Taste. Whatever the best statuses about taste

Quotes about taste

Having taste is more than having intelligence. Honore de Balzac

People's tastes inevitably change over time, and what one generation thinks is only good for a landfill, will seem like an antique value to the next.
Shirley Conran
The seat of taste is not the tongue, but the brain. Mahatma Gandhi

Nothing shapes taste and correctness of judgment more than the habit of writing out a passage you like or marking a deep thought. Andre Maurois

Of all the natural faculties, taste is the most felt and the least amenable to explanation; it would not be taste if it were possible to define it, because it judges objects without taking into account the considerations of the mind, but is rather, so to speak, a sensory perception of the mind. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Don't do to others what you would like them to do for you. You may have different tastes. Bernard Show

In matters of taste there can be no proof. Pierre Buast

Half the people laugh at the other, and both are equally stupid. Any thing is considered good by some, and bad by others; What one follows, the other pursues. An obnoxious fool is one who tries to change everything in his own way. It’s not a detriment to perfection that someone doesn’t like it: tastes are like people, and they are just as diverse. There is a hunter for every kind of game, and there is no need to be discouraged if someone doesn’t like something - there will also be those who will appreciate it. But don’t let the praise turn your head - look, others will judge you. The measure of true satisfaction is the praise of the glorious and knowledgeable. One opinion, one fashion, one century - that’s not all. Baltasar Gracian

Taste is nothing more than subtle common sense, while genius is sublime reason. Andre Chenier

The combination of acquired taste with natural taste constitutes the perfection of both. Auguste Keratry

Youth changes its tastes due to hot blood, but old age retains its tastes due to habit. Francois La Rochefoucauld

Taste is the common sense of genius. Francois Chateaubriand

Someone who constantly asks the question: “Is this in good taste? " - probably has bad taste. Joe Orton

Good taste is the ability to correctly judge objects related to the area of ​​feeling. Vauvenargues

People with taste are a strange caste: they have their own little saints that no one knows. Gustave Flaubert

Honey is so sweet that it is finally bitter. Too much flavor kills the taste. William Shakespeare

Bad taste has limits, only good taste is endless. Coco Chanel

We praise what suits our taste: this means that when we praise, we praise our own taste - doesn’t this sin against all good taste? Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Taste is an aesthetic conscience. Jean Paul

At twenty years old, feeling reigns, at thirty - talent, at forty - reason... But good taste adorns a person’s entire life. Baltasar Gracian

Everyone has their own taste - one likes to spread snot, another to wipe it away, a third to smear it. Venedikt Erofeev

... you yourself are what the woman next to you is like, you are her type. Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky

A witty person is one who jokes with taste. Aristotle

They don’t argue about tastes: they scold, argue and swear because of tastes. Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Tastes change, but bad taste never does. Boris Yuzefovich Krutier

The taste develops gradually. About twenty years ago I happened to marry men whom I would not invite to dinner today. Elizabeth Taylor

The bread always seemed tastier the more difficult it was for us to get. Kazakh proverb

We all see the same thing, but we perceive it differently. Each in their own way. Depending on our tastes, preferences, upbringing, and the understanding of beauty instilled in us. After all, even female charm is not perceived unambiguously. Each of us sees what he wants to see. Tatiana Ustimenko

Scientists cannot prove that a joke is funny, they cannot prove that some dish is tasty. So we see what attracts us most - beauty, humor, charm - all this is subjective, cannot be proven. Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

Good taste speaks not so much of intelligence as of clarity of judgment. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Taste is the enemy of creativity. Pablo Picasso

After a long hunger strike, you don’t really care about the taste. Danny King

Beautiful is something that belongs solely to taste. Immanuel Kant

Bad taste testifies to the inferiority of the soul. Pierre Buast

There are no concepts of “best” and “worst”, there is the concept of “different”. And then there are the concepts of “like” and “dislike,” which many people confuse with the concepts of “best” and “worst.” There are no good films and bad books, there are no good deeds and bad people, there is something that suits someone’s taste and suits them, and something that does not suit one’s taste or does not suit them. And there is no need to replace one with the other. Alexandra Marinina

Selected Paulo Coelho Quotes to Inspire You to Change

Paulo Coelho is one of the most famous modern authors. He is distinguished by a unique vision of the world and unshakable optimism. His books inspire millions of readers around the world, make them believe in miracles and give hope for a bright future.

Currently, the author has published more than 20 works, the most famous of which is “The Alchemist,” which is on the world bestseller list. We invite you to recharge yourself with the incredible inner strength and thirst for life of this brilliant Brazilian writer by getting acquainted with his selected quotes about life, love and destiny.

At the beginning of the 2000s, the whole planet went crazy for the gray-haired Brazilian with courteous manners.

If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it's deadly.

It was at the beginning of the 2000s, it was at VDNKh. Paolo Coelho came to the Moscow International Book Fair and signed autographs. The crowd filled every available space in the center of the giant pavilion, people waited patiently. Sometimes the writer went out onto the balcony and threw up his hands. The crowd let out a howl of welcome.

Most of all, it was like meeting not even a rock star, but a religious guru. The priest has arrived. Famous Bombay Brahmin Yogi. Son of Krepysh. Favorite of Rabindranath Tagore. People waited humbly. The idol came out periodically.

Something similar happened in those years all over the globe: from Budapest to Cairo, from Japan to America. Everywhere people met Paolo Coelho as a new prophet who would change the world, or at least the life of every reader.

Value things not for how much they cost, but for how much they mean.

Change is always scary. But no one will change your life for you. You understand the choice you must make, but despite the fear, you move forward. This is the main rule of success.

Indescribable bliss

What could be sweeter than berries? Nothing... Quotes about berries will fill life with bright colors and pleasant emotions, give pleasure and lift your spirits:

  1. Strawberries are the only berry in the world that is prohibited for children under 16 years of age.
  2. Love is the feeling when you happily run with someone in all seasons. In the summer you dream of picking berries, in the fall - mushrooms, in the spring - flowers, and in the winter - at least making a snowman.
  3. It’s one thing when people are of the same breed, and quite another when they are like weeds.
  4. Sometimes even a late berry is much tastier than an early ripening one.
  5. Even at 45, a black woman becomes a prune again.
  6. A berry and a berry - that’s a basket. Well, the one who puts it in his mouth will never pick it up.
  7. Thoughts must ripen, but not overripe, otherwise they will not be beneficial, just like overripe fruits.
  8. Adam picked green fruits for himself, for which he was expelled from Paradise, which is why now the fruits remain unripe forever.
  9. The berries are so sweet that they taste bitter. Excess taste can kill any pleasure.
  10. A diplomat without a briefcase is like a berry without a seed.
  11. Some people are always content with what they have and carefully hide their berries. Sometimes there are more of them, sometimes less, but they always remain, you don’t have to take them from others.
  12. Words can be compared to berries; the bushes that produce a lot of them bring very little to life.
  13. Sometimes there is no difference between a person and a tree; you need to treat all berries and fruits with tenderness, because they can give pleasure.
  14. Only tranquility can provoke great and beautiful things; it is precisely this soil on which magnificent berries grow.
  15. Early ripening is least trustworthy; late berries are much more similar to real ones than the very first ones that have just appeared.
  16. To know the true taste of berries, there is no need to eat a whole bush with them; a gourmet needs only one berry to feel the beauty of life.
  17. Many more flies drown in berry compote than in vinegar.
  18. It's a shame when you slip on the foliage of a berry bush. without even trying the berries themselves.
  19. Anticipation is much more pleasant and sweeter than the fulfillment of a desire. In the first situation, a person independently prepares a dish for himself, but when he achieves what he wants, he has to try what life itself has prepared.
  20. The best is nearby, breath in your nose, flowers under your feet, berries on the bushes, worries in your hands and the road ahead. You need to be able to appreciate what you have now, and not hope for the future.
  21. A good berry can be eaten twice.
  22. Pleasure is like a berry; once you bite a little, there is nothing left.
  23. Every person dreams of being in a magical berry forest, but cannot enjoy the garden where wonderful delicacies grow.
  24. The difference between a great lunch and life is one thing - during lunch, sweets are served at the end.
  25. Since the time people learned to cook, they eat much more than they need, especially when it comes to berry pies.
  26. From childhood, a beginning is laid in a person, it grows with him like berries, ripens, and turns into his second self.
  27. If you want to pick berries, don’t break the bushes.
  28. Sometimes you're on a train, and when you get off, you see green grass and berries and you're as happy as a cow.
  29. It’s easy to die completely healthy, in the morning, in the spring garden, eat berries, get in a good mood, and then lie down on the grass and leave.
  30. History can be compared to berries; it is better not to look while they are ripe.

Quotes and statuses about berries will always remain on the wave of popularity, because they provide joy and happiness in life, fill it with positive emotions and make you dream about the impossible.

Berries and pleasure

Statuses about berries should definitely be set on a page on social networks in order to remember their taste and aroma, feel the joy of life and begin to embody the most original ideas in life:

  1. It's incredibly annoying if the very last berry turns out to be tasteless.
  2. Of course, I asked to bring me a basket of berries, but it never occurred to me that it would be watermelons.
  3. Sometimes it happens that you eat and eat berries, you think, well, this is definitely the last one, but it turns out to be unsweetened and requires eating.
  4. Small children are called flowers, but big ones are berries with seeds inside.
  5. Today I’m angry, my hands are shaking, I’m all swollen. Not with a hangover, I went for berries yesterday.
  6. Every forest turns into a magical one if you eat all the berries you see along the way.
  7. I went to the forest to pick berries, everyone considered one bush to be poisonous, so only I ate them.
  8. What happened yesterday can be called flowers, because today I had to pick such berries that you wouldn’t wish on your enemy.
  9. Everyone only catches berries from cherry jam; nothing else can be caught from there.
  10. Only in childhood can you eat green berries from the bush and get real pleasure from it.
  11. To achieve something, you must first tear the berries off the stool.
  12. It happens that you make a compote, want to throw away the berries, take a colander, drain the compote, and then stand there and think for a very long time...
  13. When you call your mom, the best thing you can hear is hello, my little berry.
  14. When you arrive at the dacha and see a lot of berries around, you feel happy, until the moment you are forced to pick these berries.
  15. Some people are called birds of a feather, but they may have different varieties.
  16. The berries in your neighbors' garden always turn out to be tastier.
  17. When you pick berries yourself, you set the criteria for their ripeness and leave them on the branches.
  18. Childhood is the time when you go picking berries and ask your parents about each one - can you eat this one?
  19. It is very easy to distinguish a mushroom from a berry. You need to cook them, if you get a soup, then it’s definitely a mushroom, but if you get a compote, then it’s definitely a berry.
  20. Only diplomats can care so deeply about a person’s soul that he will definitely end up with a slight taste of berries in his mouth.
  21. The juice can be depressing, because the berries in it are all depressed.
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