Interesting and original statuses about fatigue

When there is no strength left...

Sometimes a person just needs enough rest and life begins to seem wonderful to him again. But it also happens that everything is much more complicated and a couple of days off is no longer enough for him. Then the statements begin to take on a much sadder character.

  1. Strong people get tired. The weak ones fizzle out.
  2. Sometimes a person just needs support. Otherwise, his fatigue gradually increases until it becomes irreversible.
  3. Those who endure the hardships of life alone should not be mistaken for optimists. They simply endure their fatigue in silence, with clenched teeth. And then they quietly lie down and die.
  4. The greatest exhaustion comes from being alone together.
  5. Extreme fatigue is not irritation or anger. This is a quiet and calm expression on the face, when there is no strength left even to express any feelings.
  6. When a person does not receive warmth from others, he gets tired of such communication.
  7. Sometimes your patience runs out. But only the last straw is remembered.
  8. If your soul is tired, then there is no point in resting.
  9. Because no one needs a person, he loses strength much faster than from fuss and troubles around the house.
  10. The main component of fatigue is a feeling of hopelessness.
  11. When people get tired of meaningless relationships, they leave forever.
  12. Not every person is capable of becoming the hero of the book “How the Steel Was Tempered.”

Tired of life

Often, social network users post statuses on their pages about being tired of everything with a meaning that may not be clear to everyone. In order to penetrate into it, you must first look into the soul of the author of the lines. Then their meaning will become obvious.

  1. A heaviness in the heart cannot be cured by rest.
  2. If a loved one stops making plans together, it means that he is tired of the relationship and does not expect anything good from it.
  3. The greatest happiness ends in exhaustion from tears and longing for its loss.
  4. A woman leaves a man not because she is too demanding. She just wants to take a break from endless scandals, showdowns and anger.
  5. Only in childhood do people enjoy snowballs and frost. As they get older, they get tired of hobbling along icy streets or freezing at bus stops.
  6. Sometimes a person gets tired not from work. He is tired of life.
  7. One becomes more tired of a hard life than of anything else.
  8. Exhaustion sets in when neither summer, nor winter, nor New Year, nor Birthday are any longer pleasing.
  9. Nowadays it has become fashionable to say: “You should get out of your comfort zone.” I wonder where a beggar, tired man, barely able to stand on his feet, will go? Out on the street, homeless?
  10. When you are so tired that you no longer care, then true freedom will come.
  11. Loss of strength does not develop from a lack of vitamins. It develops from a lack of participation and warmth.
  12. Sleep will not save you if your soul is tired.
  13. If a strong person is tired, a hand will be extended to him. The weak will be completely trampled.
  14. For some people, meanness is their way of being. You should not try to come to an agreement with them; you should leave them as quickly as possible. They are the ones who take away strength and deprive life of meaning.
  15. Sometimes someone does not tell others in advance that they are tired of everything and want to leave. And then everyone gasps and wonders how this could happen. But you should just take a closer look at what he writes.
  16. When a person loses loved ones, he gradually ceases to experience exhaustion from grief. His own existence loses all meaning for him and non-stop work is the only thing that keeps him afloat.
  17. Sooner or later, people get tired of waiting for even their most loved ones if they show indifference to them.

Funny statuses about fatigue

Those who get up early walk around sleepy all day.

... tiredness is when you go to the toilet and start taking off your jacket...

I'm so tired of everything!!! It looks like I have what’s his name, vitamin deficiency... lack of sleep... loss of money... lack of energy...

I'm tired and want to be held in my arms..

The energy of laziness is the most inexhaustible.

Fatigue is when you say thank you to wishes for sweet dreams...

What are you saying, I’m not a pessimist. I'm just a tired, hungry, cold optimist.

Mom is sleeping, she’s tired, I got her… I won’t be discouraged, I’ll go get dad!

Nothing in life can tire you more than someone else's vacation.

Fatigue is when a fly landing on the monitor seems like an animation, and you try to remove it...

Tired of rest, but if you start working you’ll get even more tired

I go home and think about what I’m going to have for dinner today: “I’m tired” or “I didn’t have time.”

Give me your hand!

Equally common are statuses about being tired of everything, sad and hopeless. It is usually experienced by people who have lost loved ones or suffer from loneliness. They post their statements in the hope of receiving support from others.

  1. You get much more tired from hard thoughts than from hard work.
  2. There has been a change of status. New position: “The heart is closed. Please do not disturb".
  3. The greatest exhaustion comes from constant and hopeless loneliness.
  4. My soul is a beautiful piano and the key to it is lost forever.
  5. Sometimes a timely spoken word can relieve a decline in mental strength and open up new horizons for a person.
  6. People only rest when they begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  7. Fatigue and insomnia are twin sisters.
  8. I'm tired of random people in my life. Don't knock on my soul. I will open it only when I see someone who will stay with me forever.
  9. Nowadays, the words “Loss of strength” do not need to be deciphered. Nobody asks why anymore. Everything is clear to everyone.
  10. You can't want to take a break from love.
  11. Silence is a clear sign that a person’s soul has dried up. Silent people do not at all consider themselves superior to others, they simply no longer expect participation and attention.
  12. If someone says to you: “I’m tired,” never ignore his words. Sometimes they mean: “I am tired of my own existence.”
  13. The worst thing is when a tired person comes home and there is no one there to take care of him. And he goes to bed hungry or, with the last of his strength, whips up something for himself.
  14. They say: “Everyone in the West is callous.” And there, if someone feels bad, everyone comes, brings food, money, flowers, and offers support. But in our country, “heartfelt people” shy away from a person who is heartbroken as if they were plagued by the plague. Or they even try to finish him off.
  15. Sometimes exhaustion reaches such a degree that the mind simply turns off. And then a zombie wanders down the street. It is he who stands stupidly in the store, looking at the shelves and not buying anything, or wanders lonely along abandoned alleys in the park.
  16. How you want to have someone nearby to whom you can say: “I’m tired.”
  17. Single people conquer new heights, receive praise, achieve promotions. But no one rejoices with them. And the unfortunate tired soul drags itself to an empty apartment, where it cries quietly, overwhelmed by sadness.
  18. A discouraged person needs nothing.

Loneliness is like wine: I drink it to the dregs

Time alone is given to think about what you cannot trust in words. And sad statuses about loneliness to the point of tears in order to talk about it on any social network.

  1. In a crowd you can clearly feel loneliness, but with two people it is much less common.
  2. Anyone who has not been alone, unfortunately, does not know life at all.
  3. I don't have to hide my tears from anyone. More precisely, from no one.
  4. Who will call you when you're lonely? At least one of your current friends?
  5. How painful it is to smile through tears! How painful it is to smile through loneliness!
  6. There is too little warmth in solitude. It feels so cold.
  7. The older you become, the more you understand: you don’t have to be completely alone to feel loneliness.
  8. Some people cannot stand loneliness, but I am ready to agree even to it, just not to be unnecessary with someone.
  9. Loneliness is scary because it leaves too many questions that cannot be answered.
  10. I’m not the first, I’m not the last, who will be burning with loneliness this fall...
  11. May God grant us all such loved ones who will not let us feel loneliness.
  12. Loneliness is when you are not understood. And it doesn’t matter at all whether someone is nearby or not.
  13. Loneliness is when you care about how you look in a photo. When you are together, you look at something else...
  14. It becomes scary that you are no longer sad because you are so lonely.
  15. If you are constantly surrounded by only four walls, try changing them to at least others.
  16. Loneliness, no matter what you say, doesn’t feel that way in the morning. That's why I loved him...
  17. If anyone loves me, it's loneliness. Guys don't seem to care about me

Not all jobs are created equal

In our difficult times, many people work from morning to evening. They post statuses about being tired from work. They, nevertheless, inspire hope: a person has a profession and a means of livelihood.

  1. When someone is truly tired, they no longer care what their boss thinks of them.
  2. Exhaustion manifests itself when you no longer have the strength to pick up a pencil to solve a crossword puzzle.
  3. Now it’s not the exhausted and exhausted people who are surprising. The fresh and cheerful individuals rushing to work are surprising. What kind of work do they have?
  4. If a profession makes you happy, then you don’t want to take a break from it.
  5. Working hard does not lead to fatigue. It leads to premature death.
  6. People refuse to do what they love when they lose strength from it.
  7. Only our woman is happy when she needs to cook dinner in the evening. At least she doesn't have to scrub the floor or clean the rooms.
  8. When a person comes home from work and is faced with the indifference of loved ones, he no longer wants to go to work again.
  9. People kill themselves to earn money for an apartment. And when it is fully paid for, it turns out that now there is no one to live there.
  10. Only after a vacation do you begin to understand whether you really like your profession.
  11. A woman takes a break from work while washing and ironing.
  12. A tired person only thinks about going to bed in order to find the strength to go to the enterprise again tomorrow. And in the evening everything repeats again. And so on in a circle.
  13. If your next vacation takes place at the dacha or in the nearest park, then you don’t need to devote all your energy to such work.
  14. People don't get tired from hard work. They get tired of their quarrelsome boss, envious colleagues and boorish cleaning ladies. They simply don’t want to go to a place where all their spiritual energy is sucked out of them.
  15. I wonder why after the New Year some people go out for 2 weeks, while others go to work on January 1? Do they lose less strength?
  16. When work is well paid, you practically don’t feel tired from it.
  17. A married woman loses her right to rest.
  18. The more exhausted the soul is, the more one should work. In order to forget.
  19. Fatigue from work is nothing. Real fatigue sets in when people simply don't want to return to an empty house after a day at the office.
  20. The faster a person gets tired, the easier it is for him to rest.
  21. A man comes home and rightfully falls on the sofa in exhaustion. And the woman returns, does homework with the children, cooks food and manages to wash the clothes. Then he irons everyone’s clothes for tomorrow and stores breakfast. Before going to bed, she washes her hair and does a manicure. And the next day everyone sees how she, sweet and beautiful, goes to work, and thinks: “Someone is lucky.”
  22. Only here a woman, in response to the words: “I’m tired,” hears: “And why are you so tired?”

Of course, when people write a status about moral fatigue, their statements become much sadder than when they just need a regular vacation. Mental exhaustion is sometimes worse than physical exhaustion, and it is much more difficult to relieve. Therefore, all users of social networks need to be more attentive to those around them and not miss signs that they are losing strength to move forward.

*** tired. I'm sick of it. Sick of all. I'm tired... *** Tired of enduring, tired of wanting, tired of loving, tired of suffering, I said that's it, I won't be yours, I forgot that you were for me. I decided that that’s it, I’m on my own... *** I’m tired of lying to my friends that everything is fine. *** Not apathy... Not depression... But I’m tired... everything just infuriates me... *** In life, what you get most tired of is not physical exertion and everyday problems, but from insincerity, lies and betrayal of the people you trust. *** I’m tired of being decent and sweet, enough, enough of being patient. *** You annoyed me with your uncertainty! I don’t understand what you want from me. But most of all I don’t understand why I can’t score on you! *** I'm tired of coming back, starting everything from scratch. *** Severe fatigue is when you even dream that you are sleeping. *** Frankly, I’m tired of this silent virtual love - now I’m thinking about how to present all this to the living and real Olenka and Nadenka! *** My Guardian Angel... I’m tired again... Give me your hand, please, and hug me with your wing... Hold me tight so that I don’t fall... And if I stumble, You pick me up... *** I’m already tired of enduring swings from happy hysterics to howling in the pillow... *** The wife doesn't do a damn thing at home... she cooked, cleaned, washed, ironed, went to the store... and her husband is tired at work... *** I'M TIRED... AND I WANT TO BE HELD!!! *** No... I’m not looking for easy ways... But I’m already tired of walking along the broken road of my life... *** Sometimes I’m so tired that I painfully want to be given hot tea, covered with a blanket, and I’ll sleep I wish I could have a calm, serene sleep... *** Do you think I’m strong and can do anything? Dulks! I, too, want to curl up in a corner and cry quietly! ((( *** It’s just that sometimes people get tired of everything: from people, from the environment, from life. They just need to rest - alone. *** How you want kindness! ... But not begged for, but pure... How I want the purity that has disappeared from the lips of those speaking... How I want to live without quarrels!... *** What you will never get tired of is the taste of Happiness! *** I’m tired of being with you and without you right away. *** I want to become for a short time a girl with big eyes, with ice cream in one hand and a scoop in the other, and only think that today is beautiful weather... *** Tired of lies and fake smiles. *** When you are tired and have no strength to continue living, kiss your children, and remember that life still has meaning... *** A woman’s fatigue is a natural consequence of a man’s inattention. *** If I look strong, but I behave like a complete fool , this means that I’m still strong, I’m just very tired. *** It’s scary when a loved one gradually becomes a stranger... and there is no more strength to connect the unconnected! *** People get tired... They get tired of feeling, waiting, loving, understanding... There comes a time when you don’t want anything, you don’t care about everything... *** Tired. Mentally squeezed dry. Tired of lies and pain. Tired of being strong. I want to be strong. I want to be needed. And nothing else is needed. *** How pleasant is fatigue, when the work was to your liking and the result is pleasing to the eye) *** Probably the only thing that doesn’t let me leave is curiosity - what will happen next, and hope, hope for the best, hope that everything will change... But one day, I’ll just get tired of waiting, and I’ll leave, I’ll leave without regret... *** How hard... how hard... how hard... And I’m tired... tired... tired of unnecessary communication. *** I'm tired of being a business man, saving up for repairs or buying a car, fighting with stubble every day in the morning, and looking with a smart look at stupid pictures... *** I'm tired of crying quietly into my pillow. *** The big girl is tired... everything is tired... everything is boring... *** You need to start resting BEFORE the moment you feel tired. *** Tired of joking, believing in good fairy tales. *** I lost the desire to move on. I want someone to take my hand and show me the right path. *** Nowadays, people who are very tired after work go to relax on the Internet... *** Sometimes you tolerate, forgive, close your eyes to everything, and then because of some little thing you turn around and silently leave *** Fatigue is when, while working for computer, look at the wall calendar and try to point the cursor at the desired date. *** Why, when you get tired of everything, you can’t stop breathing, even for a little while. so as not to live, not to think about anything, not to hope for anything, not to expect anything and not to remember anything? *** You can run around, be tired, exhausted, have serious problems, have a cold, but still be absolutely happy. Absolutely. *** Tired. There is no need for these descriptions: from whom, why. Just tired. Very tired. *** If your relatives sit on your head, show them your “Hollywood smile” more often. It will make you feel better, and so will they...)))) *** I'm tired of everything!!! I’ll find a rope... I’ll choose a tree higher... I’m tired of everything... Go to hell... I’ll swing above the roof!!! I’ll tie the swing tighter, and like in childhood, I’ll forget about everything... *** I’m tired of looking for a pair to go with my socks in the morning. *** Lord, save my marriage! Send your husband a business trip! *** You can close the door and go into loneliness, but life is designed in such a way that when you are alone, you will get tired of yourself... *** Hey you! Slow down. My stop. You've won yours! I lost mine. I came with nothing, I will leave with nothing. *** Tired of life... And just tired... *** Tired of everything. But there's nowhere to run. I would fall face down on the floor and lie there... lie... *** The woman leaves because she is simply tired of constantly proving that she is better than THIS, OTHER, THIRD, *** Darling, I have so much boiling over... Please be an anti-scale agent today … *** When a WOMAN hangs up from fatigue, she should not be rebooted... but UNLOADED! *** Love cannot get tired... people get tired and slowly begin to live out love... *** It happens that there is nothing to say and time seems to have stopped, and there is nowhere to rush, to run, and you are already a little tired. *** Lately, more and more often I want to break loose, and stand up right in the middle of the street and scream, how all this has swayed me. I'm so tired. *** I’m sick of you... I’m tired of this pain... *** Tired of enduring, tired of forgiving, tired of crying into my pillow at night, tired of living in this chaos... Constantly being silent... as if not noticing... Pretending that it doesn’t hurt, afraid of losing... How tired of all this I am... *** If I survive this day without him, then I can cope later... *** On that poster it is written: TIRED? HAVE A REST! *** Tired of pain and other mistakes. *** How tired I am - Only God knows... Although I didn’t tell Him everything... But if He was able to believe in me... I’ll rest for the night... And that’s it - I’ll start over! *** Tired is when you come home and don’t turn on the computer. But no, it’s dead... *** It’s all right. Just tired. From everything. And everyone. *** I’m tired and I want to go to my arms, but what kind of arms do I want to go to the Maldives? *** I decided to be kind... Still, there are not enough cartridges for everyone!!! *** A person gets tired of everything, and even of love. *** Sometimes you really want to cry, but you don’t know the reason... it’s just that everything is somehow tired, painful, overwhelming... *** I caught a cold. I'm sneezing. I’m already tired of making wishes... *** I’m tired, I can’t do it anymore, and my heart is in splinters, as if in delirium, the splinters don’t disappear over the years, over the years sometimes they break out. And the memory, the infection, does not let go, Forgave, ... then why does this happen (?) *** My guardian angel was tired, apparently he just left, flapping his wings, maybe she offended him with something, she boasted a lot about her strength. *** Sometimes even a bitch wants to be a white fluffy kitten. *** A woman gets tired not from work and worries, but from the cruel indifference and misunderstanding of those she loves. *** The most long-awaited meeting of the whole day is the meeting with the bed. *** Sometimes there are moments when you want to go somewhere away from everything and everyone. Don't live in memories, don't think about anything. Just leave... to where it is quiet and peaceful *** Fatigue is the best indicator that the day was not in vain! *** Someday this moment will come - I will get tired of waiting for you. I’ll get tired of making plans, thinking about you. And I will leave... *** But I was happy and knew almost no tears... Through pain and screaming: I AM STRONG, I whispered: I’m tired... *** As my teacher once said: “Are you tired? Tired is when you fall asleep on a roller coaster!” *** I will urgently scrap the self-destruction program. *** Ah, winter, winter!!! And we scold you and condemn you, but you still don’t leave... come on, scratch it already, from here until December!!!))) *** By the time the New Year arrives, I’m always terribly tired... And only my money gains wings, and my wallet feels extraordinary lightness ! *** I'm tired of this city. I'm tired of being here without you. *** I'm so tired of everything!!! It looks like I have what’s-his-name, vitamin deficiency... lack of sleep... loss of money... let go of lack... *** TIRED of being STRONG, I want to be WEAKER... It’s hard to have nerves of iron... After all, the weak in life are usually pitied, and the STRONG are pushed off cliffs out of spite... *** A woman sleeps so little that a man is always getting enough sleep for her... *** And in the morning there is coffee and a tired look. Yes, everything is fine... But it’s enough... *** I’m strong - and that’s a plus. But being so tired is a minus... *** For a very tired person, the princess is a frog, and the stone is a pillow. *** Idleness sometimes makes you more tired. *** Fatigue is not a reason to take it out on your loved ones. *** I have nowhere to put your promises!!! *** You didn’t believe me so often that one day I stopped believing you... *** I’m tired of falling asleep at night without you, I would of course endure it, but I can’t wait that long. *** Instead of words there are ellipses... instead of shine... tears in my eyes... how I want to go back to childhood... to a girl with a smile on her lips... *** Tired of being steel! *** It’s very difficult for me, you hear, without you, this world has become so uncomfortable And the word “we” suddenly turned into “I” And I’m tired of it. *** I decided to solve the crossword puzzle. I GUESSED ONE WORD and was tired. *** I’m tired of sweeping away the fragments of my stupid, fragile love from my soul... *** God, teach him to write first. I'm tired. *** The only person who never gets tired, even when her legs give way from fatigue, is... a woman... a real woman. *** You are proud. And I'm tired. *** I began to look at the globe more and more often..., especially at the areas of uninhabited islands... *** I want to get tired... Tired of Happiness! Statuses about everything I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired

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