10 Sensual Quotes About Female Sexuality

Wise Quotes About Sex and Love

1. “Everything in the world I think about sex, except sex itself.
Sex is power." ― Oscar Wilde 2.
“Sex without love is as empty and absurd as love without sex.”
― Hunter S. Thompson 3.
“Everyone who is in love makes love all the time, not just physically.
Simply, when two bodies merge, the cup overflows. Lovers can stay together for hours, even days. They begin their dance today and finish tomorrow, or - so great is the pleasure they experience - they may never finish it. The eleven minute rule doesn't apply to them." ― Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes 4.
“Boys and girls in America have such a sad time with each other;
sophistication provokes them to jump straight into sex without proper prior communication. Not seductive speeches - a real frank heart-to-heart conversation, because life is sacred and every moment is precious.” ― Jack Kerouac, “On the Road” 5.
“Sex is emotion in motion.”
― Mae West 6.
“Anyone who is observant, who notices the person he has always dreamed of, knows that sexual energy comes into play even before the turn of sex comes.
The greatest pleasure is not sex, but the passion with which it is practiced. When passion is strong, sex becomes the last step in the dance, but it is not the main goal.” ― Paulo Coelho 7.
“They say love is blind;
sex defies reason and nullifies the power of all philosophers. But, in essence, people's sexual choices are the result and outcome of their fundamental beliefs. Tell me what a person finds sexually attractive, and I will tell you his entire life philosophy. Show me who he sleeps with and I'll tell you about his self-esteem. No matter how distorted ideas about the virtue of selflessness are instilled in them, sex is the most selfish of all acts. An act that has no other motive than self-gratification - just try to imagine doing it in the spirit of selfless giving to charity! - an act in which there is no room for self-abasement, only for self-exaltation, only for the confidence that they are desirable and worthy of desire. This is an act that forces them to bare themselves spiritually, not only physically, and accept their true Ego as a standard of value. They will always be attracted to people who reflect their deepest vision of themselves, those whose conquest allows them to experience - or imitate - a sense of self-worth... Love is our response to our own highest values ​​- and cannot be anything else.” ― Ayn Rand 8.
“But when a woman decides to sleep with a man, there is no wall she will not scale, no fortress she will not destroy, no moral conviction she will not fundamentally ignore: there is no God for whom she stands worry."
― Gabriel García Márquez, “Love in the Time of Cholera” 9.
“You can take possession of this mouth of the open wound that attracts you but you cannot kiss and heal it”
― Daphne Gottlieb, “Why Everything Burns” 10.
“Words are the best aphrodisiacs for women.
The G-spot is located in the ears. Those who seek it below are wasting their time.” ― Isabel Allende, “Love and Shadows” 11.
“If one wants to depict everything graphically, each episode, with its climax, he will need a three-dimensional template, but perhaps nothing will work: each experience is unique.
What most makes love and read in common is the discovery of space-time boundaries, a difference from measurable time and space.” ― Italo Calvino, If One Winter Night a Traveler 12.
“I have always been drawn to the sick and the perverted.”
― Madonna 13.
“If a man can take possession of a woman’s sexuality—really take control—he will not need to control her ideas, her views, the way she dresses, her friends, even her other lovers.”
― Tony Bentley 14.
“What is fuck when what I need is love?”
― Henry Miller 15.
“She carefully taught him that it is impossible to have pleasure without giving pleasure, and that every gesture, every caress, every touch, every look, every bit of the body contains its secret, bringing happiness to the person who knows how to awaken it .
She taught him that after the triumph of love, lovers should part admiring each other, without being defeated and without winning, so that no one would be sad, fed up or feel used.” ― Hermann Hesse, “Siddhartha” 16.
“We (men) would rather lose an arm by sticking it out the window of a city bus than tell you a simple thing: “You’re not the one.”
We are absolutely sure that you will kill us, or yourself, or both, or even worse - you will burst into tears and start screaming at us.” ― Greg Behrendt, “He's Just Not in Love with You: The Truth About Men's Substitutes for Saying No.” 17.
“You said, “I want to spend the night with you.”
And it was your wording that contributed to this. If you had said, “Let's have sex,” or “Come to my place,” or even, “I want you madly,” I'm not sure we would have gotten that far. But I liked the idea that this night would be dedicated only to me, and I immediately decided to spend it with you.” ― David Levitan, “The Lover's Dictionary” 18.
“He noticed that sex has some similarities with cooking: it captivates people, sometimes they buy thick books with complex recipes and interesting pictures, and sometimes, when they are really hungry, they create they imagine whole banquets - but at the end of the day they are happy to be content with scrambled eggs and fried potatoes.
As long as it's well cooked and maybe garnished with a slice of tomato." ― Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant 19.
“Sex is always an emotion.
Good sex is based on open emotions, bad sex is based on repressed emotions.” ― Deepak Chopra 20.
“To say that love rules the world is an exaggeration.
The earth rotates because it has been this way since its formation and nothing can stop this process. But the almost obsessive devotion to sex and love observed in most known plants, animals and microorganisms is a common and striking aspect of life on Earth. It requires clarification. In the name of what is all this? Why all this flurry of passion and obsession? Why do living beings, forgetting about sleep and nutrition, gladly expose themselves to mortal danger for the sake of sex? ...For more than half of the period of existence of life on Earth, organisms managed just fine without it. So what's good about sex? After 4 billion years of natural selection, the instructions were refined and refined...sequences of adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine - a manual that constituted the ABC of life along with other similar manuals from other publishers. Organisms become a means of dissemination and copying of these rules, on which new instructions are tested and regulated by selection. “A hen,” said Samuel Butler, “is an egg’s attempt to produce another egg.” It is at this level that we must understand why sex exists. …When salmon set out to spawn, they exhaust themselves by swimming up the mighty Columbia River, heroically braving the current with a single-minded determination to pass on their DNA to future generations. Once their work is completed, they fall into pieces. The scales peel off, the fins fall off, and soon - often within hours of spawning - they are dead and begin to give off an odor. They completed their task. Nature does not tolerate sentimentality. Death is an integral part of life." ― Carl Sagan, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors: The Search for Who We Are 21.
“A person’s sexual behavior is often the prototype for all his other response patterns in life.”
― Sigmund Freud, Sexuality and the Psychology of Love 22.
“A gentleman holds my hand.
The man is pulling my hair. The loved one will do both.” ― Alessandra Torre 23.
“Lift your hips, my love.”
― Tahira Mafi, “Light Me Up” 24.
“Love is giving up control.
Suppressing the desire to control another person. These two phenomena - love and power over someone - are mutually exclusive. If we truly love someone, we must let go of all our desires to manipulate the relationship." ― Rob Bell, Sex God: Exploring the Endless Connections of Sexuality to Spirituality 25.
“The eyes are one of the most powerful tools at a woman’s disposal.
With one glance she can convey the most intimate message. Once contact is made, words cease to exist." ― Jennifer Salize 26.
“A girl in a bikini is like a loaded gun sitting on your coffee table.
There's nothing wrong with them, but it's hard to stop thinking about it." ― Garrison Keillor 27.
“Sexual pleasure, I agree, is a passion to which everything is subject, but in which everything becomes one.”
― Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom 28.
“Here’s what Jamie didn’t understand: it was never just sex.
Even the quickest, dirtiest, most impersonal fuck meant something more. It was a matter of connection. When you look at another person and see a reflection of your own loneliness and need for your neighbor. It was the realization that together you can get rid of the feeling of isolation. It was a sense of humanity at the most basic, instinctual level. Is there any other way to describe it?” ― Emily Maguire, Taming the Beast 29.
“Marriage is not a love affair.
Not even a honeymoon. This is work. Long hard work that both partners have to work harder than they ever have before in their lives. If it's a good marriage, it changes, evolves and gets better. I saw this in the example of my parents. But an unsuccessful marriage can dissolve in a stream of resentment and bile. I saw this too, in my own pathetic and deplorable attempt to make another person happy. But this is not the fault of any one person. It is the sum of a thousand small irritations, disagreements, idiotic details, simply ignored in the general flow or forgotten during healing lovemaking. Divorce is not a cure, but a surgical operation, even without taking into account children.” ― Rosamund Pilcher, Wild Mountain Thyme 30.
“Sex won’t be good until it has meaning.
It doesn't have to mean 'love' or be exclusive to a relationship, but it does have to include intimacy and connection... There's a very fine line between sexual liberation and sexual exploitation." ― Laura Stepp, Off the Hook: How Young Women Chase Sex, Delay Love, and Lose Both 31.
“Never go to bed with someone whose concerns are bigger than yours.”
― Nelson Ahlgren, “A Walk Down the Row” 32.
“I find women sexy when they have something on.
And if they later take it down, that means you've won. Someone once said that we are interested in what we cannot see, and it is true.” ― Groucho Marx 33.
“Older gentlemen's girls don't do it in spite of their age—they are attracted to it, they do it because of it.
Why? I think in Consuela's case, the huge age difference allows her to be submissive. It is logical that my age and status give her the right to surrender, and being subjugated in bed is not at all an unpleasant feeling. But at the same time, by giving themselves to a much, much older man, such young women gain the kind of power that a sexual relationship with a younger man would not provide. She gets both pleasure from submission and pleasure from influence.” ― Philip Roth, “The Dying Animal” 34.
“Peel back the veneer of feminism, and underneath it is a woman who longs to be a sex object, the only difference being that that’s not all she wants to be.”
― Betty Rollin 35.
“When you are confident, know what turns you on, and enjoy watching your partner watch you in moments of sexual satisfaction, then your romantic relationship is based on love.
Seeing and being seen fuels passion and lust. This is how you add healthy desire and love to your sex life. This is meaningful sex, not the old pornographic act of past addictions." ― Alexandra Keithakis, Erotic Intelligence: Sparking Hot, Healthy Sex, Breaking Sex Addiction 36.
“One thing I've learned over the years is: don't make love when you don't really want to;
This is probably the worst thing you can do to yourself.” ― Norman Mailer 37.
“From space, astronauts can see people making love as a flicker of light.
More precisely, this is not light, but a flickering - a sexual radiance, generation after generation pouring like honey into the darkness until it reaches the gaze of the astronaut. In a century and a half - when the lovers who created the radiation will have long been lying motionless on their backs - entire megacities will be visible from space. They will shine all year long. Smaller cities are also distinguishable, but with difficulty. The villages are almost impossible to see. Individual pairs are not visible at all. The glow is the child of a thousand lovers: newlyweds and teenagers flaring up like sparks from butane; pairs of men burning quickly and dazzlingly; couples of women who can glow for hours with many soft flashes; orgies sparkling like flint flints sold at fairs; couples trying in vain to conceive children, leaving their barren imprint on the mainland, like a brief flash of bright light flashing in the eyes, as soon as one turns away from it. There are nights when certain places shimmer brighter than usual. It's hard to look at New York on Valentine's Day or Dublin on St. Patrick's Day without squinting. Ancient, walled Jerusalem flares up like a candle on each of the eight nights of Hanukkah... We are here, the radiance... someone will say a century and a half later. We are here, we are alive." ― Jonathan Safran Foer, “Full Illumination”
Content prepared by Lea A.N.A.
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Quotes on the topic "Sexuality"

Georgy Sergatsky

Cheating in love

(From the book “The Underside of Love, or the Experience of Trepanation of Sin...”)

Lust walked, dressed in clothes of love. E. Evseev

“Whoever writes about it (life - G.S.) respectfully and according to all the rules, remains silent about the greater half of it” (M. Montaigne). “What is the history of orgasm? The story of the hidden body, the suppressed desires of the flesh, restrained by social prohibitions and moral laws” (R. Muschemble). “The very fact of nature is felt as shameful.” “Shame gradually weakens and is finally completely lost” (V. Soloviev). “This feeling, inherent in a civilized society, performs a certain cultural function.” To hide “certain corners of his life,” man “throws a mysterious veil over even the most natural and most necessary purposes of nature.” “Having transformed the mystery of sex into an inexhaustible spring of physiological and mental pleasure, people could not help but understand the danger of this discovery for civilization. This pleasure could be destructive for a person. Its use should have been controlled. Unlimited sexual stimulation could cause constant arousal in members of the opposite sex, lead to chaotic and hypertrophied sexual relations and ultimately become disastrous for people's health and destructive for the order and organization of society. The restrictions on nudity among some peoples are extremely strict. In South India, for example, there has long been a tradition according to which women should always cover even their mouths. These kinds of prohibitions are very severe for Muslim women” (Sexological Encyclopedia). “With all the negative consequences for society, economic damage, pleasures of both parties or suffering and humiliation of one of them, the duality of relations between men and women towards the opposite and their own sex is striking” (N. Uzlov). “...In love, two opposites meet, two worlds, between which there are no bridges and never can be” (L. Andreas-Salome). “The truth about love should be sought not in science, not in philosophy, but in poetry, or more precisely, among the great poets, and even then not all of them. Of the myriad of poets and novelists who have written about love, only a few can be found to have a relatively true, sincere and somewhat sober attitude towards this passion. It would seem that it is not difficult to paint a true picture of a phenomenon that is so widespread, but it takes all the genius of great artists, all the thirst for truth inherent in genius, so as not to lie in this tempting case, not to embellish, not to exaggerate. Even great artists, not all of them had a conscience sufficient for this.” “To study love, you don’t need to turn to many poets: it’s enough to stop at one great one. I will focus on Shakespeare, who, in Pushkin’s words, alone “gave us whole humanity.” “It should be noted that Shakespeare took his concept of love not from the hands of others, as many poets do, but from nature itself, from his own heart, bloodied by this passion. Among many hobbies, he, says Tan, “had one... - an unhappy, blind, despotic passion, the oppression and shame of which he himself felt and from which he still could not and did not want to free himself. There is nothing sadder than his confession, nothing more characterizing the madness of love and the feeling of human weakness: “When my beloved, says Shakespeare, swears that her love is true, I believe her, although I know that she is lying” (M. Menshikov). “Love is the only feeling in which everything is true and everything is false” (N. Chamfort). “Your friendly words mean nothing if the body tells you something else” (D. Borg). “There is a calm smile on my lips, There is a snake in my chest!.. (K. Prutkov). “Love in the form in which it exists in society (the world) is just a game of two whims and a mutual deception of imaginations” (N. Chamfort). “Love is a game in which both players deceive each other.” here “sin and shame follow each other as cause and effect” (D. Defoe), and hypocrisy and decency are designed to hide the ugly essence of carnal pleasure. “Being in love begins with a person deceiving himself, and ends with him deceiving another” (O. Wilde). “Love is a game in which one always cheats” (O. Balzac). “Love lives by desire and feeds on deception. It is simply incompatible with the truth” (A. France). “A lie in love is necessary” (I. Guberman). “No, he does not have a deceitful look, His eyes do not lie. They say truthfully that their owner is a rogue” (R. Burns). “A lie has a hundred thousand faces and has no limits” (M. Montaigne). “The cruelest lies are often told in silence” (R. Stevenson). “Nobody wants to be themselves” (M. Nordau). “Honesty is not characteristic of any person, it is an abiological process” (S. Savelyev). “Falsehood is the most vile vice.” “Light and lust are mortal enemies” (W. Shakespeare). The “great lie” (B. Shipov) of love begins with overcoming the shame of lust. “A pile of incompatibilities” (A. Sekatsky) dooms a person to “evil deception” (Z. Gippius), to calculated cohabitation with sin. “Why do people tell the truth if it is much more profitable to lie” (L. Wittgenstein). And although, as Ibsen believes, “there is no point in lying to yourself,” it is necessary to cheat so as not to frighten the victim. It is known that an anecdote is, if not a revelation, then a hint that allows one to draw conclusions. Armenian radio asked: - “What is an illusion? It answered: “This is when a man fucks a woman and thinks that he is in seventh heaven, but he himself is two centimeters from his ass...”. Here, the Armenian radio only hints at the location of the criminal - the offender, both for men, and primarily for them, and for women. We conclude that the criminal is not a w..., but its owner, who uses it in sexual intercourse not for its intended purpose - for physical defecation - but as a means of arousing and maintaining an erection through thoughts of defilement. Since sexual intercourse is nothing more than an exchange of “courtesy” between two crotches, where, in fact, the perpetrators of the crime (two women...) gathered, then behind the evidence, that is... as the main argument of “love”, it is not difficult to find the customer who gets a thrill from it. Thus, the hint from the Armenian radio can be interpreted as proof that the location of f... in absolute proximity to the genitals is not accidental. Everyone knows that they are deceiving the other, but pretends that they do not know about it, trying to deceive, first of all, themselves. At the same time, he knows that the other knows about his vile thoughts addressed to him and again tries to convince himself that this other has no idea about anything. “But if I know that you know, and you know that I know that you know, etc., then such a charade can no longer be maintained” (S. Pinker). Thus, everyone tries to deceive two witnesses to the crime - themselves, or rather their conscience, and their partner. What do we see? Here's what! “...Recreating a “crime, through inferences based on the interpretation of evidence, is not exclusively “rhetorical” - it exposes... the truth...” (S. Žižek). “Since there is no evidence, it is impossible to demonstrate in practice that the individual is incorrigible” (M. Foucault). Your understanding of the essence of sexual love depends on who you consider f... and others like her - a witness or an accomplice to the crime. The power of voluptuousness is directly proportional to the close cooperation of the customer (imagination) with the direct performers of the action, up to the interaction ... “with the most informative part of the body” (D. Simons) - with the human face as the embodiment of personality. As a result, those copulating, making the bodily movements necessary to obtain pleasure from the humiliation of the object of “love,” reveal themselves as scoundrels. Truthfulness in love would be an incident. “Women can freely enter into friendship with a man, but in order to maintain it, a small dose of physical antipathy must be introduced” (F. Nietzsche). A woman derives pleasure mainly from the demonstration of a naked woman..., enjoying the nakedness of the evidence. Otherwise, why does she need all this: “once she stops blushing, she will never blush again” (D. Diderot). Similar pleasure is also not alien to men, which does not at all indicate the femininity of their nature. “What kind of love is there if lust sits within me, which is nothing more than the appetite of my crotch, eager to desecrate beauty? Sexual attractiveness has one measure - the strength of an erection, inspired by pictures of the attempt on the beautiful, lofty, worthy by my possessed ass... Only my ass knows who to love. The trick of “French love” is the possibility of outpouring the “abyss of the soul” of “courtesy” of the private parts in relation to the person of another. The crotch of my beloved is sweet to me, but I do not forget about the filth that my imagination draws when, expressing my immeasurable “love,” I demonstrate mine to her” (Litmus test) 1. The sexuality of a man and a woman, in its hidden essence, cannot be fundamentally different . “It should be clear... that the “soul”... has a feminine character in a man and a masculine character in a woman” (C. Jung). The separation of the sexes is not absolute. “Moving the female genital area in a male manner clearly betrays the active quality of the feeling of satisfaction” (P. Federn). “The weaker partner can only become the obedient servant of the stronger, placing the genitals at his disposal” (S. Blackburn). At the same time, it is generally accepted that “a man is aroused by what he does with a woman, and not by what she does with him; a woman is aroused by what a man does to her, and not by what she does to him” (E. Berne). However, physiologically determined female masochism, in contrast to male aggressiveness and sadism, is harmless only in appearance. The range of associations she imagines for desecrating the personality of a loved one differs as little from men’s as the number of openings for defecation varies between the sexes, the successful location of which we owe to orgasm. The default catch in full sexual intercourse is inevitable and reciprocal. “Lust comes from the body, love comes from the mind. But people do not know their consciousness, and this misunderstanding goes on and on - their bodily lust is considered love” (Osho). This means that the depravity of mutual intentions and the immorality of what happens during “love making” is no secret to most, including women: “love is the strangest and most illogical thing in the world” (D. Smith) ; “sex is a dirty business, save it for the one you love” (E. Perel). “Men underestimate women's aversion to sexual aggression” (Cats de Vries). “Persistent advances quickly give way to sexual aggression and violence. Since any copulation is not a manifestation of love, “the rapist is forced to remain silent and gets used to cheating” (J. Bataille). “At the heart of admiration lies all the horror of lust and lust. Men make madonnas out of women, but cannot ignore their sexual needs. Accordingly, they inevitably desecrate the Garden of Eden” (F. Tellis). “...The presentation of feelings is natural for us, but concealment requires significant effort” (L. Mlodinov). “Women deceive to hide their feelings, men - to show feelings that do not exist” (A. de Monterlant). “Love... on the one hand is bestiality, and on the other is ceremony” (P. Brückner). It is obvious that intrigues with the aim of taking possession of another body are, first of all, a way of hiding the shameful. “The beast in us must be deceived. Morality is an inner lie without which he would tear us to pieces” (F. Nietzsche). If “man is the quintessence of dust” (W. Shakespeare), then his sexual act is the quintessence of meanness2; and, as we see, regardless of gender. “A lie brings endless torment to the soul and body” (Sh. Rustaveli). “The theory of psychoanalysis reveals a pig in every person, a pig saddled with consciousness. The unfortunate result: the pig is uncomfortable under this well-meaning rider. But the rider is no better: his task is not only to rule the pig, but also to make it invisible” (S. Lem). “The devil is endlessly inventive, and sex is his favorite topic. He is ready to catch you at every step, both through generous romance or tender motives, and through other baser animal instincts.” He fools with “flattering sympathy, sweetly seasoned with sexual excitement” (D. Tolkien). “Be careful about who you want to appear to be. We are who we want to appear to be” (K. Vonnegut). Pastorally. “Love... presupposes justice.” “Human morality cannot be based only on utility, it must turn to justice. Justice seeks recognition of the non-consumer value of the individual: at this point, “justice” is especially clearly contraindicated to pure “utility.” Moreover, in the sexual sphere, it is not enough to state that a given method of behavior is “useful”; another thing is important: is it “fair”?” “External manifestations of tenderness can create the appearance of love that does not actually exist. A male seducer, as a rule, resorts to a variety of tenderness, just as a female coquette tries to play on feelings, although in both cases there is no true love of the individual” (John Paul II). Scientifically. “Nowhere in the history of culture can we find naturalness as such in relation to the sexual sphere.” “...It turns out to be completely unnatural for human beings to behave “naturally” in relation to their physical nature” (M. Jacobi). “A characteristic feature of erotic desire is the feeling of going beyond what is permitted, of overcoming the prohibition present in all sexual contacts, a prohibition that stems from the Oedipal structure of sexual life. This feeling takes many forms, and the simplest and most universal of them is the violation of traditional social restrictions imposed by society on the open display of intimate parts of the body and the feeling of sexual arousal” (O. Kernberg). A comment. As long as the flesh exists, there will be no peace in the human soul. Considering that almost everyone uses someone else’s body and the feeling of “evil joy” from humiliating another person in sexual intercourse, we can say that morality has found death in our groin. However, shame and conscience forced a person to cheat and come up with the so-called “mystery of the soul” and a sham called etiquette. Maybe the whole mystery of this mystery is that a person, using another to satisfy dirty desires, does not want to recognize himself as a scoundrel? Can’t, or rather doesn’t want to, believe it? _______________________ 1Wrote by a clearly anal type of exhibitionist type. “Sex is always, at least a little bit, characterized by exhibitionism...” (S. Zizek). 2Sneaky - low in moral terms, dishonest (Wiktionary), that is, a scoundrel, a scumbag, a scoundrel, rubbish, a scoundrel, a bastard, a beast... - whoever likes what. “There are three kinds of scoundrels in the world: naive scoundrels, that is, convinced that their meanness is the highest nobility, scoundrels who are ashamed of their own meanness with the inevitable intention of finishing it, and, finally, simply scoundrels, purebred scoundrels” (F. Dostoevsky ).

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