Quotes from great men about wonderful women

The strongest feeling is disappointment. After love, resentment, jealousy, at least something remains in the soul; after disappointment, emptiness.

If something happens, pretend that everything is fine with you, this is the most effective method. Once you manage to deceive yourself, everything else will be easy


Success is not final, failure is not fatal, what matters is the courage to continue.


You can't save the planet alone, but you have to have the courage to try the impossible


Maybe we just give up quickly. Maybe to get what you want, you just have to try one more time


The wider you open your arms, the easier it is to crucify you. The more you reveal your soul, the more vulnerable you are


If nothing can be done anyway, then there is no need to drive yourself crazy


No matter how much we deny it, deep down we know: everything that happened to us, we deserved

You come home, make coffee, sit in a chair and there is silence all around. And each of us chooses for himself what it is: loneliness or freedom

For a girl, the most important contribution to raising a child is the right dad!


  • You can say that you have bad genetics, a bad metabolism, or you can just start working on yourself, set a goal and believe in yourself


Sooner or later everything will end. What is now tearing you apart will only be remembered occasionally


If you want something you've never had, start doing something you've never done.

In fact, any person in your life together will hurt you. You just have to find someone who's worth some suffering

  • I present an excellent selection that includes the wisest short statuses with meaning.


Suspecting is worse than knowing. Reality has limits, but imagination is limitless.


It is impossible to help someone who does not want to change their life. Hippocrates


It is better to get dirty saving someone from the mud than to stain your soul with indifference.


Everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to change themselves. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Never take advice from people who do not live the way you dream of living.


  • First we become slaves of our desires, and then slaves of those on whom the fulfillment of these desires depends.

The wisest short statuses

Imagine how quiet it would be if people only said what they knew.


Everyone has their own problems, some have stale bread, some have small diamonds


A man who needs you will always find a way to be WITH you. Even if he lives on another planet and has no free time at all.


  • Men are like a good dress. It seems to fit well, and the style is suitable, but it feels like I’ve already seen it on some bitch!

*** There are no ideal relationships. There is a woman's wisdom not to notice men's stupidity. There is a man's strength to forgive women's weaknesses.


There are too few men who are stronger than us in character. From whom we are ready to learn life. And when you meet someone like that, it really blows your mind.


All men are proud of their children. And the ego of some men is so great that they are proud even of their wives.


Men who are confident in their masculinity and internally balanced will not kick open the door, offend women or mock gays. Clint Eastwood


  • As a rule, a man is more pleased to see the table set for dinner than to hear his wife speak Greek.

*** The first guy I wasn’t attracted to. The first guy who wasn't attacked. The first one, in front of whom, trembling, my knees gave way. The first man about whom she said: “The last one.”


Respect a man walking arm in arm with a beautiful woman, at least because he has good taste.


Most men demand from their wives qualities that they themselves are not worthy of. L. Tolstoy


Never waste your time looking for a man, spend it on self-improvement. and then the man himself will find you!


  • To understand whether a man is having a good time at a party, just look at the expression on his wife’s face.


Men are liked by men because of their virtues, and by women because of their shortcomings.


In every man's life there must be something bright, for example a blonde.


He insisted that everything would be fine. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be fine. He was not a deceiver. He was a father.

True Values

It is possible to describe life in a few words, but the main thing is usually the simplest and very easy to describe. Men's statuses on VK are a clear confirmation of this.

  1. The Cowardly Man is a hybrid developed over the past few decades.
  2. You can apologize for betrayal, but is there any point in that...
  3. A true friend can be found in a few moments and lost just as quickly.
  4. It is very difficult to get out of dependence on a phone, since with its help you can experience absolutely the entire spectrum of emotions.
  5. It is very strange to respect a man for his old age, although one should respect him for his wisdom.
  6. Before you throw around words, remember that this is your price.
  7. Besides the fact that a coward is despised by society, he also does not love himself.
  8. Alcohol is taste, fun, for some it is youth, but in no case is it a medicine.

Quotes about men with meaning

- Darling, I will do anything for you: through a storm and a hurricane! I'll move mountains! In general, wait, I’ll come tomorrow. If it doesn't rain.

*** A man must love three women: the one who gave birth to him; the one who will give birth to him; and the one that will be born to him.


Never follow a man! Watch yourself and then the man will watch you!


The sage was asked: Which woman can you trust: a blonde, a redhead or a brunette? The sage replied: A woman with gray hair can be trusted, but a man cannot be trusted, even a bald one!


Women talk about love and are silent about lovers, men - on the contrary: they talk about mistresses, but are silent about love.


A real man admits his mistakes. He doesn't look for extremes. He understands that only he himself is to blame for all his failures.


The ultimate dream for every man is a woman who will delight the senses without burdening the mind too much.


Two things in a woman’s life are absolutely inevitable: dust on the furniture and disappointment in a man.


No matter how strong a woman is, she is waiting for a man stronger than herself. And not so that he restricts her freedom, but so that he gives her the right to be weak.


The man acts, and the woman waits - such is fate. But sometimes waiting is much harder than acting.


A man always follows principles - even if he is selfish, self-interested and evil; a woman obeys only impulses.


It is important for a man to be obeyed unquestioningly, and a woman must be able to turn unquestioning obedience into an instrument of her own ultimate victory.


Can a woman condemn a man for losing his head in love? Such is our nature, and Nature knows what she is doing, otherwise she would have created us differently.


Indifference makes a woman nervous, and care makes her affectionate. Every man has what he deserves.


Mutual affection between a man and a woman always begins with the stunning illusion that you think the same about everything in the world.


A real man is like a wolf, either alone or with one wolf forever. And running after sheep is the lot of rams.


Love men. They really need your Love. Even if they never admit it. Behind every great man there is always a woman who believed in him. And she truly loved.


A man is a man who will prohibit, justify, convince and you will obey. And boy, he'll just be offended.


There are two great passions in a man's life: women and cars. They consider their compatibility absurd, but separately they love them madly.


Remember, the motto of men used to be “I came, I saw, I conquered.” Now, in my opinion, it sounds different: “I tried, I got scared, I ran away.”


A bachelor is a man who wants to have a wife, but is glad that he does not have one.


You can seduce a man who has a wife. You can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman... Omar Khayyam.


The taste develops gradually. About twenty years ago I happened to marry men whom today I would not even invite to dinner. Elizabeth Taylor.


Being a real man does not mean subjugating a woman. This is when a woman herself wants to be submissive to him.


A woman in love is ready to do anything for a man. A man in love is ready to accept all this.


Almost all women strive to change men, and when they succeed, they lose interest in them. Marlene Dietrich


Women, like children, love to say “no.” Men, like children, take it seriously.


A real man comes into your life and, despite quarrels and problems, remains in it forever. And all the rest are drafts!


It is a bad trait in men to be ashamed of their hearts. This is also pride, only false. It would be better if they were sometimes ashamed of their mind: it makes mistakes more often.


When men say rude things to us, they don’t know how long we remember it and how much it hurts us.


Indifference makes a woman nervous, and care makes her affectionate. Every man has what he deserves. Faina Ranevskaya


I became convinced that the most difficult thing in a relationship with a man is to end the relationship when he doesn’t want it. Robert Heinlein "Sailing Beyond the Sunset"


The strong, silent man is too often silent only because he has nothing to say. (Winston Churchill)


“Men without female society grow dull, and women without male society fade” Anton Chekhov


A man can sit for 2 hours without moving, looking at a float, but wait 5 minutes for his wife to get dressed, he doesn’t have enough nerves!


“All men are monsters. All that remains for women is to feed them better.” Oscar Wilde


What is the secret of my success with women? With a maid I behave like a lady, and with a lady like a maid.


A stupid man is trying to re-educate a woman. The smart one strives to teach her. And only the wise do the almost impossible, love her as she is.


A man's strength lies not in how many women he seduced, but how many he was able to refuse for the sake of one


Every guy ultimately chooses the girl who believes in him more than he does.


You can’t understand a man with your mind, you don’t need to believe his words! He must prove by deeds that he can be trusted with life.


A real man should give way to a woman and not give way to anyone next to her.


When a woman loves, she admits to cheating because she wants to be honest. And a man will never forgive, because he loves too


Very often, men owe their success to their first wife, and they owe their success to their second wife.


A man does not need a woman who cannot live without him. He needs a woman without whom he cannot live.


In any case, something always remains between a man and a woman: a little attraction, a little hope, a tiny dream. Michel Houellebecq


A man loves one with his heart, another with his mind, a third with his body, and as a result marries a fourth


A man who is completely incapable of being faithful is at least true to himself. Vivien Leigh


A free man always does what he wants. A free woman never does anything she doesn't want to do.


The best way to help a man achieve more is to not try to change him. / John Gray. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus


Nowadays, most older men look at young girls, they like youth, and girls like the experience and stability of an adult companion.


A weak man does not know how to get a woman into bed, and a strong man does not know how to drive her out of there.


The best feeling for a man is when the proudest woman wants to hide behind his shoulders.


Strange men, people like to sleep with everyone indiscriminately, so it’s no big deal, but how to insert someone else’s flash drive into your computer, they immediately ask: “Are there no viruses?” ″


When men treat a woman with disrespect, it almost always shows that she was the first to forget in her treatment of them.


A man who has forgotten his family cannot be called a real man. Godfather


It’s wonderful when your man combines such qualities as a husband, lover, provider, best friend and your personal guardian angel


The best man is not a set of qualities and material baggage. This is the person next to whom you feel desired, the most beautiful, loved and simply happy.


I love caring, loving, responsible and reliable men! I generally love science fiction!


When a man and a woman are friends, Everything is very simple, but incredibly difficult, After all, many things are practically impossible, Although theoretically possible.

Honor is in actions

  1. Remember, the more you praise your boyfriend for little things, the stronger he becomes, not forgetting who really believed in him.
  2. You can't call yourself a man if your hobby is gossip.
  3. You don’t have to stand out from the crowd to be the only one for the girl you love.
  4. The guy must endure, endure and get it. And then you can lie down and watch football.
  5. He accidentally erased her eyebrow and admitted it himself. Why was she offended again?!
  6. Previously, knights protected the princess from other knights, but now “knighthood” consists of bringing her some water from the kitchen in the middle of the night.
  7. Okay, Google: how can you prove that you are a man without posting pictures of yourself in a rocking chair?
  8. A man is like coffee - he interferes with sleep if he is strong. But keep in mind: some people are excited by even weakly brewed coffee. And for some, tea is enough...

You need to be able to break up, just like to love.

A person should be interested in something more than sex and monetary gain. It is then that he can be called a man - a serious male status.

  1. I will be free as soon as the race for money goes out of fashion.
  2. Happiness and love cannot exist without wisdom.
  3. Out of a thousand nights, at least one should be memorable. And then your life is worth something.
  4. A well-groomed woman is allowed almost any flaws in her appearance.
  5. Not all women want to have children, just as not all men want to have wives.
  6. I don't want a girl who's as attractive as wine. I want it - like tart cognac, which only a few can taste.
  7. A good person can already be called a man.
  8. If you constantly repeat the same thing, then there is simply no chance to change your life.

A guy's strength is in friendship

Men's VK statuses are more than chatter and entertainment. This is something worth thinking about.

  1. She may have been really looking forward to that damn first step from you. But you will never know about it now.
  2. It's foolish to hope that she doesn't answer calls for any other reason other than that she doesn't want to.
  3. We want everything so much at once that we don’t understand that having at least some of what we want would also be nice.
  4. Competing with a man is one thing, but competing with a woman whom you also like is, excuse me, another.
  5. You don't need to look for the best one - you need to look for the right one.
  6. Many people want to get married so badly, without believing eyewitnesses that this is far from the end.
  7. There is no way to a man's heart.
  8. The more small flaws you have, the sooner they will destroy you.
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