Richard Bach Quotes

Richard Bach. Quotes

Richard David Bach is an American writer, philosopher and essayist. Born in 1936. Author of the famous fairy tale parable “Jonathan Livingston Seagull.”

The important thing is not whether we lose in the game, but what matters is how we lose and how we will change because of it, what new things we will learn for ourselves, and how we can apply it in other games. In a strange way, defeat can turn out to be victory.

Even the most beautiful and powerful idea is completely useless until we decide to use it.

You don't create your own reality. You create your own visible world.

It was enough for our thoughts to change - and the world around us also changed.

Remember where you came from and where you are going, and above all, think about why you created the mess you got yourself into.

The truth you speak has neither past nor future. She simply exists and that is enough for her.

What you see is your own consciousness. If you lift this curtain, how the scene will change!

There are peaks, having climbed which you no longer go down, but, spreading your wings, fly upward.

If you live according to the highest laws of your soul, the result of the game does not matter. No matter how it ends, it will end right.

Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to make it come true. However, you may have to work hard for this.

The best thoughts come at the most unlikely times.

Don't turn away from a possible future until you are sure there is nothing there for you to learn.

You are free to be yourself, you are free to realize your true essence and be it, here and now, and nothing can stop you.

Heaven is neither a place nor a time. Heaven is the attainment of perfection.

We have the right to fly wherever we want and be who we were created to be.

Have you ever felt like you were missing someone you've never met?

I really value two things - spiritual closeness and the ability to bring joy.

If you want magic to come into your life, give up your defenses. Magic is many times stronger than steel!

Love in marriage lasts as long as the husband and wife continue to be interested in each other's thoughts.

Even if you met each other through the laws of divine attraction, you will have to seriously work on very difficult tasks.

Wherever you go, you are always with the one you love most, at the starting point of an infinite perspective.

If you want someone to remain in your life, never treat them with indifference.

Two people start to get bored not when they are physically in one place for a long time. They get bored if they are far from each other mentally and spiritually.

A soulmate is someone who has the keys to our locks, and whose locks our keys fit into. When we feel safe enough to open our locks, then our most authentic selves come out to meet each other and we can be fully and authentically who we are. Then we are loved for who we are, and not for who we try to be. Each brings out the best sides of the other. And despite everything that makes us suffer, with this person we feel well-being like in heaven. A soul mate is someone who shares our deepest aspirations and our chosen direction of movement. If the two of us are moving upward like balloons, there is a very high probability that we have found the right person in each other. A soul mate is the one through whom you begin to live an authentic life.

You are the reason I am who you know me in your life.

We have to admit that we are alone on this planet, each of us is completely alone, and the sooner we admit this, the better for us.

The opposite of loneliness is not living together, but spiritual closeness.

Troubles are not the worst thing that can happen to us, the worst thing is when nothing happens to us! There is no misfortune that cannot become a blessing, and there is no blessing that cannot turn into a misfortune.

Sacrifice is giving up something desired for something unwanted. She is never needed.

There is no problem that does not have a priceless gift for you. You are creating problems for yourself because you desperately need these gifts.

Every turn that you fear is just an emptiness that pretends to be an insurmountable underworld.

Never tell yourself: “I can’t.” By doing this you are depriving yourself of power.

No person can solve the problems of another person whose problem is that he does not want his problems to be solved.

If you want to have something you've never had, start doing something you've never done.

Success is an idea plus an embodied choice. Look around: everything you see, everything you can touch with your hands, was once just an invisible idea until someone brought it to life.

If you once learn to be fictional, you will understand that fictional characters are sometimes more real than people in the flesh and with a perfect pulse.

The purpose of life is the search for perfection, and the task of each of us is to bring its manifestation in ourselves as close as possible.

That which fascinates us also guides and protects. A passionate obsession with something we love—sails, airplanes, ideas—and an unstoppable magical current paves the way for us, forward, reducing the importance of rules, common sense and disagreement to nothing, carrying us through the deepest gorges of differences of opinion. Without the power of this love, we become boats stuck in a calm sea of ​​hopeless boredom, and this is fatal...

Just because you have not comprehended the truth, it does not cease to be the truth.

As long as we believe in our dreams, nothing is accidental.

To attract something into your life, imagine that it is already there.

By your own will, you found yourself in a world that you created for yourself. What you hold in your heart will come true, what you admire most is what you will become.

We attract into our lives everything we think about.

Live in such a way that you will never be ashamed if something you do or say becomes known to the whole world, even if what becomes known is not true.

Every person who appears in your life, all the events that happen to you - all this happens to you because it was you who attracted them here. And what you do with all this next is your choice.

Richard Bach Quotes

On a blue screen, when one caller hangs up, the other caller and the audience hear short beeps. In real life everything is more and more terrible. When one of the telephone interlocutors hangs up, the second one will be isolated. For a long time he will listen to the terrifying and depressing silence that can last forever. - Richard Bach

Lectures on the discreteness of the space-time interval lead to practical results and continuity of signals and judgments.

It’s easy to leave a person close to you - pay attention to him, and leave indifference for others.

An easy, cloudless life ultimately teaches nothing, it just relaxes you. A hard life, accumulated experience, a happy and stormy childhood prepares for the blows of fate.

R. Bach: The goal of life's journey is the eternal search for perfection. The ideal can be brought as close as possible, but perfection is impossible to achieve.

Along the path of life and recognition you are led by an invisible and ghostly being, thirsty for knowledge, which is simply called “I”. The future is interesting as long as the unquenched spark of knowledge and perfection glimmers in it.

Elementary questions conceal a snag and a mystery. Over time, the answers to them sometimes change dramatically. Think about it. Where do you live? Who are the parents? Where is your home? What are you doing? Where are you going? What's your name?

Read the continuation of beautiful quotes by Richard Bach on the pages:

There are no mistakes. The events that we attract into our lives, no matter how unpleasant they may be for us, are necessary for us to learn what we need to learn. Whatever our next step is, it is necessary in order to reach the place where we have chosen to go.

If your happiness depends on what others do, then you might actually have a problem.

No matter how skilled and worthy you are, you will not achieve a better life until you, firstly, imagine it and, secondly, allow it to yourself.

Don't be afraid of breakups. It is necessary to say goodbye so that you can meet again. Time will pass, and a new meeting will definitely take place if you are friends.

To attract something into your life, imagine that it is already there.

If an inspired innocent loving dreamer with his head in the clouds believes in a Universe of joy and light and perfect being - and if he is mistaken and dies, then it is not he who is mistaken, but the Universe.

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the sage calls the birth of a butterfly.

Before you change, something incredibly important to you must be at risk.

The depth of closeness to another person is inversely proportional to the number of other people in our life.

You can tell a lot about a person if you know what exactly brings him comfort.

If you want someone to stay in your life, never treat them with indifference!

Richard Bach - born June 23, 1936, Oak Park, Illinois, USA. American writer, philosopher, publicist. Author of works - “Stranger on Earth”, “Nothing by Chance”, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”, “Illusions”, “Flight from Safety”, “Beyond My Mind”, “Hypnosis for Mary”, etc.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases - Richard Bach

  • Perspective - use it or turn away from it.
  • We attract into our lives everything we think about.
  • We are all learners—performers, teachers, learners.
  • Dreams about flying were and are my favorite ones.
  • If perfection were stagnant, then heaven would be a swamp.
  • If the crowd is frightened, it either crucifies or worships.
  • What the caterpillar calls the End of the World, the Teacher calls the butterfly.
  • My thoughts have no nationality, no borders, no governments.
  • Your conscience is the measure of the sincerity of your desire to be yourself.
  • Gray boredom, and fear, and anger are the reasons that life is so short.
  • A true family is bound not by ties of blood, but by ties of respect and joy.
  • After the word “God,” “love” is the most overused word in any language.
  • By claiming that you cannot do something, you deprive yourself of omnipotence.
  • Life requires that you understand the consequences of every choice you make.
  • Humanity is not determined by physical laws, it is a spiritual goal.
  • In order to live freely and happily, you must sacrifice boredom.
  • You teach best what you most need to learn yourself.
  • The merits of a teacher cannot be judged by the size of the crowd that follows him.
  • The only objectively existing law is the one that gives liberation.
  • The flight of thought and the flight of wind and wings are equally material phenomena.
  • Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to make it come true.
  • There is not a single problem that is so big that you cannot escape from it.
  • If you want someone to remain in your life, never treat them with indifference.
  • I don’t give advice to anyone but myself, and I don’t think that my choice can cause envy.
  • The happiest person is the one who found his favorite activity and was able to bring it to life.
  • My life has made me realize that we, as individuals, determine the path we follow.
  • When you feel sympathy for someone, and you know in your heart everything that he feels, this is love.
  • When I had no one to talk to, I talked to myself, and later to the characters in my books.
  • Never turn your back on a possible future until you are convinced that you have nothing to learn from it.
  • After defeating space, only Here remains. And after the victory over time - only Now.
  • The purpose of life is the search for perfection, and the task of each of us is to bring its manifestation in ourselves as close as possible.
  • Remember where you came from and where you are going, and above all, think about why you created the mess you got yourself into.
  • Literature is an eminently human magic, a great gift that no other living thing possesses.
  • A person gets used to being alone, but break this loneliness for even a day and you will have to get used to it again.
  • The only difference between me and my friends was that over the years the thought did not leave me - who we really are.
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