When work is pleasure, life is good. When work is a duty, life is slavery! (M. Gorky)

Quotes from Gorky

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present to you a selection of quotes from the writer Maxim Gorky .

In the quotes from the “petrel of the revolution,” Gorky is captivated by his deep knowledge of people, but he is alarmed by his categoricalness and sloganeering.

Quotes are grouped by topic: life ethics, human manifestations, life, writing and art, man, work, love, the meaning of life, religion, knowledge and science, Russian people, war, book, truth and lies, intelligence, politics, talent, women , mothers, children, sun, memory, conscience, happiness and unhappiness, word, laughter, illness.

About life ethics

Learn from everyone. Don't imitate anyone.

You can't go anywhere in the carriage of the past.

One born to crawl cannot fly!

The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!

Good things always spark a desire for the best.

And you need to be ahead of time on time.

When it is uncomfortable for a person to lie on one side, he turns over to the other, and when it is uncomfortable for him to live, he only complains. And you make an effort: turn over!

Beauty will save the World if it is good. But is she kind? It is not beauty that will save the World, but bright thoughts. For what is the use of arrogant and godless beauty?

Beauty and wisdom are in simplicity.

Humanism should not instill a passive feeling of compassion, but cultivate an active aversion to all suffering.

You cannot preach to people what you deny yourself.

Do not feel sorry for yourself - this is the proudest, most beautiful wisdom on earth.

Until we learn to admire man as the most beautiful and wonderful phenomenon on our planet, until that time we will not be freed from the abomination and lies of our lives.

Never approach a person thinking that there is more bad than good in him.

How can you not trust a person? Even if you see that he is lying, believe him, that is, listen and try to understand why he is lying?

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul.

It's boring to measure life by the hour of death.

Petting a person is never harmful.

If you want to praise someone, do it immediately, but if you scold, put it off until tomorrow: perhaps you will decide that this is not worth doing.

If you rub against a good person, like a copper penny rubs against silver, you’ll sell for two kopecks yourself.

Choose your comrades carefully, because there are people who are contagious, like a disease...

Don’t think about what they asked, but about why? If you guess why, then you will understand how to answer.

One, even if he is great, is still small.

Every “small matter” must be looked at from the height of the great goal that history has set for us.

One should look at the day as a small life.

Time is the enemy of people who love a quiet life.

Short speeches are always more meaningful and can create a strong impression.

To have the right to criticize, you must believe in some truth.

The right of criticism imposes the obligation to mercilessly criticize not only the actions of enemies, but also the shortcomings of friends.

The heart of grief is painful, And often there is nothing to help it, - Then we successfully treat the pain of the heart with a funny joke!

Don't be angry with fools, they will live for a long time, they should be treated like bad weather.

About human manifestations

When you rejoice, look into the depths of your heart, and you will see that now you rejoice precisely in what previously saddened you. It is good to live with a heart full of anticipation of great joy in the future!

The strong are always kind.

Weak people wait for favorable opportunities; strong people create them.

Love for an ideal is an active feeling and passionately prone to sacrifice.

In the spring, when the ground thaws, people also seem to become softer.

Weird people decorate the world.

When a person speaks little, he seems smarter.

People get confused in a mass of unnecessary words.

A woman can sometimes fall in love with her husband.

True suffering is silent.

When they ask a lot, they think little and remember poorly.

Moralists try to hammer moral principles into people, but they themselves always wear them on the outside, like ties and gloves.

Personal egoism is the father of meanness.

A self-righteous person is a hardened tumor on the chest of society.

Scoundrels are the strictest judges.

The devils in hell are painfully jealous, observing the Jesuitical dexterity with which people know how to defame each other.

Only those who have clothed themselves in the armor of lies, impudence and shamelessness will not flinch before the judgment of their conscience.

There is no one or nothing to compare the traitor with. I think that even a typhoid louse would be offended by comparison with a traitor.

About life

“The world was created not by word, but by deed,” this is beautifully said, and this is an undeniable truth.

There are only two forms of life: rotting and burning. The cowardly and greedy will choose the first, the courageous and generous will choose the second.

There is always room for exploits in life.

Rights are not given, rights are taken.

The future belongs to people of honest work.

Life needs to be interrupted more often so that it doesn’t turn sour.

Life goes on: those who do not keep up with it remain lonely.

Life is fullest and most interesting when a person struggles with what prevents him from living.

Reality is always the embodiment of an ideal, and when we deny or change it, we do this because the ideal that we embodied in it no longer satisfies us - we have created another, better one in our imagination.

Our educator is our reality.

Life will always be bad enough so that the desire for the best does not fade away in a person.

The wisdom of life is always deeper and broader than the wisdom of people.

Life shuffles us like cards, and only by chance - and not for long - do we find ourselves in our place.

Everything is relative in this world, and there is no such situation in it for a person that nothing could be worse.

Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love.

Let the storm blow harder!

We live in an era when the distance from the wildest fantasies to completely real reality is shrinking with incredible speed.

Tears together, laughter in half.

Charm is a matter of faith, disappointment is the retribution for blind faith.

By the way, quotes about life

About writing and art

Language is the weapon of a writer, like a gun is a soldier. The better the weapon, the stronger the warrior...

Let us glorify the poets who have one god - the beautifully spoken, fearless word of truth.

Literature is a deeply responsible matter and does not require coquetry with talents.

If you don’t know how to hold an ax in your hand, you won’t be able to cut wood, and if you don’t know the language well, you won’t be able to write it beautifully and understandably to everyone.

When a writer deeply feels his blood connection with the people, it gives him beauty and strength.

In order to depict well, the artist must see perfectly and even foresee, not to mention the fact that he must know a lot.

A writer who does not have knowledge of folklore is a bad writer. Limitless riches are hidden in folk art, and a conscientious writer must master them. Only here can you learn your native language, and it is rich and famous here.

Art sets as its goal to exaggerate the good so that it becomes even better, to exaggerate the bad - hostile to man, disfiguring him - so that it arouses disgust, ignites the will to destroy the shameful abominations of life created by the vulgar, greedy philistinism.

The writer must have a good knowledge of the history of the past and knowledge of the social phenomena of our time, in which he is called upon to simultaneously perform two roles: the role of a midwife and the role of a gravedigger.

A fact is not the whole truth, it is only raw material from which the real truth of art must be smelted and extracted.

Imagination is one of the most essential methods of literary technique that creates an image.

Only the greatest art - music - can touch the depths of the soul.

About a human

Every person has a bell, and if you touch it, the person will ring with the most beautiful thing that is in him.

It is an excellent position to be a human being on earth!

Man - that's the truth! Everything is in man, everything is for man! Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain! Human! It's great! It sounds... proud!

Man is a miracle, the only miracle on earth, and all its other miracles are the results of the creativity of his will, mind, and imagination.

Man is the universe, and long live he, who carries the whole world within himself.

A person should contain as much as possible everything, plus something else.

There is no limit to the growth of human needs... A person will never be satisfied, never, and this is his best quality.

There are no purely white or completely black people; people are all colorful.

If you keep telling a person that he is a “pig,” then he will actually grunt in the end.

By the way, quotes about a person

About labor

The history of human labor and creativity is much more interesting and significant than the history of man - a person dies without living even hundreds of years, but his work lives on for centuries.

When work is pleasure, life is good! When work is a duty, life is slavery!

The decisive role in the work is not always played by the material, but always by the artist.

Any job is difficult until you love it, but then it excites you and becomes easier.

Business is a living and strong beast, you must rule it skillfully, you must bridle it firmly, otherwise it will overcome you.

The wise power of a builder is hidden in every person, and it must be given free rein to develop and flourish.

A man sits and sins because he is bored and has nothing to do: the machine does everything for him... He has acquired machines and thinks - good! But this car is a devil's trap for you! In work there is no time for sin, but with a car there is free time! Man will die from freedom!

About love

Love is the desire to live.

Love is like fire to iron that wants to be steel.

True love beats the heart like lightning and is silent like lightning.

It is impossible for a person to live without love: then a soul was given to him so that he could love.

The smartest thing a person has achieved is the ability to love a woman, to worship her beauty: from love for a woman everything beautiful on earth was born.

Quarreling does not mean not loving.

Pity is an imitation of love.

There is love that prevents a person from living.

Love destroys people no less than the plague.

By the way, quotes about love

About the meaning of life

The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for a goal, and it is necessary that every moment of existence has its own high goal.

Improving a person is the meaning of life.

I see the meaning of life in creativity, and creativity is self-sufficient and limitless!

The best pleasure, the highest joy of life is to feel needed and close to people.

You must always live in love with something inaccessible to you. A person becomes taller by stretching upward.

When nature deprived man of his ability to walk on all fours, she gave him the ideal in the form of a staff! And from then on, he unconsciously strives for the best - ever higher!

By the way, quotes about the meaning of life

About religion

God is made up - and badly made up! - in order to strengthen man’s power over people, only the master man needs him, and for the working people he is a clear enemy.

The main task of all churches was the same: to inspire poor serfs that for them there is no happiness on earth, it is prepared for them in heaven, and that hard labor for someone else’s uncle is a godly thing.

Needless to say, “paradise” is a very stupid invention of the priests and “fathers of the church”, an invention whose purpose is to pay people for hellish torment on earth with a soap bubble of hope for rest in another place.

Our atheistic time, grinning at the biblical legend, believes that God is a pseudonym for human stupidity.

By the way, quotes about religion

About knowledge and science

There is no power more powerful than knowledge; a man armed with knowledge is invincible.

Always learn, know everything! The more you learn, the stronger you will become.

Proving to a person the need for knowledge is the same as convincing him of the usefulness of vision.

Without knowing the past, it is impossible to understand the true meaning of the present and the goals of the future.

We must understand that the work of a scientist is the heritage of all humanity and science is the area of ​​greatest selflessness.

A teacher, if he is honest, must always be an attentive student.

About the Russian people

The people are not only the force that creates all material values, they are the only and inexhaustible source of spiritual values.

No matter what a person does in Rus', you still feel sorry for him.

Russian people, due to their poverty and meagerness of life, generally love to amuse themselves with grief, play with it like children, and are rarely ashamed of being unhappy.

Thinking in aphorisms is typical for the people.

In endless everyday life and grief - holiday and fire - fun; on an empty face and a scratch is a decoration.

By the way, quotes about Russians

About war

There is no vileness that war would not allow, there is no crime that would not be justified by it.

I know that war is a complete atrocity and that in war people who are innocent of each other exterminate each other, being forcibly put into a state of self-defense.

No matter how much the hypocrites lie about the “great” goals of the war, their lies will not hide the strange and shameful truth: the war was born by Barysh, the only god whom “real politicians”, murderers trading in the lives of the people, believe and pray to.

In war it is necessary to kill as many people as possible - this is the cynical logic of war.

By the way, quotes about war

About the book

A book is the same phenomenon of life as a person, it is also a living, speaking fact, and it is less a “thing” than all other things created and being created by man.

Love the book, it makes your life easier, it will friendly help you sort out the colorful and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for humanity.

You need to read and respect only those books that teach you to understand the meaning of life, understand the desires of people and the true motives of their actions.

Read books, but remember - a book is a book, and use your brain!

By the way, quotes about the book

About truth and lies

Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the god of a free man.

The truth is always tasteless, but it is always necessary.

Man needs truth just as a blind man needs a sober guide.

The indisputable truth does not require any decoration, it is simple.

By the way, quotes about truth and quotes about lies

About the mind

A mind that is not organized by an idea is not yet the force that enters life creatively.

The mind is a precious stone that plays more beautifully in the frame of modesty.

Thinking is the duty of every literate person.

Have at least a small mind, but your own.

About politics

Naturally, the attention of thinking people is focused on politics - on the area of ​​​​violence and despotism, anger and lies, where various parties, groups and individuals, supposedly meeting for “the last and decisive battle,” cynically trample on the ideas of freedom, gradually losing their human appearance in the struggle for physical power over people.

Revolutions are needed to destroy revolutionaries.

Seasoned man (about V.I. Lenin)

Slander and lies are a legalized method of politics for the philistines. Among the great people of this world there is hardly a single one whom they would not try to smear with mud.

Who are you with, masters of culture?

If the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed.

By the way, quotes about politics

About talent

Talent is faith in yourself, in your strength.

Talent is like a thoroughbred horse, you need to learn how to control it, and if you pull the reins in all directions, the horse will turn into a nag.

Talent develops from a feeling of love for the work, it is even possible that talent - in its essence - is love for the work, for the process of work.

About women

But what a woman wants, God Himself does not even know!

There are feelings, thoughts and guesses that you only talk about to the woman you love and cannot tell anyone else.

The height of culture is determined by the attitude towards women.

By the way, quotes about women

About children

Children are the flowers of life.

Children are our judges of tomorrow, they are critics of our views and actions, they are people who go into the world for the great work of building new forms of life.

Teaching children is a necessary matter; we should understand that it is very useful for us to learn from children ourselves.

By the way, quotes about children

About mother

Mother creates, she protects, and to speak about destruction in front of her means to speak against her. Mother is always against death.

Let us praise the woman-Mother, whose love knows no barriers, whose breasts fed the whole world!

By the way, quotes about mother

Oh sun

More beautiful than the sun - there is no God in the world, there is no fire, the fire of love is more wonderful.

I somehow especially love the sun, I like its very name, the sweet sounds of the name, the ringing hidden in them.

By the way, quotes about the sun

About memory

Remembering is the same as understanding, and the more you understand, the more good you see.

Memory, this scourge of the unfortunate, revives even the stones of the past and even adds drops of honey to the poison once drunk.

About conscience

Conscience is a force that is invincible only for the weak in spirit, but the strong quickly master it and enslave it to their desires.

You can’t live without a conscience and a great mind.

About happiness and unhappiness

Happiness with a woman is possible only under conditions of complete sincerity of spiritual communication.

Misfortune is the strongest cement for uniting natures, even those that are directly opposite to each other.

By the way, quotes about happiness

About the word

The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts.

The root of the word is business.

By the way, quotes about speech and words

About laughter

A good laugh is a sure sign of spiritual health.

The people who joke the most are those whose hearts ache...

By the way, quotes with humor

About the disease

If you had money, wouldn't you spend it? Health is the same as gold.

The most active ally of the disease is the despondency of the patient.

About miscellaneous

The Russian language is quite rich, but it has its own shortcomings, and one of them is hissing sound combinations: -vshi, -vsha, -vshu, -shcha, -shchi.

Many people get money easily, but few part with it easily.

Was there a boy?

If you take a little from a lot, it is not theft, but simply sharing.

It is interesting that although Gorky appears to us in quotes primarily as a teacher of life, there were almost no quotes that belong to the heading “About myself.” Usually these are interconnected things : the author, who loves to share his life experience, considers it important to also share about himself as a valuable bearer of this life experience.

The opinions of contemporaries about Gorky’s personality and work are certainly subjective and contradictory, but together they outline a certain image:

Quotes about Gorky

  • V. Khodasevich: From the Nizhny Novgorod guild Alexey Peshkov, who studied with copper money, to Maxim Gorky, a world-famous writer, there is a huge distance that speaks for itself, no matter how one evaluates Gorky’s talent.
  • D. Merezhkovsky: There is no art in Gorky’s works; but they contain something that is hardly less valuable than the highest art: life, the most truthful original of life, a piece torn out of life with body and blood.
  • L. Andreev: The sharpest and deepest feature, moreover, the basis of Gorky’s artistic individuality is his despotism. A ruler, a ruler, a despot who does not tolerate contradictions in anyone, even in himself. If Gorky contradicts Gorky, then he simply covers it with a hat; and even if there are two heads under the hat, there is complete unity on the outside. (by the way, quotes from L. Andreev)
  • M. Bulgakov: I don’t like Gorky as a person, but what a huge, strong writer he is and what terrible and important things he says about the writer.
  • A. Serafimovich: Gorky was not only a brilliant, unforgettable proletarian writer, but also an amazing organizer. These two features characterize him especially clearly. Ebullient energy always beat in his chest and was reflected in his contact with everything around him.
  • I. Bunin: For many years now, world fame has been completely unparalleled in its undeservedness.

Next, you can move on to other collections of quotes:

  • Tolstoy quotes
  • Chekhov quotes
  • Bunin quotes
  • Yesenin quotes
  • Bulgakov quotes
  • Mark Twain quotes

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Quotes, aphorisms, statements about work.

If you sow thorns, you will not reap grapes! Muhammad ibn Ali As-Samarkandi

Although work and pleasure are different in nature, there is still some kind of natural connection between them. Titus Livy

The most outstanding talents are ruined by idleness. M. de Montaigne

Labor gives birth to wisdom and purity; laziness gives rise to ignorance and sensuality. G. Thoreau

If a person works only for himself, he can, of course, become a famous scientist, a great sage, a wonderful poet, but he can never become a truly great person. K. Marx

If you do something, do it well. If you cannot or do not want to do well, it is better not to do it at all. L. Tolstoy

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life. Leonardo da Vinci

Anyone who knows from childhood that work is the law of life, who from a young age understood that bread is earned by the sweat of the brow, is capable of heroic deeds, because on the right day and hour he will have the will to fulfill it and the strength to do so. J. Verne

When work is pleasure, life is good! When work is a duty, life is slavery! Maksim Gorky

Work is the best rest from laziness. M. Genin

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. B. Franklin

The outcome of big cases often depends on little things. Livy

Labor is a measure of the value of goods... F. Engels

Work that you like ceases to be work. W. Shakespeare

Work does not dishonor a person; Unfortunately, sometimes you come across people who disgrace work. Ulysses Simpson Grant

Work dulls grief. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Idleness is more tiring than work. L. de Clapier Vauvenargues

Work like an ant if you want to be like a bee. Kozma Prutkov

The more joy a worker gets from working, the more money he is paid for his work. Mark Twain

Not everyone can do every job. Lucilius

The work we do willingly heals pain. W. Shakespeare

Either don't take it on or finish it. Ovid

One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work. I. Kant

Nothing in life comes without a lot of hard work. Horace

Those who are accustomed to work have their work made easier. Catherine II

If it’s work, then work is such that there is benefit and honor. Lucilius

A tree, no matter how powerful and strong its roots may be, can be uprooted in an hour, but it takes years for it to bear fruit. Muhammad ibn Ali As-Samarkandi

And workaholics are divided into amateurs and professionals. K. Kushner

Only Sisyphean labor provides eternal employment. Leonid Leonidov

There is no hard work that love does not make easy and enjoyable. J. Bruno

Labor is often the father of pleasure. Voltaire

All work is noble. T. Carlyle

Whoever attaches importance to empty matters will turn out to be an empty person in important matters. Cato

Any poorly executed work is the same lie. He is dishonest. S. Smiles

Physical labor helps you forget about moral suffering. F. de La Rochefoucauld

Exercise yourself with voluntary labor so that, if necessary, you will be able to endure forced labor. Isocrates

Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice, need. Voltaire

A statue is painted by his appearance, but a man by his deeds. Pythagoras of Samos

Quotes, aphorisms, statements about work. 12 Feb 2021 KS

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