Nature has no bad weather: a selection of statuses and aphorisms about the weather

Short essays about nature

Morning sun

The night hid behind a magical cloud, and a rosy morning descended onto the earth. The sun is about to rise. Its rays are already lighting up on the horizon. Everyone is waiting for the morning: plants, animals, people.

But why isn’t it there yet? Maybe he's still sleeping sweetly? Or maybe it was in a quarrel with the earth and doesn’t want to shine anymore? What now? And yet the east is gradually turning pink. Finally, as if from under a blanket, the sun rose above the horizon, majestic and beautiful.

The beam quickly illuminated the water, the forest, the surrounding fields, and people's houses. The earth sparkled like a green carpet in its radiance. When a ray of sun touched my face, I woke up, smiled cheerfully at him, opened my eyes and joyfully greeted the new day.

Favorite season

Most of all I love spring. This, in my opinion, is the most wonderful time of the year.

In spring, everything on earth awakens to new life. The snow melts, young green grass appears. Leaves are blooming on trees and bushes. In spring, migratory birds return to us: starlings, rooks, storks. They begin to build nests and prepare housing for future chicks.

I love watching spring nature. Seeing how everything around is renewed and decorated after winter sleep. The streams sing merrily, and feathered musicians glorify the arrival of spring with all their voices. The air is filled with the fragrant smell of plants.

Spring is a renewal in nature. This is exactly why I love her.


I really love meeting the first flashes of awakening of a new day. Long before the east the sun announces its arrival. It colors the night sky with its rays and extinguishes the dawns.

I love to meet the sun, the play and trembling of the morning flashes of its rays. First, a crimson red stripe appears on the horizon. Then it turns orange, pink, and then everything around is filled with the sun. And it’s like you’re seeing a green leaf for the first time, a tree that grows right up to my window, and a light fog over your hometown that wakes up to a new day.

And now the dawn changes into a new day, is filled with the worries of people’s lives, and I hear a gentle: “Good morning, son!”

Golden autumn

The warm summer is over. Autumn has come. She quietly crept up to our gardens, fields, groves, and forests. Back at the end of August, the trees began to cover themselves with yellow leaves, and now it was already sparkling in the sun like gold.

The trees stood covered in crimson, yellow leaves that were slowly falling to the ground. The ground was covered with colorful leaves, as if walking on a beautiful carpet. I love listening to the rustling of fallen leaves, looking at the magical autumn paintings on maple leaves.

The short Indian summer flashed by, the cold began to blow, and the feathered musicians fell silent. Now it's time to say goodbye to the golden autumn.

Biogeochemical cycles

Everything in nature is cyclical. Each chemical substance passes through the cycle of substances. It moves through living and non-living natural components.

The biogeochemical cycle considers biological, chemical, geological environmental factors. Any cycle always begins at a certain point, to which it eventually returns.

Biogeochemical cycle - the water cycle in nature

The most famous are the following gyres:

  • The carbohydrate cycle, during which carbon constantly moves between different components of the planet.
  • The nitrogen cycle, in which nitrogen is gradually converted into a variety of chemical compounds. This is due to the fact that it circulates in air, land and water.
  • The oxygen cycle, when oxygen molecules constantly move between three natural reservoirs - air, biosphere and underground environment.

The richness of nature - essays

Option 1

Nature is our wealth. From early childhood we were told that nature must be protected. Treat her with care and concern. This is an amazing and beautiful world that surrounds a person.

Looking around you can see how much nature has created. She is a true architect and designer in her difficult work. Forests, rivers and lakes, fields and steppes, mountains and plains are unique in their own way.

Traveling through the beautiful places of Russia you can see the most picturesque places on the planet. It is nature that gives people food, clothing, warmth and a roof over their heads. First of all, it is air and water, without which a person cannot live.

There is a close connection between man and nature, but not everyone notices its beauty. In spring, everything wakes up and comes to life around. The snow melts, flowers appear, trees bloom and everything around turns green. Relaxing and enjoying the beauty of nature, fresh air and birdsong, a person receives a charge of energy and vigor.

In summer, swim in the clear water of a river or lake, enjoying the warm sun. In autumn, picking mushrooms and berries, enjoying the colorful leaves of the trees in the forest. Harvesting at the dacha and preparing for winter. With the onset of winter, everyone finds themselves in a fairy tale.

There are people who like to sled or ski down a hill, play snowballs or build a snow woman. It's freezing outside and the blizzard is howling, the snow crunches under your feet, but at home it's warm and cozy to sit by the stove. The beauty of nature is unique at any time of the year.

Some people do not value or protect nature, but are ready to destroy it for their own purposes. They destroy the forest, and this has a bad effect on the flora and fauna. They pollute rivers with waste from factories and this kills fish. It is very important to understand and realize that you need to live in harmony with nature. Our planet is rich in natural resources, which are gradually being depleted.

Writers, poets, and artists described the assets of nature, its beauty in all seasons in their outstanding works. The ability to admire the beauty of nature causes a rush of creativity, inspiration to create new masterpieces in creativity.

Thus, every person should realize that everything in our lives depends on the wealth of the earth, its bowels and living nature.

Option 2

A large number of people believe that wealth consists only of means, of material things. But, in fact, it is much closer than you might imagine. Sunrises and sunsets, a timid breath of wind, the sound of drops on the leaves of trees, the smell and feeling of nature being renewed after the rain - all these unique moments are truly unique and priceless.

This is probably the highest value of life - just taking a deep breath and understanding that wealth is not in finances, not in social status, not in reputation - but in what money cannot buy. Wealth lies in that highest, spiritual thing, in that unique feeling and perception of beauty that nature gives us.

Often, the native land provides the opportunity to contemplate its beauties disinterestedly - it does not hide them, does not offer to buy tickets for viewing. And this is truly wonderful. After all, the wealth and diversity of nature is open to everyone who is able to think, touch and feel - it doesn’t matter whether the person in front of it is rich or poor. In a broad sense, for the Universe, everyone is one.

Nature has a large amount of valuable resources - therefore, even now, when a huge amount of them has been exhausted and does not have the right to regenerate, it continues to give humanity its wonderful gifts.

The only pity is that the person himself is not always grateful for them, and does not always understand that the possibilities of mother earth are not limitless, that it is worth using resources more economically and minimizing your negative impact on the environment.

Nevertheless, like any mother, nature does not hold a grudge against her children, no matter what they do, no matter how vilely they treat her. After all, she loves everyone, she loves openly and selflessly.

In addition to the valuable resources needed to maintain human life in physical and everyday terms, nature also provides valuable spiritual resources - peace of mind, balance and inspiration for creative people. This is also very important.

Accordingly, nature is the best psychologist and natural doctor, whose appointments are completely free. Nature is a nurse and breadwinner that is capable of presenting a person with many things necessary for life.

Nature is rich both in phenomena and processes, and in the riot of its colors, which excite the imagination of painters. Nature is unique - and this uniqueness lies in the fact that, despite the rapid flow of life and the change of eras, its manifestations do not change, but remain relevant.

Giving a person everything he needs, nature does not ask for anything in return. But she would really like at least a little care for herself. Alas, few understand that she needs support.

Treasures of nature cannot be purchased for personal use. After all, they are publicly available. But, nevertheless, it is capable of conveying to a person a feeling of personal wealth - and spiritual wealth, which cannot be spent to the last penny if at least a little humanity and kindness remains in the soul.

Vegetable world

Plant world
The union of all multicellular organisms, most often capable of photosynthesis, is called the plant world. These do not include animals, fungi, bacteria and partially algae.

Representatives of the plant world receive vital energy from the Sun. Other plants that are not capable of photosynthesis are considered parasitic and do not produce energy. Plants can reproduce both sexually and asexually. They come in flowering, fern and algal forms.

Essay on the topic “Nature in summer”

Summer is a wonderful time of year. Long sunny days are followed by short warm nights. Most often the weather is clear and the endless blue sky stretches overhead. The trees are lushly dressed in bright green clothes.

Under them, grass grows thickly everywhere, dotted with colorful lights of summer flowers - poppies, bells, clover, tansy, chamomile, marigolds... And above them butterflies flutter and all sorts of goosebumps buzz.

Summer decorates gardens and orchards. Juicy cherries are ripe, followed by apricots and peaches. Large red strawberries hang low to the ground. The recently green tomatoes are gradually “tanning” in the rays of the summer sun. Here and there cucumbers are tied to the arches.

The tenacious, prickly branches of blackberries are completely strewn with sweet dark purple, almost black berries. And so it is everywhere - a riot of color, a celebration of fertility, a pleasant feeling of warmth and comfort.

Summer has a wonderful ringing voice - it is the birds singing high in the sky or hidden in the branches of trees - the maestro nightingale, the morning lark, the cheerful chattering sparrow. And towards evening, the music of summer changes - a chorus of crickets begins, which does not stop until the morning.

And even the rain in summer is warm and gentle. Under the canopy of low clouds the air becomes hot. Cool drops of rain wash away dust from roads and foliage, making it sparkle with an even purer emerald glow.

Summer is bright, colorful... June is not like August, and July has something to please the eye. High clear sky, warm clear water of rivers, ripe fruits, rich colors around... There is no person in the world who does not love summer!

Essay about Love for Nature

Each person is governed by different feelings and emotions. The topic of the relationship between man and nature deserves special discussion, when we are truly happy, when we realize that we live among the unique expanses of our native land.

You don’t need to have any special knowledge to admit your love for nature. It is impossible to be indifferent to her. And there are many reasons for this. First of all, it is an object for contemplation.

The night sky, clear bodies of water, an endless stream of rain, a bullfinch asleep on the window - these and many other phenomena or representatives of living nature become a source of positivity, pleasure, and inspiration for different people. It is from here that people’s positive thoughts, the desire to help these innocent living beings, love of life and an optimistic attitude arise.

Nature always remains grateful to man. She silently encourages us with rich harvests; her countless riches extend to the depths of the earth, clean air, and fishing spots in rivers. However, for this to continue, a person, along with love for nature, must also show attention.

Responsibility for its safety lies only with people who can, if desired, stop the process of its pollution and destruction. This also reveals true feelings of love and tenderness for the world around us. Awareness of its defenselessness is not enough; it is important to act for the benefit of nature, protecting its possessions, thanks to which we exist on earth.

In gratitude for picturesque places and useful gifts to people, representatives of various types of art express their feelings on canvas, in a notebook or in works of literature.

Her beauty inspired and continues to amaze, awaken them at all times to create hymns, works that remain immortal for centuries. Nature occupies a huge place in our lives, accompanying us in happiness and sadness. We feel its imprint on us at all times.

Thus, in order for the creativity of any talented person to be inexhaustible, to have continuation, for the harvests to be generous, and for the numerous landscapes to be picturesque, it is necessary to invest in the combination of “love of nature” real feelings coming from the heart itself.

To do this, we must remember about its safety, so that it becomes an immortal source of life on earth. Over time, nature will certainly thank man for the wise use of its subsoil.

Animal world

Animal world
The union of all living organisms capable of movement is called the animal world. All animals can move, develop, and reproduce. To exist, animals need to eat other organisms, as well as the products of their vital activity.

Animals are divided into vertebrates and invertebrates. At the same time, there are the fewest vertebrate organisms - approximately 4% of the total. Most of the animal world is represented by insects. Animals are studied by a separate science - zoology.

Description of nature - essay

Man is surrounded by nature everywhere. Sometimes we get so used to the world around us that we stop noticing all the most beautiful things created by nature. This is very bad!

There is no need to rush home after school lessons, and do not forget to look around. To rejoice at all living things: the swollen buds, the singing of the nightingale, the yellow flower that bloomed first, even though there is still snow everywhere.

Native nature helps you forget all the difficulties of the day and distracts you from unpleasant thoughts. But the closest you can be to nature is outside the city. For example, visit a forest, meadow, village, visit the coast of the sea, lake or river. The world around us is beautiful regardless of the different seasons. You can always find something that will delight and surprise you, that will make you proud that there is such beauty in my homeland.

I like to go to a beautiful natural place, which I consider my favorite green corner, where there is a spruce forest and a pond nearby.

First, I always rush into the forest to look for mushrooms. They begin to grow there in mid-July. There are: saffron milk caps, russula, boletus. The forest is very beautiful, there are spruce trees planted in rows all around, their tops reaching towards the sun, so they grow quickly. The air is fresh, it becomes easy to breathe, but it is also very pleasant to feel the pleasant smell of pine needles.

In the forest clearings, in addition to mushrooms, there are a lot of strawberries and beautiful flowers, and in the shade under the spruce trees you can see unusual moss. There is a pond near the forest.

It's very beautiful here in its own way. Weeping willows grow on the banks, their branches bending over the water. While there is no wind, there is silence, the surface of the water resembles a mirror. But after some time it is disrupted by ducks, terns, croaking frogs and fish splashing in the pond.

In sunny weather, the sky and passing clouds are reflected in the water, the water appears blue. Closer to the shore, the caps of water lilies turn yellow. Relaxing near a pond is very relaxing.

The soul becomes light and pleasant from the surrounding beauty. It must be remembered that people are part of nature. We are completely dependent on her. Therefore, everyone should treat it with care.

What are natural phenomena?

Every natural object on Earth is constantly exposed to some kind of natural phenomena. This could be precipitation in the form of rain, snow, hail, or it could also be unusual phenomena such as an eclipse or aurora.

It is useless to list all natural phenomena - it will take a lot of time. Each phenomenon can have a positive or negative effect on living objects. For example, the same hurricanes can easily destroy entire cities, lightning can set forests on fire. However, regardless of the manifestations and negative consequences, everything in nature is interconnected and in balance.

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