17 Screaming Quotes from Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

The human mind is the main instrument of his survival. Life is given to man, survival is not. The body is given to man, food is not. He was given a brain, but not a mind.

John Galt

It's been a long time since I've come across a book that hooked me so much! The book that I read and recognized myself! A book in which words conveyed the thoughts that were constantly spinning in my head!

Over the course of my entire life, I have read more than 500 fiction and business books, but all of them could not be compared in terms of emotions and impressions with the work that now firmly tops my ranking of the best books - Atlas Shrugged!


In February 2015, I was preparing to conduct a training in Kyiv by Maxim Batyrev, the author of the bestseller “45 Manager Tattoos” and one of the best business trainers in the CIS. The crisis was peaking in Ukraine, and I was confused whether we would be able to gather people for the training.

I remember how one evening I wrote to Maxim and expressed my idea of ​​how good it would be to unite in one place all the most talented and smart people from all over the CIS. It seemed to me that such people could build a very strong state.

Maxim answered simply - read Atlanta. I heard a lot about this book, I wanted to read it for a long time, and in the summer of 2015 I finally got around to it.

Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged


Ayn Rand (1905-1982) is our former compatriot who became the greatest American writer. Author of four best-selling novels and numerous articles. The creator of a philosophical concept based on the principle of free will, the primacy of rationality and the “morality of reasonable egoism.” ...

In my opinion, there is only one form of human fall - loss of purpose.

You are afraid of someone who has a dollar less than you, this dollar rightfully belongs to him, because of him you feel like a moral debtor; you hate someone who has a dollar more than you, that dollar rightfully belongs to you, and you feel morally robbed. The one who stands below you is the source of your guilt, the one who stands above is the source of your irritation.

And during all the crusades against corruption, the solution was seen not in giving freedom to its victims, but in giving more power to the extortionists.

The experience of many years of struggle taught him that unmotivated enmity is not as terrible as unmotivated care. There was always danger behind her.

He who sympathizes with the guilty deprives the right of sympathy. Now ask yourself who is insensitive. Then you will understand what principle is opposed to charity. - Which one? - she whispered. — Justice, Sherryl.

“Just don’t be afraid, but learn” - Sherryl repeated these words to herself so often that this thought already seemed to her like a pillar, polished to a shine by her helplessly sliding down body; this pillar has supported her throughout the past year.

In a world where reason is declared a fiction, where the moral right is recognized to rule through brute force, to oppress knowledge in the interests of ignorance, to sacrifice the best for the worst, in such a world the best must oppose society and become its mortal enemy.

This is the flaw in their system: they instantly take up arms against an honest and worthy person, but give them a worthless slacker, and they will see in him pleasant and safe - safe! - person.

It did not occur to those who demanded attention to the sick, making the life of the healthy unbearable, that a person who is ready to work under pressure is a cattle to whom it is dangerous to entrust even a soulless burden, let alone human health.

<…> As if the question was asked not to him personally, but to the inexplicable anxiety that lurked in his soul.

Everyone who voted for the plan thought that now was an opportunity to put their paws into the pockets of more capable people. No matter how rich or smart a person is, he still considers someone richer or smarter than himself - and this plan gives part of the wealth and talents of those who are better than him. But, hoping to rob people who were higher, the person forgot about the people who were lower and also received the right to rob others. He forgot that the lower ones could rob him just as he wanted to rob those higher. The worker who liked the idea that by expressing his needs he would be entitled to a limousine just like his boss's, forgot that every lazy person and beggar could lay claim to owning a refrigerator just like his.

The reporters gathered for the press conference at the offices of John Galt Incorporated were young men who had been taught to think that their job was to hide from the world the nature of events taking place in it. Their daily duty was to act as listeners to some public figure who, in carefully chosen phrases, devoid of any meaning, spoke about the welfare of society. Their daily job was to collect these words in any acceptable combinations, but so that they did not line up in a sequential chain expressing something specific.

“Why, I can,” answered Midas Mulligan when he was asked if he could name a person worse than the one whose heart knows no pity. - A person who uses self-pity as a weapon.

Then by what right do you argue about what it means to be human? Are you the one who betrayed the man in you?

It was March thirty-first—the only inevitable certainty.

Refusal to acknowledge reality always leads to disastrous consequences.

Show me the woman he sleeps with and I'll tell you how he views himself.

I can offer only one useful consideration: based on the essence and nature of being, contradictions do not exist. If you find it incredible that the invention of a genius could be abandoned among the ruins, and that a philosopher could want to work as a cook in a cafe, check your premises; you will find that one of them is incorrect.

There were times when people were afraid that someone would reveal secrets that were unknown to their neighbors. Today they are afraid that someone will say out loud what everyone knows about.

You see, Dr. Stadler, people don't want to think. The deeper they dive into their worries, the less they want to think. But subconsciously they feel that they should think and feel guilty. Therefore, they will bless and follow the advice of anyone who finds an excuse for their reluctance to think; anyone who will turn into a virtue - a super-intellectual virtue - what they consider to be their sin, their weakness, their guilt.

Thought is a weapon that a person uses to act.

Based on the essence and nature of existence, there are no contradictions... Check the source data, one of them is incorrect...

Do you know the hallmark of mediocrity? Resentment at another's success.

My morality, the morality of reason, is contained in one axiom: reality exists; in one choice - to live. Everything else flows from here. To live, a person must consider three things to be the highest and decisive values: Reason, Purpose, Self-Respect. Reason as the only instrument of knowledge, Purpose as the choice of happiness, which this instrument must achieve, Self-respect as the inviolable confidence that he is able to think, and his personality is worthy of happiness, which means worthy of life. These three values ​​require all the virtues of man, and all his virtues are related to the relation of existence and consciousness: rationality, independence, purity, honesty, justice, efficiency, pride.

“I have never despised luxury,” he said, “although I have always despised people who bathe in luxury.” I looked at what they called their entertainment, and it seemed so insignificant and meaningless to me - after what I felt at the factory. I saw how steel was cooked, how, at my request, tons of molten metal flowed wherever I wanted. And then he would go to a banquet and see people reverently shaking over their gold dishes and lace tablecloths, as if it was not the dining room that was meant to serve them, but they it, as if they were not the ones who owned the diamond cufflinks and necklaces, but vice versa. Then I ran to the first pile of slag I noticed - and they said that I didn’t know how to enjoy life because I only thought about business.

A man looks for a reflection of himself in a woman.

What is a person? Just a bunch of chemical components combined with delusions of grandeur.

Is there some terrible and very important mistake in what we were taught?

I swear on my life and love for it that I will never live for another person, and I will never ask or force another person to live for me.

Value is what a person obtains and preserves by his actions; virtue is the action by which he obtains and preserves value. Value presupposes a criterion—a goal and the necessity of action in the face of choice. Where there is no choice, the existence of values ​​is impossible.

Are only death and taxes real in life?

The greatest feeling in life is not to believe, but to know.

...the most important duty of man is the duty to act...

Things as they are are things as the mind perceives them. Tear them away from the mind, and they will become what your desire perceives them to be.

Why do you think what you think?

If there are not enough reasons to blame a person, you need to come up with them. If we convince a person that looking at spring flowers is a crime and he believes us, and then looks at them, we can do whatever we want with him. He won't defend himself.

Why are people ready to renounce the best moments in their lives as sinful? Why do they betray the best in themselves? What made them believe that the earth is the kingdom of evil, and hopelessness is their destiny.

- So, you think that money is the source of all troubles and the root of evil? - asked Francisco D'Anconia. —Have you ever thought about what is the source of money itself? Money itself is only a means of exchange; its existence is impossible without the production of goods and people who know how to produce. Money gives weight and form to the basic principle that people who wish to deal with each other must communicate through exchange, giving one value for another. In the hands of slackers and beggars, begging with tears for the fruits of your labor, or bandits who take them from you by force, money loses its meaning and ceases to be a means of exchange. Money became possible thanks to people who knew how to produce. Apparently, in your opinion, they are the source of all troubles?

Features of the book

Atlas Shrugged - the doctrine of entrepreneurship.

Typically, in book reviews, I include the main ideas, favorite thoughts, and tips. I’ll tell you what I put into practice myself.

But here is a separate case: the book itself is a reflection of the principles of a successful and purposeful entrepreneur. The idea: “Take this advice and get results” does not apply to her. Only those who are close to the culture of entrepreneurship can understand it.

At the same time, Atlas Shrugged is, first and foremost, a fiction book. The destinies and stories of various characters are intertwined in it, the storyline keeps you in suspense until the very last page.

The book was written almost 60 years ago, but the writer Ayn Rand very well managed to depict the problems of society and their dependence on the development of entrepreneurship and the intellectual level of the country.

In places, I would like to call the author a prophet, because the problems described in the book are clearly visible in Ukraine - the lack of support for the business sector from the state, and, as a result, the outflow of intellectual capital.

It’s no wonder that book sales boomed in America in 2008 – the beginning of the financial crisis. And before that, the book received mostly negative reviews - it was considered propaganda for “decaying capitalism.” Nobody liked to read the truth and come face to face with objective reality.

internet news


: Ayn Rand
: Atlas Shrugged
: Romance, Science Fiction, Detective
Year of publication
: 1957

Never be angry with a person for telling the truth.

A man looks for a reflection of himself in a woman.

“If you can't make a decision because of a conflict between your head and your heart,” Galt said, “trust your mind.”

Each person builds the world in his own image and likeness. He has the opportunity to choose, but there is no way to avoid the need to choose.

This was the greatest feeling of life: not to believe, but to know.

Do you know the hallmark of mediocrity? Resentment at another's success.

True selfless love consists of the willingness to lie, to deceive in order to make another person happy, in order to create for him the reality that he is looking for, if he does not like the one in which he lives.

A person's sexual choice is the result and sum of his core beliefs. Tell me what a person finds sexually attractive, and I will tell you his entire philosophy of life. Show me the woman he sleeps with and I'll tell you about his self-esteem (Francisco d'Anconia).

Many people will try to hurt you for the good they see in you, knowing that it is good, envying it and punishing you for it.

They say love is blind, sex is deaf to reason and mocks all philosophical ideas. But in reality, sexual choice is the result of a person's core beliefs. Tell me what a man finds sexually attractive and I'll tell you his entire life philosophy. Show me the woman he sleeps with and I'll tell you how he views himself. And no matter what nonsense they feed him about the value of altruism, sex is the most selfish of all actions, an action that is performed only for one’s own pleasure. Just try to imagine sexual intercourse in the spirit of self-denial and voluntary giving - an act that is impossible in self-humiliation, only in self-exaltation, only in the confidence that you are desired and that you are worthy of this desire. This action forces a person to bare the spirit as well as the body, and recognize his true Self as the measure of his worth. A man is always attracted to a woman who reflects his deepest vision of himself, a woman whose conquest will allow him to feel - or pretend to feel - a sense of self-worth. A man who is confident in his own worth will want to possess a woman of the highest type, the woman he adores, the strongest and the most inaccessible, because only possessing a heroine will give him a feeling of satisfaction. Owning a simple prostitute will give you nothing (Francisco D'Anconia).

You, whom I always loved, but never found, you, whom I dreamed of seeing at the end of the road beyond the horizon...

Sometimes there would be moments like today, when she suddenly felt an unbearable emptiness, not even emptiness, but silence, not despair, but immobility, as if everything within herself had stopped without any special problems. Then she felt a desire to receive short-term joy from outside, a desire to be an outside observer of someone else's work or greatness. Not to possess, but only to surrender; do not act, but only react; not to create, but to admire. Only then can I continue to exist, because happiness is fuel for the soul.

There are no worthless jobs, but there are worthless people who will not be satisfied with any job (Ellis Wyeth).

If you intend to keep your word, you don’t need to assure me of it, just keep it and that’s it.

I swear on my life and my love for it that I will never live for another person and will never ask or force another person to live for me.

Only those whose aspirations have faded are lost forever (Francisco D'Anconia).

If the pleasure of one of us requires sacrifice from the other, then there will be no deal. Trading in which one person wins and the other loses is cheating. You don't do that in business, do you? Don't do this in your personal life either (Dagney Taggart).

Show me the woman he sleeps with and I'll tell you how he views himself.

You can feel truly at ease only when you realize your importance (Dagney Taggart).

Everything is very simple. If you tell a beautiful woman that she is beautiful, what are you giving her? This is nothing more than a fact, and it cost you nothing. Loving a woman for her merits is pointless. She deserved it. This is a payment, not a gift. But loving a woman for her vices is a real gift, because she doesn’t deserve it. To love her for her vices is to defile all notions of virtue for her sake, and this is the true tribute of love, because you sacrifice your conscience, your reason, your honesty and your invaluable self-respect.

If the pleasure of one is bought by the suffering of another, it is better to refuse the transaction altogether. When one wins and the other loses, it is not a deal, but a fraud (Dagney Taggart).

Book idea

The idea that formed the basis of the book is a comparison of the entrepreneurial class with the hero of ancient Greek myths, Atlas, who held the globe on his shoulders.

It is the entrepreneurial class that Ayn Rand assigns the main role in the development of the country's economy and society as a whole, and believes that they are the engines of progress.

With her novel, the writer tries to convey what could happen to society if Atlas straightens its shoulders (read, stops developing business) - society will begin to lose jobs, production will decline and social tension will increase.

I want to emphasize a key point: in the book, the author praises real entrepreneurs who created and developed their business independently, and did not take over other people’s businesses through criminal means.

Less than 30 days

Here are quotes from a writer whose books have become a real revelation for many of us. Ayn Rand doesn’t just talk, she shouts in the voices of her heroes about the most painful things - about disappointments, love, money, heroes and mediocrities. And all this so that we, like her Atlas, can finally straighten our shoulders. Our selection contains the most striking revelations of this unusual personality.

1. He never asked them for anything. It was they who sought to own him, it was they who made constant claims to him. Moreover, these claims had the appearance of affection, which, however, was more difficult for him to endure than any kind of hatred. For some unknown reason, these people began to love him, without wanting to know why he wanted to be loved.

2. These people have power over you because you give yourself no mercy. They indulge their emotions. You sacrifice your feelings. They don't want to tolerate anything. You are ready to endure anything. They avoid responsibility. All you do is take it upon yourself. But don't you see that this is essentially the same mistake? Refusal to acknowledge reality always leads to disastrous consequences.

3. Do you know the hallmark of mediocrity? Resentment at another's success. These touchy mediocrities are trembling over how no one will overtake them. They have no idea how lonely it is when you reach the top. This feeling of longing is alien to them, when you so want to see a person equal to you, a mind worthy of admiration, and an achievement that can be admired.

4. People don't want to think. The deeper they dive into their worries, the less they want to think. But subconsciously they feel that they should think and feel guilty. Therefore, they will bless and follow the advice of anyone who finds an excuse for their reluctance to think. Anyone who will turn into virtue what they consider to be their sin, their weakness, their guilt.

5. Wealth is the result of a person’s ability to think. Money itself is only a means. They will lead you to any goal, but will not replace you at the helm. Money will satisfy your aspirations and desires, but will not replace your goals and dreams.

6. Who is the basest among people? A person without a goal.

7. How does a person feel surrounded by mediocrity and dullness? Hatred? No, not hatred, but boredom - terrible, hopeless, paralyzing boredom. What are the flattery and praise of people you don’t respect worth?

8. If you try to use money to surround yourself with those who are taller and smarter than you in order to gain prestige, you will end up falling victim to those below you. A man cannot be less than his money, otherwise it will crush him.

9. There is nothing more important in life than how you do your job. There is nothing. It is most important. And your essence is manifested precisely in this. This is the only measure of a person's worth.

10. What makes you confident is a moral principle.

11. A person who curses money received it dishonestly, a person who respects money deserves it. Walk away without looking back from anyone who tells you that money is evil. These words are the bell of a leper, the clang of a bandit's weapon.

12. There are no bad thoughts; only refusal to think is evil. Don't neglect your desires. Don't sacrifice them. Investigate their cause.

13. I do not accept or make sacrifices. If the pleasure of one is bought by the suffering of another, it is better to refuse the transaction altogether. When one wins and the other loses, it is not a deal, but a fraud.

14. Do you know what your only real fault is? You have not learned to enjoy, although you have the greatest abilities for this. You give up your own pleasure too easily. You are willing to put up with too much.

15. It is impossible to control innocent people. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there are not enough criminals, they are created. So many things are declared criminal that it becomes impossible to live without breaking laws. You are creating a state of lawbreakers and profiting from guilt. This is the game.

16. A person cannot be rendered harmless except by accusing him. Accusing him of something he can plead guilty to. If he has ever stolen a dime before, you can give him the penalty prescribed for a safecracker, and he will accept it. He will endure any adversity and believe that he does not deserve better. If there are not enough reasons to blame a person, you need to come up with them.

17. They say that love is blind, sex is deaf to reason and mocks all philosophical ideas. But in reality, sexual choice is the result of a person's core beliefs. Tell me what a man finds sexually attractive and I'll tell you his entire life philosophy. Show me the woman he sleeps with and I'll tell you how he views himself.

In the Main Idea Library you can read or listen to a review of Tal Ben-Shahar's book, Which Will You Choose?
Decisions that affect your life." Every day, every minute, with every word and action we make a choice that determines our entire future destiny. Let this book help you understand your path, as it has already helped many people around the world. Share

Plot of the book

The plot of the book takes place against the backdrop of the economic crisis in America. The state opposes big business and oppresses it in every possible way, which only leads to a worsening of the situation.

As a result, large businessmen are divided into several categories: some join the government, others try to resist, and others close their business and disappear. The second category includes 2 key characters of the book - industrialist Hank Riordan and Dagny Taggert, vice president of the railway company.

It is Dagny who begins to notice that most of the entrepreneurs she knows leave their businesses and go missing, and goes in search of them.

What did you like about the book?

Of course, if you sit down and start describing the storyline of the book in detail, it will take at least 30 hours of time

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