Statements by thinkers and educators on the role of the teacher

Statements by thinkers and educators on the role of the teacher

Thinkers and educators of all times have emphasized the high social importance of the teacher. The library of statements by great thinkers, philosophers and teachers about the teaching profession is huge, here is just a small selection...

“He who comprehends the new, cherishing the old, can be a teacher...” (Confucius)

“Teacher and student grow together...” (Confucius)

“Agreement between teacher and student, ease of learning and the opportunity for the student to think for himself constitute what is called skillful mentoring...” (Confucius)

“The most difficult thing in teaching is to learn to honor the teacher. But only by honoring your mentor can you adopt his truth. And only by adopting the truth, people are able to honor science. Therefore, according to the ritual, even a teacher called to the sovereign does not bow to him - this is how the ancients revered the teacher..." (Confucius)

“By teaching others, we learn ourselves...” (L. Seneca)

“Students should seek the approval of the teacher, and not the teacher - the approval of the students...” (M. Quintilian)

“What could be more honest and noble than teaching others what you yourself know best…” (M. Quintilian)

“It is a great misfortune when the teacher’s methods discourage a child from any desire for knowledge before he can understand the rational reasons why he should love them. The first step on the path of education is attachment to your mentor...” (Z. Rotterdamsky)

“To teach another, it takes more intelligence than to learn yourself...” (M. Montaigne)

“Let it be an eternal law: to teach and learn everything through examples, instructions and application in practice...” (N. A. Komensky)

“He is completely unreasonable who considers it necessary to teach children not to the extent that they can learn, but to the extent that he himself desires...” (N. A. Komensky)

“He who knows little can teach little...” (N. A. Komensky)

“The greatest mistake in education is excessive haste...” (J.-J. Rousseau)

“Education and only education is the goal of school...” (I. Pestalozzi)

“The teacher, the way he thinks, is what is most important in any teaching and upbringing...” (A. Disterweg)

“A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it...” (And Disterweg)

“Good teachers create good students...” (M. Ostrogradsky)

“The teacher himself must be what he wants the pupil to become...” (V. Dahl)

“Be yourself both a person and a child in order to teach a child...” (V. Odoevsky)

“There is nothing insignificant in education...” (N. Pirogov)

“All thinkers, I think, have come to the conclusion that education must begin from the cradle...” (N. Pirogov)

“No mentor should forget that his main duty is to accustom his pupils to mental work and that this duty is more important than the transfer of the subject itself...” (K. Ushinsky)

“If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first get to know him in all respects...” (K. Ushinsky)

“The teacher is not an official; and if he is an official, then he is not an educator...” (K. Ushinsky)

“If a teacher has only love for what he does, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher...” (L. Tolstoy)

“The calling of a teacher is a high and noble calling. Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, must be and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices that a person makes to his calling...” (L. Tolstoy)

“The easier it is for a teacher to teach, the more difficult it is for students to learn...” (L. Tolstoy)

“All the pride of a teacher is in his students, in the growth of the seeds he sows...” (D. Mendeleev)

“The teacher touches eternity: no one can say where his influence ends...” (G. Adams)

“To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach...” (V. Klyuchevsky)

“A teacher who can endow his students with the ability to find joy in work should be crowned with laurels...” (E. Hubbard)

“If you only knew how much the Russian village needs a good, smart, educated teacher! In Russia, it needs to be placed in some special conditions, and this needs to be done quickly if we understand that without the broad education of the people, the state will fall apart, like a house built from poorly baked brick!” (A. Chekhov)

“School teachers have power that prime ministers can only dream of...” (W. Churchill)

“The lower the spiritual level of the teacher, the more colorless his moral character, the more he cares about his peace and comfort, the more orders and prohibitions he issues, allegedly dictated by concern for the welfare of the children...” (J. Korczak)

“A teacher must be, first of all, a person. Love not the school, but the children who come to school; love not books about reality, but reality itself...” (P. Blonsky)

“Everything you need to know cannot be taught; a teacher can only do one thing - show the way...” (R. Aldington)

“Where there is a good teacher, there are well-mannered students...” (D. Likhachev)

“The teacher is not the one who teaches; There are plenty of people like that in the world. The teacher is the one who feels how the student learns. Whose head is both light - because he is a teacher, and dark - because he is a student. Only by understanding, feeling this darkness, can you break through it and lead the child to the light - brighten his mind, enlighten him...” (S. Soloveichik)

“The teacher is not a mediator between the world and the children, no, he is on the side of the children, he is with them and at their head. His goal is not children, as everyone thinks, but the world, which he improves together with children. The goal of education is not in education, not in “targeted influence,” but, in general, together with children, improving their overall life...” (S. Soloveichik)

“Education is an art, and therefore without a free educator there is no art of education. Pedagogy is the science of the free art of educating a free person...” (S. Soloveichik)

“Teacher, be the sun radiating human warmth, be the soil rich in the enzymes of human feelings, and this knowledge is not only in the memory and consciousness of your students, but also in their souls and hearts...” (Sh. Amonashvili)

Say a word about the class teachers

When our children entered 5th grade, we were told that our class teacher would be Nina Arkadyevna Lobanova. Time flew by quickly. Our children successfully completed their 9th grade studies this year. They had the best class teacher in the school.

Smart, with a penetrating, searching gaze, a soft and kind smile, she became, without exaggeration, a second mother to our children.

The girls trusted her with their secrets and ran to her for advice. And the boys agreed with her wise words, because Nina Arkadyevna has her own adult son, and she could help them in a maternal way.

In class she is serious, strict and fair. During breaks and after classes, Nina Arkadyevna lived with the worries and problems of our children, worried about failures and bad grades.

She built relationships with children and parents on mutual respect. After classes, she helped prepare for various competitions and holidays. During the holidays, Nina Arkadyevna tried to organize and captivate the children. They went on hikes to the river together. The cycling trip to Marischi will be remembered for the rest of my life. Nina Arkadyevna always tried to make the children’s lives not boring and interesting.

Thanks to her talent, our class became a friendly family, and there were only four people in it - two girls and two boys.

She is a worthy example to follow in everything. We are proud that we, our children, had such a wonderful class teacher.

On behalf of the parents

and students of L.A. Bugrova.

Of the entire teaching staff, the class teacher is closest to the children. And we are sincerely glad that our children have such a wise and responsible mentor and friend as Olga Vladimirovna Maslova.

Olga Vladimirovna is kind, talented, persistent, dedicated to her work. She loves and respects her students and treats everyone equally warmly. Olga Vladimirovna takes care of our children, builds trusting relationships with them, and is always available to communicate with parents.

At school our children will have interesting activities and exciting leisure time.

We thank Olga Vladimirovna for her constant optimism, support, and for her worthy example of a good person.

We wish you bright ideas, prosperity and happiness in life, success and inspiration in your activities.


parents of children in grades 5 and 6.

Pelevina Zinaida Alekseevna – class teacher of grades 2 and 3. This is a wise, sensitive and attentive teacher. Extensive professional experience allows Zinaida Alekseevna to skillfully cope with two different classes at the same time and give children knowledge in full. She organizes classes in an interesting way and with a creative approach. Moderately strict, tactful and polite, she wins over both children and adults. She is caring and active, always in touch with parents, she will explain everything, tell you, and help.

On the eve of her professional holiday, I would like to wish Zinaida Alekseevna happiness, health, creative success in her work, respect from her colleagues and wonderful students.

Parents of students

2-3 grades.

Just as a writer lives in his works, as an artist lives in his paintings, so a teacher lives in the thoughts, actions and deeds of his students.

These lines clearly characterize the class teacher Elena Ivanovna Naumova. A charming woman is a Teacher from God, a person with a beautiful soul. She has everything that should be inherent in a real teacher: talent, warmth, intelligence, sensitivity, patience and inexhaustible energy. For many years, Elena Ivanovna has been grading her students. The time has come for us to give an assessment for a kind heart, a clear mind, professional qualities, a tireless character, methodological skill and erudition.

Dear Elena Ivanovna!

The parents of your students cordially congratulate you on Teacher's Day. May your pedagogical talent and spiritual generosity remain a beacon for all of us and an example to follow for a long time. Please accept our sincere wishes for all the best: health, great human happiness and all earthly blessings.

Best regards, parents

children of 7th and 9th grades.

The class teacher... This, without exaggeration, is the first, closest person for our children at school. The class teacher will meet the children on September 1 and introduce them to new teachers; the class teacher will help every child in difficult times, calm them down, and cheer them up; the class teacher will tell parents how to better understand their relationship with their son or daughter. You can continue to talk endlessly about him, about the class teacher. But if you think about the meaning of the word, then it already contains the huge role of the class teacher in the school life of children.

“Cool” means the best, amazing, beautiful; means reliable, understanding; means an example in everything!

He is the magnet that attracts children to himself, inspires them to do bright, interesting things, encourages them, prompts them, calls them to follow him!

Still, how wonderful it is to be a class teacher!

Who is he, this irreplaceable, cool guy needed at any moment? What kind of person do you have to be for children to proudly say: “This is our class teacher!”

It seems that the answer to this question is easy. It is enough to list the qualities that this teacher should have. These are kindness, understanding, education, culture, reliability, professionalism and much more. But is that all there is to it? I am sure that the main thing is not to take this work for granted, but rather as part of your life, when at any time of the day and week, on weekdays and on vacation, all your thoughts are about them - about your children. I know their manners and habits. And all this happens because I just love them very much, they are so different, sometimes naughty, sometimes surprisingly sweet. They are simply my children, my class.

I am very glad that I am the class teacher of the 8th grade. My girls and boys, you are so different. And how much you taught me, my guys! It only seems to us that we are raising you. You teach us patience and calmness. Teach to see the world in its beauty, admire life, and forget about the difficulties of life. When I see the eyes of my children, so open and good-natured, I forget that there are many difficulties and problems in life.

I am happy to go to my class, select materials for class hours and holidays. I am glad that I can become a friend and helper for my children.

O.Yu. Guseva,

8th grade class teacher.

They say that children always look like their class teacher. I consider it my duty to pass on to my students and instill in them the positive qualities that I myself possess. And these qualities develop through love. I love each of the guys as they are: gentle and sad, thoughtful and cheerful, and most importantly, with an open soul that, like a sponge, absorbs what we lay down.

You must be able to listen and hear, look and see, feel everyone together and everyone separately. How much kindness, mercy, decency and philanthropy you need to have in order to find the strength in this life not only to give children knowledge, but also to teach them to overcome difficulties!

E.V. Yakimycheva,

classroom teacher

1-4 grades.

Dear, dear and beloved teachers by all of us! We sincerely congratulate you on Teacher's Day! We would like to thank you for your hard work and knowledge! For your patience, understanding and ability to solve any situation! Thank you for every kind word of support and wise advice! We wish you never to lose heart, to always be at your best, so that your health does not fail and your energy does not run out! Congratulations!

Your loving students.

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ancient Greek philosopher

I can't teach anyone anything, I can only make them think.

Instead of forcing a child to memorize, you need to help him come to an understanding. A meaningful approach to a subject is more effective than cramming: the child thinks, understands the problem, understands and applies knowledge in practice.

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Galileo Galilei

physicist, astronomer, philosopher

You cannot teach a person anything, you can only help him find it in himself.

The teacher is obliged not only to know his subject, but to understand children and find an approach to each of them. This is the only way to interest a child, point out his potential and reveal his talents.

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George Bernard Shaw

playwright, philosopher, Nobel laureate

We want to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge pursuing the child.

Teaching in an interesting way is an art. But the teacher must be able to do this. It is difficult to teach something without getting the person interested. A difficult task falls on the shoulders of the teacher: to instill a thirst for knowledge, and not just pour it into the head in one endless stream.

What recognized leaders say about teachers and mentors

They say that 99% of successful people have had mentors at one time or another. With the help of a mentor, one person in a short period of time is able to assimilate the experience of an entire human life and move on.

If you ask recognized leaders what the most important thing their mentor gave them, you can often hear: he taught them to think and showed how things really are . Take off the rose-colored glasses, teach how to act in this world, relying on your own critical mind and soberly assessing the situation - what could be better for the start of everyone who wants to succeed. This material will focus on the role of mentors and other important factors in the lives of successful people.

For some, their first mentor was a charismatic teacher at school, others developed an ideal image for themselves, many learned from their talented bosses, and there are those who identify turning points in life that led to success.

In order not to sit back and not rely on chance, today you can find a mentor or attend management training, thus receiving constant mentoring in the literal sense or a vector of development and self-improvement.

Let's listen to what famous people say about who played the role of mentor in their lives.

Millionaires and successful business people who value the help and participation of other influential people in achieving success shared their stories and gave advice. It's worth a listen.

David M. Zaslav , director of Discovery, believes that having great mentors in your life is a key factor in success. General Electric CEO Jack Welch and Liberty Media Chairman John Mallone, both talented leaders, became his personal mentors.

David is one of the three highest paid heads of US companies. He advises, if possible, to communicate more and be in the same company with people you admire . Over time, you will begin to think and see the world like they do and ask them questions. Strive to learn as many lessons as possible from such communication.

By following David's advice, you can receive wisdom directly from first-hand sources, without going to management training. Although, it is thanks to training that you can become an interesting conversationalist for successful people. In addition, not everyone can, by their own desire, surround themselves with such people or even get close to them. You also need to have the ability to find them. How to do it?

Marla Beck , co-founder and CEO of Bluemercury, planned to go into the equity business after graduating. However, her mentor Dean Darman saw her potential in a different direction and advised her to become an entrepreneur. She listened to the professor, and he became her guide in the world of business. Listen to those who see potential in you.

For Warren Buffett , a famous investor and one of the richest people on the planet, the turning point was the words of Berkshire Hathaway board member Thomas Murphy: “Never forget, Warren, that you can always tell a person to go to hell. So before you do this, wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow it will become clear whether the anger remains, or whether it was an emotional outburst.”

This advice helped Buffett then decide to become more modest and reserved . He considers good relationships with people to be the secret to success . For anyone who wants to succeed in business, he recommends tempering your character and taking the best from those you admire.

The story of Jocko Willink , a successful businessman, continues the previous thought and is also an example of a case that led to important conclusions. This is another lesson that will complement your knowledge about success gained in management training.

When Jocko Willink joined the American SEAL team, he was called “the new guy” and ridiculed. However, he calmly completed tasks and valued his reputation.

One day, due to Joko’s decision, which not everyone agreed with, a senior officer allowed himself to talk to him in an insulting and condescending tone, which seriously damaged Joko’s authority. Joko himself, by virtue of his position, could not defend himself. The second in command, who was respected, came to the defense of the “new guy,” which was a noble gesture.

Jocko learned important lessons from this story: it is disgusting to abuse your position and insult those below you; in life it is important to respect everyone ; the army is not his element. He eventually left the army, becoming a respected officer and veteran of the Iraq War. But it was the insights gained that day that helped Jocko rise high in business.

He now teaches leadership lessons himself and is the author of several books, including the best-selling book Extreme Accountability.

Tom Albert , an expert in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, was working at a brokerage office in his 20s when one of the employees, Dr. Charles Smith, noticed him and became a mentor, teaching him how to build a successful business.

Tom responded with inspiration to Charlie’s desire to realize his potential: he himself is from a poor African family and went through a difficult path to meet his mentor. But Tom wondered why Charlie worked so hard.

What shocked Tom the most was one piece of advice from Charles. When Tom asked him why a man in his position worked on the weekends, Charlie replied that a driven entrepreneur does not stay away from business for long , otherwise he will not be able to advance and overtake the competition. He also emphasized that our lives are determined by our ability to adapt . You need to be able to adapt to different conditions.

Businessman Tom Albert has seen this many times in his personal and professional life. And he invited his mentor, who had retired, to work as a financial director in his own company, MeasuredRisk.

Bedros Keilian was in his early 20s when he received powerful management and sales training simultaneously from a client who has since become his mentor.

Now Bedros is the founder of the Fit Body Boot Camp franchise, and then he worked as a trainer for several clients and was forced to work many hours a day without decent pay.

One day he complained to one of his clients, Jim Franco, about being too busy and low paid, to which he replied that Bedros was not selling his services well. Bedros openly admitted that he found it strange to impose that each person should make his own choice, after which Jim taught him a lesson that became a turning point in the life of the future entrepreneur.

Jim shared his sales philosophy. He said that selling is about giving other people energy and interest. Selling is about conveying feelings. If you are truly into fitness and health and want to help other people, then you should consider it your duty to sell them a positive lifestyle.

Jim became Bedros' mentor and gave him a new perspective on entrepreneurship and his philosophy. The philosophy is simple: if you believe in your product, sell it as if your life depended on it.

Bedros Keilian heeded the advice.

The founder of Crush The PM Exam, Bryce Welker, once studied accounting at San Diego State University. Professor Will Snyder, who taught there at the time, became a key figure in Bryce's career.

Snyder himself sold his accounting business and had enough money not to work, but continued to teach because of his love of education and desire to help young people.

The professor taught students that they do not need to limit themselves to the accounting profession, that all restrictions in the profession are the fruit of our own decisions. This inspired Bryce. The professor's enthusiasm was so infectious that Bryce reconsidered his career and became a leader and entrepreneur. He always expresses gratitude to Will Snyder for his turn in life; he believes that without such a mentor he would not have achieved success.

Young professionals often believe that attending management training is enough to achieve success, that they can rise through the ranks on their own, and that independence and self-learning will do the trick. Some even tend to believe that management training is pointless, and asking for help from a manager is the last thing.

However, thinking this way is rather a mistake. The desire to close yourself in your own world is more likely to hinder success than vice versa. If you have an influencer of successful people who you can ask about their path to success, you'll likely hear a story about a mentor or someone's support that got them where they are today.

A mentor is a person who has a sincere desire to help their mentee see success, to help him become the best version of himself. During management training, the coach becomes such a mentor for the duration of the event.

Here's how a mentor impacts your career:

  • He gives objective feedback. A mentor is able to give advice that you, for a number of reasons, cannot get from others. He is able to give creative advice due to his experience and objective assessment of your abilities.
  • A mentor can help you make useful connections. Often the mentor has enough experience and contacts: he is ready to share both.
  • A mentor can teach you to draw conclusions from past experience. Any leader will confirm that mistakes are the best starting points for new achievements. A mentor can warn you against failure and share his mistakes with you.
  • You'll gain a fresh perspective. It's always clearer from the outside. Being around someone who can give an objective assessment is priceless.

You can find a mentor by following these tips: Start talking to people you admire professionally and start asking them questions. This is how in most cases an acquaintance with a future mentor begins.

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Albert Einstein

theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize laureate

I never teach my students, I only try to provide an environment in which they can learn.

The teacher needs to find out about the student’s interests, see his potential and devote all his efforts to his development. And do it in such a way that the child wants to learn and can do it.

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Dalai Lama XIV

spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, Nobel Prize laureate

Share your knowledge. This is the path to immortality.

Favorite teachers are remembered throughout their lives. Five, 10 and even 30 years after graduating from school or university. They remember the knowledge they gave, the manner of speech, and even the hairstyle and aroma of perfume. And former students return and bring their children to them because they trust. Teachers' work is often not appreciated, but they should know that they are doing a great job.

Have you visited teachers after graduating from school or university?

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Jim Henson

American puppeteer, director and screenwriter. Creator of the legendary television program "The Muppet Show"

Children don't remember what you are trying to teach them. They remember who you are.

An interesting teacher is a deep person and an example to follow. He must command respect from the child and become an authority in his field. Then the student will grab onto knowledge like air and absorb everything he hears in class.

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Clive Staples Lewis

British writer, poet and scientist

The task of a modern teacher is not to cut down the jungle, but to irrigate the deserts.

The teacher must be sensitive and understand the characteristics of each child, and look for an approach to him. His mission is to fill him with knowledge, but not to deprive his students of individuality and not prohibit them from having a personal opinion.

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