Napoleon Hill - why did the creator of the bestseller “Think and Grow Rich” die in poverty?

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Already at the age of 15, in order to pay for his studies, the young writer begins to work part-time as a reporter in a small rural newspaper. His talent and vivid reports are noticed by the state governor and part-time owner of another magazine, Robert Taylor. Soon Robert interviews Hill and invites him to write several articles about rich people.

This activity leads him to meet Andrew Cornegie, who saw potential in the young guy. He suggested to him the idea of ​​creating not just articles about rich people, but identifying their main principles and creating a philosophy of success that could help many people become successful without having any special skills.

Working on a book

Hill spends the next 20 years of his life creating this very philosophy. He has to communicate with the richest and most successful people of that time.

He undertakes to write a book that will later become an all-time bestseller. While working on this book, Napoleon makes a living in a variety of ways. He held positions from advertising agent to presidential adviser.

In 1928, his first version of the book “Think and Grow Rich” was published. But Hill spends the next 9 years refining it. And only in 1937 the book became a bestseller.

Review of “Think and Grow Rich”

From the title of the book, you might think that it contains some magical practices with which you can acquire a fortune. But as mentioned above, this book is written as a “philosophy of success.” Therefore, wealth does not necessarily mean money, although many people apply the knowledge from the book specifically in business. In the book you can find examples from the lives of people who achieved success in sports, education and other areas besides business.

In his book, the author talks about the importance of our thoughts and attitudes. About the fact that first of all you need to work with consciousness. Listed are the main 13 steps that should lead you to success if you learn to use them correctly.

Despite the fact that the book was published more than half a century ago, many people who strive for success still find it useful. Reviews about the book are both positive and negative, which is quite natural for people who have their own opinions.

  • One of the positive reviews about the book sounds like this:

“The book is truly effective in the deepest sense of the word. Absolutely without “water”, there are specific tips for self-analysis and steps to achieve success. The meaning of this philosophy is that only you are the creator of your own happiness. Similar statements can be found everywhere, in all sorts of motivating public pages on VKontakte. And in the book itself it is described in detail and very clearly. Perhaps I’ll put it next to books that change consciousness. I highly recommend reading it to anyone who wants to realize themselves and achieve success!”

  • But look at the exact opposite review:

“There is a lot of water in the book. I think I read it in vain. No specific advice on achieving success, except for the same thing in every chapter, that thoughts are material. A lot of stories, but in fact the book is about nothing. I didn’t learn anything new.”

In any case, if you are thinking about whether it is worth spending time reading this book, it is better to be guided by your feelings or at least the advice of people with whom you share the same opinion.

Five principles of self-confidence

1. I know that I am capable of achieving a certain goal in life; I demand from myself perseverance, constant work in this direction, and I promise myself to act only this way and not otherwise.

2. I realize that the thoughts that dominate my mind will inevitably lead to physical actions that will gradually materialize; therefore, for thirty minutes every day I will concentrate on the thought of what I intend to become, in this way I will create a clear picture in my mind.

3. I know that for the fulfillment of any desire that I persistently think about, practical means will eventually be found. That's why I will devote ten minutes every day to building confidence in myself and my abilities .

4. I described my main life goal clearly and clearly.

Photo from

5. I will never give up trying to develop enough confidence in myself to achieve this goal. I am fully aware that both wealth and position in society are only valid and reliable if achieved in accordance with law and justice. Therefore, on the way to my dream, I will under no circumstances resort to dubious transactions. I will achieve success by relying only on my own strengths and in mutually beneficial cooperation with other people. I will seek the help of strangers, demonstrating my willingness to help them. I will eradicate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness and cynicism in myself, because a negative attitude towards other people will not bring me success.

I will make others believe in my success because I will believe in myself and them. I will subscribe to these principles and remember them. I will repeat them out loud once a day and believe that gradually they will influence my thoughts and actions, and I will become confident in my abilities and find success in all my endeavors.


The most important quote that reflects the whole essence of Hill’s philosophy can be considered the phrase: “You are what you think.”

In addition to this, in each of his books you can find many phrases that are filled with meaning that reflect his philosophy.

List of popular quotes from the writer:

  • “Both poverty and wealth are born in the head.”
  • “Faith is a state of consciousness that can be caused by self-hypnosis.”
  • “Our mind knows no boundaries except those we create ourselves.”
  • “The source of all wealth and success lies in thought.”
  • “Happiness can be found in the process, not just the result.”
  • “A person has power over his life because he has power over his attitude towards it.”
  • “A person cannot be forced to retreat if he does not give up himself - and above all in his own consciousness.”
  • “The longer you go towards success, the closer it gets. Too many people give up one step before winning. Remember: others will take this step.”

Educational activities

Continuing the story of Napoleon's life, it is worth mentioning that he was engaged in educational activities for the rest of his life. After the successful publication of the book, he did not abandon his work, but continued to improve it. In 1952, the Napoleon Hill Association was established, which promoted his philosophy.

And in 1963, Hill created his own program and opened the “Academy of Personal Achievement,” in which he taught everyone the “science of success.” He was able to develop a training program even for those who did not have time to attend classes. Training was conducted face-to-face, part-time, at home, and even remotely.

Famous books

In addition to the book “Think and Grow Rich,” Hill wrote other famous books. Here are some of them:

  • “How to become rich in 1 year.” The book is presented as a guide of 52 short articles, which it is recommended to read one per week and follow the instructions in order to achieve success and become rich. The book contains examples of stories from different people, which makes it most interesting to read.
  • “Laws of Success.” This book is exactly about those 16 laws of success that were described in the article above. The book provides a detailed description and explanation of these lessons, which adds up to a classic program. It contains not just tips for achieving success, it teaches us to deal with our fears, weaknesses and insecurities.
  • “Every person is capable of performing miracles.” In this book, the author explains the idea that each of us is capable of finding within ourselves a source of inner strength to achieve any goals, overcome difficulties and achieve success. The book is suitable for those who need motivation.
  • “Outsmart the Devil.” The book, written in 1938, lay unpublished for 70 years. It touches on a very deep topic of religion, upbringing and education, which to this day evokes a lot of emotions, which is why the author was afraid to publish his work at the time. Despite this, the book became quite famous and in demand. She helps the reader cope with their fears and find their path to success.
  • “Keys to Wealth.” The book describes a method by which you can achieve success and become rich. It is based on the experiences of the most successful people in the world.

All the books written by Hill carry a lot of meaning. In them you can find advice for almost any occasion.

About the most effective sales managers

A teacher who has trained more than 30,000 salespeople has made a surprising discovery: Highly sexual people are the most successful salespeople.

The explanation for this is as follows: the personality characteristic known as “personal magnetism” is nothing more than sexual energy (sex appeal). Highly sexual people usually have a rich reserve of magnetism. If this life force is understood and developed, it can be evoked and used in relationships with people. This energy can be transferred to others through the following means:

1) handshake: the touch of the hand instantly indicates the presence of magnetism or its absence;

2) tone of voice: magnetism or sexual energy is the factor by which the voice can be musically colored and therefore charming;

3) posture and gait: highly sexual people move quickly, with grace and ease;

4) thought fluctuations: highly sexual people connect sexual experiences with thoughts and do so at will in a way that influences others;

5) Body decoration: People who have high sexual energy are usually very jealous of their appearance. They choose clothes according to the style that suits their personality, physical structure, face, etc.

When hiring salespeople, most experienced managers look for personal magnetism as the first requirement. People who do not have sexual energy will never become enthusiasts and will not be able to inspire others to enthusiasm, which is one of the most important attributes of commerce, no matter what is being sold.

A speaker, preacher, lawyer or merchant who does not have sexual energy will fail in his attempts to influence other people. Most people can only be influenced by influencing their emotions. A salesperson also influences emotions in his work, so for him sexual energy is part of his natural abilities. A skilled salesman acquires the status of a master because he consciously or unconsciously transforms sexual energy into enthusiasm for selling! Practical advice can be found in this statement regarding the true meaning of sexual transformation.

Last years

In the last years of his life, Hill was engaged in educational activities, teaching many people the secrets of success, without stopping for a day to improve his philosophy. He had many followers, and his works brought success and wealth to many people.

But the writer himself died in poverty, as various sources report. Although in the prime of his life he did not need anything, he bought himself expensive things and valuables, had a car and his own mansion, and held dinner parties. But the money he spent did not belong to him, but to his sponsor K. Stone, who, unlike Hill himself, achieved significant success and sponsored not only the life of the philosopher, but also his famous foundation.

Why is Napoleon Hill an outstanding personality?

Napoleon Hill gave the world not only philosophical quotes, but also many interesting books, educational programs and even an academy. It was he who created the formula for success and revealed the secret of harmony. Hill owns the “do it yourself” theory, which has become the basis for most modern coaching courses and programs.

According to Napoleon's basic theory, the human mind, his thoughts, his attitude towards life are the main tool for achieving success. It is enough to change your attitude and thinking to earn millions. Hill influenced the lives of many people, giving them happiness and prosperity.

Napoleon has several books to his name, the most famous among them:

  • "16 secrets of success."
  • "Outsmart the Devil."
  • "Keys to Wealth."
  • "The Law of Success".
  • "Think and get rich".

Later, the author created a foundation and academy named after Hill, for which he developed separate training programs in the intricacies of success.

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