15 quotes about depression that will help you find a way out

Depressive Quotes

Depression is a period of acute need for happiness. Olga Zhivikina

Depression is an extremely difficult thing. And not only for those who suffer from it. Jojo Moyes

Laziness and depression are a signal system that says that you are not living your life. Vladimir Dovgan

Depression is when it is easier to manually unload a carload of bricks than to pick up a telephone receiver. Vladimir Levi

The depression that once took root in my mind has now grown wildly. Black. And prickly. Oksana Robski

The cure for depression is not in pills, but in wisdom. Dorothy Rowe

Idleness, sad thoughts and philosophical literature can lead to depression much faster than witchcraft. Max Fry

Depression is not a crime, but it can plunge a person into an abyss into which even a crime cannot plunge him. Rebbe Schneerson

In depression, seemingly incompatible things are wonderfully combined. For example: I am not to blame for anything, and it is only my fault. Julian Barnes

Depression has its own charms: you have every right to behave like an absolute bastard. Nick Hornby

Very often we confuse depression with the usual melancholic state. Although, in fact, the difference between these two states is huge. People with asthenic syndrome and vegetative-vascular dystonia, or those who experience depression every season, are susceptible to depression.

But a mild state of depression can appear even in people who do not complain of any diseases. Melancholy will not lead to any serious consequences, especially if a person takes vitamins, spends more time in the fresh air, gets enough rest and spends time with loved ones. And let quotes about depression, about bad mood, about apathy let you understand that being sad is not interesting.

There's only one kind of work that doesn't cause depression, and that's work you don't have to do. Georges Elgozy

One of the symptoms of depression is a lack of interest in activity. John Green

Enthusiasm cannot spur a person for long. There are natural rhythms in all work. Violation of them for a relatively long time leads to stress and depression. Fazil Iskander

Self-loathing is one of the simplest definitions of depression. Jonathan Franzen

If you want to be happy, first learn to suffer. Ivan Turgenev

Our psyche often uses depression to get our attention and indicate to us that there is a lie hidden somewhere deep within us. James Hollis

Depression is a state when you really want to take your soul away, but no matter where you take it, it doesn’t like everything. Rinat Valiullin

Depression is the inability to create a future. Rollo May

Why make yourself depressed by watching TV? This can be done by stepping on the scale every morning. Max Brooks

Depression is different in that during it we have no reason to be sad, and at the same time we are sad. Janusz Leon Wisniewski

Autumn weather is unstable. Our mood is just as unstable at this time of year. Quotes about depression should help you understand that this problem affects many, and that it can be solved. Psychologists will tell you how to decide. For example, they believe that in order to forget about the blues, you need not only to pull yourself together, but to be patient and tune in to the positive.

Our body has great adaptive capabilities - you just need to help it. Contrast showers, walking, exercise, being in the fresh air, good sleep and proper nutrition will help overcome autumn depression.


Treatment of depressive syndrome depends on the form of the disease. If the form is mild, a visit to a psychotherapist, a conversation with a psychologist is prescribed, the patient is prescribed a complex of vitamins, and the doctor gives recommendations. Moderate and severe forms require medical and psychological intervention. The patient is prescribed complex therapy, the duration of treatment varies from two to four weeks (each case is individual). A severe form of the disease can be treated not only by medications, but also by physical therapy, yoga, a favorable environment, and calming activities, for example, drawing, listening to calm compositions.

In treatment, regardless of the form, the support of relatives is of great importance. If the patient was treated in a hospital, then after discharge it is important to create a favorable environment at home so as not to provoke a new attack of excitability, irritability, and nervousness.

Treatment of astheno-depressive syndrome and other syndromes includes the following set of measures:

  • taking medications, antidepressants, tranquilizers;
  • conversations with a psychologist and psychotherapist;
  • proper diet and sleep patterns;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • rest;
  • avoiding stressful situations.

The most comfortable conditions are created for the patient; if necessary (for the benefit of the patient), the specialist recommends changing their social circle and place of work. Among recovery methods, it is necessary to highlight healing sleep, various sedative measures, music therapy, and light therapy.

Quotes about blues and depression

Sometimes what is called depression is actually a feeling of dissatisfaction caused by exorbitant demands on oneself or the expectation of special, undeserved benefits in life. Mitch Albom

Having depression is like wearing a weighted vest. Neil Brennan

When you're already tired of everything, you're tired of yourself. Yuri Zarozhny

My schedule for today is a six-hour depression with an emphasis on self-flagellation. Philip K Dick

My depression is fatigue of feelings. Virginia Woolf

The most effective remedy for depression is a boxing gym! Peter Kwiatkowski

Until you decide to stop wallowing in misfortune, no medicines and no doctors will help you... Lady Gaga

Work, work, work again - who said that pills help with depression? A better solution than a twenty-hour working day has not yet been invented! When you fall, you are so exhausted that you don’t have the strength to raise your head, and you forget about everything. Galina Goncharova

There is no point in moping. Blues are an activity for elephants and depressed people. And depressed elephants. Cassandra Clare

The most reliable way to beat the thickening blues is to do something useful. Boris Akunin

Good music is the best pill for depression. Andrey Vavilin

Any depression should be met with a smile. Depression will think you're an idiot and run away. Robert DeNiro

Depression is a puzzle. In the literal and figurative sense of the word. We react to life's troubles, experience stress - severe and sudden or seemingly insignificant, but very long, and as a result, the capabilities of our brain are depleted. Afterwards, the weakened brain begins to fall into stress from any nonsense, and its condition worsens further. Ultimately, it becomes a vicious circle. Andrey Kurpatov

And, of course, we wish that quotes about depression remain quotes and do not turn into reality.

It is extremely unpleasant to feel emptiness in your soul, to see only gray colors and not notice all the beauty of the world around you. The feeling of emptiness and lack of desire to do anything eventually develops into a depressive state. To get out of this state, you need to occupy yourself with something, and since you don’t want to do anything, it turns out to be some kind of vicious circle.

This condition is probably familiar to almost every person. That is why various statuses about depression were invented, which allow you to express your feelings.

Statuses about nostalgia

When you feel nostalgia in your soul or really miss someone, statuses about bad mood and depression are suitable:

Everything passes. Life is running. People change. And everything seems to be fine. But sometimes you miss the past so much! From that past life. For those dear people.

Oh God, how much we lost when we stopped writing letters! After all, you won’t be able to re-read a telephone conversation over and over again.

Looking over past memories in my memory, I’m afraid to come across ones that make me sad.

Even if the person important to you is far away now, he is still nearby if he lives in your heart...

After your departure, only sadness lives in my heart. This is not what loving people do...

I fell in love with many of your shortcomings, but you could not bear my advantages.

When the feeling of emptiness overwhelms you, sad statuses about depression and loneliness are suitable:

I feel like I'm drowning in an ocean of loneliness. And for the first time in my life, it seems to me that I won’t be able to swim out.

Loneliness is when you can clearly hear your clock ticking.

There are times when loneliness becomes a person's best friend, and silence becomes a person's best friend.

I made myself a new friend. His name is Loneliness. He doesn't hurt me and is always there.

When you are sad in silence, the mirror doubles your loneliness.

Here are a few more depressive ones that will help you throw out your sadness:

The downside of loneliness is that it soon begins to bring sincere pleasure. And you just stop letting anyone into your life.

I'm not at all afraid of being alone. I already live in a city called Loneliness.

I love spending time with smart, interesting people, so my best company is myself.

Single people hate hearing stories about happy couples. This is unfair. It's like bringing a case of beer to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

I desperately need solitude.

Loneliness forces you to deal with your inner world.

Depression is my new status!!! The cure for it is your love!

Depression is when your friends try their best to cheer you up, but you don't care.

What is depression? This is when your castles in the air fall apart.

We are together again, depression and I... I wonder if we will ever say goodbye?

Sometimes you want to run away from everyone somewhere far, far away, and only he will find you and say: “Don’t be sad, darling, know: everything will be fine.”

Depression is when your player plays cheerful, catchy music, but you still cry.

Depression is like an unexpected guest. When she comes, don't drive her away. Better yet, invite her to sit at the table and listen carefully to what she wants to tell.

Sayings about depression caused by loneliness or confusion

Sometimes such a depressing state does not develop to catastrophic levels. Then people simply write that they feel very bad. They often ask for advice from others and try to spread the SOS signal in all directions in order to find friends in misfortune.

  1. It happens that you feel very sad in your soul. I really want to share my secrets with someone. And suddenly you realize that absolutely no one cares about you. And then you gradually realize that in general people have nothing to do in my life.
  2. If a man does not immediately come to you when you feel bad, then why keep him near you when you feel good.
  3. Depression is like a vast ocean. It is also easy and simple to swim into it and just as difficult to get ashore later.
  4. Alone, you can drown with your head. And no one will even try to shake hands. Even those who are standing very close. And even those who clearly hear your frantic cries for salvation.
  5. Depression makes hearing and vision extremely difficult. You see every smallest detail and every trifle reminds you of the happiness lost forever.
  6. When melancholy suddenly overtakes your soul, turn on the most cheerful music. The dance tune only brings more tears.
  7. Depression is like a prim lady in a black dress. If she suddenly comes to you, then very politely invite her in, sit her on the most comfortable chair and listen in detail to everything she tells you.
  8. The melancholy in the soul paints the whole world gray.
  9. True love can be given by those who have plunged into the ocean of suffering. This person will heal every scratch in the soul of his loved one and thank him for every given day of life.
  10. Longing is the running of a circus animal in a closed circle of the arena.
  11. A woman who has not gone through the path of pain will not become complete. One's own and someone else's.
  12. Nobody understands how bad I feel. My soul howls like a wolf, and people think that I am smiling.
  13. If you are not loved, then such emptiness is not the end of life. But she was already starting to feel depressed.
  14. One person will understand another only if he goes through the entire path of trials and pain that the other has suffered.
  15. When there is an emptiness in your heart and depression grips your soul, you don’t want to do anything. Psychologists advise urgently doing something. The more difficult the activity, the better. But the paradox is that even light fun becomes overwhelming, and difficult problems cannot be tackled at all.
  16. I run, I run, the road has no end. For me, animal-like faces and a huge circle of depression closed in a huge and tight embrace. And I'm afraid that I'll suffocate in them.

Statuses about sadness

To convey yours, you can use statuses about depression and sadness:

The hardest thing in life is losing the meaning of your existence.

Sometimes the only happiness is the opportunity to be sad.

There are moments when your eyes are as dry as the desert, but in your soul there is a raging ocean.

I cry not because I have become weak, but because I have been strong for too long.

Losing love is not as painful as the hopes and dreams associated with it.

They say that time heals. In reality, we just get used to living with pain.

I look around and see summer, the sun. I look into my soul and see winter and clouds.

Here are some more statuses about depression and sadness:

Probably my guardian angel is on sick leave, since he stopped protecting me.

How hard it is to hide your sadness behind a tight, fake smile.

I'm tired of living in the rain. It's probably time to get used to it.

When resentment lurks in your soul, you can use sad statuses about depression and resentment.

Getting depressed because of criticism is like looking into a distorted mirror and worrying about your reflection.

If you treat me with love, I will warm you with my rays like the sun, but if you offend me, I will burn you to ashes!

Original statuses about depression and resentment:

It's a shame if your innermost dreams come true for others.

Never take revenge yourself, let fate do it.

Depression never comes alone. Melodramas, novels and sad music come with her.

The best way to overcome resentment is to go eat chocolate.

Stop being offended, make friends with irony.

VK statuses about depression

If you are like everyone else, it means you don’t exist at all!

Feeling happiness is not the goal of your whole life, it is only an indicator of whether you are living correctly.

Only close to death can you feel the true taste of life.

If you haven't learned to love, you just have to be friends.

If we meet each other halfway, then you and I are not on the same path.

I often do bad things, but it should be noted that I do them well!

People often laugh at me because I am different from everyone else. But I also laugh in response, because I cannot distinguish those around me from each other.

I'm not angry at all. It's just that no one has hugged me for a long time. It's just that no one knows what music plays when I'm sad.

I'm fine, very bad, but definitely fine.

Depression can be easily treated sexually, but there is no need to self-medicate.

Autumn is a time of year, three months according to calendar calculation. This is the time when they harvest, prepare for the cold winter and feel a cold irritation towards Russian dirt. Autumn status will help express elusive feelings about pouring rain and the bright dying of foliage.

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