How are clouds formed? Types of clouds with descriptions and photos

“Nature has no bad weather”... Remember the song from Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Office Romance”? We really need to accept everything with gratitude. Including rain. You can treat it differently. Some people rejoice at him, while others feel sad.

Rain inspires us to think. When it’s raining outside, there is a reason to think about life or sit by the window with an interesting book, play calm games with the children or watch your favorite movie. And water is useful to nature - it cleanses the earth and gives life. I just wish the sky didn’t cry very often in the fall.

We offer a variety of statuses about rain: funny and sad, about love and mood, short and beautiful. Choose for yourself and share with your friends. Post them on VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and other networks, and you will see how the mood of both you and your friends will immediately become completely different!

Why are the clouds different?

There are 10 main types of clouds:

Cumulus clouds

They look like fluffy cotton balls. Typically, cumulus clouds occur on calm, clear days and indicate good weather. However, under certain conditions they can become thunderstorm.

Stratus clouds

These are flat, gray, featureless layers that often lie close to the Earth's surface, obscuring the clouds above. Sometimes they can cause light rain. Fog is simply a layered cloud that has descended to ground level. And when you walk in foggy weather, you are actually walking through clouds.

Stratocumulus clouds

Stratus clouds can break up to form cumulus clouds. Or several cumulus clouds are able to join together to form layers. The distance between them characterizes this type as stratocumulus clouds.

Altostratus clouds

Altostratus clouds are found in the middle of the troposphere. They are usually thinner and lighter than laminated ones. If you look closely at the sky, you can see the sun's rays through such a cloud.

Altocumulus clouds

Like altostratus clouds, altocumulus clouds are found in the middle of the troposphere. However, there is a difference, altocumulus clouds are much smaller than cumulus clouds and consist of both ice crystals and water droplets.

Spindrift clouds

Cirrus clouds are the highest level clouds made entirely of ice crystals. These are thin clouds that look like a horse's tail.

Cirrocumulus clouds

These are cumulus clouds at the height of cirrus. Cirrocumulus clouds are composed entirely of ice crystals. They look like little fish scales in the sky.

Cirrostratus clouds

Cirrostratus clouds are high in the sky. They can produce wonderful optical phenomena such as Halos. The sun still shines brightly through these layers, even though the sky may be completely covered in them.

Nimbostratus clouds

Nimbostratus clouds produce persistent rain or snow that can be light to moderate. These high stratus clouds exist at low to mid-levels in the troposphere.

Cumulonimbus clouds

Also known as “cloud kings,” cumulonimbus clouds are responsible for very heavy rain and hail. Precipitation occurs over a short period of time.

They are also the only clouds that can generate lightning and thunder. Cumulonimbus clouds are very tall and often spread across different layers of the sky.

Quotes about the sky and clouds

In many cultures, the sky and clouds are endowed with important and profound symbolism. Given this, it is not surprising that on the Internet you can find a lot of interesting quotes on this topic. The most original, most beautiful of them are collected on our website.

Discover a unique selection of interesting aphorisms and sayings of famous personalities. Cheer yourself up, get inspired, decorate your personal diary or page on social networks with phrases you like.

Look at the sky more often, and not at your feet, and your thoughts will be clear and light. Seraphim of Sarov.

When you listen to beautiful music, it’s like swimming in the clouds.

Nobody pays attention to the sky until they fall in love. Alessandro D'Avenia.

The clouds again acquired their old color, their old English color - the color of soft-boiled eggs and peeled by the fingers of the city.

You raise your head to the sky, the clouds sprinkle the world with vanilla sugar.

It’s enough just to move the chair a few steps and you’ll look at the sunset sky again and again, if you just want to.

Experience flight once, and your eyes will forever be fixed on the sky. Once you have been there, you are doomed to yearn for it for the rest of your life.

There is no better icon than the sky! Vasily Aksenov.

Even in the most mournful autumn rain, you should not forget that the sky is actually blue - you just need to wait a little...

The sky does not cry with rain - it washes the dirty earth...

I watched the clouds... Clouds are eternal, changeable wanderers. Clouds are like life... Life is also always changing, it is just as diverse, restless and beautiful...

You don't talk about war under a clear sky when the sun is shining. Patrick Ness.

Clouds are the ghosts of long-defeated dragons...

Every night I close my eyes and just fly into the sky. And I don't care what's around.

You are my sunshine, this is somehow banal. But “you are my heaven” is already something.

Whoever sees angels in the sky does not see birds in the sky. Fazil Iskander. Human parking.

The sky is the same for everyone, but the heavens are different for everyone. Stepan Balakin.

Heaven is neither a place nor a time. Heaven is the attainment of perfection. Richard Bach. A seagull named Jonathan Livingston.

The sky and the ocean are two things that represent eternity...

The sky is empty. Clean and beautiful, but completely empty skies. It’s impossible to imagine that architects and builders lived in all the houses they created. Joe Hill. Clap Art.

Once we raised our heads to the sky to say thank you... but now we just curse.

I loved yesterday’s sky so much - squeezed, black from the rain, which pressed against the glass like a funny, touching face. J.P. Sartre, “Nausea.”

The sky is the limit for me.

I love the sky. I can look at him as much as I want - I don’t get tired of him. And when I don’t want to, I just don’t watch.

However, this is the peculiarity of the starry sky: everyone who looks at it has a sweet ache in their heart. Perhaps we actually come from somewhere there?

It seemed to me that even the sky was crying, looking into the window of my room... Janusz Leon Wisniewski.

Life in cities teaches you to look only at your own feet. Nobody will remember that there is heaven in the world... Haruki Murakami.

Fish and ships floated across the sky, cars flew above the ground. Everything around was moving. I needed to move too. Nowadays it’s scary to stop; you might not be able to get somewhere in time. Dmitry Novoselov.

There is a sight greater than the sea, and that is the sky; There is a sight more majestic than the sky - this is the depth of the human soul. Victor Hugo.

Only by aiming higher than the stars can you at least reach the clouds. Lina Alfeeva.

I don't like the way you put it, but you're on the right track. In this sky, a cloud can float calmly, but one day, I will bite even the sky.

I love the sky. I can look at him as much as I want - I don’t get tired of him. And when I don’t want to, I just don’t watch. Haruki Murakami. Listen to the song of the wind.

Anyone who wants to see the living God should look for him not in the empty firmament of his own mind, but in human love. F. Dostoevsky.

Heaven and Earth are separate, but they do the same thing. Confucius.

Trees don't grow to the sky. Winston Churchill.

If the sky, then blue. If a friend, then a strong one. If friendship, then eternal. And love is endless.

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No matter how far you are... we are under the same sky...

Even in the most mournful autumn rain, you should not forget that the sky is actually blue - you just need to wait a little...

Truth is like the sky and opinions are like clouds. Joseph Joubert.

I drowned in the hot grass a long time ago, and my eyes got lost in the sky, entangled in the clouds... Max Fry.

And now the sky is blue, blue, with cloud sheep made from cotton candy grazing in it.

May man be freed from revenge: here is the bridge leading to the highest hope, and the rainbow sky after a long storm. Friedrich W. Nietzsche.

Lying on my back, I look up at the sky. Lying on my stomach, the clouds look down right at me. Cecilia Ahern.

Once you have tasted flight, you will always walk on earth with your eyes turned to the sky - for you have already been there, and you are irresistibly drawn to return there. Leonardo da Vinci.

Clouds are eternal, changeable wanderers. Clouds are like life. Life is also always changing, it is just as diverse, hectic and beautiful.

The man sitting on the top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky.

The grass is looking for crowds of its own kind on the earth; the tree looks for its loneliness in the sky.

After the war, it took so long to get used to it that you no longer had to be afraid of the sky. Svetlana Alexievich.

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Only the sky can give birth to stars. Alexander Primak.

And he is angry at the stars - that they look from the sky, Like people look - but they don’t want to help. Ya. Polonsky.

A flower turning towards the sun also sees it behind the clouds. Robert Leighton.

Why earth when there is heaven?

As a child, it seemed to me that the sky was just a stone's throw away. That's why I like the rain so much, it smells like the sky. Takao Akizuki.

The sky is like the sea, just blue, there are clouds like islands, wonderful seagulls circling on the sea, flying here and there.

The earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. Thomas Moore.

Human! Raise your gaze from the earth to the sky - what an amazing order there is there! Kozma Prutkov.

When you often raise your eyes upward, you will see a lot of interesting things, but if you look at the ground more often, you will not fall.

When you often raise your eyes upward, you will see a lot of interesting things, but if you look at the ground more often, you will not fall.

Loved ones are not sought, they are sent by heaven.

The sky is the cradle of children's imagination. Sergey Fedin.

Cloud composition

Depending on the composition they are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Water - consist entirely of water droplets (above -10 ℃). At sub-zero temperatures, the droplets become supercooled.
  2. Icy or crystalline - composed entirely of ice crystals (below -15 ℃).
  3. Mixed - a mixture of ice crystals and water droplets (from -10 to -15 ℃).

Water droplets and crystals are called cloud elements. The droplet sizes vary significantly. They are determined using the microphotography method (creating a photo with high magnification).

Ice crystals and water drops

When a cloud just begins to form, the diameter of the droplets in it varies between 5-50 µm (1 µm = 0.001 mm).
At the stage of cloud development, the droplets become larger - from 50 to 200 microns in diameter. They begin to fall little by little, and in meteorology they speak of light rain - drizzle. Subsequently, the drops can be transformed into rain drops - with a diameter of 500 to 5000 microns. Interesting fact : the clouds seem light and “airy”, but in reality the weight of a large cloud is about 1 ton.
Crystals have different shapes and sizes depending on air humidity and temperature. Most are called complete and are shaped like a hexagonal prism. If the height of such a crystal is small compared to the base, it is a plate. Crystals of the opposite shape are ice columns. There are also elements of complex shape, needle-shaped.

Thus, water droplets are small in size, but their density in the cloud is several hundred per 1 cm³. Crystals, on the contrary, are larger, but have a lower density - up to 100 per 10 cm³.

Another important characteristic is water content - this is the amount of water contained in 1m³ of cloud. Average water content:

  • clouds with small drops – up to 1 g/m³;
  • cumulus – 2 g/m³;
  • cumulonimbus – 4-5 g/m³;
  • crystalline – up to 0.02 g/m³;
  • mixed – 0.2-0.3 g/m³.

Sayings about heaven with meaning

Perhaps the sky is actually a meadow overgrown with white flowers; and there God walks and plucks stars... John Galsworthy

A unique opportunity to look into the future: look into a puddle - and you’re already in heaven! Vyacheslav Verkhovsky

Heaven is a perfect creation; no matter who and where he stands on earth, he always feels himself in the center, in the middle of the earth, and the dome of heaven extends an equal distance from him in all four directions. Irving Stone

It’s strange to realize that, despite the same sky above our heads, we are all completely different. Veronica Roth

Not everyone who talks about heaven is destined to go there... William Faulkner

Heaven carries out its plans through human follies. Walter Scott

No matter how foreign the city may be, you can always look up and see a familiar picture. Anosh Irani

We all live under the same sky, but we all have different horizons. Konrad Adenauer

Sometimes I stop believing in the blueness of the sky: it seems to me that this space is perfectly covered with bruises. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die. Joe Louis

The sky is immensely beautiful. In any weather, at any time of the day. Looking into the deep heights, you feel like a small speck of dust, whose life is invisible and not as important as it sometimes seems. But, nevertheless, we believe that man is paramount, if only because only he is able to briefly describe the beauty of the sky in quotes and aphorisms. Heaven itself certainly cannot do this.

How are clouds formed?

Drops of water that form a cloud structure rise from the surface of land and ocean with warm air currents. The main reason for cloud formation is evaporation. It is more active from the oceans, the annual value reaches 400 thousand km3, and from land it is 4 times less.

Cloud Formation

Having reached the upper, colder layers of the atmosphere, the air cools, the vapor in it condenses: microscopic drops of water and ice particles are formed, becoming the basis of the cloud. Water in atmospheric formation exists in 3 states of aggregation: liquid, solid, gaseous. The state of aggregation is a determining factor in the type of object, its characteristics: duration of formation and existence, appearance, type and abundance of precipitation.

When the air is saturated with moisture, a cloud cannot form without the presence of condensation particles (dust, smoke, salt). Water droplets adhere to the particles, thereby keeping them suspended in the air.

The state of aggregation adopted by droplets is determined by the temperature in the upper atmospheric layers:

  • above -10°C – moisture remains liquid;
  • from -10 to -15°C – mixed condition (drops and ice present);
  • below -15°C – moisture turns into crystals.

There is a revelation in the rain - hidden tenderness

Beautiful statuses about rain


Having stayed for a while, Rain, with a playful bow, will straighten the Cloak, easily soaring. And will merge with the native sky, giving a bouquet of lush rainbows... Elena Solis


The rain is warm, like fresh milk, We put our mouths in and drank... it was clean! Where is the rain from childhood? Apparently, far away... It poured noisily, but it ended so quickly! Galina Balandina


Ringing with fragments of oblivion, the night sprinkles diamond crumbs, like a touch pouring from the sky, an invisible sound to our eyes. Natalya Shpiyakina


Rain is a consolation for those who could not love. Rain is the hope of those whom he could not forgive. Rain is the tears of those who went to heaven. Rain for those who were not happy.


There is a revelation in the rain - hidden tenderness and the ancient sweetness of an approximate drowsiness, an artless song awakens with it, and the soul of the sleepy nature trembles. Federico Garcia Lorca


The meaning of life is not to wait for the storm to end, but to learn to enjoy the rain from the heart. Vivian Green


Neither an umbrella, nor a roof, nor even the most comfortable house will help you hide from the rain, because the rain penetrates your soul.


Autumn is in the human soul. Like spring, summer, any season, any weather. And therefore, someone with joy and a premonition of cleansing will offer their hands to the same rain, while another will frown heavily, sweep away their sadness into a random stream and pull their cloak tighter. The weather is ours, and the rain... it just comes. Devoid of shades of good and evil, joy and sadness, the rain falls through our souls. Al Quotion


The sun and wind are truly inspiring. But the rain takes over. Does anyone dream of dancing in the dust? Or kissing in the sun? Cynthia Barnett


Rain, whatever falls from the sky, always reaches the ground. No one can stop real rain. And no one can escape it. Rain always gives fairness to everyone. Haruki Murakami

After the rain comes inspiration. A. Fet

Myth 5. With the transition to the cloud, the IT department is no longer needed

In the case of the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud model, the cloud provider is responsible for managing servers, storage systems, network and other equipment. For some company executives, this gives rise to false expectations that they can completely abandon the IT department, at least the IT infrastructure specialists. However, as McKinsey notes, providers offer hundreds of different options, and someone must understand them, select and configure the right ones in order to create the optimal configuration. To perform these functions, IT employees who remain in the company must have a different set of skills than employees in “regular” IT departments. Additionally, the IT department's operating model is changing from reactive to proactive. Instead of waiting for resource requests from other departments, cloud infrastructure managers must learn to anticipate the company's needs and turn the cloud into a reliable, automated platform.

Typically, with the cloud, fewer people can manage more resources, so IT departments will be smaller, but not entirely without them.

Your mood doesn't depend on how much rain it is!

Statuses about rain and mood


It's autumn rain, but I'm still in a wonderful mood.


Rain is my tears……. Heavy rain is my hysteria...


I love the rain when you sleep, it knocks on the window and it’s so calm in your soul...


Rain! I haven't been this happy for a long time.


Your mood doesn't depend on how much rain it is!


And the rain is not shy, it pours and tries to hurt you more...

Myth No. 4. Latency between applications on a cloud provider's network is higher than on a corporate network

In addition to security, increased application response times are a concern. Increased latency is often a consequence of “reverse transit” - routing traffic through a corporate data center. This practice is caused, among other things, by mistrust of cloud security and the desire to control data transfer. It only leads to increased complexity and a deteriorating user experience, as cloud providers use powerful perimeter security measures. And companies are gradually abandoning it, using alternative methods, such as organizing a “virtual perimeter” with cloud-based controls. According to McKinsey research, only 11% of cloud users intend to continue using reverse transit beyond 2021.

The largest telecom operator in Kazakhstan decided to create mass content itself and started with e-sports


Another reason is the need to access critical data or applications within the corporate network. In this case, McKinsey experts advise creating a data lake in the cloud and transferring the main body of data and its processing there, and accessing data outside the cloud only when absolutely necessary. This will not only reduce latency, but also use powerful cloud analytics. If the provider’s cloud data center is located in the same region as the corporate one, then by eliminating reverse transit and working only in the cloud, latency is sometimes even reduced thanks to high-performance internal networks in cloud data centers and optimization of the content delivery process via external channels.

Cloud computing remains one of the few growth points amid a general contraction in the IT market due to the pandemic. Photo:

Methods of influencing clouds

Modern science has discovered some ways to influence clouds. In particular, the dispersion of supercooled clouds, fog, and the impact on clouds carrying hail. In this case, the microstructure of the clouds, as well as their phase state, changes artificially.

For example, in order to disperse a supercooled cloud, refrigerants or iodine particles of ice-forming substances are introduced into it from an airplane. These substances contribute to the formation of a large number of crystals - the density of water droplets decreases and the cloud dissipates. To influence fog, ground-based installations of a similar nature are used.

It is also possible to artificially cause precipitation, for example, during forest fires. To do this, reagents - silver iodide or special pyrotechnic compositions - are introduced into the cloud using an aircraft.

Scheme of artificial precipitation

Types of clouds - cumulus, cirrus, stratus, nimbus...

Cirrus (Ci) - feathery; Cirrostratus (Cs) - pinnate - layered; Cirrocumulus (Cс) - pinnate-cumulus; Altostratus (As) - High - layered; Altocumulus (Ac) - high - cumulus; Nimbostratus (Ns) - nimbostratus; Stratocumulus (Sc) - stratocumulus; Stratus (St) - layered; Cumulus (Cu) - cumulus; Cumulonimbus (Cb) - cumulonimbus.

Morphological classification, depending on the height of the lower boundary of the cloud and its appearance:

Region upper tier - lower boundary more than 6 km:

  • Pinnate, Cirrus (Ci);
  • Cirrostratus (Cs);
  • Cirrocumulus (Cc).

Middle tier - lower boundary from 2 to 6 km:

  • High - layered, Altostratus (As);
  • High - cumulus, Altocumulus (Ac);
  • Stratostratus, Nimbostratus (Ns).

Lower tier - lower boundary less than 2 km:

  • Stratus - rain, Nimbostratus (Ns);
  • Broken - rain, Fractonimbus (Fr nb);
  • Stratocumulus, Stratocumulus (Sc);
  • Layered, Stratus (St);
  • Broken - layered, Fractostratus (Fr st).

Region vertical development (convection clouds) - lower limit less than 2 km:

  • Cumulus, Cumulus (Cu);
  • Powerful - cumulus, Cumulus congestus (Cu cong);
  • Cumulonimbus (Cb).

Genetic classification, according to educational conditions:

Cumulus regions:

  • Cumulus clouds;
  • Powerfully - cumulus regions;
  • Cumulonimbus;
  • High - cumulus flocculate or tower-shaped;
  • Cirrocumulus region.

Layered regions:

  • Layered-rain regions;
  • Broken - rain;
  • High - layered;
  • Cirrus - layered region.

Wavy regions:

  • Layered;
  • Stratocumulus;
  • Altocumulus and cirrocumulus regions.

There are also rarer species of the region. - pearlescent and noctilucent clouds, which are located at altitudes of 20-25 km and 70-80 km, respectively.

A rainy day is a reason to spend time with your loved one

Statuses about rain and love


The rain will say: “Don’t be sad, tell me what’s wrong with you?” You turn your face to the rain, quietly say: “He’s on the other one.”


When the rain gets boring, love takes its place.


Let it rain, let it pour, I promise we will be happy


A rainy day is a reason to spend time with your loved one.


I love listening to the rain With my nose buried in your shoulders After all, in bad weather outside the window It’s nice to celebrate the evening together Favorite


Even the rain laughs and does not cry... The whole world has become brighter and cleaner... How sometimes it means a lot to the heart... Your phrase: “How I missed you.”


Lovers don't focus on bad weather; they embrace both rain and sun.


If the heavens suddenly cry with rain, know that it is I who miss you; if a bright star flashes at night, it is I who give my love to you.


When someone special comes into your life, autumn becomes colorful. You don’t notice the rain, but only colorful umbrellas!


Sometimes I forget my umbrella on purpose so you can kiss me in the rain.


I'm jealous of the rain. He can touch you.

The sea didn’t wait for me... it decided to visit me in the form of rain!

Myth No. 6. It is worth moving either individual applications or the entire data center to the cloud

These two extreme options are considered the most effective ways to move to the cloud, but this is misleading. When transferring individual applications to the cloud, the company will have to simultaneously pay for both the resources of its data center and the provider for application hosting. At the same time, as McKinsey points out, it does not receive the expected business benefits, such as speeding up the release of new products, if only part of the interconnected applications is transferred. For example, if the HR department transferred the employee registration process to the cloud, but left the application for working with user profiles in the corporate data center.

And when moving an entire data center to the cloud at once, the risks are very high, especially if many of the applications used were not originally designed for deployment in the cloud.

So what's the best way to approach your move to the cloud? McKinsey experts recommend migrating entire separate business processes, such as registering new clients, client payments, etc. This allows you to get all the business benefits from moving to the cloud, such as increased flexibility and reliability, and is associated with lower costs and risks than moving everything data center If the transition lives up to expectations, it will be a strong argument in favor of moving other processes.

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