otherwise it repeats them again and again.

A person correlates his personal world with the world around him in accordance with the degree of his everyday maturity.

The most difficult test of life's maturity is presented to us in the experience of freedom.

Suffering is one of the strictest teachers in the school of life and repeats its lesson more and more painfully until a person learns it.

Everyone pays with pain for delusions that they did not want to part with.

Each of us carries our own daily burden, consisting of different parts, and the relief of any of them leads to a relief of the entire burden as a whole.

If you let others control your life, you will most likely not like the way they do it.

Many people themselves trivialize everything they see, and later, having experienced the consequences of their cynicism, they complain that there is not enough sublimity in their lives.

People learn and understand many things in life unexpectedly for themselves.

Life will reason with anyone who seeks to adjust it to his own standards.

Retro experience

Have you ever used an old record player? The experience is wonderful. You feel like a king when you place the record inside. You take it out of the case, put it on the player, lift the needle and, as soon as it touches the record, a soft and pleasant scratching sound is heard from the speakers. Music accompanies him. This sound seems deeper, more real, than anything that can be reproduced from a phone or through a Bluetooth speaker.

This direct physical connection with the environment gives rise to cool, powerful sensations. I understand why more and more people are returning to vinyl.

But what is it like to use an old record player every day? It's terribly tiring. You turn on the record, sit down with a good book, and within minutes the music disappears. Instead, a scratching noise appears. This means that you need to get up and turn on the record from the beginning, or turn the record over, or even take a new one. It's great if you keep all the records clean, otherwise another record will sound like a very old radio station due to dust. It is also important to play the music at a medium speed, otherwise the singers will perform the songs like the chipmunks from the cartoon or like Jabba the Hutt.

As I've written before, some things combine amazing user experience with terrible usability. And people are happy to use them. I'm on the vinyl team myself; music from records seems more tangible to me. If you really enjoy the experience, poor usability won't make you trade vinyl for a Spotify playlist.

This is comparable to the joy of driving a vintage car without an automatic transmission, a servo drive, buttons that raise the windows, and a good suspension. Driving an old car can be difficult, but you feel more connected to it.

My pilot friends have said that they prefer old planes to new ones because the new ones do everything on their own. Everything is automated and digitized. With an older airplane, you can feel the controls because the controls are straight forward.

Of course, new planes and cars are much safer and easier to use than old ones, but they are often less interesting. I’m not advocating driving and flying in retro cars—transport must first and foremost be safe, and new models do this better than old ones. I just want to show how some things can create a better experience if they are a little more difficult to use.

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