Quotes about money and wealth with meaning (300 quotes)

Definition of the concept

To get closer to a goal financially, a person must be aware of the meaning of money and understand the laws of its movement. Experts tested people's reactions in situations related to financial issues. The resulting behavioral scenarios are analyzed to identify key behavioral recommendations.

People usually refer to all their capital as money: credit cards and cash. Scientists have found that depending on the form of money, the attitude towards it changes.

The basics of money psychology consist of several principles:

  • Money is energy that you need to be able to accept.
  • An increase in capital should be accompanied by positive emotions. It is enough to understand that money means well-being, stability and freedom, which means you can only talk and think about it in a good way.
  • The readiness for wealth must be absolute. You can’t just dream about a large sum without understanding what to do with it. A person must have a clear idea of ​​where he will spend the wealth he receives.
  • The fear of losing capital scares him away.

You need to love money and accept it correctly

Laws of money

Each bill is the result of human activity, because money does not come from nowhere. But it’s not enough to earn good money, you need to know the laws of money.

  1. The law of rich thinking. Do not complain about the lack of funds, speak positively about your situation, and keep track of your money correctly.
  2. The love of wealth is a guarantee of its appearance. Thoughts are material, so those who think about the goal and do not give in to fears get what they want.
  3. The law of motion - money must constantly work. Greed will destroy capital, and the right investments will bring additional income.
  4. The law of ease - do not spare money spent on pleasure. Money should bring joy, only in this case it comes back.
  5. Law of goals. In business there must be a desire for development and new discoveries. You need to get satisfaction from your business, and the issue of profit should come second.
  6. Law of distribution. To avoid ending up in debt, part of the money should be used to increase capital.

By following these laws, you should not focus on earning capital. Money loves happy people - in addition to earning capital, you can focus on other goals, recharging yourself with positive energy.

Bernard Arnault, LVMH

“LVMH’s success is based on creativity, quality, entrepreneurship and, most importantly, a long-term vision. I remember well the first time I visited China in 1991. In Beijing there were no cars or high-rise buildings on the streets. The country's GDP did not exceed a few percent of what it is today. Despite all this, we decided to open a Louis Vuitton store in China. And all the last decades have seen a steady increase in demand for high-quality products and acceleration of purchasing power. Today we are the number one luxury brand in this country and around the world.”

Seven stories of billionaires who started businesses from scratch

How to think to get rich

Thoughts attract their essence. To get rich, you need to learn to think correctly about capital and get rid of any negativity that is associated with money.

Basic principles of thinking of the rich:

  • Bad habits attract bad luck, while good habits attract “alternative luck.”
  • Rich people believe in equality of opportunity. They are confident that success can be achieved with their own talent and abilities.
  • The right circle of communication is valued in a business environment. A wealthy person is unlikely to forget to congratulate a colleague or partner on his birthday, realizing that he needs a network of valuable contacts. New acquaintances and the impression he makes on people are important to him.
  • Being rich doesn't always mean earning a lot. The ability to properly allocate the budget and save money plays a huge role.
  • Only poor people believe in fate . This is a convenient position that frees you from taking decisive action to change your financial situation. A rich man is confident that his destiny is in his hands and success can only be achieved by putting effort into it.
  • Wealthy people understand that intelligence is not always the key to success. Non-standard thinking and a creative approach are important in making money.
  • A rich person is willing to take risks to increase his capital. Many large business owners have achieved success through harsh life lessons.

Wealth factors

Nature has given all people attention, memory, and thinking, but everyone’s material well-being is different. Scientists talk about several reasons for this phenomenon: firstly, the attitude towards wealth is based on habits, the influence of society and family. Secondly, the inner feeling of oneself - the less a person loves himself and values ​​his professional qualities and skills, the less likely he is to ever get rich .

The following factors can affect your level of wealth:

  • Attitudes towards money are formed in childhood based on the example of parents’ behavior. If mom and dad were big spenders and didn’t know how to save, the child most likely won’t be able to save anything either. Even with a good salary, a person has a subconscious goal of getting rid of banknotes, which is where thoughtless and unnecessary purchases come from.
  • Possessing a large sum provokes different financial behavior. Some, having received a certain amount of money, begin to spend without measure, others try to save, going to extremes. The correct reaction to having an amount is to calmly and rationally think about what can be done to increase it or how to spend it profitably.
  • Correct placement of life priorities . Those who put family first are unlikely to spend much on entertainment.
  • Fear of leaving your comfort zone interferes with material well-being. Only those who are not afraid to change their lives get new chances to get rich.
  • Psychologists say that the incorrect thinking of the poor , which is radically different from the thinking of the rich, prevents them from getting rich. Constant thoughts about the lack of money block the view of new prospects and resources.
  • The means run out the moment the desire to achieve them stops.

It is important to properly manage unexpectedly received money

I highly recommend reading the book: My Neighbor is a Millionaire . Authors Thomas J. Stanley, Danko William.


Saturday, February 28, 2009 18:45 + in quote book Sex for money is cheaper than free sex.
He who works all day has no time to earn money. There are three true friends: an old book, an old dog and cash. Of all things that are sexually transmitted, only money is accepted with gratitude. The Internet is the best way to satisfy your curiosity at the expense of your employer. I want Belarus to have money like in America - with DIFFERENT presidents. Of all the arts, the most important for us is the art of getting money. Of two people who play cards for money, one is always in trouble. Often the money is somewhere very close, just stretch out your hand - this has been proven by beggars. If time is money, then why is it so difficult to exchange the former for the latter? If money doesn’t make you happy, it means it’s not yours. Time flows, money most often flows away, and some of them run away! Money doesn't smell - only big money smells. Amazing aroma! In the formula product-money-product, the author did not indicate how he managed to evade taxes... The only thing I ask is that you give me a chance to make sure that money cannot make me happy. If you look for money where you lost it, you will also lose time. Of all printed products, money is still in greatest demand. Nice girls will help with the housework, do the laundry, cook dinner, ask where the money goes, you bastard. People often change money, and money changes people in return. — I am an ordinary Ukrainian banker. I keep my money in hryvnias. No one would think to look for them there. If unrequited love does not bring happiness, then let it bring money. If a woman gives herself to a man for money, then she is “not a gift.” We just started living well - and the money ran out... Business is a war, where the weapon is money... Alas, in this war I am unarmed. Money is dirt. But dirt is, unfortunately, not money. Did you know that... counting money in someone else's wallet is much easier if you take it away... Which American president doesn't dream of getting into the money?.. Buy dogs! This is the only way to acquire sincere love with money. It’s stupid to be offended by rednecks in a society in which money rules. Lent will begin when money for food runs out. Time is not so much money as lack of money. The smart ones are those who earn money with their minds, and the wise ones are those for whom these smart people work. When a person says “I don’t have money,” this actually means that he has money, but not in the amount he wants. Everyone agrees that power and money spoil people, but no one minds seeing this from their own experience. “The past cannot be changed,” said the physicist. “What are they paying us money for then?” - the historian objected. Volga is a car for those who have money to buy. Good money, like a good dog, loves its owner and does not like others. They say that money corrupts... But mine is so modest! The worst depression is when even money no longer makes you happy. The biggest suckers are those who have money but no happiness. It’s not difficult to make money now; it’s difficult to get it later. They say that money corrupts... But mine is so modest! If money floats into your hands, then it is unlikely that it does not smell. Money doesn't smell. Money doesn’t smell especially strong when it’s not there. Personally, I invest in vodka! Where else can you get 40%? Nothing saves your hard-earned money more than not paying your salary on time. Yes, money is evil, and good is what we buy with this money. Girls from the first year - money thrown away. In good company, nothing runs out as quickly as beer, vodka, money and condoms. The Tootsie band gave a charity concert. All proceeds went towards the hot dog. The greatest evil created by man is money. The favorite pastime of oligarchs is to give out their dirty money at face value. I wanted to share my happiness, but everyone prefers money. Tell me what you spend your money on and I'll tell you where you get it. The main difference between love for money and unselfish love is that love for money is cheaper. Students and money are compatible things, but rarely and not for long. Power is money, and money is power. Small money smells like a cookie, big money smells like prison. ... A dog is not a person, he won’t fuck for money. Saving is a way to spend money without any pleasure. The registry office is the only institution where money is paid for marriage. Looking for a woman? Better look for money! The woman will find you herself. Men love to reproach women that they only need money from them, but somehow they little thought that they often cannot offer them that either. Many people say that money doesn’t smell, but that’s another question - it depends on where you wear it. It is guaranteed that you can place money profitably only with other people’s money and only in your own pockets. There is nothing worse than counting other people's money and fucking YOUR wife... Marriage is a form of sexual perversion in which there is a need to give up years of life, health and money in exchange for disrespect and denial of sex. The main difference between love for money and unselfish love is that love for money is cheaper. What American president doesn't dream of getting money? A person spends the first half of his life to ruin his health and the second to restore it. Time flies, money most often flows away, and some of them run away! He who works all day has no time to earn money. There are three true friends: an old book, an old dog and cash. My wife has found a new way to save her money - she spends mine. Money is an amazing thing - sometimes it’s not there, sometimes it’s not there at all. Most people need money to do nothing. It’s not difficult to make money now; it’s difficult to get it later. — I am an ordinary Ukrainian banker. I keep my money in hryvnias. No one would think to look for them there. If money doesn’t make you happy, it means it’s not yours. Personally, I invest in vodka! Where else can you get 40%? A prostitute takes money not for sleeping with you, but for the fact that, despite this, she does not get on your nerves. Love for money is cheaper. How to marry for love and to a rich man? Gotta love money! The more beautiful a woman is, the faster time and money fly by. Decent money is rarely found among decent people. If a person does not need money, then he becomes dangerous. Are you looking for a woman? Better look for money, and the woman will find you herself. You can't love money more than yourself. - I not only love money, but I am also jealous of others... I made money all night in the dark! Now the sofa is broken and the photocopier hurts... If you want to have a lot of money, then money has you. To spend your money wisely, you only need two things. If a woman gives herself to a man for money, she is not a gift... Anyone can offend a traffic cop. It’s enough to show him that you have money and offer to issue a fine. A girl is like a slot machine - you spend money, but you don’t know whether it will pay you or not. People, while earning money, lose their health, and then lose money trying to restore that same health. Love is when people don’t ask where the money goes. If time is money, then our time has not come yet. can only be bought with money. Sex is the most beautiful, natural, amazing thing that money can buy. Because of our business, laundered money does not grow well. Where is the money from the apartment to which I have the keys? Man follows money, money follows work, work follows man. Man follows work, labor follows money, money follows man. If the best books are not written, then the best money is not earned. People with a lot of money are either protected by the police or wanted by them. Nice girls will help with the housework, do the laundry, cook dinner, ask where the money goes, you bastard. The trouble is not that people have power over money, but that money has power over people. If you don’t love money, then they won’t love you. For money, any fool will work, and I don’t need fools at work.. Marriage is a special form of sexual perversion in which there is a need to give up years of life, health and money in exchange for disrespect and denial of sex. Family happiness happens when the wife does not have time to spend the money her husband earns. Many people dream of such money that they no longer need money. A bank is a place where they will lend you money if you prove that you do not need the money. When optimism ends, money begins. Those who can afford to gamble do not need money, and those who need money cannot afford to gamble. Now explain to me, dear ones, how you can love money with your ears?! Work is not money - it never ends. The registry office is the only institution where money is paid for marriage. Nothing saves time and money like mutual love at first sight. Do not take bribes for any money. Money doesn't last long in skillful women's hands. It is difficult to steal money from our blind beggars' caps without them seeing it. Nowadays it is so difficult to steal that it seems to me that I earned this money. The smart ones are those who earn money with their intelligence, and the wise ones are those for whom the smart ones work. Tampax+! For the same money - a whole centimeter longer!” There are people who can’t even buy cigarettes, because all their money is invested in stocks, gold, and diamonds. If money is not the main thing for you, then the main thing for you is not to tell your boss about it. Women! Do you want to enjoy sex? Demand money! Wish to the accountant: “So that your money is not transferred!” What does “life is good” mean? This is when you go to a store, there is money, but you don’t need anything. Chelyabinsk prostitutes are so harsh that they won’t even give you money. Did you know that if you put money in front of a mirror, its amount doubles? The most sympathetic words: “Take the money - it will come in handy.” How is PR different from advertising? - Advertising is for money. And PR is when it’s for love. If you are not doing your own thing, then you are receiving other people's money. Yesterday two people entered citizen Ivanov’s apartment, said they were from the military registration and enlistment office and took money, a VCR and a TV to the army. “Well, it’s time to earn money,” said Harry Potter and painted his wand with black and white stripes. Women! Do you want to enjoy sex? Demand money! The sharpest criticism of your boss can be heard when you are collecting money for a gift. If you stop loving money, it means you don’t have it. Money saved is money earned! Men are spoiled by women, power and money. In the absence of these, vodka kills them. Money is distributed most fairly in the world: everyone complains about the shortage. Sorry that the money is wet - my wife cried a lot when I took it. Men are spoiled by women, power and money. In the absence of these, vodka kills them. One boy learned too early what drugs were, but he was smart and money began to appear in the house! It’s normal to marry based on your husband’s money and your neighbor’s love, although it’s also normal the other way around. A boutique is a store for those who don’t mind spending their money on goods with logos. PR people have run out of money again - there are elections in Ukraine again. Personally, I invest money in vodka - where else can you get 40%? Both good and bad - this is when money flows like a river, but everything slips through your fingers. The man who vomited on a Big Mac in McDonald's can get his money back. A dog is not a person, he won’t fuck for money. Women spend money wisely! As a result - no money, no intelligence... AvtoVAZ earns good money, taking advantage of the fact that its products have an external resemblance to a car. Only dirty money brings pure profit. To spend money wisely, it is not enough to have intelligence and money, you also need the absence of a woman. It is best to invest money in a wallet. When money disappears, a sense of humor appears. Tags:
funny hero humor jokes aphorisms

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What to do to be rich

Each story of achieving financial independence is original, but there are several ways that will help anyone get rich.

One of these ways is to create passive income. This type of income does not prevent you from working, but allows you to earn additional income. Even a small amount of a few thousand rubles will not be superfluous. Passive income can be different:

  • Receiving interest from a bank deposit or dividends from securities;
  • Renting out housing;
  • Creation of an advertising platform on the Internet;
  • Distribution of network marketing products.

A good option for getting rich is your own business. Of course, starting a business usually requires capital, but there are methods of development without investment. For example, on the Internet you can start making money with your own mind. The field of activity here is unlimited - you can work either as a freelancer or as the owner of your own information business.

Intermediaries of financial transactions receive their commission, and this is also an opportunity to get rich. For example, a realtor with a good client base earns several thousand dollars a month.

Quotes about money

In any country with money circulation, the beginning of life and activity is the desire for money, the destruction of which entails the death of the state. Claude Helvetius

Life is a game and money is a way to keep score. Ted Turner

Money is an idiotic criterion for human achievement, but unfortunately it is the only universal criterion we have. Charles Steinmetz

Money is time. George Gissing

Money, of course, is despotic power, but at the same time it is the highest equality, and this is its main strength. Money compares all inequalities. Fedor Dostoevsky

You can't buy happiness with money, but you can rent it. American saying

Money does not bring happiness, but everyone wants to see this for themselves. Stefan Kiselevsky

Everything I do is done for a good reason, and that reason usually turns out to be money. Susie Parker

I know you can't have everything at once, so I'll start small - with money. Janusz Wasilkowski

Money is thoroughly soaked in our blood. Seneca

Since money is in honor, nothing else has deserved honor: alternately becoming sellers and goods, we ask not “what is this thing?” and “what is the price?” Seneca

They say that money is the root of all evil. The same can be said about lack of money. Samuel Butler

The only thing you can do without money is debt. Heinz Schenk

Not worrying about money is almost the same as not worrying about death. Mario Puzo

There is always money, only pockets change. Gertrude Stein

Money is that. what passes through our hands on the way to the state treasury. "14, LLC Quips & Quotes"

If they tell you it's not about money, then it's none of your business. Bill Clinton

You can’t chase money - you need to meet it halfway. Aristotle Onassis

He who pays late never pays twice. English saying of the 17th century.

Only money can help us forget about that. that we are not rich. Philippe Bouvard

Money is an evil that is destroyed by the purchase of good. G. Malkin

Money is an evil, the absence and even lack of which greatly upsets many. V. Zubkov

Money is like manure: if you don't throw it around, it won't be of much use. F. Bacon

Money is the best gift. Everything else costs too much. author unknown

Money is a good servant, but a bad master. F. Bacon

Money is a kind of sixth sense, without which the other five are incomplete. S. Maugham

Money is what limits and makes our possibilities unlimited, but dulls our abilities. V. Zubkov

Money and time are the heaviest burdens in life. The most unhappy are those who have more of them than they know how to use. S. Johnson

Money and stupidity give the greatest chances of winning elections. "Walton's Rule"

Money either dominates its owner or serves him. Horace

Money does not bring happiness, but it helps a lot to get by without it. author unknown

Money has not made anyone a fool, it only makes fools appear. K. Hubbard

Money spoils a person, the absence of it even more. author unknown

Money, if you have it, is grass; if you don’t, it’s starvation. D. Lawrence

The money you have is an instrument of freedom; those you are chasing are instruments of slavery. J. J. Rousseau

The easiest way to explain what money is is to not have money. author unknown

I always say: the Phoenicians invented money, but exactly a week after the invention there was no longer enough money. A. Tuleyev

You borrow money from others and give it back. M. Svetlov

Big money can be made in two cases: when a new state is created and when it collapses. In creation this process is slower, in destruction it is faster. M. Mitchell

Public finance is the art of passing money around until it disappears. R. Sarnoff

For me, money is nothing, if only I had a cheerful man. But how can he be cheerful without money? Ya. Ipokhorskaya

If you lend, you either lose money or make an enemy. Albanian proverb

The best way to save money is to spend it on time and wisely. "Work"

People who think money can do everything are themselves capable of doing everything for money. P. Buast

Money gives freedom to some, makes slaves to others. V. Zubkov

Wherever money reigns, the money that the people give to maintain their freedom always serves only as an instrument of their own enslavement; and what he pays today of his own free will is used to force him to pay tomorrow under compulsion. J. J. Rousseau

Counting money in someone else's pocket is not good, but it is interesting. L. Krainov-Rytov

Saving your money costs more work than getting it. M. Montaigne

That you can love people - I understand, you can love science - I also understand, I even understand fanatical people who are terribly religious. But I really don’t understand a person who loves money. V. Ginzburg

In market conditions, in order to make money, you need money. And only very great abilities and enormous willpower can break this chain. V. Zubkov

There is not enough money even to understand that happiness does not lie in them. B. Krutier

The more money, the more it is not enough. V. Zubkov

If you can fix a problem with money, then you don't have a problem. X. Mackay

If you want to get rid of a guest who bothers you with his visits, lend him money. B. Franklin

There are things more important than money, but without money you cannot buy these things. P. Merimee

Greed for money, if it is insatiable, is much more painful than need, for the more desires grow, the more needs they generate. Democritus

You can't fight money without money. D. Steinbeck

It is believed that the love of money is the root of all ills. The same can be said about lack of money. S. Butler

An amazing paradox: citizens are much more willing to sacrifice their lives than their money. Alain

A penny can obscure the brightest star if you hold it in front of your eye. S. Grafton

When the main value is the dollar, then no Cathedral of Christ the Savior will help. author unknown

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    Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway

    “In my 90 years, I have known many people who became very rich, but their lives were not successful. I've known people who were very famous for doing things - and they weren't successful. But I didn't know anyone who lived to be 70, surrounded by the love of loved ones, and didn't consider it a success. Your children, partners, colleagues - if they love you when you are 65 or 70 years old - you have succeeded. I saw many people who may have had more talent, more money and fame, but if they didn’t have love, their lives were empty.”

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