Competent speech - 100 smart words, phrases and expressions to communicate: what do they mean?

It's always nice to talk to an intelligent person. To maintain a conversation and look decent in the eyes of your interlocutor, you need to have a basic supply of smart words to maintain a dialogue. Comprehensive development and understanding of seemingly “abstruse” words will help you achieve success in any direction. Our magazine has collected 100 smart, intelligent and funny words, phrases and expressions that will help in communicating with partners, colleagues, friends and acquaintances.


Quintessence - in medieval and ancient alchemy and natural philosophy - the fifth element, ether, the fifth element. He is like lightning. This is one of the main elements (elements), the most accurate and subtle. In modern cosmology, quintessence is a model of dark energy (its hypothetical form, which has negative pressure and uniformly fills the space of the Universe). Quintessence in a figurative meaning is the most important, essential, main essence, the purest and subtlest essence, extract.


Onomatopoeia is a word that is an onomatopoeia that arose as a result of phonetic assimilation to various non-speech complexes. Onomatopoeic vocabulary is most often associated directly with objects and creatures - sources of sound. These are, for example, verbs such as “meow”, “croak”, “rumble”, “crow”, and nouns derived from them.

Facts that everyone should know. 25 psychological facts everyone should know

We invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting facts about one of the biggest mysteries in the world - the human psyche.

1. People are happier when they are busy at work. This keeps you positive.

2. Happiness, anger, sadness, fear, disgust and surprise are six emotions that are universal to all people.

3. When eating chocolate, a substance enters the body that can cause almost the same sensation as the romantic feeling of falling in love.

4. People become more sincere when tired.

5. A 20-second hug releases chemicals into your body that will help you trust the person you're hugging with.

6. Studies have shown that losing your phone causes the same panic as near-death experiences.

7. Your logic works better when you think in another language.

8. No person blind from birth has ever suffered from schizophrenia.

9. High school students experience the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the 1950s.

10. The human brain perceives rejection or refusal as pain.

11. A person spends about 30% of his time “thought wandering.”

12. Your most vivid memories are most likely false.

13. Even the illusion of progress motivates us.

14. Internet addiction is planned to be included in the list of mental disorders.

15. You cannot do many things at the same time.

16. Your subconscious mind makes decisions first.

17. The maximum number of stable social connections that we are able to maintain is limited to 150 people (Dunbar’s number).

18. When you remember an event from the past, you remember the last time you remembered it.

19. It is easier to remember small parts of the material.

20. Over time, memories become distorted. Every person has at least one false memory.

21. People with low self-esteem are often bullies.

22. 80% of conversations are complaints.

23. People who volunteer to help others are more satisfied with their lives.

24. Your brain works more creatively when it's tired.

25. Relationships are more important to your health than exercise.


Singularity is a concept that represents a certain point at which the mathematical function in question tends to infinity or has some other irregular behavior.

There is also a gravitational singularity. This is a region of space-time where the curvature of the continuum turns to infinity or suffers a discontinuity, or the metric has other pathological properties that do not allow physical interpretation. The Technological Singularity is a short period of rapid technological advancement hypothesized by researchers. The singularity of consciousness is a globally generalizing, expanded state of consciousness. In cosmology, this is the state of the Universe in which it was at the beginning of the Big Bang, it is characterized by infinite temperature and density of matter. In biology, this concept is used mainly to generalize the evolutionary process.

How to describe a person in smart words in communication?

  1. Ambidextrous is a person who can use both his left and right hands equally well. Interestingly, only 1% of babies are born with this feature.
  2. A deviant is a person who does not conform to the norm, violating ethics and generally accepted rules of behavior. The word can be applied to individuals who openly drink alcohol or have committed a crime.
  3. A conservative is a person who adheres to old traditions, morals, and methods. He completely refuses modern innovations.
  4. A lipophrenic is a person in inexplicable sadness. This word can be applied to people in a state of melancholy, depression, loneliness, apathy.
  5. Lumpen literally means rags; in modern speech the word is applied to homeless people and tramps.
  6. Mojo - literally translated as a talisman, and is applied to individuals who “turn on”, are in a positive state, and have great charisma.
  7. The average person is an individual with a limited, standard worldview, living with his own needs and petty interests.
  8. Orthodox is a person who can be called constant, proven, traditional.
  9. A pacifist is a person who advocates the preservation of peace. He is against war, regardless of his political opinion.
  10. Precariat – translated as doubtful. In speech it is applied to people who work for “black” wages.
  11. A snob is a person who strives to get into the society of intellectuals, copying their manners and publicly declaring that he belongs to the upper classes.
  12. A sophist is a person who can prove anything, even that you have grown a tail.
  13. A texttrovert is a person who expresses his thoughts not face to face, but conveys them through letters, emails, and SMS.
  14. A freak is a person who differs from those around him by his extraordinary, unusual, bright appearance and defiant behavior. Usually such people refuse social standards, demonstrating their extraordinary worldview.
  15. Egocentric is a synonym for the word egoist. This is the name given to narcissistic people with inflated demands on others.


“Catharsis” is a term from modern psychoanalysis that denotes the process of relieving or reducing anxiety, frustration, conflict through emotional release and their verbalization. In ancient Greek aesthetics, this concept was used to express in words the impact of art on a person. The term “catharsis” in ancient philosophy was used to designate the result and process of ennobling, purifying, and facilitating the impact of various factors on a person.

This is ataraxia. Ataraxia

Ataraxia (Greek αταραξία - “equanimity, composure, calmness”) - peace of mind, equanimity, serenity, according to some ancient Greek philosophers, achieved by a sage.

In the teachings of representatives of various directions of philosophy, the concept of ataraxy occupied different places. It is noted that the noun “ataraxia” owes its appearance to Democritus. As for the adjective “imperturbable” (Greek: ἀ τάραχος), it is used by Aristotle in ethics to define such virtues as restraint and courage. The concept of “ataraxia” received its greatest development in Epicureanism and skepticism.

In various traditions of skepticism (in Pyrrho and his followers, as well as in) ataraxia is closely associated with what is designated by the term "epoch" (Greek ἐποχή), that is, with the abstention from judgment. At the same time, some representatives of skepticism consider ataraxia to be the ultimate goal (Sextus Empiricus), while others consider the era (Arkesilaus). Ataraxia among skeptics describes a state of mind, not feelings: experiencing pain and pleasure like other people, the skeptic refrains from judging whether it is good or bad.

For Epicurus, ataraxia is not associated with abstinence from judgment, but with pleasure (Greek ἡδονή): Epicurus defined pleasure as the absence of bodily pain and mental suffering and anxiety. Anxiety in the soul arises from false opinions about gods and death, which cause fear in people. Sober reasoning, which leads to ataraxia, eliminates false opinions. Ataraxia is a concentration on the most general and important things, says Epicurus.

In modern practical psychology - a state of complete absence of fear (usually after experiencing emotional stress).


"Nigredo" is a term of alchemy that denotes the complete decomposition or first stage of the creation of the so-called philosopher's stone. This is the formation of a homogeneous black mass of components. The next stages after nigredo are albedo (the white stage, which produces the small elixir, which turns metals into silver) and rubedo (the red stage, after which the great elixir is obtained).

Questions to which it is a shame not to know the answer. 10 unexpected answers to seemingly simple questions

Some questions can baffle even the smartest person. But it’s not a shame not to know the answers to them, it’s a shame not to want to know these answers.

Faktrum publishes a dozen seemingly simple questions, the answers to which are not so simple if you think about them carefully.

What is the name of the company that sells the most toys?

This is McDonald's. Every year, one and a half billion different toys are sold in the restaurants of this company.

With which country does France have the longest border line?

No, not with one of the European countries, as you first thought, but with Brazil! The border of French Guiana (a land administered by the French government in South America) with Brazil is several tens of kilometers longer than the length of the border of France itself with neighboring countries.

What city was the capital of the Roman Empire for the longest time?

No, this is not Rome. Constantinople was listed as the capital for the longest time; this city had the status of the capital for a thousand years.

Who is closer to dinosaurs: pterodactyls or chickens?

In fact, chicken is closer to dinosaurs. Studies of the found remains of tyrannosaurs have shown that today's chickens share genetic characteristics with them. And if we make comparisons between dinosaur species, it turns out that pterodactyls were not real dinosaurs at all.

Which mountain peak is furthest from the center of the Earth?

No, not Everest. The question says nothing about the height of the mountain relative to sea level. Ecuador's Chimborazo Mountain is located much closer to the center of the earth, as it stands almost on the equator line.

What weighs more: a pound of gold or a pound of feathers?

A pound of gold is, of course, heavier, since this metal is measured in troy ounces. A troy ounce is equal to just thirty grams.

Which company holds the record for tire production?

And this is not Pirelli at all! Every year, Lego produces over three hundred million miniature tires for its toy cars.

Which US president is depicted on the $100 bill?

Did you think it was Benjamin Franklin? Then you are wrong. Yes, he is the one depicted on the bill, but Franklin was not actually the president.

What is the southernmost, northernmost, westernmost and easternmost state in the USA?

There are only two answers to this question, and not four, as you might think. Hawaii is the southernmost state, and Alaska is the western, eastern and northern state at the same time.

What is the official language of the United States of America?

But no, this is not English. In the United States there is no official language specified in the Constitution at all.


“Entropy” is a concept that was introduced by the German mathematician and physicist Clausius. It is used in thermodynamics to determine the degree of deviation from an ideal real process, the degree of energy dissipation. Entropy, defined as the sum of reduced heats, is a function of state. It is constant in various reversible processes, and in irreversible processes its change is always positive. We can highlight, in particular, information entropy. This is a measure of the uncertainty of a certain message source, which is determined by the probabilities of the appearance of certain symbols during transmission.

Words that every educated person should know. Words you need to know.

* pragmatic - practical (down to earth). * shock - amaze (stun, shock). * volunteer - volunteer. * collision - collision (conflict). * suffragette - feminist. * caiman - crocodile. * genesis - origin (emergence, origin). * exaggerate - exaggerate. * negligee - half dressed. * ambivalent - dual (ambiguous). * orthodox - adamant (true believer). * credo - worldview.

* layman - ignorant (amateur, unprofessional). * defamation - slander (gossip). * rarity - rarity. * gentile - flirtatious (cute). * intoxication - poisoning. * penance - punishment. * monogamy - monogamy. * pretentiousness - pretentiousness. * latent - hidden. * ambitious - arrogant (vain, pretentious, ambitious). * indifferent - indifferent (indifferent, neutral). * notation - moral teaching. * extravagant - unusual (provocative, original, peculiar). * respectable - respectable (representable, worthy, respectable). * mercantile - calculating (selfish, petty). * repression - punishment (punishment, violence). * legitimate - legal. * corsair - pirate. * goalkeeper - goalkeeper. * incident - incident (case). * preventive - warning. * tactile - tactile. * apogee - the highest point (culmination, limit). * scrupulous - meticulous (pedantic). * charisma - originality (charm, attractiveness). * pokhodnik - a admirer caring for a girl (admirer). * Basurman - a foreigner and a non-believer. * aberration - deviation from the truth, delusion (distortion). * perdimonocle - complete nonsense, God knows what. * transcendental - unknowable (irrational, incomprehensible). * ostracism - expulsion (bullying). * parity - equality (equivalence, equivalence, equality). * to test - to test. * applicant - one who applies for admission to an educational institution. * invariant - unambiguous. * slander - henchman (accomplice, accomplice). * destructive - destructive. * annexation - forced annexation. * matrimonial - marital (conjugal) * tendentious - fashionable * pro forma - formality * apologist - supporter (adherent) * exalted - enthusiastic (excited, inspired) * synopsis - review.


In psychology, there are often smart words, and their designations sometimes cause difficulties in definition. One of the most popular is the word “empathy”. This is the ability to empathize, the ability to put oneself in the place of another (object or person). Also, empathy is the ability to accurately determine the emotional state of a person based on actions, facial reactions, gestures, etc.

Idiosyncrasy - intolerance. My favorite smart word. In general, the term is medical, but it can be used anywhere and everywhere. For example: I have an idiosyncrasy for fools!

Transcendental - abstract, abstract, academic, mental, speculative, mental, theoretical. Somewhere like this. Due to the breadth of the concept, a broad use of the term is recommended, where it is necessary and where it is not necessary.

Metaphysical is roughly the same as Transcendental. The term is good for answering a question whose essence you do not understand. For example, like this - “How do you feel about scholasticism? - In a metaphysical sense?

Newton's binomial is a formula for representing the power of the sum of two numbers. It is used, as a rule, as an expression of something complex as opposed to uncomplicated. For example: “I also like Newton’s binomial!” Shit-pie!

Scholasticism is a medieval philosophical movement. I included scholasticism in my list of smart words solely because of its beautiful name.

Metrosexual is a euphemism for homosexual. To be completely honest.

Esoterics is a secret teaching. Nothing more is known about him.

A truism is a generally known opinion or statement. A typical example of a truism is “The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.”

Euphemism is the replacement of rude or harsh words and expressions with softer ones. Among the people, the phenomenon received a very biting and precise formulation: “There is an ass, but there is no word.”

Sophistry is the ability to cunningly conduct a debate. Juggling with words and concepts. For example: “Go to hell with your sophistry!”

Glossary is also a smart word. Unfortunately, I always forget its meaning and therefore almost never use it. List of abbreviations and abbreviations.

Eclecticism is a combination of heterogeneous views, ideas and theories. A euphemism for bad taste. For example: “He dresses so eclectic!”

Invective - obscene, vulgar language, swearing. Often used in combination with invective vocabulary.

Homogeneous - homogeneous. For example: “The homogeneity of this yogurt is beyond doubt.”

Gender - sex. Intergender, respectively, intersex. A very favorite word in LJ.

Addiction - dependence. Eg. Internet addiction. Like mine.

Decadence is decadence. The term is good for assessing any actions of any characters. For example: “What decadence!”

Congruence is a very rich word. One of my favorites. It means a state of integrity and complete sincerity, when all parts of the personality work together, pursuing one goal. It is also often used with the prefix not. A very congruent word.

Hyperbole is an exaggeration. For example: “Don’t be hyperbolic, please!”

Voluntarism is a doctrine that places the volitional principle as the basis of existence. Nowadays, it is used as an evaluative term for a person’s actions that you personally do not like. For example: “Vanya drank all the tequila. This is pure voluntarism!”

Ubiquists are species of plants and animals that live everywhere. Don’t get carried away with this term, no one knows it anyway except you and me.

Cognitive dissonance is new information that conflicts with old knowledge that a person has. The term was introduced into Russian use mainly by the writer Pelevin.

Epistemology is a theory of knowledge, the main part of philosophy that examines the conditions and limits of the possibility of reliable knowledge. A very smart word. Unfortunately, it is rarely used.

Egocentric - Self-lover. Just like us all. It is important not to use the term in relation to oneself. Not accepted. Perhaps as a matter of self-irony.

Fisting - you don't need it. This is from areas of severe depravity. Just know what it is when you use your fist.

Guelphs and Gibbelins - Guelphs - for the pope and popolans, Gibbelins - for the emperor and nobles. In general, you don’t need this either. It is unlikely that you will be able to show off your erudition. Few experts.

Coherence is a very beautiful word. (from the Latin cohaerens - in connection), the coordinated occurrence in time of several oscillatory or wave processes, manifested when they are added.

Frustration is disappointment. our life is a chain of frustrations.

Discourse - and so everyone knows. but it's a smart word.


Enduro is a style of riding on special trails or off-road, racing over long distances over rough terrain. They differ from motocross in that the race takes place on a closed track, and the lap length ranges from 15 to 60 km. Riders complete several laps per day, the total distance being from 200 to 300 km. Basically, the route is laid in mountainous areas and is quite difficult to pass due to the abundance of streams, fords, descents, ascents, etc. Enduro is also a mixture of city and motocross motorcycles.

They are easy to drive, like road vehicles, and have increased cross-country ability. Enduros are close in a number of characteristics to cross-country skis. You can call them jeep motorcycles. One of their main qualities is unpretentiousness.

Smart compliments4

When you say nice words to a woman, you also need to approach it wisely. If a man does not have poetic talent, then we offer the coolest phrases for compliments.

  • I am fascinated by your eyes/smile/dimples on your cheeks.
  • There is a piece of heaven in your eyes.
  • Your smile shines brighter than the sun.
  • I would award you the title of Miss World.
  • You make me smile!
  • You have an unearthly/incomparable/amazing smile.
  • In your hands I melt like ice cream.

Don't be afraid to experiment and come up with your own original compliments. Make your communication interesting and varied. A smart girl will definitely appreciate it.

Extra bonus. List of topics for communication: children, relationships, sports, recreation, work, study, car, travel, museums, literature, hobbies.

Feel free to use smart words to communicate with a girl. Discuss everything that interests you, because in order to please a girl you need to share her interests. If you have nothing in common, then it is unnecessary to waste smart words on her.

Message from the Editor

Unfortunately, we are ending this interesting topic on this note. Would you like to know something else unusual? Scientists have discovered that the hearts of lovers beat synchronously at the moment when they admire each other. There is no scientific explanation for this phenomenon yet. However, this only convincingly and eloquently confirms how unusual and powerful the feeling is love. It is love that affects the human body at the physiological level, including unique processes, the functioning of which cannot be described even from the point of view of modern scientific theories and discoveries. So appreciate love, enjoy each other and be happy!

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