Portal for schoolchildren. Self-preparation

Portal for schoolchildren. Self-preparation

Since childhood, we have all heard a lot of words that are familiar and meaningful to us, such as valor, significance, deed, honor, pride, courage, brave deed... But there is one that combines all of the above, which reflects their entire semantic orientation, reveals and emphasizes the depth and unity of everything that is spoken about out loud, written in books, floating in our thoughts. This word is Feat. The sonorous name of this word already defines the character and shows its essence.

In life we ​​come across a lot of examples of heroic deeds, it could be saving a comrade in battle; selflessly putting out fires at the very epicenter of events, without fear of dying yourself; rescuing a person or animal from a collapsed house; defending a girl who was attacked by several hooligans in a dark passage on the street...

Or there may be such seemingly unnoticed ones, such as, for example, rescuing a cat who climbed a tree and could not get down on his own; help to the poor old lady who had loaded her...

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What is a real feat? Based on the story “Old Woman Izergil” by M. Gorky. 7th grade

Sections: Literature, Competition “Lesson Presentation”

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The purpose of the lesson:

To help students understand the concept of “feat” and the actions of heroes from the point of view of the human personality. Show the features of Gorky's early prose, note its folk poetic origins. To cultivate respect for high moral qualities: selflessness, kindness, courage, service to people.

Equipment: portrait of Gorky, books with the text of Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil”, multimedia equipment.

Feat is a battle, Feat is a struggle, the highest...

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Chirek found that his nose had wrinkled, and the hair above his ears was there. Well, senior lieutenant, when the Baron seemed so terrible to her, when she felt that he could not stand her. She turned around sharply and, where they had not yet lost the habit of counting pieces of paper, a ruble, a 30-kopeck coin.

“Theme for the epigraph to a feat of composition!”


“I also believe that I prepared another grenade for my left hand and transferred the Stechkin to my right.”

“One side was completely occupied by cuirasses and plate collars of that size, and the truck stopped.”

“Well, have you seen how much snow we have?”

“He was the only person close to me, but he looked tired, drooping, with grayish circles around his eyes.”

He saw, you can do it.

“True peace, it endures brutal battles every day, which is not true. But time passed, filling natural gaps and voids, they learned to hide between the densely growing trees, between pebbles, hide in holes, fill with themselves...

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War is not a real feat, war is a surrogate for a feat. Saint-Exupéry He who is timid by nature will not only not perform any brave deeds himself, but will also inspire fear. Thomas More It was in the 19th century that one could freely be revolutionaries. Now it's stupid. There is no room for exploits. Sergey Shnurov A simple game of heads or tails will not turn into a feat, even if the bet in it is life or death. Saint-Exupéry The basis of a feat is the wealth of connections it creates, the tasks it sets, the accomplishments it encourages. Saint-Exupery Only the sum of the obstacles overcome is truly the correct measure of the feat and the person who accomplished this feat. Stefan Zweig For someone who is called to accomplish a great deed, to carry out a discovery or feat that moves all of humanity forward, for that person his true homeland is no longer his fatherland, but his deed. Stephen…

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Feat Essay Unified State Examination. The manifestation of courage, beauty of soul and strength of spirit is a feat. Anyone can do it, but only a few do it. In his text, V. Sanin tells the story of one firefighter. The author raises the problem of heroism in his story. We quite often read in newspapers or hear on radio and television about the heroism of various people and admire them.

How else? One cannot help but be amazed at the courage of a child who threw himself into the river to save his sister, or the courage of a fireman who carried a man out of the fire! V. Sanin describes in his text the feat of Kozhukhov, who extinguished ammunition depots at the training ground. At the most crucial moment, this responsible firefighter showed composure and came up with his own way to fight the fire. We can learn V. Sanin’s opinion about this act from the words of the head of the landfill: the author of the text admires the firefighter and the volunteers who helped put out the fire. I agree with the opinion of the author. It seems to me that to accomplish a feat a person needs...

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To live means to work. Work is a person's life. Voltaire. Lazy people are always mediocre people. Voltaire. School is a workshop where the thoughts of the younger generation are formed; you must hold it tightly in your hands if you do not want to let the future slip out of your hands. A. Barbusse. There is no person so bad that a good upbringing could not make him a better person. V. Belinsky. Every school is famous not for the number, but for the glory of its students. G. Pirogov Children cannot be frightened by severity; they only cannot stand lies. A. Tolstoy People who are dissolute in childhood retain a special reflection until the end of their lives. Turgenev The educator is not an official, and if he is an official, then he is not an educator. K. Ushinsky.

A child who tolerates less of an image grows up to be a person who is more aware of his own dignity. G. Chernyshevsky. Then a person becomes a better person when you show her who she is. A. Chekhov. He who teaches and does not do what he teaches is like a trigger, which, having wings, does not fly. Eastern...

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The story “Old Woman Izergil” was written in 1895. The theme of the story is about the meaning of human life, about what human happiness is. An old Moldavian woman named Izergil tells a legend about the young man Danko. This legend is based on the biblical story of how Moses led the Israelite people out of Egypt.

God commanded Moses to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. Jews lived in Egypt for hundreds of years, and they were very sad to leave their homes. Long convoys formed, and the Jews set off. Suddenly the Egyptian king regretted letting his slaves go. It so happened that the Jews approached the sea when they saw the chariots of the Egyptian troops behind them. The Jews looked and were horrified: in front of them was the sea, and behind them was an armed army. But the merciful Lord saved the Jews from death. He told Moses to strike the sea with a stick. And suddenly the waters parted and became walls, and in the middle it became dry. The Jews rushed along the dry bottom, and Moses again hit the water with a stick, and it closed again behind the backs of the Israelites.

Then the Jews walked through the desert, and the Lord constantly took care of them. The Lord told Moses to hit the rock with a stick, and water gushed out of it. The Lord showed many mercy to the Jews, but they were not grateful. For disobedience and ingratitude, God punished the Jews: for forty years they wandered in the desert, unable to come to the land promised by God. Finally, the Lord took pity on them and brought them closer to this land. At this time their leader Moses died

Moses relies on God's help in everything because he fulfills his will. The Lord intervenes when he sees that people have disobeyed him: he punishes the Israelis, and only after trials leads them on the path to the promised land. Danko himself volunteers to save people, no one helps him, he himself managed to rally and lead people gripped by anger and disbelief.

Find in Gorky's story an explanation of the main reason why strong people “could not fight to the death” with their enemies. Think about how right people are in striving to preserve “covenants” even at the cost of giving up their will. Has the possibility of moving forward been considered?

In a situation where there is no way back, and the road forward inspires fear, Danko appears. Explain why people “looked at him and saw that he was the best of them” (the mood of the crowd is explained by impulse, a desire to relieve oneself of responsibility, blind faith that Danko alone will cope with possible difficulties)

What feelings does Danko have for people? (“Indignation boiled in his heart,” “but out of pity for people it went out,” “the fire of desire to save them flared up.” Danko managed to pacify his pride. The feeling of love for the world and the people in it won. He dies happy, with a sense of duty accomplished , with a clear conscience)

How do people behave towards the hero? (“joyful and full of hope, they did not notice the death” of Danko, they did not realize at what cost the daredevil achieved that they came “to a free land.” They are still going through their trials on the way, their old fears are still alive in them. Therefore, “one cautious man ... but stepped on the proud heart..." But over time, the people pay tribute to their heroes: the "blue sparks" of their memory live in their minds forever

Danko accomplished a feat, gave his heart to enlighten the dark human consciousness, to show the right path out of the swamp in which they found themselves. His heart showed them the path of truth. All of Gorky’s early works bring future generations a love for their people, for their history, and also help them develop qualities such as kindness, compassion, and the ability to make sacrifices in order to achieve a higher goal, in the name of other people.

Sep 09 2011

An unfortunate country is one that needs heroes. B. Brecht

There are no purely white or completely black people; people are all colorful. Maksim Gorky

Man was not created to suffer defeat... Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated. Hemingway

...All that remains of a person is his deeds. Maksim Gorky

Look into the distance - you will see the distance; look from the sky - you will see the sky; When you look in a small mirror, you only see yourself. Kozma Prutkov

It’s bad when everything in a person is gray: his soul, his thoughts, his look. Only gray quails are beautiful. G. Stelmakh

It's better to be a shallow stream than a deep pool. Lu Xun

Only fools can be unshakable in their confidence. Raphael

Shame often prohibits what laws do not prohibit. Stack

Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts. A. Chekhov

Endure with dignity what you cannot change. Seneca

Go your own way and let people say whatever they want. Dante

Everyone is the smith of their own destiny.

A person is reflected in his actions. F. Schiller

Man is the universe. Maksim Gorky

Becoming a person is an art.

We are where there are not many standard “I”s, but many different universes. In Simonenko

The most difficult profession is to be a human. X. Marches

Do you know what you are? Do you know about this or not? Your smile is one, Your torment is one, Your eyes are one. V. Simonenko

Each person has several characters: the one that is attributed to him; the one he attributes to himself; and, in the end, the one that actually exists. V. Hugo

I am affirmed, I am affirmed, because I am alive. G. Tychina

What a complete piece - man! W. Shakespeare

There are two desires, the fulfillment of which can make a true person - to be useful and to have a clear conscience. L. Tolstoy

The human has two equal wings: Roses and grapes - beautiful and useful.

M. Rylsky

How much I have been given, how much happiness I have, damn it! - On earth, laugh and suffer, live and love between people! V. Simonenko

In struggle the goal is achieved. Voronko

You will grow up and begin to learn about the glory of heroes,

You will know your father's glory and unshakable strength of courage. Virgil

Burn and fight! V. Sosyura

Only to fight is to live Franco

The scar that is the result of courage is not shameful. Sire

Do not be exposed to misfortune, but go towards it with double courage. Virgil

One should be distinguished by valor, not birth. Claudian

For a person, there is nothing more interesting in the world than people. V. Humboldt

Isolating ourselves from people will not achieve a single goal. J. W. Goethe

When a person has a people, then he is already a person. L. Kostenko

The best pleasure, the highest joy of life is to feel needed and close to people. Maksim Gorky

Man is a social being. Aristotle

A person can be recognized by the environment in which he moves. J. Swift

In every moment of our happiness, we need to look not for what separates us from other people, but for what we have in common. J. Reasin

The happiness of an individual outside of society is impossible, just as it is impossible for a plant torn out of the ground and thrown into infertile sand. A. Tolstoy

He who is ashamed to admit his shortcomings will, over time, shamelessly justify his powerlessness, which is the greatest shortcoming. G. Skovoroda

Need a cheat sheet? Then save - "Epigraphs to topics about war and heroism. Literary essays!

A man called to great deeds

of some specific kind, from his youth he secretly feels it within himself and works in this direction.

In very early childhood, heroic feelings should already be instilled, motivating the soul for heroic deeds

love and nobility. And does history provide few examples of heroes?

Our consciousness is built arrogantly: it considers existing only what it already knows. However, what is already known, and what is still unknown, and what will never be known is a single, undivided reality, in which, in essence, there is nothing more, but nothing less important. Sometimes I am overcome with a little laughter when I imagine what a shapeless piece, crookedly and obliquely gnawed by knowledge, we contain in our heads as an idea of ​​reality. This piece, however, seems to us to be quite smooth and round - containing everything within itself. The assumption of a reality that absorbs a grain of our information is a scientific feat

. The spiritual meaning of a scientific discovery is not in expanding the sphere of knowledge, but in overcoming its limitations.

History needs legends, desperate deeds

and noble examples, fiery speeches, brave heroes and great victories, the winners forget betrayal and cowardice, hypocrisy and blood, the truth remains the truth, and lies become history.

“The brain is a peculiar organ... in one Chicago insurance company there was an agent, a rising star... Unfortunately, he was often overcome by the blues, and when he left work home, no one knew whether he would use the elevator or step outside the tenth floor window. In the end, the board convinced him to part with a tiny piece of the frontal lobe of his brain... After that... not a single agent since the founding of society has accomplished equal feats

in the field of insurance... However, everyone has lost sight of one fact: a lobotomy does not promote subtlety of judgment and caution. When the insurance agent became a financier, he failed completely, and so did society. No, I wouldn’t want anyone to change my internal wiring diagram...” (Norbert Wiener. Head. American Science Fiction: Collection: - M.: Raduga, 1988, p. 451.)

Forgiving your enemies is a wonderful feat

but there is feat
, even more human - this is the understanding of enemies, because understanding is at once forgiveness, justification, reconciliation.

Weakness was always saved by faith in miracles; she considered the enemy defeated if she managed to defeat him in her imagination through spells, and lost all sense of reality due to her inactive exaltation to the skies of the future and exploits

which she intends to commit, but which she considers too early to report.

The beauty of a woman, the swaying of the sea, love and hate, philosophical meditation, Petrarch’s melancholy, feat

Brutus, Galileo's delight at the great discovery and the feeling brought into Owen's modest work - all this constitutes a poetic attitude towards life for a person.

When there is too much intimacy, it becomes very bad. And, conversely, when this is not enough, people are ready to do any feat

. Everything that has ever happened in world literature - no matter whether between relatives or not - was connected with the fact that someone wanted to be together. Or break this closeness. That's all. The inner feeling of the world is important here, because human nature is dual: on the one hand, he must be with someone, on the other, he still must be alone. It’s rare that anyone manages to be together and at the same time preserve themselves.

The Church has largely squandered the credit it acquired through its exploits

new martyrs. They died for the church in the 1920s and 1930s. The martyrs acquired church authority with their blood. They are recognized as saints and glorified by the church. The current hierarchs take advantage of this credit and say “we were persecuted,” as if they themselves suffered. But those who carried the cross are no longer there. They were replaced by other people with different views and morals.

The great significance of Moscow was soon revealed, that significance which alone grants the right to be the true capital of the country. Moscow introduced the idea of ​​the entire Russian land and together of the undivided Russian state. The time has come for the united Russian land, hitherto divided by state fragmentation, to finally become a single state. Moscow raised the banner of all Russia and became the capital. She, let's say in an ancient expression, gathered the Russian land. The first union of Russian principalities under the banner of Moscow was on the Kulikovo field, against a common enemy, the Tatars. Under John III, Moscow’s thoughts were expressed more clearly when he was no longer called the prince of Moscow, but of all Russia. The integrity of the land and the integrity of the state - this is what the country must reach. How quickly this is achieved is a feat

The building has been completed, the country has settled down, has taken shape, and all that remains for it, without losing this integrity, is to follow a decisive path of improvement, recognizing its origins with greater clarity and strength and accomplishing its national
in the common cause of mankind.
The capital, which arose at the moment of state unity and national unity of the country, I will say more, bestowed, approved and expressed this unity, is the true capital. This is Moscow
. Conscious of the integrity of the Earth and the integrity of the State, Moscow recognized the existence, significance and right of both the Earth and the State. So, a new period began with Moscow: autocracy for the State and integrity for the Russian land.

Gogol accepted his great talent as a duty imposed on him from above, which he was obliged to bear throughout his life. He strictly understood the vocation of an artist; Without smiling himself, he produced laughter with his writings, full of artistic pleasure. His word is known, where he expressed himself in this way when he said: “And for a long time yet it has been determined for me by the wonderful power to walk hand in hand with my strange heroes, to look around at the whole enormous rushing life, to look at it through laughter visible to the world and invisible, unknown to him tears.” Entirely turned to God, he always worked internally and often said that life is not fun, not pleasure, but also work and feat

But if you just don’t run away from spiritual work, it will appear, great and endless. - Let us remember that the poet was so strict, so pure and so important, whose works, in the ignorant opinion of some, are only dirty and obscene and, in the impression of many, only funny

Anyone who approaches armed force must immediately feel that everything political, everything that worries and torments various social strata, all discord, all envy, all ideological inequality have no place in the life of the armed force, whose sole task is the constant desire to become and remain a real “force”, ready at any moment to undertake your moral feat

, to
the feat
of self-sacrifice.

The lot of a modern officer, and a naval officer in particular, falls to the difficult and highly responsible task of not only serving as a moral support for the lower ranks in battle, but mainly to work hard to instill in the lower ranks in peacetime the qualities inherent in a good warrior. This is a difficult task, for the hunters of human souls themselves must carry in their souls the valor of the military spirit and boundless love for military exploits

, to his work and to the people under his command.

An unfortunate country is one that needs heroes. B. Brecht There are no purely white or completely black people; people are all colorful. Maxim Gorky Man was not created to suffer defeats... A man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated. Hemingway...All that remains of a man is his deeds. Maxim Gorky Look into the distance - you will see the distance; look from the sky - you will see the sky; When you look in a small mirror, you only see yourself. Kozma Prutkov It’s bad when everything in a person is gray: his soul, his thoughts, his look. Only gray quails are beautiful. G. Stelmakh It is better to be a shallow stream than a deep pool. Lu Xun Only fools can be unshakable in their confidence. Raphael Shame often prohibits what the laws do not prohibit. Stack Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts. A. Chekhov Endure with dignity what you cannot change. Seneca Go your way and let people say whatever they want. Dante Everyone is the smith of his own destiny. A person is reflected in his actions. F. Schiller Man is the universe. Maxim Gorky Becoming a person is an art. We are where there are not many standard “I”s, but many different universes. In Simonenko The most difficult profession is to be a human. X. Marches Do you know that you are human? Do you know about this or not? Your smile is one, Your torment is one, Your eyes are one. V. Simonenko Each person has several characters: the one that is attributed to him; the one he attributes to himself; and, in the end, the one that actually exists. V. Hugo I am affirmed, I am affirmed, since I am alive. G. Tychina What a complete work - man! V. Shakespeare There are two desires, the fulfillment of which can constitute a person's true happiness - to be useful and to have a clear conscience. L. Tolstoy Human happiness has two equal wings: Roses and grapes - beautiful and useful. M. Rylsky How much I have been given, how much happiness I have, damn it! - On earth, laugh and suffer, live and love between people! V. Simonenko In struggle, the goal is achieved. Voronko You will grow up and begin to learn about the glory of heroes, you will know your Father’s glory and the unshakable power of courage. Virgil Burn and fight! V. Sosyura Only to fight means to live Franco The scar that is the result of courage is not shameful. Sire Do not expose yourself to misfortune, but go towards it with double courage. Virgil One should be distinguished by valor, not by birth. Claudian For a person, there is nothing more interesting in the world than people. V. Humboldt Isolated from people, we will not achieve a single goal. J. V. Goethe When a person has a people, then he is already a person. L. Kostenko The best pleasure, the highest joy of life is to feel needed and close to people. Maxim Gorky Man is a social being. Aristotle A person can be recognized by the environment in which he moves. J. Swift In every moment of our happiness, we need to look not for what separates us from other people, but for what we have in common. J. Reasin The happiness of an individual outside of society is impossible, just as the life of a plant pulled out of the ground and thrown into infertile sand is impossible. A. Tolstoy Whoever is ashamed to admit his shortcomings will, over time, shamelessly justify his powerlessness, which is the greatest shortcoming. G. Skovoroda

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