Beautiful prose to your beloved guy about love in your own words

When a person loves and it is mutual, then he just wants to live and enjoy life.


You can forgive your loved one everything when you realize that you are losing him forever.


A person has no power over his own heart; no one can be judged for falling in love or falling out of love.


I'm too strong to cry for you, and too wise to keep hatred.


It sometimes happens that life separates two people only to show both how important they are to each other.


To love means to see a miracle invisible to others. This is the loneliness of two in a huge world.


It's just that love may end. This is one of the nightmarish features of human life.

Wise sayings and aphorisms

1. You have heard that from love to hate there is only one step. It is not true! This is one step from charm to disappointment in a person... But the period between love and hatred goes through a lot of tears, words and rubbish. You can still change everything...

2. Sooner or later, someone who is not like all the previous ones will burst into the life of every woman. Even if he has many shortcomings, he is so beloved.

3. When you find love, you won't find a perfect person. You look at his flaws and see how beautiful he is.

4. Words are lies. Without words it would be easier and better to live. You just need to look into each other's eyes more often. You just need to watch longer...

5. Love never ends. It may lose its strength and change shade, but if it really exists, it will not disappear anywhere.

6. You need to protect and love those who love you. After all, these people come unexpectedly and leave quietly.

7. The truest love is the one that endures for many years together, and not away from each other.

8. You should never tell your loved ones that you can’t live without them... How can you, if you have your head on your shoulders... But your eyes will become different and it will be more difficult to breathe...

9. True love is caring for another person. True love is natural, unexpected and has no other purpose, a sincere need to take care of others.

10. The most important thing in every person’s life is FAMILY! A career will not wait for you at home, money will not calm you down and wipe away your tears, and fame will not hug you at night.

Short wise sayings about life

11. An intelligent person is one who never demonstrates his intelligence to others."

12. “A balanced diet means a cookie in both hands.”

13. “A candle is never diminished by the lighting of another candle.”

14. “A fool is not one who makes mistakes, a fool is one who is afraid to make mistakes.”

15. “A man likes that his wife is smart enough to appreciate him and stupid enough to admire it.”

16. “A person is talented only when he has the talent to express his talent.”

17. “The person who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes.”

18. “A poor man with strange habits is an idiot, and a rich man with strange habits is eccentric.”

19. “A train station is a place where a train stops. Bus stop, where the bus stops. There is a workstation on my desk.

20. “Advice... a smart person doesn’t need this... a fool won’t accept this...”

21. “Once someone realizes that he is a fool, he is no longer a fool.”

22. Wise sayings about life: “Everything is legal. Until you get caught...

( Also read: How to stop being jealous?).

Prose about love with meaning is short. Smart sayings with meaning about love

*** The thinner the ice, the more people want to see if it will hold up. — Wise statuses

*** Don’t say that the world is sad, Don’t say that it’s difficult to live, Know how to laugh, believe and love in the midst of life’s ruins.

*** I don’t talk about life, I live.

*** I set a status about love, I’m waiting for love.

*** Life is a textbook that closes only with your last breath. monk Simeon of Athos

*** I was created from affection, tears, love and hate, happiness and sadness, from pain and bliss, from screams and smiles.

*** Wise statuses - Fortune sometimes gives too much, but never enough!

*** Our life has meaning exactly as much as we sincerely want to live.

*** You don’t need to look for smart phrases, you need to think with your head!

*** Life is short - break the rules - Goodbye quickly - Kiss slowly - Love sincerely - Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret what made you smile!

*** Love is not a disease. Illness is the absence of love. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

*** They don’t plan friendship, they don’t shout about love, they don’t prove the truth.

*** Our ideality is in our imperfection.

*** Love is the desire to live.

*** Yes, it’s not an easy job - dragging an idiot out of the swamp.

*** No matter what life teaches us, our hearts believe in miracles.

*** Love without a future is better than a future... without love...

*** Life is steps forward, steps back, but I’m still dancing!

*** To understand what another person wants, take a break from yourself for at least a minute.

*** Don’t think about what happened... Don’t guess what will happen... Take care of what you have...

*** When we love, we lose our sight(s)

*** Love is a slow poison, the one who drank it will live a sweet moment, and the one who never tries will live miserably forever!

*** Don’t regret the past - it didn’t spare you.

*** We often chase after what we essentially don’t need...

*** I live opposite the cemetery. If you show off, you'll live opposite me. XDDD)))

*** Don't pretend - be. Don't promise - act. Don't dream - do it!!!

*** A dead end is also a way out...

*** Learn the rules so you can get around them.

*** There is no point in communicating with a person for whom the admiration of a number of girls is more important than the love of one...

*** It is unlikely that any of the proctologists dreamed in childhood of becoming what they became. Life just happened that way...

*** My status has not been censored...

*** Wisdom is intelligence combined with kindness. Mind without kindness is cunning.

*** You can fool anyone, but never a fool.

*** To love deeply and selflessly means to completely forget about yourself.

*** We are embarrassed to take his hand, but we are not embarrassed to kiss ordinary acquaintances on the lips when we meet.

*** Don't tell everything you know. This will not be enough.

*** We always believe that our first love is our last, and our last love is our first.

*** Don’t smile when reading this status - I’ve been afraid of horses since childhood!

*** Life is short, but glory can be eternal.

*** There are three things that never come back: Time, Word, Opportunity. Therefore: don’t waste time, choose your words and don’t miss the opportunity!

*** It’s better to be smart and sometimes dumb than to be dumb and always smart!

*** One day you will want to open the door that you yourself once closed. But she has long since had a different life, and the lock has been changed, and your key doesn’t fit...

*** It’s not difficult to slam the door loudly when leaving, but it’s difficult to knock on it quietly when returning...

*** They say anything behind your back. In person - what is beneficial.

*** Don't waste expensive words on cheap people.

*** When you throw dirt at a person, remember that it may not reach him. And it will remain in your hands...

*** My mother’s smile is more valuable than all yours...

*** You feel like an adult when you put on a hat, not because your mother said so, but because it’s really cold...

*** Having bitten into an apple, it is always more pleasant to see a whole worm in it than its half...

*** There are no ideal people... You just need to find the same *banned one and stop... =)

*** It’s not enough to find your place in life, you have to find it first.

Letter to the lady of the heart

Playing with feelings is a low right. Forgive me, my nerves are not a piano And you are not a pianist, tell me, don’t you feel sorry for me?!

Frankly, I’m pretty tired of the endless series of doubts, then the January cold suddenly blows, then you whisper to me a fiery “YES”

How long will this torture last? I make only one request: This is my life - Hold it! I give it to you. Don’t let her last longer than love, I thank you in advance for everything.

*** Say “I love you!” It will take five minutes, but it will take a lifetime to show you how!

*** True love happens a little more than once in a lifetime. We will not clarify what this means - “a little more.”

*** Civil registry office workers make love eight hours a day.

*** A man is looking for a woman whom he could be proud of. The woman is looking for a shoulder to lean against.


*** The most important thing in a conversation is to nod your head. No one will ever guess that you don't give a fuck.

*** Working with beautiful women is theoretically possible, but in practice it is always worth it.

*** When love cools down in us, faith comes; when faith dries up, hope remains; when she too breaks, disappointment comes.

*** And every spring I bloom again.

*** I will love people who tolerate me for who I am until the end.

*** Nothing is impossible. The main thing is your own desire and belief that everything will work out. If you just sit and wait, a lot will pass by.

*** There are no mistakes, only lessons. Failure is an integral part of success. There are no victims - only students.

*** Why is it that when we decide to “stay just friends,” we stop being friends forever?

*** So what if I’m a “cactus” today, I’m still your “favorite thorn”)))

*** A lover may be a creature of air, but a husband is a creature of flesh and blood.

*** In any unclear situation, go to bed...

*** Envy feeds on other people's failures.

*** It’s not the face that should be a man’s adornment, but the heart.

*** You... are like your favorite melody on an alarm clock, your favorite, but you’re so infuriating!!!

*** Love is an impulse of the soul, often in shreds...

*** Love, if there is no passion in it, is nothing, just a vulgar and meaningless adventure in the world of evil.

*** Hatred is simpler than love. The hatred is understandable.

*** I know how to forgive. But only those who really deserve it. For the rest, I just change my mind and forget about them.

*** A person’s appearance attracts only the eye... Only the soul can attract the heart... External beauty disappears quickly... We can be loved for an hour for the charms of our faces... For the charms of our soul... we are loved forever!!!

*** Axiom: childhood ends with pregnancy. Conclusion: men never grow up.

*** - Darling, tell me why in the bouquet you gave me, all the roses are pink, and one is white? - How can I explain? You see... because everyone is the same... And you are the only one!!!

*** Never point out to people their mistakes: a smart person will notice them himself, a fool will never notice them, and the average person will become your enemy.

*** I don’t strive to be better than anyone, I strive to be better than myself yesterday. Every person is superior to me in some way, and in this sense I have something to learn from them.

*** For a negative mind, any door, alas, is a wall. For the wise, believe me, any wall is a door!

*** If someone hopes for ardent love for the rest of his life, he wants the impossible from human nature.

*** It’s easy to hide sadness, it’s hard to hide love, and the hardest thing is to hide indifference.

*** You pay for love in installments, and most of the time, alas, when the love is already over...

*** Don't be jealous of your men towards me! I don't care about them at all! I have my only favorite!

*** Love is an intimate experience that does not need immediate external manifestation.

*** There is no need to say “I love you” if this is not true. But if this is true, then repeat it more often, otherwise those you love may forget about it.

*** When one day is like another, people stop noticing the good things that happen to them every day after sunrise.

Smart sayings with meaning about love

Often, each of us thought and said to ourselves or others, what is the meaning of this, and what is the meaning of that. In general, this term “meaning” denotes the ultimate goal of any action. If you think logically, meaningful love quotes are meant to make people think about the thoughts of a person in contact or classmates. Not everyone will understand, but everyone will try. People perceive such quotes differently, some post them or comment on others, and some treat them with contempt. It's up to everyone, it's up to you to decide.

Who doesn't dream of finding meaning in love? It would seem that love, well, what’s wrong with it, it exists, it doesn’t exist. People go to find meaning in it, they try to do everything to find quotes about love with meaning and then give them to their other half. It’s not in vain that great people and philosophers tried to find the mysteries of this feeling, but even in modern times scientists cannot trace this connection between people. But scientists are scientists, and our site offers you an interesting selection of quotes about love with meaning, choose the one that suits your current mood, set it as a status on your social network page and maybe someone will help you with the answer.

Love is a game. Whoever said “I love you” first lost...

Love is a drug that is not prohibited, but it is still very difficult to get your dose...

Love is a veil between two lovers.

Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost; it turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misfortune.

Don't love the one next to you... Achieve the one you love

It's great to find the girl of your dreams! Cool, but it's just a dream!

If you love a person for who he is, then you love him. If you are trying to change it radically, then you love yourself. That's all.

Falling in love does not mean loving... You can fall in love while hating.

True love is like a masterpiece: there is only one, but there are many fakes.

There are only two things in the world that justify human existence - love and art.

When you are loved, you don’t doubt anything. When you love yourself, you doubt everything.

If it turns out that the one you love is just like you and wants everything you want, in reality you will not love her, but only yourself.

Love is a powerful source of human activity.

Love is when you tell a boy you like his shirt and he starts wearing it every day.

Love is when someone loves you, they say your name in a special way.

Love is what makes you smile even when you are tired.

There is no need to say “I love you” if it is not true. But if it’s true, repeat it more often, otherwise those you love may forget.

Love is a reward, Loving means seeing a miracle invisible to others. This is the loneliness of two in a huge world.

Love is a feeling that arises in the heart without our knowledge. It cannot be programmed, it cannot be artificially caused, it comes on its own. It also goes away on its own if a person does not make an effort to live together with it.

Love is the wisdom of a Woman, her strength, her inspiration and purpose. This is what makes a woman happy and the world around her kind and fabulous.

Love is the purest and most pleasant feeling on earth, and at the same time a complex and sometimes very incomprehensible feeling.

Love is the meaning of why we came here. Love is above all emotions, it is an element that can do a lot. Love can only be compared with another force. With death.

Love is the real and only correct state of a person.

Love is calling her from work to see if she needs to buy anything for her on the way home.

And there was a cat living in our yard. An ordinary, mongrel, but his life has taken a toll on him, just like people. Once upon a time he lost part of his tail - only a short stub remained. The left ear was torn and did not heal well. Because of the scar, one eye did not open, but only squinted. Sometimes you look at a cat, and he looks at you. And it seems as if the beast is aiming at you. Only there is no gun. In fact, this cat was kind. He was never angry with people, although people did not favor him. And they called him “Ugly.” Not Vaska, not Barsik - “Ugly”. Yes, however, he looked scary, you understand. And he, perhaps, understood that the word was offensive, but he didn’t take offense at people... When they shouted “Ugly!”, he meowed in response, tried to wag the stump of his tail, and even ran towards him. Everyone was waiting for a miracle... Only children were forbidden to touch him, and those who were older shushed him. It happened that he was deceived. They called me over, and instead of food they doused me with water from a bucket. I remember often thinking then: why are we so angry? We want to be treated humanely, to understand our problems, and to be cruel and merciless with those who are weaker. The cat tolerated it when it was watered. He flattened his ears and wet himself obediently. Sometimes he even rubbed himself against his leg, meowing. As if he was apologizing for being so unattractive, worthless, and causing people to hate him. He received kicks, he was kicked out of the hallway, as if venting all the accumulated anger - for the injustice of our life. One poor fellow wanted to enter the house and ask for food in the kitchen, but his paw was pinched by the door. He then limped, his paw healed slowly, but he still forgave people and reached out to them. And, as if as punishment for the fact that he was so good-natured, someone set the neighbor’s dogs on “Ugly.” The cat could not run away or jump on the fence - his sore limb failed him. I was in the room, I heard his screams, almost human. He ran out into the street and drove away the mongrels - angry, dirty. From the breed of those who are ready to bark in a herd at everyone they meet - hiding under the fence. But they will never get into a fight with a strong opponent. “The Ugly” lay in a pool of blood, motionless. You know, I suddenly thought - he’s just like us. Like me, like all the inhabitants of Slantsevo communal apartments, broken by life. He just doesn’t know how to hate... He picked him up, carefully, carefully. I carried him home, very afraid that I would hurt him, because he was suffering terribly. He entered the room, not knowing what to do. He wheezed and gasped. I sat down on a chair and carefully placed it on my lap. I tried to pat him on the head, fearing that I would cause further pain. And “Ugly” suddenly tried to purr. Yes! He didn't wheeze or howl, he tried to purr! Thank you for your affection. The man gave him a drop of warmth, even before his death - the beast tried to thank him for this miracle, forgetting about his own pain. The cat died on my lap. He stretched his head and rubbed it against his palm. He stretched out to his full height and froze. I was no longer breathing, I stopped feeling his heart beat. Then I sat motionless for a long time, with the dead cat on my lap. He kept thinking about us people. About how we treat each other, and not only each other - just those who are weaker. This beast, who was called "Ugly" - an unfortunate cripple who spent his whole life looking for at least a drop of warmth - revealed something very important to me. I suddenly saw clearly: for many of us, everything is fine with the physical shell, with the body, but the soul is severely crippled. “Freak” - this is what you can say about almost everyone today...

Wise quotes and sayings about life

23. “All people have a photographic memory, some simply don’t have a film…”

24. “Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.”

25. “Always say what you mean and mean what you say.”

26. "An eye for an eye will ultimately leave the whole world blind."

27. “Anger is one letter away from danger.”

28. “Anyone can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid.

29. “As technology advances, we will do what we did half the time, but we are more stressed, more busy, and unable to get things done.”

30. “Create a fire for a man, he will be warm for the day. Light a man on fire and he will remain warm for the rest of his life.

31. “Smart people master life; the wise illuminate it and create new difficulties.”

32. “Intelligent people will not recognize or tolerate anything other than cunning.”

33. “A mind is what a guy has, at least he has something other than brains!!!”

34. “Taking up the stairs step by step because you were afraid to take the elevator.”

( Also read: How to bring passion back into a relationship?).

35. “Copying from one source is called plagiarism, copying from multiple sources is called research.”

36. "Did you sleep well? No, I made a couple of mistakes.

37. “Do unto others as you would have others do.”

38. “Do you often question yourself when you ask a question?”

39. “Don’t live in the past, because the future can quickly become your past!”

40. "Don't believe me that I'm a liar."

Beautiful quotes with meaning about love

We bring to your attention beautiful quotes and sayings with meaning about love.

Over time, this article will be updated with new quotes and sayings.

And we will be very grateful if you share other quotes that are interesting to you in the comments.

In the meantime, sit back and study this news.

Beautiful quotes with meaning, short

1. Your beloved is not the one you will die without. And the one without which there is no need to live.

2. Dying for love is easy. It's hard to find a love worth dying for.

3. Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost; it turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misfortune.

4. That heart will not learn to love that is tired of hating.

5. Women fall in love with what they hear, and men fall in love with what they see. That's why women wear makeup and men lie.

6. Even if love brings with it separation, loneliness, sadness, it is still worth the price we pay for it.

7. “Well, it seems to me that the best relationships are those that last and are often rooted in friendship. One day you will look at a person and see something more than you saw the day before. It was like a switch had been flipped somewhere. The person who was just a friend suddenly became the only person you could ever imagine yourself with.” (Gillian Anderson)

8. “I once read that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand, and the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love.” (Brian Andreas) "People from History"

9. “If you live to be a hundred years old, then I would like to live the same, only minus one day. Then I’ll hardly ever be forced to live without you.” (A. A. Milne)

10. “Love is a crazy, crazy, beautiful thing. So when you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want that rest to begin as soon as possible.” (Unknown)

Beautiful quotes with meaning about love

11. Love brings suffering even to the gods.

12. I closed the door to my heart and wrote - NO ENTRANCE. But love came and said simply - I can’t read...

13. Too many people are designed in such a way that they easily get used to being the object of love and do not value enough the feeling in which they are too confident.

14. True love is limitless. It's like life or death. When you are ready to die, when you part, because the feelings are so pure, so strong.

15. By loving, you can forgive all sins, but not the sin committed against love.

16. Men declare their love before they feel it; women - after they have experienced it.

17. “How much trouble is there in an old door? Depends on how loud you closed it. How many slices are there in bread? Depends on how thin you cut it. How much good a day? Depends on how well you live. How much love is inside your soulmate? Depends on how much you give it.” (Shel Silverstein)

18. “You need to dance like no one is watching. To love so that you will never be hurt. Sing like no one is listening to you. And live as if it were heaven on earth.” (William W. Purkey)

19. “I don’t trust people who don’t love themselves and tell me: “I love you.” There is an African proverb: “Be careful when a naked man offers you his shirt.” (Maya Angelou)

20. Love is two solitudes that greet each other, touch and protect each other.

Beautiful words and quotes that will make life better

21. Love is when you are not compared to anyone, because they know that there is no one better than you.

22. Loved ones are not compared, they are simply loved.

23. Love is the desire to make your loved one happy.

24. If you are in love, then you will do everything to give happiness and not cause pain.

25. It only takes a few seconds to say “I love you,” but it takes a lifetime to show how much you love you!

26. You can talk about love without experiencing this feeling, so the main thing is not words, but actions.

27. Love is when, despite the distance, you trust your loved one.

28. You can be close to your loved one and not trust him, or you can be at a distance and be confident in him.

29. Love is when he sees her sleepy in the morning, without makeup, in pajamas and still thinks that she is the most beautiful...

30. Well-groomed, beautiful, with makeup and hairstyle - such a girl is for everyone, but without makeup and with natural beauty - such a girl is only for her beloved.

Quotes about love with meaning

31. There is nothing more unnecessary in the world than the love of a woman you don’t love.

32. Love looks through a telescope, envy through a microscope.

33. If we judged love by its consequences, then we would hate it more than hatred.

34. Love is a game. Whoever said “I love you” first lost...

35. You always need to know what pain you cause to the one you love. To think a hundred times before doing it.

36. Love is like a butterfly: if you squeeze too hard, you’ll crush it, let go, and it will fly away.

37. I know that you are burning in the flame of love, but I am not afraid to play with fire... Touching each other, we lose our heads...

38. I realized that your love is the best melody I have ever heard in my life.

39. The same thing happened with love as with ghosts: since they stopped believing in them, they no longer show themselves to anyone.

40. I will name the first summer rain by your name, and I will wait for you under it until you come. To touch your lips with a gentle breeze and dissolve in a billion endless minutes...

Wise sayings about life and love

41. "The early bird gets the worm, but the early hunter gets the bird."

42. “Every rule has an exception. Especially this one.

43. "Fly straight or you'll get shot."

44. “Flying is easy! Just jump off the building and try not to fall on the ground! »

45. “Give a man a fish, he will eat it in a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day and drink beer."

46. “Half of this planet is starving and the other half is on a diet.”

47. “He who falls into the water does not drown, but he who remains in the water does.”

( Also read: Help him become confident!).

48. “He who smiles in the face of adversity clearly has a scapegoat.”

49. “He who waits to take the first step will spend his whole life on one leg.”

50. “He who waits will be late for the rest of his life.”

51. “How can you tell me to never say never when you just said never?”

52. "I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong."

53. "I'm so smart that sometimes I don't understand a word I'm saying."

54. “I asked my parents what it was like to have such a wonderful child, they told me to ask my grandparents.”

55. “I could act normal, but it would act and it wouldn’t be normal.”

( Also read: How to become a happy person?).

Short SMS declarations of love in prose

I won’t say too much, I’ll just say that you are a special person in my life who makes me feel happiness. I love you!

Every time we are together, I want to remember the moment and stop time so that I never let you go. I love you immensely.

You are in my heart, thoughts, desires and dreams. I can’t think about anything else, only about your eyes, smile, voice... I love you madly!

My sunshine, I love you. I want there to be no place for quarrels and insults in our lives, but for love and respect.

You are already like a part of me, I cannot imagine my life without your participation. You are my most loving love.

More than anything in the world, I would like to always be with you! I love you more than life.

I’ll tell you this: I value you, I admire you, I’m proud of you, I love you!

I can't imagine a single day without you. My thoughts are constantly directed towards you. I love you very much!

You're driving me crazy. And I understand that this sweet and happy path of madness is the best stage of my life. Never leave me. I love, hug and kiss.

I love you, kitten. I'm sorry that things don't always go smoothly with us, but they do so sincerely, brightly and with passion. I thank the lucky chance that allowed us to meet and become one.

I value you, you occupy the most important place in my heart. I want us to always be together. I love you!

Being on the same wavelength with you, waking up in the morning in the same bed, sharing slippers and a mug of tea, this is true pleasure and bliss, I want to always love you and know that you love me!

Our meeting changed my life, because now my heart knows no peace. I love you and I want everything to work out for us.

There are a lot of things in life that I am very afraid of, but the worst thing for me is losing you, because I love you madly!

I love you! And let it sound so short and so simple, but these words are sincere, from the very depths of the soul and heart.

You are my one true love, the sun that lights up my days, the moon that brightens my nights... You are the key that opens the doors of my happiness.

You are my air, the oxygen that fills my lungs and gives life. You are my life, my passion and ideal. I love you!

Love fills my heart, every day it becomes more and more. I love you very much, know this!

Look into my eyes and you will see in them pure and devoted love for you. Sometimes a look says more than words.

You know, you are the person who means as much to me as the whole world around me does not. I want to be around, enjoy this time. Love you.

Wise sayings about the life of Omar Khayyam

56. “I did today what I must do tomorrow. Now what?"

57. “I didn’t study math. I just found a lot of ways not to do it.”

58. “I hate two-faced people. It's hard to decide which face to hit first.

59. "I have enough money to last me the rest of my life... If I die within the next hour or so."

60. "I didn't fail anything, I just found all the wrong ways to do it!!"

61. “I never do anything by accident. I just like it when people think like that."

62. “I started from scratch... and I still have most of it!”

63. “I thought you already realized that you are not loved.”

64. “I will jump in front of the train until the train moves.”

65. "I suspect people who love me."

66. "I'm not smart, I just don't know how to be stupid."

67. “If all boys are the same, why are girls so picky?”

68. If at first you don’t succeed, try again until you succeed.”

69. “If at first you don’t succeed, try again and fail again...”

( Also read: How to live without love?).

Quotes and aphorisms of great people

70. “If I look confused... I probably am.”

71. “If life gives you lemons. Eat carrots.

72. “If life is so hard, why are there so many idiots living?”

73. “If men had wings and wore black feathers, few of them would be smart enough to be ravens.”

74. “If no one is perfect, then I must be no one.”

75. “If practice makes perfect, and no one is perfect, then why practice?”

76. “If the grass looks greener on the other side, it’s time to fertilize yours.”

77. “If there is evil in this world, it lurks in the hearts of people.”

78. “If you're ever looking for something, the last place you look is where you'll find it.”

79. “If you believe that guns cause murders and other crimes, then pencils should be responsible for misspelled words.”

80. “If you cannot convince others, then confuse them.”

81. “If you can't see the bright side, shine the dull side.”

82. “If you give a man fish, he will eat throughout the day. But give a man a fishing rod and he will probably exchange it for a fish.”

83. “If you think you are nobody, just remember who is perfect!”

84. “If you are trying to fail and succeed, what have you done?”

85. “If you want people to remember you. Borrow money from them.

86. "If you're going through hell, just keep going."

87. “Imagination is a power beyond your imagination.”

88. “In our quest to find the enemy, we come face to face with ourselves.”

89. “Is the cup half empty or half full? Why didn't someone fill the cup?

( Also read: How to get rid of guilt?).

Wise sayings about life with meaning

90.“It’s one thing to be smart, and another thing to be wise.”

91."It's good to be smart, but don't show it."

92."You don't have to be educated to be smart."

93.“It’s better to try and fail than not to try at all.”

94.“It's good to be smart. But what's really smart isn't showing it. ”

95.“Life has its ups and downs, use the ups to overcome the downs!”

96.“Life is like a bicycle with ten speeds, most of us have gears that we never use...”

97.“Life can give you crap, but that’s what toilet paper is for.”

98.“Love everyone, trust a few.”

99.“Love is like a rose in winter, only the strong survive.”

( Also read: How to build a relationship: 7 rules).

Sad quotes about love

I can't come to terms with the idea that life goes by so quickly and I'm not truly living. Hemingway


If you know that a person will never be yours, then you can love him indefinitely.


Despair is nonsense. I can live with despair. Hope is what I can't stand. John Cleese


It’s hard when you put an end to a relationship, and someone very close completes two more.


  • Sometimes you want to kill yourself because you were sincerely devoted to people who did not appreciate it.


Thanks to all those who turned their backs on me during difficult times. You made me stronger. So much stronger that it would be better for you not to intersect with me now.


We cry when we come into the world, and everything that follows confirms that we did not cry in vain. Francoise Sagan


People only manage to disappoint each other perfectly. Hubert Selby


  • When people leave, let them go. Fate excludes the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played.


Do you believe in anything else? Oh yeah! I believe in holy selfishness! Into heartlessness! To the lie! Into the inertia of the soul!


Probably everyone has that person with whom everything was planned, but it didn’t happen. With whom they made a wish, but did not come true.


I was not created for this world, where as soon as you leave the house, you end up in complete shit. Goethe


“Having pushed aside dreams and tired of ideas, I’m waiting for winter, like others don’t wait. Remember, you promised that it wouldn't rain? And they keep going and going


And the next day I’ll play my role again And laugh out of place again. Remember when you said that love is pain?! You were mistaken, love is hell" Anna Akhmatova


  • Loving the body without its consent and desire is the same as loving the body without a soul and without feelings. M. Montaigne.


There is a good saying: “Trust, but verify.” It’s a pity that sometimes the test results are such that you immediately remember another one: “The less you know, the better you sleep.”


You know the highest law of any relationship - exactly half the duration of a relationship is parting. "Disappearance"


Unfulfilled hopes, even the most modest ones, always cause incredible mental pain Nicholas Sparks / Wedding


How long could you love a woman who doesn't love you? Which one doesn't love? All life.


  • The next time you feel unwanted, ugly and unappreciated, remember that someday you will also be dead. Karl Renz


Watch! They are the ones who poison and ruin life, shake a person out of a warm bed, drive him to school, and then to the grave. Ray Bradbury “Farewell Summer”

Africs quotes wise sayings about life

100. "Love is like the wind... you can feel it, but you can't see it."

101.“Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it certainly does buy stress.”

102."Most people who drive in a hurry are never in a hurry."

103."My favorite text message is: 'I'll be there in 5 minutes if I don't read anymore.'

104. "My parents told me, 'You watch too much TV and you should read more!' " That's why I turned on the subtitles."

105. “Never point your finger at someone, you will always have three fingers pointing back at you.

106. “Never value first impressions because with them comes deception.”

107. “One word can save the world, communication.”

108. “Overanalysis breeds paralysis.” "Only pain means you're still alive."

109. “Patience is not a bad thing, but it’s a waste of time.”

110. “Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to maintain a good attitude while waiting.”

111. “People talk so much. And yet speak so little.

112. “A life without problems never makes a person strong.”

113. “Remember, wherever you are, this is where you are supposed to be.”

114. “Remember... Less is More, but then if Less is More, just think How Much, More is More.”

115. “Skill is luck made habit.”

116. “Sometimes the smartest thing you can say is nothing at all.”

117. "Speed ​​kills, time kills..."

118. “Stupidity is the greatest disguise for the smart, if you can handle it.”

119. “Of course, hard work will pay off in the future! But now laziness pays! »

120. “The technology is not complete unless I can pay the money.”

121. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree... Yes, but it can roll.”

122. “The day you realize you are no longer as young as you used to be is the day you begin to die.”

123. "The early bird catches the early worm..."

124. "The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."

Philosophical sayings about life

125. “The glass is neither half full nor half empty. It's just twice as much as needed."

126. “The grass may be greener on the other side, but then again, you still have to mow it...”

127. “The man who says he can’t and the man who says he can are both right!”

128. “The message below is false, the message above is true...”

129. “The more you know, the more you forget. And the more you forget, the less you know.”

130. “The most dangerous lie is the lie you tell yourself.”

131. “The only difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.”

132. “The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who do not have it.”

133. “The search for love is like a blind man searching in a dark room for a black cat that was never there.”

134. “There are more stars in the sky than there are grains of sand on Earth.”

135. “There are many fish in the sea, but I love women.”

136. "There's no chance unless you take advantage of it."

137. “There is no “I” in a team, and there is no “we” in a team either.”

138. "They say they never judge a book by its cover, but they also said a picture is worth a thousand words."

139. “They say the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.”

( Also read: What is the ideal woman through the eyes of men?).

Sad statuses about love

It’s a shame and very painful, do I really deserve this((But I will be glad if you find the one you need and I won’t interfere((31


Now someone is born, dies, laughs, enjoys life, catches snow with their palms, falls in love, lives, gets sick, loves, cries, and I just listen to music, while crying for you. 40


I sit and move a brush over a sheet of paper - I draw love. But for some reason they use dark colors. 40


You are alien to me, but also dear, I don’t need you, but it hurts to lose you, I seem to understand you, but it’s unrealistic, you seem to be not a mirage, but not real either. This love is nonsense! 23


How bad it is when you love your loved one, you cannot live without him, but he knows this very well and takes advantage of it! 25


Still, it’s very painful to be disappointed in those people whom you let too close to you. 30 Sad statuses


How to delete our relationship file from memory? No way! I am not a computer! It's a pity. After all, they don't have hearts. 19


The highest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved: they love you for your own sake, or rather, they love you in spite of you and they really love you! 10


What is love? For some, iron chains, for others, freedom and dreams. My advice to you is that if you want to save your relationship, don’t tell anyone about it. 18 (1)


I want him to call and say: “In short, baby, I don’t care who you’re with now or who your boyfriend is. Tell him that you are only mine and this is not discussed!” 20


“Call me back in 289 minutes.” In his language it meant “Never.” And she counted. 25 (5)


“This status is for all those who once stupidly lost their other half and, because of pride, missed the moment when they could return it” 19 (2)


On cigarettes they write: cause lung cancer, on alcohol: harmful to health, why don’t they write on guys - dangerous for the nervous system? 20


“I heal wounds,” said Time. “I inspire,” said Happiness. “And I hurt, lift you to the skies, and then throw you to the ground,” Lyubov grinned. 12


So it was, is, and so it will be, And for this we were born, When they love us, we don’t love, When they don’t love us, we love.


The stars are shining again, the moon is shining again. No one can understand why I am alone. They say that I don’t date anyone in vain. But you’re not here, and why are there others?


If you don’t love, you don’t have to, You are not alone on earth. Time will pass, you will fall in love, But I will already be with someone else.


It's a pity that you don't love me. It's a pity that I love you. The day will come and you will love me. But on that day I will stop loving you.


If you like me, let me know, If you hate me, let me know. If you're bored, call me, If you're playing, go away!


You loved and I suffered, You fell out of love, I didn’t know. Now you don’t love me, But when we meet, my heart aches. (2)


The rain is knocking on the windows, our happiness is shedding tears Your love cannot be returned, but mine will pass by itself

A statement about life with meaning

140. “Those who say money can’t buy happiness are shopping in the wrong places!”

141. “To be smart enough to get all that money, you have to be stupid enough to want it.”

142. “To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid.”

143. “To someone else, we are someone else.”

144. “Hard times never last long, but people make them happen to themselves.”

145. “Visits are always a pleasure... If not arrival, then departure.”

146. "Well, I'm here to tell you, if my grass was watered twice a day, it would be pretty green."

147. “What people say and what they do are completely different things.”

148. “When he touched me, I was touched!”

149. “When life gives you lemons, make lemon juice and wonder to the world how the hell you did it.”

( Also read: Stages of relationships between a man and a woman).

Statement about the meaning of life

150. “When life throws you lemons, take revenge by throwing watermelons!”

151.“When the shock comes, I hope you are standing next to the rock.”

152."When someone tells you stories about how they destroyed someone, it's only a matter of time until it's your turn."

153."When things go wrong, you're obviously in the wrong place."

154.“Whether you are first or last in line determines how you look.”

155.“Why is it that when you compliment someone, they start listing their faults.”

156."Wisdom is refined stupidity"

157.“Wise men speak because they have something to say. Fools talk because they have something to say."

158.“Without order nothing can exist, but without chaos nothing can develop.”

159.“You can only become smarter by playing a smart opponent.”

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