How to find inspiration for life and creativity: 14 proven methods + life hacks from great people

Beautiful quotes about creativity (200 quotes)

People always associate the concept of creativity with something beautiful and lofty. After all, creativity is first and foremost about people. How many people, so many opinions. Everyone likes something different and this also has its own peculiarity. Creativity can quite easily both unite a group of people and, on the contrary, it can quarrel them among themselves, but at the same time it will always be relevant. This section contains beautiful quotes about creativity.

Man was born for great joy, for unceasing creativity, in which he is God, for broad, free, unconstrained love for everything: for a tree, for the sky, for a person.

Thoughts are either your faithful servants or tyrant masters, depending on who you allow them to be.

Traces of generations will disappear, But talent lives, genius is immortal.

Creativity requires courage.

Most of those who complain about lack of talent haven't tried much in life.

Talent, like character, manifests itself in struggle. Some people adapt to circumstances, others defend such necessary human principles as honor, integrity, and loyalty. The opportunists disappear. The principled ones, having overcome all difficulties, remain.

Denial of one's talent is always a guarantee of talent.

Happy is the one who does what he loves. And doubly happy is the one who devoted himself to this not out of necessity, but because he himself decided so.

The work is a flawed design.

Talent is faith in yourself, in your strength.

Ideas float in the collective consciousness, and a prepared mind is able to translate this information into the language of people.

There is hardly the highest of pleasures than the pleasure of creating.

Ability means little without opportunity.

With the legal right to create what you want, you are completely free as a creator.

There are no incapable people. There are those who are unable to determine their abilities and develop them. And since these problems are solved in childhood, it is primarily the parents’ fault. Without their help, the child cannot solve these problems.

The great creations of the human spirit are like mountain peaks: their snow-white peaks rise higher and higher before us, the further we move from them.

Never underestimate those insights that are simple enough to fit on a napkin.

Creative work is wonderful, extraordinarily hard and amazingly joyful work.

The best thing an active parent can do is make sure that a child with special needs has every opportunity to be creative.

You can make lemonade from any lemon, even the most sour one.

Don't you know if you have talent yet? Give it time to mature, and even if it doesn’t exist, does a person really need poetic talent in order to live and act?

All sciences are so interconnected that it is easier to study them all at once than any one of them separately from all the others.

Energy comes with an idea.

The ability to create is a great gift of nature, the act of creativity in the creative soul is a great sacrament, a minute of creativity is a minute of great sacred action.

Man's abilities, so far as experience and analogy teach us, are limitless; there is no reason to suppose even any imaginary limit at which the human mind will stop.

A whole treasure lies under your fear.

You can't learn creative techniques. Every creator has his own techniques. One can only imitate higher techniques, but this leads nowhere, and one cannot penetrate into the work of the creative spirit.

The creator of poverty does not know. Far from worldly bounties, He is not busy with the acquisition of riches, He gets them from the soul.

There is no person on this planet with the same talent or with the same expression of that talent.

True talents do not get angry because of criticism:/It cannot damage their beauty,/Only fake flowers are afraid of rain.

Only strong talent can embody an era.

There are no obstacles to the mind except those we create for ourselves.

I close my eyes to see better.

Everyone feels what their strength is, which they can count on.

When you encounter something you don't understand, ask yourself, "What's wrong?" Take a closer look at the incomprehensible phenomenon. It can lead you to a great discovery.

The first stage of all creativity is self-forgetfulness.

The fountain of youth exists: it is your intelligence, talent, creativity that you bring into your life and the lives of your loved ones. When you learn to drink from this source, you will truly conquer age.

Luck is a powerful deity that will not waste its time on those who are not ready to use it.

Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for that all other pleasures no longer exist.

Even if you are bored, sad or just lazy – immediately pull yourself together and go create something positive!

Go out and buy yourself a five cent pencil with a ten cent pad and start jotting down million dollar ideas!

The creator of poverty does not know. Far from worldly bounties, He is not busy with the acquisition of riches, He gets them from the soul.

Ingenuity lies precisely in the ability to compare things and recognize their connections. –

Luck is nothing more than the result of preparedness and opportunity. Unknown

Mastery is when the “what” and “how” come together.

Every person can be creative, but not everyone can realize their potential.

Million dollar ideas come into my head every day, but I don't believe it.

Great talents are alien to pettiness.

The objectivity of a genius does not correlate with the objectivity of an ordinary person, because only the former, being a regiment commander, can see the situation from the position of a corps commander.

If you were born without wings, don't stop them from growing.

No one knows what his powers are until he uses them.

You need to love what you do, and then work - even the roughest - rises to creativity.

You were born an original - don't die a copy.

What is talent? Talent is the ability to say or express well where mediocrity will say and express poorly.

He who creates loves himself in it; therefore, he has to hate himself in the deepest way - in this hatred he knows no measure.

You can't let narrow-minded people limit your way of thinking.

What is the main sign of real talent? This is constant development, constant self-improvement.

To strictly follow your inclinations and to be at their mercy means to be a slave to yourself.

Ideas are capital that earn interest only in the hands of talent.

Some are colorless in the first row, but shine in the second.

Every person is a creator, for he creates something from various innate factors and capabilities.

Our brain is a very powerful weapon, too powerful to be left unattended.

Don't be proud - create. God created the world in a moment of humility.

Creativity... is an integral, organic property of human nature... It is a necessary accessory of the human spirit. It is as legitimate in a person, perhaps, as two hands, like two legs, like a stomach. It is inseparable from man and forms a whole with him.

The most valuable quality in life is eternal curiosity, which does not fade over the years and is reborn every morning.

Only in creativity there is joy - everything else is dust and vanity.

Only at the end of the work does it become clear where to start.

Don't let anyone create your world because your world will always be small.

Everything that causes the transition from non-existence to being is creativity.

Where there is life and freedom, there is room for new creativity.

Time polishes us. Either with pain or with a wound. The more often the hits, the better the cut. We won’t become a masterpiece of art right away. Every diamond was once a diamond.

The highest talent will easily disgrace himself if someone who is too self-confident wants to measure his strength the first time in a matter that requires enormous preliminary information, maturity of mind in judgment and experience in life.

True talents do not get angry because of criticism: She cannot damage their beauty, Only fake flowers are afraid of rain.

The artist is distinguished by the fact that there are moments in his life when he feels more than human.

The creative process in its very course acquires new qualities, becomes more complex and richer.

To work is to create, and creativity is the only deep and real joy that a person can experience in this life.

Genius is continuous attention.

Ordinary people are only concerned with passing the time, and those who have any talent are concerned with taking advantage of the time.

Discoveries are made when everyone thinks that this cannot be, but one person does not know it.

It is helpful to sometimes turn your mind upside down, like an hourglass, to allow its contents to flow in a different direction.

Creativity gives birth to a creator.

Creativity is an integral, organic property of human nature. It is a necessary accessory of the human spirit. It is as legitimate in a person, perhaps, as two hands, like two legs, like a stomach. It is inseparable from man and forms a whole with him.

The great creations of the human spirit are like mountain peaks: their snow-white peaks rise higher and higher before us, the further we move from them.

It's never too late. We just don't know what we're capable of.

His creativity reached a double bottom.

Any worker, be it a writer, artist, composer, scientist, scientist or cultural worker, cannot create without being separated from social work and from life. Without impressions, delight, inspiration, without life experience - there is no creativity.

You can't stay in the shadows if you're shining the light.

Discoveries are made when everyone thinks that this cannot be, but one person does not know it.

Creativity... is an integral, organic property of human nature... It is a necessary accessory of the human spirit. It is as legitimate in a person, perhaps, as two hands, like two legs, like a stomach. It is inseparable from man and forms a whole with him.

Everyone has an epiphany at least once in their life. But, as a rule, we take it for an obsession.

Great talents are the products of painful passion.

Only strong talent can embody an era.

The more creative the idea, the more resistance it encounters.

Creativity is the beginning that gives a person immortality.

There is hardly the highest of pleasures than the pleasure of creating.

Creativity comes when you are relaxed, happy and enjoying the present.

The impulse to create can fade away just as easily as it arose if left without food.

To refuse risk means to refuse creativity.

I don't have any special talent. I'm just curious.

Where there is life and freedom, there is room for new creativity.

Everything that causes the transition from non-existence to being is creativity.

The golden opportunity you are looking for is within you. It is not in your environment, it is not in luck or chance, or the help of other people, it is in you.

True talents do not go unrewarded: there is an audience, there is posterity. The main thing is not to receive, but to deserve.

It seems to us that people have little knowledge of both their capabilities and their strengths: they exaggerate the former, and underestimate the latter.

The ability to see the miraculous in the ordinary is an invariable sign of wisdom.

Doing easily what is difficult for others is talent; doing what is impossible for talent is genius.

I like to be busy, focused and creative. If I stop creating, I will become dead.

Criticism is when a critic explains to the author what he would do if he could.

An artist's career always begins tomorrow.

The ability to create is a great gift of nature; the act of creativity, in the creative soul, is a great sacrament; a minute of creativity is a minute of great sacred rite.

A fire goes out if you don't throw wood into it.

The level of honor of society depends on the level of respect (even reverence, worship) of talent; there is no greater blow to honor than the triumph of mediocrity.

The creative process in its very course acquires new qualities, becomes more complex and richer.

What comes from the heart reaches the heart.

It seems to us that people have little knowledge of both their capabilities and their strengths: they exaggerate the former, and underestimate the latter.

Just as there is anonymous creativity, there are authors who are real creators, although they have not created anything.

If your actions inspire others, dream more, learn more, do more and become more.

I generally don’t believe in the power of talent alone, without hard work. Without it, the greatest talent will fizzle out, just as a spring will die out in the desert, not making its way through the sands.

The need for beauty and creativity, which embodies it, is inseparable from a person, and without it a person, perhaps, would not want to live in the world.

When you draw a branch, you need to hear the breath of the wind. Japanese proverb

Ingenuity lies precisely in the ability to compare things and recognize their connections.

The secret of creativity is the ability to hide the sources of your inspiration.

Write a book that you yourself would like to read.

In creativity, maximum output does not deplete, but tones.

Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for him all other pleasures no longer exist.

The air is full of ideas. They are constantly knocking on your head. You just have to know what you want, then forget it and do your thing. The idea will come suddenly. It has always been this way.

The great creations of the human spirit are like mountain peaks: their snow-white peaks rise higher and higher before us, the further we move from them.

I don't recognize the word "play". You can play cards, horse races, checkers. You need to live on stage.

If you have talent, don't be afraid that you're unlucky now.

Man's abilities, as far as experience and analogy teach us, are limitless; there is no reason to believe even some imaginary limit at which the human mind will stop.

Creativity is a joint meditation of God and man.

Where your thoughts are, there you are. Try to always be in a good place!

All creativity is essentially prayer. All creativity is directed into the ear of the Almighty.

Inspiration is like first love, when the heart beats loudly in anticipation of amazing meetings, unimaginably beautiful eyes, smiles and omissions.

Talent is the ability to do something that no one taught us.

Always remain unsatisfied: this is the essence of creativity.

Everything that causes the transition from non-existence to being is creativity.

Insight should be like being pricked by a needle: you should jump up and do something.

It’s wonderful to invent yourself, but to know and appreciate what others have found is less than to create.

Creativity is a passion that dies in form.

Thoughts that come to you by the sea should not be expressed by the river.

Great talent requires great hard work.

Artists often have the feeling that they are not the true creators of their works.

Desires do not like to be introduced to possibilities.

Talent must be encouraged.

Where there is certainty, there is no room for creativity.

Once you know your worth, keep your trade secret.

It has long been noted that talents appear everywhere and always, wherever and whenever social conditions exist that are favorable for their development. It has long been noted that talents appear everywhere and always, wherever and whenever social conditions exist that are favorable for their development.

Only the Almighty had complete freedom of creativity, and even then only on the first day of creation.

There is a genius sleeping within each of us. And every day it gets stronger.

Talent is one-third instinct, one-third memory, and one-third will.

Doing easily what is difficult for others is talent; to do what is impossible for talent is genius.

If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty within yourself.

Denial of one's talent is always a guarantee of talent.

A true artist is one in whom we do not notice his creative efforts, and he himself does not notice it.

The real miracle is in your head!

Creativity is a high feat, and feat requires sacrifice. All sorts of petty and selfish feelings interfere with creativity. And creativity is selfless service to the art of the people.

Create in a painting as in life - directly.

There are no barriers to human thought.

What a pity that a foolish son is born from a sage: The son does not inherit the talent and knowledge of his father.

Creativity is a riddle that the artist asks himself.

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

Ability means little without opportunity.

A sculptor must express the state of his soul in his works.

Genius is just an unusual way of looking at things.

What else is wealth if not the absolute manifestation of a person’s creative talents?

A thinking artist doubles the value of his work.

A thinking artist doubles the value of his work.

An invention can be improved, a creation can only be imitated.

A person draws with his brain, not with his hands.

It’s not enough to awaken your talent, you also need to stop sleeping.

All of us, alas, are not equally suited for all things.

The secret of creativity lies in the sublimation of sexual energy.

It is for you that the sun rose today. Believe me.

A vocation can only be recognized and proven by the sacrifice that a scientist or artist makes to his peace or well-being in order to devote himself to his vocation.

All creativity is essentially prayer. All creativity is directed into the ear of the Almighty.

If a thought doesn’t fit in your head, throw out the previous one.

Where there is no scope for the manifestation of abilities, there is no ability.

Creativity is a common endeavor, done by the solitary.

In every creation of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts.

In truth, the power of talent, the wrong direction destroys the strongest talent.

An invention can be improved, a creation can only be imitated.

No matter what they tell you, accept it with a smile and do what is important to you.

Only strong talent can embody an era.

The ability to create is a great gift of nature; the act of creativity in the creative soul is a great sacrament; a minute of creativity is a minute of great sacred rite.

The artist must draw his plan with fire, but execute it with composure.

Man is glorified neither by gold nor by silver. The man is famous for his talent and skill.

Insomnia is the cradle of creativity.

This thinker catches a thought in flight, but tears its wings off.

He who creates loves himself in this, therefore he has to hate himself in the deepest way - in this hatred he knows no measure.

Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for that all other pleasures no longer exist.

You are not like everyone else, you are much deeper. You have an ocean inside, while others have puddles.

Vocation is the backbone of life.

Creativity is the beginning that gives a person immortality.

Only those who see the invisible can achieve the impossible.

Over the course of life, we learn the limits of our abilities.

To create - whether new flesh or spiritual values ​​- means to break free from the captivity of your body, it means to rush into the hurricane of life, it means to be the One who Is. To create means to kill death.

The grayness of the world is a sign that it’s time to vacuum your soul.

Every man is less than his most beautiful creation.

Always remain unsatisfied: this is the essence of creativity.

Definition of inspiration

Inspiration is a state of emotional uplift during which a person experiences an urgent need to create. The brain is filled with new ideas, images, insights, the body comes into an excited state in order to quickly bring them to life. At such moments, your hands are literally itching to do something.

Our distant ancestors considered inspiration to be the result of the influence of higher powers - hence the name. The word “inspiration” was formed from “to inhale,” that is, to invest, to act. It was believed that the gods fill a person with wonderful energy to accomplish good goals.

People have long moved away from such views, but they still have not been able to scientifically explain the occurrence of this condition. Scientists have found that the physiology of inspiration is very similar to the physiology of falling in love. In both states, a special substance is released - phenylethylamine, which is similar in its effect to amphetamines. But it is still unclear what exactly is the catalyst for such processes.

The state of inspiration is similar to the effect of drugs. Just no side effects.

But the effect caused by this condition has been well studied. Productivity increases significantly, a surge of strength is felt and access to hidden internal reserves opens. Some people also report feeling dissociated from their body. It seems to exist and create separately from consciousness.

Contrary to popular belief, inspiration does not only come to creative people. It is typical for almost any type of activity. It is also sometimes called the flow state or resource state. From time immemorial, people have been hunting for inspiration and trying to find ways to summon it on demand.

Read more about this amazing phenomenon in our article about what inspiration is.

It is not simple

Creativity can be created in many ways, but at its core there will certainly be something personal. Mysterious aspirations and desires, protest against everyday life, words that will never be spoken. And the one who says that creating is easy is wrong. In fact, as Baurzhan Toyshibekov said: “Creativity is created from one portion of ink and three portions of sweat.” To create something outstanding, you need to put in maximum effort every day. Constantly develop and work on yourself.

The difficulties in creating works of art are best described by quotes about the work of famous philosophers:

The life of a creator in exile

As Erich Maria Remarque said, creativity is always hidden under an unprepossessing shell. On the pages of history it is not often possible to meet a creative person who was always first in everything, lived a long and happy life, loved and was loved. Often, creators were betrayed more than once, expelled from their native country, not recognized during life, but praised after death. But they never gave up creating their works.

John Fowles once asked a rhetorical question: “Why do good, decent, creative people always give in to the gray masses?” It has always been and will be: creators are innovators. But everything new brings with it changes that are inconvenient and irritating, and therefore unacceptable at a certain time. Aphorisms about creativity can say a lot about how different types of art are born in such harsh conditions: from music to folk art.

Unusual life hacks from great people

How did immortal geniuses solve the problem of lack of inspiration? We'll find out now.

Apples by Friedrich Schiller

The famous German writer used a rather strange method of attracting inspiration. Apparently, his muse was a very extravagant girl. When work wasn't going well, he asked for a few rotten apples to be brought into his office and put them in his desk drawer. They exuded a sweet, musty smell that helped the prose writer concentrate.

I have not yet decided to repeat Schiller's experiment. If you try it, be sure to share your impressions in the comments!

Mark Twain's Place of Power

The American writer had a real place of power. Almost like the ancient shamans. And this place is a gazebo in the courtyard of the house. There Mark equipped an office in which he created his masterpieces. It was strictly forbidden for all family members to enter there. The writer could not leave her for several days.

Vladimir Nabokov's car

But Vladimir Nabokov preferred the cramped back seat of his car to a cozy and spacious office. Only there was he able to escape from the world and focus on creativity. By the way, he wrote most often at night, which was an additional factor that increased the discomfort. Nevertheless, such great novels as “Lolita”, “Feat”, “The Defense of Luzhin” came from Nabokov’s pen. So his method definitely has the right to life.

Dirty boots of Johannes Brahms

The German composer also experienced interruptions in inspiration. In moments of decline, he began to clean his dirty shoes. Surprisingly, this activity helped him catch the flow and get into the right state.

Nudity of Victor Hugo

While writing “Notre Dame de Paris,” the writer experienced a real creative crisis. To bring himself to his senses, he ordered everything to be taken out of the room except the desk, chair, pen and paper. Even his own clothes were left behind the door of the room - Hugo continued to create naked.

Richard Wagner's dog

The great composer wrote music only in the presence of his spaniel Peps. Moreover, the pet was not only a generator of inspiration for the musician, but also a kind of critic. Wagner tested each excerpt on a dog: he played and looked at the reaction. If the dog reacted with anxiety, then it turned out badly. The composer rewrote the passage until Peps was at peace with what he heard.

Coffee Honore de Balzac

The French writer achieved the desired state by drinking very strong coffee on an empty stomach. It is also known that he drank more than 50 cups of the drink a day and even ate dry ground coffee beans. According to Balzac, it was coffee that helped him polish his thoughts and put them into beautiful form.

If you decide to use the Balzac method, be careful! It would be a good idea to consult your doctor first.

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