The “secret” found by Rhonda Byrne turned out to be a dud

It doesn’t matter whether you’re new to the subject of wish fulfillment or an experienced practitioner, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne is a must-read. It has a great chance of becoming your reference book. Have you already read it? It's okay, I strongly advise you to read it again. Personally, I have re-read it several times and Rhonda Byrne always reveals new and important points for me.

The book “The Secret” is undeniably important. But she can wait a little.

But this magical book should be included in the TOP bestsellers for making your wishes come true right now.

Well, now let’s return to the book “The Secret”. Why I recommend you add it to your to-read list soon.

Today I want to talk in great detail about why this book is so useful.

Rhonda Byrne revealed the secret

Rhonda Byrne is an Australian author, creator and producer of the feature film The Secret and the book of the same name. Yes, you read that right. Rhonda Byrne created both the book and the film. And the most interesting thing is that first there was a film, and only then the book “The Secret.” In 2004, Rhonda had a difficult period in her life. Her father died and the business was on the verge of bankruptcy. At that moment, her daughter gave her a copy of the book, which turned Rhonda Byrne's life upside down.

A year ago my life collapsed. I worked my ass off, my father suddenly died, and my relationships with colleagues and loved ones were completely upset. At that time, I could not even imagine that my despair would become the beginning of the path to my greatest gift.

I learned a great secret - the Secret of life. I found the first hint of it in a book a hundred years ago; Haley, my daughter, gave it to me. I began to look for traces of the Secret in the history of mankind and was surprised to find that many people - the greatest people - knew it: Plato, Shakespeare, Newton, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Emerson, Edison, Einstein.

Why is this unknown to everyone?

Rhonda discovered an incredible secret - a law that determines our lives in all its manifestations. Over the next few months, Byrne put into practice the main idea of ​​​​this book, completely transforming both the financial and personal aspects of her life.

Rhonda was surprised and perplexed, why only a few people know about this law? She began to look for people who are familiar with this amazing knowledge. One by one, they contacted her and told her their magical stories about healing, success, abundance, which they attracted with the help of this Secret. She collected a lot of information and amazing stories about how you can change your life. Then Rhonda decided to share it all with millions so that everyone can turn their life around 180 degrees. This is how the film “The Secret” came about. Now this amazing knowledge is available to all of us. If you want to get to know Rhonda Byrne better, read the article Rhonda Byrne: how her dreams came true

The best books by Rhonda Byrne

A creative woman, Rhonda Byrne, writes books at the level of her own TV shows. They burst into consciousness with bright colors and populate the brain with thoughts about the prospects for a happy life in all respects. "The Secret" opens the knowledge of the Australian writer to the people. “Magic” teaches them to be grateful; it provides a detailed set of methodological exercises that, in four weeks, can lead a person to a completely different vector of development.

You see the goal and it’s easier for you to move towards its implementation. The genius of psychology, Bern, based all her books on the classical motivational component. The reader loves to learn the secret of instant enrichment, when you do not need to invest maximum effort in order to quickly achieve everything. Plus, this blonde possessed the art of charm. “Strength” gives people hope for an inexhaustible flow of energy, which will allow them to implement any business, and it serves the benefit of society.

Book “The Secret”. What's the secret?

Are you already intrigued? Are you eager to find out what the very secret is that leads to success, health, love, abundance and everything that you so badly desire?

Secret gives you everything you want: happiness, health and prosperity. (c) Bob Proctor

You can have whatever you want, do whatever you want, and be whatever you want. (c) Joe Vitale

The leaders of the past, who owned the Secret, did not want to share power; they hid the Secret. People came to work, worked hard and returned home - and so on all their lives. They spun like a squirrel in a wheel and did not have the strength to break out, because the chosen ones kept the Secret for themselves. (c) Denis Whately

(c) Book “The Secret”

Now the Secret is available to you. Get ready to read the following lines. It doesn't matter where you are or who you are. Whether you are rich or poor. Do you live in a Russian province or a European capital? Despite all situations, we are all subject to the same law.

The law of attraction.

This law states that whatever you think about or pay attention to becomes your reality. You attract to yourself things, people and situations that match the “vibration” of your inner state.

Related: What is the Law of Attraction? Open your eyes to a world of endless possibilities

But it's not just what you think that matters. But also what you feel.

It is
thought, supported by emotions,
that brings you what you focus on. What you give more of your attention to, that comes into your life in greater quantities.

If you feel good, then you create a future that matches your desires. If you feel bad, you create a future that is at odds with your desires. The law of attraction works every second. Everything we think and feel creates our future.

Your thoughts and feelings create your life. And it will always be like this - it's guaranteed!

Everything that comes into your life you attract yourself. You attract with the power of images that you constantly keep in your head.

(c) Book “The Secret”


Lidia Alekseevna Charskaya Mystery How she, Netochka Larionova, entered the classroom, with what a meaningful look she looked at her closest neighbors at their desks - they already realized that something had happened to their friend Netochka. And Netochka’s face, small, snub-nosed, with beads of freckles under the eyes, at the nose and on the cheeks, spoke of the fact that something extraordinary was happening to its owner. During the usual prayer before class, Netochka could not stand still, nor during the geometry lesson, so the teacher Fyodor Pavlovich Sabelin called out to her twice, inviting her to listen more carefully to the theorem he was explaining. The endless first lesson is finally over! A short five-minute break and Netochka is already sitting down for the next hour of French. The French teacher brought class essays today and distributed them to the high school students, making appropriate comments to each of them. Oh, what does a French essay mean compared to what Netochka is going through now! Positively means nothing in front of her, Netochkina’s, secret! Oh, this mystery! Because of her, because of this secret, poor Netochka did not sleep the whole night! From happiness, of course. Because of her, she has not known peace since yesterday, and because of her she received a reprimand from Pythagoras, as they call the teacher of mathematical sciences at the gymnasium. And what a terribly unpleasant state this is - keeping a secret within yourself and not being able to share it with any of your friends! Oh, terrible! Terrible! Netochka is worried. Netochka is not herself. Her head is noisy due to a sleepless night, and her ears are ringing. Netochka’s hands are cold as ice, and her cheeks are glowing like a stove. No! No! It is positively impossible to keep a secret to yourself any longer! This is beyond the powers given to man by the Creator! This is such torture, such... And why shouldn’t she, Netochka, share this secret of hers with any of her friends?! With Katya Schelkunina, for example. She is so quiet, so silent! This one will no longer betray, will not betray. This one knows how to keep her mouth shut! Or Ida Kramer, for example, is also not one for chatterboxes and is so poetic! Ida will understand her, Netochka, even better than anyone else, perhaps. Or maybe I should tell Zoya?.. Zoya is a beauty herself. Zoya is silent as the grave. And Zoya sits next to Netochka, she is considered one of those close to her from the class. Well, of course, it’s best to reveal the secret to Zoya Stoyanova! The best thing! And without thinking twice, Netochka tilts her head to the side and quietly, barely audibly, whispers: “Zoe!” Zoya! Come to the “faucet” in the corridor during your next break. Do you hear, Zoya! I need to talk to you, consult about a secret. Well, do you understand? Will you come? - Yes! - Zoya agrees briefly, although her entire thought is now in the class journal, where the teacher has just written out a certain number for her, Zoya, for her essay, and Zoya did not have time to properly trace which one. * * * The bell just announced the end of the lesson. There is the usual bustle in the classroom. While the break lasts, the windows are opened here, and at this time the high school students walk in the hall and in the corridor. Netochka, who came running here much earlier than Zoya, stands at the tap, or rather, at the filter with boiled water, and is waiting for her friend. Netochka is worried. And why is she digging around there, this Zoya! She's so intolerable - just as soon as the break ends, they'll all be driven back to class, and before she'll have time to tell her her secret. But then the tall figure of Stoyanova appeared in the corridor. Finally! Netochka rushes towards Zoya with such speed that she almost knocks down the thin “first girl” who turned up along the way. - Why are you pushing? So big! - the “first lady” hisses grumpily and makes an angry, despicable face at Netochka... But Netochka sees and hears nothing and no one at these moments. Nobody except Zoe. Netochka is not herself. She grabs her friend’s hand, drags her to the farthest corner of the corridor and whispers in a voice broken with excitement: “I have to tell you a secret, Zoya, a big, big secret!” - Well? Netochka wanted to be offended by Zoya’s indifference, but in time she remembered that, strictly speaking, there was no point in being offended. After all, in essence, Zoya does not know the full importance of her secret and, therefore, cannot relate to it as ardently as Netochka herself. Therefore, Zoya is not to blame for anything. - Listen, Zoya! – Netochka’s voice trembles treacherously. “Will you swear to me that you will not tell a single soul what you learn from me now, this minute?” - Well, I won’t tell. And then what? “Oh, my God, what a tone!” The tone does not correspond to the importance of the moment! This Zoya is capable of freezing any high impulse, the twig is indignant, but she can no longer retreat. Taking Zoya by the hand, bringing her heated face closer to her ear, Netochka whispers: “I, Zoya... I... I wrote poetry, Zoya!” - So what? This question can turn Netochka into a pillar of salt, like the wife of the biblical Lot was once turned into. Oh my god! This, of course, was something she never, ever expected. No, this Zoya is some kind of insensitive, cold creature! There is as much poetry in her as in the gymnasium guard Arkhip. Not a bit of poetry... No, no! With an offended look and a torn heart, Netochka continues: “I wrote poetry.” You see, I wrote it myself last night! Do you want me to read them to you? “Well,” Zoya agrees and reaches into her pocket for a caramel. - Don't you want to? - She helpfully offers Netochka a lollipop. This Zoya is amazingly strange! He cannot understand the simplest, most ordinary thing, that when the author is going to read poetry, the last thing he thinks about is caramels! However, Netochka makes an effort and, refraining from the reproach that is ready to escape from her tongue, takes out a carefully folded piece of paper from behind the bodice of her dress and reads in an unnatural voice, chanting the stanzas: I am young, but my life is a boundless sea, Stormy, dark, scarlet -rebellious. Stars rush about in it, green, blue, red, In it roses bloom in the depths of anger and power. Seagulls fly in it, singing seagulls fly... And the waves are so powerful... - Mighty... - Netochka once again drawls out for something. Then he looks up at his friend with a triumphant look: “What?” Fine? Zoya is silent for a minute. You can only hear the delicious crunch of caramel on your teeth. “Something is not clear,” Zoya says after a pause, “the seagulls don’t sing, firstly, but scream... Then, pray tell, what kind of red and blue stars did you see?.. And even in the sea!” Also, please tell me why the scarlet-rebellious sea? Scarlet why? - Oh, these are decadent poems! That's how they write these days! – Netochka is terribly worried. – You are terribly retarded, Zoya, if you don’t understand this! Yes! And completely offended, waving her hand at her “unpoetic friend,” Netochka walked away from Zoya, deciding in her heart that she shouldn’t have shared the secret with her at all. In a Russian language lesson, while the teacher was explaining about the sentimentalism of Karamzin’s works, Netochka quietly pulled out her mysterious piece of paper and read again, barely perceptibly moving her lips: “I am young, but my life is a boundless sea... stormy, dark, scarlet-rebellious...” She was so carried away the work of her accidental muse, who did not notice at all how the teacher immediately interrupted his lecture about Karamzin, stood up from the pulpit and came almost close to her desk. She woke up only when she heard an ominous phrase in her ear: “Mrs. Larionova, take the trouble to give me what you are doing now, inappropriately, during class!” Netochka was stunned. Give me the piece of paper, reveal the secret! ABOUT! Never! Never! - You're welcome! – the teacher’s hand persistently reached out to her. A cool lady rushed to his aid. There was nothing to do, I had to submit and give the piece of paper. And a minute later it was already heard in the class: “I’m young, but my life is a boundless sea...” And so on, and so on, and so on... And about red and blue stars, and about angry-powerful roses, and about singing seagulls, in a word, everything, everything until the very end! Oh, what poor Netochka was going through at those moments! And of course, now she didn’t like her decadent poetry at all. In the teacher’s program they came out so damp, flat, thin... Completely, completely bad poems... Oh, how she suffered, Netochka! How I suffered! But what was worst of all was when the teacher, putting the ill-fated piece of paper aside, turned to her with poorly disguised irony: “Mrs. Larionova, obviously, completely forgot that the word “boundless” is written with an “e” and not with a “b.” , and the word “singers” is just the opposite. Very bad mistakes. Pay attention to them! It’s a shame to go to fourth grade with such mistakes, mlle! And he looked at Netochka with a murderous, destroying look. Oh, how shameful that was! Netochka wanted to sink into the ground, and she internally swore never to write poetry in her life... Poor Netochka! Poor Netochka!

You create your own reality

Use the process of creation

. This is a specific way in which you can achieve whatever you want by seeking help from the law of attraction. The process of creation includes three steps:

1. Ask.

First ask the Universe for what you want. You must clearly understand what exactly you want.

2. Believe it.

Act as if you already got what you want.

3. Accept.

Feel the joy and pleasure that you already have THIS. A positive attitude creates the vibration necessary to manifest your desire.

Rhonda Byrne compares desire to ordering from a catalog. It's like you're flipping through a catalog of the Universe and choosing what you want.

Get a certain amount of money, meet a certain person, have a desired experience, find the ideal job, and so on. Anything you would like to have or experience. And then, when you have decided, you place an order. Just once. And then you patiently wait for your order to be delivered. After all, in life, when you order an item in an online store or coffee in a restaurant, you don’t torment yourself with doubts whether your order will be accepted or not, whether the waiter will bring you a cup of coffee or not. You just wait patiently. The Universe works the same way. Just ask just once and do it as if you are completely confident that you will get what you want.

Imagine that any wish comes true with the click of your fingers. Don't believe this is possible? Let's check it together.

This meeting will help us find out how quickly our desire will come true >>

Rhonda Byrne advises you to help yourself make your desire come true. For example, if you want a car, go for a test drive. If you want a new apartment, start going for inspections, imagine that this apartment is already yours, you live in it.

By doing these actions - imagining that you already have what you want, you create the necessary vibrations. The Universe hears you and speeds up the fulfillment of your desire.

You don't need to know HOW

One of the co-authors of the book “The Secret,” Jack Canfield, gives an interesting analogy:

Imagine that you are driving on a night road. The headlights illuminate the track only fifty meters ahead of the car. You can drive from California to New York in the dark and still only see fifty meters of the road.

This is how life opens up before us. If you believe that the next fifty meters will be revealed to you again and again, your life will appear before you like a night road. And it will lead you to your desired goal, whatever that goal may be.

(c) Book “The Secret”

Rhonda Byrne says she had no idea how to convey knowledge of the Secret. She just strived for the end result with all her heart.

On the subject: Why is the main mistake in fulfilling desires thinking HOW to fulfill it? You don’t need to think how the Universe will bring you what you want or what paths it will choose. It's her job that shouldn't bother you. Your job is to focus on the end result.

If you constantly spin thoughts in your head about how you will get it, all the Universe will hear from you are signals of doubt.

Book “The Secret”. Practical part

For the law of attraction to work as quickly and accurately as possible for you, you need to feel good as often as possible. Try to maximize the time when you are happy and filled with love. By emitting positive emotions such as love, positivity, joy, happiness, admiration, goodness and so on, you are sending strong positive vibrations into the Universe. The universe hears you and instantly responds in kind.

Love and gratitude are the key to a happy life, to love. Think about love as often as possible, and you will be able to achieve the fulfillment of any desires. It is vitally important to lift your spirits every minute because the negative feelings you experience block the blessings that the Universe is ready to provide you with.

Rhonda Byrne tells her readers:

If you remember only one thing from all the teachings in The Secret, let it be gratitude, and let it become your way of life.

Keep a gratitude journal and write down everything you are grateful for every day. Start with what you already have: a roof over your head, family, friends, the ability to walk, breathe - point out any little thing. Then start being grateful for what you want. It's like you already have it.

“I am happy and grateful to have...” and write whatever comes to mind.

Thinking that you are missing something means that lack will become your reality.

Confidence that you live in abundance guarantees an influx of even greater good in your life. Thank the Universe for everything you have every morning as soon as you open your eyes and every evening before going to bed. And you will see how much your outlook on your own life and the circumstances around you will change.

The shortest path to what you want in life is to be and feel happy now!

When your consciousness is tuned in to this wavelength, it is very easy for you to believe that you already have everything you desire, and the Universe begins to respond to you immediately and often in unexpected ways. This is how wishes come true. - all quotes in one place.

On this page you will find quotes from the book The Secret; you will definitely need this information for your general development.

Your life now is a reflection of your past thoughts. All life is not only great and beautiful, but also something to which you do not attach much importance. Because you attract to yourself what you think about most, it is very easy to determine what thoughts about each aspect of life were dominant in your head - because they are the ones that you ultimately received in the embodiment.


If you want to change something in life, just change the channel: tune in to a different frequency by changing your thoughts.


The problem is this: most people think about what they don't want and then wonder why it keeps popping up in their lives over and over again.


The Law of Attraction is a law of nature. He is impartial and does not distinguish between good and evil, he simply takes your thoughts and returns them to you in the form of experiences and life events. The Law of Attraction gives you exactly what you think it will.


What you think about now creates your future life. You create your own life with your thoughts. Because you are always thinking, you are always participating in the process of Creation. What you think about most, what you focus on most will appear and become the reality of your life.


If you complain about something, the law of attraction will obediently attract even more situations into your life that you can complain about. When you listen to someone's complaints, focus on them, sympathize with them and agree with them, you also attract similar situations to yourself.


All of your power to create your life is available to you right now because you are thinking now. If you previously had any thoughts that could bring you trouble, then you can change them right now. You can erase old thoughts by replacing them with kind and positive ones.


You need to learn to be aware of your thoughts and choose them carefully. In addition, you must learn to enjoy this process, because you and your life are your own work, your masterpiece.


Your thoughts determine your frequency, and your feelings immediately tell you what frequency you are currently on. When you feel bad, when you are in a bad mood, you enter a frequency that attracts even more negativity. The law of attraction will definitely respond by giving you even more pictures that will make you feel even worse.


You have the power to change everything because only you choose your thoughts and experience your feelings.


Do what you love. If you don't know what it is, ask, "What brings me joy?" And when you do this, you will attract an avalanche of pleasant things to you because you radiate joy.


We are all the result of what we thought


Your power is in your thoughts, so be self-aware. In other words, “remember remember.”


It's time to realize your greatness.


You get to write whatever you want on the board of your life.


Now that you have comprehended the Secret, it is up to you how you use it. Whatever you choose, everything will be right. All power and strength belongs to you.


You are a spiritual being. You are energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed - it only changes form. Therefore, your true essence was, is and will be.


It is not a problem for the Universe to give you what you want. She offers everything to everyone, without exception.


Resisting anything is like trying to change the picture on TV after it has already been shown.


Sometimes you give others the responsibility for your happiness, but they fail to make you happy the way you want. Why does this happen? Because your joy and happiness depend on only one person, and that person is you. Even your parents, your children, your spouse cannot give you happiness - they can only share it with you. Your joy comes from your own heart.


Our body is a product of our thoughts. Medical science is only beginning to understand the extent to which the nature of thoughts and emotions determines the physical condition, structure and function of our bodies.


The human mind is the most important factor in healing, sometimes doing more than any medicine.


Healing through the mind works in harmony with conventional medicine. If you have a lot of pain, taking medicine will help relieve the pain and allow you to focus more on your health. We need to think about ideal health. Each person can do this on their own, regardless of what is happening around them.


There are thousands of diseases and diagnoses. But they only indicate a weak link in the body. All diseases have one source - stress. If you put excessive stress on a chain or any system, one of the links will break.


All stress begins with one negative thought. One thought will slip by unnoticed, and it will be followed by more and more similar thoughts until stress sets in. Stress is a result, but its cause is negative thinking, which begins with a single negative thought. It doesn’t matter what you have already attracted to yourself in this way, you can change it... with one single positive thought. She will attract others with her.


Our physiology creates illnesses to trigger feedback, to tell us that our body is out of balance or that we are not loving and appreciating life enough. Thus, bodily signals and symptoms are not something terrible at all.


Love and gratitude dissolve all the negativity in our lives, no matter what form it takes. Love and gratitude can part seas, move mountains, and create miracles. They can also overcome any disease.

My reference book “The Secret”

I definitely recommend that you purchase this book and keep it with you at all times. Every time you have doubts or give up, reading a few pages will give you strength, I guarantee it. You will be filled with new energy and will be ready to move mountains. Well, secondly, she herself is very beautiful

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