Quotes about children - 153 beautiful and wise aphorisms

Love doesn't necessarily mean children, but children definitely mean love.


This page contains quotes about children that will definitely appeal not only to parents, but even to children. Here you will find the most beautiful, touching, meaningful quotes about children, as well as about their upbringing, love, protection, happiness.

The best

Do you want to find a beautiful and short status about children? Then you've come to the right place - take your pick!

  1. Children are always children to their parents... so put on your hat, asshole!
  2. A child is a little flower! You collect a bouquet and send it to your grandmother!
  3. All the most important things about life can be seen in the smile of your child...
  4. Everyone loves miracles, but only one miracle will love you no matter what - the one that calls you parents.
  5. A child is such a little bastard that you carry in your arms, and then in your heart...
  6. A child is the only joy in your life that will not end...
  7. The only real treasure is your baby's smile! Even if he is in his thirties...
  8. Don't be angry with children, they are just children. At their age you were also obnoxious...
  9. Children are a fabulous happiness, for which you have to pay with sleepless nights...
  10. The only smile in the world that is worth everything is the smile of your child!
  11. Children are the kindest and brightest thing that can happen to a person.
  12. A child comes into this world to make it at least a little cleaner.
  13. There is nothing more sincere than the smile of a child.
  14. No stars come close to burning as brightly as children.

Children's happiness

Beautiful statuses about children and the happiness they bring us.

  1. What's the sweetest thing in the world? Of course, kids! I could have eaten them all!
  2. There is nothing more pleasing to a mother’s eye than a child eating her cooking with gusto.
  3. All the riches in the world are not worth the boisterous laughter of children in their own home.
  4. A mother's heart does not share the love between the first and second child. There’s just twice as much love, that’s all!
  5. Having children is worth it if only for the reason that you can fool around with them, but no one will consider it stupid!
  6. People are not born, they become people - raise your child to be a person!
  7. Most parents become such when they themselves have not yet ceased to be children...
  8. Having children means that a piece of your heart will be walking somewhere without you...
  9. If you think your child is experimenting too much, then stop following his page!
  10. All children are a little genius... and all geniuses are a little children.
  11. Every person was once a child, but not every child becomes a person...
  12. The older our children get, the less they understand how the world works.

Even the devil in his hell would like to have polite and obedient angels.

Even the devil in his hell would like to have polite and obedient angels.

Even the most dull room will be enlivened by the most ordinary children, neatly placed in the corners

Let childhood mature in children.

Jackpot Deodorant: Might Protect You, But It's Made Especially for Jack!

Children are the living flowers of the earth.

Children are not a luxury, but a means of transportation in old age.

Children are the flowers of life. Give the girls flowers!

Children are the flowers of life. And they need potties too.

Children are the flowers of life... Hey, weed, get out of here

Children mean worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, chaos. But when you approach them sleeping, straighten the blanket, kiss their nose, cheeks, and you understand that this is the greatest happiness in life!

Children are our judges of tomorrow.

Children are our living hope, which deceives us just as often as all other hopes.

Children of Weismannists are similar to their parents, children of Lysenkoists are similar to the environment (M. Zhvanetsky)

Children listen most attentively when they are not being spoken to.

Children share grief with their parents and joy with their peers.

Children and courtiers make mistakes much less often than parents and monarchs.

Children do not suffer from unrequited love; they approach the child they like, kiss him on the cheek and say: “let’s be friends.”

Children are more moral, much more insightful than adults, and they, often without showing it or even realizing it, see not only the shortcomings of their parents, but also the worst of all shortcomings - the hypocrisy of their parents, and lose respect for them.

Children of fathers are always older than their parents: the age of the fathers is added to their age.

Children shame us when they behave in public the way we behave at home.

Children are a strict assessment given to parents by Life itself.

Children's wisdom: if mom laughs at dad's jokes, it means there are guests in the house

The charm of children lies in the fact that with each child everything is renewed and the world is presented anew to human judgment.

Childhood should be given the greatest respect.

Children and parents sometimes take years to meet face to face.

It’s a shame that tomboys grow into decent and useful people for society no less often than obedient children. (M. Twain)

One child is enough to fill the entire house and yard. (M. Twain)

others are so quick that you actually cry.

A devil's spawn is a child who acts like your own but was born into a neighbor's family.

The only advantage of my children is that each has their own mother (M. Zhvanetsky)

If only parents could imagine how annoying they are to their children!

If you yield to the child, he will become your master; and in order to make him obey, you will have to negotiate with him every minute.

If parents and teachers value the goal and guide the younger generation towards it, then they become partners with the children, moving forward and developing with them.

Life is a boomerang. In our old age, we will receive as much attention and love from our children as we now give to our parents! And then don’t be offended!


Interesting statuses about family, children and growing up - words that you want to share with others.

  1. If you didn't have a childhood, then you have no idea what it's like to be an adult!
  2. Children are the only reason you can love people.
  3. The less you upset your children, the more upset they will be at your tombstone.
  4. Nature rests on the children of geniuses, but for some reason works brilliantly on the children of idiots!
  5. All the children of the world speak the same language, which no one understands except them...
  6. Children are the only thing that can justify your old age...
  7. Children have a conscience, it’s just that it’s also childish and naive, so it seems like it doesn’t exist at all.
  8. If every child lived up to their parents' expectations, life would be a damn boring place...
  9. If children do not feel their father’s home as their own, they look for it on the side.
  10. Life is a short thing. But you can live it twice if you have children.
  11. Fathers understand their children better than mothers, because they themselves remain children until the end of their lives.
  12. Children will always be better than their parents. This is how nature works.
  13. When everything around you seems incredible, but doesn’t surprise you too much, this is called childhood.

Quotes about children with meaning

  • If you want your children to do well, then spend twice as much time with them and half as much money. (Abigail Van Buren)
  • If a child cannot learn the way we teach him, perhaps we should teach him the way he learns. (Ignacio Estrada)
  • Children will listen to us when they see that we are listening to them. (Jane Nelsen)
  • Children are not vindictive. Even if you punish them, they will hug you within a few minutes. (T.D. Jakes)
  • A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. (Agatha Christie)
  • I have never loved anyone as much as I love my children. (Katey Sagal)
  • Instead of criticizing children, show them how to do it by example. After a while, they will unwittingly repeat after you. (Valery Afonchenko)
  • We teach our children first. Then we ourselves learn from them. (Jan Rainis)
  • The mind of a child is truly amazing. Truly, the mind of a child is like a miracle. (Master Yoda)
  • Children should be educated, but they should also be given the opportunity to educate themselves. (Ernest Dimnet)
  • The golden rule of parenting is to treat your children the way you want your parents to treat you! (Louise Hart)
  • Children are happy because they don’t have a file in their head called “Everything Can Go Wrong.” (Marianne Williamson)
  • The greatest and most valuable gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. (Denis Whately)
  • Children need guidance and empathy much more than instructions. (Anne Sullivan)
  • If you want your children to stand on their own two feet, then give them some responsibility. (Abigail Van Buren)
  • Big and strong love will never spoil children. They become “spoiled” when we replace personal “presence” with gifts.
  • Children are like wet cement. Everything that comes into contact with it leaves its mark. (Dr. Chaim Ginott)
  • What is it like to be a parent? It is one of the hardest chores you will ever do, but in return it teaches you true love. (Nicholas Sparks)
  • Education should always be based on true love. (Fiona Dimas-Heard)
  • Always smile back when a child smiles. Not doing this means destroying their belief that the world can be good. (Pam Brown)
  • Parents can learn a lot from their children. Like how much patience they have. (Franklin P. Jones)
  • Children are intuitively wise. They know who loves them the most and who is just pretending. (Virginia Andrews)
  • Find the reasons why your child smiles and try them on yourself. Then you will find yourself filled with a great feeling of happiness.
  • You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
  • Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. (A.S. Makarenko)
  • The first half of our life is spoiled by our parents, and the second half by our own children. (Jennifer James)
  • Children are a great consolation for us in old age, which they help us reach faster.
  • Every child is gifted with something, they just show their abilities at different times.
  • There is only one best child in the world, and every mother has this child.
  • With your child you experience everything again - you take your first steps, learn to say your first words...
  • The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child.
  • Children's play often has deep meaning. (Friedrich Schiller)
  • There is still a three-year-old child inside each of us who is scared, who just wants a little love. (Louise Hay)
  • Even if children are still very young, they should not be prevented from saying what they think. (Anne Frank)
  • How sweet it is that a child can show you a thousand reasons to smile when you can only find a hundred reasons not to.
  • The best way to make a child good is to make him happy. (Oscar Wilde)
  • Be truthful even towards a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie. (L. Tolstoy)
  • With small children, as with intellectuals: when they make noise, they get on our nerves, when they sit quietly, it’s suspicious.
  • A parent who tries to change his child without starting with himself is not just wasting his time, but is taking a very serious risk.
  • Parents do not understand how much harm they cause to their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and views on life on them.
  • Children need a role model more than criticism.
  • Children also need grandmothers to take a break from their parents. (F. M. Dostoevsky)
  • Big people don’t know that a child, even in the most difficult matter, can give extremely important advice. (F.M. Dostoevsky)
  • Most of us become parents before we stop being children. (Minion McLaughlin)
  • Those who raise and raise children well should be valued more than those who give birth to them. (Aristotle)
  • Most mothers would do anything for their children except let them be themselves. (Robert Banks)
  • Be yourself both human and infant in order to teach the child. (Vladimir Odoevsky)
  • Being a parent means constantly hoping that your child won't get so far ahead that you can't figure out their next step. (Jodi Picoult)
  • Being a parent is quite interesting, isn't it? We can do anything to protect our children. (Lionel)
  • Marriage is the long-term heroic work of a father and mother raising their children. (Bernard Show)
  • Unlike talent, stupidity does not rest on children. (Valentin Domil)
  • In the first years of a child’s life, we teach him to walk and talk, and then we require him to sit and be silent. There's something wrong with this. (Neil deGrasse Tyson)
  • All your love is in your child, and all your virtue is in him. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
  • In very early childhood, heroic feelings should already be instilled, tuning the soul to deeds of love and nobility. (Nikolai Vasilievich Shelgunov)
  • In a family, children and dogs always know everything, especially what is not talked about. (Françoise Dolto)
  • Give your child some sweet treat and he will be your friend for life! (Dexter Morgan)
  • If at home you are rude, or boastful, or drunk, and even worse, if you insult your mother, you no longer need to think about parenting: you are already raising your children, and raising them poorly, and none of the best advice and methods will help you. (A.S. Makarenko)

About the difficulties of education

Beautiful and short statuses with meaning about children and parental concerns.

  1. Happy children are good children. This is where the success of any education lies.
  2. Not all children are angels - some definitely need a belt to become good.
  3. Take my advice - don’t do any renovations in your apartment until your child is at least 14 years old...
  4. We live in wonderful times! Instead of explaining something to your child, you can just send him to Google...
  5. We give money to families for children... It would be better if they booked a place in kindergarten!
  6. Children are the most important happiness in life, but at the same time the most precious...
  7. If the child is quiet for more than 15 minutes, then urgently bring a fire extinguisher!
  8. No child is able to disgrace his parents the way they did him...
  9. The paradox of childhood: we don’t listen to adults, but we stubbornly try to imitate them...
  10. Successful parenting is when your child can live without you.
  11. Children should not be criticized, they should be shown how to do the same thing correctly.
  12. Children learn not from their parents, but from their era. There is no need to judge them for this.
  13. The best thing you can give your child is your love.

Poems about adult children

Children's poems: to kindergarten | about nature | about vegetables | about fruits | about animals | about school | about the days of the week | about colors

Shape: cool | beautiful | sms | short

Take care of your children, don’t scold them for their pranks. The evil of your bad days Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them, Even if they have done something wrong, Nothing is more valuable than the tears that have rolled off the eyelashes of your loved ones.

If fatigue knocks you off your feet and you can’t cope with it, well, your son will come up to you, or your daughter will stretch out her hands. Hug them tight.

Cherish children's affection. This is a short moment of happiness. Hurry up to be happy. After all, they will melt like snow in the spring, These golden days will flash by and your children will leave their native hearth as they grow up.

Leafing through the album With photographs of childhood, Remember with sadness the past About those days when we were together.

How will you want to come back again at this time, so that you can sing a song to them little ones, touch their cheeks with tender lips.

And while there is children's laughter in the house, There is nowhere to escape from toys, You are the happiest in the world, Please take care of your childhood!


My only son, my blood, I love you so much, my child! I want your life to be happy, so that your love is with you. I want to protect you from illness, And from the blows of life, from trouble. I want your dreams to come true, And that your friends don’t let you down. I want to become your guardian angel, I want your life to be calm. I am reading a prayer for you. I ask God for good and peace, for your home and for your family. Accept her love from your mother, accept it!


How the soul hurts for the children, How this pain eats the soul, They live by their own minds and do not want to listen to advice. They are always bolder in their decisions, They go everywhere, into fire and water, Having overcome obstacles, Without even noticing the ford. This is how everything moves forward, After all, young people are welcome everywhere. But our experience doesn’t tell us, We already know a lot. We have already experienced the grievances and bitterness of defeat, so we cannot understand their “rash decisions.” Their zeal to achieve everything, And to get it at any cost. And if you get everything from the stars, take it and reach for the Moon. With sinking hearts, we look at it all with partiality, we want to save ourselves from pain and we torture ourselves in vain. And these thoughts sometimes don’t allow me to sleep peacefully at night, But life still flows on and doesn’t notice anything.


Take care of your children, don’t scold them for their pranks. The evil of your bad days Never take it out on them. Don't be seriously angry with them, Even if they have done something wrong, There is nothing worse than the tears that have rolled down from the eyelashes of your loved ones. If fatigue knocks you off your feet, You can’t cope with it, Well, your son will come up to you, Or your daughter will stretch out her arms, Hug them tightly. Treasure children's affection. This happiness is a short moment. Hurry up to be happy! After all, they will melt like snow in the spring, These golden days will flash by, And your grown-up children will leave their native hearth. Leafing through the album With photographs of childhood, Remember with sadness the past About those days when we were together. How will you want to come back again at this time, To sing a song to their little ones, To touch their cheeks with tender lips. And while there is children's laughter in the house, There is nowhere to escape from toys, You are the happiest in the world, Please take care of your childhood!


And there’s a lump in my throat... And pain... And fear... Anxiety is black in my eyes... I’m afraid for Him now, And I keep praying, praying, praying... Like a shadow I wander down the street. Lord! Hear me? I beg! Let me become the Wind for a while so I can hug HIM. Let me take the pain upon myself. I hate this pain!!!! I'll fall to my knees, just take away the trouble! You know what it means to love! You can create a miracle! I shout to you in broad daylight: Save HIM!!!! Will you save me...


We are in a hurry to live. We are in a hurry. Home, problems, work, family. Everything for children. We give our life to them. We forget that our “I” exists. And friends and family - later. We don't call. No time for meeting. Not up to them. For children we breathe, we plow, we live And we root for our dear children. They are growing up. We strive to help protect and save from adversity. We pray to God both day and night to protect and guide them on the way. So we grew up. Joy in the soul. They leave their parents' home. A load of worries. They have no time for us anymore. And we wait in vain for news. We have the strength - we must help. We give ourselves, without reserve. Life has passed - no one needs them. Fate is a very sad thing. The circle is closed. All over again, again, Our children will have to live. No one can break this strong, eternal thread


The day begins with happiness, Happiness rose before everyone else! Happiness smiles at mom, turning her smile into laughter.

Happiness splashed across the floor, Barefoot and without pants, My happiness is bare-bottomed, It is thoughtless,

Shabutnoe and unspiritual, Here it breaks, there it crushes, Above the lip there is a kefir mustache... Here it is running towards me!


I'm lying in the crib and sucking quietly. Pacifier, have you thought? No, your diaper. On the pillow, mom closes her eyes. It would be better if she sang songs and read fairy tales. He says it’s too early for dad to go to work. But, of course, this is not my concern. I'll sing you a song, I'm so bored with you. Raise your heads - People on the couch! And for breakfast I smack my toe. They don't let me eat. My parents are enemies. So what if it’s early? Five in the morning – that’s all. Wake up, mom, you have work. Something is suspiciously unpleasant for Pope. People, help! How can you not understand? Mom woke up, Dad turned around. I immediately smiled at them from the crib. Well, now I’ve eaten, What happiness. I can’t understand, What’s wrong with me??? The eyes become heavy, and the mouth yawns. Is this really... Sleep, my hippopotamus.


There is simply no strength from having a son with two! I don't believe in heredity! Everything is from the evil eye! Now, if he brought straight A's, I would immediately believe in genetics.


Egorka walked with his grandmother by the hand - He took his grandmother for a walk, And at the park where there was a slide, he sat her down on a bench. Grandma instantly dozed off, And Egorka was waiting for this, And, having driven down the hill to begin with, he rushed to the brand new sandbox. And swinging quickly on the swing, he thought - “What grace! How wonderful it is to walk down the street with grandma in April!” Now Yegor was playing with a water cannon, Now he was climbing the fence with the cat, So, while the old woman was camping, Grandpa Yegor was having fun!


Tell me honestly, Santa Claus, I’ve been good all year, I grew up obedient and exemplary... Now can I spit on Gosha?


Mothers have a sacred office in the world - to pray for the gifted children. Day and night, in the invisible ether, the prayers of our mothers sound.

One will fall silent, the other will echo her. Night will replace day, and night will come again. But mothers’ prayers do not stop for their dear son or daughter.

The Lord listens to the prayers of mothers, He loves them more than we love them. A mother will never tire of praying for children who have not yet been saved.

There is a time for everything, but while we are alive, we must pray and cry out to God. An unearthly power is hidden in prayer, When a mother whispers them with tears.

How quiet. The birds fell silent in the yard; everyone had long since gone to bed. My dear loving mother bowed down to pray in front of the window.


A child is dying, save me!!!!! We can help him... Just don’t pass by, Your daughter could be lying there...

She is only three years old, God, And she stands on the edge... With a shudder, heat on the skin, The mother's heart is burning...

There are a lot of us, if only everyone would send at least 10 rubles. Instead of the beer that we drink out of thirst, After all, we don’t have metal inside us...

I ask, I conjure, PEOPLE, do not let trouble pass by... Each one loves his own little ones, our help is NECESSARY...


Children are happiness, children are joy, Children are a fresh breeze in life. They cannot be earned, this is not a reward, God gives them to adults by grace. Children, oddly enough, are also a challenge. Children, like trees, do not grow on their own. They need care, affection, understanding. Children are time, children are work. Children are a miracle, a message of kindness, Rays of sunrise, droplets of love. Children are every girl's desire (Even careerists, deep down). Children mean getting up frequently at night, Children mean nipples, colic, potties. Children are disputes in matters of education, Mom's prayers, Dad's posts. Children are affection, sincerity and friendship. They argue for fun, but they love so seriously. With him we don’t need to be cunning, we don’t need to hide - Children’s eyes can see right through us. Children mean dad is often not at home, Children mean mother is at home all day. Children are often a narrow circle of acquaintances. Their own plans move into the shadows. Children are like life starting over again: First smiles, first steps, First successes, first failures. Children are experience, children are us!


Sleep, mommy, sweet, sweet. I’ll sit by the crib - No, I won’t bother you, I’ll just play quietly.

Here, I’ll take some paints, I’ll draw a light for the eyes, And a flower for the cheeks, I’ll put a dot on the nose.

I'll draw candy on a non-colorful vest, and on a beautiful skirt, I'll draw a house and plums.

There are daisy crumbs on her feet, and an earring on her ears. There are marmalades on the palms, and a patch on the toes.

When you wake up, you’ll be surprised, you won’t be able to look at yourself enough. You will tell me that I am an artist. I will say in response: “perhaps”,

I spread my hands to the sides: “I’m the best with you!” You will smile beautifully, Or even laugh, And whisper to me: “yes, baby”…. But for now you are sleeping sweetly.

More poems: < 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 >

About sons

Beautiful statuses about boys - about the most restless children.

  1. You may start to worry about your boy if he has learned not to slam the door when he leaves.
  2. The calmer my baby sits in his room, the more I start to worry about him...
  3. I sit and watch my son... and I envy myself! How wonderful he is!
  4. It would be very nice if boys were supplied with parenting instructions...
  5. Do you think your child is bad? My son is the child with whom others are forbidden to play...
  6. Do you want to get to know your son better? Meet his friends.
  7. No one can decorate a sleeping mother like a little bastard with a set of markers...
  8. I want to have a son, because this way at least one man will appear in this world.
  9. Don't scare your son with scary stories. Better tell him how the modem works and why it is so easy to turn off...
  10. The sweetest man - my son is such a sneak!
  11. In this life there is only one man who has power over me - my son.
  12. The son is the protector of the family, he just doesn’t know it yet...
  13. The closer your son is to a man, the more problems you have to solve for him...
  14. A son will be able to understand his parents only when he becomes a father himself.

About daughters

Beautiful statuses about girls - about children whom we cherish more than life itself.

  1. At first, girls play with dolls, and boys play with cars. And when they become adults, they exchange toys.
  2. The main thing you can teach your daughter is to jump over goats! It will be useful in physical education and in life...
  3. First, the boys hit the girls with backpacks and pull their hair, and then they wonder why all the girls are so stupid...
  4. After some pranks, you are really glad that you have a daughter... because a boy would have been beaten long ago for such a thing!
  5. It’s good for little girls – she’s grown her hair and is already a beauty!
  6. Girls play with dolls because girls like to be manipulated!
  7. Every girl once had a boy with whom she managed to build her entire future in her head...
  8. Children are flowers, of course. Hmm, cacti are also flowers...
  9. Stop telling me how good your kids are! Better listen to how sweet my daughter is...
  10. How time flies... It seems like just yesterday she was still learning to walk, and today give her a car!
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