Quotes and statuses about friends. Friends in statuses and quotes.

Quotes about love and friendship

A person who fully knows what you are made of, but no matter what loves you, is a true friend.

Friendship is like love - you do everything for it, every next step and breath. But in it, as in love, you can stumble if you walk without looking at your feet.

By loving your enemy, sometimes you can find a friend.

Unlike Love, which seeks to change a person in its own way, friendship is the acceptance of a person as he is, with all his flaws and shortcomings.

Ask a person about his aspirations and in return you will learn everything about his soul.

Friendship is the best inspiration for humanity, because only it does not carry lies and falsehood.

True love, like true friendship, is not subject to manipulation, because the purity of these feelings is higher than the filth that affects all aspects of our lives.

There is no greater mystery in the world than pure and immaculate love. After all, such love does not require similarity of interests and morals, it is only full of sweet languor and mystery, which not a single living creature in this universe can unravel...

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To die for a friend under some exceptional circumstances is less sublime than to daily and secretly sacrifice oneself for him. Stendhal.

Love is the experience of unity. The breaking down of walls, the merging of two energies, this is the experience of love. Love is the delight when the walls between two people fall down, when two lives meet, when two lives come together. Osho.

In order to pass for a man's friend, it is not enough to be a real dog. – D. Rudiy

Without true friendship, life is nothing. Marcus Tulius Cicero.

Friendship between two politicians is impossible as long as they belong to the same political party. – Herriot Edward

No worldly blessings will be pleasant to us if we use them alone, without sharing them with friends. Erasmus of Rotterdam.

Lyceum student I. Pushchin, after six years of observation of the lyceum student and, first of all, friend Pushkin, who, in the opinion of very, very many, lacked tact:

Love is the whole story of a woman’s entire life and only an insignificant episode in the life of a man. – de Stael

A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence I can think out loud. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Choose a friend for yourself; You cannot be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two. Pythagoras of Samos.

Love is an extremely luxurious thing. Love lifts us to the heights that we truly deserve. All that every person needs in life is only love. Moulin rouge

Promise me that you will survive. That you won't give up. No matter what happens, don't lose hope. Titanic

Associations of bad people are not a partnership, but a conspiracy: they do not love each other, but rather fear each other, they are not friends, but accomplices. Etienne de la Boesie.

Statuses about love and friendship

A new, new issue with the theme: Statuses about love and friendship, and the first in line will be - Poetry is not only in verses: it is spilled everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Try to work with those who are stronger than you, these are the people who will help you grow.

It's none of my business. That's why it interests me. My work always makes me sad. I prefer strangers.

Learn to remain yourself and you will never become a toy in the hands of fate. Paracelsus

Our location and enmity always depend on ourselves. Bhasa

Friendship does not mean a long acquaintance and communication with some person. This means letting him into your life and soul forever.

Do not have mercy on a weak enemy, because if he becomes powerful, he will not have mercy on you. Saadi

The same person is rarely both great and good. Thomas Fuller

What should women do if men are more frivolous than them? Publius Ovid Naso

Great people develop love in themselves, and only a small soul cherishes the spirit of hatred. Booker Taliaferro Washington

True friendship is precisely a chosen kinship. Ernest Wilfried Aeguwe

Only that love that lurks in the depths of our heart and is unknown to us is pure and free from the influence of other passions. F. La Rochefoucauld.

The impulse of love is the first creator of the human race. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Everyone dreams of receiving the kind of love that they do not deserve.

If life suddenly begins to shower you with roses from head to toe, look carefully up to see if a flower pot is flying from the windowsill after you. Unknown author

Don't confuse love and desire. Love is the sun, desire is the flash.

Chatting with friends should be fun.

Love dies from fatigue, and oblivion buries it. Jean de La Bruyère

Fraud: a good deal running into a bad law. Alfred Capus

Joy and happiness are the children of love, but love itself, like strength, is patience and pity. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

Friends are those people who sleep in your house while you clean up all the mess they left behind after a fun evening.

All the answers are within you. You know more than what is written in the books. But to remember this, you need to read books, look within yourself, listen to yourself and trust yourself. Frederick Beigbeder. Love lives for three years

A good actor can, it seems to me, perfectly play the stupidest things and thereby enhance their harmful influence. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Love is food for the weak, the strong go over heads and corpses, over people and animals thrown aside.

A friend is one soul living in two bodies. Aristotle

There is no enmity more vicious than that which love generates. Propertius

A true friend is a girl who knows your favorite song and reminds you of its tune when you forget it yourself.

True love will never die. Stephen King. Nona

The well-being of the entire people depends on the proper upbringing of children. John Locke

Only that love is fair that strives for the beautiful without causing offense. Democritus

You are the embodiment of the information you decide to accept and act on. To change your circumstances, you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions. Adlin Sinler

Love without reverence and delight is only friendship. Sand Georges

The university develops all abilities, including stupidity. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

True love differs from gold and clay in that it does not become less by being divided. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Shoot rarely, but shoot accurately. Stab firmly with a bayonet. The bullet is foolish, but the bayonet is not foolish: the bullet is a fool, the bayonet is a good fellow. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

With each new love, love is further and further from us. Natalie Clifford Barney

Love that cannot withstand confrontation with reality is not love. But in this case, the inability to love is the privilege of noble hearts. Albert Camus

True love does not recognize any orders or vows. Margaret of Navarre

Language is the centuries-old work of an entire generation. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal

If the fear of punishment dies, criminals will become free to commit atrocities. Cicero

The desire to be liked makes one dependent on opinion; the desire to be loved frees you from it. Anna de Stael

Inspiration is a quick calculation. Attributed to Napoleon I

I have so many fantasies of being a housewife. I guess I'm a dreamer...

One pain always reduces another. If you step on the tail of a cat whose teeth hurt, it will feel better. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Time and tide never wait. Walter Scott

We must call for, rather than wait for, inspiration to get things started. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration rarely breeds action. Frank Tibolt

Stealing ideas from one person is plagiarism; For many, it’s research. Author unknown

War is misfortune on an enlarged scale. Jeremy Bentham

First love is usually experienced several times. Leszek Kumor

The secret of happiness: never compare your health, wife and salary with others.

A cowardly friend is worse than an enemy, because you fear an enemy, but rely on a friend. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Marital love multiplies the human race, friendly love improves it, and immoral love corrupts and humiliates it. Francis Bacon

You will never cross the ocean if you are afraid of losing sight of the shore. Christopher Columbus

If a child has done something wrong, give him even more love - right now he needs it more than ever.

There are legions of tomboys who have “the state” on their tongues, and in their thoughts - a pie with government filling Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

At home, people usually drink the first glass for health, the second for pleasure, the third for arrogance, and the last for madness. Anacharsis

People stopped being animals when a man began to appreciate beauty in a woman. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

Family starts with children. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

Rich men who lack convictions are more dangerous in modern society than poor women who lack morals. George Bernard Shaw

Love runs away from those who chase it, and throws itself on the neck of those who run away. William Shakespeare

O lovers! All this is in your love. Just be able to find it.

For a lover, nothing is difficult. Marcus Tullius Cicero

A busy person is rarely visited by idle people: flies do not fly to a boiling pot. Benjamin Franklin

As a child, playing in the snow, I was very glad that they hit me, but now children, if they hit them, can insult me.

Life is a big canvas and you have to throw all the paint you can onto it. Danny Kaye

There is no need to indiscriminately believe the conversation you hear. Hans Sachs

Family is the most important thing in the world. If you don't have a family, consider that you have nothing. Family is the strongest bond in your life.

Nothing in the world deserves such respect as a person who can courageously endure adversity.

Love is food for the weak, the strong go over heads and corpses, over people and animals thrown aside.

In fact, life is simple, but we persistently complicate it. Confucius

Everything that happens has a reason.

Happiness is easier to find than to maintain. Publius Syrus

If someday a being of a higher order took over our education, then we would really see what can come out of a person. Immanuel Kant

Fools are people who are always right.

Time flies uncontrollably. Quintus Horace Flaccus

All love is terrible. All love is a tragedy. Oscar Wilde

Every drunken skipper trusts in providence. But providence sometimes sends ships of drunken skippers onto the rocks. George Bernard Shaw

The greatest test of a person is to resist not so much failure as against happiness. Francesco Guicciardini

Just because a person died, you can’t stop loving him, damn it, especially if he was better than everyone alive, you know? Jerome D. Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye"

It's good when a girlfriend is a friend! It’s bad when a friend is a girlfriend!

Poor people measure their lives by money, while rich people measure their lives by time.

Happiness is the highest friendship, based not on habit, but on reason, in which a person loves his friend through loyalty and good will. Aurelius Augustine

I have erected a monument to myself, not made by hands; the people's path to it will not be overgrown. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

The character, which in everyday life is usually called pleasant, is made up of politeness and falsehood. Alexander Pope

There is no way to insult your friends! But pinning is a sacred thing!

Blessed are those who suppress their anger and forgive people. As-Samarkandi

There is only one sin - stupidity.

The height of culture is always directly dependent on the love of work... Maxim Gorky

The subjects of a despot have no homeland. The thought of it is crowded out by self-interest, ambition, and servility. Jean de La Bruyère

With happiness, the situation is like with a watch: the simpler the mechanism, the less often it deteriorates. Nicola de Chamfort

Well, our collection has ended. Statuses about love and friendship, here is a farewell quote. Excerpts, sayings, etc. are like burning glasses: they collect the rays of intelligence and knowledge scattered in the works of writers, and with force and liveliness they concentrate these rays in the minds of readers. Jonathan Swift

Quotes about lost love

And whatever you do, remember: it is impossible to return someone who does not want to return.


Love is not chosen, loved ones are not blamed, fate is not repeated, the forgotten are not called...


Sometimes love hurts us. This condition is reminiscent of a deep cut: sooner or later the pain will dull, the wound will heal... But the scar will remain.


He who loved bears scars.


The most difficult thing is the first morning after separation: you need strength to get up...


And this is how they live: he is in her heart, she is among his friends in contact...


It happens that paths diverge. And no matter how hard it is to unclasp your fingers, unclench your lips, break your heart, you must let go of love. Knowing how to fly, she will definitely return.


We cannot love again those whom we once truly fell out of love.


What could not be returned. Don’t come to my world cold, please forget about the future, you’re my ex, you’re just an ex!


I'm not jealous of my exes. Since childhood, my mother taught me to give away old toys to those less fortunate!


Forget those who forgot you... After all, he does not love, but loved...


We are just strangers who accidentally walked along some part of the path together without understanding each other.


When two people break up, the phrase “Let’s remain friends” sounds like a control shot in the heart of one of them...


You should never be sad about lost love: firstly, it gives experience; secondly, it teaches you to value relationships; thirdly, it opens the door to a new future.


Trying to forget someone means remembering him all the time. Reflections and memories only strengthen love.


Love, which was once thrown out the door, will never return to the same door.


How painful it is when the time of love from the present has turned into the past...


No person can become more of a stranger than someone you loved in the past.


It is always difficult for a person to get rid of memories of past love: they hold tightly, constantly strangle and lock the door to a happy future with hundreds of locks.


Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.


The greatest hatred arises for those who managed to touch the heart and then spat into the soul.


After unhappy love, the man remains single, the woman gets married.


Stay friends? Plant a small garden on the cooled lava of faded feelings? No, this is not for you and me. This only happens after small affairs, and even then it turns out rather false. Love is not tarnished by friendship. The end is the end.

Quotes about friendship in English with translation

Any nation, regardless of its history and cultural characteristics, allocates a special place to friendship in its folklore. English-speaking peoples are no exception. From the beginning of their existence to this day, many interesting works have been “born” in which friendship is poetically glorified and interpreted by philosophers, psychologists, and great thinkers.

Don’t know English, but would like to get to know the English sayings about friendship? Our selection of beautiful quotes about friendship with translation into Russian is what you need. Sad, sweet, smile-inducing, they are so different, but equally close to our hearts.

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