Quotes that give you hope. These quotes will help you!

Without hope - nowhere

Hoping is common to every person. Even life's many ups and downs should not kill your hope. Therefore, if it’s difficult or you need to support someone and instill hope in someone’s soul, put statuses about hope:

  1. As long as I hope, I live.
  2. It’s better to rely only on yourself, but it’s worth trying all the options.
  3. Never part with your hope - grow into it with all your thoughts.
  4. Don’t lose your hope, only it will lead you to the right path.
  5. Relying on others is a thankless task; rely on yourself - you are strong.
  6. When your legs give way and you lose your goal, remember that hope is your constant companion.
  7. Never say goodbye to your hope - even if you want to say: “I have no one and no reason to hope for.”
  8. To betray your hope is to remain without ground under your feet.
  9. You should always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
  10. You can rely on friends if they have been tested over the years and events.
  11. I relied on someone - and nothing happened. This happens often. Give your hopes only to trusted people.
  12. Nadezhda is very selective and will not get along with everyone.
  13. Losing hope means losing direction in life.
  14. Hope to the last - only hope will not give you.
  15. Rely on someone? Not an option - only you will preserve your hope and protect you from the thorns of life’s path.
  16. Rely on someone who is unreliable and everything will collapse.
  17. Do not give hope to other people; it requires fulfillment.
  18. If you have reassured someone about something, try to keep your promises.
  19. Hope leaves those who have been lied to for a long time, but over time, deceivers will face the same thing.
  20. If you have lost hope in something or someone, find a new object and continue to hope.
  21. Hope and you will find it.

Aphorisms about hope. Sayings and quotes about hope.

Sayings, aphorisms and quotes about hope.

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I can wait for you very much, for a long, long time and truly, truly! And I can’t sleep at night, for a year or two, and probably for the rest of my life! Let the leaves of the calendar fly around like leaves in a garden, just to know that everything is not in vain! What do you really need? I can give you everything that I have and will have! I can accept the bitterness of the worst fates in the world for you! I will consider it a blessing to give the whole world to you every hour! I just want to know that everything is not in vain, that I love you not in vain!

Love, Hope, Waiting

Those who have found beautiful meaning in beautiful things are evolved people. For in them lie our hopes.

I started writing poetry while still at the front, but there it had some meaning - they took me away from reality for a few moments, served as a small center of resistance and faith that there was something else in the world other than destruction and death.

Pain, War, Life, Hope, Poems

In a normal state, the present saddens us more than the past, and both together can satisfy us less than the future, which is always present in our expectations and hopes.

Future, Hope, Past

Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intellect. Second marriage - the triumph of hope over experience

Faith is the ability to believe in something that you do not yet see, and as a reward for this faith, you will see what you believed in.

Hopes are the dreams of those who are awake.

Even if you’re flying into an abyss, don’t close your eyes in fear, but keep your eyes open - maybe you’ll be able to grab onto something.

Hope is the soul’s desire to convince itself that what it wants will come true. Fear is an inclination of the soul that convinces it that the desire will not come true.

Hope and faith are two eternal companions of man

Hope is inextricably linked with faith. After all, only by believing in your dreams and goals can you hope to realize them. Therefore, statuses about hope and faith most clearly show that these two concepts are inseparable and should constantly accompany a person:

  1. Without hope there is no faith, and without faith hope has no meaning.
  2. I am true to my dream because I continue to hope that everything will work out.
  3. My faith in people helps me to hope for their integrity.
  4. Despite betrayals and disappointments, I continue to believe in people and hope that someday they will live up to my hopes.
  5. If hope is not justified, then believe in something else - then hope will change its character.
  6. As long as your hopes and self-confidence are with you, you will overcome everything.
  7. Believe in yourself and hope for a great outcome.
  8. If hope fades, faith weakens.
  9. There is no such thing as hopelessness with faith.
  10. Don’t lose faith in what you dream about, then hope will show you the right path to your dream.
  11. If you want your dream to become a reality, continue to act with faith in your soul and hope in your heart.
  12. Don't give up and don't lose hope. You believed so much that everything would work out.
  13. Always believe in yourself and people, then hope will not leave you, and your dreams will begin to come true.
  14. Don't you see reliable people? Try to believe in them.
  15. Don’t be afraid to believe in people, then even disappointments won’t break your hopes that there are still good people.
  16. To be afraid of disappointments and victories means to lose faith in life and not be able to hope for the best.
  17. Do you see a picture of your future? Hope this becomes a reality soon. The main thing is to believe in it.
  18. A person cannot be broken by circumstances, because he is strong in his faith and hope for the future.
  19. When a person loses hope for a good future, he is doomed to fall into unbelief.
  20. Don’t break under the weight of life, always hope and believe in the best.
  21. Without faith in the good, hope is no longer needed.
  22. If you don’t rely on anyone, then you have no faith.
  23. Don’t stop believing people, even after betrayals and betrayals, then the hope for a bright future will be justified.
  24. Don’t lose faith when even the whole world has turned its back on you, keep hoping that things will change for the better.
  25. Strong hopes overcome strong unbelief.
  26. Believe in your dream and rely on yourself.
  27. A person who always relies on others is doomed to disappointment and hopelessness.
  28. You have to believe in people, but rely on yourself.
  29. The more reliable people around you, the stronger your faith in them.
  30. If you don't trust anyone, then no one will believe you.
  31. You can only rely on your parents - they will not betray you.
  32. Trust, but verify, then hope will not leave you.

What is the most common thing for everyone? - Hope, because if anyone has nothing, then there is it. Thales of Miletus

Even hope ceases to bring happiness if impatience is mixed with it. D. Ruskin

Boundless hope and enthusiasm are the main wealth of young people. R. Tagore

There is hope in constant work. Ancient aphorism

Hope is the only good that cannot be satiated with. L. Vauvenargues

Hope is when you feel that what you are feeling cannot last forever. D. Kerr

Hope is a timid bird that nests in the human soul. E. Dickinson

Hope is the sweetest misfortune. Ancient aphorism

Hope is a daydream. Aristotle

Hope is the soul’s desire to convince itself that what it wants will come true. Fear is an inclination of the soul that convinces it that the desire will not come true. R. Descartes

Hope is most often a delayed disappointment. W. Baldry

Hopes are the nerves of life; when tense, they are painful, but when cut, they no longer cause pain. J. Bernardin

Women's hopes are woven from the sun's rays; the shadow destroys them. George Eliot

The hopes of good people are prophecies. The fears of the bad are the same as prophecies. A. Berne

While I breathe I hope. Ancient aphorism

He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything. Arabic proverb

Those who have something to hope for and nothing to lose are the happiest people in the world. E. Burke

Hope is the greatest and most difficult victory that a person can win over his soul. J. Bernanos

Hope and patience... the two softest pillows we can lay our heads on in times of hardship. R. Burton

Our hopes are daydreams. P. Buast

Hopes are like cobwebs: small flies get stuck in them, but big flies break through. F. Bacon

The support that a person most often uses in life is hope. A. Veltman

Hope is the most useful or the most destructive of all life's blessings. L. Vauvenargues

Life is eternal hope. As soon as she dies, a person has nothing to do on this earth. D. Volkogonov

We never live, but only hope that we will live. Voltaire

The hope of recovery is half the recovery. Voltaire

Hope is the bread of the poor. D. Herbert

There is an inexhaustible supply of hope in the human heart. Herodotus

It is always better to hope than to despair. I. Goethe

The complexity of our psyche is simple, No more complicated than before: Hope is more important than the possibility of Hope ever coming true. I. Guberman

Even when we despair, we still hope. R. Gourmont

Hope would be the greatest strength of the human soul if despair did not exist. V. Hugo

Hopes for shameful gain are the beginning of loss. Democritus

Hope is the most useful of all passions of the soul: since it maintains health through the calmness of the imagination. G. Derzhavin

In the depths of your hopes and desires lies a silent knowledge of the beyond; and, like seeds sleeping under the snow, your heart dreams of spring. Believe in dreams, for the gates to eternity are hidden in them. D. Gibran

To hope is a great happiness; perhaps even the greatest happiness in the world; but for hope, like for any pleasure, you have to pay: the higher our hopes, the greater the disappointment we experience... S. Johnson

Everything will happen if only a person waits and hopes. B. Disraeli

Hope is the last thing that dies in a person. Diogenes of Sinope

Nadezhda is the best doctor known. A. Dumas (father)

A person without hope, having realized himself as such, no longer belongs to the future. A. Camus

The more tragic a person’s lot, the more inexorable and defiant hope becomes. A. Camus

A person dries up from empty hopes. I. Kant

Take away hope and dreams from a man, and he will be the most miserable creature in the world. I. Kant

Man lives only by hope; hope, in fact, is his only property. T. Carlyle

Hope is the strongest of the most ethereal pillars. V. Krotov

Often out of despair, hope is born. Curtius

Where there is hope, there is also fear: fear is always full of hope, hope is always full of fear. F. La Rochefoucauld

Hope, no matter how deceptive it may be, still serves to bring our life to the end along a pleasant path. F. La Rochefoucauld

Even the oldest people have hopes and make plans to somehow improve their situation. D. Leopardi

Hope for happiness, even if deceptive, never causes harm to a person, because it makes life easier. Lope de Vega

To hope forever, never to despair - this is the property of a person with a great soul. Lucius Florus

Hope and desire mutually incite each other, so that when one grows cold, the other cools, and when one heats, the other boils. F. Petrarch

Bad hopes, like bad guides, lead to bad actions. Pythagoras

Long hope is sweeter than a quick surprise. I. Richter

Long hopes weaken joy just as long illness weakens pain. M. Sevigne

While a person is alive, he must hope. Seneca the Younger

All my hope is in myself. Terence

Hope always insists that things will be easier in the future. Tibulus

Hope is a product of the imagination. Despair too. Despair imagines possible troubles too vividly; hope is energy, and it motivates the mind to try all the ways to deal with them. T. Wilder

More on the topic:

  • Dreams, hopes and dreams
  • Hope - aphorisms
  • Aphorisms and quotes about romance, about romantics


  • Woman. Young woman. Lady
  • Life and destiny
  • Catchphrases from the Bible


And I'm still waiting for a bright future

It is common for every person to hope for the best. They dream, believe and try to build this best brick by brick. Then you can put a status about hoping for the best:

  1. While hoping for the best, don't forget about the present.
  2. You should always hope for the best, but at the same time live a full life here and now, and not wait for a bright future.
  3. No matter how hard it is for a person, he stubbornly continues to hope for the best - this is what saves him.
  4. Only hope for the best will help you recover from disappointments and betrayals.
  5. Even when you lose loved ones, do not lose hope for the best.
  6. Losing hope is a road to nowhere.
  7. Tired of hoping? Stay calm and carry on.
  8. Only hope for the best can turn you away from the difficult present.
  9. In hope for the future, do not forget to live.
  10. Without hope for the best, you can’t go anywhere - try to distribute it evenly, without forgetting the present.
  11. Hope for the present with dreams for the future.
  12. Don't give up your hopes in difficult situations.
  13. Keep hoping against all odds.
  14. When you hope for the best, you win.
  15. Without hope for a better life turns into vegetation.
  16. Do you want to live and not exist? Then hope, believe and know that everything will work out.
  17. Hopes for the best provide warmth in the cold of the present.
  18. Don't change your hope for the best.
  19. Lost hope for the best? Start hoping today.

I keep hoping that I'll fall in love

It is not for nothing that the best wish is: “And may hope, faith and love accompany you.” These three inseparable “friends” should always be in your soul. And if there is no love, but you really want it, then you should put a status about hope for love:

  1. Do you want to awaken love in your soul? Strengthen your hope for this feeling.
  2. You always have to hope that love will not pass by, then it definitely won’t.
  3. Don't miss your person in life, hope and recognize the signs of fate.
  4. If a person does not hope to be loved, then he will not be loved.
  5. Hope feeds young men, and not only young men, but also all those who dream of true love.
  6. You need to hope for love, but you also need to do something for it.
  7. Hope and inaction interfere with each other.
  8. Hope and seek, then love will illuminate you with its light.
  9. Without love, life is incomplete, hope that everything will change soon. Only those who hoped for it and believed that it would happen can truly fall in love.
  10. Everyone can allow themselves to be loved, but only a person who hoped that love would not pass him by can love himself sincerely and deeply.
  11. Never lose hope that you will meet your person.
  12. You can find love at any age, it is important to hope for it.
  13. “I really hope that my prince is already nearby,” a 57-year-old grandmother recently dumbfounded us. And sure enough, a month later he arrived, they even celebrated a wedding.
  14. Always hope that your person simply cannot pass you by.
  15. It is impossible to live without love, and the hope for this bright feeling decorates even life without love.
  16. It’s easy to love me, it’s important to hope that the feelings will be mutual.
  17. I always hoped that I would meet my one and only. Yesterday my hope came true.
  18. She never exchanged her feelings and continued to hope to meet her soulmate. My hopes did not deceive me.
  19. Always hope for true love, strong hopes do not deceive.
  20. I strengthened my hopes even when I wanted to give them up.
  21. The hope for love has come true, now it is important to believe that this is not a dream or a fairy tale.
  22. What helped me find my husband was my hope that I would definitely find him.
  23. Girls, always hope that you will meet your best guy on earth. This hope will definitely lead to this guy.
  24. With the hope of love, the feeling comes naturally.
  25. Love seeks those who believe in it and continue to hope that it will come.

Aphorisms, quotes, statements of great people about Hope

In real life, we don’t consider unfulfilled love to be love. Love can survive only when there is hope, however distant, that we will be able to conquer the one we love. Everything else is fantasy.

Such is life: there is nothing to complain about and nothing to hope for either.

Where hope dies, emptiness arises.

There is no love without hope, there is no hope without love, there is no both without faith.

Even if I teach even one person to hope, I have not lived in vain.

This is what freedom is. When you lose all hope.

Hope would be the greatest strength of the human soul if despair did not exist.

We shouldn’t count on our descendants; our ancestors also counted on us.

Patience is the art of hoping.

Despair is fear without hope.

Hope for happiness, even if deceptive, never causes harm to a person, because it makes life easier.

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