Quotes about duty and conscience (300 quotes)

Conscience? And it is necessary?

So what to do? To have a conscience or not to have one? And everyone decides this for themselves, to the extent of their depravity. Statuses about conscience, about such a necessary, but such an incomprehensible thing.

  1. We live without listening to our conscience, and then we are surprised at the tricks of fate...
  2. Previously, imported jeans were a scarce commodity. Then black caviar became in short supply. Today, conscience, sincerity and decency are in short supply...
  3. Life is definitely more difficult when you live according to your conscience.
  4. Be friends with your conscience. Everyone will certainly receive on time everything that they have sown for themselves!
  5. The status is dedicated to a lost conscience: astalavista, baby, I don’t need you anymore, it’s much easier without you!
  6. Recently my conscience has awakened! But we quickly found a common language with her.
  7. I'm too poor to allow myself to have a conscience.
  8. My conscience is clear and transparent - it’s hard to even notice it!
  9. I don’t understand why I’m afraid of offending someone, but no one is afraid of offending me?
  10. I thought that I had already exhausted the entire reserve of my conscience, but it continues to surprise me.
  11. Before you say anything, make sure that your conscience has not lost connection with your brain...
  12. Damn, but it all started with the thought: “Oh, okay, I’m not doing that bad!”
  13. We only live once. And it is precisely for this reason that conscience has no place in our lives.
  14. I decided to go jogging in the morning. I ran to the kitchen, made tea, and sat there, my eyes running across the monitor... I just felt like the devil - it’s so easy to sell my conscience.
  15. I decided to do the men’s housework myself: I lay down on the sofa, watching TV, it’s hard, I don’t argue, but it’s necessary...

Why do we need it?

Having a conscience may not make life better, but it definitely saves your nerves. Statuses about conscience, with humor and meaning.

  1. The fears are caused not by those people who are “for” or “against”... but by those who are “yours” and “ours”...
  2. The secret of happiness and longevity is simple: a warm heart, a clear mind and a complete lack of conscience...
  3. We accept our conscience drop by drop, but we expect it from others in buckets...
  4. The rarest type of friendship is friendship with your own conscience.
  5. How changeable mirrors are today. You see yourself in them, nothing has changed. And it seems like the same as yesterday... But now, they have no conscience.
  6. Experience is priceless, the only bad thing is that you have to pay for it with your conscience.
  7. To respect or not to respect a person is your business. Treating with respect is a matter of your conscience.
  8. Nobody has the right to accuse me of anything. I don’t owe anyone anything except those who gave birth to me and gave me a happy childhood. But with the rest, I consider myself entitled to do as I please.
  9. No one should be ashamed of admitting their mistakes. Don’t be afraid to admit them, this is how you admit that today you are better than you were yesterday.
  10. If you don’t need a person, tell him about it right away. There is no need to play with other people's feelings. Life is incredibly vengeful.
  11. Do not exchange your conscience for grievances. It’s much more pleasant to live with her than with anger in your heart.
  12. I’m learning to endure... I’m learning to lose... And with any blizzard in life, I’m learning to repeat with a smile: “I don’t care! It’s been worse!”...
  13. Years will pass, anyone will understand. And that won't change. The more you sacrifice yourself, the less it is appreciated.
  14. The most important decoration in the life of a decent girl is a clear conscience.
  15. We cannot be considered masters of our destiny until we become masters of our conscience.
  16. I’m somehow tired of my conscience... in my opinion, it’s time for us to part with it.

Quotes about conscience and honor

A person who behaves with dignity from the very beginning is freed from remorse. Abul Faraj

Dullness of conscience is recognized from the inability to be indignant against actions that harm humanity. A. Amiel

Shame and honor are like a dress: the more shabby they are, the more careless you treat them. Apuleius

Our conscience is an infallible judge until we kill it. O. Balzac

It's nice to follow the dictates of your conscience. O. Balzac

Honor is the cornerstone of human wisdom. V. G. Belinsky

Where is the true greatness of a person recognized, if not in those cases in which he decides it is better to suffer forever than to do something contrary to his conscience? V. G. Belinsky

Human conscience encourages a person to seek the best and sometimes helps him to abandon the old, cozy, sweet, but dying and decaying - in favor of the new, at first uncomfortable and unlovable, but promising fresh life. A. Blok

The voice of a clear conscience is more pleasant than a hundred voices of glory. P. Buast

Anything that appeases a guilty conscience harms society. P. Buast

Remorse is an echo of lost virtue. E. Bulwer-Lytton

There is something as beautiful as a great man, and that is a man of honor. A. Vigny

Honor is courageous modesty. A. Vigny

He who demands payment for his honesty most often sells his honor. L. Vauvenargues

Bargaining with honor does not make you rich. L. Vauvenargues

Honor is the diamond on the hand of virtue. F. Voltaire

Honor is the desire to gain honor; to observe your honor means not to do anything that would be unworthy of honor. F. Voltaire

People never feel remorse from actions that have become their custom. F. Voltaire

Remorse is the only virtue remaining to criminals. F. Voltaire

In matters of conscience, the law of the majority does not apply. M. Gandhi

Bashfulness indicates the inner limit of human sin; when a person blushes, his nobler self begins to appear. K. Goebbel

Remorse begins where impunity ends. K. Helvetius

There is no more merciless inquisitor than conscience. A. I. Herzen

Reason and conscience cannot be deprived of their rights. They can be lied to, but they cannot be deceived. I. Goethe

No one can judge others until he learns to judge himself. I. Goethe

Conscience is our internal judge, unmistakably indicating how much our actions deserve the respect or censure of our loved ones. P. Holbach

Having a clear conscience means not knowing your sins. Horace

Only those who have clothed themselves in the armor of lies, impudence and shamelessness will not flinch before the judgment of their conscience. M. Gorky

You can’t live without a conscience and a great mind. M. Gorky

The most severe shame and greatest torment is when you do not know how to worthily defend what you love, what you live with. M. Gorky

The highest court is the court of conscience. V. Hugo

The ability to blush is the most characteristic and most human of all human properties. C. Darwin

The suggestions of conscience in connection with repentance and a sense of duty are the most important difference between man and animal. C. Darwin

Forgetting your own sins gives rise to shamelessness. Democritus

Repentance for shameful deeds is the salvation of life. Democritus

The strong are not better, but the honest. Honor and self-esteem are the strongest. F. M. Dostoevsky

Honest enemies always have more enemies than dishonest ones. F. M. Dostoevsky

A clear conscience is the best pillow. G. Ibsen

The law that lives in us is called conscience. Conscience is, in fact, the application of our actions to this law. I. Kant

Honor can only be lost once. E. Kapiev

There are people who trade honor for honor. A. Carr

Conscience is a thousand witnesses. Quintilian

A noble man makes demands on himself, a low man makes demands on others. Confucius

I agree to endure any misfortune, but I will not agree for my honor to suffer. P. Corneille

A cowardly person who has lost all shame can agree to any nasty thing. J. Labruyère

Conscience is the law of laws. A. Lamartine

Conscience becomes hardened only through crime and baseness. J. Lametrie

As for shame, it is curious that sometimes modest people, being only witnesses of an indecent act, experience sensations similar to the feeling of shame. G. Leibniz

Conscience is more accurate than memory. M. Yu. Lermontov

Honor, decency, conscience are qualities that we need to value just as we value our health, because without these qualities a person is not a person. D. S. Likhachev

Honor is the dignity of a morally living person. D. S. Likhachev

To demand from an honest man that he act according to the dictates of his conscience would be unnecessary, and to demand that he act contrary to his conscience would mean to insult him. T. Macaulay

Man is the only animal that blushes, or, under certain circumstances, should blush. Mark Twain

The “conscience” of the privileged... is a privileged conscience. K. Marx

The worth and dignity of a man lies in his heart and in his will; it is here that the basis of his true honor lies. M. Montaigne

Shyness is common to everyone; one must be able to overcome it, but one should never lose it. C. Montesquieu

It is in the nature of rational beings to feel their imperfections; That’s why nature gave us modesty, that is, a feeling of shame in front of these imperfections. C. Montesquieu

A clear conscience is not afraid of lies, rumors, or gossip. Ovid

He who is not ready to die for his own honor will find dishonor. B. Pascal

Conscience is the best moral book we possess; you should look into it most often. B. Pascal

He who has lost his shame must be considered lost. Plautus

To deprive another of his honor is to deprive him of his own. Publilius Syrus

Many people care about their reputation, but only a few care about their conscience. Publilius Syrus

The wounds of conscience never heal Publilius Syrus

Conscience sometimes punishes even where the law does not. Publilius Syrus

Honors adorn an honest man, but dishonor a dishonest one. Publilius Syrus

He who has no sense of shame will only be affected by fear. Publilius Syrus

A shameful profit is worse than a loss. Publilius Syrus

Shame cannot be learned; you have to be born with it. Publilius Syrus

He who is not ashamed of his offense is doubly guilty. Publilius Syrus

Nothing disgraces a person more than patronage. A. S. Pushkin

Conscience is a clawed beast that gnaws at the heart. A. S. Pushkin

It is not difficult to despise the court of people, but it is impossible to despise your own court. A. S. Pushkin

Yes, the one whose conscience is not clear is pitiful. A. S. Pushkin

Honor is true beauty! R. Rolland

A clear conscience quenches the thirst for frivolous fun. J.-J. Rousseau

Shame is a person’s most precious ability to put his actions in accordance with the requirements of that highest conscience, which is bequeathed by the history of mankind. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

Even the most inveterate scoundrels understand that in a person who is ashamed there is something that sets him apart from the mass of slackers and fools. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

The concept of honor is the most powerful incentive for morality than any code of punishment. A. Saint-Simon

A clear conscience is a constant holiday. Seneca the Younger

A good conscience is not afraid to be in public, but a bad conscience is afraid of loneliness. Seneca the Younger

Shame sometimes prohibits what the laws do not prohibit. Seneca the Younger

Lost shame will not return. Seneca the Younger

Morality is inseparable from modesty, and modesty is from morality, and if both begin to crumble and collapse, then the whole beautiful building collapses, depreciates and no longer inspires anything but disgust. M. Cervantes

Remorse is the most terrible feeling that visits the human heart. It is generated by shame, it is caused by one’s own awareness of the crime, regret about its consequences, compassion for the dead victim, fear of punishment, which undoubtedly follows fair revenge on the part of any rational being. A. Smith

Conscience is social shame, and shame is natural conscience. V. S. Soloviev

Shamelessness is nothing more than the deprivation or refusal of shame not on the basis of reason, or from ignorance of shame, as in children, savages, etc., or from the fact that a person who has been treated very disdainfully decides to do everything without parsing. B. Spinoza

Shyness is the mother of the most beautiful of all passions of the human heart - love. Stendhal

Conscience is painfully sensitive. You can use your conscience, but, like your imagination and your stomach, it cannot be overloaded. R. Stevenson

The feeling of guilt is a noble feeling of a well-mannered person. Only a fool and a dense moral ignoramus does not experience guilt. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The feeling of guilt is not self-flagellation, but remorse, the desire for moral purity and decency. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Reporting to your conscience is incomparably more difficult than reporting to another person. If you do something bad alone with yourself and think that no one will know about it, you are mistaken. Hiding from people is baseness, hiding from oneself is baseness multiplied by meanness and hypocrisy. Be completely honest with yourself. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Shame in front of people is a good feeling, but the best feeling is shame in front of yourself. L. N. Tolstoy

Conscience is the memory of society, assimilated by an individual. L. N. Tolstoy

Conscience is a faithful guide in people's lives. L. N. Tolstoy

I know only two real misfortunes in life: remorse and illness. L. N. Tolstoy

Nothing more accurately than what a person is ashamed of and what he is not ashamed of shows the degree of moral perfection at which he is located. L. N. Tolstoy

A clear conscience is nothing more than joy at the joy caused to another person; a bad conscience is nothing more than suffering and pain over pain caused to another person through misunderstanding, oversight or passion. L. Feuerbach

The greatest consolation in all my sorrows is that no enemies have the power to take away my conscience, and I will never become such an enemy to myself that I will harm it. G. Fielding

True honor cannot tolerate untruth. G. Fielding

True honor is the decision to do, in all circumstances, what is useful to the most people. B. Franklin

Looking at people with a broken conscience is even worse than looking at people who have been beaten. Yu. Fuchik

The best decoration is a clear conscience. Cicero

The power of conscience is great: it makes one feel equally, taking away all fear from the innocent and constantly picturing in the imagination of the culprit all the punishments he deserves. Cicero

The better a person is, the more difficult it is for him to suspect others of dishonor. Cicero

My calm conscience is more important to me than all the gossip. For me, my conscience means more than everyone else's opinions. Cicero

Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost. A. P. Chekhov

It is not appropriate for a decent person to pursue universal respect: let it come to him by itself and, so to speak, against his will. N. Chamfort

It is difficult to intimidate a heart that has not been stained by anything. W. Shakespeare

A girl’s honor is all her wealth, it is more valuable than any inheritance. W. Shakespeare

Honor is more valuable than life. F. Schiller

Honor is external conscience, and conscience is internal honor. A. Schopenhauer

The more a person is ashamed, the more he deserves respect. B. Shaw

A person must be the master of his will and the slave of his conscience. M. Ebner-Eschenbach

Each social group has its own code of honor. F. Engels

Nothing bothers people more than a bad conscience. Erasmus of Rotterdam

Who are the judges?

Sooner or later, everyone encounters people in whom it is difficult to discern even the beginnings of decency. Statuses about unscrupulous people and their unscrupulous actions.

  1. Many people say they believe in God, but few live according to their conscience...
  2. Sometimes you want to send your conscience to hell. It makes it very difficult to treat some individuals the way they treat you.
  3. Conscience was invented by bad people so that they had something to influence the good ones...
  4. Oh, this feeling when you realize that you again believed a person, and he again proved that he has no conscience.
  5. Well, yes, write to whoever you want, call whoever you want, hang out with whoever you want. Only then don’t be surprised that your conscience will eat you up...
  6. People do not change, they only play the necessary role for a while for the sake of their interests.
  7. Conscience is not among those people who say: “Everything is fine.” And those who say: “Everything is bad, but I’m with you!”
  8. I guess I never grew up. I still believe in miracles, love and good people.
  9. Every person has three golden qualities: patience, kindness and conscience. Sometimes they help in life much more than intelligence, talent and beauty.
  10. What difference does it make - who is stronger, smarter or richer? After all, in the end, it all comes down to how much you can negotiate with your conscience.
  11. An apology does not mean that you are wrong and the other person is right. It just means you have more conscience.
  12. You cannot be kind to everyone... The warmth of your heart will be enough for some, but others will light a fire from your gullibility in order to warm themselves.
  13. Conscience sometimes falls asleep if others do not appreciate what you do for them.

If you are not guilty, most likely your conscience is tormenting you

There are things that are worth saying at least in statuses. The most suitable phrases for this phrase are statuses about conscience and arrogance.

  1. They say that if you are arrogant, you have no friends. Yes, but they are very patient.
  2. I looked at my impudent friend for a long time. I understood one thing: it’s better to be like this than to be unhappy.
  3. Why? Well, why should you have a conscience and torment me? ?
  4. It is difficult to say who has a conscience and who does not. Our life paths are too different!
  5. Even if you feel bad, you must listen to your conscience. Don't look at others. They are not you.
  6. Nobody knows what conscience looks like. But everyone wants me to have it.
  7. In fact, conscience is a great success. It is not given to just anyone.
  8. God gave me a conscience and decided that this was enough...
  9. You won't make much money if you have a clear conscience. That's me, by the way.
  10. It's good when you have a conscience and no laziness. And when there is laziness, but no conscience, it’s also not bad...
  11. Conscience begins to torment from birth. And if it doesn’t start, then it won’t start.
  12. Why am I always uncomfortable and ashamed for everyone? For friends, for parents, for the dog.
  13. They say that arrogance is the second happiness, but, in my opinion, there is no one uglier than an arrogant person.
  14. Even if you have a crystal clear conscience, you must have at least one dirty thought.
  15. Please take this conscience away. She interferes with my life.
  16. A greedy person will never be happy, but an arrogant person... you know, most likely he will be.
  17. Even if hell does not exist, there are people for whom it is worth establishing!
  18. Someday your conscience will awaken, and you will simply go crazy from what you once did.
  19. At the end of my life, I will definitely ask myself what I have. I'm afraid it will turn out to be one conscience.
  20. I don’t give in to remorse, because conscience is too much wealth, it’s cheaper to be arrogant :D.
  21. Disconnect from everything, even from your conscience. This is needed from time to time.
  22. There are such memories that are pure pleasure, and there are real food for the conscience :(.
  23. I would live according to my conscience, but it has too bad an effect on the heart. I'm afraid of getting sick...
  24. If you want to live a happy life, take your conscience and send it to hell!
  25. In your heart you always know what to do. And it doesn’t matter who prompts: conscience or arrogance.
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