Quotes About Friends Leaving

Suddenly and forever

Funny and sad quotes about breaking up - words that will help you survive the pain of loss.

  1. True hell is when you break up with a person with whom you were ready to do everything and even more.
  2. You know, people who love you always appear in your life unexpectedly... and leave just as unexpectedly.
  3. You only realize how important a person was to you when it’s time to part ways.
  4. Breakups are not bad. It's part of life, part of moving forward. After all, those with whom we part continue to live inside us, inside our hearts.
  5. If even the most stupid and insignificant thing can lead to separation, then you were definitely not on the way.
  6. Sometimes you have to finish something in order to start something.
  7. Any separation implies a certain naivety that had no place in your life.
  8. If you think it's time to break up, then you don't think so.
  9. Breaking up takes time. Only time can reconcile us with our mistakes.
  10. When separation is preceded by betrayal, this gives rise to the most vile degree of hatred that a person is capable of experiencing.
  11. You need to be able to let go. Let go of unnecessary things, unnecessary thoughts, unnecessary people...
  12. Breaking up is not a reason to hate yourself and delve into your own sins. This is a reason to live on!
  13. Don't waste yourself on quarrels with your loved one. If there is a reason to quarrel, then he definitely doesn’t deserve it.
  14. Meetings and partings are two sides of the same coin. Only a lucky few manage to catch this coin edge-on. That is life.
  15. Distance breeds separation...

Searching for meaning

Smart and interesting quotes about breaking up - a little bit of everything.

  1. In order not to experience the bitterness of parting, you should not start dating just because of a beautiful wrapper.
  2. Our whole life is just a kaleidoscope of partings. That's how the world works.
  3. The worst thing is not the partings for which you managed to prepare, but those to which you did not have time to say goodbye.
  4. There is only one worthy type of man - the one who can even break up with a girl so that she feels like a queen.
  5. Any fool can start dating. Try not to break up!
  6. You spend your whole life searching for love. You suffer, you are deceived. You are afraid of not finding the one or finding it and then losing it. It's like that? Don’t worry, you definitely won’t miss the one!
  7. I was always surprised by the fact that since childhood we are not taught to say goodbye and part with people. And this, for a moment, is the most important skill in life!
  8. Everyone wants to find their true love, but not everyone is ready to say goodbye for this...
  9. The pain of parting is needed so that you can think with your head next time!
  10. Life works that way. Sooner or later we part with everyone. Even if you bring home a cat, you already understand that its departure will break your heart. What can we say about relationships...
  11. It's normal to be in a crappy mood after a breakup! This is called “getting used to a new life”!
  12. Human needs human. Well, we can’t do it any other way, that’s the way we are designed!
  13. Parting is when your little cozy world bursts at the seams and shatters into a thousand pieces of hopelessness.
  14. All roads lead to parting...

Quotes about breakup

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes about breakup .

When we part, we lose a person temporarily or permanently. Sometimes it hurts .

Quotes are grouped by topics: love and separation, woman and separation, abandoned, man and separation, relationships and separation, pain and separation, time and separation, death and separation, how to separate, friends and separation, man and separation, sleep and separation, peace and separation, life and separation, marriage and separation, sadness and separation, happiness and separation.

Love and separation

Love is a preface to separation. (I. Brodsky)

Why don't we fall in love with someone new every month? Because if we parted, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart. (S. Freud)

How terrible it is to break up if you know that you love and it’s your own fault for the breakup. (V. Mayakovsky)

There was love without joys, Separation will be without sadness... (M. Lermontov)

The confidence that you are loved softens the suffering of separation. The last “I’m sorry” even loses its bitterness when an echo of love is still heard in it. (D. Addison)

It is painful to leave those we love, but it is a hundred times more painful to break with those who do not love us. (M. Barberi)

Everyone you loved will either leave you or die. (C. Palahniuk)

Tell love the end of the one who goes far away for three years. (A. Griboyedov)

I loved you. And now I love it. This is what I also wanted to tell you. It seems strange, but besides you, I have never truly loved a single woman. We shouldn't have separated. (T. Dreiser)

Nobody took anything away! It's sweet to me that we are apart. I kiss you - through hundreds of separating miles. (M. Tsvetaeva)

Don't be separated from your loved ones! Don't be separated from your loved ones! Don't be separated from your loved ones! With all your blood, sprout into them, - And each time say goodbye forever! And every time say goodbye forever! And every time say goodbye forever! When you leave for a moment! (A. Kochetkov)

By the way, quotes about love

Woman and separation

A woman should never tolerate anything she doesn't like in a relationship. She should talk about it right away, and if the man does not change, she should break up with him. (M. Labkovsky)

Damn you. I will not touch the damned soul with either a groan or a glance, But I swear to you by the angelic garden, I swear by the miraculous icon, And by our fiery child of our nights - I will never return to you. (A. Akhmatova)

No, if necessary, I will endure everything. But if there is only one outcome ahead, I will cut the chain with one blow and leave into the night, trying to hold my back. (Yu. Drunina)

If I no longer mean anything in your destiny, I will forget about you, I can do it, I won’t cry. Having endured this pain, I will not stop breathing, I will still become happy, Even if without you. (R. Rozhdestvensky)

By the way, quotes about a woman


One of the two always leaves the other. The whole question is who will get ahead of whom. (E.M. Remarque)

You need to leave a man before he thinks about leaving. (E. Piaf)

I have never abandoned someone I believed in. (M. Monroe)

When a person is abandoned alone and at the same time called the most beloved, one becomes sick (S. Dovlatov).

A woman, a friend or a city is not abandoned in one fell swoop. (J.-P. Sartre)

It is easier to live with a passionate woman than with a boring one. True, they are sometimes strangled, but rarely abandoned. (B. Shaw)

A man is not able to leave a woman who can do it without him. You can yell at someone like that, you want to strangle her, call her a shameless Desdemona, but you can’t leave her. (M. Labkovsky)

It is completely useless to leave someone until you have changed internally and until your partner is a way for you to solve your purely internal problems. You will cry and cry and you will find a new one just like him. (M. Labkovsky)

A properly thrown guy comes back like a boomerang. (G. Stein)

In short, when you cheat on your wife, there are two options: either you stay with her, but nothing works out, or you leave her and nothing works out anyway. (F. Begbeder)

Abandoned! Invented word - Am I a flower or a letter? And the eyes are already looking sternly into the darkened dressing table. (A. Akhmatova)

Even if you are thrown and you fall, do not cling to anything. (R. Valiullin)

Man and separation

It is easier to part with a person than with illusions about him. (M. Ketro)

Only if you finally break up with a person do you begin to be truly interested in everything that concerns him. This is one of the paradoxes of love. (E.M. Remarque)

The horror of separation is not at all that passion is lost, but that along with it a part of you is given away, which disappeared along with your loved one. (R. Vadim)

When we meet a special person, we give him all our time, he absorbs all our thoughts, and every time we have to lose him... (S. Ahern)

People sometimes want to leave in order to be able to yearn, wait and rejoice at their return. (Ya. Vishnevsky)

The distance of separation erases the features of a sweet person. Only then do I have a desire to tell him something important that I could not say when I owned his appearance in all its real completeness. (O. Mandelstam)

We spend some time together, then we definitely separate. Because each of us needs to move on, enter a new, next period of our destiny. (E. Safarli)

The room of the one who has left is full of His movements and silence, And it seems that when the moon rises, She will find him with me. (V. Ibner)

By the way, quotes about a person

Relationships and separation

A breakup always shows whether the feelings were sincere. (J. Elgozi)

You must be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you. (A. Green)

Sometimes you leave because you really really want to stay. (T. Dreiser)

Final separation between two people never happens unless both have reconciled. (E. Safarli)

When a person betrays, then my feelings go away. Respect also goes away. I can't love what I don't respect. (R. Khafizova)

People sometimes break up because of a discrepancy not in the feelings themselves, but in their ideas about what these feelings should be. Everyone not only wants to be loved, but also to be loved the way they want. (E. Panteleev)

After the first joys, jealousy, scenes of reconciliation, and tears will begin. If you live together, you will bore each other to death, and if you break up, you will cry twice as much. (I. Goncharov)

I had to break up with my girlfriend because of her hypocrisy. She claimed that she loved surprises. Until she found out that I was sleeping with her sister. (D. Carr)

By the way, quotes about relationships

Pain and separation

Every pain of separation is based on a secret anticipation of inevitable oblivion, which, when it comes, will no longer cause pain and which, therefore, is mourned in advance. (T. Mann)

Our souls, aren’t they, not yet accustomed to separation? Everyone calls each other with the flutter of shining wings! Someone higher spread these tenderly intertwined hands, And you will soon forget me, And I will not think, free, About the sweet girl with whom I was in unbearable pain. (N. Gumilev)

When all the tears are cried, comes... pain. (K. Tsoilik)

But I forgot about remembering souls. (M. Tsvetaeva)

And, stretched out over the abyss, where the same, the same dumbness, our poor hands will never be able to unite. (E. Yevtushenko)

By the way, quotes about pain

Time and parting

She and I lived together for so long that we made a door for ourselves out of our own shadows - whether you were working or sleeping, but the doors did not swing open apart, and we apparently walked right through them and went out through the back door into the future. (I. Brodsky)

Someday you will still get tired of our loneliness and separation. And tell me about it. You won't be fooled. And we will both feel scared. Give me your last smile. You will burn with farewell tears. And you will leave me for no one. (A. Dementyev)

By the way, quotes about time

Death and separation

Every parting is a harbinger of the last separation. (C. Dickens)

Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word, Do not be sad and do not have sad eyebrows, - In this life, dying is not new, But living, of course, is not new. (S. Yesenin)

I get up again at dawn, drink wine with friends, by chance, and no one knows that I have been gone for a long time. (V. Tushnova)

The information is incorrect; The testimony is false. He wrote to me “I’ll die without you,” But we both remained alive... (V. Polozkova)

How to break up

The separation must be sudden. (B. Disraeli)

The best thing to do when breaking up is to leave. (E.M. Remarque)

It’s not enough to be able to leave; once you leave, you won’t be able to return. So that the exhausted heat falls out as cold ash. (Ovid)

This is a real art - to leave with dignity and never return. (R. Khafizova)

Sometimes you go away and then come closer... (Osho)

A breakup does not always mean the end, but is often a stepping stone for upward mobility. (E.M. Remarque)

Perhaps all breakups are like jumping off a cliff. The hardest thing is to decide. Once you're in the air, you have to let go. (L. Oliver)

Maybe it really isn't fate? It is better to cut right away than to make hundreds of small cuts. (S. Minaev)

Don’t part with anyone without telling him something instructive or pleasant! (A. Knigge)

Friends and separation

In order to find out all our attachment to our fatherland, we need to leave it; To know all the love we have for our friends, we must part with them. (N. Karamzin)

Stay friends? Plant a small garden on the cooled lava of faded feelings? No, this is not for you and me. This only happens after small affairs, and even then it turns out rather false. Love is not tarnished by friendship. The end is the end. (E.M. Remarque)

Nowadays it's fashionable to break up with exes but remain friends. This is the most fun attempt to save a relationship, but lose self-respect. (N. Krasnova)

Many friends would break up if they found out that their friend was talking about them behind their back. (B. Pascal)

Friendships with women are pretty damn unusual. And breaking up with your best friend can be more traumatic than breaking up with your lover. (K. Knightley)

By the way, quotes about friends

Man and separation

Only a man who respects a woman can break up with her without humiliating her. (S. Maugham)

The best way to forget a man is to find another one. (S. Ahern)

I wanted to shout after him: “Come back, I have become close to you!” But for a woman there is no past: She fell out of love and became a stranger to her. Well! I’ll light the fireplace, I’ll drink... It would be nice to buy a dog. (I. Bunin)

First, a man gives up his illusions, then his teeth and, finally, his recklessness. (H. Rowland)

By the way, quotes about a man

Sleep and separation

There is a high meaning in separation: No matter how you love, even one day, even a century, Love is a dream, and a dream is one moment, And whether it is early or late is awakening, But a person must finally wake up... (F. Tyutchev)

I carry the black and lasting separation with you equally. Why are you crying? Better give me your hand, Promise to come again in my dreams. (A. Akhmatova)

By the way, quotes about sleep

Peace and parting

Partings are always just the dawn of the evening, the last flash of light before the onset of darkness. (S. Zweig)

No one can take heaven with them when they part. (L. Sepulveda)

It is amazing, incomprehensible how a large city can become empty with the departure of one person. (N. Rasul-Zade)

If you stop loving, so now, Now that the whole world is at odds with me. Be the most bitter of my losses, But not the last drop of grief! (W. Shakespeare)

By the way, quotes about peace

Life and parting

Who can know when we hear the word “parting”, what kind of separation awaits us... (O. Mandelstam)

It sometimes happens that life separates two people - only to show both how important they are to each other. (P. Coelho)

You will wake me up at dawn and come out barefoot to see me off. You will never forget me. You'll never see me. (A. Voznesensky)

By the way, quotes about life

Marriage and separation

I have always noticed that spouses who make up a bad couple are the most vindictive: they are ready to take revenge on the whole world because they can no longer separate. (F. Nietzsche)

Goodbye, sorry! I can bear the separation. And you dare and don’t understand, Who will you give your hand to? (R. Burns)

Sadness and parting

Parting, even if it is parting with someone who has become obsolete, is always tinged with sadness. (A. Kron)

Don't be discouraged when you break up. Farewell is necessary for you to meet again. And a new meeting, after a moment or many lives, is certain for those who are friends. (R. Bach)

By the way, quotes about sadness

Happiness and separation

I didn’t know a single moment of happiness with her, but all I could think about was how happy it would be not to part with her until the grave. (C. Dickens)

We need to break up. It's better to be unhappy without you than with you. (F. Begbeder)

By the way, quotes about happiness

As you can see, quotes about breakup are dedicated primarily to love, a woman, abandoned people, relationships.

Then you can move on to other collections:

  • quotes about exes
  • quotes about betrayal
  • quotes about loneliness
  • quotes about grief
  • quotes about tears
  • quotes from Marina Tsvetaeva

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Different paths

Memorable and wise quotes about breakup - share an interesting thought with your friends.

  1. If you want to really get to know a person, try breaking up with him.
  2. The coldest kiss in life is the kiss of goodbye.
  3. If you only knew what awaits you in the future, you would laugh with happiness when leaving the present.
  4. Living with memories is a road to nowhere. Broke up? That means that’s it, you forgot, ran away and don’t remember each other anymore!
  5. When they love, they don’t leave. When they value something, they don’t part with it.
  6. If your ex was so wonderful, then why the hell did you break up with her?!
  7. If your ex is throwing shit at you, then I have two good news for you! First, you clearly ruined his life a lot. Second, you did everything right, it was definitely worth breaking up with him.
  8. Sometimes in life there are people you don’t want to part with...
  9. When you break up with a guy, for some reason other guys suddenly become not so attractive...
  10. When a man breaks up with a woman, he can come up with a thousand reasons for the separation, but he will never name the real one.
  11. Sometimes separation is the only possible option for the development of your relationship.
  12. If you think you need to break up, then this is a reason to think that you really should break up.
  13. A breakup is when you stand on the edge of an abyss and realize that one of you will definitely fall down. All that remains is to decide who it will be.

Sayings with meaning

Quotes about separation from friends can be installed on social networks to meet quickly, remind them of your existence and give pleasant emotions:

  1. He said he was leaving, she immediately realized that she would miss him unspeakably.
  2. If you really miss your dear people, you need to look at the sky; it is quite possible that at this moment they are also looking at the stars and thinking about you.
  3. Many people believe that separation strengthens relationships and brings friends closer together; this is indeed true.
  4. Sometimes an absent person can give much more than if he were nearby.
  5. It is impossible to forget your loved ones. Even though time heals, it still cannot make memories disappear from memory.
  6. Time and separation can destroy love and deprive it of meaning. A person cannot live by memories alone. People prefer what is more real, because it is much more pleasant to look at who is in front of you. This is why separation becomes a real horror for lovers.
  7. Before you suffer and stay, you need to think many times. Perhaps it’s better to quietly pack up and leave without telling anyone?
  8. Throughout life, people are afraid of losing loved ones. Sometimes I just want to ask, is someone afraid of losing me in the same way?
  9. Friends remember - this is when you call a person at night a year later from an unfamiliar number, say hello, and they immediately recognize you.
  10. People sometimes have absolutely nothing to say to each other when they broke up for a short time and nothing happened, or when they broke up for a long time and changed themselves. Then there’s really nothing to talk about.
  11. In order not to lose, you should simply appreciate it.
  12. Missing a person is wonderful; it is difficult to find another such pleasant and sad feeling.
  13. It is very easy to leave if you know in advance that you can return at any time.
  14. Even those who are far away can be close if they are present in the heart.
  15. Because of pride, even the closest people can separate and suffer greatly.
  16. Only a man who truly respects a woman can break up with her without humiliation.
  17. If a person leaves, he needs to be let go; fate itself removes the unnecessary ones. This does not mean at all that they are bad, they just have already managed to play their role in fate.
  18. After love, it is impossible to be friends; only the one who continues to love asks to remain friends.
  19. Once something is gone, it will never come back. We need to continue to appreciate what has been preserved.

Last words

There are things you can't escape from. Short quotes about a breakup that was inevitable anyway.

  1. Be that as it may, parting with a glass of wine is much easier and more enjoyable!
  2. Breaking up is always the right thing to do. Even if it seems to you that your happiness is right in front of you and you don’t have to part with it at all. If the question of this has been raised, then this is the last signal that you are not on your way.
  3. Parting is even more terrible the more you are to blame for it...
  4. Don't live in the past! Then partings are much easier to bear.
  5. People almost never break up by mutual consent. There is always a victim in breakups...
  6. Do you know how easy it is to tell who has been dumped in a couple? The one who says: “We broke up.”
  7. When you break up, one of you definitely continues to live in the fantasies of the other.
  8. Ideal love is the one that didn't happen...
  9. Sometimes you can find out the true inside of a person only when you part with him...
  10. And I love partings! It’s so cool - you’re sad, you wait, and then there’s a whole explosion of emotions when you meet!
  11. After a breakup, people are divided into two types. The former think that they will find someone better without any problems, while the latter are afraid that the best has already happened.
  12. To forget something, you must first say goodbye to someone...

Quotes about separation

Separation is always grief for both, but the one who leaves feels only a quarter of it, while the main part falls on the shoulders of the one from whom they leave.

Separation manifests itself as emptiness, instead of recent bliss, accompanied by longing for what cannot be returned.

Separation gives us a fairly clear idea of ​​death.

In life, a person’s heart becomes attached to those around them with some invisible threads, which break upon separation and, like the strings of a violin, emit a dull and dreary melody. And when these strings break, they always cause acute and painful mental pain.

We often part forever, only to meet one day in the subway.

Love in all its colors appears during a date and during separation, when the voice trembles and tears shine in the eyes.

Time has miraculous properties. After all, sometimes people who were indifferent to each other in the past, having come together after years, are infinitely happy about this.

Separation, like wind and fire, can extinguish a slight infatuation, but rekindle a greater passion.

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

When breaking up or being threatened with breaking up with their loved ones, people indulge in all sorts of bad things - no matter how empty and insignificant the romance has become.

The confidence that we are loved softens the pain of separation. – Alexandre Dumas the father

Sometimes changing your phone number only changes the life of one person. The one who will never call again.

It’s not enough to be able to leave; once you’ve left, you won’t be able to return.

The bitterness of separation is interrupted by the syrup of anticipation of the inevitable meeting. – Yuri Tatarkin

Sometimes all that remains of a person are memories, but everywhere...

Leaving is always much easier than staying.

Loneliness is perceived more easily when someone you’ve been with for a long time is lonely.

A person should either not leave at all, or not return at all, because upon returning you never find what you left and fall into discord with yourself.

Trying to forget someone means remembering him all the time. Reflections and memories only strengthen love.

They say that the inability to accept loss is a form of madness, perhaps this is true, but sometimes it is the only way to survive...

Having parted with a person for an hour, you can then search for him throughout eternity.

In love they lose their minds, and only in marriage do they notice the loss.

Parting is a great thing. It always seems to give more than it takes.

Parting gives them [people] neither a feeling of pride for a job well done, nor an exciting anticipation of the next meeting - only gloomy, exhausting uncertainty. In truth, no copulation gives rise to passions in a person comparable to the passions of separation.

Perhaps all breakups are like jumping off a cliff. The hardest thing is to decide. Once you're in the air, you have to let go.

When we meet a special person, we give him all our time, he absorbs all our thoughts, and every time we have to lose him...

It's better to lose you so that you remain in me forever. But not the other way around...

Interesting thoughts

Good quotes about breakups that are definitely worth knowing just in case.

  1. Parting is such a thing that gives us strength to wait for meetings.
  2. Broke up? Cry, be sad. And then pull yourself together and move forward!
  3. I think every couple could find a thousand reasons to break up, but is it worth it?
  4. Learning to let go is not as difficult as everyone tells you. You just take it and let it go! Nothing could be simpler.
  5. I'd rather be sad without him than be sad with him...
  6. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to break up without anyone being disappointed.
  7. It's not that difficult to break up with a person. It's hard to part with your illusions...
  8. Breaking up is a strange thing. On the one hand, it’s quite sad, but on the other hand, you gain more than you lose.
  9. If you don’t want to return to a person, don’t quarrel with him. After all, if there is no quarrel, then there is no reconciliation.
  10. Parting is like a breath of wind for a fire. True love will not be extinguished, and all sorts of hobbies will definitely not survive him.
  11. Breaking up is like having heart surgery without anesthesia.
  12. Parting is just part of the journey that everyone is destined to go through. Love while you have each other!
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