The most motivating and calming status about losing weight

Eating and getting fat is my strong point

  1. The biggest disappointment of a girl losing weight is a diet recipe: so beautiful in the picture, so tasteless in life...
  2. As they say, you need to start small. Let's have a sandwich with lard, but without mayonnaise!
  3. People who have magnets on their refrigerators that say “I don’t eat after 6”! Well, does it help?
  4. Laughter is laughter, and try doing 10 push-ups for every chop you eat!
  5. Think about whether you're okay if you choose a new diet every week...
  6. What kind of justice can we even talk about if someone is naturally thin and someone is not?
  7. The best way to lose weight on potatoes is to go dig them up.
  8. I wonder how quickly I would save up for an apartment if I put money into a piggy bank for every extra piece...

Don't get so worked up about it!

Don't be afraid that you won't get full on any diet. Sit for two at once and choose suitable statuses about weight loss.

  1. I tried on my summer wardrobe after winter, I can’t fit into anything. Wow, it turns out that dresses can dry out!
  2. The scales showed minus 2 kilograms. The coach says the water has gone. A friend says my brain is gone...
  3. Sports are good for losing weight if your hands are shaking after exercise. There is a growing chance that you won't get the food to your mouth.
  4. A happy woman is happy at any weight. And you don’t need to invent anything extra for yourself, everything is fine with you!
  5. My thighs whispered to me, quietly hanging down: “Eat as much as you want without worrying”...
  6. I don't know about you, but I still believe in the Diet Coke effect.
  7. You go online and see one on PP, one on healthy lifestyle, one on mass. As if I don’t see them every day near my house at McDonald’s.
  8. I will kill you personally if you whine that you are fat and yet weigh 45 kilograms!

For those who dream of losing weight

If you dream of losing weight, then you should strive for it. You can use statuses about fat girls on social networks as motivation.

  1. Extra pounds are deposited where they are easier to notice.
  2. Complaining that you don’t have a boyfriend and it’s time to lose weight is stupid! You need to get your butt off the couch and start taking action!
  3. Give me “lose weight” for my birthday!
  4. My desire to eat is still stronger than to lose weight (((.
  5. Support me: I dream of getting off the couch, starting to exercise and finally losing weight.
  6. Why do people on VK so actively suggest that I lose weight? Are they hinting that there are only fat women on social networks?
  7. Spring has been delayed so that we can lose weight by summer.
  8. Don't argue with a girl who has decided to lose weight, you'll only make things worse.
  9. To everyone who reads this status: I'M LOSSING WEIGHT!
  10. Scientists have proven that the aroma of bananas and apples helps you lose extra pounds. The main thing is not to eat them.
  11. If you read the classics, you only need to do it once, but all day long.
  12. It’s a mystery of nature, how can I gain 5 kilos from a kilogram of cake?!
  13. I want to be a panda! The thicker she is, the cuter she is.
  14. I know for sure that my situation has stabilized: a week ago, the day before yesterday and yesterday it was a complete ass, and today too.
  15. Being plump can please me only in two cases: when I get pregnant or when a friend gets fat.
  16. If there were no men in this world, then plump and happy women would live in peace.

Diet, diet, hide all the candy...

Funny weight loss statuses will help you cope with all your inner demons. Especially with those who claim that happiness is not found in food.

  1. When you want to eat, your tummy seems flat and your third chin is not noticeable.
  2. When you hear the phrase “You’ve lost weight” too often, you can’t help but wonder when you have time to gain weight...
  3. An adult is when you perceive some holiday as an incentive to lose weight.
  4. It happens that you lose weight, lose weight, even lose weight, but there is still no happiness.
  5. It was good as a child, you walked naked on the beach and rejoiced. Now think about which swimsuit to choose to “visually reduce your figure.”
  6. I thought that if I lost weight, my ex would go crazy with anger. I’m sitting, eating a cake: I feel sorry for the man.
  7. As my grandmother says, if you can’t put a bowl of soup on your tummy, then you can eat another portion...
  8. “Happiness is not about being slim,” they said. “The inner world is more important,” they said.

Thoughts about the figure

Often girls are not satisfied with only certain flaws in their figure. You can also talk about this with statuses.

  1. In the morning I had difficulty putting on my pants, and in the afternoon they began to slip down. So I'm losing weight by lunchtime?!
  2. I decided to start watching my figure tomorrow. The most important thing is to keep an eye on your boobs so they don’t run away.
  3. Guys dream of skinny girls having perfect breasts, but this is just a push-up bra.
  4. He said he liked my figure. I'm happy!
  5. Are you unhappy with my figure? Be patient, I will definitely find someone who will like it.
  6. A new friend often says that she has a figure like a Goddess. Well, of course, she professes Buddhism!
  7. I'm too beautiful to be fat!
  8. You can be fat and still have a sexy figure.
  9. 85% of women consider their butt to be fat, 10% too skinny and only 5% are simply happy with it.
  10. Fat is when the hoop starts to squeeze, and everything else is just cute plumpness.
  11. I'm not fat, these are just tight clothes.
  12. I'm not getting fat - I'm expanding the territory for love.
  13. It’s very disappointing when on the tram your cheeks shake but your chest doesn’t.
  14. I would stop eating bread rolls if I could see my fat ass. But fortunately, she is behind.
  15. Double standards: men love women with big breasts and butts, but they must be thin.

Magic phrases for weight loss

Not eating at night means thinking about those who will carry you in their arms. But cool statuses about losing weight indicate that you only need to think about yourself!

  1. I followed the newfangled diet: either kefir all day, or apples. How many fried potatoes will you eat after this, beauty!
  2. You know, there are programs where people lose a couple of kilograms in a week. So, you look at them and think: “I’m still nothing”...
  3. To the phrase “You’ve gained weight,” I answer with a grin that they don’t even weigh three kilograms.
  4. I decided to switch to PP gradually. Now I’m thinking about what to eat with potatoes – raw cabbage or boiled breast.
  5. No, I didn’t fall off the diet, I just decided that I needed to get off it on time.
  6. “Yes, I would lose weight without any problems, but I feel sorry for my breasts.” Sound familiar?
  7. Kefir whispers to take a loaf of bread with it, boiled beets hint at garlic and mayonnaise.
  8. Alcohol certainly won't make you lose weight, unless you give it to your boyfriend. Then you will lose weight, and become prettier, and become younger!

Motivation to lose weight - “Do you want to look slim? Stay close to the fat ones!” How do you like it?

The fight against extra pounds is called a struggle because it is a complex process that requires enviable perseverance, enormous willpower and patience. But on the way to a slim body, it’s easy to get tired, forget about training and healthy eating, and take a wrong turn. Additional motivation to lose weight is simply necessary.

We have collected quotes about losing weight that will help you reach your goal on the right path.

1. Arnold Glasgow: “The body is baggage that you carry throughout your life. The heavier it is, the shorter the journey.”

Overeating, indiscriminate and disordered eating lead to obesity. But it has long been proven that people with excess body weight age faster, get sick more often and live shorter. Carry your luggage with ease, do not burden yourself with unnecessary “junk”, this way you are more likely to live a bright, and most importantly, long life.

2. Chris O'Brien: "The journey to a thousand pounds starts with one hamburger."

What will happen with one hamburger! Maybe nothing if that's the end of it. But, as a rule, one cake, a small candy, a portion of fried bacon removes the veto from the forbidden menu and opens a marathon of gluttony. Remember the consequences of momentary weaknesses, it will be difficult to stop.

3. Socrates: “There is nothing better than living life in an effort to become more perfect.”

The great philosopher did not mean losing weight, but in the context of the fight against excess weight, this statement is also motivating. By working on yourself, taking care of your body, and eating wisely, you become a better person. And that's great!

4. Julius Erving: “If you're not giving your body the best, you're robbing yourself.”

You need to love yourself and be selfish. Pamper your body and give it only the best. Then the physical body will be in harmony with the spiritual.

5. David Wiscott: “Start imagining yourself as the person you would like to see yourself as.”

The visualization technique works 100%: imagine your ideal shape, chiseled legs, convex buttocks, good health. You can achieve your goal faster this way. But you shouldn’t expect results only from him; to really lose weight you’ll have to work hard and develop willpower.

6. Harry Seacombe: “If you want to lose weight, eat everything, but don’t swallow anything.”

But you don’t need to do this. This is self-deception, which can lead to an eating breakdown. Eat and swallow 5 times a day in small portions, but healthy food, maintaining a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, filling your diet with fruits and vegetables.

7. Valentin Domil: “If you go on a diet for a long time, you can get sick.”

Everything is good in moderation. Don't get too carried away with diets to avoid losing your health. Remember that the success of losing weight lies not in short-term diets with strict restrictions, but in daily balanced nutrition.

8. From the movie “ The Devil Wears Prada ”: “I have a new diet, it’s very effective: I don’t eat anything at all, and when I feel like I’m about to faint, I nibble on a piece of cheese.”

Sooner or later, the heroine will fall, and cheese will no longer help her. Understand that there are more disadvantages than advantages in completely refusing to eat; this is a wrong way to achieve an ideal shape.

9. Jim Neon: “If you want to look young and thin, stay close to the old and fat.”

An absolutely normal way... of self-deception. Everything looks better in contrast, but you want to be slim, not look slim. So stay close to the gym, a bottle of water and diet food.

10. Robert Orben: “My wife started going to a nutritionist and lost three hundred dollars in two months.”

The desire to lose weight, money and careful preparation are not enough to lose weight. And other people won’t do this for you, they can only advise and guide. All other steps are up to you.

11. Totie Fields: “I was on a diet for two weeks and all I lost was two weeks.”

Without the right motivation, you can lose not only money, but also time.

12. From the movie “Bridget Jones's Diary”: “Research has shown that happiness comes not from love, health or money, but from the desire to achieve a goal. What is a diet if not such an aspiration?

If you do not enjoy losing weight and progress, if physical activity is a heavy burden that only causes negative emotions, then you will not see success. Learn to enjoy working on yourself, love yourself in this work.

13. Faina Ranevskaya: “Darling, if you want to lose weight, eat naked and in front of the mirror.”

Faina Georgievna will not give bad advice. Excellent motivation for losing weight, and satisfies the feeling of hunger instantly, there’s nothing to add.

14. Frank Lloyd Wright: “If you really want to lose weight, you only need to give up three things: breakfast, lunch and dinner.”

Let us allow ourselves to make corrections to the statement of the famous architect. If you are going to give up, then avoid sweet, starchy, fatty and fried foods in your diet. But hunger strikes will not lead to anything good.

15. Unknown author: “Proper nutrition is not a diet, but a lifestyle.”

Here's what the ideal approach to weight loss looks like. Just change your diet and everything will fall into place right away.

16. Jared Leto: “When you feel like you’re giving up, remember what you were holding on for.”

Don’t give up and don’t stop halfway, even if it’s hard and the numbers on the scale haven’t changed for a week. It’s easy to fall short, but it’s difficult to catch up. Think twice before you give up.

17. Ilf and Petrov: “Don’t make a cult out of food!”

Not by bread alone, as they say. There is a lot of interesting and exciting things in life, so you shouldn’t focus only on food.

18. Alexander Woolcott: “Everything I like is either illegal, immoral, or fattening.”

To each their own, but we recommend maintaining a balance. If you cannot live, for example, without chocolate, then eat a couple of slices a day. This way you won’t lose your temper and make yourself obese.

19. Andy Rooney: “The best books in any bookstore are cookbooks and diet books. Some teach how to prepare food, others teach how not to eat it.”

Prepare and eat simple, healthy meals. Likewise, there is no need to spend money on cookbooks; and buy fiction at the bookstore.

20. Svetlana Bronnikova: “Modern dietary and weight loss methods, one way or another, come down to a combination of self-restraint, self-torture and self-deception.”

If you approach things this way, then so it will be. Staying healthy and in good shape, having fun, and not torturing yourself with diets and exercises - this is what a modern method of losing weight looks like.

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