25 quotes from Alice in Wonderland, the meaning of which is revealed only to adults (5 photos)

About believing in miracles

The Mad Hatter was not mad at all, but simply believed in miracles and considered them to be a common occurrence. He taught the same to his little guest. The hero was sure that Alice was as strange as he was, otherwise the girl would not have been able to end up in Wonderland and would not have met its inhabitants. One of the most famous quotes from the Hatter about faith in miracles:

"- Impossible…

“It’s possible, if you believe in it.”

The hero’s answer can be explained this way: most people believe that miracles do not happen, they are dreams. It is because of this lack of faith that people rarely notice them. With this quote, the Hatter wanted to say that Alice should not stop dreaming, because it was thanks to this that she ended up in Wonderland.

Alice in Wonderland (Dir. Tim Burton, 2010)

But to accomplish the impossible, you just need to believe that you are capable of it.

I'll tell you a secret: crazy people are smarter than everyone else.

Bad things won’t happen in a dream, but if you get scared, you might wake up from a slight pinch.

If the rules required you to weave live herring into your hair, would you comply with them?

You are beautiful. All that's missing is a smile.

She had been planning this day for the last 20 years.

-What are you thinking about? — About what it’s like to be able to fly.

- Guess what scares me. - Decline of the aristocracy? - Ugly people.

— Hattie is a childhood friend. - Yes, I see that you are very friendly.

Everyone is waiting for me to agree. You are still a lord, youth is not eternal, and I don’t want to end my life like...

Everything gets weirder and weirder.

Dogs are gullible, like children.

I see that someone I met was unfriendly and had claws.

The wound must be disinfected using the Cheshire medicine method, otherwise there will be inflammation and a purulent abscess.

Rather than command, it would be better to wake up.

What do a raven and a desk have in common?

Talking about bloodshed at the table spoils my appetite.

You thought only about your own salvation, you cowardly and disgusting, super-flea-buttering, belly-slimy, evil-spirited obshorst, vile, fish-smelling murk!

“If you hide it, you’ll lose your heads!” - Already without a head!

Nowadays everyone travels by rail, but hat transportation is much more reliable and pleasant.

- Sorry, what was that? - What was what?

That time it was much harder, much more damask. There's no such damaskness.

Who will you save when you are the size of a hamster?

My dear, those with such big heads are held in high esteem here. Start sewing right away. There aren't enough clothes, take off the curtains, but put them on!

What an incredible head you have! I would like to fool her!

How can he create if he is in chains?

Sometimes I admire you from top to bottom, sometimes vice versa.

More damaskness!

A! I cook soup for them, but they are late!

One day, the root of evil hit her in the head and took root.

Three coins from a dead man’s pocket, two tablespoons of vain thoughts...

I strongly advise you to keep a sharp sword at the ready when the brave day comes.

Nobles dragging out the miserable life of slaves, down with the bloody witch!

You don't need love from your subjects, only fear.

- Why don’t you defeat the Jabberwocky yourself, aren’t you capable? - Oh, what are you doing, harming a living creature?!

Anyone who is sane would hardly dream of me.

Whoever is not Alice will not be defeated.

And there was no force in the world that could stop his imagination.

In the good future, perhaps I’ll see Alice in my next life.

I'm older and more royal!

- This is impossible! - Perhaps, if you believe it.

Every morning, following my father’s example, I try to believe in six crazy miracles.

Wonderland exists.

I am incapable of execution, therefore you are sentenced to exile. No one will be friends with you or say a word to you.

- What is he doing? - Jig-jerking.

- You could stay here... - A wonderful idea, although absolutely crazy.

I'll be back before you know it.

- Hatter, what do a raven and a desk have in common? - Not the slightest idea.

- What's happened? “I fell into a hole and hurt my head.”

You and I are not a couple, understand. It's not about constipation, of course.

Actually, I love rabbits, especially white ones.

About the time

The main thing Alice and the Mad Hatter talked about during the tea party was time. For example, when asked if she thought about time, the girl replied that she sometimes thought about how to spend her time. It was the answer to her remark that became one of the Hatter’s most famous quotes: “You won’t waste your time! And it doesn’t like it! You'd better try to be friends with him."

In general, the inhabitants of Wonderland treat time not just as an abstract concept, for them it is a very specific character, a person. That's why they talk about him the same way as about other heroes. One of the famous quotes from the Hatter from “Alice in Wonderland” about time: “It is not it, but he is Old Man Time!”

But in all the arguments of the heroes of the fairy tale, you can see that they teach Alice how to manage time correctly. There is no need to be idle all the time, it is better to do something useful. A person who manages time correctly manages to get everything done without haste. You need to treat time with respect - this is exactly what the Hatter tried to teach the main character.

Quotes the impossible is possible (200 quotes)

Here are quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about the impossible and the possible. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real “pearls of wisdom” on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and apt phrases of masters of the conversational genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more. On this page you will find quotes about the impossible; you will definitely need this information for your overall development. Quotes the impossible is possible - for you.

- Impossible... - Possible, if you believe in it.

The only way to define the limits of what is possible is to go beyond those limits.

Seeing how difficult things are done with ease, we get a visual representation of the impossible.

If something is worth doing, it is only what is considered impossible.

There is nothing more awkward than seeing someone do something you thought was impossible.

It is impossible to be happy in this world. Even on International Theater Day.

It is impossible to hold a snowflake in the palm of your hand. It is impossible to put a sunbeam in your pocket.

It is impossible to be happy in this world. Even on Earth Day.

Only those who make absurd attempts will be able to achieve the impossible.

Impossible is just a big word behind which little people hide.

A doctor cannot save all patients, and a policeman cannot arrest all criminals. That's how things are.

Anything is possible, the impossible just takes longer.

Nothing is impossible for a person who does not have to do it himself.

Many things seem impossible until you do them.

People consider things impossible that have never happened before.

Only those who make absurd attempts will be able to achieve the impossible.

Don't wish for the impossible. Love always promises the impossible and makes you believe in the impossible.

Nothing is impossible in life! You just need to know which door to knock on.

Without a doubt, heaven would come to earth if we could all love each other.

If you eliminate all the impossible, then whatever remains will be true.

Anything is possible, the impossible just takes longer.

The impossible happens. And when that happens, most of us deal with it.

Well, since the incredible has been achieved, let’s tackle the impossible.

Nothing is impossible in life! You just need to know which door to knock on.

You can't jump over your own shadow.

I seek the impossible because the possible will be excluded by others.

If possible, it has already been done; if this is not possible, it will be done.

Recently I believe that everything is possible in life, even what is impossible.

There are no impossible things in the world. There are only things that are impossible for you personally - and temporarily impossible, if you treat them correctly.

If possible, it has already been done; if this is not possible, it will be done.

There is nothing more awkward than seeing someone do something you thought was impossible.

- Is this even possible? - I have no idea... I’ll do it, then we’ll find out.

Nothing is impossible, it’s just that the impossible requires more strength and effort.

It is impossible to lend either time, or mind, or health.

Nothing is impossible if you believe you can.

The world is divided into two classes - some believe in the incredible, others do the impossible.

It is impossible to achieve absolute perfection because you cannot accomplish the absolutely impossible.

- Does ice burn? — Ice can burn, sofas can read. This is a BIG Universe!

Everything is learned in practice. There are many things in the world that seem impossible.

Once you eliminate the impossible, what remains, no matter how incredible it may seem, becomes the truth. Of course, the problem is to delineate the boundaries of this impossibility. That's the trick.

"Impossible" is not French.

There is nothing impossible for a woman who knows how to cry at the right moment in front of the right man.

“We can’t lift a whole house.” - They raised the leaning tower in Pisa.

“Impossible” is just an opinion.

Everyone knows that this is impossible. But then comes an ignorant person who doesn’t know this - he makes a discovery.

It's kind of fun to do the impossible.

If you think about something that it is impossible, then you thereby make it impossible.

There are no impossible things in the world. There are only things that are impossible for you personally - and temporarily impossible, if you treat them correctly.

It is impossible to love and be wise.

It is no use saying, “We are doing the best we can.” We must do what is necessary!

There are no impossible things in the world. There are only things that are impossible for you personally - and temporarily impossible, if you treat them correctly.

There is nothing more inevitable than the impossible: it is the unforeseen that must always be foreseen.

Anyone who wants the impossible is dear to me.

Over time, many things that people previously considered impossible become part of life.

It is impossible for a person to know and anticipate when to insure against what.

Recently I believe that everything is possible in life, even what is impossible.

If you want to get the maximum, demand the impossible.

Dejection is not a cure, it is a bitter poison when it is impossible to improve the situation...

"Impossible" is a stupid word. And cowardly too.

What is impossible today will become possible tomorrow.

It is impossible to wait only when you are doing nothing.

Hey, who said the impossible is impossible?! Have pity on this weirdo...

We did the impossible because we didn't know it was impossible.

In a poetic work, the probable and impossible is preferable to the incredible, although possible.

Nothing is impossible. I want to become one - and I will. I decided to become the king of the pirates and I will. And if I die trying to fulfill my dream, I don’t care.

Nothing is impossible. The boundaries are only in our heads.

What is possible and tolerable for the four of us is impossible and intolerable for this fifth one. Besides, there are four of us and we don't want there to be five of us.

Genius lies in the ability to distinguish the difficult from the impossible.

If you think about something that it is impossible, then you thereby make it impossible.

To do the impossible, you must first abandon routine techniques.

Always get up. You are capable of the impossible.

If you think about something that it is impossible, then you thereby make it impossible.

It is impossible for someone who lives virtuously to be revered by everyone.

Who told you that this is impossible? And who is he to so easily use the word “impossible” in relation to your ideas?

If something is beyond your capabilities, then do not decide that it is impossible for a person. But if something is possible for a person and is characteristic of him, then consider that it is also available to you.

You cannot demand from dirt that it not be dirt.

Russians are invincible! We can even erase a shadow and adjust what is not there!

When love is not false, It is impossible for us to love someone who is not dear to us. All harassment is then doomed.

We did the impossible because we didn't know it was impossible.

Yes! The impossible also has possibilities)))

It’s amazing how easily you give up what yesterday you thought was impossible to part with.

It's kind of fun to do the impossible.

The word "impossible" can only be found in the vocabulary of fools.

All people can be divided into three types: those who cannot be set in motion, those who can be set in motion, and those who move.

Nothing is impossible for someone who doesn't have to do it himself.

It's hard to say what is impossible, because yesterday's dream is today's hope and tomorrow's reality.

It is impossible to imagine that such a natural, necessary and universal phenomenon as death was intended by heaven as a punishment for humanity.

Everything can be survived, no matter how impossible it may seem at first.

Over time, the grief will subside. It’s not that it has disappeared completely, but you can already live with what remains.

Everything is learned in practice. There are many things in the world that seem impossible.

Anyone who wants the impossible is dear to me.

It’s a shame if you can’t handle a difficult task, but it’s stupid to be annoyed when you can’t accomplish the impossible.

As long as you challenge the impossible, any life is beautiful!

Striving for the impossible is crazy.

A person can believe in the impossible, but he will never believe in the improbable.

Happiness is like perfume - it is impossible to pour out the scent on other people without dropping at least a few drops on yourself!

Ah, is there anything impossible in the world?

Nothing is impossible. Believe in yourself and everything will work out!

It's impossible to know everything.

Nothing is impossible for those who have two privileges - beauty and youth.

The only way to define the limits of what is possible is to go beyond those limits.

It is impossible to wean people from studying the most unnecessary subjects.

I didn’t want anything at all except the impossible.

A pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity, an optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty.

It is impossible to live better than by spending your life striving to become more perfect.

If two people believe in something, truly believe, then everything, even the impossible, is possible.

There is nothing impossible for a woman who knows how to cry at the right moment in front of the right man.

Genius lies in the ability to distinguish the difficult from the impossible.

It is in the nature of women to prove the impossible with the help of the possible and to refute facts with premonitions.

If something is beyond your capabilities, then do not decide that it is generally impossible for a person. But if something is possible for a person and is characteristic of him, then consider that it is also available to you.

No joint action is possible without imposing someone else's will on a certain number of people, that is, without authority.

What is impossible today will become possible tomorrow.

Nothing is impossible for a person who does not have to do it himself.

When a system encounters a problem that cannot be solved within the existing system, it breaks down.

If you believe in yourself, then the impossible turns out to be possible.

A person can do everything, but no more.

A person can believe in the impossible, but he will never believe in the improbable.

Aim for the impossible. Climb a few steps, since by the will of fate you find yourself at the foot. Climb up until the ladder is pulled out. It will be scary - pray, but don’t give up.

Creator of new impossibilities.

Difficult things are things that can be done immediately; the impossible is something that will take a little more time.

Over time, what seemed strange becomes the norm. What seemed impossible becomes real.

It is impossible to stop time: the watch industry will not allow this.

People strive to forget the impossible. This makes the world seem safer to them.

Optimism is probably the best weapon humanity has. Without it, we would never have dared to do the impossible, which - against all odds - turns out to be possible.

We turn to God only to get the impossible.

When you do the impossible, the answer to the question “why” is obvious: so that it happens.

Talented is when it shouldn’t be, but when it’s great.

A tiny act of kindness is better than the most solemn promises to do the impossible.

People never see something that seems impossible to them to exist.

Always get up. You are capable of the impossible.

Freedom cannot be simulated!

There is nothing more awkward than seeing someone do something you thought was impossible.

Vera does not know the word “impossible.” But he knows the word “miracle”.

When there is no opposition, balance is impossible.

We turn to God only to get the impossible.

Recently I believe that everything is possible in life, even what is impossible.

It is impossible for a person to live without love: then a soul was given to him so that he could love.

Every “possibility” is first “impossible”, and every “reality” is first a “dream”...

For children there is no boundary between the possible and the impossible. These boundaries were invented by adults. You just need to want something very badly for it to become possible.

It is impossible to work for others without working for yourself.

Behind me are wings whose name is perseverance. Sometimes persistence can take the form of wings and make even the impossible possible!

Almost impossible and impossible are two very different things...

You can love those who hate, but it is impossible to love those you hate.

A miracle is something that seems impossible, but happens.

The fact that we cannot imagine something does not make such a thing impossible.

Only those who make absurd attempts will be able to achieve the impossible.

If you think that nothing is impossible, put the paste back in the tube!

A vital ingredient to success is not knowing that what you set out to do cannot be accomplished.

In an enthusiastic state, a person is able to do something that is otherwise simply impossible. Passions work miracles, that is, actions that exceed the powers of the organ in an ordinary, dispassionate state.

You need to do the impossible. You need to work hard. And if you succeed, you are positive, you have a ray of hope.

Never promise to do the possible. Anyone can accomplish the possible. You need to promise the impossible because sometimes the impossible is possible if you find the right way or at least push the boundaries of what is possible. And if you lose, well, you've taken on an impossible task.

It is absolutely impossible to write a work that would satisfy all readers.

Love makes many impossible things possible.

People never see something that seems impossible to them to exist.

Music expresses what we cannot say and what we cannot remain silent about.

With possibility comes impossibility.

Little Volkov did not know who Peter Pan was, and had not read such a book, but he really liked the schooner and the cabin boy, and he wanted to go there, to the ship, where he was not and could not be, and the ship itself was not there either!..

Remember: it is impossible to achieve a great goal without deception and violence.

Their specialty is the impossible.

It is impossible to repeat the first sunrise, the first open sea, the first smell of jasmine and the first entrance under the arches of the anatomical theater. Impossible to repeat. It's impossible to stop loving. Impossible to forget. This is hardwired into every neuron of everyone who has had a medical school student ID.

Stupidity is so impenetrable that it is impossible to explore it to the bottom, no echo is born in it, it absorbs everything without return.

Hope is a pathological belief in the impossible.

Everything is possible, even the impossible, because where all the doors are locked to science today, tomorrow one of them may open slightly. If old methods prove unsuccessful, we must look for new ones, and where science does not help, you can always hope for a miracle.

Weakness of character is the only flaw that cannot be corrected.

Try it, give the impossible at least one chance. Have you ever wondered how tired it is, this impossible thing, how it needs us.

She would go to hell, she would face all her fears for him; Without a moment's hesitation, she would do anything. Whatever we are willing to do to turn back time. Everything we didn't do when we had the chance.

Those who, out of whim and vanity, want to succeed in everything at once, are invariably envious. They will always have someone to envy, for it is impossible for many not to be superior to them in at least some way.

Even the most incredible things happen in life. You just need to be bolder.

With possibility comes impossibility.

Still, intuition is a strange thing, and it is impossible to brush it aside and impossible to explain.

When you rule out the impossible, what remains is the truth, no matter how incredible it may seem.

This is how you always do something incredible simply because you don’t know about the impossibility of such an action.

It is impossible to be free from what you are running away from.

I know that I am asking the impossible from you. But you were taught: “The almost impossible is possible.”

Even the most incredible things happen in life. You just need to be bolder.

For my children I wish not another soul, but another life, and if this is impossible, my own unhappy happiness.

The most enjoyable thing is to do what people think you will never do.

It takes a lot of bullets to destroy something impossible.

The imagination also reaches a certain minimum, that is, it is able to evoke in itself an idea whose fragmentation is unimaginable, and its reduction is impossible without its complete destruction.

What we did should have taught us that nothing is impossible. After all, what seemed impossible yesterday has become possible today.

And therefore nothing will seem impossible to us tomorrow.

Difficult does not mean impossible.

In everything there is a line beyond which it is dangerous to cross; for once you have stepped over, it is impossible to go back.

Aim for the impossible. Climb a few steps, since by the will of fate you find yourself at the foot. Climb up until the ladder is pulled out. It will be scary - pray, but don’t give up.

If something is worth doing, it is only what is considered impossible.

There is nothing impossible for a person. By acquiring knowledge and experience, a person turns the impossible into the real, ordinary, and accessible.

The country gets the kind of ruler its people deserve. Innocent girls die in the name of a high goal, without knowing it. Witches sometimes deserve to be saved. In life, this happens all the time. You will be very surprised if you look around more closely.

Without health, happiness is impossible.

There are always higher mountains and deeper chasms than you can imagine. The unthinkable happens, the unsayable is pronounced - such is life.

Love always promises the impossible and makes you believe in the impossible.

The mind cannot be humiliated - this is how one takes revenge on it by persecuting it.

Promise only the impossible, and you will have nothing to reproach yourself with.

The whole world is divided into two classes: some believe in the incredible, like the common mob, while others do the impossible.

It is impossible to achieve wisdom without living wisely.

A tiny act of kindness is better than the most solemn promises to do the impossible.

The impossible happens. And when that happens, most of us deal with it.

It is impossible to undress naked.

Nothing is impossible, it seems impossible only because you haven't done it before.

People strive to forget the impossible. This makes the world seem safer to them.

It is impossible to solve a problem at the same level at which it arose. You need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.

What seems completely impossible at night may seem merely improbable in the morning.

Everything can be survived, no matter how impossible it may seem at first. Over time, the grief will subside. It’s not that it has disappeared completely, but you can already live with what remains.

Impotence is the only flaw that cannot be corrected.

As long as we are together, nothing is impossible for us.

As long as we are together, nothing is impossible for us.

About Alice

Despite all the oddities of the Hatter, the main character sympathized with him. Because he treated the girl kindly and taught her in a unique manner. The Hatter thought Alice was a strange but interesting girl. “You know, Alice, you’ve begun to miss something much more” - by this phrase the Hatter meant that the girl used to be more decisive and more inquisitive.

Thanks to her curiosity and courage, Alice ended up in this unusual country. And the girl was able to meet amazing heroes. One of whom was the Mad Hatter.

The fairy tale about the adventures of the girl Alice in Wonderland continues to be popular. Both children and adults enjoy reading it. A film of the same name was shot, in which Johnny Depp played one of his most striking and eccentric roles - the Mad Hatter.

His hero turned out to be strange, crazy, but at the same time sweet and kind. That's why the audience liked this character so much. Despite his eccentric behavior, it is worth noting that there are some reasonable statements in his reasoning. The Mad Hatter's quotes are among the most famous.

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