Quotes characterizing the main characters of the drama “The Thunderstorm” educational and methodological material on literature (grade 10) on the topic

Ostrovsky has many plays about merchants. One critic called it "The Dark Kingdom." Tyranny in the merchant world rests on humility. But it is impossible to destroy the desire for a decent life in a person.

Written in 1860, the play symbolizes the beginning of the liberation of society from tyranny. "The Thunderstorm" is considered one of the most famous plays of the 19th century.

Quotes from the work “Thunderstorm”

Alien soul of darkness. – Kabanova

Here’s your first sign: when you see him, your whole face will change - Varvara Kabanova

But if something happens, you can’t hide at home. – Varvara Kabanova

After all, out of love your parents are strict with you, out of love they scold you, everyone thinks to teach you good. Well, I don’t like it now. And the children will go around praising people that their mother is a grumbler, that their mother does not allow them to pass, that they are squeezing them out of the world. And, God forbid, you can’t please your daughter-in-law with some word, so the conversation started that the mother-in-law was completely fed up. – Kabanova

Have you looked closely, or don’t understand what beauty is spilled in nature - Kuligin

Elders are not very respected these days - Kabanova

Know your business - keep quiet if you don’t know anything better - Varvara

I found a place for instructions to read - Varvara

It’s not so scary that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts. – Katerina

You can’t tell anyone to say it: if they don’t dare to your face, they will stand behind your back. Kabanikha

Why don't people fly! I say, why don’t people fly like birds? Sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you feel the urge to fly. That's how she would run up, raise her hands and fly. – Katerina

No, they say, it’s his own mind. And that means live as someone else’s - Tikhon Kabanov

How can you vouch for yourself, you never know what might come to mind - Tikhon Kabanov

They married you off when you were young, and you didn’t get to go out with the girls; your heart hasn’t left yet - Varvara Kabanova

What she is afraid of, she scares others with - Varvara

But smart people notice that our time is getting shorter. It used to be that summer and winter drag on and on, you can’t wait for it to end; and now you won’t even see them fly by. The days and hours still seem to remain the same, but time, for our sins, is becoming shorter and shorter. That's what smart people say - Feklusha

Keep quiet if you don’t know anything better. – Varvara Kabanova

If you take everything to heart, you will soon end up with consumption - Tikhon

Aphorisms and quotes from books by Russian authors -

Baratynsky E. * Batyushkov K. * Berggolts O. * Berdyaev N. * Blok A. * Bulgakov M. * Bunin I. * Bykov V. * Vyazemsky P. * Herzen A. * Gogol N. * Goncharov I. * Gorky M * Griboyedov A. * Green A. * Dobrolyubov N. * Dostoevsky F. * Yesenin S. * Ilf I. * Karamzin N. * Kataev V. * Kolchak A. * Krylov I. * Lermontov M. * Leskov N. - new author, quotes * Likhachev D. * Lomonosov M. * Mayakovsky V. * Nabokov V. * Nekrasov N. * Ostrovsky A. * Petrov E. * Prishvin M. * Pushkin A. - new quotes * Radishchev A. * Roerich N * Saltykov-Shchedrin M. * Simonov K. * Stanislavsky K. * Stanyukovich K. * Stolypin P. * Sumarokov A. * Tolstoy A.K. * Tolstoy A.N. * Tolstoy L.N. * Turgenev I. * Tyutchev F. * Fonvizin D. * Chekhov A. * Schwartz E. * Eisenstein S. * Ehrenburg I.

Russia, end of XX - beginning of XXI

— Akunin B. * Altov S. * Vysotsky V. * Geraskina L. * Dementiev A. * Zadornov M. * Kunin V. * Melikhan K. * Okudzhava B. * Rozhdestvensky R. * Sakharov A. * Snegov S. * Solzhenitsyn A. * Suvorov V. * Talkov I. * Troepolsky G. * Uspensky E. * Filatov L. * Chernykh V. * Shenderovich V. * Shcherbakova G.

Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich (1823 - 1886)
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Quotes from the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", 1859

Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel! In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and naked poverty. And we, sir, will never escape this crust! Because honest work will never earn us more than our daily bread. And whoever has money, sir, tries to enslave the poor so that he can make even more money from his free labors. Do you know what your uncle, Savel Prokofich, answered to the mayor? The peasants came to the mayor to complain that he would not disrespect any of them. The mayor began to tell him: “Listen,” he said, “Savel Prokofich, pay the men well! Every day they come to me with complaints!” Your uncle patted the mayor on the shoulder and said: “Is it worth it, your honor, for us to talk about such trifles! I have a lot of people every year; You understand this: I won’t pay them a penny extra per person, I make thousands out of this, that’s how it is; I feel good!” That's it, sir! And among themselves, sir, how they live! They undermine each other's trade, and not so much out of self-interest as out of envy. They are at enmity with each other; they get drunken clerks into their high mansions, such, sir, clerks that there is no human appearance on them, the human appearance is lost. And they write two malicious slander against their neighbors on stamped sheets for small acts of kindness. And for them, sir, a trial and a case will begin, and there will be no end to the torment. They sue, sue here and go to the province, and there they are expected and splash their hands with joy. Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done; They lead them, they lead them, they drag them, they drag them, and they are also happy about this dragging, that’s all they need. “I’ll spend it,” he says, “and it won’t cost him a penny.” — (Kuligin; tradesman, self-taught watchmaker, looking for perpetuum mobile)

Why don't people fly! I say, why don’t people fly like birds? Sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you feel the urge to fly. That's how she would run up, raise her hands and fly. — (Katerina; wife of Tikhon Kabanov)

This is how our sister dies. Someone has fun in captivity! You never know what comes to mind. An opportunity arose, and another one was glad: so she rushed headlong. How can this be possible without thinking, without judging! How long does it take to get into trouble? And there you cry all your life, suffer; bondage will seem even more bitter. And bondage is bitter, oh, how bitter! Who doesn't cry from her! And most of all, we women. Here I am now! I live, I suffer, I don’t see any light for myself. Yes, and I won’t see it, you know! What's next is worse. And now this sin is still on me. If only it weren’t for my mother-in-law!.. She crushed me... I’m sick of her and the house; The walls are even disgusting. — (Katerina; wife of Tikhon Kabanov)

But smart people notice that our time is getting shorter. It used to be that summer and winter drag on and on, you can’t wait for it to end; and now you won’t even see them fly by. The days and hours still seem to remain the same, but time, for our sins, is becoming shorter and shorter. That's what smart people say. - (Feklusha; wanderer)

What are you going to tell me to do with myself when my heart is like this! After all, I already know what I have to give, but I can’t do everything with goodness. You are my friend, and I have to give it to you, but if you come and ask me, I will scold you. I will give, give, and curse. Therefore, as soon as you mention money to me, everything inside me will be ignited; It kindles everything inside, and that’s all; Well, in those days I would never curse a person for anything. ... These are the stories that happened to me. I was once fasting about a great fast, but now it’s not easy and I slip a little man in: I came for money, I was carrying firewood. And it brought him to sin at such a time! I did sin: I scolded him, I scolded him so much that I couldn’t ask for anything better, I almost killed him. This is what my heart is like! After he asked for forgiveness, he bowed at his feet, that’s right. Truly I tell you, I bowed at the man’s feet. This is what my heart brings me to: here in the yard, in the mud, I bowed to him; I bowed to him in front of everyone. - (Diko'y Savel Prokofievich; merchant, significant person in the city)

This is life! We live in the same city, almost nearby, and you see each other once a week, and then in church or on the road, that’s all! Here, whether she got married, or whether she was buried, it doesn’t matter. — (Boris Grigorievich; nephew of Savel Prokofievich Dikiy)

Someone else's soul in the dark. - (Kabanikha, Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna; rich merchant’s wife)

Well, what are you afraid of, pray tell! Now every grass, every flower is rejoicing, but we are hiding, afraid, as if some kind of misfortune is coming! The thunderstorm will kill! This is not a thunderstorm, but grace! Yes, grace! It's all stormy! The northern lights will light up, you should admire and marvel at the wisdom: “from the midnight lands the dawn rises”! And you are horrified and come up with ideas: this means war or pestilence. Is there a comet coming? I wouldn’t look away! Beauty! The stars have already taken a closer look, they are all the same, but this is a new thing; Well, I should have looked and admired it! And you are afraid to even look at the sky, you are trembling! Out of everything, you have created a scare for yourself. Eh, people! — (Kuligin; tradesman, self-taught watchmaker, looking for perpetuum mobile)


Quotes from the play by A.N. Ostrovsky “Wolves and Sheep”, 1875

- Do people really live around us? (...) Wolves and sheep. Wolves eat sheep, and sheep humbly allow themselves to be eaten. — (Lynyaev Mikhail Borisovich; rich gentleman, about 50 years old, honorary justice of the peace)

- And young ladies are wolves too?
- (Murzavetskaya Meropia Davydovna; girl of about 65, landowner)
- The most dangerous.
He looks like a fox, all his movements are so soft, his eyes are languid, and if he gapes a little, he’ll get into his throat. - (Lynyaev)
- All the wolves seem to you, - the frightened crow is afraid of the bush.
Where are you going to take me? No, it’s better to write it down as a wolf; Even though I am a woman, I don’t want to be a sheep with you in the same herd. — (Murzavetskaya)
And the crocodiles cry, but still they swallow a whole calf. — (Lynyaev Mikhail Borisovich; rich gentleman, about 50 years old, honorary justice of the peace)

Women like to think that they are free and can dispose of themselves as they wish. But in reality, they never have control over themselves, but clever people have control over them. — (Berkutov Vasily Ivanovich; landowner, neighbor of Kupavina)

When they turn to a doctor, they do not demand compassion from him, but knowledge of his field and useful advice. — (Berkutov Vasily Ivanovich; landowner, neighbor of Kupavina)

Whatever you say, single life is very pleasant. Now, for example, if I were married, my wife would interfere with my sleep. “Don’t sleep, darling, it’s not good, you’re not healthy, it’s making you fat.” And she doesn’t even want to know how pleasant it is for her “darling” to fall asleep when sleep sets in and her eyes close... And how nice it is to wake up single! As soon as you open your eyes, the first thought is: that you are your own master, that you are free. — (Lynyaev Mikhail Borisovich; rich gentleman, about 50 years old, honorary justice of the peace)


Kuligin. This is the kind of town we have, sir! They made the boulevard, but they don’t walk. They only go out on holidays, and then they only pretend to be out for a walk, but they themselves go there to show off their outfits. The only thing you will see is a drunken clerk, trudged home from the tavern. The poor, sir, have no time to walk, they are busy day and night. And they sleep only three hours a day. What do the rich do? Well, why don’t they, it seems, go for walks and breathe fresh air? So no. Everyone's gates, sir, have long been locked and the dogs have been let loose. Do you think they are doing something, or are they praying to God? No, sir! And they don’t lock themselves away from thieves, but so that people don’t see them eating their own family and tyrannizing their family. And what tears flow behind these constipations, invisible and inaudible! What can I tell you, sir! You can judge for yourself. And what, sir, behind these castles is dark debauchery and drunkenness! And everything is sewn and covered - no one sees or knows anything, only God sees! Boris. I didn't even know that you loved me.

Katerina. I've loved you for a long time. It’s like it’s a sin that you came to us. As soon as I saw you, I didn’t feel like myself. From the very first time, it seems, if you had beckoned me, I would have followed you; If you went to the ends of the world, I would still follow you and wouldn’t look back.

Boris. How long has your husband been gone?

Katerina. For two weeks. If I want, I’ll have mercy, if I want, I’ll crush. Wild Boars. No, wait! What's worse than that? Killing her for this is not enough. So my mother says: she must be buried alive in the ground so that she can be executed! But I love her, I would be sorry to lay a finger on her. I beat him a little, and even then my mother ordered me to. I feel sorry for looking at her, understand that, Kuligin. Mama eats her up, but she walks around like a shadow, unresponsive. It just cries and melts like wax. So I’m killing myself looking at her. Kuligin. It's time for you, sir, to live by your own mind.

Kabanov. Should I burst apart or something? No, they say, it’s his own mind. And that means live as someone else’s. I’ll take the last one I have and drink it; Then let my mother babysit me like I’m a fool.

Varvara’s mother sharpened and sharpened; but she couldn’t stand it, and that’s what she was like - she just took it and left.

Kuligin. Where did you go?

Kabanov. Who knows? They say she ran away with Kudryash and Vanka, and they won’t find him anywhere either. This, Kuligin, I must say straight out, is from my mother; so she began to tyrannize her and lock her up. “Don’t lock it, he says, it will get worse!” That's how it happened. What should I do now, tell me! Teach me how to live now! I'm tired of the house, I'm ashamed of the people, I'll get down to business - my hands will fall off. Now I'm going home; Am I going out of joy? Boris. I'm going.

Katerina. Where are you going?

Boris. Far away, Katya, to Siberia.

Katerina. Take me with you from here!

Boris. I can't, Katya. I’m not going of my own free will: my uncle sends me, and the horses are ready; I just asked my uncle for a minute, I wanted to at least say goodbye to the place where we met. Kabanov. Mama, you ruined her! you, you, you...

Kabanova. What you? You don’t remember yourself! I forgot who you're talking to!

Kabanov. You ruined her! You! You!

Winged expressions of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky (50 expressions)

Sometimes colloquial expressions appear in a language in completely unexpected ways. Ostrovsky is often remembered only as a playwright who wrote plays for theaters, in particular, one of the most famous phrases, “Poverty is not a vice,” which is still quoted, but in fact, in addition to this, he created an entire school in which he taught. There are many catchphrases in his works, for example, “Another person’s soul is darkness” and “There is no worse shame than being cold for others.” This collection contains popular expressions of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky.

Some things are difficult to admit even to yourself; There are feelings that are impossible to reveal, just as it is impossible to perform naked. This nakedness may be beautiful, but it is impossible.

If you talk to women, if you don’t sin, you will sin.

If you laugh at such a person or show him the contempt he deserves, he considers himself entitled to take revenge. For him, the funny is worse than the dirtiest vice.

Our girls are raised very poorly. You young people imagine us as angels, but believe me, Vasily Nikolaich, we are worse than men. We are more selfish, more partial. What to do! I must admit: we have much less sense of honor and strict justice.

Even the meekest person can be driven to rage. Not all criminals are villains, and a humble person will decide to commit a crime when he has no other choice.

What else is bad about us is a lack of delicacy.

I have a good heart and a clear conscience, and that’s why I’m getting fat.

Why love them for nothing, their husbands? This is quite strange!

There is no worse shame than this, when you have to be ashamed of others.

This is life! We live in the same city, almost nearby, and you see each other once a week, and then in church or on the road, that’s all! Here, whether she got married, or whether she was buried, it doesn’t matter.

I have too much imagination and, it seems, to the detriment of reason.

Decent people do not force their wives to work, for this they have servants, and the wife only... to dress her in the best possible way, to admire her, to take her out to people, to give all the pleasures, to fulfill her every whim, like a law... to idolize her.

I can’t remain indifferent: I have to either cry or laugh.

Whatever you say, single life is very pleasant. Now, for example, if I were married, my wife would interfere with my sleep. “Don’t sleep, darling, it’s not good, you’re not healthy, it’s making you fat.” And she doesn’t even want to know how pleasant it is for her “darling” to fall asleep when sleep sets in and her eyes close... And how nice it is to wake up single! As soon as you open your eyes, the first thought is: that you are your own master, that you are free.

What a mother doesn’t see with her eyes, she has a prophetic heart; she can feel with her heart.

The public goes to the theater to see good performances of good plays, and not the play itself: the play can also be read.

Courage is cultivated day after day through persistent resistance to difficulties.

Comedians? No, we are artists, noble artists, and you are the comedians. If we love, we love; if we don’t love, we quarrel or fight; If we help, it’s with our last penny. And you? All your life you talk about the good of society, about love for humanity. What did you do? Who did you feed? Who was consoled? You amuse only yourself, you amuse yourself. You are comedians, jesters, not us.

This is life; truly it is said: vanity of vanities and all vanity. The devil knows, you won’t even be able to figure out what you want.

The time of enlightened patrons, the time of philanthropists has passed; now the triumph of the bourgeoisie, now art is worth its weight in gold, in the full sense a golden age is coming. But, no matter what, sometimes they’ll give you blackening to drink, and they’ll give you a ride in a barrel from the mountain, for your own pleasure - which Medicis you’ll attack.

The main tragedy in life is the cessation of struggle.

I was looking for love and didn't find it. They looked at me and look at me as if I was funny. No one ever tried to look into my soul, I didn’t see sympathy from anyone, I didn’t hear a warm, heartfelt word. But it’s cold to live like this.

Learn to live even when life becomes unbearable. Make it useful.

And how uneducated people fall in love: with all their souls, that is, with all their primitive savagery!

- But there is a difference between good and evil? - They say there is some small one; it's none of our business.

Pride is an eternal hindrance in human love. How dearly this pride sometimes costs people. Sleepless nights, gloomy thoughts, and, finally, the last, memorable meeting for a lifetime, when eyes, hands, everything says: “Yes!”, but lips, stubbornly twisted with pride, repeat: “No!” And how many times will a person later regret this word, looking at the yellowed portrait with a farewell inscription on the back.

But smart people notice that our time is getting shorter. It used to be that summer and winter drag on and on, you can’t wait for it to end; and now you won’t even see them fly by.

If you're honest, don't hang out with the dishonest, don't rub yourself under the soot - you'll get dirty yourself.

The days and hours still seem to remain the same, but time, for our sins, is becoming shorter and shorter.

I want to retain my dear right to look everyone straight in the eye, without shame, without secret remorse, to read and watch satires and comedies about bribe-takers and to laugh from the bottom of my heart, with open laughter.

You can't live in the world without cunning.

Yes, everyone tells me that I’m intolerant, that I’m losing a lot from this. Is intolerance a disadvantage? Is it better to look indifferently at the Yusovs, Belogubovs and all the abominations that are constantly happening around you? Indifference is not far from vice. Anyone who is not disgusted by vice will gradually get involved.

Alien soul of darkness.

I have no secrets of my own. And if it’s someone else’s, then why should I take care of it?

Why don't people fly! I say, why don’t people fly like birds? Sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you feel the urge to fly. That's how she would run up, raise her hands and fly.

You shouldn't laugh at stupid people, you should be able to take advantage of their weaknesses. “Simplicity is enough for every wise man”

Do people really live around us? Wolves and sheep. Wolves eat sheep, and sheep humbly allow themselves to be eaten.

Wealth is evil for fools!

There are only two kinds, there is nowhere to go: either a patriot of his fatherland, or a scoundrel of his life.

If only there was more land, and the landowner would understand his own interests; otherwise you can live without your mind, sir!

As long as you don’t see other people, your own people seem good; but when you compare, you don’t even want to look at your own.

Keep quiet if you don’t know anything better.

Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel! In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and naked poverty. And we, sir, will never escape this crust! Because honest work will never earn us more than our daily bread.

This was not started by us, and it will not end by us.

Women like to think that they are free and can dispose of themselves as they wish. But in reality, they never have control over themselves, but clever people have control over them.

We are sinful people; We even go to church to see people and show ourselves off.

A woman's heart is soft. It is soft, but there is nothing in the world that is more evil than a woman if you offend her sensitively. It's getting scary. A woman will take terrible revenge, she can come up with such nasty things that a man would never even think of.

If you now count all the duties and delinquencies, salaries and expenses, taxes and shortfalls, celebrations and celebrations, then you can feel sorry for humanity. One ox cannot be skinned seven times.

We, they say, do not want to take bribes, we want to live on one salary. There will be no life after this! Who should we give our daughters to? After all, this way, what good, the human race will end. Bribes! What is the word bribe? They themselves invented it to offend good people. Not bribes, but gratitude! And it’s a sin to refuse gratitude.

Aren't you jealous? No, stop this nonsense.

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