20 quotes from the bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad to help you think about money differently.

Best Robert Kiyosaki Quotes

The best quotes from Robert Kiyosaki's books have long become aphorisms. Kiyosaki's advice on how to become rich inspires many people around the world. His words help people think bigger, motivate them to change their lives, and help them find ideas for managing financial flow.

How to become rich: Tips from Robert Kiyosaki

My answer is that it takes a dream, a lot of determination, a willingness to learn quickly, the ability to properly use your God-given assets, and knowledge of which sector of the cash flow quadrant is best for you as an income generator. Robert Kiyosaki

To become a successful investor or business owner, you must be emotionally neutral in both winning and losing. Winning and losing are just part of the game. Robert Kiyosaki

It seems that our paths in life should be found not in the head, but in the heart. Robert Kiyosaki

If you want to be rich, you need to be financially literate. Robert Kiyosaki

The solution is to understand your fear and learn to deal with greed and weaknesses. And this way out is found with the help of the mind, choosing the right thoughts. Robert Kiyosaki

If you think it's all my fault, then you have to change me. If you understand that the problem is in you, you can change yourself, learn something, become wiser. Most people in the world want to change anything and anyone, but not themselves. Let me tell you, it is easier to change yourself than someone else. Robert Kiyosaki

Life pushes us from all sides. Some raise their paws up. Others are fighting. Few people learn the lesson and move forward. Those who begin to understand something welcome life pushing them from all sides. For these few people, it means that they need something and they want to learn something. They learn and they move forward. But the majority give up, and few fight like you. Robert Kiyosaki

If you are what we call a weakling, you give up every time life pushes you. If you are one of those who throughout your life acts only for sure, does everything right, protecting yourself from troubles and expecting a miracle that will never happen, then you are a weakling. Then you'll die an annoying old man. You will have many friends who will sincerely love you for being a good, hard-working man. All your life you will act for sure, doing everything right. But the truth is that you will allow life to trap you in resignation. You're scared at the thought of risk. You would like to win, but the fear of losing is greater than the joy of victory. Deep down, you and only you will know that you never set out to win. You chose to act for sure. Robert Kiyosaki

The reason why so many talented people are poor is because they focus on making the best burger and know next to nothing about business SYSTEMS. Robert Kiyosaki

To achieve success, you need strong skills in such areas of management as: 1. Cash flow management, i.e. cash flow. 2. Managing systems (including yourself and time with family). 3. People management. Robert Kiyosaki

In-depth knowledge of trade and marketing matters is extremely important. The ability to sell, and therefore to communicate with another human being, the ability to be a buyer, an employee, a boss, a spouse - all this is necessary for personal success. Robert Kiyosaki

“Some people are terribly afraid of snakes. Some people are terribly afraid of losing money. These are human fears,” said rich dad. He advised dealing with the fear of losing money, saying this: “If you hate risk and anxiety, prepare for it in advance.” Robert Kiyosaki

That's what made him a winner while others lost. Knowing how to take advantage of failure gave the rich father the courage to take steps that others were unable to take. He said: “I really like the Texans. They took a great failure (the Alamo) and turned it into a tourist attraction that makes them millions.” Robert Kiyosaki

“If you want to go bankrupt, do it big.” Who wants to admit that you went broke buying a duplex? Robert Kiyosaki

He constantly taught Mike and me that the main reason we fail to achieve financial success is that most people are too afraid to take risks. “People are so afraid of losing that they lose,” he said. Robert Kiyosaki

This does not require special mental abilities. It doesn't require much learning either. Knowledge of mathematics at the fifth grade level is quite enough. Asset column building is a game where success primarily depends on fortitude. You will need courage, patience and a healthy attitude towards failure. Losers try to avoid failure. Robert Kiyosaki

To succeed in the “B” quadrant you need: 1. To be the owner of the system or to control it 2. To be able to manage people. Robert Kiyosaki

Once again, I want to emphasize that the main reason that makes most people languish in poverty and act without risk is their doubts and pessimism. Robert Kiyosaki

“Your don’ts are the key to success,” rich dad told Mike and me. Since I don't want to renovate toilets either, I have to spend a lot of effort finding a property manager who is willing and able to do it. And when I find a good manager for houses or apartments, my cash flow increases. But more importantly, a good property manager gives me the opportunity to buy a lot more properties because I no longer have to deal with toilets. Finding a good property manager is more important to me than finding the right property. A great property manager will often find out about good deals before professional real estate agents do, making him an even more valuable asset. Robert Kiyosaki

He also explained to us why saying “I can’t afford it” is a lie. And this is well known to the human spirit. “The human spirit is very, very strong,” he said. “He knows he can do anything.” If you have a lazy mind that says, “I can’t afford it,” then a war breaks out within you. Your spirit becomes angry and your lazy mind is forced to defend its lies. The spirit shouts: “Get ready. Let's go to the gym and work out." And the lazy mind replies: “But I’m tired. I worked so hard today.” Or the spirit says: “I’m sick and tired of this poverty. Let's get down to business and get rich." To this the lazy mind replies: “All rich people are greedy. And in general, there is too much hassle here. Is it dangerous. I could lose money. I already work a lot. And I have too much to do. Look how much is left for tonight. The boss said that everything should be ready by morning.” In addition, the words “I can’t afford it” cause sadness, helplessness, depression and even depression. And the question “How can I afford this?” opens up possibilities, inspires and awakens dreams, promotes the development of a strong mind and energetic spirit. Robert Kiyosaki

When I decided to get out of the trap of the rat race, I was faced with the question: “How can I afford to never work again?” And my brain began to produce answers and solutions. The hardest thing to deal with was the dogmas my birth parents instilled in me: “We can’t afford it,” or “Stop thinking about yourself,” or “Why don’t you think about others?” and many other common ones. phrases that were supposed to make me feel guilty in order to suppress my “greed”. Robert Kiyosaki

So, what will help you cope with laziness? A small dose of greed. It will help you answer a simple question: “What will this do for me?” Sit down and think: “What would I have if I became healthy, attractive and sexy?”, or “What would my life be like if I didn’t have to work anymore?”, or “What would I do if I had enough money to live?” All I need?". Without a small dose of greed or the desire to have something better, there will be no progress. Robert Kiyosaki

I like the words of Eleanor Roosevelt: “Do what you know in your heart is right, because you will be criticized anyway. You will be damned if you do and damned if you don’t.” Robert Kiyosaki

The first thing you should do is invest in your education. The fact is that the only real asset you have is your mind, an extremely powerful tool that is at your complete and complete disposal. Once we become old enough, everyone is free to choose what to fill their minds with. You can watch TV all day, read golf magazines, take a ceramics class or attend financial planning seminars. The choice is yours. Robert Kiyosaki

Most people tend to just make investments instead of investing in learning how to invest first. Robert Kiyosaki

Another note: in today's fast-paced world, it is no longer what you know that matters, as your knowledge quickly becomes outdated. What matters most is how quickly you learn. This skill has become truly invaluable. He provides invaluable assistance in finding formulas - recipes, if you will - that allow you to make money much faster. The formula of working hard for money, which dates back to the days of cavemen, has long since become obsolete. Robert Kiyosaki

If you don't know how to control yourself, then don't even try to become rich. What's the point of investing, making money, and then crashing? It is this lack of self-discipline that causes most lottery winners to go bankrupt soon after receiving millions. It is the lack of self-discipline that makes people who receive a salary increase immediately buy a new car or go on a cruise. People who lack mental toughness often become victims of those who have good self-discipline. Robert Kiyosaki

In entrepreneurship classes, I always remind students that their focus should not be on their product or service, but on developing management skills. To start your own business, you need to master the three most important management skills. You need to learn how to manage: 1. Cash flow 2. People 3. Personal time Robert Kiyosaki

I would argue that these skills are not only needed by entrepreneurs. Your well-being in all areas of life depends on them: family, business, social. Robert Kiyosaki

The accountants shouted in horror: “You won’t get away with this in vain. The IRS will put you in jail,” “You’ll ruin your credit rating,” or “They’ll cut off the power.” But I still paid myself first. Robert Kiyosaki

"Why?" - you ask. Because that’s what The Richest Man in Babylon is about: the power of self-discipline and the power of mental toughness. In my very first month working for rich dad, he told me that most people let the world push them around. The bill collector calls you and you “pay or else…”. The seller says: “No problem. Pay by credit card." The real estate agent advises: “Don’t worry. The state allows you to make a tax deduction for your home.” That's what this book is really about - finding the courage to go against the grain and get rich. You may not be a coward, but when it comes to money, many people become spineless. Robert Kiyosaki

To successfully pay yourself first, remember this: Don't let your debts due grow to alarming proportions. Keep costs low. Create an asset column first and only then buy a big house or a luxury car. Getting caught up in the rat race is not in your best interest. Robert Kiyosaki

When you're short on money, let the pressure build and don't rush to spend your savings or sell your investments. Let the pressure inspire your financial genius to find new ways to get money, and when he finds it, pay the bills. As a result, you will develop your ability to make more money and, by extension, your financial intelligence. Robert Kiyosaki

People who sell their home on their own probably don't value their time very much. Why should I save a few dollars when I can use that time to make more money or spend time with loved ones? It always amuses me that many poor and middle class people make sure to tip 15-20% even for bad service, while at the same time complaining that the middleman has to pay 3-7% of the transaction. They like to pay people who increase the expense column and starve those who increase the asset column. From a financial point of view, this is completely unreasonable. Robert Kiyosaki

As I said, one of the management skills is the ability to manage people. Many manage only those people whom they consider stupider than themselves and over whom they have power. Many middle managers never get promoted because they know how to work with subordinates but don't know how to deal with those above them. And true skill lies in managing and paying people who are smarter than you in a particular technical area. This is why companies usually have an entire board of directors. You need this advice too. This also requires financial intelligence. Robert Kiyosaki

Often my broker will call me and advise me to invest a significant amount in the shares of a company that, apparently, is about to make some kind of move that will increase its stock price, for example, introducing a new product. I invest my money there for a period of from a week to a month while the shares rise in price. Then I withdraw the initially invested amount, and market fluctuations stop bothering me, because my money is back with me and is ready to work in other assets. That is, my money was sent there, did its job and returned, and I became the owner of another asset. From a formal point of view, I got it for free. Robert Kiyosaki

Of course, in many cases I make losses, but I only play with money that I can afford to lose. On average, out of ten investments, I make a substantial profit on two or three, five or six do not bring any results, and another two or three turn out to be unprofitable. But my losses are limited only by the money that was initially invested. Robert Kiyosaki

As a child, I stopped being myself when I played baseball. Today, when I negotiate a deal, I subconsciously act with Trump's brashness. And when I analyze a trend in the market, I look at it through the eyes of Warren Buffett. By imitating heroes, we tap into an inexhaustible source of genius. But heroes do more for us than just serve as sources of inspiration. Heroes make difficult things seem easy. This apparent ease convinces us of the reality of our desire to be like them: “If they can do it, so can I.” Robert Kiyosaki

If I had to convey only one idea to you, I would choose the following. Whenever you lack something or need something, give it to others first and you will be rewarded a hundredfold. This rule applies to money, smiles, love and friendship. I understand that sometimes this is the last thing you want to do, but this method has always helped me. I just believe in the principle of reversibility and give away what I need. When I need money, I give it away, and it comes back to me in multiples. When I need to increase my sales, I help someone else sell something, and then my sales skyrocket. When I need connections, I help someone else find the right people, and useful connections appear to me as if by magic. Many years ago I heard a wise saying: “God does not need to receive, but people need to give.” Robert Kiyosaki

This is reminiscent of the story of a man who, on a frosty night, sat with an armful of brushwood in front of the stove and shouted to her: “I’ll put firewood in you when you warm me up!” That's why when you have problems with money, love, happiness, sales and connections, you just need to remember that you need to give first. Robert Kiyosaki

It also happens that I give and receive nothing in return or that I do not receive what I need. But when I take a closer look and look into my soul, I often find that in these cases I gave in order to receive, and not in order to experience the joy that the process of giving itself brings. Robert Kiyosaki

Stop doing what you are doing now. In other words, take a break and try to evaluate what is working for you and what is not. It's pure madness to do the same thing and hope for a different result. Stop doing what isn't working and find something new. Robert Kiyosaki

Make as many offers to buy as possible. When I want to buy real estate, I consider many options and, as a rule, make offers to purchase on everything. If you don't know which one will be optimal, I can reassure you that I don't know either. Robert Kiyosaki

I always make offers with reservations. When it comes to real estate, I include clauses in the proposal about additional obligations, such as the need to obtain the approval of the business partner. Just never clarify who this business partner is. Most people don't realize that my partner is my beloved cat. If the other party accepts the offer and I don't want the deal, I call home and talk to the cat. I give this absurd example only to show how easy and simple it is to play this game. Unfortunately, many people overcomplicate things and take this game too seriously. Robert Kiyosaki

Look for options in all markets. Consumers will always be poor. When a supermarket has a sale on, say, toilet paper, consumers run there and stock up on cheap paper. But when there's a sell-off in the housing or stock market (most commonly called a crash or reversal), that same consumer bolts. When a supermarket raises prices, the consumer shops elsewhere. But when prices rise in the housing or stock markets, consumers often rush to buy everything. Remember: profit comes from buying, not selling. Robert Kiyosaki

Think big. Sellers love to give volume discounts because most businessmen like those who buy a lot. So even a small person can always set a big goal for himself. When my company needed computers, I called a few friends and asked them if they would happen to be buying computers too. We then approached several dealers and ended up getting a very good deal because we wanted to buy a very large quantity of computers. I do the same with stocks. Small people remain small because they act alone or do nothing at all. Robert Kiyosaki

Quotes by Robert Kiyosaki about business and success

The rich focus on the asset column, while everyone else is only interested in the expense column. Robert Kiyosaki

If you want to be a leader, then you need to master the skill of using words. Robert Kiyosaki

Change is easier for some and harder for others, simply because some people welcome change while others struggle with it. Robert Kiyosaki

An asset is something that puts money in my pocket. A liability is something that takes money out of my pocket. Robert Kiyosaki

Peter Lynch, a former manager of the Fidelity Magellan mutual fund, calls the cry that the sky is falling on us "noise." “Noise” either arises in our heads or comes from outside. It is often published by friends, family, colleagues and the media. Robert Kiyosaki

Not allowing rumors and talk of impending disasters to fill you with doubts and fears often requires extraordinary courage. Robert Kiyosaki

Rich dad taught me to think differently about Chicken Little: “Just do what Colonel Sanders did.” At the age of sixty-six, he lost his job and began living on welfare. He was missing. Sanders then traveled across the country to sell his fried chicken recipe. He received a thousand and nine rejections before anyone said yes. And he became a multimillionaire at an age when most people are already retiring. “He was a man of courage and tenacity,” rich dad said of Harlan Sanders. So the next time you have doubts and fears, do what Colonel Sanders did to your Chicken Chicken: fry him. Robert Kiyosaki

Today I often meet people who are too busy to think about how to get rich. There are often people who are too busy to think about their health. The reason is the same. They tend to stay busy to avoid things they don't want to face. They don’t even need to explain anything, because deep down in their souls they understand everything perfectly. And if you tell them about it, they may get angry or offended. When they are not busy at work or with children, their time is often occupied by watching TV, fishing, playing golf or shopping. But deep down they know that they are avoiding something very important. This is the most common form of laziness - laziness disguised as intense busyness. How to cure yourself of laziness? There is only one recipe - a small dose of greed. Robert Kiyosaki

Yes, of course, there are people with whom I sought acquaintance because they had money. But I was not interested in their money, but in their knowledge. Sometimes these people became my close friends. I've noticed that my rich friends love to talk about money. And they don't do it to brag. They are really interested in this topic. That's why I learn from them, and they learn from me. For my friends who are struggling financially, they don't like to talk about money, business, or investing. They consider these topics base or unintellectual. I also try to learn from these friends. From them I learn what not to do. Robert Kiyosaki

You want rich friends who are closer to the center of the action because that's where the money is made. Money is made from information. You need to know about the next boom and be able to take advantage of it before everyone else. I'm not saying you should do anything illegal, but the sooner you get the information, the better your chances of making a profit with minimal risk. Robert Kiyosaki

I know it sounds harsh, but as has been said before, if you fail to strengthen your strength of spirit, the world will always push you around. Robert Kiyosaki

Experienced investors are primarily interested in the question: “How soon will I get my money back?” In addition, they want to know exactly what they will get for free. That's why return on investment (ROI) is so important to us. Robert Kiyosaki

Action is always better than inaction. Robert Kiyosaki

“I need to do” and “I’m doing” are the key words in my formula. As I have said many times throughout the pages of this book, you must take action before you can reap the financial rewards. So don't waste time and get down to business! Robert Kiyosaki

You have all received two wonderful gifts from nature: intelligence and time. You are free to dispose of them as you wish. Every dollar that comes into your hands carries with it the power to determine your destiny, and only you. Spend it unwisely and you choose poverty. Spend it on liabilities and you will join the middle class. Invest it in developing your mind and learning how to acquire assets, and you will make wealth your goal and your future. The choice is yours, and yours alone. Every day, with every dollar, you decide whether you want to be rich, poor or middle class. Robert Kiyosaki

Quotes by Robert Kiyosaki about money

The poor and middle class work for money. The rich make money. The more confident you are in the reality of money, the harder you will work for it. But if you can understand that money is not a real thing, you can get rich much faster. Robert Kiyosaki

It is difficult to explain to someone who is accustomed to value work why you do not want to look for it. Robert Kiyosaki

They look like a donkey pulling a cart because the owner holds a carrot on a stick in front of his nose. Perhaps the owner goes where he needs to go, but the donkey is chasing an illusion! And tomorrow the donkey will have a new carrot. Robert Kiyosaki

A life governed by wages is not a life. Those who think that work will give them a sense of security are deceiving themselves. Robert Kiyosaki

To spend your whole life in fear without ever achieving a single dream is cruel. Working hard for money and thinking that it will buy you things that will make you happy is also cruel. Robert Kiyosaki

I've met a lot of people who say, "Oh, I'm not interested in money." And yet they work regularly eight hours a day. Robert Kiyosaki

Will work be the best solution to the problem from a long-term perspective? Robert Kiyosaki

Cockroaches are terrified of someone shining a light on them. People start whining when the store doesn't give them a quarter in change. Robert Kiyosaki

There is a saying in Texas: “Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but no one wants to die.” Most people dream of getting rich, but they are afraid of losing money. If they don't want to die, how will they get to Heaven? Robert Kiyosaki

Sometimes my parents tried to make me feel guilty in another way: “I’m sacrificing myself to buy you this. I’m buying you this because they didn’t buy me this when I was your age.” I have a neighbor who is struggling to make ends meet but can't put his own car in the garage because it's full of his kids' toys. His spoiled children get everything they ask for. “I don’t want them to want for anything,” he repeats. He didn't save anything for his children's college expenses or for his old age, but the children have all the toys you can see in stores. Robert Kiyosaki

“What I know makes me money. What I don't know is what makes me lose money. Every time I act too arrogant, I lose money. The thing is, arrogance makes me believe that things I don’t know don’t matter,” rich dad often told me. Robert Kiyosaki

Most people don't want to be rich. This choice is explained by the fact that for 90% of the population being rich is too troublesome. Therefore, they invent all sorts of excuses: “Money doesn’t interest me”, “I’ll never become rich anyway”, “It’s too early for me to worry about this, I’m still young”, “When I start earning more, then I’ll think about the future” or “ In our family, the husband/wife manages all finances.” Robert Kiyosaki

The problem is that these statements deprive a person of two things: time, which is his most valuable asset, and the opportunity to learn. Lack of money does not justify unwillingness to study. But life is designed in such a way that we all have to make choices every day: we choose how to manage our time, what to do with our money and what thoughts to occupy our heads. This is the power of choice. Everyone has a choice. I choose wealth and I make this choice every day. Robert Kiyosaki

Poor people have bad habits. One of the most common bad habits has an innocent name: “taking money from savings.” The rich know that savings are only there to make new money, not to pay bills. Robert Kiyosaki

Quotes collected by Nastya Kuznetsova

The more you give, the more you receive

Robert Kiyosaki believes that the more you give, the more you receive. The financial genius cites his fathers as an example. Kiyosaki says his poor dad only wants more and doesn't want to give. His poor dad thinks that the more he gives, the more he will lose. Therefore, the poor father does not want to work more than necessary; instead, he wants to earn more.

On the contrary, his rich father believes that the more he works and gives, the more he gets. In the business world, the more value you create for your clients, the more clients you will have. Many people mistakenly think that if they want to make more money, they need to squeeze every penny out of their clients and their business.

According to Robert Kiyosaki, your top priority should be increasing the value of your business to your customers. For example, you create a great product or provide exceptional service to your customers. In return, they buy more and become your regular customers. However, most people only think about themselves and how to get the most out of their clients. They save money and create the cheapest product. And at the same time they want to get the maximum return from their clients. But it doesn't work. Strive to become the kind of person who gives. Learn to create value for people and solve problems. Robert Kiyosaki is convinced that in order to earn a lot of money, you need to give a lot.

Mindset Determines Success

The way you think determines your life. Robert Kiyosaki believes that the way we think determines the results we get in our lives. On The Oprah Winfrey Show, the financial magnate said that before he became successful, he struggled to make ends meet. He had a whole mountain of bills to pay. But instead of becoming frustrated and living in constant fear, he used it as motivation to work harder.

Most people tend to think that adversity and difficulties prevent them from moving forward. However, Robert talks about using difficulties as steps towards great success. If you think you are living the wrong life, then the most important thing to do first is change your way of thinking. When you change your thinking, you will act completely differently. With a new mindset, your life will begin to change radically. You will become what you think about most of the time. Successful people look at their lives differently. They look at problems and mistakes as opportunities to grow and learn new things. Follow this principle and think like successful people.

Robert Kiyosaki notes that your greatest asset is yourself. The way you think is the most important key to life. Therefore, he emphasizes that in order to prevent the rat race and become rich, you need to change your mindset. It is necessary for every person to be financially literate.

Rich people don't work for money

One of the main principles of Rich Dad Poor Dad is that rich people don't work for money. They use their money to make money work for them. Kiyosaki constantly states: “Money works for me,” and not vice versa.

Most people spend time working to earn a living and pay bills. You are trading your time for money. To make more money, you will have to spend more time, working longer and harder.

Rich people don't work for money. They open a business and invest to earn passive income without work. However, this is not to say that the rich do not work. According to Robert Kiyosaki, rich and successful people work to acquire assets that provide them with passive income. If you want financial freedom, you must do the same.

Set goals and work hard to acquire more and more assets. You have to think about how to make money work for you.

Learn financial literacy

Robert Kiyosaki shared many ideas about personal finance. Robert believes that if anyone intends to achieve financial success, they must first obtain the necessary financial education.

One of the main ideas that can change your financial situation is understanding who you are. In his writings on finance, Kiyosaki divided work and career into four main categories: businessman, investor, employee and self-employed. If you want to get rich, you need to understand which category you fall into.

What really makes people rich is passive income. Robert Kiyosaki invites his audience to learn financial literacy and earn passive income. Robert Kiyosaki believes that financial education is necessary for every person.

Don't save money

When it comes to financial well-being, most people save money to create a cushion. On the one hand, this is justified, since no one knows what will happen to the country’s economy. That's why people save money for a rainy day. However, according to Robert, this is not a smart move. You simply may not be able to keep up with fluctuations in currency value. The inflation rate is much higher than the interest you get from saving in the bank.

Throughout our lives, we constantly see rising prices for goods. Let's take an example of the price of oil. In 1997, the price of a barrel of oil was about $10. Ten years later, the price of oil rose to more than one hundred dollars. The effect of inflation means that purchasing power decreases significantly over time. When you save money in a bank, you actually lose money.

It's a good idea to insure your money against inflation. When purchasing real estate, you are protected from inflation. When money depreciates, prices for building materials rise. As a result, real estate prices are rising. In addition, Robert Kiyosaki suggests investing in gold and silver, rather than saving all the money you earn in a bank.

Hard times can bring opportunity

Robert Kiyosaki admitted that he made a lot of money when the economy was stagnant. The financial tycoon believed that when the economy was in a difficult situation, opportunities opened up. When things aren't going well, people tend to panic and want to sell everything. Including good businesses that bring in a lot of money. Robert Kiyosaki said he purchased five golf courses during the economic downturn. People wanted to sell them quickly. And usually in this situation everything is sold at a price much lower than the market price. And Kiyosaki bought them. In a couple of years, when the economy recovers, these golf courses can be sold for a very good price.

Successful people firmly believe that failure, adversity, and hard times are great learning opportunities. At such times there is an opportunity for income and growth.

Robert Kiyosaki argues that the economy is cyclical. It rises and falls. When things are going well, the economy has a strong side and it develops. When things go wrong, the economy is in recession. However, there are always opportunities. That is why, according to Kiyosaki, you need to be a financially savvy person. You need to learn to find opportunities and work hard.

Don't be afraid to lose

Every successful person fails at least once in their life. Let's give an example of famous people who initially lost, but then achieved their goal. Henry Ford went bankrupt five times before succeeding in the automobile business. Apple founder Steve Jobs was fired from his company's board of directors. He eventually returned to Apple and built it into one of the most profitable and innovative companies of the decade.

Robert Kiyosaki says that he has failed many times in business. His friend, famous businessman and former US President Donald Trump, at one time had a billion dollars in debt. But over time, Donald Trump regained his position and became even more successful. Don't be afraid to lose.

Robert Kiyosaki states that babies learn to walk by standing up and falling down. A nominal fall helps a child learn. It's the same in life and in business. However, many people believe that failure is bad. If you make a mistake, you will be punished by the teacher or your employer. This is a problem for most people. People are afraid of making mistakes. Fear of failure prevents them from moving forward. Starting today, look at failure as an opportunity to learn more. To improve yourself and what you do.

Strive to gain experience

Robert Kiyosaki started his career with little money. He believed that it was experience that led him to financial well-being. You can learn and gain knowledge by reading books and learning from other people. But you won't get experience just by reading. As an example, Robert Kiyosaki gives the example of riding a bicycle. You can't learn to ride a bike just by studying theory. The only way to acquire the skill of riding is to get on a bicycle and learn to ride it. Very often, in order to learn something, you need to take action and experience it for yourself.

Create and increase your assets

In the book “Rich Dad and Poor Dad,” Robert Kiyosaki’s most important idea is to create and increase your assets. Most people misunderstand the concepts of “assets” and “liabilities.” For example, when you buy a house and move there, your house does not generate passive income. After moving, you need to buy furniture, renovate the house, i.e. you are investing your money in a house.

According to the financial tycoon, assets are things that make you money. For example, when you buy property for investment. You are renting out the property. The tenant pays you rent, which is a form of passive income. Another example of a passive is a car. The machine does not generate income because you need to invest in repairs and maintenance of the machine. You also need to take into account the cost of gasoline and transport tax.

Learn to create and increase your assets. You need to buy things that bring in more money. A well-organized business always increases the number of its assets. Strive to acquire assets that will bring you passive income.

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