Anger. Rending aphorisms about anger

Aphorisms and quotes about anger

The surest remedy for anger is slowness. Publius Syrus

The beginning of anger is madness, and its end is repentance. Arabic proverb

Anger is an absolute weakness; it is known that weak creatures are most susceptible to it: children, women, old people, the sick, etc. F. Bacon

Anger is a passion, however, if not humbled and not healed, it turns into bodily suffering. Apollonius of Tyana

Anger is short-term madness, so control your passion or it will control you. Horace

Anger is not love, it is short-lived... M. Gorky

The anger of a fool is in his words, the anger of a wise man is in his deeds. Arabic proverb

Anger is the most feminine and childish of vices. - “However, it also occurs in husbands.” - “Of course, because husbands also have a feminine or childish character.” Seneca

In weak souls, the possibility of causing pain leads to a more severe attack of anger, the more painful the awareness of one’s own weakness. Therefore, women are more angry than men, the sick are more angry than the healthy, the old are more angry than the young, and the poor are more prosperous. Plutarch

If two people parted in anger, it means they had too close a relationship. Paul Valéry

Anger makes more courageous only those who, without anger, did not even know what courage was. Seneca

Anger comes to us often, but more often we come to it. Seneca

We all remain angry longer than we feel the pain caused to us. Seneca

We are not angry at someone whom we consider beyond our reach for revenge. Aristotle

There are always plenty of reasons for anger, but rarely good ones. George Savile, Marquess of Halifax

Anger is blinding, but... unfortunately, it does not paralyze the tongue. Laszlo Ferecki

They kill not with anger, but with laughter. Friedrich Nietzsche

During anger one should neither speak nor act. Pythagoras of Samos

Anger is an animal-like passion in its disposition, capable of frequent repetition, cruel and unyielding in strength, serving as the cause of murder, an ally of misfortune, an accomplice of harm and dishonor. Aristotle

When anger or any other similar kind of emotion takes possession of an individual, the latter's decision inevitably becomes unsuitable. Aristotle

The lover's anger is short-lived. Menander

Even in anger, do not reveal your friend’s secrets. Menander

There is nothing more terrible than anger. Menander

He who knows how to restrain his anger will never commit shameful deeds. Menander

He who is gentle in anger is much smarter. Plautus Titus Maccius

Anger differs from madness only in its short duration. Cato Marcus Porcius Censorius

Anger is the beginning of madness. Cicero Marcus Tullius

Is there really so much anger in the souls of the gods? Virgil Maro Publius

Nowhere is procrastination more useful than in anger. Publilius Syrus

Snow remains for a long time in uncultivated wild places; but where the earth shines, tamed by the plow, it melts faster than frost. The same is true of anger in the human heart: for a long time it dominates wild minds and slides between refined ones. Petronius Arbiter Gaius

Like fragile ice, anger goes away if you wait it out. Ovid

Meekness becomes people, anger befits beasts. Ovid

By angrily attacking anger, we provoke even more anger. Plutarch

Anger enslaves and humiliates even the most worthy person. Babriy

He who does not return anger with anger saves both - himself and the other. Saying by an unknown Indian author

An excellent warrior never gets angry. Aaozi (Li Er)

An angry person is always full of poison. Confucius (Kun Tzu)

Do not be hasty in your spirit to anger, because anger nests in the hearts of fools. Old Testament. Ecclesiastes

Anger destroys even the wise. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

Do not be friends with an angry person and do not associate with a hot-tempered person. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

Heavy is stone, weight and sand; but the wrath of a fool is greater than both of them. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

A fool will immediately show his anger, but a prudent person hides his insult. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

Nothing confuses the purity of mind, beauty, and wisdom more than causeless anger, carried around by a loud roar. John Chrysostom

When you are angry, make it a point to suppress your anger. Unsur al-Maali

Blessed are those who suppress their anger and forgive people. As-Samarkandi

He who irascibly raises his hand with a sword, then gnaws his hands in repentance. Saadi

Only he is the sun in advice, and a lion in battle, who knows how to subdue anger with reason. Saadi

There is no anger so fiery that it does not cool down over time. Giovanni Boccaccio

The most difficult thing for a person to cope with is frustration and anger. Margaret of Navarre

Do you want to gain praise while being angry? Be angry at the vice, not at the person. Erasmus of Rotterdam

No passion clouds the clarity of judgment to such an extent as anger. Michel de Montaigne

Follow the voice of your mind, not your anger. William Shakespeare

In anger, fools are sharp-tongued, but they do not become richer for it. Francis Bacon

Be skilled in anger. If possible, let sober reflection prevent a violent outburst - for a prudent person this is not difficult. The first step in mastering anger is to notice that you are giving in to it, thereby taking control of the excitement, determining to what point - and no further - the anger should go; Thinking about this, you, overwhelmed with anger, are already cooling down. Know how to stop decently and on time - the hardest thing is to stop a horse in full gallop. The true test of sanity is to remain sane even in attacks of madness. An excess of passion always deviates from the right path: keeping this in mind, you will never violate justice or transgress the boundaries of prudence. Only by curbing passion will you retain power over it - and then you will be the first “prudent on horseback,” if not the only one. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Fear the wrath of a patient man. John Dryden

Anger is never without a reason, but the reason is rarely convincing. George Saville Halifax

Anger fuels fantasies, so much so that you can get burned... George Saville Halifax

Anger is majestic and requires lofty words. Nicola Boileau

Trusting fate to anger is imprudent. Jean Racine

Every blow we strike in anger is sure to fall on ourselves in the end. William Peni

Giving in to anger is often the same as taking revenge on yourself for the guilt of another. Jonathan Swift

Getting angry means taking out the mistakes of another on yourself. Alexander Pop

Anger is open and fleeting hatred; hatred is restrained and constant anger. Charles Pinault Duclos

Anger always has reasons, but rarely good enough. Benjamin Franklin

What begins with anger ends in shame. Benjamin Franklin

The affects of love and hatred are always accompanied by benevolence and anger... The anger of good people is nothing more than an urgent need to forgive. Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

Anger is the source of cruelty. Charles de Coster

Tigers of wrath are wiser than nags of instruction. William Blake

Don't start anything in anger! He who boards a ship during a storm is a fool. Johann Gaug

If you are angry, count to ten before you speak; If you are very angry, count to one hundred. Thomas Jefferson

Our own anger or frustration does us more harm than what makes us angry. John Aebbo

He who shouts in anger is ridiculous, and who is silent in anger is terrible. Abay Kunanbaev

Annoyance, like love, requires the proximity of the person to whom it is directed. Henryk Sienkiewicz

No matter how unpleasant anger is for others, it is more painful for the one who experiences it. What begins in anger ends in shame. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

People always say that they were not like themselves when, inflamed with anger, they revealed their true insides. Edgar Watson Howe

Anger is always a bad advisor. Emile Zola

We cannot feel anger without having an enemy, we cannot imagine feeling anger in isolation from its goal - victory over the enemy. Alfred Adler

The purpose of anger is the rapid violent destruction of any obstacle. Alfred Adler

A fool will immediately show his anger, but a prudent person hides his insult. King Solomon – Proverbs 12, 16

Fear the wrath of a patient man. John Dryden

We all boil at different temperatures. Ralph Emerson

Feel free to lose your temper if there is no other way out. Janusz Wasilkowski

When you lose your temper, don't mince words. Marian Karczmarczyk

Know how to slam the door so that no one hears. Konstantin Eliseev

The best medicine against anger is delay. Seneca

If you are angry, then before you speak, count to ten; if very angry - up to a hundred. Thomas Jefferson

If you are angry, count to ten, and then speak; If you are very angry, count to one hundred and say nothing.

If you are angry, count to four; if you are very angry, curse. Mark Twain

If I knew what I was so angry about, I wouldn't be so angry. Minion McLaughlin

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Anger. Rending aphorisms about anger

Anger does not coexist with justice, like a hawk and a dove.

The one who is wrong is the first to get angry.

In anger, fools are sharp-tongued, but they do not become richer for it.

Fear the wrath of a patient man.

Do you want to gain praise while being angry? Be angry at the vice, not at the person.

Even if you happen to be angry with someone else, be angry with yourself at the same time, at least for the fact that you managed to get angry with someone else.

The state of stupid, unbridled anger is just as disastrous as the state of stupid kindness and tenderness.

Punishments given in a fit of anger do not achieve their goal.

Anger is open and fleeting hatred; hatred is restrained and constant anger.

Rending aphorisms about anger

The healthiest, most beautiful, well-proportioned people are those who are not irritated by anything.

The anger of good people is nothing more than an urgent need to forgive.

Endless tearing aphorisms about anger

Anger fuels fantasies, so much so that you can get burned...

Self-control in a moment of anger is no less high and no less noble, like self-control in a moment of fear.

When a woman is angry, don’t look for common sense in her speeches!

If you hit a child, try to hit him in anger, even if it threatens his life. A cold-blooded blow cannot and should not be forgiven.

When a lover is angry with his beloved, this only leads to the fact that love becomes even more ardent and tender.

They say that a speaker is most significant when he is inflamed, when he is indignant. I deny it. He is stronger when he imitates anger.

Only anger and fear force people to use violence.

During anger one should neither speak nor act.

Getting angry means taking out the mistakes of another on yourself.

Shame is a kind of anger, only turned inward.

Legal tearing aphorisms about anger

Why is it that a lame person does not annoy us, but a mentally lame person annoys us? Because the lame person realizes that we walk upright, and the mentally lame person claims that it is not he, but we, who are lame.

Anger is never without a reason, but the reason is rarely convincing.

Partiality does not exclude being right. Anger is a bad adviser, but what a shrewd analyst!

When the mind gives way to impulse or anger and blind rage insults a friend by action or word, then later neither tears nor sighs are able to correct the mistakes.

If you are angry, don't analyze your wife's psychology; otherwise you will say too much that is true.

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Every blow we strike in anger is sure to fall on ourselves in the end.

Anger is the source of cruelty.

Giving in to anger is often the same as taking revenge on yourself for the guilt of another.

Shame is the beginning of anger against what should not exist.

Subtle, tearing aphorisms about anger

Anger is a weapon of powerlessness.

There is no anger so fiery that it does not cool down over time.

If you are angry, count to four; if you are very angry, curse.

The strongest fatherly anger is more tender than the tenderest filial love.

It is not for nothing that rage and prudence are depicted in the form of a youth and an old man. The young man is ready to pull out the tail of a wild horse with his hands and falls, thrown to the ground. And the old man will slowly shorten the horse’s tail, hair by hair.

What begins with anger ends in shame.

The most difficult thing for a person to cope with is frustration and anger.

If two people parted in anger, it means they had too close a relationship.

If you are angry, count to ten before you speak; If you are very angry, count to one hundred.

Be skilled in anger. If possible, let sober reflection prevent a violent outburst - for a prudent person this is not difficult.

Don't start anything in anger! He who boards a ship during a storm is a fool.

Awesome tearing aphorisms about anger

Empty and cowardly people often show fits of anger and passion in front of their subordinates and in front of those who do not dare to show resistance to them, and imagine that they have thereby shown their courage.

Anger always has reasons, but rarely good enough.

As soon as we feel anger during an argument, we are no longer arguing for the truth, but for ourselves.

People in most cases first become angry, then offend; some do the opposite: first they insult, then they get angry.

Shame is a person’s rudimentary, not sharply expressed anger at himself, for it contains a reaction to the contradiction of my own appearance with what I should and want to be...

Nothing confuses the purity of mind, beauty, and wisdom more than causeless anger, carried around by a loud roar.

Rage is always a poor guard.

Tigers of anger are wiser than horses of learning.

Hatred is the anger of weak people.

No passion clouds the clarity of judgment to such an extent as anger.

Follow the voice of your mind, not your anger.

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In order to boldly approach God, do not allow anger when it wants to enter your soul and unite with it, but drive it away like a mad dog. Saint John Chrysostom (41, 631).

You can avoid getting angry if you always remember that you are before the eyes of the All-Seeing God. Saint Basil the Great (8, 193).

Practice being free from anger, so as not to become drunk without wine, burdening yourself with vice and anger (25, 509).
If you see a snake lying down, you run away, afraid that it might bite you, and you allow anger, which is full of deadly poison, to remain in your heart. Venerable Ephraim the Syrian (28, 364).
Christ tasted gall for us, so that we would quench our anger and all vain confusion. Abba Isaiah (34, 73).

Let's not leave this beast free, but we'll throw a strong curb on him from all sides under the guard of future judgment. (42, 40).

What water is to fire, meekness and gentleness are to anger (38, 634).
Let us exercise ourselves against our household before temptation: we often become angry with our children; let us restrain our anger here so that we can easily curb it in front of our friends, and then in front of our enemies (43, 271).

Anger is fire, a flame that engulfs, kills and burns. But we will quench it with long-suffering and self-control. (46, 188).

When anger and rage come to you, enduring something terrible and unbearable, remember the meekness of Christ, and you will soon become meek and humble... deriving the greatest benefit from meekness not only for yourself, but also for the enemy, teaching him (by example) to be kind (46, 391).
By always keeping ourselves from anger, we will become like God. Saint John Chrysostom (43, 169).

By sparing others and not showing your anger, you will find mercy yourself, appear reasonable in the general opinion, and retain the ability to pray. Venerable Neil of Sinai (47, 177).
When you feel anger, reject it immediately so as not to disturb your joy in the Lord. I implore you, both young and old, not to allow anger to possess you. Venerable Anthony the Great (82, 28).

Abba Evagrius related the saying of a certain elder: I also reject carnal pleasures in order to cut off the reasons for indignation with anger. I noticed that anger always fights me about pleasure, disturbing my mind and taking away my reasoning (82, 112).
Anger is tamed by psalmody, long-suffering and mercy. Abba Evagrius (82, 113).
There is no need to be angry with anyone for using an accusatory word. Do not be angry, man, at the mirror that reflects the shortcomings of your face. Why be angry with a preacher who points out your sins? (104, 431).

Just as fire is not extinguished by fire, so anger is not overcome by anger, but is kindled even more. From here arise quarrels, wars, fights, bloodshed, murders and other evils. And with meekness and love, even the most ferocious enemies often bow down and are reconciled. Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk (104, 433–434).
The Old Testament forbade the gross consequences of anger, the Lord forbade the most heartfelt action of passion. Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) (108, 510).
How can one resist so as not to be inflamed with anger from the anger of others, like fire from fire? For it is equally bad both to give yourself over to evil first and to come to the same disposition with the one who has given himself over to it. First, immediately resort to God and ask Him to mercilessly crush the hail of wrath that is striking you, but to spare us, who have not offended others. And at the same time, put on yourself the sign of the cross, of which everyone is horrified and trembles, and whose protection I use in every case and against everyone. Secondly, get ready to fight with the one who gave the reason for this anger, and not with the one who indulged in it, so that, being well armed, it will be easier for you to defeat passion. For those who are unprepared cannot withstand an attack, but those who are well prepared will find the strength to overcome. And what does it mean to win? To endure external victory over oneself with indifference. Thirdly, knowing where you came from and what you will turn into, do not think too much about yourself, so that you are not embarrassed by a high and unworthy opinion of yourself. For the humble one indifferently endures victory over himself, but the too arrogant one does not yield to anything. Those who, in order to somehow stop their exaltation, call themselves earth and ashes... are friends of God. And you, as if perfect, refuse to tolerate insults. Be careful that you are not punished for your conceit... Fourthly, know that our life is nothing and we are all not sinless judges of good and bad deeds, but for the most part and most often we rush here and there and constantly wander. What is bad for us is not bad for the Word; and what is good for me may not be so for the Lord. One thing, without any doubt, is bad: it is evil. And the local glory, earthly wealth and nobility are just children's toys. Therefore, what I lament, I should rejoice at... Fifthly, let us have more prudence. If there is not the slightest truth in what one who is inflamed and blinded by anger says, then his words do not concern us. And if he speaks the truth, then it means that I myself have caused some kind of offense to myself. Why am I complaining about the one who declared what had remained hidden until now? Anger does not remain faithful. For if he often resorts to untruth, will he keep the secret within himself? After this, you will reassure yourself this way: if this outbreak is not evil, then it is unfair to blame it. And if it is evil, which is indeed the case, then isn’t it a shame to tolerate in yourself what you condemn in others when you suffer from them yourself, and not be taught by the example of your enemy? Moreover, if the person who gets excited and breathes insolence has not previously enjoyed a good opinion of himself, then now the blame will obviously fall on him, and not on you. And if he is an excellent person, they will not consider you sane for your answer, because the opinion of the majority always leans in favor of the best. But did you do him good? Moreover, he will be condemned. But did he hurt you? You (a disciple of Christ, listen to the Lord) do not harm him. But should he be stopped? What if more violence comes? Did he start it first? Let him who is admonished by your word and good behavior crush his rage as quickly as possible... Is this offensive? It would be a shame if you fell with him too. Are we really going to respond to the reproaches of the sick with reproaches? Do you not indifferently endure the frenzy of those who are raging - I mean those who involuntarily spew slander? Why not endure this from someone who is insane and in a strong rage? Of course, you should endure it if you are of sound mind. What can we say about drunks whose minds are darkened by wine? What if a mad dog runs past you? What if a camel, out of natural impudence, screams at the top of its lungs and stretches out its neck to you? Will you fight him or will you run away out of prudence? ...And you, if you think about the similarity of an angry person with such, you will begin to despise insults. I'll tell you one artificial way. Although he is not worthy of the attention of those who prefer meekness, I will nevertheless name him, because he can extinguish trouble... Try to bring down the one who is enraged with jokes. Laughter is the most powerful weapon for victory over anger... Anyone who insults a person who is not angry at his attacks, but laughs at him, is most upset and weakened. On the contrary, if he encounters resistance to himself, it brings him some pleasure, because new food for anger is provided, and anger is very pleasant to him. I conjure you, anger is the friend of vices, my hostile protector and patron, who puffs me up and betrays me to hell, submit now to God and the Word. Submit, anger, murderous passion, obvious ugliness of the face, overwhelming thoughts, evil rapture, horns pushing into Tartarus, a legion of demons, complex evil... submit. For Christ, Whom the world cannot contain, Who moves the universe with His helm, devoting life to both people and Angels who diligently call on Him, grants permission both from evil spirits and from passions. Christ wants the demons of wrath to immediately flee from the servants of God and, entering the pigs, hide in the abyss. This herd, descending into the depths, is ready to receive them. But do not touch us, for whom God Himself cares. Saint Gregory the Theologian (15, 168).

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